#What is Forum Posting in SEO
hitechshahid · 2 years
How to work on Blog Commenting Sites
Hitech Digital World are providing free high quality Backlinks.  Hi-tech Digital World is established in 2022 Managed By Shoiab Ahmad Ganai. One of the expert of Digital Marketing over 6 years of experience in Digital Marketing Specially in SEO. The main mission to create this Website is for SEO information. We are providing free information about SEO and providing free Backlinks to rank on google. We have millions of sites for Backlinks..
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toytulini · 10 months
god why must the ppl on car forums speak in some kind of code
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bornt-urnge · 6 months
⚠️ Fandom is Moving Forward with Generative AI ⚠️
Tumblr media
As of December 15, Fandom has announced their plans to continue using AI to "enhance" their articles.
In short, they claim to have primarily used AI to
Scan images for "appropriateness" (be that NSFW content or just fitting in with the theme of the show), which still involves scraping tons of images and comparing them to a potentially unethically sourced database. As with all machine learning using images, it is still wildly inaccurate.
Optimizing edits - something they admit is still severely lacking because it can't read tables or variants on simple things like "birthday"
Optimizing SEO - this is clearly what they care most about, since Google likes the "Quick Answers" - as shitty as they were - this means they can continue to dominate the search results and gain more ad revenue.
This is a good time to remember that Fandom is a for-profit company with inverstors, which means their end goal is always to make the most money possible. They don't care about "The Fans" (despite the lip service), and they don't care about the authenticity of user-generated content if they can figure out how to automate the process.
Indie Wiki Buddy is an extension that will redirect you to non-Fandom versions of wikis if it's in their database.
BreezeWiki displays all Fandom wikis in a clean, ad-free format with just the article content (no links to their forums, autoplay videos, etc)
If you must use Fandom, install UBlock Origin. It's available on all desktop browsers and Firefox Mobile. Hit them where it hurts. And encourage the wiki teams to leave Fandom if they can.
Also, be sure to support independent wikis! You can disable adblockers while on their sites, as they usually have much less obtrusive ads which directly fund server maintenance rather than CEO salaries. Change links on your posts/pages to direct to non-Fandom Wikis (even wiki.gg is better).
Keep information free from corporatization.
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websfb · 2 years
13 Off-Page SEO Techniques that Drive Traffic on Your Website
Off-Page SEO is referred to bringing an audience and also to links from high-authority websites. It focuses on ranking, which can be managed from outside of your website link or backlinks on other websites.
What is Off-page SEO?
Off-page SEO is the process of optimizing a website for Google search to earn higher web traffic levels and improve the site's visibility. The main difference between on-page and off-page SEO is that on-page SEO focuses on optimizing the content and design of your website. In contrast, off-page SEO focuses on building links and promoting your site to Google and other search engines.  
Off-page SEO is sometimes also referred to as "off-site SEO." It is a complex and ever-changing field, but it's important to keep up with the latest trends if you want your website to rank well in Google. Focusing on both on-page and off-page SEO can give your website the best chance of success. Many different techniques can be used for off-page SEO, which are stated below:  
Off-Page SEO Methods is like this: -  
Black Hat – It Doesn't follow the search engine guidelines (Link Foaming, cloaking, keyword stuffing)  
White Hat – It follows the search engine guidelines.  
Grey Hat – It is the combination of the black and white hat Seo. (Seo squatting, paid links, domain grabbing).  
The 13 Most Important Off-Page SEO techniques are as bellow;
1.  Backlinks
2. Domain Authority
3. Search Engine Submission
4. Free classified Submission
5. Business Listing  
6. PDF/PPT Submission  
7. Social Bookmarking
8. Forum Posting
9.          Guest Blogging
10.        Press Release Submission
11.        Infographic Submission
12.        Video Submission
13.        Q & A Submission
1. Backlinks  
It is also known as an “inbound link” or “incoming link,” are link from one website to a page on another website. Getting more backlinks will help your website rank on the top page of SERP. It is the process of getting other websites to link to your business website. The more high-quality links you have, the better your website will rank in Google. Link building can be done in many ways, such as writing guest posts on other blogs, leaving comments on relevant websites, and creating social media profiles.
2. Domain Authority
DA will tell the website's overall score from where you get the backlinks for the website. It refers to how many valuable backlinks are to your domain and the authority of those links.  
For example: - The domain of .edu usually has better authority than .com or .net domains.
3. Search Engine Submission
You should submit your website to a maximum number of search engines. Most people only submit their websites to the most popular search engines like Google, Bing, etc. Still, they should also be submitted to other search engines like Baidu, AOL, Ask.Com, Excite, DuckDuckGo, Wolfram Alpha, Yandex, Lycos, Chacha.com. (Depends upon the business requirements).
4. Free classified Submission
It is a kind of technique in SEO where you advertise by doing classified submissions. It is a kind where you can upload or create ads according to your business on different free classified sites to get new customers.
5. Business Listing Sites
For Getting traffic to your website many businesses are listing on different places like google Business Profile, Bing, Yelp, Yellow pages, Justdial, etc. It will help to make it simple for the local customer to find the information about your business-like Address, phone number, website, reviews, etc.
6. PDF/PPT Submission/Article Submission  
You can get quality traffic to your website by submitting PPTs to other websites. Then, you place your website link in that PPT. So, when someone searches for the information, finds your PPT, and clicks on your link (which you placed on the PDF/PPT), it comes to your website. Article marketing involves writing articles and submitting them to article directories to build up links to your website. Today's trends mainly focused on content marketing rather than other activity.
7. Social Bookmarking/Social Media Engagement
When you tag a website page with a browser-based tool that you can again come to visit that page easily it is called social bookmarking.  
Share, comment on, and like other people's content to increase your visibility on social media platforms. You can also create shareable content of your own to boost your social media following.
8. Forum Posting
When you participate in online forums like Quora, Reddit, Medium, etc. for discussions and post your links, it creates traffic to your website. It’s like you reply to someone’s question, and then the other again raises another question or makes a discussion with you.  
9. Guest Blogging
This involves writing articles for other websites in your industry or niche. Guest blogging refers to when you invite someone from outside of your company to write a blog that will be published on your website. The writer will usually be an expert on the subjects.  
10. Press Release Submission
When you launch a new product or service then you write about new things, new information, events, or anything, and submit it on press release sites. Press Release is always written with SEO technique to get more and more traffic to your website. Most businesses do this after launching their product or services so that people will aware of it and the information avail on the internet.
11. Infographic Submission
A visual representation of some information is called an infographic. Creating infographics can help increase brand awareness and drive traffic to your website. There are several infographic submission websites where you can submit your visual information to get backlinks for your website. Nowadays, it is very popular as the reader like to see the visuals instead of reading long material. Some popular ones include Pinterest, Visual.ly, SlideShare, Flickr, Photobucket, and Infographics.
12. Video Submission
The submission of videos having information, events, or any other type on submission websites is called video submission. Create engaging videos that promote your business or product and share them across social media and other video-sharing websites. This is a very popular technique nowadays as everyone wants to see videos instead of reading paragraphs.
13. Q & A Submission
When you answer questions on different websites from different people, it helps to generate traffic to your website through backlinks.  
