tizeline · 3 months
Oh~ so we're gonna jump on the season one finale train. I'm so excited, I can't wait to see how you handle it, after all Splinter only agreed to give Draxum the helmet because Draxum had the boys threatened. He Will Threaten Donnie? I don't think the boys would like that. By the way, what does think Draxum about Donnie.
That's right! :D (Also, train lol, cuz part of the season 1 finale takes place on a train..... even though I'm kinda skipping over that part haha)
I'm not sure just how much of the season 1 finale I'm gonna depict though, so I might as well just talk a bit about the part that you mentioned right now.
So yeah, in the show Draxum literally threatens to torture the turtles if Splinter refuses to give him the last piece of the dark armor! Yikes! He'd probably do the same in the AU, but this time aroung it would be pure bluffing. Draxum wants to eventually bring Donnie over to his side, and while he's obviously not as close to Donnie as he is to his other sons, he does still consider Donnie to be his son. Point is, he doesn't want to hurt Donnie. (Not to mention Donnie's brothers ABSOLUTELY doesn't want him to get hurt) But Splinter doesn't know this, he sees this Evil Supervillain Guy and has no reason to think he's not capable of hurting Donnie to get what he wants. Because of that, Draxum's and Splinter's confrontation goes pretty much the same way as it does in canon.
And Draxum's thoughts on Donnie is a bit complicated. Like I said, he does consider Donnie his lost son, but he's not as attatched to him as he is to the other turtles. Like, if Leo for example started working against him, he'd get a LOT more upset about it and he'd as a result put in a lot more effort into trying to bring Leo back to his side. Comparetively, Draxum's attitude towards is a lot more lax, he kinda views Donnie's opposition of him as a childish "rebellious phase" that he'll inevitably grow out of. He reasons that Donnie is only disagrees with his plan becuase he grew up isolated from yōkai society, and that he'll see reason after witnessing the inevitable success of Draxum's plan.
Because of that Draxum acts rather nonchalant towards Donnie, the Destroy All Of Humanity plan takes priority currently, he'll deal with Donnie's disobedience after he's done with that. Sure, he'll occasionally try to bribe him with promises of uranium and the like, but he has more pressing issues to deal with right now other than a misbehaving teenager. Donnie will join their side eventually, he's sure of it.
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TNG 6x20 The Chase and 7x15 Lower Decks thoughts (rewatching, so possible future spoilers for DS9 too)
I’ve temporarily paused my DS9 re-watch after 2x20 Maquis Part 1 to go through all the Cardassian episodes in TNG to get a better picture of the build up: 4x12, 5x03, 6x10, 6x11, 6x20 and 7x15.
6x20 The Chase
Admittedly, I skipped the first half of this because as I skimmed through the plot on Memory Alpha, there was no mention of Cardassians until later on XD
Lady Captain Cardassian! I feel like they're pretty rare, it's sas I'm so excited by this
Tfw there's a looong pause... and you're watching it on 1.5x speed. Just how long was that pause in normal time?!
Living for the Klingon-Cardassian banter
Data just THRASHING that Klingon. I love him so much
The Klingon is so INTO Data - this is flirting, right?
"You are attempting to bribe me." "Not at all." "You suggested a plan that would work to your advantage, one that I would be capable of executing. You then implied a reward. Clearly you were."
I think Nu'Daq might be my new favourite one-off character
Cardassian treachery! Gotta love it
Federation smarts! Gotta love it XD
"I will go with you" but imma be salty about it
Just wondering why I hadn't seen Miles about since season 4, then realised that, of course, he's on DS9 XD Doh!
Romulans from nowhere :o
I do like the plan to answer the long-standing why-is-everyone-humanoid question
>> Thinking about the word humanoid the other day, do you think the other species hear their own word through the UT? Kingonoid and Romuloid or so forth.
Haha they disagree, so much for coming together in fellowship and companionship
Romulan ending <3 "Perhaps, one day." "One day."
7x15 Lower Decks
Deanna and Riker are just nice
Love the Vulcan
Bajor mention!
Very professional, waiter, to spill the beans lilke that!
I do love this episode, and seeing the command from the outside
I hope their friendship isn't ruined by promotion. They seem very sweet
Having said that, I suddenly have a horrible feeling Sita dies in this episode
Beverly is so lovely
Lost. Puppy. What?
Awwwwwkward. "They both get a lot of snow." Love how Riker just seems amused.
Yeah, this episode is great, only getting to see what one of the lower decks see
Did he also think Wesley should have been expelled?
I love this Vulcan. And I love Geordie, but his frustration with Taurik is pretty amusing
I'm a fan of this poker juxtaposition scene - interesting that they've broken away from just the lower decks characters.
Hah, okay, Lavelle does annoy Riker
Lol "You and Lavelle are a lot alike." "What? We're not at all alike." "You're bluffing."
