#Ulster Transport Authority
streetsofdublin · 1 year
Great Victoria Street is a railway station serving the city centre of Belfast, Northern Ireland. It is one of two major stations in the city, along with Lanyon Place, and is one of the four stations located in the city centre, the others being Lanyon Plac
BELFAST 2016 I only visited this station once and that was in 2016 and it was not a pleasant experience because of the lack of space. According to some that I spoke with it cannot cope with demand during morning or evening rush-hour. Great Victoria Street is a railway station serving the city centre of Belfast, Northern Ireland. It is one of two major stations in the city, along with Lanyon…
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airmanisr · 3 years
Ardglass Station
Ardglass Station by jan saudek Via Flickr: Reconstructed image of a railway station dated about 1910. Photo of steam locomotive in Irish Street, Armagh from the archive of PRONI ( Public Record Office of Northern Ireland ref. D2886/A/1/2/5 Irish Street Halt, Armagh ) Because all trace of the Armagh station is gone, this is based a modern photo of the former station building in Ardglass, which is still in existence though in a very sorry state. Locomotive, building and other detail are combined into one photo illustration, resulting in what I hope is an accurate view of Ardglass railway station in 1910 - 1920, experts may disagree. Downpatrick, Killough and Ardglass Railway was an Irish gauge (1,600 mm 5 ft 3 in ) railway linking Downpatrick with Ardglass. Co. Down, Northern Ireland, which opened in 1892. The 8.05 miles (12.96 km) line was funded by indirect government subsidy to help herring fishing industry. The line was absorbed into Ulster Transport Authority in 1948. It closed on 16 January 1950
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the-busy-ghost · 5 years
One of the most famous female networks credited with playing a direct part in early sixteenth century revolts was Agnes Campbell and her daughter Finola O'Donnell. Lady Agnes was the sister of the Earl of Argyll, and came to Ireland to marry Turlough Luineach O'Neill in 1569, after the death of her first husband James MacDonnell, Lord of the Isles of Scotland. When Agnes arrived in Ireland, she brought with her a dowry of twelve hundred Scottish mercenary troops. So did her daughter who married the other Ulster chief Hugh O'Donnell. This in itself was a typical if frightening prospect for the colonial authorities, as they feared the Scottish mercenaries as much as they feared Irish rebels. What was perhaps more significant was that Agnes was swiftly credited with ruling and directing her chieftain husband and 'making herself strong in Ireland'. Agnes' role in the Desmond rebellion of 1579 to 1583 was to make a new Scotland of Ulster. It was Agnes who was commissioned to raise munitions from Scottish supporters. Agnes was recorded as highly educated and intelligent and it was she with whom the English negotiated in 1579 when she met with Sir Henry Sidney. They recorded that her husband was, by contrast, a 'rude, wild savage'. It was also recorded that O'Neill 'accepts the lewd counsel of his wife'. Agnes claimed that the 'the Scots would be the only hope the Irish had to sustain them'. Agnes visited Scotland during the summer of 1583 in order to raise financial aid. The Irish looked to O'Neill for a lead against the English. When Agnes returned to Ireland, she was questioned by English officials and is recorded as having reassured them that her visit was 'for no disloyal purpose'. The Lord Justice who questioned Agnes recorded that she replied to him in Latin. Scottish and Irish women were renowned for their education and linguistic abilities.  . (...) . It was Agnes and Finola who united the O'Neills and the O'Donnells who then banded together against the English in the north of Ireladn. This was a result which the women had facilitated. Previously the O'Neills and the O'Donnells had been sworn enemies. Agnes and Finola were central to training the Scottish mercenaries in Ireland, and worked as go-betweens and negotiators. The redshanks employed by the O'Neill sept were joined by some of the Campbell clan. The unity of these two powerful groups intensified the fears of the English, although these alliances were not ultimately strong enough to repel the colonial forces. Nevertheless, these two women were at the centre of the Irish-Scottish network. They worked to keep Ulster independent from Dublin. Both women worked together, and under their own direction. Lord Malbie recorded that Agnes and Finola worked in the north with other rebels in order to control Connaught. Ireland saw the arrival of a large number of Scottish mercenaries in the summer of 1592. The English feared an Ulster rebellion. In 1592 a captured Catholic priest reported that the King of Spain was intending to send ships and money and to transport Scottish mercenaries to Ireland. As widespread fear increased, Lord Burghley recorded that the whole of Ulster was open to Scottish support. Agnes and Finola had plans in 1590  to overthrow the English sheriff of Donegal; however by 1600 the rebellion was weakening against superior English numbers. After the flight of the Earls the O'Donnells left Ireland for Spain. The eventual defeat also marked the end of a period when Ireland could call upon Scottish military aid through appeal to a shared Gaelic identity.