Following are a few Q&A websites to submit Q&A submissions. Quora.com, QsAns.com, StackOverflow.com, SuperUser.com, AskMeHelpDesk.com, Ehow.com, AskDeb.com
After reading this article, you must know how crucial off-page SEO is and how we can implement it to drive traffic to your websites. Off-page SEO core focus on driving traffic that impacts the ranking of your website in SERP.
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knitmeapony · 4 months
Thinking about starting a subreddit for people who want to find furniture, sports equipment, etc (anything but clothes) for people who are fat or tall or otherwise don't fit standard dimensions.
Basically 'consumer reports for people who are more than 250lbs and/or 6ft tall'
Reasons why subreddit:
allows people to post their own questions
allows for reasonable moderation already
gives pretty good SEO out of the gate
allows for tagging so people can filter posts
has decent search engine built in
allows for NSFW/18+ content with tags so questions about sex toys, etc can be asked
Rules I'm already thinking of:
Recommendations and questions both allowed, but no self-promotion on individual posts or maybe on one day a month or something (keeps down the spammers!)
Related: no surveys/market research
No diet talk at all
No judgement (about things that are usually disability related but get shamed, like 'best way to put on my socks when I have trouble bending over')
This is generally for goods, not services, so no asking about therapists, doctors, etc.
This is not a complaint forum, but you can post your personal negative experiences as an anti-recommendation on a question. (What I don't want: a post that's just 'I hate this company because of a single bad experience!' What I would be OK with: a post about yoga equipment where someone shares that their foam blocks from X company collapsed after a few uses)
Anyone else on Reddit interested in helping? Is this something that already exists elsewhere I can just join?
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behindthewox · 2 months
NEMESIS, goddess of revenge
In Greek mythology Nemesis is the name of the goddess of revenge and vengeance. The Romans called her Invidia, which is the latin word for envy. She had two brothers named Charon (ferryman to the dead) and Hypnos (the personification of sleep), and her sister Eris is the goddess of Discord.
What is Nemesis?
In Resident Evil 3: Nemesis the main antagonist is named Nemesis T-Type, nicknamed the Pursuer. He is presumably named Nemesis after the Greek goddess of vengeance. Nemesis T-Type is one of the two greatest of all bio-weapons created by the Umbrella Corporation.
Can Nemesis be good? In Rick Riordan's series Percy Jackson and the Olympians Nemesis is initially portrayed as a bad character, but it is later on pointed out that she is also the goddess of balance. The balance between good and evil is a necessity, and without balance there'd be neither good nor bad. While she's not a typically "good" character and may fall on the "evil" side in many aspects, good would probably not exist without her and the balance she keeps between good and evil.
Is it normal to have a nemesis? Most libraries will probably have a copy of the Agatha Christie novel Nemesis. If you are a main character it is highly advised to have a nemesis, especially if your story is about the fight between good and evil. It is not normal to have a proposed dwarf star from the Sun's extreme outer orbit in your possession. The asteroid in the main belt, 128 Nemesis, is probably best left where it is.
What is going on here?
Are you wondering what the eff I'm going on about? This is a quick example of what an SEO blog post could look like, using the keyword "nemesis" and a bit of googling to find the most commonly asked questions and related searches. The closer you can match what people will search for, the better. SEO blogposts is a new requirement for all sites, calling for 2 blogposts per week using keywords that the Mugs send out each week. The keyword must be used at least 7 times, including headlines. It's a pretty standard SEO structure.
It's tricky to write a good blog post using the SEO requirements, but the point with SEO isn't that the blog post has to be good - it just has to contain certain words a certain number of times. If it feels forced and awkward that's because it is pretty forced and awkward. Admittedly, this example is not a serious attempt at making a SEO blogpost. This is a me making a bad example on purpose to make a point. But I am still following the instructions and meeting (surpassing, actually) all the requirements. As far as SEO goes, it's an excellent example. Some people might even find it somewhat amusing.
SEO - friend or nemesis? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation and it's all about getting your website or article onto the first page of results on the online search engines like Google. It's a pretty big deal. If someone searches "roleplay forum percy jackson" we'd want World of Olympus to be the top result, right? Without SEO it could easily end up at the bottom of the page and how many people will scroll that far? Not many. SEO is a really big deal.
[NOTE: I am not an expert on this and with only mere hours of research under my belt on such a complicated thing as SEO, it's very possible that my understanding and portrayal of it might not be entirely accurate. If I'm waaay off, please correct me.]
So by following the new blog rules and squeezing in keywords wherever possible, WoX sites will show up on top when people google the keywords? Don't be silly. It'll help a little bit, sure, but the real trick is SEO within the site code and content of the site as a whole. Saying "nemesis" a dozen times in a blog post certainly helps as the numbers add up, but don't expect your SEO-ed blogpost to bring in new users as if you're running paid ads. It's not magic, it takes work and strategic marketing. This is a long game. It will take months of SEO-ing to improve your site's SEO. It's worth doing but it needs to be done right. If your SEO-ed blogposts are as bad as my example, you're gonna lose a lot of respect and reputation in the many months it will take to get actual SEO results. Quantity comes at the cost of quality, especially if you don't have the time and resources to do it well. A lot of sites don't have the capacity to churn out biweekly blog posts right now, especially not with the additional requirement to figure out what this SEO thing is and how to do it without looking… well, desperate and pathetic.
SEO is important and it is worth doing. But at what cost? What is the point of showcasing the site blogs if the content on them doesn't show the best that the site has to offer? My suggestion is this: encourage SEO through support and positive reinforcement, not by force or pressure. This is volunteer work, after all. Take it slow, one step at a time. Be patient and let it take the time it takes. It's not magic and it won't work overnight either way, and if you don't do it right you might end up spending even more time and resources having to correct for it in the long run.
One step at a time. Don't try to run before you've learned to walk.
SEO stats on this blog post H1 x1, keyword x1 H2 x2, keyword x1 H3 x3, keyword x3 Paragraphs x 9 Total word count: 947 (stats excluded) Total keyword count: 16 (out of 7 required)
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ashen-crest · 1 year
a stats report on the rk ashwick books (as of April 2023)
some folks responded positively to the idea of seeing data on how my books have done (for indie author research and benchmark purposes), so here you go!
I'll put everything under the cut:
📚 What do I write?
Cozy fantasy romance under the pen name R.K. Ashwick.
📚 Why do I write?
Because I love it. I have a full-time job that isn't related to writing, so I write in my spare time. I should also note that I do not have dependents, am not a caregiver, and I do have anxiety and ADHD. I am not certain that I want to be a full-time writer, given the financial instability and the joy it could take away from writing. However, I want my books to be and perform the best they can, so I try to be professional about my product and methods.
(To me, this is all important context to be up-front about. Finances, family size, and health all have a huge impact on an author's goals and strategies.)
📚 How many books do I have out?
The Stray Spirit: released August 2022. First in a planned trilogy.
A Rival Most Vial: released March 2023. First in a planned trilogy.
