#Walter O'Brien
In the wake of Israel and the west's recent crimes against Palestine, I realized why Scorpion's plot went to shit.
Scorpion's plot was all about calling out the American government. The Iraq massacre America commited and Walter's backstory. Sly's father being military and saying he wants to save the world yet only caring about his reputation. Cabe aiding and abetting war crimes. America having nukes in foreign land, and putting embargos on Yemen.
The US government doesn't like when it's exposed in any form of media.
That's why they changed the story.
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specialagentlokitty · 4 months
Walter x reader - a little unsure
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Walter O'brian x reader. Either reader is a vigilante (yes. I have a problem. an obsession with vigilante reader. shh.) or is one of his co-workers. Maybe a Tony Starkisc reader? Smart with mechanics and VERY VERY advanced things but not the best with emotions. (like the rest of the team.) their feelings for each other got so bad, even the team had to yell at them their feelings are shared. - @nyxiethesimp 💜
A/N: it’s been a while since I watched the show so sorry if it’s bad 😅
Sitting in front of your desk, you grabbed the wrench next to you and carried on working in the part of the car engine in front of you.
You heard the door to your garage open then it closed.
“You haven’t been in for the past two days.”
You glanced up at the man who walked in then back down to what you were working on and he walked over, sitting in front of you.
“Your case isn’t all that interesting to me.”
“Because it’s a plain and simple car jacking, that is boring Walter, you know it’s boring too, I don’t see why you took it.”
“There’s more too it, I was actually hoping I would be able to convince you to help. I was going to send Paige since she’s more of communication person, but they told me to come.”
You set the wrench down, then you picked up something else to take apart the engine so you could get at what you needed.
While you were doing that Walter set a few papers on the table.
“There were some microchips in the car, they contain codes for missiles all over the country, they were going to be sold, we need to find them.”
“So, check all the sites, they’ll be up there somewhere.”
“Done that, nothing. Cabe was hoping you could check with some of your informants.”
You stopped what you were doing and looked at Walter, leaning back in your chair.
You held out your hand and he got up, walking around the table to sit on it in front of you, handing them over.
You flicked through them, taking one of them before handing him back the rest.
“Yeah, okay. But he owes me money.”
“I don’t understand why you don’t just work with us, you do the same thing, and you’ll get a regular pay as well.”
Folding up the paper, you set it inside your jacket pocket.
“I don’t like other people Walter, people get in the way, working as a team makes things go slowly and I have no patience for that.”
“But you like the team. Right?”
“Of course, otherwise I wouldn’t let them come here.”
Walter followed you across the room.
“You don’t let Cabe in.”
“He’s a federal agent, for both our sakes it better he doesn’t know what I do properly, what he doesn’t know can’t get him trouble, and it means I also don’t get arrested.”
“So, will you help?”
You nodded, grabbing the keys to your bike as well your helmet.
“I’ll meet you at yours.”
“Thank you.”
He left and you left a few minutes later, heading to one of the well known underground bars and you walked to the bartender.
You leant over the counter.
“Stolen microchips, what do you know?”
He looked at you.
“Nothing you need to know.”
Humming a little, you grabbed him by the collar, slammed your helmet against his forehead and you shoved him back.
The whole place fell silent.
“Look I’m in a hurry, I have a car I need to fix, a friend who’s waiting for answers, so, let’s try this again. What do you know.”
He gave you some papers and you began following the trail.
You worked fast and brutal, you did what you had to in order to get the job done, and by the end of the day you made your way back to Walter.
Walking through the doors, you made your way to Cabe.
“You owe me.”
“How much do you want?”
Pulling off your helmet you thought for a moment, making your way to Walter’s desk, sitting next to him.
“I’ve changed my mind, no money. I’ll save this for a rainy day.”
“You know there’s some things I can’t bail you out off.”
“I know.”
“So, what did you do to get this, because we couldn’t find it.” Toby said.