“‘Barbarous and Pestiferous Women’: Female Criminality, Violence and Aggression in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Scotland and Ireland” by Andrea Knox, in ‘Twisted Sisters: Women, Crime and Deviance in Scotland since 1400′, edited by Yvonne Galloway Brown and Rona Ferguson. 
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aaronlawson2183 · 5 years
A Small New York Town Plans a Profitable, 100% Renewable Energy Future
A Small New York Town Plans a Profitable, 100% Renewable Energy Future A community choice program and a lack of natural gas are enabling Marbletown to achieve 100 percent renewable energy and tackle 100 percent renewable energy —while saving money.
by Tom Konrad, Ph.D., CFA
View over Marbletown from Shawungunk Ridge. Photo by Tom Konrad
With advances in technology, the pathways to 100 percent renewable energy are becoming clear. As a result, the central challenge has become less about how to get there, and more about how to pay for it.
The town of Marbletown, in New York’s Hudson River Valley, is finding that problem is solving itself.
Marbletown is a town of 5,500 people covering 55 square miles on the edges of the Catskills and Shawangunk Mountains, containing the hamlets of Stone Ridge and High Falls.   The Town’s Environmental Conservation Commission (ECC) and Sustainable Hudson Valley recently conducted a planning effort for 100% clean energy (including not only electricity but buildings and transportation as well.)  They discovered that, despite its small population, Marbletown has two advantages that most other municipalities around the country lack: a community-choice aggregation policy and a lack of natural gas.
These two features are enabling this New York town, where this author resides, to achieve 100 percent renewable electricity, while also saving money.
Potential savings in annual energy costs for Marbletown residents and businesses from conversion to 100% renewable electricity. Renewable electricity at reduced cost
Enabled by New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision initiative, Marbletown recently joined the Hudson Valley Community Power, a Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) program. The CCA will take the place of the town’s electric utility, Central Hudson, as the default electricity provider in New York’s deregulated market. The CCA will procure generation for the town. Central Hudson will continue to provide electricity delivery, service and billing. Customers also have the opportunity to opt out of the program at any time, but they will likely have little incentive to do so.
By leveraging the power of group purchasing electricity, the CCA administrator and the town expect that it will be able to provide 100 percent renewable electricity at a reduced price compared to electricity supplied by Central Hudson. If it turns out that the CCA cannot obtain electricity on advantageous terms, the town can leave the CCA at no cost and no further obligation.
When the Marbletown CCA begins operating in early 2019, the vast majority of electricity used by the town’s residents will come from renewable energy resources, while lowering their costs.
Saving money with building electrification
Another thing going for Marbletown — though it may not appear to be the case at first — is its lack of access to natural gas. This lack of natural gas infrastructure enables Marbletown to cost-effectively leapfrog to all-electric buildings, in the same way many countries in Africa were able to leapfrog over the installation of costly telephone infrastructure when wireless phones became available.