📚 Online Visibility
Here's what I have going on:
Website (requires $ for hosting)
BookFunnel for newsletter promos, sales promos, and ARC distribution (site requires $ to join)
Newsletter (currently managing on free version of Mailerlite, since I'm under 1000 followers)
Facebook page (not consistently maintained, mostly for SEO)
Instagram, posting 5x/wk
TikTok, posting 5k/wk
Tumblr- hi!
using things like LibraryThing, GoodReads forums, Reddit, and FB pages to find more ARC readers
I was doing Amazon ads, but recently nixed them, as I didn't feel they were really getting me anything. I'll likely return to them once I have more books out.
A Note on Follower Count: I have, like 10 FB followers, 400-ish Insta followers, 1500 TikTok folders, and almost 1600 Tumblr followers. I've been on Tumblr the longest and TikTok second longest. TikTok had the fastest growth, Insta the slowest. However, general advice is that engagement rate is more important than follower count. I'll be real, I'm not doing that hot on that front. I'll consistently get around 20 likes on Insta posts and TikTok often caps my video views at around 200 or 300. The videos that do the best on TT often aren't the ones related to my books. Fun times.
A Note on Newsletter Stats: I have a pretty consistent open rate of 25-30%, which I think is okay. I'd like for it to be closer to 40%. (It's also hard to actually track open rates, so that number isn't entirely reliable.)
A Note on ARC Reader Stats: I got 100 readers for TSS and almost 200 for ARMV. This resulted in a ballpark count of 20 reviews for TSS and 30 reviews for ARMV around release time.
📚 Other Marketing Strategies
What you see above under Visibility is my ongoing work. I also do more limited-run strategies, like:
occasional free book giveaways on social media
pre-order gifts for my book
I sent out around 20 pre-order gift envelopes for TSS and 45 for ARMV. I operate the pre-order gifts at a loss, but I really enjoy doing it, so I'm okay with it. I also have lots of leftover stickers and bookmarks that I can bundle with giveaways.
📚 Distribution
I distribute wide through:
Amazon: both ebook and paperback
IngramSpark: paperback only
Draft2Digital: ebook only
📚 Orders & Royalties
So, what did all this work and shennanery get me?
From July 2022-April 2023 (10 months):
Books Sold: 575
Total Royalties, paid and unpaid: $1543.49 ($2.68 per book)
📚 Is that good or bad?
I have no idea!! And I think in the end, it all depends on your goals.
If my goal was to make a living: welp, it's def not enough.
If my goal was to break even: between website set up, DBA set up, cover cost, editing cost, illustrator cost: nah. I'd have to make about $4,000 more to safely say I've broken even.
If my goal was to get strangers, and not just family and friends, to read my books: oh hey, I did that!!
I hope this information helps you set a goal, so you're not mentally wandering around like I am.
📚 Other Notes
A big factor in having a financially successful indie book is fitting genre conventions in your chosen subgenre, or 'writing to market.' I will say that A Rival Most Vial is more written to market than The Stray Spirit is. The Stray Spirit sort of straddles cozy, historical, and academic fantasy without actually leaning in to any of those things, so it's a little harder to market.
I also spent a lot on cover, editing, and illustration. That makes it harder to be a financially viable business, but it's what I wanted to do to have a strong finished product. I am lucky in that my full-time job can cover these expenses.
I'm not very good at social media. I've never had anything go viral on any of the sites.
The most rewarding part of all this is seeing how people react to the book: reviews, videos where they're almost crying over the book, podcast invitations, and [something a bit bigger than I'll announce in the summer.] At the end of the day, if I have a small group of buyers who are vocal in engaging with my books, that's far more rewarding than a large group of buyers who don't engage.
📚 Parting Thoughts
I'm happy to talk about any and all aspects of my self-publishing experience. If you have more questions or want more details, feel free to reply, send an ask, or DM me!
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saintmeghanmarkle · 26 days
I found something rather interesting on Instagram (a place I don't visit nearly as often as in the past) that I want to share with y'all. by u/deercl
I found something rather interesting on Instagram (a place I don't visit nearly as often as in the past) that I want to share with y'all. I've seen repeated comments on this forum about how TOW posts a lot of things immediately have a[nother] fail in order to change what comes up on a Google search. Also, there seems to be things that have disappeared.Well, according to the IG post by defender_of_the_republic (you can do a search on IG for his April 8th post) you can get around this issue. This poster was sharing info from another IG post [Grant Gulovsen] who said the following: "Someone recently posted a hot tip about adding 'before:2023' to Google web searches. ...It gets rid of so much AI-generated SEO crap." This addition is supposed to be at the beginning of the search string.Now, I've not tried this because I'm a lazy researcher nor do I want my life to become saturated with These Two. I wonder if you can choose any year - say 2016 - and perhaps find info that has supposedly been cleaned.Please, if anyone tries this, let us know here.ETA: I tried it and it seems to work, but I'm not a "pro" when it comes to doing google searches. post link: https://ift.tt/jhyevdk author: deercl submitted: May 05, 2024 at 11:52PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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Digital Marketing Course Content
Fundamentals of Digital marketing & Its Significance, Traditional marketing Vs Digital Marketing, Evolution of Digital Marketing, Digital Marketing Landscape, Key Drivers, Digital Consumer & Communities, Gen Y & Netizen’s expectation & influence wrt Digital Marketing.  The Digital users in India, Digital marketing Strategy- Consumer Decision journey,
POEM Framework, Segmenting & Customizing messages, Digital advertising Market in India, Skills in Digital Marketing, Digital marketing Plan.  Terminology used in Digital Marketing, PPC and online marketing through social media, Social Media Marketing, SEO techniques, Keyword advertising, Google web-master and analytics overview, Affiliate Marketing, Email Marketing, Mobile marketing
Display adverting, Buying Models, different type of ad tools, Display advertising terminology, types of display ads, different ad formats, Ad placement techniques, Important ad terminology, Programmatic Digital Advertising.
Social Media Marketing
Fundamentals of Social Media Marketing& its significance, Necessity of Social media Marketing, Building a Successful strategy: Goal Setting, Implementation.  Facebook Marketing: Facebook for Business, Facebook Insight, Different types of Ad formats, Setting up Facebook Advertising Account, Facebook audience & types, Designing Facebook Advertising campaigns, Facebook Avatar, Apps, Live, Hashtags  LinkedIn Marketing: Importance of LinkedIn presence, LinkedIn Strategy, Content Strategy, LinkedIn analysis, Targeting, Ad Campaign  Twitter Marketing:- Basics, Building a content strategy, Twitter usage, Twitter Ads, Twitter ad campaigns, Twitter Analytics, Twitter Tools and tips for mangers. Instagram & Snapchat basics.
