#Wheat Native Starch
warsofasoiaf · 2 years
What food products and fruit could grow in the Neck, especially around Moat Cailin?
For example, could you grow cranberries, apples, potatoes, wheat, cabbages, possibly tea?
Or would something else be suited for growing in that area and if yes, what other foodstuffs could be grown?
It looks like a cold marsh climate, so I'd say you can definitely grow cranberries and watercress in the bogs themselves, as well as certain types of water lilies like spadderdock to make seed flour. You'd also expect certain marsh reeds like the common cattail, which are a hardy starch. Cabbages and legumes might grow in areas reclaimed for farmland, though given that Greywater March moves, I think they'd stick for crops that don't require a lot of maintenance, something that they can row through their own passes and shake out into their canoes the way the Native Americans did in swampland.
Thanks for the question, Dark.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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vigilantdesert · 2 years
[from all about culture: food, clothing? which is. SO much, feel free to only do the ones that inspire, but—i'm curious! 👀]
All About Culture - Always Accepting
how spicy is the food, generally?
Most Gerudo food is still fairly spicy, but it's cooled off since the days of their foremothers. Though most food is still flavored heavily with saffina, international trade has incorporated many more spices than have been available to the tribe. Cosmopolitan food tends to take more advantage of this than nomadic tribes do, as they are less likely to spare product when they could be selling it instead. Some popular spices that have been incorporated into everyday cooking are blue fenugreek, a spice harvested from high mountains in Zora's domain which tastes slightly sour and adds umami, and Khmeli, a spice blend that the Rito are famous for which is largely used in vegetarian dishes. Traditional Gerudo dishes are still fairly warm for most people's tastes, like Zatarr pheasant, saffina rice, and scorched bread, which is a leavened loaf of bread that has been rolled in electric and warm saffina before baking. It's an acquired taste that many use to fend off tourists when they've overstayed their welcome.
what foods from my muse’s culture do they eat most?
Urbosa eats widely, but her favorite meals are actually traditionally nomadic. She has fond memories of the heads of nomadic tribes stopping near town to trade for necessities or for the heads of their clans to discuss politics with her mother. Sometimes these nomads sold food, though more often she was invited in on grounds of being part of the noble family. Her favorite dish to request when she's come home from a few weeks of diplomacy is a spicy goat curry made with saffina, goat cream, and either flatbed or rice depending on what they had to hand.
which foods do they eat the least? which do they dislike?
Palm leaves are technically edible if stewed for long enough, but they taste distinctly of wet grass and usually go stringy by the time they're rendered nutritious. Romah, Urbosa's mother, loved them, but Urbosa never gained the palette for them. They were banished from the palace kitchens the second Urbosa was able to make the order.
is there an ingredient traditionally used for multiple dishes?
Saffina is used in everything from beverages to vegetable dishes to meat stews, but the most common traditional protein is goat. Many nomadic clans still rely on them for milk as well as meat, so cream curries are fairly common. As for starch, there's actually no dominant crop since nothing can be crown natively in the desert. There are some winter wheat crops that grow consistently in the highlands, and a few clans have made a habit to overwinter in the cliffs to profit off wheat sales through the rest of the year, but most cosmopolitan Gerudo rely on Hylian and Zorian rice crops for their quick carbohydrates.
are there any dishes from my muse’s culture they know how to make?
Urbosa can make a few dishes on her own, though she mostly learned how when she was trying to hide from her duties as a child. She never had reason to be taught how to cook beyond survival, so she mostly knows the basics - at what temperature meat becomes safe, how to dry freshly butchered flesh, how to safely store foods on the road and so on. The only thing she can make with any desirability is Chitan, a rice dish made with saffina, pheasant or chicken, and bone stock. It's fairly simple, but it can also be made on the road so it quickly became one of her favorites on her atur.
what color dyes are most commonly used?
Overall, probably blue and green. Red is reserved for special occasions and black is the traditional color of Urbosa's familial line, so it's been reserved for the chieftain. Yellow dyes are mostly used for detail-work, since they often lay the background to be painted over later with gold leaf, and purple is as difficult to manufacture for Gerudo tradeswomen as it is for the rest of the world, so it's prohibitively expensive for most commonfolk. There are some craftswomen who will dye a fabric any color, given the ingredients, but within the capitol walls this is considered something of a tourist trap, since these colors aren't usually light-fast and fade with repeated wear and wash.
what type of fabric is most commonly used?
Linen is most common for every-day clothing, but most outerwear is made of wool. Wool stands up to sandstorms remarkably well, keeps the wearer warm at night, and wicks away sweat instead of allowing it to soak through one's garment. It's seldom worn in cities, but most nomads wear shawls at all times. Most Gerudo also wear armor when outside the home, but it's seldom actual armor that one would use during battle. A warrior's armor is, predictably, heavy, hot, and chaffs even with protective undergarments. However, it is traditionally and religiously mandated that a grown, able Gerudo woman be able to fight at all time, so most wear "bluffs" when they're inside the walls. These are either leather garments embellished with jewels as traditional armor is, or a much lighter metal coat than real armor that's been fashioned to mimic the real thing. It wouldn't stand up in battle, but it does provide enough time in a protected space to go home or to the armory to change into armor that would actually withstand a blow, as well as fulfill an irritating, archaic tradition.
does my muse enjoy wearing their traditional outfits?
She grew into it well enough. Urbosa was actually something of a pacifist when she was younger, due in no small part to her relying on her family's power over lightning to get out of combat drills. As such, she resented the need for armor and outright refused her mother's traditional garments, which were a stone's throw away from the same the head of the guard wore. The outfit Urbosa wears was actually considered archaic when she took the throne, last in fashion five hundred years ago during the last renaissance. She did find a way to make it work, though, and now appreciates the way she can connect to her people, even hundreds of miles away.
do the traditional garments tend to be heavier or lighter?
Because so many of them are woolen or armor, they tend to be heavier in weight, even if they're made to allow for air flow. Living in a desert is a constant fight against both extremes, since they're largely unprotected from the sun during the day, but there's no soil or plantlife to hold the warmth from the day to protect them at night.
how many layers does a traditional outfit generally have?
The current mode of Gerudo fashion requires an underlayer to protect vital areas, then an optional breast binding (this is optional, but because traditional gear requires some form of breast plate, most do for comfort), an upper layer of linen, usually pants and an undershirt, then armor or bluffs (this always consists of a breast plate, usually pauldrons, sometimes bracers, and seldom leg-braces), then jewelry, and optionally an outerlayer which consists of a mix of a woolen shawl, a hood which covers most of the face, and a straight skirt that's tied at the hip with a knot. A few Gerudo, chiefly Urbosa, swap the pants for a skirt, in which case they usually wear a pair of shorts in addition to the under layer, as well as a thigh-wrap with pockets.
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rupalic · 2 months
Starch Derivatives Market : Key Factors behind Market’s Rapid Growth
The starch derivatives market refers to the industry involved in the production, distribution, and consumption of various derivatives derived from starch. Starch is a carbohydrate commonly found in plants and serves as a significant source of energy for humans. Starch derivatives are modified forms of starch that are used in various industries for their functional properties. The global starch derivatives market size was valued at US$ 56.4 billion in 2022 and is poised to grow from US$ 57.9 billion in 2023 to US$ 68.4 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 3.4% in the forecast period (2023-2028).
Key starch derivatives include:
Modified Starch: Modified starch is produced by physically, enzymatically, or chemically altering the properties of native starch. This modification enhances properties such as stability, viscosity, and gelatinization, making it suitable for a wide range of applications in food, pharmaceuticals, and industrial sectors.
Sweeteners: Starch can be enzymatically hydrolyzed to produce sweeteners like glucose, maltose, and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). These sweeteners are widely used in the food and beverage industry as alternatives to sucrose due to their sweetness and functional properties.
Starch Esters: Starch esters are produced by esterification of starch with fatty acids or organic acids. These derivatives are used as emulsifiers, thickeners, and stabilizers in food, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products.
Cyclodextrins: Cyclodextrins are cyclic oligosaccharides produced by enzymatic degradation of starch. They are used in pharmaceuticals, food, and cosmetics industries for their ability to encapsulate and stabilize active ingredients.
