#Verse. Phantom Lord's Guild Master;Main
kurogane-redfox · 2 years
“Some scumbag did that to ya? Seriously? What the fuck!?”
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Gajeel was clearly pissed that someone had the gall to attack someone he was friends with. Rust was a tough son of a bitch but he likely couldn’t take multiple wizards at the same time. The guy obviously figured that out on his own but still.
“Ya want help pummelin’ him? I can make ya some kunai or somethin’.”
Clearly ready to help arm the younger male, the Dragon would wait for him to respond to his offer. What people didn’t seem to know was that the Dragon’s kunai lasted a while. He could obviously just dismiss them himself but leaving them out was also kind of fun. It was a good intimidation tactic depending on the scumbag he was facing.
“I’d destroy him if I got my hands on him but I don’t think that’d look good for my guild, ain’t gonna stop me from wantin’ to thrash him though.”
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draighaearn · 9 months
Verse. Main
Follows canon with a handful of alterations linked to my specific portrayal. There is no romance between Gajeel and Levy as there was in canon. Various canon events involving Levy will be altered for my portrayal.
Verse. Phantom Lord
Canon is taken out back and shot. Phantom Lord wins the war between itself and Fairy Tail, the other guild being disbanded and the members scattering or joining Phantom Lord to have a guild. Here for my blog, in this verse, Jose is NOT the Guild Master. Rather, one of Gajeel’s brothers is.
Verse. Undetermined
Who knows what can happen here? Not likely to be very often used.
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whereisthefood123 · 7 years
My turn?
Hello to everyone and welcome back! Yes, I finally updated the next prompt of Gajevy week (I'm incredibly sorry for my lateness... I went on a road trip for the weekend and couldn't finish this sooner). So, I bring you Day 3 - Pillow Talk
Summary: Gajeel and Levy talk about anything and nothing at all and the conversation suddenly turns serious.
Warning: This is going to be a rollercoaster of emotions, so fasten your seat belts and I hope you enjoy the ride! 
Rate: Gajeel’s potty mouth
Timeframe: Cannon-verse; after their time at the Council, before Alvarez war. They aren't a couple (yet), just very good friends.
I would like to ask you a favor: if this gets any reaction on you I want you to share this on tumblr/leave a comment with what was your reaction ('I squealed', 'I awww', something like that). It helps me to know if what I'm writing is getting the desired effects.
Words count: 5.4 k
"Would ya rather… uhm… would ya rather eat one of those winged blueish fish raw or lick Elfman's foot?" Gajeel asked and tilted his head to the side to see the bluenette that was lying beside him.
"Ew! Hmm, can I at least put some sauce on the fish?" Levy furrowed her nose and eyebrows in disgust. She couldn't decide whether the winged fish was more disgusting that Elfman's foot.
"Nope. Raw."
"Fine. I would lick Elfman's foot."
"For real?!"
"Yes, have you ever tried one of those fishes, Gajeel? No, thank you. I rather lick Elfman's foot."
"Ew that's gross, Shrimp."
She bursted out laughing and the sound bubbled around them complementing the beautiful place they were in. Gajeel and Levy were lying down on their backs side by side in a clearing in the forest close to Magnolia, staring up at the night sky full of stars. They had just finished a mission and were on their way back to the guild when they decided to set a camp in the forest to stay for the night and enjoy a good time just the two of them.
For this mission, neither did Lily nor Jet and Droy joined them. The three of them were busy with some other stuff, so Gajeel and Levy decided that it would be okay for them to go just the two of them to this mission. It went smoothly and they had a great time together.
"Alright, my turn." She took the magic ball from Gajeel's hand and give it a good shake. It was a toy that she bought at Era during their time at the Council and the two mages found it to be their favorite game. The ball could show only one of three possible outcomes: 'Truth', 'Would you rather' or 'Storytime'.
"Yay! 'Truth'!" She exclaimed once the ball settled in one of its phrases. "Okay…Have you ever… hmm… have you ever eaten one of Erza's swords or armors?" She turned to him just in time to see him blanch.
"Uhm… yeah… once…" He shuddered at the memory of what the swordswoman mage did to him once she found out what he had done. "I'll never try that again, though. Not worth it." She laughed again and he couldn't hold down his own chuckle.
Their game was simple, one of them would shake the magic ball and ask a question to the other one depending on the phrase showed by the toy. If it was 'Truth', they could only ask yes/no questions and the other one wasn't obliged to expand on their answer. If it was 'Would you rather', they had to present a scenario with two choices and the other one will have to choose one, with no option to choose none. Finally, if it was 'Storytime', they would ask an open question and the other one would have to elaborate on their answer until the one who asked was satisfied by it. The main rule was that they had to be completely honest to each other.
They had played this game with Lily quite frequently when they were at the Council. Since the reincorporation of Fairy Tail, they hadn't been able to play, so, seeing that they were already waiting until morning to get back to the guild, Levy suggested for them to play a little bit.
"Okay, now is your turn." Levy handed over the magic ball to Gajeel which he shook quite roughly. "Careful! Or you'll break it!"