Search Engine Optimization
Introduction to SEO, How Search engine works, SEO Phases, History Of SEO, How SEO Works, What is Googlebot (Google Crawler), Types Of SEO technique, Keywords, Keyword Planner tools  On page Optimization, Technical Elements, HTML tags, Schema.org, RSS Feeds, Microsites, Yoast SEO Plug-in  Off page Optimization- About Off page optimization, Authority & hubs, Backlink, Blog Posts, Press Release, Forums, Unnatural links.  Social media Reach- Video Creation & Submission, Maintenance- SEO tactics, Google search Engine, Other Suggested tools
Advertising Tools & Its Optimization
Advertising & its importance, Digital Advertising, Different Digital Advertisement, Performance of Digital Advertising:- Process & players, Display Advertising Media, Digital metrics  Buying Models- CPC, CPM, CPL, CPA, fixed Cost/Sponsorship, Targeting:- Contextual targeting, remarking, Demographics , Geographic & Language Targeting.  Display adverting, different type of ad tools, Display advertising terminology, types of display ads, different ad formats, Ad placement techniques, Important ad terminology, ROI measurement techniques, AdWords & Adsense.  YouTube Advertising:- YouTube Channels, YouTube Ads, Type of Videos, Buying Models, Targeting & optimization, Designing & monitoring Video Campaigns, Display campaigns
Website Hosting Using Word Press
Website Planning & Development- Website, Types of Websites, Phases of website development, Keywords: Selection process  Domain & Web Hosting:- Domain, Types of Domain, Where to Buy Domain, Webhosting, How to buy Webhosting  Building Website using Word press-What is Word press, CMS, Post and Page  Word press Plug-ins- Different Plug-ins, social media Plug-ins, page builder plug-ins: the elementor, how to insert a section, how to insert logo, Google Micro sites
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netsqure · 1 month
Mastering SEO: A Comprehensive Guide to On-Page, Off-Page, and Technical Optimization
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It is the process of upgrading a website’s search engine visibility, including Google, Bing, and Yahoo. In other words, many activities focused on building a website all have a single goal of attracting more traffic via search engines. SEO aims to increase organic (non-paid) traffic to a website by ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).SEO involves different techniques and strategies, including keyword research, on-page optimization, off-page optimization, and technical optimization
Types of SEO
on-page optimization
on-page optimization
technical optimization
What is On-Page SEO?
On-page SEO refers to optimizing individual web pages to improve their search engine rankings and earn more relevant traffic. These elements include
Quality Content: Quality Content is a term used to describe valuable, relevant, and engaging material that meets the searchers’ intention and adequately addresses their issues. 
Keyword Optimization: Keyword Optimization is the method in which keywords are inserted strategically throughout the text. Keyword optimization includes both the post’s overview and headings, the body, and its most relevant elements like title tags and meta descriptions without repetition and keyword stuffing. 
Title Tags and Meta Descriptions: Tags and Meta descriptions are Appealing headlines and summaries accurately that reflect the content of the page and encourage users to click through from search results.
URL Structure: Clean, and descriptive URLs containing relevant keywords to help search users and engines easily identify what the page is about.
Header Tags (H1, H2, etc.): Use header tags to structure content hierarchically and highlight important sections, while also incorporating keywords naturally.
Image Optimization: Images on a website should be optimized with descriptive file names and alt text which can help improve page load time and accessibility.
Internal Linking: Links on your website that direct users to another page on the website. It helps search engines crawl and index your website but also distributes link equity.
Page Speed: The speed of the site of the webpage is vital and can be achieved by optimizing code, compressing images, leveraging browser caching, and using content delivery networks among others. This is to make the loading of the site faster enough reducing the time taken to access the webpage.
Mobile-Friendliness: The webpage should allow its users to view easily on various devices such as tablets and smartphones. This can only be achieved when the webpage is designed and structured in a way that whoever views it can access data quickly
Schema Markup: The webpage should mark its structure in the form of a markup that will help the search engine to better understand the site’s structure and also the scope of what the content is about. This may make the search engines view it as rich snippets hence rankings.
What is OFF Page SEO?
Off-page SEO is any activity performed outside of a website to increase its search engine ranking and credibility. This encompasses the creation of backlinks from other high-ranking websites as well as social media promotion, influencer interaction, online PR, and other strategies to boost the website’s authority in the view of search tools. Key aspects of off-page SEO include:
Link Building
Social Media Engagement
Guest Blogging
Influencer Outreach
Content Promotion
Forum Participation
Directory Submissions
Social Bookmarking
What is Technical SEO?
Technical SEO. The goal of this approach is to boost a website’s ranking or messaging by improving technical aspects such as website speed, mobile-friendliness, secure HTTPS connection, XML sitemaps, structured data markup, canonical tags, etc.
Website Speed-  Website speed can be achieved by optimising code, compressing images, browser caching , and content delivery networks (CDNs).
Mobile Friendliness- Website design and structure should enable it to be accessed in the best way possible to meet the needs of devices like smartphones and tablets.
Crawlability and Indexability- It should ensure that all web pages can effectively be crawled and indexed by search engine bots by eliminating crawl errors, using XML sitemaps, and implementing robots .txt directives.
Site Architecture- To make it easier for users and search engines to navigate, a site architecture that is normal and well-structured should try to set up with navigation menus, URL structure, and internal linking
HTTPS Security- Encrypting data between a user's browser and a website with HTTPS can ensure secure data transmission and improve search engine rankings.
Structured Data Markup-  Adding schema markup to a website can provide search engines with more context about its content and result in rich snippets appearing in search results.
Optimized URLs-  Creating descriptive, keyword-rich URLs that accurately reflect the content of the page and are easy for both users and search engines to understand.
XML Sitemaps- Creating and sending XML sitemaps to search engines gives them access to a thorough list of every page on your website, making it easier for them to find and crawl material.
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toytulini · 10 months
i do love my car it is the perfect car aside from the. imperfections and frequent problems,
#toy txt post#😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔#why is the flex pipe broken again! who is responsible.#anyway i know how this sounds but also im right. i just want a tiny little car like i have#but like for all the parts to be high quality and easy to replace. u know. but alas#after spending hours trawling past the seo listicles about 5 signs that my flex pipe is failing#looking desperately for the forums where i cannot understand anything theyre saying. it seems like#when the shop replaced the flexpipe previously they must not have used an OEM part and swapped it out for a cheaper part#and or. my engine mounts are failing? and or. exhaust hangar issue???#and the guy at the mechanic shop was like oh its like a design flaw with the cars that have flex pipes and the front wheel drive engines#that rock back and forth instead of side to side so they just wear out faster. but also it shouldnt wear out this fast. and its bc my car is#a shitty cheap little piece of shit. but also its bc something is wrong like this happens to plenty of other cars too that arent fiats#and im sure we'll look into it and shrig and get the flex pipe replaced and ill be like okay. can we replace it with a just straight pipe#that isnt flexing? no bc thatll lead to wear and tear destorying more expensive parts? ok. what about beefier mounts or more mounts to make#the engine chill out. no probably not bc it probably needs to move a little bit or else theyd find a way to make it stop moving. well okay#what if we take the engine out and fucking rotate it so that it rocks side to side instead?since all the car guys are waxing poetic about#that? no? thats not possible? i think it probably is possibly but what you mean is its not feasible or realistic and its not worth it and i#should just keep replacing this one piece or what the fuck ever.#mostly i think im just tired of how my parents treat my car now? i get it you hate it. please just accept the fact that you are going to#hate any car i have bc im not ever being the newest release of the pedestriancrusher3000 suv tank that beeps when someone is next to me#like i joke but literally it seems like all they want is for me to get a different bigger car. i dont want or need a bigger car.#we have been having this argument since i started learning to drive. no one who taught me to drive understands that bigger car=more anxious#cos im anxious about Different Things than they are. maybe i could have slightly better Visibility but at least i can see over my fucking#hood#anyway. i do wish i could get my exact car but with like higher quality materials/construction and like. as a plug in hybrid instead#electric sounds nice in theory but i dont think its for me just yet?#ive seen new electric fiats (which they arent selling here btw) (fuck you if you want a small new car lol)#car companies be like america? oh those fuckers only want the largest tanks we can legally allow on the road. and then the 3 of us american#folk that do actually want small cars are like hey uh. how do i get a small one. i know yall make them. ive seen it#and the companies are like oh we dont sell them to you. you only like big cars
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gemstonenostalgia · 5 months
More than touch typing, I think proper use of search engines is extremely important. The majority of kids younger than me were never taught how to use Google correctly. They don't know that you can use quotes to search for exact phrases or the hyphen to filter out a word or source.
