#Vincent and Mimi both losing their damn minds by the end. may or may not end in a lot of murders but hey
spiritofjustice · 5 months
re: Ava Augustus, since i said last night i really have done no work on her.
i still have not done much work on her, but i'm trying to get a good idea of her. i realized all the stuff i imagined for her was based on Alice in Wonderland inadvertently. i had a little idea that the Augustuses had a cat that Ava named after the cat in Alice in Wonderland (Dinah) and somehow, from that... when i thought of Ava, i was picturing fucking Alice. there's no way that girl is blonde what was i thinking KRKF
i'm still working on developing her. so far, i get the feeling she's a bit of a daddy's girl type, even though Vincent has spent nearly 2 years apart from his family (barring one short return to New York around Christmas), though of course because of that she's also vastly more close with Mimi now than him. i think her dynamic with Vincent is interesting to contrast with Mimi's.
i think Vincent still probably tries to put on the air that he's fine around Ava. she's a kid, she doesn't need to stress about her parents, whereas i think over time VIncent probably gives up on trying to pretend as much with Mimi. Mimi is too smart for that anyhow. but Ava is a smart kid, she's about, eh... 10, 11-ish and pretty smart too, so i'm sure she picked up on the weirdness, but because she's a kid, everyone continues to hide stuff from her.
i think Vincent and Mimi want to shield her from the stress, and why wouldn't they? but refusing to admit anything is wrong isn't very helpful either. i'm not sure what will become of Ava by the end of things. i'm kicking around the idea of Ava being sent to a boarding school just to keep her out of an increasingly unhealthy and unsafe living environment.
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