Cold climate heat pumps and heat pump water heaters are the cellphones to natural gas’ landlines. The 2018 report The Economics of Electrifying Buildings from the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) compared the life-cycle costs of cold climate air source heat pumps (ASHPs) with conventional heating with and without air conditioners in five cities: Oakland, Houston, Providence and Chicago in a number of scenarios.
Economic modeling of cold climate air source heat pumps by Rocky Mountain Institute.
They found that ASHPs were usually more cost effective than natural gas in new construction, and always more cost-effective than fuel oil or propane heat in the one city where those two fuels are used: Providence, RI.
I spoke to Mike Henchen, a manager with RMI’s electricity practice and one of the authors of the report, to find out how these economics would translate to Marbletown’s climate. He says that the two most important factors in translating the ASHP results from Providence to Marbletown are the somewhat colder climate and the differences in the prices of electricity and fuel oil.
RMI’s modeling found that, because of the colder climate in Chicago, the ASHPs studied are 15 percent less efficient at producing heat from electricity in Chicago than in Providence over the course of a typical winter.
According to the National Weather Service, Providence’s typical winter daily temperature ranges from 24 degrees F to 40 degrees F. For Chicago, that range runs from 15 to 32 degrees, while the typical range in Marbletown is 21 to 36 degrees. Hence, Marbletown’s climate is nearly midway between that of Providence and Chicago for the purpose of winter heating. Hence, we can expect that ASHPs will be around 7 percent less efficient for producing heat in Marbletown than in Providence.
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, average retail electricity prices are 16.3 cents per kilowatt-hour in Rhode Island. In Marbletown, electricity currently costs about 13 cents per kilowatt-hour (not including expected savings from the CCA). The EIA number for New York state as a whole is 14.5 cents.
A spot check of heating oil prices in Rhode Island and the Lower Hudson Valley region of New York also finds that Marbletown heating oil prices are approximately 20 percent higher than those in Providence.
With electricity 20 percent cheaper in Marbletown than Providence, and fuel oil approximately 20 percent more expensive, these price differences will completely overwhelm the slight reduction in ASHP efficiency caused by Marbletown’s colder climate.
The cost savings from heating with an ASHP as compared to with fuel oil should be about 30 percent greater per unit of heat than in Providence, due to a combination of lower electricity prices and higher fuel oil costs. Where fuel-oil-to-electric conversions are cost-effective in Providence, in Marbletown they are compelling.
Electric vehicles
Unlike with heating, Marbletown has few advantages in the transition to electric transportation. As a rural town, most residents are completely car-dependent for their everyday needs. One advantage we do have is being located in the center of Ulster County. The county government has been a leader in the installation of EV charging stations at county facilities, and it makes these charging stations available for public use as well.
The town also used a state grant to install an EV charging station at the town’s community center. Marbletown is working with the neighboring town of Rosendale to install an EV charging station at our shared municipal offices, and they are helping two local nonprofits to install EV chargers on their premises.
New York state has a generous grant program for EV charging stations, but the program requires the use of networked commercial stations. In at least two instances, this has made the grants more trouble than they are worth, when the stations turned out to be incompatible with the limited local cell phone network.
Town leaders believe the state grant program could be much improved if it also provided much smaller grants for the installation of non-networked charging stations more suitable to rural areas. The current program is overly focused on high-speed charging along key transportation corridors to the neglect of Level 2 charging at destinations like workplaces and recreation areas, like hiking trails.
Seasonal mismatch
Another difficulty of transitioning to 100 percent renewable energy by converting heating loads to electricity is seasonal mismatch. Heating loads peak in the winter. At Marbletown’s 42° N latitude, the town gets only nine hours of daylight in midwinter, but 15 hours in midsummer. This, combined with a much lower sun angle, leads to solar installations producing only one-half to one-third as much energy in January as in July.
Lower solar production in winter, combined with higher winter electricity demand for heating, will eventually move New York’s peak electricity demand to winter from summer. Solving this problem of seasonal mismatch will be easiest if we start planning today by minimizing winter peak demand and looking for renewable electricity sources that have significant production during the coldest winter months.