Dextrins: Dextrins are produced by partial hydrolysis of starch and are used as binders, thickeners, and texturizers in food and pharmaceutical formulations.
Starch Derivatives for Biodegradable Polymers: Starch-based biopolymers are increasingly used as alternatives to conventional plastics due to their biodegradability and renewable nature. Starch derivatives play a crucial role in the production of these biodegradable materials.
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Drivers: Functional properties of starch derivatives and their incorporation in a wide range of food applications
Starch derivatives have various functions; it is used as a thickener, texture agent, fat replacer, and emulsifier. The advanced technology used for processing these starches develops several highly functional ingredients that can be customized to meet the demand for most formulating challenges. Recently, health-conscious consumers have raised concerns about reducing the dietary caloric intake to avoid complications of obesity. Some modified starches are increasingly being used as fat replacers and substitutes. They provide the requisite mouthfeel; lend a glossy, fat-like appearance; and allow less fat pickup in fried foods. They are used in the formulation of dietary foods, such as vegetable soups and snacks. With these functional properties, the usage of starch derivatives in a wide range of applications is expected to drive the overall market.
Asia Pacific is poised to experience the highest CAGR in the starch derivatives market during the forecast period.
The region's remarkable economic growth has led to increased consumer purchasing power, which, in turn, has boosted demand for processed foods and beverages. Starch derivatives play a crucial role in this sector as thickeners, stabilizers, and texture enhancers, driving their growth. Additionally, Asia-Pacific countries are among the world's leading producers of starch-rich crops like rice, wheat, and cassava, ensuring a stable supply of raw materials for starch extraction. This accessibility to feedstock supports the development of a strong starch derivatives market in the region. Furthermore, the region's increasing focus on sustainability and eco-friendly practices has led to the utilization of starch derivatives for their renewable and biodegradable characteristics, catering to the growing demand for green solutions. As the Asia-Pacific region continues to experience economic expansion and evolving consumer preferences, starch derivatives are poised to witness substantial growth during the forecast period, making it the region with the highest CAGR in the starch derivatives market.
Leading organizations outlined
Key players in this market include Cargill, Incorporated (US), ADM (US), Tate & Lyle PLC (UK), AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG (Austria), Roquette freres (France), Ingredion Incorporated (US), Green Processing Corp. (GPC) France, Avebe (Netherlands), Emsland Group (Germany), Foodchem International Corporation (China), Sukhjit Starch & Chemicals Ltd. (India), Universal Starch Chem Allied Ltd (India), Primient (US), SPAC Starch Products (India) Private Limited (India), and JP&SB International (Spain).
The starch derivatives market is expanding due to increased demand for convenience, ready-to-eat foods, and eco-friendly packaging.
The industry is actively promoting sustainable sourcing practices, emphasizing responsible supply chain management, and eco-friendly production. These efforts meet the growing preference for environmentally conscious products among consumers. Clean-label starch derivatives have emerged as a compelling trend within the market. These cleaner and more naturally formulated products, with fewer additives, address the increasing demand for transparency in consumer choices. Furthermore, starch derivatives are pivotal in responding to the health and wellness trend. They are effectively utilized to reduce fat and sugar content in processed foods, catering to health-conscious consumers. The adoption of 3D printing for innovative packaging using starch-based biodegradable materials represents a significant paradigm shift. This pioneering technology not only aligns with sustainability goals but also offers fresh possibilities for enhancing packaging aesthetics in the food and beverage sector.
Asia-Pacific region is experiencing a significant upswing, driven by the increasing preference for gluten-free and reduced-calorie products. Post-COVID, heightened health consciousness among consumers has become a prominent trend. Starch derivatives play a pivotal role in meeting this demand by offering textural and functional benefits in healthier food options. As health-conscious consumers seek better dietary choices, the Asia-Pacific starch derivatives market is poised for substantial growth.
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In starch derivatives, corn takes the lead, offering high starch content and clean-label consumer preference.
Corn is a widely cultivated crop in various regions, ensuring a consistent and substantial source of starch. The grain's starch content is higher than many other sources, making it an efficient raw material for starch extraction. Additionally, the corn-derived starch can be processed into a wide range of derivatives, including glucose syrup, maltodextrin, and high-fructose corn syrup, each finding extensive use in food, beverage, and industrial applications. The United States is witnessing a surge in demand for corn due to the availability of non-GMO (non-genetically modified organism) corn varieties. This is in line with the preferences of consumers who are increasingly seeking non-GMO and clean-label products. As a result, corn has become a favored source for starch derivatives in the region, catering to the growing consumer demand for more natural and transparent food choices. Furthermore, the cost-effectiveness of corn-based derivatives and the development of advanced processing technologies have solidified its position as the leading source in the starch derivatives market.
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drdunev · 3 months
Happy St. Patrick's Day-How the Potato Became Irish and Changed History
Like many Americans of my generation, I grew up with a number of Irish families with names like Kelly, O’Shea, O’Donovan, and Murray. Our Parish priests were Father Cavanaugh and Father O’Malley. Sure, our Church was full of second and third generation Irish immigrants.
My Great-grandparents met on the Ship that brought them from Ireland to New York in the 1880’s. They were not part of the Great Migration of Irish that saw so many Irish fleeing starvation a few years earlier. The estimate is that one-quarter of the population of Ireland, or2.1 million Irish, left between 1845-1852, and 95% went to America. 70% found homes in northern American states and cities like New York, Boston, and Chicago.i
The Irish of the 1800’s were dependent on the potato crop as their staple diet. Potatoes are not native to Ireland or even northern Europe. Potatoes are native to the Peruvian Andes. They were unknown in Europe until the end of the 16th Century.
In 1589, Sir Walter Raleigh (the famous English explorer who was granted permission from Queen Elizabeth I to explore Virginia) planted potatoes on his estate in Ireland. His chefs did not know how to cook the strange looking tubers and they included the stems and leaves, which are poisonous, and caused everyone who ate the dish to get sick. France went so far as to ban potatoes for a time, blaming them for causing leprosy.
It took another 150 years for potatoes to become acceptable food in Europe. Potatoes are much easier and less labor intensive as a starch and carbohydrate crop than wheat. Wheat must be turned into bread or noodles to be eatable. Potatoes are ready to cook, or even eat raw, right from the ground. A family could raise enough potatoes on an acre of land to feed themselves for a year.
The “blight” that caused the Great Famine in Ireland was a fungus that originated in Mexico, and was carried to Ireland by ship. Shortly after the potatoes were picked they morphed into a black soggy goo. Irish Catholics were forbidden to own land, and were itinerant farmers on English-owned estates. They had no other food, so families starved.ii
Despite the 36 grams of carbs in a medium sized potato, they are surprisingly nutritious. Potatoes have Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Folate, Niacin and many minerals. They have 3 grams of fiber, and many antioxidants. The calories depend on how the potatoes are cooked, but average is 161 calories, if no additional fat is added in cooking.
Of course, potatoes are extremely versatile, and often delicious!
Should you eat potatoes? If you are on a Paleo or Keto regimen, potatoes would be precluded. French Fries, as fried foods, are obviously not the healthiest choice, particulary if fried in vegetable or seed oils. I once ate potato chips fried fresh in Spanish olive oil on the beach in Malaga. It was such a treat that I have never been able to eat a commercial potato chip since.
I do love potatoes in other dishes, and I will indulge on occasion, with no guilt, knowing that they are pretty healthy. Since they aren’t stripped of their nutrients like wheat is, potatoes may be a good choice if you decide to enjoy some carbs.
However, there is a great lesson from the Potato Famine about relying on single foods instead of a diverse and varied diet. Don’t count French Fries if you are trying to eat your five or more servings of vegetables and fruits a day!
Ireland today has some of the riches grassland in the world, and their dairy products are sublime. The country is considered one of the most beautiful in the world. The greens of Ireland seem unique to that land and like no other place on Earth.
If you would like a relaxing peek at Ireland, here is a video to give you a taste. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEZ43nPixEo
Whether you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day or not, I wish you the Luck of the Irish!
