#Vergil and Dante regaining the relationship they had as kids is so important to me
ryanthel0ser · 7 months
Every moment once Vergil becomes whole again that clues Dante in that this is not the same Vergil from the Temi-ni-Gru [aka everything that tells Dante that Vergil has taken V's character development]
"If I beat Nero, then by default I beat you, agreed Dante?" DMC3 Vergil would NEVER. He did not compromise when it came to fighting Dante, he had to be the one to defeat him. Vergil only compromised to shoot Arkham and then went right back to fighting Dante.
"But if we continue to let these roots spread through town, it'll just interfere with our business." Vergil may say it like this but it's clear he wants to close the separation between the human and underworld. I don't think it's a stretch to say that DMC3 Vergil would not have cared and kept fighting, Vergil being willing to stop the Qliphoth and stay in the Underworld isn't a selfish act.
"I'm more than capable of handling this on my own" You can literally see Dante turn to Vergil in shock when he says this, he's giving him a chance to go back to the human world with Nero instead of being stuck in the Underworld with him. Vergil? Giving Dante an olive branch? This is definitely not the same Vergil that Dante fought before.
"We got plenty of time" Vergil gives Dante a genuine happy smile with this line, I don't think we've seen Vergil smile like this since he was a kid (Visions of V) which means Dante hasn't either. They're fighting like they did when they were kids again, keeping score and having banter. This is the happiest they've been in a long time, they get to be brothers again.
It'd probably take a few conversations between fighting (those are happening I know it, Itsuno told me himself/j) for Dante to get the full story of Vergil's character development through V, but those moments key Dante in that Vergil has changed, he no longer has to fight him to protect the world. He just wants to fight him because that's his brother, and he loves him.
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zenithlux · 4 years
Cadence Update - CH 13
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I know I said I was going to lower my updates, but then I went on a writing spree and my backlog is back up to a good level. So here we were! With a random Sunday update! Hope you enjoy  🥰 🥰
In which Nero and Vergil finally talk for longer than a minute and Roxy shows off a special talent.
Catch up on the story here!
Ain’t nobody bring us down, down, down down, down, down They could try but we’re gonna wear the crown You could go another round Round, round, round, round, round, round Wish you luck, but you’re not bringing us down
Nero visited Devil May Cry two hours before Vergil planned to move out.
It was spectacular timing on his part for a multitude of reasons. Vergil had had every intention to leave that morning instead, but Dante had practically begged that Vergil stay one more day to “leave things in good shape”. Then, just a few hours after that, Vergil had unplugged the phone, ensuring no distractions that weren’t personal, and forwarded half a day's wages to Dante instead so his brother wouldn’t complain. (At least, not more than he was going to already). The only reason Vergil hadn’t left yet was because he was waiting on Roxy’s return message and had gotten distracted reorganizing the admittedly meager pile of books in Dante’s old duffel bag. 
So, when Nero walked in with the confidence of a skittish feline, Vergil assumed the best thing to do was get the disappointment out of the way first. “Dante’s not here.”
Nero’s eyes narrowed, but he did stand a little straighter. Vergil wasn’t sure if that was a good thing. “I’m not here for him, jackass.” 
That gave Vergil pause. And, for a long moment, he simply stared into the abyss of the half-empty bag before him, as it was marginally easier than meeting the eyes of his son. Thankfully, regaining his composure took only a few seconds, and he turned with his usual, indifferent grace. “Is that so?”
“Crazy ain’t it?” Nero muttered as he plopped down on the couch. “But I promised Kyrie I’d come, and I’ve been pummeled by Nico more than enough for the year.” He glanced at Vergil without really looking at him. “So let’s talk, old man.”
That was the closest thing to ‘father’ Vergil had ever gotten from Nero. He was also painfully aware of what that said about the current state of their relationship.  “What about?” Vergil said carefully. The last thing he wanted was for Nero to storm right back out the front door and proclaim him a lost cause (or something like that). Though, given the sound of the van that had to be lingering about a block away, he had a feeling that Nico would run Nero down before letting that happen. “We’ve attempted this before.”