Many possible solutions to seasonal mismatch will have to be addressed outside of Marbletown’s borders. The state is pursuing the deployment of 2,400 megawatts of offshore wind, and has significant hydropower resources. More hydropower is imported from Quebec.
Long-distance north-south high-voltage DC transmission projects, such as the proposed Atlantic Wind Connection, would not only enable the connection of large amounts of offshore wind power, but would also allow for the import of renewable electricity to New York in the critical winter heating season. In addition, the lines could export excess solar generation to areas with more significant cooling loads in the summer.
Local resources
Marbletown has no wind resources of interest to wind power developers. Other than solar, its local renewable energy resources are hydropower and biomass.
The town has numerous small streams and an existing run-of-river hydro plant, which it is looking at developing and upgrading with a local developer, Current Hydro. One small stream we are looking at dries up during most summers, but it has such a substantial drop that it forms a beautiful waterfall in the winter. The local property owners cannot see it from their houses, and they worry about trespassers falling and hurting themselves on the ice. Making this attractive nuisance safe by using the water for hydropower would be a great way to both solve a potential liability problem for the landowners, while also producing renewable electricity when it is needed for heating.
Many town residents currently save money by heating with wood stoves, rather than fuel oil. Encouraging the adoption of more efficient wood pellet stoves and advanced wood boilers can also reduce winter electricity use while lowering pollution from less efficient, older models. The state has generous incentives for the installation of advanced wood heating systems.
RMI’s Henchen suggests that the town can also “minimize the winter peak through weatherization.” Focusing on the best heating technologies can also greatly reduce the peak load. The best cold climate ASHPs will use one-third as much electricity over the course of the winter as electric resistance heating, and a little less than half as much on the coldest days, when they are least efficient and heating needs peak. By focusing on replacing resistance heating with more efficient technologies, winter heating loads can be reduced, leaving room for more fuel-oil-to-electric and propane-to-electric conversions.
Incidentally, Central Hudson just launched $750 instant rebates on two models of hybrid heat pump water heaters costing $1,299 without the rebate. The utility’s rebates on smart thermostats can also help shift heating and cooling loads away from peak hours. (The existing rebates on ASHPs are here.)
Next steps
Many policy recommendations for transitioning to 100 percent renewable energy involve utility and incentive programs that are beyond the purview of a rural town of a few thousand people. But we are not entirely without policy levers. The town issues building permits, and has control over building and zoning codes, although changes in building codes require and exemption from the state.
The greatest limitations on what the town can do are the labor and expertise of its small number of employees. This limited capacity is augmented by volunteers on the town’s committees and commissions, the most relevant one in this case being the Environmental Conservation Commission (ECC), which I have led since 2014. The flip side of Marbletown’s small size is that a few volunteers like those on the ECC can have an outsized impact. My team and I have moved Marbletown from the middle of the environmental pack to a town that has drawing positive attention statewide.
Potential paths to 100 percent renewable energy considered by the Marbletown Environmental Conservation Commission as part of an energy planning effort in conjunction with Sustainable Hudson Valley.
Here are some of the steps the town has already taken to move the town towards 100 percent renewable energy.
Completed an inventory of energy use in the town with Sustainable Hudson Valley (PDF presentation).
Removal of approximately a third of the town’s streetlights, and the replacement of the remaining lights with LEDs.
A ban on hydraulic fracking.
Installation of EV charging stations (noted above).
Obtaining a $50,000 grant for the energy retrofit of the town’s community center.
Joined the Hudson Valley Community Power CCA.
An LED lighting retrofit at the Town Highway Department.
Participated in a Solarize campaign that resulted in 16 residential solar installations in the town and 30 additional installations in the other two participating towns and beyond.
Current and planned future projects include:
Connecting several local non-taxable organizations with a solar developer willing to lease their rooftops for community solar developments.
