#Voni-Ca the Echidna
julie-su · 1 year
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Voni-Ca art on its' own, for you Voniheads out there! All... One of you? Let's all become Voni-Ca fans, okay?!?!
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btm-txt · 1 year
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This mother’s day I dealt with my mommy issues by drawing Voni-Ca ft. Baby Spectre 😎🤙
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gamerzylo · 4 years
I’ve once more fallen down the Archie Sonic rabbit hole; specifically the Knuckles lore. So that means AU time.
Pachacamac’s tribe and everything with Chaos goes down as in Adventure (the game, not the comic adaptation).
What’s left of the tribe take to guarding the Master Emerald and the now Floating Island as repentance.
Fast forward to Edmund and Dimitri’s era; the Floating Island is once more hovering over the Mystic Ruins and Dimitri wants to go through with trying to return the island to its former place.
The tribe council rejects the plan but, as seen in the comics, Dimitri tries to go through with it anyway and achieves super form (in place of Enerjak).
This manages to awake Tikal’s spirit long enough for her to seal Dimitri into the Master Emerald alongside herself and Chaos. During all the commotion the tribe thinks that Edmund was the one who did it despite his protests to the contrary.
Edmund is then charged with being the sole guardian of the Master Emerald; the tribe has plans to expand throughout the entire island and seek out any possible fellow echidnas outside of the tribe.
Time passes and Dimitri’s son, Menniker, makes an attempt for the emerald. It fails but he manages to kill Edmund and flee before anyone can find out he did it.
Edmund’s son, Steppenwolf, is then named the new guardian and begins his training with chaos energy.
During this, Menniker had begun assembling followers under the guise of “Edmund failed because he was weak and now we’re just expected to let his son guard the very thing that keeps our home afloat?!”.
Eventually Menniker and his followers stage an attack against Steppenwolf, who opens a portal and sends them away; unknowingly he sent them to the Twilight Cage, where fellow echidnas, the Nocturnus, reside.
Things go relatively the same; Menniker’s followers, now calling themselves the Dark Legion, escape from time to time thanks to technology they stole from the Nocturnus. This comes to a head when Steppenwolf’s great-great grandson, Aaron, is killed in an explosion along with Menniker.
Menniker’s son, Moritori Rex, takes over the Dark Legion while Aaron’s brother Jordan undergoes guardian training.
More time passes with Moritori spying on the guardians whenever he can, waiting for the time to strike. The day Hawking passes on the role of guardian to his son Tobor is when the Dark Legion strike. The point of the fight where Tobor and Moritori get buried under rubble happens as it did in canon, with Hawking mistaking Moritori for his son due to all the injuries he sustained - plus the extra detail of Moritori also having the guardian neck ring. (Edmund and Dimitri were twins, it stands to reason that even if Dimitri or Menniker didn’t have it, the genetic chances were still in their bloodline. Case in point, Jor-dann, one of their ancestors also had the ring.)
While Tobor exiles himself to the planet’s surface in shame over everything, Voni-Ca (his wife) and Sonja-Ra (his mom) suspect that “Tobor” isn’t who Hawking thinks he is. Once Moritori is back on his feet, he decides to “take care” of them via poisoned food over a long time. He would eventually do this once more when Janelle-Li, Tobor’s great-great granddaughter, began to snoop around after being told “Tobor’s” story.
After Janelle-Li’s passing her son, Athair, becomes the new guardian. (In this AU the lost echidna tribe never existed). Following in his footsteps comes Sabre and then Locke.
Once Knuckles is born, things take a turn for the worse. Getting any and all information he possibly could over the years, Moritori has had enough of playing pretend. Once the signal is given the Dark Legion invades and just as the tribe turns to “Tobor” for help, he reveals his true identity.
In the resulting chaos, Lara-Le hands Knuckles to Athair and begs him to get her son to safety; Locke and Sabre have already been caught up in the fight alongside elder guardians, Spectre, Sojourner, and Thunderhawk.
Although reluctant, Athair has faith that the other guardians will prevail and that everything will be safe again soon so he agrees.