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bizworldinsights · 4 months
 Hydrocephalus Shunt 
In 2019, the global starch market is estimated to be valued at US$ 34.0 billion, with the global starch market volume reaching 93.9 million tonnes. Bekryl Market Analysts report a robust growth, especially in the potato and cassava starch segments. The increased demand for high fructose corn syrups (HFCS) across various food and beverage applications, coupled with the steady expansion of the paper industry, is expected to propel the global starch market in the near future.
Key Insights from the 2019 edition of the global starch market include:
The corn starch segment currently dominates the market, holding a 76.3% revenue share and reaching a valuation of US$ 26 billion in 2019.
The global cassava starch market is estimated to be valued at US$ 4.8 billion, with a volume of 10.3 million tonnes.
Potato starch is estimated to be valued at US$ 1.2 billion in 2019.
The global wheat starch market is estimated at US$ 2.1 billion in 2019.
Regional Analysis:
In 2019, North America and Europe are projected to collectively contribute to over 60% of the revenue share, followed by Asia Pacific at 29.7%. Asia Pacific is expected to witness significant growth, driven by the pharmaceutical, textile, and food & beverage industries.
The corn starch segment sees the largest revenue share in the US and China. China's demand for corn starch is notably influenced by its applications in starch sugar, offering a cost-effective sweetening alternative. Additionally, the pharmaceutical industry's increasing demand for corn starch is anticipated to fuel market growth.
In the tapioca starch segment, the US dominates global consumption with over 40% revenue share, expected to experience significant growth due to its affordability in the current market.
Top 10 Starch Manufacturers:
Major players in the industry focus on partnerships, expansions, and new product launches to diversify their product portfolios and expand their presence in emerging regions.
In October 2018, Ingredion Incorporated announced a US$ 60 million investment in APAC to expand modified starch plant capacity and enhance corn wet-milling capacity in China.
In January 2019, Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) partnered with General Starch Limited (GSL), a Thailand-based tapioca starch producer, to broaden its starch portfolio, obtaining exclusive distribution rights for GSL's modified tapioca starch products in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
In February 2019, Cargill, Inc. revealed plans to invest US$ 22.5 million in its starch production plant in The Netherlands to expand instant starch capacity and meet the growing demand in the convenience foods market.
The top global starch manufacturers in 2019 are:
Cargill, Inc.
Ingredion Incorporated
Tate & Lyle PLC
The Archer Daniels Midland Company
Zhucheng Xingmao Corn Developing Co., Ltd.
Global Bio-chem Technology Group Company Limited
Tereos Starch & Sweeteners Europe
China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corporation (COFCO)
General Starch Limited
Research Scope:
By Product Type:
Native Starch
Modified Starch
By Source:
By Application:
Food and Beverages
Corrugated Board and Adhesives
The global starch market continues to exhibit promising growth trends, creating ample opportunities for manufacturers in a variety of applications. As the industry pioneers advancements and innovations, the market is poised for sustained expansion in response to increasing demands across diverse sectors.
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ananya5400 · 6 months
Modified Starch Market to Record Steady Growth by 2027
The global modified starch market is estimated to be valued at USD 13.7 billion in 2022. It is projected to reach USD 15.9 billion by 2027, recording a CAGR of 3.1% during the forecast period. Modified starches are manufactured from native starches. Various processing methods, such as physical, enzymatic, wet-and-dry chemical processes, drum drying, and extrusion, are used to produce different types of modified starch products. These processes are used to change the properties of native starch, such as its freeze-thaw stability, acid or alkali resistance, and shear stability, to meet industrial requirements. Modified starches are used for functions such as thickening, stabilizing, binding, and emulsification. Apart from food products, it is also used in a wide range of non-food applications and in the animal feed industry.
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Restraints: High demand for gum Arabic
The application of starch derivatives is growing in the food & beverages sector. The global beverages sector is witnessing growth as an application of modified starches. However, the growth and preference of gum Arabic over modified starch act as a restraint for the growth of this market. Studies have shown that beverages stabilized with sources of gum Arabic attain better stability than those with modified starches. Apart from beverages, gum Arabic is also rising as a threat to modified starches in confectionery, where it is utilized to prevent sugar crystallization.
Opportunities: Untapped application of modified starch
Modified starch can also act as an excellent fermentation base for the bulk production of a wide variety of biotechnological products, such as organic acids, antibiotics, vitamins, and hormones. As a sole carbon source, providing energy for maintaining biological functions, starch-derived carbohydrates have a very high commercial value. Starch-derived glucose can be fermented to produce lactic acid, which may be polymerized for biodegradable films or bioplastics. Similarly, potato starch wastes may also be used as feedstock in fermentation reactions. Several polymers can be prepared using a variety of starch-based feedstock.
Hence, these untapped applications of starch need to be addressed. Expanding the commodity sources for extracting starch and combining modification processes adds a wider range of probable application fields to the existing exhaustive list. The technological potential and industrial utility of starch increase significantly by suitable modification.
Cassava is the fastest growing raw material segment in the global modified starch market
Cassava is one of the world’s major starch crops. It has a long tuberous starchy root that finds its place as an essential ingredient in many Latin American and Caribbean cuisines. Cassava is a widely grown tuber in most African and Asian countries, and it is also the most economical source of starch at a global level. It was, hence, prudent that in the wake of the forecasted shortage of corn and wheat as sources of starch, cassava (tapioca) starch would gain attention. Tapioca is the starch extracted from the storage roots of the cassava plant. The similarity of the functional properties of tapioca and corn starch has added to its advantages.
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Asia Pacific is the largest and fastest-growing region in the modified starch market and anticipated to maintain its dominance over the forecast period
The modified starch market in the Asia-Pacific region is the largest. The market is estimated to grow at a significant rate, owing to the rising demand in large economies such as China, India, Japan, and other Southeast Asian countries. The industrial organization and technology of starch processing are changing rapidly in the region. Unlike other regions where starch is processed almost entirely by large companies, in Asia Pacific, starch processing is done by small and medium-sized firms. Historically, native starch has been largely used for food products in the region. The industrial applications and technologies involved in starch processing are changing rapidly in the Asia Pacific countries. Modified starch is increasingly being demanded by many industries in the region. Various industries are incorporating modified starches in their manufacturing processes and products.
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ihrinsights · 7 months
Modified Starch: The Versatile Functional Ingredient - A Blog by IHR Insights
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Starch, a common carbohydrate found in various plants, has been a dietary staple for centuries. It serves as a valuable source of energy and contributes to the texture and consistency of many food products. However, with advancements in food science and technology, starch has undergone modifications to become a versatile functional ingredient with a wide range of applications in the food industry and beyond. In this blog, we will explore the world of modified starch and its diverse applications.
Understanding Modified Starch: Modified starch is derived from native starch, which is found in crops like corn, wheat, rice, and potatoes. These modifications are achieved through physical, chemical, or enzymatic processes, altering the structure of starch molecules to enhance their functional properties. This transformation results in a range of benefits, making modified starch an essential ingredient in the food and non-food industries.
Applications as a Functional Ingredient:
Thickening Agent: Modified starch is widely used as a thickening agent in various food products. It improves the texture and consistency of soups, sauces, and gravies, ensuring they have the desired thickness and mouthfeel. This is especially valuable in the production of canned soups and frozen ready-to-eat meals.
Stabilizer: In the world of dairy products, such as yogurt and ice cream, modified starch helps maintain a smooth and creamy texture while preventing ice crystals from forming. It also stabilizes salad dressings and mayonnaise to prevent separation.
Bakery and Confectionery: Modified starch enhances the shelf life and texture of baked goods, including bread, pastries, and cookies. In confectionery, it is used to create gels, improve moisture retention, and extend the freshness of candies and sweets.
Gluten-Free and Vegan Products: Modified starch is a vital ingredient in gluten-free and vegan food products, providing the necessary structure and texture that traditional wheat-based ingredients would offer. It's often used in gluten-free bread, pasta, and vegan cheese alternatives.