You waved your hand dismissively at him, leaning your head on Walter’s shoulder and he looked at you before going back to his work.
You stared at his screen in boredom.
Computers weren’t your thing, but when it came to anything else, that’s where you came in handy.
Yawning slightly, you kicked your feet up on his desk.
“(Y/N) please, that’s unsanitary, put your feet down.”
You grumbled a little but complied, putting your feet back on the floor.
Everybody shared a look at the pair of you, but neither of you noticed it, or the way that the pair of you would occasionally sneak a glance at the other.
“How long until they finally come out with it?” Toby asked.
“At this rate never. Honestly how two people so smart can be so oblivious is beyond me.” Happy said.
“Well, maybe somebody should tell them.” Sylvester suggest.
“That’s not a bad idea, but maybe we should try setting them up first.” Paige suggested.
Everybody immediately agreed with her, since she was the more compassionate of the group.
And that’s what they did, they tried to set you both up on dinners to drinks and nobody else turning up.
They tried everything and neither of you could see how the other felt.
Finally they had enough.
Walter was sat with your in your garage and they walk came bursting through the doors.
“We’ve had enough!” Happy yelled.
You looked up from where you were laid with your head in Walter’s lap.
“Of what?” You asked confused.
“You two are in love with each other! Discuss!”
They all stood there and you turned to Walter confused, and he looked just as confused.
Taking his hand, you led him to your office and closed the door and blinds for privacy.
“I.. I don’t know what they’re talking about..”
You studied him for a moment.
“Is it true?” You asked.
“I.. I don’t.. they’re not..”
He fumbled for his words, not able to get them out.
He stopped, looking at you.
“Look, we both suck at the whole emotion thing, but Paige doesn’t, neither does Toby, or Cabe, and Happy and Sylverster know more than both of us combined about it.”
“Yes, I’m aware of that.”
You pointed to you, then you pointed at him.
“So, me and you. They’ve seen something, we need to figure it out.”
“Well… I.. I don’t.. you go first.”
“I like you, I get along with you and I don’t want to hit you if that counts for something.”
“You don’t want to hit me?”
“I want to hit a lot of people.”
He nodded his head.
“Well, I.. I suppose that I do enjoy your company…”
You both went quiet.
“So… would you maybe consider dinner..?” He mumbled.
You smiled a little.
“Absolutely, how about now?”
He nodded and you held out your hand, letting him unsurely take it.
Neither of you knew what you were doing, or if you were doing this right, but you decided to just roll with it and see where it went
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thatweirdoleigh · 9 months
Don’t mind me I’m just joining another dead fandom like 2-4 no actually *6* years late
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bigmack2go · 6 months
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katmcpheeuniverse · 9 months
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Katharine McPhee & Elyes Gabel
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batheavensent5 · 9 months
Thinking about "Postcards from the Edge" were Toby and Sly think Walter has abandoned them and taking a job with Ella. Or how Paige calls Walter a jerk when all of Ralph's calls to him were going to voice mail.
I just don't get how they could think Walter would up and abandon them.
Walter was upset.
He just learned from Cabe, that Cabe had known what the government was going to do with program he developed and didn't tell him. But Cabe knew exactly what Walter would do and what would happen to him if he did (i.e. prison). In there time working together Cabe had come to see Walter as a surrogate son.
In fairness Cabe did want tell Walter the truth but deep down he knew what Walter's reaction would be and didn't wanted to lose another child. But in "Cliffhanger" Cabe is forced to tell Walter truth about Bagdad. This was only after failing to have a conversation he had with Walter omitted from a release of documents related to the Bagdad bombing.
Walter gets upset and has Cabe removed from the team. But he claims down a bit and they work together to stop the bad guy.
Still Cabe doesn't press the issue and backs off.