I really love this Ben guy. Inclusion of a civilian just being friends with whoever is super cute
Okay, Worf is actually being pretty good here? I find myself liking him in this episode.
Ohhhh "I wanted to make sure that you got a fair chance to redeem yourself", that makes far more sense - no wonder I felt he was a little out of character in the first scene with her, he was acting.
"I didn't realise she would be so young."
The feels. She's so excited and proud and knowing what happens... it hurts.
Oh, the promotion. I'm tearing up. This episode is making me FEEL
Ben, you are great. Nice job moving Worf.
Amazing how this episode is so moving when you barely know the characters. I loved the premise, and I love the execution of it. (Though damn you for killing off Sito.)
Again, we see a helpful Cardassian, but get the overall impression Cardassia is still a threat.
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helmes-deep · 7 years
Quickie LONG UPDATE!! (on my life lol)
Well, at least for my state. Who knows if I’ll ever have to take that horrendous thing again should I ever choose to move to another state or get back into the teaching profession after having left for a bit... Granted, I didn’t get the score I think I was truly capable of (I totally last-minuted this whole thing and stayed up for 72+ hours finishing it lol PLEASE PLEASE DON’T EVER BE LIKE ME AND PUT YOURSELF IN A POSITION WHERE YOU HAVE TO STAY AWAKE FOR 3 DAYS STRAIGHT TO FINISH A FINAL THAT IS MY LIFE ADVICE), but I did pass it based on the score required by my state, so I honestly couldn’t be any happier. All that’s standing between me and getting a real job now is waiting for my university to finally award me my degree in a few weeks so that I can apply for a teacher’s certificate and finally get to do what I can’t wait to start doing again – teaching!! 🌠 💖 😄
In other news, I actually survived! and completed!! my student teaching; it all actually officially ended in the middle of last month. After my student teaching ended, I focused on finishing up final tests/projects (including that $300 test) before graduating with a bachelor’s degree in English Education from my uni about 2 weeks ago. Since then, I’ve been applying for jobs and hoping for an offer soon, hopefully at a high school!! Thinking back over my college experience, I wouldn’t say it’s been a really “crazy” four years (except for this year LOL. Man, these past two semesters were WILD and took SO MUCH out of me. I still get super-exhausted thinking about how I got through my student teaching N E V E R  A G A I N HAHA :V). I’ve never been the group’s social butterfly, even though I highly crave social interaction and approval/feedback (not in a desperate sense, but I know I’m the type of person that needs social interaction in order to thrive, even if I might not be the one to initiate it). I have, however, learned a little about a lot of things, especially during this past year and semester LOL AGAIN: N E V E R  A G A I N HAHA :VVV and especially, I think, in regard to myself. As a teacher, I’ve learned that I suck at classroom management. I’m just way too laissez faire, which comes off as “too nice” and therefore just allows any group of your regular hormonal and rebellious-leaning teenagers to go bonkers and take over my class lawl. Hopefully that changes *very* soon once I get my own classroom (and I’m working on it!!), but looking back, I suppose I could have been a bit more firm about keeping my presence (it also doesn’t help that I’m like 5′3″ lol!!). As a general person, I have also learned that I SUCK at making and keeping social discourse lol. Like, not just suck at it, but suckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk haha. First, not having a phone really makes it hard to make or keep in touch with any friends that a person intends to make. With a lack of a personal device or one of your basic social media accounts, I realized how hard it was to maintain a social network within a very digitally-connected world. Second, I realized that I’m probably a lot more cautious, super-conscious, introverted, and a bit inexperienced than I perhaps originally thought I was. Like, if I was in high school, I recognized that I would probably have been the super-quiet kid who would have had a lot of trouble making friends in class. I then realized that a lot of these previously mentioned personality quirks were probably a part of what was keeping me from fostering more intimate relationships or developing a more leader-driven personality, which sometimes heavily affected my classroom management. I’m not saying I necessarily need to change as a person, but I do believe I need to find ways in which I can become more involved and confident. Ironically, I thought it was interesting to note that a lot of my personality was – though not intentionally – perhaps keeping me from finding that deeper social interaction that I previously mentioned craving.
All that being said, I am fairly proud of how far I’ve come and how much I’ve accomplished this year as a student teacher, especially considering this was my first time taking over a class (3, actually!!) after having never really been inside a high school since I was homeschooled from 7th to 12th grade. I am, however, really proud of how I tried as much as I could to put the students with whom I was working with first, including incorporating their interests and academic needs/desires. I know my experience as a student teacher was not perfect, but I am very glad I got to work through all the challenges that came with and almost die doing it. I’ve also definitely found a bit of who I want to be as a future teacher. I know I want to be someone who is able to successfully make the classroom a place where my students can experience relevant life issues through writing or reading, and if nothing else, that had made this entire experience totally worth it.