Instant Foods: Instant puddings, custards, and instant mashed potatoes owe their convenience to modified starch. These starches enable quick and easy preparation by dissolving and thickening when mixed with hot water or milk.
Meat and Seafood Processing: Modified starch plays a significant role in meat and seafood processing, enhancing water retention, binding properties, and the overall texture of products like sausages, nuggets, and surimi.
Non-Food Applications: Modified starch extends beyond the food industry. It is used in pharmaceuticals to create tablet coatings, in the paper industry for surface sizing and coating, and even in textiles for fabric printing and finishing.
Types of Modified Starch:
There are various types of modified starch, each tailored for specific applications:
• Pre-gelatinized Starch: Suitable for instant foods and thickening. • Cross-Linked Starch: Resistant to high temperatures and ideal for canned and frozen products. • Acetylated Starch: Provides excellent stability and clarity in acid-based foods. • Oxidized Starch: Used as a binder in meat processing and in paper manufacturing.
Read more from our Modified Starch Market study.
Conclusion: Modified starch has evolved into a vital functional ingredient, enhancing the texture, stability, and shelf life of numerous food products while finding applications in non-food industries as well. As food science and technology continue to advance, the versatility and utility of modified starch will only expand, contributing to improved consumer experiences and product innovation. Whether you're enjoying a creamy pudding or using a pharmaceutical tablet, you're likely benefiting from the versatility of modified starch.
– Analyst Team IHR Insights [email protected]
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anyawinget · 1 year
North America Wheat Starch Market Growth, Analysis and Advancement Outlook 2020-2027
“The North American wheat starch market is expected to reach US$ 161.89 million in 2027 from US$ 187.72 million in 2019. The market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 2.1 % from 2020 to 2027.”
The report titled “North America Wheat Starch Market” has recently been added by Business Market Insights to get a stronger and more effective business outlook. It provides an in-depth analysis of the different attributes of the industry, such as trends, policies, and customers operating in different geographies. Research analysts use quantitative as well as qualitative analytical techniques to provide users, business owners, and industry professionals with accurate and actionable data.
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The North America Wheat Starch market following are the manufacturers cover –
Cargill Incorporated
Roquette Freres
The Archer-Daniels-Midland Company
Agrana Group
Tereos SA
MGP Ingredients Inc.
Manildra Group
The leading players of the North America Wheat Starch industry, their market share, product portfolio, company profiles are covered in this report. Key market players are analyzed on the basis of production volume, gross margin, market value, and price structure. The competitive market scenario among North America Wheat Starch players will help the industry aspirants in planning their strategies. The statistics presented in this report are an accurate and useful guide to shaping your business growth.
North America Wheat Starch Market Segment by Type, the product can be divided into:
Native Wheat Starch
Modified Wheat Starch
Market Segment by Application, split into:
Food and Beverages
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Research Objectives:
-To study and analyze the North America Wheat Starch consumption (value & volume) by key regions/countries, product type and application, history data.
-To understand the structure of North America Wheat Starch by identifying its various sub-segments.
-Focuses on the key North America Wheat Starch manufacturers, to define, describe and analyze the sales volume, value, market share, market competition landscape, SWOT analysis and development plans in the next few years.
-To analyze North America Wheat Starch with respect to individual growth trends, future prospects, and their contribution to the total market.
-To share detailed information about the key factors influencing the growth of the market (growth potential, opportunities, drivers, industry-specific challenges and risks).
-To project the consumption of North America Wheat Starch submarkets, with respect to key regions (along with their respective key countries).
-To analyze competitive developments such as expansions, agreements, new product launches, and acquisitions in the market.
-To strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their growth strategies.
This research report also presents practical and practical case studies to help you get a clearer understanding of the topic. This research report has been prepared through industry analysis techniques and presented in a professional manner by including effective information graphics whenever necessary. It helps ensure business stability and rapid development to achieve notable remarks in the North America Wheat Starch market.
Finally, North America Wheat Starch Market report is the believable source for gaining the Market research that will exponentially accelerate your business. The report provides locales, economic conditions, item values, benefits, limits, creations, supplies, requests, market development rates, and numbers, etc. North America Wheat Starch Industry Report Announces Additional New Task SWOT Examination, Speculation Achievement Investigation and Venture Return Investigation.
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pranalipawarshinde · 1 year
Native Starch Market Latest Trends and Future Growth Study by 2031 |  Euroduna Food Ingredients GmbH, BENEO GmbH, Kent Corporation and MGP Ingredients, Inc
Global Native Starch Market report from Global Insight Services is the single authoritative source of intelligence on Native Starch Market. The report will provide you with analysis of impact of latest market disruptions such as Russia-Ukraine war and Covid-19 on the market. Report provides qualitative analysis of the market using various frameworks such as Porters’ and PESTLE analysis. Report includes in-depth segmentation and market size data by categories, product types, applications, and geographies. Report also includes comprehensive analysis of key issues, trends and drivers, restraints and challenges, competitive landscape, as well as recent events such as M&A activities in the market.
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Native starch is a type of starch that has not been chemically modified. It is typically found in grains, potatoes, and corn. Native starch is used as a thickener and binder in food products, as well as an adhesive in paper and textile manufacturing. Native starch is also a renewable source of energy. When used in food products, native starch can help to improve the texture, mouthfeel, and shelf life of the product.
Key Trends
The key trends in native starch technology are towards developing more efficient methods of production and developing new applications for native starch.
There has been a trend towards developing more efficient methods of production of native starch. This has included the development of new enzymes and fermentation technologies. There has also been a trend toward developing new applications for native starch. This has included the development of new starch-based materials and the use of native starch in food and pharmaceutical applications.
Key Drivers
The key drivers of the Native Starch market are the increasing demand for processed food and the growing preference for healthy and natural ingredients. The processed food industry is expected to grow at a rapid pace in the coming years, owing to the changing lifestyle of consumers and the increasing disposable incomes. This is likely to boost the demand for native starch, as it is used as an ingredient in a wide range of processed food products.
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In addition, the growing awareness about the health benefits of native starch is another major factor driving the market. Native starch is a source of dietary fiber and is low in calories, which makes it a healthy alternative to other starch products. Moreover, it is gluten-free and is suitable for people with celiac disease. This is expected to fuel the demand for native starch from health-conscious consumers.
Market Segmentation
The Native Starch Market is segmented by source, type, end-use, and geography. By source, the market is divided into corn, wheat, rice, potato, cassava, and others. By type, it is segmented into native waxy maize starch, native maize starch, native wheat starch, native potato starch, and others. By application, it is classified into food industry, cosmetics industry, pharmaceutical industry, and others. By geography, it is analyzed across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and rest of the world.
Key Players
The key Players in the Native Starch Market are Ingredion, Inc., Cargill, Inc., E. I. du Pont de Nemours, Tate & Lyle PLC, Archer Daniels Midland Company, Roquette Frères S.A., Euroduna Food Ingredients GmbH, BENEO GmbH, Kent Corporation and MGP Ingredients, Inc.