Then Pagie blows up on Walter about her son endangering his life because he looks up to Walter and wants to be like him. HE'S YOUR FUCKING SON. YOU'RE THE ONE THAT NEEDS TO EXPLAIN TO HIM WHAT HE DID WAS DANGEROUS.
Yet she goes and blames Walter for HER sons' actions.
Which upsets Walter even more and he takes off.
Its Happy who realizes something is wrong and that they should figure out where Walter is. She has to drag Toby and Sly along with her because they are so sure Walter's abandoned them and cannot wrap their heads around the idea that something might of happened to him. And Paige is too busy acting like a SELF-RIGHTEOUS BITCH, to realize something might have happened to Walter for him not answer any Ralph's phone calls.
As for Cabe. Even though Walter had claimed down a bit, Walter was still pissed. There was no way Cabe wanted to make things worse by pressing the issue. For all he knew it was Sly or Paige calling him, wanting him and Walter to fix things.
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ez-with-a-fez · 28 days
Walter's name for Toby in his phone being "Know-It-All" and Toby's being "Ego-Maniac" for Walter is just so them. I love this show.
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attemptingwriter · 11 months
Pretty Boy
Walter O'Brien x transmasc Reader
Warnings: fluff, trans reader, Toby being Toby (y/f/I) is "your first initial", ooc-ish Walter
(there's not enough Scorpion fanfics out there so here)
Toby was silently shuffling the items on Walter's desk, trying to play a seemingly harmless prank, when Walter's phone buzzed. Toby glanced at the device, debating on taking a quick look. Curiosity won him over and he grabbed the phone, leaning back in Walter's chair.
(Y/F/I): On my way, pretty boy! Can't wait to see you 😊
Toby blinked, reading the text message over and over. Walter had a mystery person texting him. Not only was this person texting him, they were calling him 'pretty boy'.
Toby grinned as he called his friends over. "Hey, Happy, Sly, get over here!"
The two friends stopped what they were doing and walked over to Walter's desk. Happy had her arms crossed over her chest as she walked over.
"What's going on, Toby?" Sylvester asked.
Toby waved Walter's phone in front of him. "Our dear Walter has a girlfriend!"
"No way." Happy shook her head. "You've seen his relationships in the past. There is no way Walter is dating anybody."
"I have to agree with Happy. Walter's made no indication that he is seeing anyone. He's been focused on all our cases and with helping Paige." Sylvester added.
Toby smiled and opened Walter's phone, showing his friends the text. "Well then, what's this?"
Happy and Sylvester leaned forward, shocked that their friend could possibly being hiding something like this from them.
"What are you guys doing?"
Toby, Happy, and Sylvester quickly turned to face Paige, having the decency to look a little guilty. Sylvester more than the others.
"Walters got a girlfriend!" Toby exclaimed.
"No, I do not. And I would appreciate it if you left my things alone." Walter said as he walked down the stairs.
He made his way over to his friends and team and held his hand out for his phone. Toby handed it over reluctantly, shaking his head.
"If you don't have a girlfriend, then who's texting you?" Happy asked.
"Yeah and why do they call you 'pretty boy'?" Toby added.
Walter looked down at his phone, quickly sending a reply. "I have a partner. Who you'll be meeting in a few minutes."
With that, Walter turned and walked back upstairs, wanting to finish the problem he was focused on before his team distracted him.
"Partner?" Happy questioned. His friends shrugged and moved back to their separate activities.
"Wait! Why 'pretty boy'?" Toby called after him.
"You really should leave Walter's stuff alone, Toby." Paige mentioned. "If he wanted to tell you about them, he would've. And it sounds like he was planning on it."
"Wait, do you know who his partner is?"
Before Paige could answer, the door opened to reveal a guy in a jean jacket with a bunch of pride and music patches, chains hanging from his belt loops and dyed hair. He looked over to see Toby and Paige staring at him and smiled.
"Hi! You must be Walter's friends, right?"
The two nodded, too shocked to say anything.