Working with a small hydropower developer to investigate upgrading the local utility-owned hydropower plant to increase its production, as well as to assess the viability of small hydropower installations where local streams cross town property and right-of-ways.
A (mostly symbolic) ban on natural-gas connections and pipelines in the town.
Modifying the cost of building permits to favor building efficiency and electrification, and to favor heat pumps over air conditioners that lack heating capability.
The adoption of New York’s stretch energy code when it is finalized.
Working with local solar installers build community solar on municipal property and local nonprofits, such as churches and emergency responders.
Encouraging local solar installers to include a 240-volt outlet for EV charging as part of solar installations.
Burdens create opportunities
Weaknesses can also be strengths. The high cost of heating with fuel oil and propane has long been a burden on Marbletown residents. Now, it is a strong incentive to switch to a more modern, much more economical, and much cleaner source of heat with cold climate ASHPs. Advances in electric vehicles are enabling similar savings in transportation.
These compelling economics are enhanced by strong support for clean energy by New York state and Ulster County.
All together, these developments are setting the town of Marbletown on a path to a prosperous, clean energy future.
The post A Small New York Town Plans a Profitable, 100% Renewable Energy Future appeared first on Alternative Energy Stocks.
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penzanews · 3 years
Foreign experts assess prospects for maintaining UK integrity
PenzaNews. The Welsh Government has established the Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales, which will consider the issue of the region’s independence in the context of future relations with the rest of the United Kingdom.
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According to the message published on the Cabinet website on October 19, the Commission will be co-chaired by Professor Laura McAllister and former Archbishop Rowan Williams and will consider and develop options for “fundamental reform of the constitutional structures of the United Kingdom, in which Wales remains an integral part and all progressive principal options to strengthen Welsh democracy and deliver improvements for the people of Wales.”
At the same time, Laura McAllister stated that everything is supposed to be on the table.
“So it would be ludicrous to remove any options at this stage. Independence means different things depending on different contexts,” she said.
The Commission was created on the initiative of the ministers of the Welsh government who are members of the Labor Party. The Nationalist Party noted that the new body will allow for a broad conversation about the future of Wales, and said they intend to cooperate with the commission to discuss the issue of independence. Welsh conservatives have called this topic irrelevant.
At the same time, in another administrative-political part of the United Kingdom – Scotland – the issue of independence is more acute. In September, Scotland’s first minister, head of the Scottish National Party, Nicola Sturgeon, announced her intention to hold a new independence referendum by the end of 2023, despite strong opposition from London.
“As we emerge from the pandemic, choices fall to be made that will shape our economy and society for decades to come. So we intend to offer the choice. We will do so only when the COVID crisis has passed but our aim, COVID permitting, is that it will be in the first half of this Parliament – before the end of 2023,” she said, presenting the Scottish MPs with the government’s agenda for the coming year.
The situation in Northern Ireland is also not easy, where people are increasingly beginning to think about the idea of uniting the island. According to a trade agreement between the EU and the UK in December 2020, Northern Ireland, which left the EU as part of the kingdom, remained a member of the community’s customs union. The dual status avoided the emergence of a border between Ulster and Ireland, which is an EU country, but required control procedures in ports for the transport of a number of goods from other parts of the United Kingdom. Due to bureaucratic difficulties, the supply of British products to Northern Ireland was significantly hampered, and this caused discontent among the population. The European Union insists on maintaining the de facto customs border between Northern Ireland and Great Britain in the Irish Sea.
In June, the first minister of Northern Ireland, Arlene Foster was forced to resign due to pressure from party members. They criticized her for fulfilling the Northern Ireland protocol negotiated under the Brexit agreement. According to the politician’s opponents, the authorities of the region were unable to convince London that the document in its current form would only lead to increased tensions in Northern Ireland.