Nor were they shown how to check and verify sources. We were always told "Wikipedia is not a source" but we were also shown how to find good sources and hopefully filter out propaganda. (Who owns this site? Who funded this study? Why might they have interest in misrepresenting their results?)
Recently I terrifyingly read that a lot of teens use IG or Tiktok search bars to essentially Google? And getting your info from vids on one website of unverified regular folks is just a breeding ground for the spread of misinfo.
man, a few years ago i would have wholeheartedly agreed but idk how useful google really is anymore. It's a far cry from when I learned to use it, where you could enter a term and look at pages upon pages of results. Now when I'm looking for something specific that isn't in the first 3 sponsored results, I can't just keep digging for increasingly niche or less relevant results, because after loading a page or two of results I get obvious scam or malware URLs with good SEO in the meta desc. And then it stops! Relying on short social media videos for info isn't good but idk a good fix for it beyond teaching healthy skepticism. Like as an example, last year I was curious if a site I remember from 10+ years ago was still around, I remembered it as an html-based site where you could make a name tag with dozens of queer identity terms. Searched for it both by descriptions of what it was, how I thought the author may have described it, and by putting specific terms I remember being on the form in quotes... I could not get google to show me anything except pop psych explainers on gender dysphoria and transphobic news articles. Like fully rather than show me pages that had the terms I put in quotes, it would tell me there weren't results with that term and show me ones that didn't include it. This was a site I found on accident googling LGBT topics as a teenager!
(I did eventually find it again though I don't remember how, think it may have been a forum post linking to the site? it's yaygenderform and it was mindblowing to me at age 14 when i literally only knew the terms lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender)
I'm curious, were you taught how to verify sources in grade school or college? Because wasn't taught in grade school, teachers fully let me turn in projects and papers citing awful sources and never commented on them. But I dropped out of college to quickly to learn much, either.
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Digital Marketing Course in New Chandkheda
1. Digital Marketing Course in New Chandkheda Ahmedabad Overview
2. Personal Digital Marketing Course in New Chandkheda – Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
What are Search Engines and Basics?
HTML Basics.
On Page Optimization.
Off Page Optimization.
Essentials of good website designing & Much More.
3. Content Marketing
Content Marketing Overview and Strategy
Content Marketing Channels
Creating Content
Content Strategy & Challenges
Image Marketing
Video Marketing
Measuring Results
4. Website Structuring
What is Website?- Understanding website
How to register Site & Hosting of site?
Domain Extensions
5. Website Creation Using WordPress
Web Page Creation
WordPress Themes, Widgets, Plugins
Contact Forms, Sliders, Elementor
6. Blog Writing
Blogs Vs Website
How to write blogs for website
How to select topics for blog writing
AI tools for Blog writing
7. Google Analytics
Navigating Google Analytics
Traffic Source
Real Time Visitors
Bounce Rate%
Actionable Insights
Making Better Decisions
8. Understand Acquisition & Conversion
Traffic Reports
Events Tracking
Customization Reports
Actionable Insights
Making Better Decisions
Comparision Reports
9. Google Search Console
Website Performance
Url Inspection
Accelerated Mobile Pages
Google index
Security issues
Search Analytics
Links to your Site
Internal Links
Manual Actions
10. Voice Search Optimization
What is voice engine optimization?
How do you implement voice search optimization?
Why you should optimize your website for voice search?
11. E Commerce SEO
Introduction to E commerce SEO
What is e-commerce SEO?
How Online Stores Can Drive Organic Traffic
12. Google My Business: Local Listings
What is Local SEO
Importance of Local SEO
Submission to Google My Business
Completing the Profile
Local SEO Ranking Signals
Local SEO Negative Signals
Citations and Local
13. Social Media Optimization
What is Social Media?
How social media help Business?
Establishing your online identity.
Engaging your Audience.
How to use Groups, Forums, etc.
14. Facebook Organic
How can Facebook be used to aid my business?
Developing a useful Company / fan Page
Establishing your online identity.
Engaging your Audience, Types of posts, post scheduling
How to create & use Groups
Importance of Hashtags & how to use them
15. Twitter Organic
Basic concepts – from setting-up optimally, creating a Twitter business existence, to advanced marketing procedures and strategies.
How to use Twitter
What are hashtags, Lists
Twitter Tools
Popular Twitter Campiagns
16. LinkedIn Organic
Your Profile: Building quality connections & getting recommendations from others
How to use Groups-drive traffic with news & discussions
How to create LinkedIn Company Page & Groups
Engaging your Audience.
17. YouTube Organic
How to create YouTube channel
Youtube Keyword Research
Publish a High Retention Video
YouTube ranking factors
YouTube Video Optimization
Promote Your Video
Use of playlists
18. Video SEO
YouTube Keyword Research
Publish a High Retention Video
YouTube Ranking Factors
YouTube Video Optimization
19. YouTube Monetization
YouTube channel monetization policies
How Does YouTube Monetization Work?
YouTube monetization requirements
20. Social Media Tools
What are the main types of social media tools?
Top Social Media Tools You Need to Use
Tools used for Social Media Management
21. Social Media Automation
What is Social Media Automation?
Social Media Automation/ Management Tool
Buffer/ Hootsuite/ Postcron
Setup Connection with Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, Etc.
Add/ Remove Profiles in Tools
Post Scheduling in Tools
Performance Analysis
22. Facebook Ads
How to create Business Manager Accounts
What is Account, Campaign, Ad Sets, Ad Copy
How to Create Campaigns on Facebook
What is Budget & Bidding
Difference Between Reach & Impressions
Facebook Retargeting
23. Instagram Ads
Text Ads and Guidelines
Image Ad Formats and Guidelines
Landing Page Optimization
Performance Metrics: CTR, Avg. Position, Search Term
Report, Segment Data Analysis, Impression Shares
AdWords Policies, Ad Extensions
24. LinkedIn Ads
How to create Campaign Manager Account
What is Account, Campaign Groups, Campaigns
Objectives for Campaigns
Bidding Strategies
Detail Targeting
25. YouTube Advertising
How to run Video Ads?