"Calm down, Shrimp…" He grinned when he saw 'Storytime' on the ball. He had the perfect question for her. "Alright, 'Storytime'. What's the most embarrassing thing that had happen to ya due to yer shortness?"
Levy's face turned crimson at the memory and tried to cover her blush with her hands. "Uhmm… I…" she felt so embarrassed to tell Gajeel this but she didn't want to break the rules and they were having a good time together. So, she braced herself, pulled her hands off of her face and started telling her story. "One time I was at the mall and this police officer thought I was a lost child and asked me about my parents' whereabouts."
Gajeel laughed loudly but then stopped when he noticed she wasn't finished with her story.
"Then, he brought me to the main office of the mall to wait for my 'parents' to pick me up." She covered her eyes in embarrassment before finishing her tale "I had to call Lu-chan to pick me up and made her swear to never tell anyone about it."
Gajeel's laughter was louder if that was even possible and he was clutching his sides from how hard he was laughing. He knew it was going to be a good story but he didn't expected to be this good!
"Oh! Come on… it isn't that funny, Gajeel!" She tried to look angry that he was laughing at her misfortune but she couldn't hold down the giggles that escaped from her mouth. Gajeel's laughter was just too contagious.
"Gihihi! Yes it is! Gihihihi!" He wiped away the tears that escaped from his eyes and did his best to calm down for them to continue with the game.
"Are you done now?" Levy huffed.
"Yeah, yeah. Gihi" He finally stopped laughing and handed the magic ball to Levy for her to give it a little shake.
"Okay, 'Storytime'! Hmm…" She tapped her chin with her index finger thinking on a good question to ask Gajeel. "Okay, tell me what is your happiest memory?"
Gajeel hummed, closed his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest trying to recall all the good times he had had in his life that could be considered as his 'happiest memory'. There were a lot of good moments with Lily and with Levy, even good memories at Fairy Tail with Salamander and the kiddo, but he knew exactly which one was his happiest memory.
"Flying on Metallicana's back." He grinned and looked at her as if stating that that was all he was willing to say.
Levy narrowed her eyes at him. "Expand"
"Oh, come on, Shrimp!" He complained at her one-word command but she cut him short before he could throw a tantrum.
"You know the rules, Mister. Now expand on you story." She pointed her index finger at him accusingly and Gajeel relented.
"Fine." Gajeel huffed and crossed his arms behind his head to use them as a pillow. "Ya know, Metallicana was never the kind of father to say 'well done' or those pansy things parents are supposed to say to their brats. But whenever I mastered a new spell or passed one of his stupid tests, he would place me on his back and take off flying." He said and a small smile appeared on his face at the memory of his foster parent.
"Where to?"
He grunted but answered her anyways. "Anywhere and nowhere. To the mountains, to the sea… the destiny didn't really mattered. He knew I just liked to ride on his back so he took me anywhere he pleased." His expression softened in nostalgia for the days he spent with his dragon.
It has been over a year since the last time Gajeel saw Metallicana. It happened during the battle with Tartaros and in the aftermath the Iron Dragon disappeared along with the other dragons. Even when he wanted to stay strong and look unfazed by the death of his foster father, Gajeel felt devastated when he said his farewell to his dragon. And to add up to his emotional burden, Fairy Tail disbanded just after the battle was over. If it hadn't been for Levy and Lily, Gajeel was sure he would have lost his mind and returned to his old habits from Phantom Lord.
Levy noticed his somehow sad expression and placed her hand on his shoulder reassuringly. "It sounds wonderful. He sure was a great father." She smiled kindly at him.
"Tch, he still was a bastard, but he wasn't half bad." Gajeel said good-naturedly and shook his head to get rid of the nostalgia. "My turn?" Levy nodded and handed him the magic ball.
"'Would ya rather'... uhmm…" He looked at her and paused for a moment. He wanted to get to more personal topics but decided to test the waters first. "Would ya rather... become a guild master or a Wizard Saint?" At least this would help him know about her plans for the future, probably.
"Huh?" She was taken aback slightly by the question since she had never given a thought about it. "Hmm, I think I would rather be a guild master. You know, for all the family unity and the fun at the guild. That's something I would never get tired of." She giggled lightly and Gajeel looked at her in confusion.
"What's so funny?"
"Oh, just how ridiculous it would be for me to be a guild master, haha. Or a Wizard Saint." She joked but he noticed a slight sadness in her tone.
"Why?" He asked incredulously.
"Well, I'm not near strong enough to be either. That's what makes it funny." She shrugged her shoulders casually.
Even after unlocking her second origin and after their time in the Council, Levy still felt like she wasn't a strong mage. She had come a long way from when she met Gajeel, but she still felt like 'strong' wasn't a suitable adjective to describe her. Still, it didn't bother her that much as of recent. She had come to terms with that idea. Kind of.
"Now, wait a minute!" Gajeel said in his gruff voice and propped his torso up on his elbows to look down at her. She looked up at him in confusion for his sudden outburst but before she could ask what happened he stated firmly "Yer the smartest person I've ever known. Heck, yer probably the smartest person in all Earthland. If ya want to be a guild master or a Wizard Saint then go for it. And to hell with anyone that dares to tell ya ya ain't strong enough! I'll arrest them!" He finished and pinned her down with one of his most determined glares as if daring her to disagree with him.