Weeks pass and with no word or signal from the tribe, Athair takes Knuckles with him back home. Upon arriving, he is met with the sight of...nothing. No echidnas, no houses, just the vast emptiness and the Master Emerald, still sitting at its shrine.
With only Knuckles left, Athair raises him and for a time things are peaceful, until a certain mustachioed scientist shows up for the first of many times to come...
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mobius-prime · 4 years
108. Knuckles the Echidna #17
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Deep Cover (Part One of Two): The Guardian Who Failed!!!
Writer: Ken Penders Pencils: Manny Galan Colors: Barry Grossman
Right away, we meet a new player - a lone dark-red echidna with black and yellow cyborg eyes, wandering the wilderness. He looks up and notices, to his amazement and seeming elation, that the Floating Island is soaring directly overhead. However, before he can do more than merely think about trying to glide on board, Julie-Su suddenly shows up, riding what the other echidna calls a "streaking pasha," basically a horse with freaky red eyes and a beak-like mouth. She's concerned she might have scared and/or hurt him, but he becomes suddenly enraged, recognizing her as a Dark Legionnaire and immediately throwing himself at her to attack.
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He immediately goes in for the kill, but Julie-Su fights on the defense, trying to make him explain himself. She ends up at a disadvantage, on the floor with his hands around her throat, and angrily goads him to "just do it then," and… cut to Knuckles in meditation! Archimedes poofs in, and is initially pleased with Knuckles' apparent improvement in attitude towards meditation, only to then realize that the place he's picked to practice is the highest spire in Echidnaopolis, far above the rooftops of all ordinary buildings. Archimedes tries to initiate conversation, as they've missed hanging out and talking lately, but Knuckles shushes him for a moment, before leaping off the spire. He glides around between the buildings, eyes closed, finally coming to a graceful landing in the streets.
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Yeah, remember that little green jewel that Yanar gave Knuckles when he left the lost tribe at Albion? He's starting to figure out how it works, even realizing it was probably behind his summoning of that golden energy tunnel earlier. Locke and the other members of the Brotherhood watch with curiosity and some admiration of his quick study, noticing Julie-Su approaching on her pasha, but their little creepy spying session is interrupted when the power to the entire facility of Haven abruptly shorts out, causing the screen to go blank. Everyone immediately leaps into action with apprehension, with Tobor and Sojourner making haste to the medical bay where Hawking is still being kept on life support. Luckily, the backup generators there are working fine, and Tobor is ready to report back, but Sojourner insists on checking on the "other one" in the cryogenic chamber…
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Who might that be, I wonder? I don't think anything has even been really hinted about her yet, but oh boy, we'll get to this mystery patient sooner than you think…
While the Brotherhood is conveniently unable to watch the proceedings with Knuckles and Julie-Su, the two sit down to some lunch together, along with the echidna that attacked her before. It seems they've come to an understanding, and Julie-Su has brought him to Knuckles to explain something very important.
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T- wait, Tobor? As in, the guy with the visor over his eyes we just saw checking on Hawking a moment ago? Something is definitely fishy here. Knuckles is shocked, but Julie-Su urges him to listen to the mysterious echidna's story before passing any judgment. Thus, Nü-Tobor launches into an epic story, starting with the moment he first took his place as Guardian of the Floating Island generations ago. Apparently his upbringing was very different from those we've seen before, as during his time of service the Floating Island was still devastated from the nuclear bombs that the dingoes had unleashed, and thus for a while the Guardians had mostly been confined to looking after Echidnaopolis within its pocket zone. Therefore, at twenty years old he still hadn't taken up Guardianship yet, and in fact had a wife, Voni-Ca, and a small child, the destined next Guardian (which one? Stay tuned for that). One day, his father, Hawking, officially appointed him the new Guardian, and announced his intentions to go back to the Floating Island proper.
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At first, he was excited and confident in his ability to handle his new duties. However, his abilities were soon put to the test when the Dark Legion penetrated Echidnaopolis' pocket zone and swarmed into the city, led by their leader, Moritori Rex. Armed with his incredibly villainous-sounding name, he clashed with Tobor, and upon recognizing him as Guardian, became enraged and fought with renewed fury.