... Which brings me to the future of this blog haha. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll be as active on Tumblr as I was before :c For one thing, I realized over the course of this year that Tumblr was definitely taking up way too much of my life lol (literally took me hours to get through 24+ hours’ worth of posts, and I was only following like 300 blogs). Being a bit OCD, I don’t like breaking my Tumblr cycle and only shuffling through a random number posts, despite the fact that I can’t be up 24/7 lol; I just don’t like not getting the full picture on everything and acting on/reblogging things without all of the complete info. As a result, I would rather not break my 24/7+ Tumblr cycle than to start it again at all :c Secondly, I’m kind of sad to say that, as of recently, I haven’t been keeping up with K-pop as much as I used to. It’s not that I’ve necessarily lost interest in it (K-pop is still like 85% of what I listen to lol), but I certainly haven’t been keeping up with it as closely as I used to. For instance, I have no idea what’s going on with B1A4 right now, haven’t watched BTS’s new self-made MV for “Spine Breaker,” and haven’t gotten around to watching the last teaser for SEVENTEEN’s upcoming ALONE?? comeback (featuring our wonderful leader S.Coups :p). It’s not that I’ve completely dropped everything K-pop or have become totally disinterested; I still very much keep up with the latest comebacks and listen to whatever piques my interest. It’s just that I don’t know if I want to get so re-invested with all of the details surrounding K-pop again (tbh Tumblr gave me so much info on my favorite K-pop groups; I seriously regret missing all of the amazing shots of my biases’ beautiful faces that I’ve probably missed leol), or maybe I just need a good break from it all before starting again. Most likely, I’d say my small distance from my favorite pastime has mostly happened because I now have more things to do or think about atm haha, and just don’t really have any time right now to enjoy all of the K-dynamics that are happening behind the music. I don’t think I’ll ever give up listening to K-pop anytime soon though; like I’ve said before, I’m still very much keeping up with and enjoying whatever’s coming out right now.
Sooooo at this point, I’m not sure if I want to say I’m on a complete permanent indefinite hiatus yet. I still check Tumblr and my blog everyday – every now and then my dash – so it’s not like I feel like I’ve completely left Tumblr and the K-pop community on here as a whole... just yet :3 I have, however, thought about starting a side-blog that focuses solely on teaching, including my student teaching experience. I’ve also thought about writing some K-pop articles for this blog again... (I still really want to write that “Best K-pop Songs of 2016,” a review of B1A4′s third full LP, and/or similar pieces). Whether either of those musings will come into fruition over this passing summer, I don’t know yet, but I’ll keep you updated on either if I ever do, especially my educationally-focused blog. Aside from those thoughts, I’ve been planning on doing some extensive reading over the summer – with a goal to read a book a week! If any of you are interested and would like to check out what I’m currently reading and/or think about it, you can take a look at my Goodreads account here. Other than that, I’ve just been up to the usual: still practicing driving (hopefully I’ll get my license this summer!!), looking for a job, and chilling by watching some TV/movies :p (literally, when you become a teacher, EVERYTHING YOU WATCH BECOMES A POSSIBLE TEACHING TOOL WHERE YOU WONDER IF/HOW YOU COULD USE IT IN A CLASS HAHA. I’VE BEEN SPENDING MY BREAK WATCHING THE HARRY POTTER MOVIES AND I NOW PAY MORE ATTENTION TO HOW THE TEACHERS REACT TO ALL OF THE KIDS’ SHENANIGANS VS. HOW I WOULD PAY MORE ATTENTION TO THE MAIN CHARACTERS AS A KID LOL. I’d really love to be a Professor McGonagall or Snape someday :p). So as far as the current activity of this blog goes, I think I’m going to keep it at “temporary-hiatus-because-I’m-currently-in-a-heavy-transition-period-and-still-am-very-unsure-of-how-this-will-all-pan-out??” That sounds like it’ll do for now. I definitely don’t think I want to distance myself from Tumblr just yet, but at the same time, I don’t believe I’ll be able to be as involved with everything on it as I once was :ccc
Lastly, I’d like to thank everyone who’s stayed with me and this blog so far. With this current announcement, feel free to unfollow this blog if it is no longer what you require in your daily re-bloggin’ life; I completely understand and only wish you the very best~ 🌸 :3 I don’t have a lot of followers as a whole, but I do have a handful of very lovely and precious people that I’ve met on this site; you know who you are~  💖🌠🦄✨👌 Sorry for not keeping in more constant touch; I hope all of you and your beyond-wonderful blogs are doing well~ 💎🌟😊 For those of you who have just joined my blog – WELCOME, and I hope you enjoy your stay~  ❤️ On another note, I should probably get to all those things I was tagged in... if it’s not too late haha. I love y’all and hope nothing but the BEST awaits your future!!~
Snap that was really A LOT more than just a “quickie” update haha. I know that I probably should have updated on everything that’s been happening in my life much sooner, but honestly, I didn’t feel like anything merited me getting too excited about getting through this school year unless I had 100% confirmation that I had passed the $300 test lol (it’s called the edTPA btw, for anyone who might be curious :p). Without passing that test, I probably would have had to spend at least another $100 to re-take some parts of the test, which would have delayed my being able to apply for an eligible teacher’s certificate in my state, which would have dangerously hindered me from being able to teach at all. So thanks for your patience – both for reading this post and sticking around this blog long enough to see me write it :p Hopefully I’ll get a teaching position and figure this all out soon; until then, I’ll definitely keep y’all posted~!! ✨
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hjazysol · 5 years
The Ultimate Quiet Game
Pit, Zelda, R.O.B, Snake, Dark Pit, Samus, Captain Falcon, Sheik, Lucario, and Cloud are all watching a movie.