Types of Video Ads:
Skippable in Stream Ads
Non Skippable in stream Ads
Bumper Ads
Bidding Strategies for Video Ads
26. Google PPC
Ad-Words Account Setup
Creating Ad-Words Account
Ad-Words Dash Board
Billing in Ad-Words
Creating First Campaign
Understanding purpose of Campaign
Account Limits in Ad-Words
Location and Language Settings
Networks and Devices
Bidding and Budget
Schedule: Start date, end date, ad scheduling
Ad delivery: Ad rotation, frequency capping
Ad groups and Keywords
27. Search Ads/ Text Ads
Text Ads and Guidelines
Landing Page Optimization
Performance Metrics: CTR, Avg. Position, Search Term
Report, Segment Data Analysis, Impression Shares
AdWords Policies, Ad Extensions
CPC bidding
Types of Keywords: Exact, Broad, Phrase
Bids & Budget
How to create Text ads
28. Image Ads
Image Ad Formats and Guidelines
Targeting Methods: Keywords, Topics, Placement Targeting
Performance Metrics: CPM, vCPM, Budget
Report, Segment Data Analysis, Impression Shares
Frequency Capping
Automated rules
Target Audience Strategies
29. Video Ads
How to Video Ads
Types of Video Ads
Skippable in stream ads
Non-skippable in stream ads
Bumper Ads
How to link Google AdWords Account to YouTube Channel
30. Discovery Ads
What are Discovery Ads
How to Create Discovery Ads
Bidding Strategies
How to track conversions
31. Bidding Strategies in Google Ads
Different Bidding Strategies in Google AdWords
CPC bidding, CPM bidding, CPV bidding
How to calculate CTR
What are impressions, impression shares
32. Performance Planner
33. Lead Generation for Business
Why Lead Generation Is Important?
Understanding the Landing Page
Understanding Thank You Page
Landing Page Vs. Website
Best Practices to Create Landing Page
Best Practices to Create Thank You Page
What Is A/B Testing?
How to Do A/B Testing?
Converting Leads into Sale
Understanding Lead Funnel
34. Conversion Tracking Tool
Introduction to Conversion Optimization
Conversion Planning
Landing Page Optimization
35. Remarketing and Conversion
What is conversion
Implementing conversion tracking
Conversion tracking
Remarketing in adwords
Benefits of remarketing strategy
Building remarketing list & custom targets
Creating remarketing campaign
36. Quora Marketing
How to Use Quora for Marketing
Quora Marketing Strategy for Your Business
37. Growth Hacking Topic
Growth Hacking Basics
Role of Growth Hacker
Growth Hacking Case Studies
38. Introduction to Affiliate Marketing
Understanding Affiliate Marketing
Sources to Make money online
Applying for an Affiliate
Payments & Payouts
39. Introduction to Google AdSense
Basics of Google Adsense
Adsense code installation
Different types of Ads
Increasing your profitability through Adsense
Effective tips in placing video, image and text ads into your website correctly
40. Google Tag Manager
Adding GTM to your website
Configuring trigger & variables
Set up AdWords conversion tracking
Set up Google Analytics
Set up Google Remarketing
Set up LinkedIn Code
41. Email Marketing
Introduction to Email Marketing basic.
How does Email Marketing Works.
Building an Email List.
Creating Email Content.
Optimising Email Campaign.
Email Marketing Best Practices
42. SMS Marketing
Setting up account for Bulk SMS
Naming the Campaign & SMS
SMS Content
Character limits
SMS Scheduling
43. Media Buying
Advertising: Principles, Concepts and Management
Media Planning
44. What’s App Marketing
Whatsapp Marketing Strategies
Whatsapp Business Features
Business Profile Setup
Auto Replies
45. Influencer Marketing
Major topics covered are, identifying the influencers, measuring them, and establishing a relationship with the influencer. A go through the influencer marketing case studies.
46. Freelancing Projects
How to work as a freelancer
Different websites for getting projects on Digital Marketing
47. Online Reputation Management
What Is ORM?
Why We Need ORM
Examples of ORM
Case Study
48. Resume Building
How to build resume for different job profiles
Platforms for resume building
Which points you should add in Digital Marketing Resume
49. Interview Preparation
Dos and Don’t for Your First Job Interview
How to prepare for interview
Commonly asked interview question & answers
50. Client Pitch
How to send quotation to the clients
How to decide budget for campaign
Quotation formats
51. Graphic Designing: Canva
How to create images using tools like Canva 
How to add effects to images
52. Analysis of Other Website
Post navigatio
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digitalartmarketing · 5 months
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Here are some ways to use SEO for your digital art projects:
Keyword Research:
Identify relevant keywords: Find out what potential buyers and collectors are searching for online. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or SEMrush to discover popular keywords related to your art style, subject matter, and medium.
Target long-tail keywords: While high-volume keywords are tempting, they're also highly competitive. Focus on longer, more specific keywords with lower search volume but higher purchase intent. For example, instead of "digital art", target "abstract digital art prints for living room".
Include keywords naturally: Don't stuff keywords into your content just for SEO. Use them naturally and relevantly in your titles, descriptions, tags, and website copy.
Website Optimization:
Create a user-friendly website: Your website should be fast, mobile-responsive, and easy to navigate. Optimize image sizes for fast loading and use clear, descriptive filenames.
Optimize page titles and meta descriptions: These are snippets displayed in search results, so include relevant keywords and enticing descriptions to encourage clicks.
Use alt text for images: Include descriptive alt text for each image, incorporating relevant keywords. This helps visually-impaired users and improves image search ranking.
Build internal linking: Create links between related pages on your website to help search engines understand your content structure and distribute authority.
Content Marketing:
Create valuable content: Publish blog posts, articles, or tutorials related to your art and expertise. This establishes you as an authority in your field and attracts potential buyers.
Promote your content: Share your content on social media, relevant online communities, and forums. Consider engaging in guest blogging or collaborations with other artists.
Optimize your content for social media: Use relevant hashtags and visuals to improve discoverability.
Technical SEO:
Ensure your website is mobile-friendly: Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in search results. Use Google's Mobile-Friendly Test to check your website and make necessary adjustments.
Submit your website to search engines: Use Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools to submit your website and sitemap for indexing.
Fix technical issues: Address any technical errors crawling or indexing issues identified by search consoles.
Additional Tips:
Build backlinks: Earn high-quality backlinks from other relevant websites to improve your website's authority and ranking.
Engage with your audience: Respond to comments and questions on your website and social media. Building a community fosters trust and loyalty.
Local SEO: If you sell physical prints or offer local services, optimize your website and online presence for local searches.
Monitor and analyze: Use website analytics tools like Google Analytics to track your website traffic, identify popular content, and optimize your strategy accordingly.
SEO is an ongoing process that requires patience and continuous effort. Now in 2024, by implementing these strategies, you can significantly increase the visibility of your digital art projects and attract potential buyers and collectors.
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madhukumarc · 5 months
SEO Challenges - [Know these Top 7 to Rank Higher]
SEO challenges might look big, but you can solve them too with timely efforts.
In this blog post, I can shed some light on the top 7 challenges faced by SEO professionals including the latest challenge buzz by Search Generative Experience [SGE], and provide insights on how to overcome them.
Do you know? - “Without a strong SEO foundation, you will completely rely on paid spend” – Conductor
SEO Challenges:
1. Changing Search Engine Algorithms:
One of the biggest challenges in SEO is keeping up with the ever-changing search algorithms.
Google, in particular, updates its algorithm multiple times a year, which means that what worked yesterday may not work today.
To stay on top of these changes, it's crucial to keep yourself informed through industry blogs, forums, newsletters, and conferences.