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Tobor was gaining the upper hand, so to avoid defeat, Moritori Rex activated the device that had allowed the Dark Legion to breach into the pocket zone, sending them both crashing back into the space where Echidnaopolis had once stood on the Floating Island. The ruins around them crumbled and buried them both, trapping Tobor, injured and weakened, amongst the rubble.
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Freaking ouch, man. Hawking didn't even recognize his own son? I mean, I guess we are talking about a very homogeneous race of people whom all kind of look like Knuckles, but still. Tobor, filled with feelings of betrayal, worthlessness and shame, managed to dig himself out of the rubble after a few days, but was unable to bring himself to go back to the island, instead choosing to wander Mobius for decades on end. Really, this guy must have been wandering for at least a century, because remember, this was back when the Floating Island was still a wasteland, whereas now it's a flourishing natural paradise. But now, he's finally come to realize that all he wants is to have a family again, and with his story finished, begins to sob. Knuckles actually gets up and hugs him, an incredibly sweet move made all the more touching by the fact that it's coming from "rougher than the rest of them, tougher than leather, unlike Sonic I don't chuckle" Knuckles the Echidna, and he reassures Tobor that he'll be there for him.
But now that we've heard the real Tobor's story, what about the Tobor inside Haven, the Tobor that is actually one Mr. Moritori Rex? Well, he's helping out in the restoration of power to Haven, for now. Locke has been able to track down the problem, tracing it back to one tiny little fried circuit which doesn't seem to have an easily available replacement, meaning it might be a while before they can get back to spying on Knuckles - and also meaning that they missed the entirety of Tobor's story.
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Well, how suspicious indeed! Knuckles, spurred by hearing Tobor's story, has left his ancestor to Julie-Su to look after for now, and has marched his way down to the precinct to speak with Remington. He has one goal in mind now - to interrogate Kragok, who if you'll recall was captured in the last battle against the Dark Legion, and get some real answers out of him concerning the history of the Legion. I'm sure that convincing your enemy who hates your guts to spill the beans will be a walk in the park, buddy!
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julie-su · 1 year
Fuck Voni-Ca put her ass in the blender
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julie-su · 2 years
can u seriously just kys already
That's not an echidna name the canon echidnas in Sonic are Knuckles, Tikal, Pachacamac, Shade, Tikal’s Grandma, Julie-Su, Lara-Su/Jani-Ca, Misty-Re, Tobor, Garek, Voni-Ca, Spectre, Kali-Ka, Soujourner, Wanda-Ra, Riki-Le, Thunderhawk, Shazi-Ah, Nemo, Janelle-Li, Athair, Xenin, Pravda, Crystal-La, Sabre, Iago, Jenna-Lu, Locke, Lara-Le, Doctor Zachary, Rutan, Perriwinkle, Cobar, Aurora, Wynmacher, Knecapceon, Constable Remington, Desi-Ca, Menthor, Doctor Finitevus, Darwin, Lien-Da, Kanewisher, Gae-Na, Arakkis, Kragok, Eli-Za, Komi-Ko, Princes Alucion, Eric, Merin-Da, Luger, Myokl, Jaker, Syntar, Pollu, Jon O'Hedge, Yanar, Dave, Mari-Su, Regi-Na, Imperator Ix, Pir'Oth Ix, Teri-Lu, Shockra, Moritori Rex, Menniker, Vera-Lo, Gala-Na, Dimitri, Zax, Cynthia-Wa, Nestor the Wise, Demi-Na, Angel-La, Byron, Officer Flint, Meri-ca, Jeffrey, Dian-Na, Ruta-Le, Spencer, Rosa-Lyn, Jordann, Jordan, Kayla-La, Sonji-Ra, Hawking, Jai-Na, Matthias, Aaron, Kann-Di, Sasi-Ka, Rykor, Rembrandt, Harlan, Holmes, Dawn-Na, Benedict, Moonwatcher, Lunama-Re, Eri-Ka, Steppenwolf, Edmund II, Siwa-Ra, Marta, Mr. Arrunda, Edmund, Simon, Floren-Ca, Raynor, other Raynor, Mari-An, AND Bimmy.
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