“Yeah we have,” Nero said, his confidence returning as he stretched out on the couch and stared up at the ceiling. Except that only made Vergil tense up even more. This was the first time he had ever seen Nero in this relaxed state without Vergil himself being banished to another room. What did Nero want from him? What was he expecting him to do? It could be anything, really. Kyrie had mentioned the children at the orphanage. Nico had mentioned the influx of silly jobs that had kept Nero from the more important things. Dante had mentioned a potential clean up and rebuilding of Redgrave City. And while all of those things were important, Vergil knew he couldn’t agree to any of it. Not right now. Not when he finally had someone who needed him. Someone who wanted to rely on him. Not someone who felt obligated to.
So what would he do if Nero asked? If he said no… would things go back to the way they were?
“Nico told me you’ve got a new job.”
Vergil blinked, momentarily stunned before he caught himself. “And where did she hear that?” 
Nero snorted with a rather dramatic, Dante-esque eye roll. “Where do you think?”
“Dante had no right to…”
“It’s that woman, right?” Nero said. “Roxanna or something like that?”
Vergil resisted the urge to sigh. “Yes,” He admitted, impressed at how even his voice was. “I am assisting her for the time being.”
“That’s a whole lot of words for ‘babysitter’”. 
That time, Vergil didn’t bother hiding his annoyance. “Do not patronize her,” He said. “It was difficult enough for her to request anyone’s help. The last thing she needs is my family belittling her for her courage.”
At first, Nero said nothing, but Vergil didn’t miss the way his son’s jaw dropped before he thought to clench it. “I’ll admit,” Nero said, his voice as stiff as his posture. “I expected you to defend yourself.”
Perplexed, Vergil said, “for what, exactly?”
Nero shook his head. “Look,” He said as he practically jumped off the couch. “I know you and I started off on the wrong foot. Most dads don’t greet their sons with a sword to the gut.”
“Neither do most sons.”
Nero shrugged. “You deserved it.”
“And I knew you’d live.”
“Bullshit,” He snapped before taking a slow breath and continuing. “You’ve done a lot of pretty terrible stuff, and I ain’t quite ready to forgive ya.” He bounced a little from foot to foot but met Vergil’s gaze with perfect clarity. “But I’d be an idiot to wait for you to make up for all of that.” When Vergil didn’t respond (what did one say to such a statement?), Nero continued. “I came here to ask for a favor. Something you could do to prove that you really have changed or aren’t the bad guy or whatever.” Nero shrugged again; a nervous tick? Maybe. Vergil hadn’t observed him enough to know. “But then Dante mentioned that job, and Nico confirmed it and I just…” He sighed. “That’s proof enough, right?” 
“That isn’t for me to decide.”
“Course not,” Nero said. “But I need to stop being an ass about it and give you a chance.”
And of all the things Nero could have said, that shocked Vergil the most. And for the first time in as long as he could remember, he didn’t have a clue what to say. “You… what?”
Nero huffed. “You heard me.”
“Yes, but…”
“Look,” Nero said as he jabbed his finger into Vergil’s chest before Vergil realized his son had even crossed the room. “All I’m asking is that you prove to me and to everyone else that you’re serious about this. Got it? No more towers or giant trees or whatever it is that demons try to raise nowadays.” Vergil started to speak, but Nero cut him off. “Sure. You have that half-demon form of yours, and I’m sure as hell not telling you to stop using it. But for now, you’re human, just like the rest of us.”
Vergil felt numb. Yes was the obvious and easy answer. Yet his heart seized at the thought. Human. He was human… did he even know what that meant anymore?  He’d never had a chance to be human before. He’d never wanted to be.
But that’s what he was doing. These jobs. His friendship with Roxy. This entire conversation…
Slowly, he nodded. “That’s all I’m trying to do.”
That, at the very least, was the truth.
Nero sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair. “Then I have one more request.”
“And that would be…”
A sudden HONK startled them both, followed by the screeching of tires. Dante’s voice echoed into the building, “are we going kid or not?”
Vergil’s eyes narrowed. “Going where?”
Nero chuckled sheepishly. “To see your new pad.”
“And why is Dante in the van?”
“Nico’s already there,” Nero said. “Dante had planned to go ahead of us but Nico wasn’t too keen on that so…”
“Why would Dante go first?”
Now, Nero’s face was scarlet. “Something about buttering her up or enjoying dinner or something. I’m not really…”
He trailed off as Vergil slung the bag over his shoulder, and grabbed a spare backpack as he stormed past Nero with murder in his eyes. 
The van was the only reason all three of them got there in one piece, as Vergil had no interest in paying Nico to fix it. 