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doggiefooditems · 1 year
Can Dogs Eat Corn? Corn On the Cob, Corn Husks, Sweet Corn, Starch, Chips, Flakes & More It is fine to feed sweet and tasty corn to dogs. The ingredient corn is used as a raw material in dog food. Nevertheless, it can be dangerous for your dog, depending on how much you give it. We will introduce the ingredients contained in corn and what dogs should keep in mind when eating it in this article. Corn is an annual plant in the Poaceae family, native to tropical America. Corn is one of the world's major grains, rice and wheat. The crop is widely grown as a food crop and as fodder. Corn contains vitamins and minerals in good balance and is a popular vegetable ingredient for children and adults. Corn does not contain any ingredients that can be addictive to dogs so they can eat it. However, it would be best to give only a little. Is it safe to give a dog corn? In addition to being rich in nutrients, corn is also prone to indigestion, so it is not recommended to give too much. A dog should not be fed more than 20% of its daily calorie intake with corn. A dog's daily calorie intake varies according to its weight and size, so the appropriate amount varies from one to another. Here's how much corn you can give your dog based on weight. Suitable for very small dogs In the ultra-small dog category, you will find breeds weighing less than 4 kilograms. Among the types of dogs, you can represent Pugs or Toy Poodles, Pomeranians, Bull breeds, etc. Corn that can be given to ultra-small dogs is about 22g~63g per day. Corn can be given in quarter bottles or smaller amounts. Suitable for small dogs In dog terminology, a small dog is defined as a dog weighing no more than 10 kg. Several small dogs include dachshunds, pugs, papillons, and Maltese. As a guideline, small dogs can receive 74g x 126g daily. One hundred twenty-six grams is about half a corn, so adjust according to your dog's size. For medium-sized dogs The term medium-sized dog refers to dogs that weigh no more than 25 kg. Medium-sized dogs include French bulldogs, border collies, and Welsh Corgis. Give him 135g = 250g per day of corn for a medium-sized dog. It is roughly equivalent to one corn weighing 250g. Large dogs Breeds weighing more than 25 kg are considered large dogs. Some examples of large dogs include Shepherds, Rottweilers, Golden Retrievers, and Labrador Retrievers. Corn you can give to large dogs weighing more than 25kg is 258g x 512g. It is about 1~2 corns. Can a puppy eat corn? Puppies should be fed with caution when eating corn. Puppies' digestive systems are poorly developed, and their intestinal immunity is low, so consuming large quantities of fiber-rich corn can cause diarrhea or allergies. It is also rich in potassium, which can cause more pees and rough phases. Therefore, do not overfeed your puppy corn, regardless of his weight. The effects of feeding corn to dogs As a major component of corn, "folic acid" plays an important role in cell division and DNA development, particularly for pregnant women and growing dogs. As corn is rich in potassium, it exerts a diuretic effect, which helps to eliminate excess water, thus improving metabolism and swelling. In addition, corn is also rich in "dietary fiber." Cellulose is an insoluble dietary fiber found in the peel of the grain. Dietary fiber improves the intestinal environment and stimulates bowel movement so that it may prevent and relieve constipation. Dog corn: what to look out for Corn is high in sugar, protein, and carbohydrates, so eating too much can lead to obesity. Obesity increases the burden on the body and can cause various diseases, so be careful how much you give. Corn cores should never be given to dogs. The core, a lump of dietary fiber, is very hard. If the dog accidentally ingests it, it may get stuck in the throat and have difficulty breathing, vomit, or in the worst case, cause intestinal obstruction and require open surgery. So, when you give your dog corn, please don’t give him a wick.
In addition, some dogs eat corn and become allergic. If you give corn for the first time, give it a small amount and watch it for a while. If you experience diarrhea, vomiting, or itching symptoms, contact your hospital and inform your veterinarian about the situation. Frequently Asked Questions Related corn and its product. Can corn porridge or canned corn be given? Many canned corns are made from genetically modified corn or contain additives like salt, sugar, and preservatives. It is better not to give your dog commercial corn potage when considering his health. Furthermore, corn potage seasonings can also contain onion extract, which is harmful to dogs. Can Dogs Eat Corn Cobs? If you are wondering, “Can dogs eat corn on the cob? No, dogs cannot eat corn cobs. Is corn on the cob bad for dogs? Your dog can swallow the cob, obstructing the gastrointestinal system (GI). When it comes to corn cobs, Is it possible for dogs to chew them? You might be tempted to give it to them to chew on, but do not do so. Can dogs digest corn cobs? That's why it's not a good idea to let them touch corn. What should I do if my dog ate a corn cob? If your dog swallowed a corn cob, you should contact your vet immediately for advice. Is the vet not available? Get expert advice 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by contacting the Pet Poison Helpline or using our "Ask A Vet" feature. Check your dog for symptoms of intestinal blockage, including loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration. Can dogs eat corn husks? Corn husks can be hard to digest, like fruit and vegetable skins. They can eat it. For a variety of reasons, it isn't recommended. It is not nutritionally beneficial, and it can cause bloating. Is corn bad for dogs? Dogs can eat corn, but limit portions. Starch is the highest in corn among all vegetables. Obesity might result from consuming too many carbohydrates. Do dogs eat different kinds of corn? Below are a few common corn types. There is no doubt that our experts will tell you whether it is safe for you to eat dogs. Can Dogs Eat Corn Chips? It is unlikely that one or two unseasoned chips will cause any harm to your dog. The problem with corn chips is that they are full of fats and oils. Don't give your dog seasoned corn chips, especially those containing garlic. Can Dogs Eat Canned Corn? The sodium and salt in canned corn can cause dehydration and salt poisoning. Wash canned corn thoroughly before feeding it to your dog. Can Dogs Eat Corn Flakes? Cornflakes are okay for dogs to eat. However, wait to feed your dog cornflakes regularly. Can Dogs Eat Sweetcorn? If it's off the cob and cooked, sweet corn has all the same benefits as regular corn. Can Dogs Eat Baby Corn? It's okay for dogs to eat baby corn, but if you want to make sure they don't choke, you should cut it into small pieces before you feed it to them, especially if you have a smaller dog. Can Dogs Eat Corn Starch? Are dogs able to consume cornstarch? That's right! There is no need to worry about anything. Can Dogs Have Kettle Corn? There is no reason for dogs to eat kettle corn. The hard, sweet kernels of popcorn can upset their stomach, scratch their throat, and even cause abdominal pain. Furthermore, added sugar is not good for pets since it contains many calories. Find out if popcorn is safe for dogs. Can Dogs Eat Corn Nuts? In general, processed food such as corn nuts (and chips) should not be given to dogs. It is common Due to deep-frying and seasoning them before they are eaten. It is for this reason that pups should stay away from corn nuts. Can Dogs Eat Corn Dogs? Hot dogs and bread are safe for dogs. However, corn dogs are high in salt and fat, which is not good for pups and can lead to more serious problems. Can Dogs Have Corn Tortillas? Take a look at the label first. Corn tortillas often contain flour, which your dog could be allergic to. It's okay to eat one or two bites. Be careful not to overdo it.
Can Dogs Eat Cornmeal? Cornmeal is ground corn kernels into a flour or meal form. Usually used for baking goods. Yes, cornmeal is safe for dogs — if it's mixed with safe ingredients. Can Dogs Eat Corn Muffins? A corn muffin made from cornmeal is okay to eat on occasion. Cornbread and muffins can be filling and full of empty calories. Can Dogs Eat Frozen Corn? The small, bite-sized size of frozen corn shouldn't be an issue. Don't give your dog frozen corn if he chokes or has trouble chewing. Be careful with frozen anything, as it can damage a dog's teeth. Summary Because of its sweet taste, corn is a common ingredient in dog food, and dogs tend to like it because it is a common ingredient in dog food. This is a nutrient-rich food that contains dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals; however, due to its characteristics, it may lead to diarrhea if given in large quantities. Moreover, there is a risk of accidental ingestion of the core as well as food allergies. If you are feeding your dog corn, you must consider its constitution and be very careful about how you feed it.  
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shital1998 · 1 year
Top 10 Companies in Potato Starch Market
The Potato Starch Market is projected to reach $5.60 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 3.9% from 2022 to 2029. The steady growth of this market is attributed to the growing demand for processed and convenience food, the increasing need for potato starch in the paper industry, the rising incidence of celiac disease and other food allergies, and the rising demand for functional food products. However, the alternative starches available in the market are expected to hinder the growth of this market to a notable extent.
Here are the top 10 companies operating in Potato Starch Market
Peepes S.A. (Poland)
                        Founded in 1960 and headquartered in Łomża, Poland, Peepes S.A. is involved in the production and marketing of natural potato starch products. The company operates through two business segments, namely, Food Ingredients and Renewable Energy (OZ Energy, CHP Energia). Its key products are potato starch, maltodextrin, crystalline glucose, anhydrous glucose, glucose syrup, and potato protein. Furthermore, Peepes S.A. offers potato starch and derivatives to various industries, including food, pharmaceuticals, animal feed, textile, and paper. The company’s potato processing plants are in Łomża, Bronisław, and Lublin.
Peepes S.A. has a strong geographic presence across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa.
Ingredion Incorporated (U.S.)