Levy's eyes widened at his statement. He had never complimented her like this and it was a surprise to hear Gajeel express his thoughts so openly. She smiled at him. Gajeel always knew what to say to her to regain her self-confidence.
"You know you can't arrest people any longer, right? We're not in the Council anymore." She giggled and when he noticed her smile reached up to her eyes he let himself relax and plopped down back on the grass.
"Tch, just watch me, Shortstuff. I can arrest whoever the hell I want to." He smirked and she matched him with her own playful grin.
"My turn?" Gajeel nodded and handed her the magic ball. "'Would you rather'... Hmm… Oh, I know! Would you rather to not eat iron for an entire year or go shopping with... with Juvia for a day?"
"Not eat iron for a year." He surprised Levy with his immediate response.
"Eh?! Really?!"
"Yeah! Have ya ever gone shopping with Juvia? I went once. ONCE! Never going through that hell again…" He shuddered when he remembered the water mage dragging him from store to store, asking for what would look good on her for her beloved Gray-sama to notice her. How the hell was he supposed to know what the Ice Freak liked? Oh, but he couldn't say that to Juvia because she would start crying (which did happened).
"Let me guess, she asked you about what Gray would like and never stopped talking about him?" Gajeel raised an eyebrow at her and his eyes widened in confusion. Had she developed mind reading abilities?
She laughed at his expression. "I went with her too once after Tenrou Island. I really thought that she would eventually get tired of talking about Gray but she proved me wrong. Hahaha. After that I decided to either go shopping with all the girls or just go shopping by myself." She admitted with a grimace at the memory of one of the worst shopping trips Levy had ever experienced.
"Gihi! Good choice!" Gajeel chuckled and bumped his fist with hers in a friendly manner.
"Your turn!" Levy said and handed him the toy.
When the ball showed 'Storytime', Gajeel's brows furrowed in thought. What could he ask her now? Well, there was a question he commonly used whenever he was out of ideas so he believed it would be alright to use it now. "What's the most valuable thing ya own?"
He knew the answer to that question, but still it was fun to hear her ramble about the rarest book she owned. It was one of those first edition books that had only a handful of copies printed out. She had confessed that it cost her a fortune to get it but it was worth it. Yep, that was the most expensive thing she owned, or so she had told him when they were at the Council.
"My mom's diary." She said with a small smile and Gajeel was taken aback by her answer. That wasn't what she had told him the previous times he had asked her the same thing.
"W-what...? Yer lying or ya lied before then." He accused her and she glared at him for even suggesting she was breaking the same rules she had created.
"No, I'm not! And I didn't lied before. You had asked me about the most expensive thing I own and that's 'Ancient Fiorian and Boscan folklore stories'" Ah, yes. That's the rare book Gajeel knew about. "But you asked me just now about the most valuable thing I own and that's my mom's diary. I didn't lied; they are just two different questions."
"Alright, alright." He said apologetically. He examined her expression once her eyes softened; he didn't know if he should press on with this story since it was a touchy subject. He knew Levy had lost both her parents when she was barely ten years old and joined the guild after that. She had never talked about it with him; he just knew about this because Cana told him one night they were drinking at the guild hall. Right now, Gajeel felt torn between wanting to not upset her by bringing back bad memories and wanting to know more about her, about her past, about her parents, about what made this diary so special to her.
As if she had read his mind for the second time this night, Levy continued with her story. "My mom used to write every night on her diary. She wrote anything that crossed her mind. I got to learn how she fell in love with my dad and all the weird food cravings she had when she was pregnant with me." She giggled and Gajeel noticed her expression wasn't tainted with sadness but with fondness. "She even wrote how proud she felt when I casted my first spell."
She looked at him and noticed his expression was conflicted between wanting to know more and not wanting to say the wrong thing. She smiled at him kindly. "It's alright, Gajeel. It isn't painful to talk about it; well, not anymore. It's even comforting."
Gajeel's expression softened at her words. "Ya probably caused a lot of havoc when ya were little. Well, littler than right now, gihi."
"Ha ha, very funny." She said sarcastically. "But I actually was like a 'little angel'. My mom's words." She finished proudly.
"No doubt about the 'little' part. Ough!" He huffed when she punched him on his side for teasing her again with her size. "How can ya punch like that with yer little fis- w-wait wait! Okay okay I'm done!" He raised his hands defensively when she prepared to punch him one more time.
Levy giggled and extended her hand to him. "It's my turn now." He placed the magic ball in her hand and after a little shake it stopped in 'Truth'. Levy took a minute to think about her question. She had noticed they were getting into more meaningful inquiries but she didn't wanted to press things too far. Maybe asking something about his plans for the future would be alright?
"'Truth'. Okay, so, Gajeel, have you ever thought of having kids? Like, one day forming your own family?"