Dante’s jacket, however, wasn’t so lucky.
“That was my best one,” Dante sniffed as he shivered despite the almost sweltering heat. The jacket itself was in the van’s trash can, shredded to unwearable pieces. Of course, Vergil knew he had another one to replace it. He wasn’t that cruel. But his brother had to learn somehow.
Learn what exactly, Shakespeare? Griffon huffed.
Vergil didn’t have an answer to that.
“I didn’t even do anything wrong!” Dante said as his expression twisted into a goofy grin. “I was just going to be nice to Sunshine Verge! I’ve gotta cheer her up before she has to deal with you for the rest of however long.”
“Shut up,” Nero said as he kicked open the door of the complex and practically yanked Dante inside. “I have to clean up enough blood as it is.”
“At least you two are talking again,” Dante said. 
Both Nero and Vergil paused, exchanged glances, and looked away. “Guess you could say that,” Nero muttered.
We got it all in our hands now, So can you handle what we’re talking about?
All three of them paused as Vergil’s eyes drifted to Roxy’s doorway. “Is that music?” Dante said as his nose wrinkled. “Some pop nonsense.” 
We’re so tough Not scared to show you up Can you feel the rush now?
“The kids love this song,” Nero said with an odd sense of nostalgia. 
Dante snorted. “The kids, huh?”
Nico’s groan echoed down the hallway. “My word Rox, you’re way too good at this.”
When Roxy spoke, Vergil thought she sounded breathless. “Stop distracting me.”
“But I want to win!”
Wish ‘em luck but they’re not bringing us down…
“Well you’re not going to!” Roxy said. 
“I can see that!” A thud cut her short. “Did your dragon just throw a pillow at me?”
Dante snapped to the doorway and put a finger to his lips with a dramatic wink as he reached for the knob. He pushed it open with shocking tenderness as if he planned on sneaking up on a demon on the other side. Instead, he stepped far out of the way and gestured to Vergil, mouthing “come look.” And, for the briefest of moments, Vergil considered walking away. He knew where his apartment was. Roxy had given him a key a few days ago. He hadn’t seen it yet, and that sounded like a better idea than entertaining Dante. 
But then Nero peered in and gave a low whistle. “Damn,” He whispered. “She’s pretty good.”
So, Vergil stepped forward with a quiet huff, more than aware that Nero didn’t have a clue what Dante was trying to pull. 
And while Vergil didn’t know what to expect, Roxy swinging small, black devices of some kind around in the air in front of the television was not it. 
A part of him thought the scene should have been a lot funnier than he thought it was. Nico was sitting on the arm of the couch behind her, glaring at Kuro. And Kuro, a bit larger than his usual child form, was glaring right back, tail wrapped around a bright red pillow as a gray one lay discarded at Nico’s feet. Aki was sitting between them, head bobbing back and forth either confused or excited at the potential pillow war that was about to unfold.
Then there was Roxy herself. The device on her head was massive, pushing her ponytail up far higher than she usually put it. She was swinging into nothing, but he could hardly call it flailing. Her movements were strangely controlled, and it took Vergil another second to realize she was moving exactly on pace with the song that was playing. Then, he saw the katana like swords on the TV, swinging perfectly in time with her. Boxes shot forward from black nothingness, but she didn’t miss a single one. Her movements were fast. Controlled. Calculated. Precise.
Nero groaned beside him. “Holy shit,” He said as he glared at Dante. “You were actually serious.”
Dante snorted. “Of course I was. Your old man is…” 
A summoned sword appeared as Vergil glanced behind him. “I’m what, Dante?”
Dante grinned as he flicked the sword. It didn’t move, but he didn’t seem to care. “Infatuated.” 
Vergil scoffed. “I’m shocked you know what that word even means.”
“And you’re not denying it.”
“I am not…”
Only winning, winning now Ain’t nobody bring us Down, down, down, down.
With a final, clean slice, Roxy spun toward Nico, tore the headset off, and grinned triumphantly. Behind her, a series of numbers flashed on the screen: 733/733; 630,280 Points. Vergil assumed that score was adequate, as Roxy loudly proclaimed “Beat that, Nico!”
The younger woman burst into laughter. “A perfect score at that speed? You must have been practicing that for days!”
Roxy’s demeanor turned sheepish. “I have a lot of free time.”