"I'm (Y/N), it's nice to meet you," he said, walking over.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Paige and this is Toby." Paige smiled back, ready to make a new friend.
"Walter's told me a lot about you guys. It's nice to put names to faces. Where is Walter by the way?"
"Upstairs." Paige answered.
(Y/N) thanked her and made his way upstairs.
Paige turned back to Toby. "He seems nice."
"I don't really know what I was expecting, but I can for sure say that he was not it."
(Y/N) smiled when he saw his boyfriend standing in front of the white board, a math problem way too difficult for him to figure out written on it.
"So is this what you do all day, pretty boy?" (Y/N) asked, making his presence known.
Walter turned at the interruption, a small smile lighting up his face. "Actually, we do more than this such as helping out Homeland, saving lives, building new technologies."
(Y/N) let out a laugh and made his way into his boyfriend's arms. "So I met Toby and Paige downstairs. They seem nice."
"Paige is, but Toby can be quite a handful." Walter wrapped his arms around his partner, knowing that the close proximity brought him comfort. And he'd be lying if he said it didn't bring him comfort too.
"What about Sylvester and Happy? I haven't met them yet."
"Happy is extremely sarcastic and blunt while Sylvester is caring but a germaphobe which can be difficult at times."
"Well, I wanna meet them. Can we go?"
Walter nodded and let him go. (Y/N) grinned, leaning up on his tiptoes to press a kiss to Walter's cheek.
Walter took (Y/N)'s hand and led him back downstairs.
Happy and Sylvester had reconvened with Toby and Paige and were talking together. Happy looked over her shoulder and hit Sylvester in the arm. He turned and stared as Walter and (Y/N) came down the stairs.
"Guys, this is my partner, (Y/N). (Y/N), this is Happy and Sylvester. You've met Paige and Toby."
"It's really nice to meet you guys. Walter's said some pretty great things about you."
Happy and Sylvester could only stare as he smiled at them. They were not expecting someone so completely opposite of Walter to be dating him.
"It's nice to meet you, too. I wish I could say we've heard great things but we had no idea about you until now." Sylvester replied.
(Y/N) laughed it off. "I understand. Walter is a very private person. It took me months to finally convince him to let me meet you guys."
"Will you be over more now that you have?" Paige asked.
(Y/N) looked over at his boyfriend, smiling. "Definitely."
Walter smiled down at his partner and quickly pressed a kiss to his forehead.
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gatefleet · 1 year
Processing Error
Scorpion: Walter O'Brien WordCount: 589 T(W): None A/N: Hope this is what you were looking for! Request: Yes; "Omg omg Walter getting asked out in front of everyone. Like its after a job some woman comes up to Walter and is like "you're ridiculously attractive. Can i take you out?" I love Walter and I want gim to get ALL the love." -Anon
It was about 3 weeks since you had worked with a team of high IQ people and you couldn’t stop thinking about it, about their leader, you never sought them out, thinking that you had just fallen for their leader because he saved you from a particularly bad situation. You had heard that there was a condition where people fell for their rescuers and was determined to rule that out before deciding on a course of action. You understood why people were put off by the team, by Walter (their leader) and yet you still couldn’t stop thinking about them. About him. You found his bluntness slightly off putting, but also extremely refreshing and you adored his brains, how quickly he was able to come up with solutions and put together a plan from his teams input with minimal effort. It all fascinated you.
You decided to give it another couple of weeks. Just in case what you were feeling truly was fleeting. After another 2 weeks, you had convinced yourself that what you felt wasn’t fleeting. You tracked down the garage that the team was working out of and decided to grab a miniature processing unit to give to Walter, both as a thank you for the help and as an excuse to drop by the garage. You stood outside the door for a few minutes trying to gather your courage and get your words right. You definitely didn’t want to trip over yourself, especially in front of him. You made sure you had everything you claimed you were returning to the team and then knocked on the door, you weren’t sure if they had heard you at first, but after a minute or so the oldest member of the team, Agent Gallo if you remembered correctly, opened the door and appeared to look confused at your arrival, he allowed you in and you thanked him and followed inside. When you noticed Walter moving back to his desk from the kitchenette. You smiled softly and made your way towards him.