'Yeah, with you' Gajeel blushed furiously at the mere thought, but didn't voiced it out. He stared up to sky refusing to meet Levy's gaze unless he risked it to say it out loud and freak Levy out. If he was honest, he had thought about that several times. He had imagined how their house would be, how great it would be waking up next to her, how amazing their brats would be having Levy's brains and Gajeel's brawn. Yeah, Gajeel had thought about it thoroughly but he couldn't say that to Levy, right? Besides, it was just a 'Truth' question so he didn't needed to expand too much in his answer.
"Y-yeah…" He cleared his throat to get rid of the awkwardness that this topic brought to him, but the blush didn't disappeared from his cheeks.
"Really? That's really nice! I think you would be a great dad one day." Levy blushed and looked up to the sky too when she noticed that what she just said might have sound a little weird. If she was honest, she had imagined herself forming a family with him. But she couldn't say that, right? It would be just too awkward… They were just friends and she didn't even know how he felt about her. So, yeap, it was probably super weird to say that he could be a great dad one day, but hey! she really believed that.
Now, the two dorks were looking up to the sky, blushing intensely while thinking about the way their kids would be and how awkward it would be to confess their thoughts to the other. There was no way they could say that out loud. Nope, that would be just too weird...
Gajeel registered Levy's words and his heart started to beat faster in his chest. Did she really think he would be a great dad someday? C-could it mean that she wanted him to be her kids' father?
'No, stop that!' He scolded himself internally. He couldn't be thinking like that. Not after everything he had done. He didn't deserve that kind of life. The sins of his past were still too heavy on Gajeel's shoulders.
He sighed and looked the other way from Levy. "Still, don't think I would cut it out as a father." He said in a sad tone and Levy looked at him in confusion.
"Why would you say that?"
"Tch, don't forget everything I've done, Shortstack. Don't think any kid would want me as their dad." His tone was somber and Levy knew he was going down the self-loathing path. She hated whenever he did this to himself. Couldn't he see what a good person he had become? Couldn't he see himself like Levy saw him?
She placed her hand gently on his shoulder to get his attention back to her. When he looked directly into her eyes she said softly but firmly "Any kid would be lucky to have you as a father, Gajeel. You are a good man, even when you are too stubborn to believe it yourself." She smiled at him but his expression remained troubled.
How could Shorty be the one saying that he was a good man? She had seen first-handedly how much of a monster he was. Why would she even think there was good inside Gajeel's rotten soul? How could she believe that if not even Gajeel thought there was even an ounce of goodness inside of him?
He lowered his gaze, refusing to look straight to her eyes. Levy noticed that he still looked troubled and it pained her to see him not believing her words. "Gajeel…" She was about to comment further into this but he shook his head.
"Just drop it, Shortstuff." He said and his tone didn't leave a place for arguments. He grabbed the magic ball from her hand to keep going with the game. As much as Levy hated to see him like this, she knew there was a limit to which she could push Gajeel and apparently she had reached that point already. She sighed in defeat and waited for the ball to show the next phrase.
The toy stopped in 'Storytime' and as much as Gajeel wanted to move to happier topics, he wanted to make it clear to Levy that he was still the same monster that attacked her several years back and that she shouldn't forget it. He knew it was going to be painful to ask the next question but he needed to make sure she understood that the past cannot be changed, not matter how much you'd want to.
"'Storytime'. When was the time when ya were the most afraid?" Gajeel asked and dared to look at her. He knew she was going to say that it was the night they met and he was going to push her to explain further so she could understand why he wasn't able to forgive himself for what he did to her so many years ago.
Levy looked at him in confusion and sighed because she knew where he wanted to get to. Still, that wasn't the answer to his question.
"On Tenrou Island, when I left you to fight on your own against Kawazu and Yomazu." She looked away in shame at the memory and Gajeel placed his hand on her cheek to avoid her looking away from him. He stared at her with seriousness.
"Don't li-"
"I'm not lying." She interrupted and stared at him defiantly. He was shocked by her expression and retreated his hand when he noticed she wasn't going to look away from him again. He blinked in astonishment trying to understand what she just said and Levy sighed once again before continuing with her story.
"I was afraid that you were going to die that time. And I hated myself for leaving you behind." Her voice was small and her gaze softened into something akin to shame.
"I told ya to leave m-"
"I know…" she interrupted him once again. "I know you said that I needed to tell everybody about Grimoire Heart. I know it was the right choice at the moment. But I still felt horrible for leaving you. You had just saved me and then I was running from the battle leaving you to fend for yourself when you were already injured." Tears prickled at the corner of her eyes but she refused to let them fall. "I really feared you were going to die that time, Gajeel. And I hated that I wasn't strong enough to stay by your side and fight together." She swallowed hard to keep her voice from cracking.
Gajeel stared at her with wide eyes. He had no idea she felt this awful about that time. He remembered the way she knelt down beside him when the battle was over and begged for him to still be alive. He thought that she was crying due to the stress of the battle; he never considered it had been that hard for her to run away from the fight.
"I-I'm sorry, Shrimp… I j-just…" He didn't know what to say. Here he was, wanting to make a point on how a horrible person he was but her answer just proved him how a wonderful person she was. Now he just felt bad for making her relive that painful memory.
"I know what your point was in asking me that question, Gajeel." She looked at him straight in the eye with a fierce determination that left Gajeel mute. "But there's something you need to know."