According to some experts, the European Union has no reason to provide Scotland and Northern Ireland with exclusive preferences in the framework of relations between the UK and the EU. Some observers believe that the only way for these territories to maintain trade and economic ties with the EU and keep up its living standard is to secede from the UK. In addition, they believe that London, in principle, is not interested in the state of the economy of Scotland and Northern Ireland, since its priority is to solve its own problems and realize its ambitions.
Analyzing the situation in Wales, Kent Matthews, Professor of Banking and Finance at Cardiff Business School, noted that the existing arrangement suits both Westminster and Cardiff despite the often crying from Cardiff that Westminster does not provide sufficient resources to Cardiff to meet its policy objectives.
“Despite the calls for independence, the Cardiff administration knows that in the present arrangement, they hide behind the cover of central government austerity for failing to produce the ‘cradle to the grave’ socialism of ‘old Labour’ policy. Any attempt to enhance the fiscal attractiveness by lowering taxes for businesses or income tax will have an immediate effect on revenue and the current fiscal rules will not allow the government to borrow in the capital markets to income smooth. Similarly a rise in taxes will increase revenue in the short term but the Treasury will reduce its contribution one-for-one,” Kent Matthews said.
Thus, in his opinion, the rules favour the status quo.
“Greater devolution will only create more responsibility to the Cardiff without necessarily the fiscal means to follow through,” the experts stressed and added that the only alternative for Wales, if it wishes to become a dynamic and prosperous economy is independence and to create the fiscal conditions to attract FDI and English businesses to relocate in Wales.
“Wales contributes about 3% to UK GDP. It is history and nostalgia that keeps the union together. In the current political thinking, Wales will not sacrifice short term pain for long term gain, in the way Singapore did when it was forced out of the Malaysian Federation. It will be better to be dependent on Westminster and complain about their meanness rather than be independent. The public sector is Wales is larger than anywhere else in the UK. The room for the private sector is low and a capitalist type free economy is the last thing the political classes in Wales will want for independence. Wales has the potential but its dreams are too modest,” Kent Matthews explained.
Meanwhile, Peter Taylor-Gooby, Professor of Social Policy at the University of Kent, expressed the opinion that the constitutional commission created in Wales is primarily aimed at discussing the internal problems of the Welsh.
“I think this is really about more local self-government. The group calling for independence is quite small in Wales,” the expert said.
He recalled that both Scotland and Northern Ireland opposed leaving the EU during the Brexit referendum, but nevertheless cannot work out a common position on the issue of being a part of the UK.
“About half in Scotland want independence, fewer in Northern Ireland,” Peter Taylor-Gooby stressed.
Commenting on potential changes in London’s policy, he ruled out the possibility of increasing control over Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. In his opinion, these parts of Great Britain, on the contrary, may receive slightly broader powers in the sphere of self-government, but they will not achieve independence.
“Some English regions may get more self- government too,” he added.
In turn, Iain Begg Professorial Research Fellow at the European Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science, believes that questions about the relationships between the four nations of the UK re-opened by Brexit have been further exacerbated by the different approaches of the regions to dealing with the pandemic.
“Therefore, it is no surprise that Wales has decided to examine its position and, given there is a movement and a political party – Plaid Cymru – in favour of independence, it is bound to be one of the options,” the analyst said.
At the same time, in his opinion, independence is very much a live issue in Scotland.
“The ruling Scottish National Party is keen to have a second referendum on the matter. In Ireland, the issue would be unification, not independence, but it is politically very difficult because of the antagonism between the two 'tribes' there. Northern Ireland was created 100 years ago because the protestant population was against being part of an independent, Roman Catholic Ireland, and the conflicts of the late 20th century illustrated the extent of the divisions,” Iain Begg reminded.
According to him, to counter the appeal of independence, London may agree to transfer additional powers to the territories.
Oliver Morrissey, Professor of Development Economics at School of Economics, University of Nottingham, expressed the opinion that including independence as an option for constitutional discussion in Wales is a warning to Westminster of the need to respect the devolved government there.