Once you were in front of him, he noticed that you were in the room, he looked at you inquisitively and gestured towards the black bag you had by your side, you shook your head slightly and remembered your rouse for seeing him again. You passed over the bag and Walter thanked you for it. He looked inside to see what he and his team had forgotten. When he looked inside though, he was very confused. “I’m sorry, I think there’s been some kind of mistake. None of this is my equipment, you have made a wasted trip.” He said handing the bag back to you. You blushed profusely, brushing your hair behind your ear. “Oh, erm.” You were panicking and stuttering now, you should have known that he would have seen right through your ploy. In your panic you just blurted out, “Okay, you got me, you didn’t really leave anything behind,” Walter began to look confused an annoyed, you put your hands up in a submissive gesture, “but I just wanted, needed an excuse to see you again and I didn’t think you’d pick up my calls, but Walter, I find you ridiculously attractive. Can I take you out?” Your heart was crashing in your ears and chest and Walter had a ridiculously unreadable expression on his face. You couldn’t tell if he was annoyed or processing. You barely made out Dr. Curtis glee in the background, “Looks like Mr. 197 IQ, has a processing error.”  
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GIF Credit (according to the GIF) : @tvshowsfandomblog
TagList: @lastwandastan @lollipopsandlandmines
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Just thinking about how underdeveloped Megan's relationship was with the rest of the team.
Megan teasing Walter and Paige about liking each other and hooking them up every chance she gets, calling Paige "sis". Ralph helping her and calling her "aunt Megan"
Megan and Happy getting along and Happy taking her on motorcycle rides.
Megan and Toby going to casinos and having alcohol together.
Unresolved tension between her and Cabe regarding how he irreversiblely traumatized her brother.
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violetdaphne · 2 months
season one walter would NEVER fire paige and the butchering of his character is a travesty i will never forgive the writers for
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hitchell-mope · 4 months
Personal reasons my ass. Tell him about Megan’s procedure. She’s his sister for crying out loud. He deserves to know.
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Friendly Reminder: Walter is Type O- blood, also known (as he’s aware) as the universal donor type.
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katmcpheeuniverse · 11 months
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Katharine McPhee and Elyes Gabel at the 2014 San Diego Comic-Con.
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rottenroyalebooks · 1 year
I just watched the last episode of Scorpion and I HATE WHEN THEY CANCEL SHOWS AFTER A CLIFF HANGER.
They couldn't have just made ONE more season??? Or three more episodes for it to safely land in the water?
I will never emotionally recover from this.
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thegracefulether · 2 years
It’s been a few years and I was reminded a few months ago of Scorpion. So I rewatched Season 4 partly because I was curious if my opinion changed at all. And uh, no. Walter did nothing wrong. Paige is a hypocrite. Sylvester acting like the reason Florence didn’t like him was because of Walter is still some grade A nonsense. No Sly, whether she liked Walter or not, it’s pretty clear she wasn’t all that interested in you to begin with. What’s wild to me though, is that it was all in character. I didn’t feel like Paige or Sly acted out of character. They’re just both full of shit.
As for Happy and Toby. They knew the situation with Florence would probably tear the team apart, which I give them credit for. They simply blamed the wrong person which I personally think was a little bit out of character. They instead should have known it would tear the team apart because Paige and Sly’s reactions would be bullshit.
Anyway, if I were to guess whether a relationship between Walter and Florence would even work out in the long term, I’d probably guess no. Hilariously enough, I’m still 100% convinced she’d treat Walter better than Paige anyway. At the very least, they’d be very good friends which is more than what the rest of them have been.
So yeah, Walter did nothing wrong.
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