Gajeel swallowed hard and paid close attention to Levy's words. "That night, the night we met… it was hard, but I moved past that long ago… That memory doesn't haunt me anymore, Gajeel. And it shouldn't haunt you either." Her gaze softened and she brushed one stray hair from his forehead before placing her hand gently on his cheek. "Learn to forgive yourself." Levy smiled her dazzling smile and all Gajeel could do was focus on his breathing.
His heart beat faster in his chest and he felt his throat closed down denying his words to be voiced out. There were so many things he wanted to say to her; he wanted to ask her how could she move past that night, he wanted to know the reasons to why should he forgive himself, but most importantly, he wanted to thank her because in Fairy Tail many people had forgiven him (it took some time but they eventually considered Gajeel as nakama) and even when she was the first one to forgive him, she was the only one who had told him that it was okay for him to forgive himself. He was grateful for her kind words because these words would help him heal his soul and eventually reach that point in which he would consider himself worthy of Levy's friendship, and maybe, of her love.
Levy noticed Gajeel's stunned expression and willed herself not to laugh at him. "My turn?" She said and he shook his head to snap out of his shock and handed the ball to Levy. She retreated her hand from his cheek and took the toy from his grasp.
"Let's move to happier things, shall we?" She smiled sweetly at him and he grinned in response. "So, 'Storytime'. What is the best thing that has ever happen to you?"
Gajeel looked at her in confusion. "I already told ya my happiest memory… Ain't that the same?"
"Well, it can be an event or something that triggered a series of events. Like meeting Lily, or joining Fairy Tail…"
Gajeel hummed and looked up to the sky thinking about the best answer to Levy's question. Sure meeting Lily was absolutely life changing since he found in the black Exceed a best friend and a trustworthy partner. Also, having Metallicana as his father gave him some of his best memories as well as his dragon slayer's skills. And hell, he had to accept that joining Fairy Tail was one of the best things that ever happened to him since it gave him the chance to redeem himself and use his strength for good causes.
Learn to forgive yourself. Levy's words replayed in his mind and he looked back at her. She was still waiting for his answer with those beautiful hazel eyes looking expectantly at him. Her mouth was set in a small smile, she probably was amused by seeing the gears on Gajeel's mind set in motion.
"So, what's your answer Gajeel?"
As he stared at her, he knew what the truthful answer to her question was.
"You." He said without any trace of hesitation. Levy's cheeks tinted a shade of pink at his words and her mouth set into an 'o' shape. Before Gajeel's courage would leave him, he willed himself to continue with his answer.
"Ya are the best thing that ever happen to me. Ya forgave me. Ya became my friend. And ya made me a better man." He enlisted some of the things she did for him but there were so many more reasons for Levy to be the best thing that ever happen to him. Still, he refrained to those three points and he watched how the blush in Levy's face intensified. He could feel his own face heating up at his confession and he swallowed hard before finishing with his declaration.
"So, thank ya, Levy. F-for everything…" He said and looked up to the sky again in embarrassment. Here he was pouring his heart out to her and she was just staring at him with wide eyes and a flushed face.
He was certain that she was about to freak out and probably would call it a night. She would probably want to act as if nothing happen and even when it would hurt him deeply, Gajeel would swallow his pride and go along with what she would decide as the best course of action. Still, he felt content to finally have said all of that to her.
Levy on her part was stunned by his answer. D-did he really just say that she was the best thing to ever happen to him? She could hear her thundering heart in her ears and felt how butterflies started to flutter in her stomach. When she noticed he wasn't looking at her she realized she hadn't say anything in return. But what could she say to that?
She steeled herself to do something brave. She turned to lay on her side facing Gajeel and, without taking another second to reconsider, Levy placed her hand over Gajeel's and intertwined her fingers with him. Gajeel looked back at her with wide eyes not believing what she was doing and Levy forced herself not to look away in embarrassment.
"Y-you're also the best thing that ever happen to me." She said sheepishly but didn't break eye contact with him.
Gajeel's breath hitched at her words. He turned to lay on his side facing her too without removing his hand from her grasp. Then, she took another brave step and continued.
"You protected me time and time again. You became my friend. You made me stronger and bigger than I ever thought I could be. And above all that, you believed in me even when I didn't believed in myself."
Levy averted her eyes from him for a moment and took a deep breath. "So, I guess that… what I'm trying to say is… Thank you, Gajeel. For everything." She stared directly at his crimson eyes and smiled beautifully.
Gajeel couldn't believe what he just heard. She was thanking him, him, for everything? But that didn't make any sense! She… she just…
'Oh, God. She's just fucking perfect.' He thought and found it incredibly hard to look away from her hazel eyes.
He removed his hand gently from her grasp and before she could think that he was rejecting her, he reached out to her with both his arms and brought her closer to his chest for a gentle hug. He buried his face into her hair and took a deep breath to let her scent wash away all his worries.
Levy was surprised by his action but she didn't opposed him. Instead, she melted into his embrace and pressed her face into his hard chest, breathing in his metallic scent and welcoming the warmth his body generated.
There were so many things that Gajeel expressed through this embrace and somehow Levy understood him perfectly.
I'll always protect ya.