“Clearly,” Nico hopped off the couch as she took the controllers. “Did you like what you saw, V-man?”
Roxy jumped, her face flushing in that way it always did when she was caught off guard. Though Vergil noted that she never blushed when the others surprised her. At least… not as far as he had seen. 
He found that oddly endearing. 
“Hello,” Roxy said with an awkward wave. “I forgot how quiet you are.” 
“Alright kiddos,” Dante said as he shoved his way through the front door. “Move aside.” He swung his arm in front of him and pointed his thumb dramatically at his chest. Then, after a quick wink, he said, “Uncle Dante is here.”
The awkward silence that fell at the proclamation was almost enough to steal Vergil’s composure. It didn’t help when Roxy and Kuro exchanged glances, as if uncertain whether to invite the younger twin in or kick him out. Aki was the only one who responded, chirping excitedly as he hopped up on his back paws and yanked one of his wings in toward his chest; an attempt at imitation. It was enough to make Roxy giggle before she could stop herself, and that alone opened the floodgates for everyone else. Vergil could only stare, perplexed, as the rest of his family nearly collapsed with laughter. 
“You’re…” Nico said as she tried to catch her breath. “The worst.”
“What is he even announcing himself for?” Nero said before forcing a long gasp to try and control himself. It didn’t work. “And the bird… what… why?”
“Imitation is the best form of flattery,” Dante said as he scratched the bird's head. Aki toppled with a startled cry, but rolled over and landed on his feet with astounding grace. He purred as he rubbed his face against Dante’s hand, and his tail flicked excitedly back and forth. “See?” Dante said as the room finally started to calm down. “He gets it.”
Roxy rolled her eyes as she dropped the headset into Nico’s lap. “He just likes to be pet.” She held her hand out with a quiet whistle. Aki’s head spun to her, startling Nico as he burst from the couch and landed on Roxy’s arm.
Dante coughed loudly as he brushed a pair of feathers out of his hair. “Alright Nico,” He said as he held his hand out. “Let the master show you how it’s done.”
“Hell no!” Nico snapped as she yanked the device away. “It’s my turn!”
“And you honestly think you’re better than both of us?” Nero said as he stormed his way past Vergil and stuck his finger into Dante’s chest. “You’ll trip over the cord sooner than you’ll beat that score.”
“Try me,”
“Vergil?” Roxy said.
Vergil twitched, eyes snapping downward. When did she get there? He hadn’t even seen her move. Yet there she was, standing right by his side as if it were the most normal thing in the world. “I finished up the apartment today,” She continued with a smile. “Wanna go see it while they’re distracted?”
“Are you not worried about your home?”
She shrugged. “Your brother wouldn’t risk losing his pizza money.”
“Money for the bills, you mean?”
She chuckled. “That’s what I said.” Aki chirped as she slid into the hallway. “I think you’re going to love the place, Vergil.”
After one last glance at his family, whose argument had turned into a literal pillow fight with Kuro tossing smaller pillows in pure amusement, Vergil moved to follow her. 
He jerked back as pain shot through his skull. That name… that voice… Why was it tormenting him so?
Open the portal.
His hand reached for Yamato before he jerked it away. 
Open. Open. Open.
He blinked as the voice slipped away. Roxy’s hand hovered close to his chest, and he was certain she had barely stopped herself from touching him outright. Beside him, the apartment had gone silent, and Vergil didn’t dare look at any of his family lest he give it all away. 
“I’m fine,” He said. “I was just…” His mouth went dry at the impending lie. “I’m fine.”
She pulled her hand back to Aki’s head, but the concerned look on her face was almost too much to bear. Vergil hated it with every fiber of his being, especially when he knew it was all his fault. “If you need someone to talk to,” Roxy said. “I’m here.”
Vergil stared at her as she moved down the hallway. Slowly, the world went back to normal. Dante, who had rightfully decided to not ask Vergil what had happened, restarted the argument with the younger hunters, yanking all of their attention back to himself. Kuro, however, hopped off the couch and slid over Vergil’s feet. As his tail brushed Vergil’s ankle, the dragon glanced over his shoulder. “She cares for you, Son of Sparda,” He said with an irritated flick of his tongue. “Do not squander it.” 
Then he was gone. A dozen snowflakes lay in his wake before vanishing completely as if neither they nor the dragon had existed at all.
Ko-fi – Master List – AO3
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