Founded in 1906 and headquartered in Chicago, U.S., Ingredion Incorporated is involved in the production and sales of different types of starch, sweeteners, nutritional ingredients, and biomaterial solutions for a wide range of industries. The company operates through five business segments, namely, Food, Beverage, Animal Nutrition, Brewing, and Others and processes native and modified starches. It also offers starches derived from potatoes, tapioca, pea, and rice.
Ingredion provides ingredients used in food, beverage, brewing (food and beverage ingredients), and animal nutrition. The company has a strong geographical presence across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. As of December 2021, the company had a headcount of 12,000 employees globally.
Emsland Group (Germany)
Founded in 1928 and headquartered in Emlichheim, Germany, Emsland Group manufactures various ingredients based on plant-based raw materials for the food and feed industry. The company mainly operates through four business segments, namely, Food Innovation, Retail and Food Service, Specialities, and Animal Food & Feed. Its product portfolio includes flakes, granulates, starches, and starch derivatives used as thickening and binding agents not only in the food industry but also in building materials, adhesives, and paper industries. The company also manufactures dextrins, fibers, and proteins, whose numerous applications include animal feed production.
In 2021, Emsland produced more than 2.2 million tons of potatoes.
With its seven manufacturing plants, subsidiaries, and a strong distribution network, the company has a strong geographic presence across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. As of June 2021, the company had a headcount of nearly 1,338 employees globally.
Cargill, Incorporated (U.S.)
Founded in 1865 and headquartered in Minneapolis, U.S., Cargill, Incorporated is involved in the manufacturing and marketing of food, agriculture, and financial & industrial products & services. The company operates through five business segments, namely, Food Ingredients & Bio-industrial, Animal Nutrition, Protein & Salt, Agriculture Supply Chain & Energy, and Transportation & Metals. It offers starches derived from maize, wheat, tapioca, and potato.
With manufacturing facilities in 70 countries, Cargill sells its products in more than 125 countries. The company has a strong geographic presence across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. As of 2021, the company had a headcount of 155,000 employees globally.
AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG (Austria)
Founded in 1988 and headquartered in Vienna, Austria, AGRANA is involved in the processing of agricultural commodities for a wide range of industrial products. The company mainly operates through three business segments, namely, Fruit, Starch, and Sugar, and has five starch production sites in Austria and Eastern Europe. It also offers starches from maize, wheat, tapioca, and potato. Potato starch is mainly manufactured for technical applications.
With its subsidiaries and a strong distribution network, AGRANA has a strong geographic presence across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. As of 2022, the company has a headcount of 8,691 employees globally.
Meticulous Research in its latest publication on Potato Starch Market has predicted the growth of 3.9% during the forecast year 2022-2029
Novidon B.V. (Netherlands)
Founded in 2004 and headquartered in Nijmegen, Netherlands, Novidon B.V. is mainly involved in the R&D, production, and marketing of potato starch. The company offers native and modified starch for various applications in adhesives, oil, gas, mining, paper and packaging, textile, and food and pet food industries.
Novidon B.V. is part of the Duynie Group, a Royal Cosun company. With its subsidiaries and a strong distribution network, the company has a strong geographic presence across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa.
HANSELAND Ltd. (Turkey)
Founded in 2004 and headquartered in Izmir, Turkey, HANSELAND Ltd. is mainly involved in the modification of renewable raw materials into products and additives for food and non-food industrial applications, including paper & packaging, adhesives, oil, gas & water drilling operations, construction, lubricants, soup & sauces, and sweetener specialties. The company operates through three segments, namely, Food, Non-Food, and Service industry. The Food segment offers baby food, sweeteners, instant tomato powder, yogurt powder, stable thickeners, tarhana, and potato starch.
HANSELAND has two affiliated companies in Malaysia and the Netherlands. The company has a strong geographic presence across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa.
KMC a.m.b.a. (Denmark)
Founded in 1933 and headquartered in Brande, Denmark, KMC a.m.b.a. is a cooperative owned by Danish starch potato farmers and provides different products for the food, feed, and pet food industries. The company operates in two segments, namely, Applications and Ingredients. Its potato-based product portfolio includes coating & batters, croquettes, flakes, granules, protein, and starch.
KMC a.m.b.a. offers its products for various applications, including cheese, sugar confectionery, plant-based alternatives, nutrition & protein fortification, dressings, soups & sauces, dairy & dairy alternatives, snacks, potato-based products, bakery, feed and pet food.
With its subsidiaries and a strong distribution network, KMC a.m.b.a. has a strong geographic presence in 86 countries across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. As of 2021, the company had a headcount of 247 employees globally.
Südstärke GmbH (Germany)
Founded in 1916 and headquartered in Sünching, Germany, Südstärke GmbH is involved in the production and marketing of potato-based products, such as starch, protein, flakes, and pulp. The company operates through four segments, namely, Food, Feed, Paper, and Chemical industries. Südstärke processes around 600,000 tons of potatoes into 150,000 tons of starch yearly at its production sites in Schrobenhausen and Sünching. The company has a strong geographic presence across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. As of 2020, the company had a headcount of 275 employees globally.
Roquette Frères (France)
Founded in 1933 and headquartered in Lestrem, France, Roquette Frères produces specialty food ingredients and pharmaceutical excipients. The company operates through seven business segments, namely, BioPharma, Pharma & Nutraceuticals, Cosmetics, Food & Nutrition, Animal Nutrition, Nutralys Plant Protein, and Other Industrial Markets. It offers native potato starch used in bio-industry & fermentation, nutrients, and processing aids with functional properties such as carbon sources, carbohydrates, substrates, and filtration.
With 25 operating plants and several sales subsidiaries, Roquette Frères has a strong geographic presence across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. As of December 2021, the company had a headcount of 8,360 employees globally.
Popular Mentions: Agrum Foods India Pvt. Ltd (India), Meelunie B.V. (Netherlands), and Royal Ingredients Group B.V. (Netherlands).
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Authoritative Research on the Potato Starch Market – Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast (2022-2029)
Need more information? Meticulous Research®’s new  Potato Starch Market report covers each of these companies in much more detail, providing analysis on the following:
Recent financial performance of Potato Starch Market
Key products
Significant company strategies
Partnerships and acquisitions
Impact of COVID-19 on the Potato Starch Market
The Comprehensive report provides global market size estimates, market share analysis, revenue numbers, and coverage of key issues and trends. 
Please download report pages and learn more: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5382
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chemicaltech · 1 year
Wheat starch Market is expected to witness Incredible Growth during 2021-2031
Wheat starch is a type of carbohydrate that is derived from wheat flour. It is composed of long chains of glucose molecules, and is used as a thickening agent, binding agent, and emulsifier in food production. Wheat starch can be used in a variety of recipes, including pies, pastries, and sauces. It is also a common ingredient in gluten-free baking mixes and flours.
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Market Segmentation
The Wheat Starch Market is segmented by type, grade, end-user, and region. On the basis of type, the wheat starch market is segmented into native wheat starch and modified wheat starch. On the basis of grade, the wheat starch market is segmented into food grade and industrial grade. Based on end use, the wheat starch market is segmented into food and beverages, cosmetics, and others. By region, the market is classified into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and rest of the world.
Key Players
The key players in the Wheat Starch Market are Cargill Incorporated, RoquetteFreres, Manildra Group, MGP Ingredients, The Archer-Daniels-Midland Company, Agrana Group, Tereos SA, Crespel and Deiters, New Zealand Starch Company and Sacchetto S.p.A.
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Role of Starches in the Food Industry - Bluecraft Agro
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Starch is a widely used ingredient in the food industry, known for its thickening, stabilizing, and texturizing properties. In recent years, modified starches have gained significant popularity due to their enhanced functionalities and versatility. In this blog, we will delve into the world of modified starches, with a focus on Bluecraft Agro’s innovative solutions, and explore their various applications in the food industry.
What is Modified Starch? 
Modified starch is derived from native starch, which is extracted from various plant sources such as corn, wheat, or potatoes. Through physical, enzymatic, or chemical processes, the structure of native starch is modified to improve its functionality and performance. This alteration can involve changes in starch granule size, molecular weight, or the introduction of new chemical groups. The resulting modified starch exhibits enhanced properties that make it suitable for a wide range of food applications.