I'll stay by yer side as long as ya let me.
But above all that, he thanked her. He thanked her for her kind words. He thanked her for everything she had done for him. And he thanked her for sharing this moment together.
Levy couldn't help but smile and feel contented to be in his arms. It was the place where she felt safer and soon she started to drift off to sleep.
"Hey, Shorty…" he mumbled into her hair just before she let sleep take away her mind.
"We should do this more often, ya know?" He pushed back slightly to look at her face. When he noticed her half-lidded eyes he knew she didn't understood what he was saying and he chuckled. "I mean, hanging out just the two of us."
Levy smiled at him and nodded. "I would love that." Then, she returned to her position within Gajeel's arms.
He reached out for a nearby blanket and pulled it over their bodies. He then proceeded to drift off to sleep with the woman he loved in his arms.
Yes, this was definitely their favorite game, but they'll have to ask Lily to let them play just the two of them alone again. It seemed that their souls were in great need to have this pleasant pillow talk.
That's it! Thank you very much for reading and I hope I'll be able to post the next prompts sooner. (They might not be as long as the firsts prompts but they will still be substancially long to fill your Gajevy need). I haven't decided yet what to do with 'Trouble twins' so it might be the last prompt I'll do.
Remember: if this got any reaction out of you I want you to share this on tumblr/leave a comment with what was your reaction ('I squealed', 'I awww', something like that). It helps me to know if what I'm writing is getting the desired effects.
Tell me what you think about this story!
WTF (Where'sTheFood?)
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kurogane-redfox · 2 years
“I ain’t gonna ask. I will still say yer fuckin’ weird for usin’ such a long password in the first place though,”
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Gajeel couldn’t help but poke a bit of fun at her for her reason behind her password but he wasn’t going to actually tease her about it. As long as no one got into her things it’d be okay right? He hoped so at least. She was smart when it counted.
“Ain’t judgin’ ya, Ink. I really could care less as long as ya don’t forget when ya need yer password.”
The Guild Master would grin as he lounged on a chair for no reason other than to lounge. He’d not had to chastise anyone in his guild yet but it was still pretty early in the day so anything could happen.
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kurogane-redfox · 2 years
“If yer lookin’ for some fucks to kill, there’s a cult that way,”
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Gajeel would jerk his shoulder in the direction of the cult. He could feel the murderous intent rolling off the guy in front of him in waves. While he’d heard about him he wasn’t sure what to expect when he was told to watch over him.
“Anyway, I’m bored. Gonna go back to my guild. Ya do whatever ya want as long as ya leave my guild and its members alone we ain’t gonna have an issue.”
It wasn’t a threat by any means, but no one was going to fuck with his guild and get away with it. It didn’t know what to expect from the guy who was known for hunting strong people down. As long as he didn’t target him or his guild members he could honestly care less what the other guy did.
“See ya for now.”
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kurogane-redfox · 2 years
Closed Starter for @glitteringxchaos​
Gajeel grinned to himself as he tucked the papers he’d recently signed with a controlling bastard into his desk and locked the drawer. The man was desperate to marry his daughter off to a wealthy man, and despite all his attempts at pairing her off with a wrinkly old fart he’d failed. Eventually he’d heard about the Master of Phantom Lord being single. Likely from Sorcerer Weekly and he’d shown up intending on meeting the very powerful and wealthy man to discuss things with him.
There were stipulations, of course, such as the fact that after he married the young woman, they were to have a child within a year. The old man had explained that his daughter was his pride and joy, but the undertones of his voice said otherwise. The Dragon Slayer had managed to get the man to rescind his blocking of his daughter’s use of her magic as one of the various stipulations that made the Dragon agree to the marriage in the first place.
Now, he, along with the rest of his guild were awaiting the arrival of the young heiress. Though, truth be told, the Dragon wasn’t sure what to expect. Being that he was a Wizard Saint, and a Dragon Slayer he could have his pick of just about anyone, so why would he agree to an arranged marriage with Jude Heartfilia’s daughter, Lucy? It was simple, the Dragon was able to tell that the old man had been trying and failing to pair his poor daughter off to the highest bidder for money. Fucking greedy piece of shit.
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“Remember, everyone. She ain’t used to bein’ around rowdy people. So behave until she settles in or I’ll put yer asses in the box,”
After speaking, the doors to the guildhall would open, and a young woman in a rather fancy dress would walk through them. The light shining behind her would cast a shadow over her entire appearance. Once the doors closed, standing at the front of the Phantom Lord guildhall would be a very shy looking young blonde woman. As she started looking around trying in vain to spot who she was signed up to marry, the Dragon would step forward. If she’d read any Sorcerer Weekly magazines, the chance of her recognizing him was high since he’d been one of the top bachelors for some time now.
“Yer Lucy, right? We need to talk in private ‘cause ya need to know all the stipulations.”
He was being as gentle in tone as he possibly could be and it was due to the expression on the blonde’s face. He could tell she was severely uncomfortable and it might not be just because of the amount of guild members were staring at her either. The Dragon would place a hand gently on her shoulder and begin easing her toward the hall that led to his office. His guild members were probably wondering when he was going to get the monkey suit off, but for the time being he was going to wear it. Even though he’d rather just be wearing his typical coat and gloves.
