#Venus series by kakisastro
kakiastro · 1 month
Venus Series pt 2: Taurus
Cillian has a Venus Taurus 27°
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Venus is at home here so these natives express Venus energy effortlessly.
- they are natural beauties. They may have smooth skin or there’s a glow to them, especially their hair. Is it just me, or do a lot of these natives have curly or wavy hair? Very attractive voices, may love or have the ability to sing.
-they love having expensive or nice things. This can play out as being materialistic but I seen people who live minimalistic lifestyles but still have nice or decent things.
- may come from a family that had a heavy focus on finances, the women in their life may love to shop for their family. The native may love to shop and buy things for their family. A lot of these natives may have had parents who opened a bank account in their name at an early age. They learned the value of money at an early age.
- I know this is going to sound stereotypical but there’s some truth to it. These natives love their comfort food and relaxing. I’m not saying they’re lazy(even though you can be) but these people love peace and quiet. If not quiet then surrounded by loving people. Think of Venus in her purest form, that’s these native.
-they’ll never admit this but these natives can most definitely be possessive with their partners. Not always in a creepy or toxic way but it goes back to that wanting peace so if you bring that energy in their life, they will want you around forever. They deeply crave intimacy on a soul level but it manifest for them as buying you something that has a deep meaning to them or symbolic to yall relationship. I also notice a lot of these natives marry or settle down at a young age. They’re not the type to hope from person- person. They’ll choose a person they could spend their life with, and if it doesn’t workout then they’ll be single for a long while before hopping into another serious relationship. They also know from the get go if they want to be with that person, it’s like an intuitive feeling they get(probably due to Aries 12h), you’ll know if a Taurus wants you.
-music is another favorite thing they love. They may have a very few artist that their “die hard fans” of but they’ll listen to anything.
-may be interested in fashion/beauty, music, acting, money, culinary, dance, forestry careers
-they can be stubborn and definitely take their time if it’s something they really don’t care for, encourage them with their favorite food😅I kid! Sort of…
-I don’t know if it’s just me but I noticed you guys have a slow swag walk. Like imagine those movies where camera is slowed up when the main character is walking slowly after he beat the bad guy up. Yall know what I’m taking about right?😅thats how yall walk for real but it’s attractive.
- beautiful homes as well, it might look like a art museum in their house
Keep in mind that this is just a single placement, aspects to it influence the energy!
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