How are Modified Starches Used? 
It finds extensive use in the food grade starch industry due to their diverse functionalities. Here are some common applications:
Thickening and Stabilising Agent: It acts as thickening and stabilising agents in various food products. They provide viscosity and improve texture, ensuring desirable consistency in sauces, soups, dressings, and dairy products. 
Enhancing Texture and Shelf Life: It can enhance the texture and quality of baked goods, such as bread, cakes, and pastries. They improve moisture retention, prolong shelf life, and contribute to a soft and moist texture. 
Emulsification and Stabilization: It is used as emulsifiers and stabilisers in food formulations. They help stabilise emulsions, prevent ingredient separation, and improve the overall stability of products such as salad dressings, mayonnaise, and sauces. 
Film-Forming and Coating Agent: Some modified starches have film-forming properties, making them suitable for edible coatings and films. These coatings can enhance the appearance, protect the product from moisture loss, and extend its shelf life. 
Other Applications: It also finds usage in a variety of other food products. They can serve as encapsulating agents, flavour carriers, or even provide fat replacement in low-fat food formulations.
Get More Info :- https://bluecraftagro.com/blog/exploring-the-role-of-starches-in-the-food-industry/
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angel-petals · 1 year
Wheat flours (小麦粉/komugiko)
In Japan, white wheat flours are mainly divided into three different categories and differ only in the first character so you can be confident that you are buying wheat flour if you see either of these sets of 力粉 (riki ko) or 力小麦粉 (riki komugi ko).
Bread Flour:強力粉 (kyou riki ko)
Japanese bread flour has a high gluten content with at least 12% protein content. Use this coarse flour for breads, noodles, and dumpling wrappers.
All Purpose flour:中力粉 (haku riki ko)
All purpose flour is likely the least common of the three flour categories in Japan. This flour has around a 9% protein content and moderate gluten viscosity making it suitable for udon noodles and day to day confections.
Cake Flour:薄力粉 (chyuu riki ko)
Cake flour has less than 8.5% protein content and, like its counterparts around the world, has low gluten content. Use this flour for everything from cakes, okonomiyaki (see our recipe here) to tempura!
Whole Wheat Flour: 全粒粉 (zenn ryuu funn)
As in any country, whole-wheat flour weighs more by volume than regular white wheat flours.If you would like to substitute regular flour with whole wheat to get more whole grains/fiber, try substituting half the totalvolume with whole-wheat.
Rice Flours (米粉/komeko)
Rice flours are very common in Japan and you will find many varieties at grocery stores. The most common uses are all for wagashi (Japanese sweets) but the texture of a final product differs depending on the variety of rice flour that is used. Rice flours in Japan are either made of non-glutinous rice (the rice used for dishes such as sushi and oyakodon) and glutinous rice (used for mochi in Japanese cooking and often seen in the US as the main ingredient for mango sticky rice at Thai restaurants).
Fine Rice Flour: 上新粉 (jyoushinko)
Jyoushinko is a fine powder created from polished non-glutinous rice flour. Because it is made of ordinary rice rather than glutinous rice, jyoushinko creates dishes that have a harder texture and are less sticky. The most common uses for jyoshinko are for kashiwa-mochi (red bean rice cake wrapped in oak leaves) and uiro (a sweet rice jelly). Contemporary bakers often also use jyoushinko for baked goods such as cakes.
Sweet Rice Flour: 白玉粉 (shiratamako)
Shiratamako is made up of polished glutinous rice ground into coarse granules. Shiratamako is unique because of its absorbent nature which allows for a smooth and elastic dough. Activate shiratamako by mixing it with cold water and use it to make all types of wagashi (Japanese desserts) such as daifuku and shiratama dumplings.
Glutinous Rice Flour: もち粉 (mochiko)
Mochiko is made of glutinous rice flour and is coarser than shiratamako. Compared to shiratamako, mochiko creates a softer and chewier dumpling. The primary use for mochiko is to add sugar in order to create gyuhi, a primary ingredient for wagashi.
Dango Flour: 団子粉 (dango-ko)
Dangoko is a blend of glutinous and non-glutinous rice. By soaking and drying the two types of rice together and then grinding them, manufacturers are able to create a more chewy texture compared to mochiko and shiratamako. As its name suggests, use this flour to make dango (Japanese dumpling balls).
Other “flours” (粉/kona)
These “flours” are actually often starches and are made from the root of plants native to Japan.
Warabi Starch: わらび粉 (Warabi-ko)
Warabiko is the starch made from the ground roots of the Japanese Warabi plant, also known as bracken. This fiddlehead fern creates a distinctive starch which is mild in sweetness, transparency, and has a jelly-like texture. The most popular use for it is to make warabi-mochi, a jelly-like wagashi (japanese sweet) most often enjoyed with kinako (soybean powder) and kuromitsu (Japanese black syrup).
Kudu Starch: くず粉 (kudu ko)
Kudu starch (also known askuzu) is made fromkudzu, a climbing vine which grows native in Japan. The entire plant is used: the leaves feed livestock, the stems are used for cloth, and the roots are dried and ground to make starch powder. The powder is commonly used as a thickening agent and can be found inwagashi (traditional Japanese sweets) as well as savory dishes.Compared to other starches, kudzu starch does not have a starchy taste and is clear and transparent, making it a superior choice for glosses and in soups, sauces and desserts.
Potato Starch: 片栗粉 (katakuriko)
Katakuriko is the Japanese name for potato starch and is used as a thickener in Japanese cooking. It was originally sourced from dogtooth violet plants but now is sourced from potatoes which are cheaper and more accessible. Make sure not to confuse katakuriko with potato flour as this starch is very fine, has little fiber or protein and has no taste.
Barley Starch: はったい粉 (hattaiko)
Hattaiko is a flour made of roast barley. It is a healthy food that can be used similarly to kinako (soybean powder) and has high fiber and protein contents. Try adding this powder to your sweets or even mixing it into batters for cakes!
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pravalika · 1 year
Modified Wheat Starch Market - Forecast (2022 - 2027)
 Modified Wheat Starch Market size is estimated to reach $825.3 million by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 2.6% during the forecast period 2022-2027. Modified wheat starch can be demarcated as complex carbohydrate or starch extracted from the wheat berry/kernel. It is fabricated through native starch’s chemical and enzymatic treatment to alter its properties. It is commonly used as a thickening agent, fat substitutes, and emulsifier in food and beverages. Nevertheless, it is also considered a texture agent in several cosmetics and holds better steadiness against acid and heat. Growing demand for ready meals, proliferating usage as a fat replacer, heightening demand for nutritional drinks, spiking demand for adhesives, rising convenience and processed food consumption, growing applications in animal feed in order to ensure animal health, rising disposable incomes, bettering infrastructure in developing countries are factors set to drive the growth of the Modified Wheat Starch Industry for the period 2022-2027.
Report Coverage
The report: “Modified Wheat Starch Market Forecast (2022-2027)” by Industry ARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Modified Wheat Starch Market
By Type: Organic and Conventional. By Function: Binder, Emulsifier, Stabilizer, Thickener, Disintegrant, and Others. By Application: Animal feed, Paper industry, Food and beverages (Bakery, Confectionery, Processed Foods, and Others), Cosmetics, and Others. By Geography: North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico), Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia & New Zealand, and Rest of Asia-Pacific), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Rest of South America) and Rest of World (the Middle East and Africa).
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Key Takeaways
Geographically, the Asia-Pacific Modified Wheat Starch Market accounted for the highest revenue share in 2021. The growth is owing to high wheat production, heightening demand for RTE foods with swift urbanization, embryonic processing technologies in the region, and increasing living standards of people as disposable incomes are broadening.
Versatile applications as a disintegrant in pharmaceuticals, emulsifier in food and beverages, and a binder in the paper industry, growing demand for cosmetics and convenience foods, technological breakthroughs in processing methods or technologies, and escalating demand for dairy and quality meat are said to be preeminent driver driving the growth of Modified Wheat Starch Market. Wheat shortage is felt across the globe because of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, soaring inflation rates, and environmental mishaps are said to reduce the market growth.