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kurogane-redfox · 2 years
❝  i fuckin' killed them for ya.  i know ya could’ve done it yourself,  but ya shouldn’t fuckin' have ta.  ❞ - From Cobra
You can kill me but don't touch them | Accepting
Watching Erik murder someone in front of him was a hell of a lot hotter than Gajeel expected it to be. Seeing small rivers of blood on the other Dragon's face made him want to lick it off. HIs tongue would flick out and moisten his lips for a moment before the Guild Master would step forward and place a gloved hand upon Erik's hip. He'd then lean forward and drag his tongue along one of the little lines of blood on the other male's face.
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"Hmm, it tastes alright but I think ya taste a hell of a lot fuckin' better than shitty blood does,"
He wasn't even bothered by the fact that the other Dragon disposed of an enemy in front of him. The Poison Slayer was his, what? Well, either way they made out pretty regularly whenever they could and the Iron Slayer loved to elicit any and all noises he could from the maroon haired male.
"How about we go back to my quarters and I help ya get cleaned up? Gihi."
Well, who knew if they'd both get cleaned up or get messier. It would really depend on if Erik would let the Iron Dragon fuck him or not.
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kurogane-redfox · 2 years
“ are you… smelling me? ”  - from Gray
Question Prompts | Accepting
Gajeel wasn’t at all bothering trying to hide the fact that he was, indeed, sniffing Gray. The ice wizard smelt really, really good to him for some reason. Maybe it was a new aftershave or something? He’d snort before backing away just briefly.
“What’s gettin’ yer panties in a wad, popsicle dick? So what if I was sniffin’ ya it’s kinda a Dragon thing, ya know?”
Before he could stop himself from leaning over and taking another deep whiff of that delectable scent he’d chuckle. Was his presence what was bothering the other male or was it their closeness? Maybe a bit of both? A large gloved hand would move to rest on the bare shoulder of the ice wizard as a grin appeared on the Iron Dragon’s face.
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“Are ya seriously that uncomfortable with me smellin’ ya? Tch, whatever I’ll just go sniff Salamander then, at least he doesn’t smell like the inside of an ice box.”
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kurogane-redfox · 2 years
[ ELEVEN ]  for sender to carefully approach receiver in the aftermath,  gently touching them to try and bring them back to themselves. - from Natsu
You can kill me but don't touch them | Accepting
Gajeel groaned as blood cascaded down his face, arms, and off of his hands. There were splatters and puddles of putrid smelling blood all over what remained of the Guild Master's office. The Dragon Slayer had only gone in to talk to Jose but then the man had said something about Natsu that hadn't set well with his inner dragon.
Before he could stop himself, his body had vaulted over the desk the creep named Jose Porla had been seated at and stabbed him with claws that were instantaneously summoned to his finger tips. After sickening crunching, cries of pain and terror from Jose, and the sounds of guttural growling and snarling stopped was likely when Natsu entered the remains of the office.
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"S-Stay back...don't... don't come near me!"
The Iron Dragon froze the moment Natsu's warm hands met his bloodied shoulders. There were a couple new wounds on the older Dragon but most of the blood on his person was from Jose who was now nothing more than a bloody stain inside the office. There was blood positively EVERYWHERE, it coated the walls, there were splashes on the ceiling, the desk was not only splintered but had thick globs of blood dripping off of what remained of it, and the floor was also covered in most areas.
"It's best that yer not... around me. I'm dangerous,"
The Iron Dragon made no attempt to pull away from the younger Dragon for some reason he felt comforted with the other there. This moment of weakness wasn't anything the older Slayer would admit to ever having should it ever be brought up. He kept his head bowed as thick rivers of blood slid down from his scalp to join the remains of Phantom's former Guild Master, Jose on the stone floor.
"Natsu... I need to get to my room before anyone sees me like this."
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kurogane-redfox · 2 years
❝  i know you like the rain,  but it’s getting cold.  you need to come in before you get sick.  ❞ Alter
Misc Memes | Accepting
Feeling the droplets as they made his hair even heavier than it already was, caused the Dragon to look over at the armored man that spoke to him. A derisive snort would come from him, sending a few droplets of water into the air to join the cascading falling droplets of water. Gajeel would turn his head slightly despite his hair sticking to various parts of his face, neck, and back to show that he heard Alter speak.
"Yer right but ya know rain reminds me of someone I used to know,"
He'd lift a gloved hand and run it through his soaked hair. Despite being as wet as it was, was still rather spiky in appearance. He'd sigh and push himself away from the rain as it continued to fall, a soft murmur of some sort leaving his lips prior to him walking back inside to stand beside the Berserker.
"So, I'm guessin' ya need mana or yer wantin' me to eat. Could be both knowin' ya but I'll get outta my wet clothes first."
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He'd leave the main room, leaving a trail of water in his wake that he'd clean up upon his return. The door to his room would open and stay that way as he peeled his soaked clothing off before pulling on warm and dry pants. He'd sling a towel over his shoulders to catch some of the water still dripping off his long hair but forego a shirt entirely. There was a fireplace he'd light a fire soon enough.