Movie Girl: I can't believe I almost died twice when I walked outta that bank with 15 Million dollars.
Movie Man 1: We're quite the team.
Movie Man 2: No. We're quite the family.
All of them: Family.
The film ends.
Cloud: Worst. Movie. Ever.
Eveyone: Aww. Come on. It wasn't that bad. Yeah.
Zelda: Well it's only 9o'Clock you guys wanna play any games or something? Yeah. What games do you guys have?
Dark Pit smiling: Well we have Risk.
The guys: Nice!
Sheik: Why do guys like Risk so much?
Zelda: Seriously it takes forever.
Pit: What's wrong with Risk? It not that bad.
They all start arguing between one another.
Samus: Hey how about we play the Quiet Game!
Everyone stares at her.
Pit: Okay Mom.
Zelda: Sorry Samus.
R.O.B: Yeah.
Samus: What no I'm serious. Growing up I used to play the Quiet Game with the Chozo all the time it was so much fun. *starts counting on her fingers* I would play the Quiet Game, the Sit Still in Church game, Ask for the Cheapest Christmas Present Game. One time I won because I asked for a piece of dirt.
Everyone was confused.
Pit: Your childhood makes me sad.
Zelda: Why don't we play the quiet game?
Dark Pit: Wait are you serious?
Zelda: Yep. And whoever wins gets to pick what we play next.
Sheik: Like Apples to Apples?
Samus: Is that like wash the dishes?
Pit with his hands covering his mouth: Oh my goodness I got sadder.
Zelda puts her hand on his shoulder.
Dark Pit standing up: Ok but no complaining. Ladies. When we enter our 5 hour of Risk.
Samus: Fine.
R.O.B: Yeah.
Lucario clears his throat.
R.O.B went into a zen pose.
Dark Pit: Okay everyone. Ready, Set, Go.
Zelda, Sheik and Samus slap the person next to them.
Pit, R.O.B and Lucario: Oww!
R.O.B: I didn't know we were playing street rules!
Falcon goes over and sits next to Sheik she boops his nose. And points to her cheek making a kiss noise.
C.Falcon leaning in: Really?
Dark Pit emotes angrily since he was out.
R.O.B: Falcon!!!
Falcon inching his fingers closer together: Oh. I was so close.
Dark Pit hits him on the back directing him to the losers area. Dark Pit, Cloud and Snake stand back to back doing karate poses. Zelda and Samus pick up Duck Hunt Dog and Isabelle and hand them to Cloud and Snake.
Cloud: Awwwww.
Pit: Guys.
Snake happily: I'm not even upset you guys haha.
Cloud: I love it.
Dark Pit was alone and was now cornered. The girls tip toed towards him. Dark Pit pulled out one of Snake's grenades.
Samus: Woah!
Everyone: Oh. Woah Woah Woah!
Sheik: Woah Dark Pit! Dark Pit it's just a game!
Samus: Don't be a fool!
Zelda was disappointed that they had started talking as she thought he was just bluffing. Dark Pit started doing happy gestures and waving his arms about.
R.O.B: Hey hey hey. Maybe we should just calm down Dark Pit. Zelda gives up, right?
Samus: Yes
Zelda turns betrayed.
Sheik: Zelda it's a grenade.
Pit: You do.
Snake: Think of the puppies.
Zelda grabs Dark Pit's arm.
Sheik: Oh. Ahh.
She then puts the grenade in her mouth.
Everyone: Aahhh nononono!!!!
R.O.B taps at his head.
Lucario: Woah! Be careful.
Dark Pit pulls the pin.
Zelda: Aaaahhhh! Wha- You did it!
Dark Pit: Hahahaha I win. Who's the fool now!
Zelda: Y-You are you've killed us all!!!
Dark Pit: Oh calm down.
Throws it out the window.
Everyone started screaming.
Pit ignoring what happened: So Risk.
Everyone: Yes Risk. Come on.
The Girl's look traumatised.
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