Keep following the blogs of Ahrefs, Semrush, Search Engine Round Table, Search Engine Journal, and Search Engine Land to get yourself updated.
“Because SEO is a dynamic field that involves frequent algorithm updates and evolving best practices, you’ll need to continue your SEO education and keep up with industry changes” – Semrush
2. Conducting Keyword Research:
Another challenge is keyword research. Choosing the right keywords is essential for optimizing your website's content and driving organic traffic.
However, finding the right balance between high search volume and low competition can be tricky.
To overcome this challenge, I suggest using premium keyword research tools like Ahrefs, Semrush, Long Tail Pro, or Keyword Tool to identify relevant keywords with high search volume and low competition.
You might also get some initial keyword research and content ideas from using other SEO tools like Google Keyword Planner, Answer The Public, Also Asked, and Exploding Topics.
You can further supplement your efforts using Quora, and Reddit platforms for most SEO-burning issues discussed, commented, and shared via their forums and communities respectively.
“Your keyword research should go beyond merely evaluating search volume and keyword difficulty to discovering the intent, topical galaxy, audience characteristics, and place in the buyer’s journey for every keyword” – seoClarity
3. Monitoring Technical SEO Issues:
Technical SEO issues can also pose a significant challenge. This includes problems like slow page speed, broken links, indexing errors, duplicate content, and mobile-friendliness.
These issues not only affect your website's user experience but also impact your search engine rankings.
To tackle technical SEO challenges, perform regular audits of your website using tools like Google Search Console, Ahrefs Webmaster Tools, Semrush, or Screaming Frog.
Address any issues that are identified promptly.
“Technical SEO, in its basic form, is ensuring your website has a good technical standing so search engines can crawl, index and rank it well” – SEOTesting
4. Creating High-Quality Content:
Creating high-quality content is another challenge in SEO.
Gone are the days when keyword stuffing could get you to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). Today, search engines prioritize content that provides value to users.
To overcome this challenge, focus on creating informative, valuable, and engaging content that solves your target audience's problems.
Incorporate relevant keywords naturally and aim for content that covers topics comprehensively. Long-form content at all times is not necessary.
Unless the search intent is met as required, even short-form blog posts and articles serve the purpose.
Always focus on people-first approach content than SEO-first approach content, though you can optimize later.
“To excel in today’s evolving digital landscape, content creators must produce high-quality content that provides value and captures their target audience’s attention” – Search Engine Journal
5. Link Building or Backlinks:
Link building is yet another SEO challenge. Building high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites is crucial for improving your website's authority and rankings.
However, acquiring these backlinks can be time-consuming and challenging. To overcome this challenge, focus on creating link-worthy content that others would naturally want to link to.
Additionally, engage in guest blogging opportunities or collaborate with influencers in your industry to earn valuable backlinks.
Engaging in buying backlinks goes against Google's rules, and this approach might not be effective in the long run.
On the other hand, building links through genuine relationships is becoming more valuable and influential nowadays.
Internal linking between relevant website pages or blog posts is also important to remember for better search engine rankings.
“According to Aira’s State of Link Building report, guest blogging is the third most popular link building strategy, with 47% of surveyed SEOs using it as their go-to” – Ahrefs
6. Measuring SEO Performance:
Measuring and analyzing SEO performance can be a challenge.
It's important to track key metrics such as organic traffic, bounce rate, conversion rate, keyword rankings, and any others based on your business-specific to assess the effectiveness of your SEO efforts.
Utilize tools like Google Analytics [GA-4] and Google Search Console [GSC] to gain insights into these metrics and make data-driven decisions.
In fact, according to many SEO experts, using these tools frequently will help you remain ahead by giving you more content ideas, allowing you to establish new SEO benchmarks, and monitoring a variety of user engagement behaviors.
Personally, I regularly check my GSC account to see which keywords my website is ranking for and to come up with fresh ideas for blog posts, and increasing my topical authority.
“Organic traffic (42% votes), followed by conversions (37% votes) and rankings (14% votes) are the top 3 metrics that are most effective in measuring SEO performance” – The State of Technical SEO Report 2023 from Aira & Women in Tech SEO
7. Influence of AI Search Generative Experience [SGE]:
You may know that search engines such as Google and Bing have incorporated AI into their search processes.
While this is still being developed and experimented with, certain bloggers, SEO experts, and website owners have noticed lower click-through rates (CTRs) and decreased organic traffic.
This is because AI-generated search or Search Generative Experience (SGE) results are taking up some of the visibility that was previously directed toward their content.
Simply put, organic results are further pushed down, which reduces the visibility of information. Although SGE doesn't affect every niche-based keyword or phrase, the search landscape is evolving.
Currently, it's necessary to get ready to adapt to this situation.
To enhance the visibility of your website content, focus on generating high-quality content and incorporating a variety of visual elements such as images, infographics, and embedded videos.
“SGE is still in its experimental stage, and many web and SEO marketers are still figuring out how generative AI can impact marketers and users in the future” – HubSpot
Pro-Tip: Make your website or blog mobile-friendly or mobile-optimized and, [if necessary], hire an SEO professional or agency to meet your business-specific needs, and get optimum results.
That being said, SEO isn't a "quick fix" for ranking; it's an ongoing process that requires constant effort and monitoring.
“Search results differ drastically between mobile and desktop. Google recently moved to mobile-first indexing, reflecting the importance and predominance of mobile compared to desktop” – Conductor
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In conclusion, SEO challenges are part and parcel of the ever-evolving digital landscape.
By staying up-to-date with algorithm changes, conducting thorough keyword research, addressing technical issues promptly, creating valuable content, building high-quality backlinks, measuring SEO performance effectively, and sailing through SGE, you can overcome these challenges, and achieve your SEO goals.
Remember, persistence and adaptability are key in this dynamic field.
Here's related information that you may also find helpful – Will AI Kill SEO?
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cindylouwho-2 · 1 year
RECENT NEWS, RESOURCES AND STUDIES, early February 2023 (Part 1)
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Yes, my latest news update is finally out - at least the first part of it. So much has gone on that breaking it into 2 parts seems like the best option for ease of reading. 
So the following contains the top news stories, all of the Etsy news, and general SEO information. The next update (coming in the next few days) will cover everything else that happened between the end of November and now. 
Since I am still a bit worried that Twitter will become unusable, I’ve begun posting more timely updates on LinkedIn, so please follow or connect with me there!  
As you may know, Royal Mail was hit by a ransomware attack that has restricted their incoming and outgoing international mail. Most international mail can now be sent, but things are still slow. Note that items entering the UK may also have taken longer than usual in the past month.
Etsy is continuing to refund buyers out of seller funds when cases are opened on orders $250 and up, even when tracking says the packages were delivered and some even signed for. I posted several of the Etsy forum threads and screenshots of deleted threads on Twitter. While many shop owners have received full refunds from Etsy after complaining, some of the recent examples are only getting 50% of the order value back. Let Etsy know what you think in this survey. Even orders below $250 are coming under additional scrutiny, with this news investigation [video and text] regarding a vintage shop that Etsy issued automatic refunds for without allowing the seller to comment on the cases. I am writing a blog post on the topic, so if you or anyone you know has been affected, please email me with the details - I promise to keep your details confidential if you wish. 