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kurogane-redfox · 2 years
“i am so fond of you.” ( throws this at you )
More Romance Prompts | Accepting | @truesymphony
"I get that, Ray, but why are ya so fuckin' fond of me?"
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Gajeel didn't feel that he made the best of impressions on anyone. Least of all those he was close to or had been close to when Jose was the Master of Phantom Lord. Now the Iron Slayer held the title and had for a few years now.
"I'm rude and my mouth is fuckin' foul, I'm also a huge dick to everyone."
He honestly couldn't understand what anyone saw in him. Friend or someone wishing to go beyond that status. He just couldn't fathom anyone wanting to do more than simply hook up with him for the night or a few nights. Yeah, he was good in bed but that was beside the point it wasn't like he held that over anyone's head. No one even knew he'd done anything with anyone before.
"Care to enlighten why yer so fuckin' fond of me? Ya can't say I don't scare ya. I scare everyone."
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kurogane-redfox · 2 years
"Gajeel-kun! Happy Birthday!"
The water mage threw her arms around the Iron Slayer's neck from behind as he was seated at his desk, a bright smile on her lips. Being her best friend, of course she knew he never enjoyed celebrating his birthday, but that didn't mean she was just going to sit by and let such a special day pass them by with no recognition of it. Luckily for him, however, her plans involved only the two of them, and a little vacation away from the guild for the weekend. He needed a break anyway - he worked himself way too hard in her opinion.
"Juvia would like to take Gajeel-kun on a vacation this weekend. Juvia even purchased everything ahead of time. Gajeel-kun will come...right?"
It's Gajeel's Birthday | Accepting
He'd smelled her, of course, but still Gajeel allowed Juvia to do whatever she'd come into his office to do. At the mention of his birthday he'd flinch slightly she knew how he felt about it. She considered the day special and he didn't but she also knew why that was. It never stopped her from getting him to give her the rare view of his actual smile for a brief moment.
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"Juvia ya know how I feel about this fuckin' day... but sure we can do somethin'. Just the two of us this weekend,"
He wasn't just saying yes to placate her or anything, not even because she'd spent Jewel to get everything in order before even bringing it up to him. He knew she was thinking about the amount of time he spent working. The fact that, despite it already being the beginning of the weekend he was still working in his office. Filling out some papers to send to the Council because someone had decided to go a bit overboard on their last job.
"Yeah, I ain't gonna make ya go alone, ya know how I feel when yer away for too long. Ain't ya uncomfortable in my hair though? There is a lot of it after all."
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kurogane-redfox · 1 year
❝  where did you get that? ❞ CuZilla
Five Word Starters Volume iv | Accepting
Gajeel just chewed a bit of the metal before opting to speak. He'd look at the Berserker and chuckle slightly. He always had some iron on him so it shouldn't be too surprising. Well, it wouldn't be to those that knew the Dragon well.
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"Outta my fuckin' pocket. I'd offer ya some but I doubt ya can eat it,"
He'd take another bite and grin a bit. Keeping his eyes on the armored male standing nearby. A large arm would rest on top of the table before the black haired male would lift a mug of some sort of drink to his lips and take a gulp.
"Ya hungry or need anythin'? I'll do what I can for ya."
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kurogane-redfox · 1 year
@ulsterhound​​ [x]
“Bein’ able to eat metal is pretty fuckin’ rare, if ya want some I have more,”
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Gajeel would pull a piece out of his pocket and hold it out toward the other male. While most people would be concerned about the other male’s outward appearance, the Iron Dragon thought he looked positively badass. Plus, he was interesting to be around and the Dragon didn’t need to hide any of his violent tendencies whilst around the other male.
“If ya ever need somethin’ ya can ask me and if I can get it for ya, or if I have it I’ll give it to ya without askin’ any questions.”
He wasn’t overly familiar with how Heroic Spirits worked but he knew the armored male was more than slightly different than any of the others. In a way he was almost a whole different sort of classification of spirit entirely.
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kurogane-redfox · 2 years
Verse tags
Phantom Lord’s Guild Master;Main Fairy Tail Gave me a new Home;Seconary Taking Teyvat by Storm;Main Vigilante - Think you can Hold me Back?;Main Pro - Dragons Really do Exist;Secondary Villain - Nothin' will stop me!;Main
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kurogane-redfox · 2 years
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                 If they lost to trash that just makes them trash as well.
Unaffiliated & Indie Gajeel Redfox Dash only blog Eighteen Plus Only Heavily Headcanon Influenced Canon Divergent Phantom Lord’s Guild Master is main FT verse. Has a Genshin Verse Has a Boku no Hero Verse Crossover friendly Selective with OCs
Sup? My name’s Zaithki and I write the Iron Dragon Slaying Bastard Gajeel Redfox. If you’d be nice enough to reblog this for be I’d appreciate it. Likes won’t help me get any followers but they will allow me to know you’re at the very least interested in my muse. I’d appreciate if you’d read my pinned post since it has the rules for my blog as well as links to everything else on the blog itself. I add details, headcanons, and other information regularly. Just follow the rules and we’ll get along fine.
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