Detailed analysis of the Strength, Weaknesses, and Opportunities of the prominent players operating in the market will be provided in the Modified Wheat Starch Market report.
Modified Wheat Starch Market Segment Analysis-By Type
The Modified Wheat Starch Market, based on the type, can be further segmented into organic and conventional. The conventional segment held the largest share in 2021. The growth is owing to conventional farming is best known for higher yield as several chemicals taken into account reduce the insects’ attacks and unwanted weeds. In addition, conventional farming uses genetically modified seeds that result in a more fruitful crop. As a result, it increases the overall revenue of farmers. In addition to that, owing to its cheap nature and low resource requirements, conventional farming is more common among farmers worldwide. conventional farming is practiced all over the globe.
Additionally, the high price of organic harvest and little to no awareness among people regarding the existence of organic alternatives has aided the demand for conventionally grown brown sugar. Furthermore, organic is estimated to be the fastest-growing segment with a CAGR of 3.3% over the forecast period 2022-2027. This growth is owing to broadening health attentiveness among consumers. Owing to several health problems linked with conventionally grown foods and an environment unfriendly nature has subjected people to shift toward organic. Moreover, unlike conventional, organic farming doesn’t pose environmental hazards.
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Modified Wheat Starch Market Segment Analysis-By Application
The Modified Wheat Starch Market, based on applications, can be further segmented into Animal feed, Paper industry, Food and beverages (Bakery, Confectionery, Processed Foods, and Others), Cosmetics, Paper Industry, and Others. The food and beverages segment held the largest share in 2021. The said is a dominant segment because the food industry is evergreen; no matter the situation or circumstances, food is an essential commodity required for humans’ survival. Modified wheat starch plays a significant role in maintaining the stability and uniformity of various sauces. In addition to that, during processing activities, modified starches attack gel breakdown and elongate the shelf life of food items. Nevertheless, animal feed and food and beverages are estimated to be the fastest-growing segments with a CAGR of 3.4% over the forecast period 2022-2027. This growth is owing to changing tastes and preferences of people, surging demand for convenience or ready-to-eat foods and nutritional beverages, and rising usage of animal feeds as overall demand for dairy and better-quality meat is augmenting day after day.
Modified Wheat Starch Market Segment Analysis-By Geography
The Modified Wheat Starch Market, based on Geography, can be further segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and the Rest of the World. The Asia Pacific held the largest share, with 38% of the overall market in 2021. The growth in this segment is owing to the factors such as the presence of the biggest wheat-producing countries. China, with over 134 million metric tons, and India with nearly 98 million metric tons of annual production are the two biggest wheat-producing countries in the world. Also, Australia’s contribution has reached 31 million metric tons in global wheat production. In addition to that, the enormous population size has aided the market in the said region. Moreover, Asia-pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing segment over the forecast period 2022-2027. This growth is owing to evolving processing technologies, rising disposable incomes, skyrocketing demand for RTE foods because of eventful lifestyles of people, and ease of doing business because of ameliorating infrastructure, especially in developing nations like Indonesia, India, and China.
Modified Wheat Starch Market Drivers
Augmenting demand for wheat starch in the pharmaceutical, animal feed, and food industry are anticipated to boost market demand
There are many reasons behind the extensive usage of starch in the pharmaceutical industry. Starch is commonly considered as a disintegrant, excipients, binder, glidant, and capsule diluent. Drug absorption happens only because of disintegrants as they break them down into fragments. Considering the non-stop demand for pharmaceuticals, the starch industry is anticipated to be benefited. For instance, the Indian Economic Survey conducted in 2021 claimed that the Indian pharmaceutical market is anticipated to reach $65 billion by 2024. In addition to that, global medicine spending is projected to reach $1.6 trillion by 2025. Also, proliferating demand for dairy and meat has broadened the use of starch as animal feed. India alone consumed 83 million metric tons of milk in 2021, whereas European Union’s consumption stood at 23.9 million metric tons.
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Modified Wheat Starch Industry Outlook:
Product launches, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and geographical expansions are key strategies adopted by players in the aforementioned Market. Modified Wheat Starch market top 10 companies include-
1. Archer Daniel Midland Company 2. Cargill Inc 3. Universal Starch Chem Allied 4. Grain Processing Corporation 5. Emsland-Starke GmbH 6. Spac Starch Products 7. Kroner-Starke 8. Beneo Remy NV 9. SMS Corporation Ltd 10. Tereos Group
Recent Developments
On December 22, 2021, Illinois, United States-based company Archer-Daniels-Midland (a firm known for its food processing) announced the successful acquisition of Panama-based Flavor Infusion International SA (a firm that provides flavor and specialty solutions). The financials of the transaction were not disclosed by the firm; nevertheless, the transaction has expanded the company's presence in Latin America and the Caribbean.
On December 15, 2021, Loryma (Zwingenberg, Germany), a member of the Crespel & Deiters Group, is offering two alternatives to the white pigment titanium dioxide, which will no longer be recognized by the European Food Safety Authority as safe to use in food. Loryma’s alternatives include two wheat starches: Lory Starch Iris and Lory Starch Elara. Starch Iris is a native small-grain starch with small and uniform particles, while Starch Elara is a resistant wheat starch that is suitable for applications that contain water.
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qrtumb · 1 year
Global Industrial Starches Market Research, Outlook, and Opportunity
Global Industrial Starches Market was valued at USD 50,232 million in 2021 which expected to reach 68, 270 BY 2027, At a CAGR 3.88% from 2022-2027.
Industrial starch is versatile food additive in food industry. It is extensively used in the food industry as it offers an excellent stabilizing effect. Further, industrial starch can be modified either chemically/physically for multipurpose uses. The industrial starch derived from various sources such as Corn, Wheat, Cassava, Potato, Other Sources.
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Market Drivers
The increase in demand from bio-plastic industry is expected to fueling growth of the market. Starch-based films, when used in conjunction with PLA films as an outer layer, are used in different food packaging applications. For instance, Mars Incorporated replaces Biaxially oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) from its candy packaging by incorporating a new compound made of the starch derived from potato waste.
Furthermore, the rise in investment by key players in starch production to meet the raising demand is driving growth of the industrial starches market. For instance, in 2019, Cargill invested around EUR 20 million in its starch production plant in Sas Van Gent, the Netherlands & expanded the instant starch capacity. The investment supported the increased demand for convenience food.
Market Restraints
Global consumers have been cutting down sugar & sweeteners intakes, such as high- fructose corn syrup, due to health & weight management reasons is expected to hamper the market growth. Moreover, increase in prevalence of lifestyle disorder such as obesity & diabetes reducing the consumption of starch-based sweeteners, this is again limiting market growth.
Market Segmentation
Global industrial Starches Market is segmented into type such as Native Starch, Starch Derivatives and Sweeteners. By source, market is segmented into Corn, Wheat, Cassava, Potato, Other Sources. Further, market is segmented into application such as Food, Feed, Paper Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Other Applications.
Regional Analysis
Global industrial Starches Market is segmented into five segments such as North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa. Europe is projected to dominate the global industrial starches market over the forecast period due to the high production of starches in the region. For instance, as per the European Starch Industry Association, in the year 2020, the total starch production in Europe, which included maize, wheat, and potatoes stood at 11.5 million metric ton in comparison to 10.7 million metric ton in the year 2018. Also, North America is expected to gain fastest growth throughout the forecast period high production of corn.
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Key Players
Archer Daniels Midland Company, Cargill Incorporated, Ingredion Inc., Tate & Lyle PLC, Kent Nutrition Group Inc. (Grain Processing Corp., Tereos Group, Coöperatie Koninklijke Cosun U.A, Altia PLC, Angel Starch and Food Pvt. Ltd, Manildra Group, etc.
Market Taxonomy
By Type
Native Starch
Starch Derivatives
By Source
By Application
Paper Industry
Pharmaceutical Industry
By Region
North America
Latin America
Asia Pacific
Middle East & Africa
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