Americans who made at least $600 on a marketplace or through a payment processor/app in 2022 will not be receiving 1099-Ks for that income after all - the IRS has delayed that change for one year. The main reason seems to be the huge amount of new paperwork required for the platforms.
Etsy has had a bizarre checkout bug that only affects a tiny percentage of shops for a few weeks now with no sign of a solution for most of them. Shockingly, Support told one affected buyer “to go to another Etsy seller"! 
Hidden as a post in the Technical Issues section of the forum, Etsy announced that some non-US sellers would need to verify their bank accounts in 2023. They state that shops which opened after November 2020 do not need further verification, so I assume that means all of us non-US sellers who had to re-verify last year are ok as well. 
If you use the private listing option (even after Etsy removed most of the functionality), beware that those listings do not have a way to add estimated delivery times or return policies before publishing, so you need to rush to add them afterwards before the listing is purchased, or you lose seller protection. 
Etsy is testing (or doing a very slow rollout of) letting buyers make an offer on listings, but very few people have it. I did posts with a screenshot on LinkedIn, my Twitter account, and the Etsy Sellers subReddit. Here’s the Etsy forum thread started by someone who spotted this option. 
The “Updates to Etsy Search” article that came out mid-January is mostly coverage of things they did a few months ago, including an Add to Cart button in search, displaying the time remaining on expiring sales, video autoplay, and the Star Seller filter [don’t worry, the last one is hidden under the main filter button, so most visitors will never even see it]. They also mentioned the estimated delivery dates being displayed in search, but I haven’t seen that for at least a few weeks; right now I only see the filter they have had for a few years. [It’s pretty embarrassing when they make an announcement like this and it isn’t accurate - and they don’t even bother to correct it.] Remember, none of these things directly affect the ranking algorithm, and the elements of Star Seller - reviews, shipping on time and answering Messages promptly - are all part of the algorithm already, the latter 2 because they are part of the seller service level standards. If you are worried about the Star Seller filter, also remember that breaking any Etsy policy/rule can negatively affect your Customer & Marketplace Score. “to determine a shop’s Customer & Market Experience Score, Etsy considers a variety of factors that make up overall shop quality, including user reviews of products, whether or not a shop has completed an about section or its shop policies (e.g. returns), whether or not the shop may be able to fulfill orders in a timely fashion, and whether or not the shop may have violated any Etsy policies.” [my emphasis] 
January’s category updates includes 2 types of bags, plus changing “unisex” kids and baby clothing categories to “gender neutral”. 
The workaround to keep old written shop policies is now being removed, with many of us losing those old policies recently. You may be able to find caches on Google or Bing if you look quickly. Forum discussion thread. If you need to link to your new stripped down policies or your FAQs, here is how. 
Etsy is being sued for allegedly allowing counterfeit cashmere items on the site; expect the bots to start taking down anything with the word “cashmere” next. 
Etsy’s legal policies now include a page explaining their prohibition on “unsafe or recalled products” and including links to rules and reporting procedures for many countries’ reporting procedures. Recent recalls affecting Etsy include children’s pyjamas from Selfie Craft Company, and a baby rattle sold in one Etsy shop only. 
In the “bad publicity” category, part 1: US federal prosecutors say that an Etsy shop was used as a front for smuggling weapons components to the Russians. While the shop didn’t sell anything like that, they did sell gift baskets with commercial components, so Etsy could have avoided this bad press by following their own rules and shutting this shop down far earlier. See a screenshot of the shop in the comments of my LinkedIn post. 
Bad publicity, part 2: A shop's atrocious customer service went viral on TikTok, which then garnered more media coverage. That shop better be careful, because Harry Styles was already suing ecommerce sellers over products with his name and likeness (including on Etsy).
Also on the infringement front: Disney is suing a couple who have sold infringing items on multiple ecommerce platforms for years, including Etsy and eBay. My Twitter thread has screenshots of some of the products sold on Etsy. 
Etsy’s new Chief Legal Officer used to hold a similar role at Facebook. 
Etsy Strike spinoff group Artisans Cooperative is hoping to launch a new marketplace this fall, and now has organizing support from the US Federation of Worker Cooperatives, including funding from the USDA Rural Cooperative Development Grant Program. 
Etsy trend “predictions” for 2023 include 2 colours (indigo and honeycomb), marble decor, and “over-the-top” wedding looks. They provide some search trends from August to October on Etsy, so check out what people have been searching for! 
Note that that trends post is different than this one, which includes more detailed search trends and addresses shopping holidays. For example, “56% YoY increase in searches on Etsy containing “personalize gift mom”. You also need to know that there was “1420% YoY increase in searches on Etsy containing “hot pink decor”. 
Etsy loves running tests so much they give out trophies for starting the most.
This article [soft paywall; Modern Retail] says that holiday sales were down on Etsy, but Etsy hasn’t released any numbers yet. 
This is perhaps my favourite Etsy story ever: how an unusual custom order ended up seen by millions as it hangs on the International Space Station. 
Everyone selling online loves December algorithm updates, so Google started rolling out a new Helpful Content Update around December 6. “Google said this update will "tackle content that seems to have been primarily created for ranking well in search engines." Both the Helpful Content and Link Spam updates finished rolling out on January 12. 
Ahrefs has updated its link building chapter in the Beginner’s Guide to SEO. “Links are incredibly important for ranking well. And it is quite rare that you will outrank pages that have a lot of strong links—unless you get just as many.”
Understanding basic Google SEO is not enough to have a successful website; understanding how to structure your website is also crucial. For more on that, here’s another article on pillar pages and topic clusters [semi-advanced; you need some basic knowledge of website structure and SEO to fully grasp everything.]
There’s often confusion on long tail keywords and how to use them - this article should clear that up. 
EAT has become EEAT: Google search quality raters now evaluate “experience, expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness” instead of just the last 3. “Google explained that there are “some situations where really what you value most is content produced by someone who has first-hand, life experience on the topic at hand.” 
Repeat after me and Google’s John Mueller: the number of times a word/phrase is used on a page (aka keyword density) is not a positive Google ranking factor. 
Also, readability ratings do not affect Google ranking either, and John Mueller confirmed that as well. Writing for your intended audience is important, however, and that can include some elements of “readability”. 
Using artificial intelligence (AI) to write articles for websites is not against Google rules, but using AI just for SEO purposes is. Not surprisingly, more than one media site is already using AI to write content with SEO in mind: CNET is no longer solely about tech news, for example, and the articles apparently have a lot of plagiarism. Should Google be doing more to stop this junk from ranking? Maybe not - they are already working on using it themselves. 
Speaking of AI writing, Search Engine Land did an overview of ChatGPT and how it may affect the SEO industry. 
Yandex (Russian search engine) had all of its source code leaked. This Twitter thread goes through the different ranking factors and compares them to Google in particular. 
Yahoo Search is making a comeback. No, really. They are even hiring! 
You were probably busy in December, so here’s a summary of what Google was up to; here’s January as well (both including some things already covered in this news update). If you were busy all throughout 2022, then read the full year summary too. 
Here’s a change - was there a Bing algorithm update around January 18? (Usually this question is only asked about Google.)
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