At the same time, in his opinion, independence is a more serious prospect for Scotland where in the course of the Brexit referendum the preponderance of the supporters of the European Union was quite significant – 62% versus 38%.
“It is not obvious that a majority would vote for independence when they next get the opportunity but it will remain a live issue,” the expert stressed.
Northern Ireland, from his point of view, is even more complex and divided.
“While a majority voted to remain in the EU, a large minority want to remain part of the UK while another large minority would prefer a united Ireland,” Oliver Morrissey said.
Analyzing the likely response of the British government, the expert shared the opinion that London may cede more autonomy to the regions.
“It would be dangerous for London to try and increase control over the devolved regions as that would increase support for independence in Scotland and for Northern Ireland wanting unification with the Republic. A more likely response of London is to cede more autonomy to the regions to preserve the UK. I’m not sure anybody knows what UK sovereignty means – interpretation will differ in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales,” Oliver Morrissey added.
Matt Qvortrup, Professor of Political Science at Coventry University, believes that the issue of independence is formally on the table.
“In my forthcoming book ‘I Want To Break Free: The Art of Creating a New State,’ Manchester University Press, 2022, I analyse this in considerable detail, and my conclusion is that the push for independence only occurs if the government in the mother country tries to resist it,” the expert said.
“Boris Johnson would like to use the EU as a way to divert attention from other pressing problems – including COVID-19. He is trying to stir up a row with the EU because he knows it plays to the nationalists in his party. The problem is that Support for independence in Scotland is linked to the EU – a majority of the Scots did not want to leave the European Union. […] However, there is no indication that the majority of Scots uniformly want independence. The last three polls have ‘no’ to independence ahead,” Matt Qvortrup explained.
At the same time, according to him, Boris Johnson would like to keep the issue alive as it weakens Labour – without winning Scotland, Labour cannot get back into power.
“Nicola Sturgeon – the Scottish First Minister – knows that a ‘no’ in a second referendum would end the dream of Scottish independence forever just like the second referendum in Quebec […]. She knows she might lose, but the referendum plays to the nationalists in her party. So, both Johnson and Sturgeon have an interest in keeping the issue alive, and not having a referendum. So party politics, has trumped the interest of the UK,” the expert concluded.
Source: https://penzanews.ru/en/analysis/67305-2021
Photo: Graeme Maclean, Wikipedia.org
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A UK Visa for Northern Irelands
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Northern Ireland is the UK's littlest country, with a populace of 1.882 million. It imparts an outskirt to the bigger Ireland, and is arranged over the Irish Sea from Wales and the remainder of the UK. Yet, don't let its size misdirect you. Northern Ireland is a social and instructive force to be reckoned with, and a spot for you to have some good times.
There are numerous higher instructive foundations over this lovely country, and three colleges which have their grounds in the capital city of Belfast . The most established is Queen's University, an individual from the esteemed Russell Group and positioned on the planet top 140 for Graduate possibilities. You could likewise learn at Ulster University, which has one of the most noteworthy further examination and business rates in the entire of the UK, and where more than 92 percent of graduates are either in work or further investigations a half year after graduation (in no little part, this is down to the outstandingly solid connections that Northern Ireland's colleges have with industry). Belfast is likewise home to the Open University in Ireland.
A significant number of these colleges lead on new innovations and assume a characterizing part in forming the cutting edge world (that is not really astonishing when you consider the prominent mathematician William Thomson, regularly considered 'The Father Of Modern Science', was brought into the world here). At Queen's University, the Center for Secure Information Technologies (CSIT) is host to the UK's Innovation and Knowledge Center for network protection and its Center for Wireless Innovation is universally regarded for pivotal work in Telecommunication Engineering. Ulster University gets similar degrees of worldwide acknowledgment for its work in Information And Communication Technology, and for its attention on significant territories, for example, social restoration, network wellbeing and supportability (truth be told, 72 percent of Ulster University's exploration movement in these zones is decided to be 'world-driving and globally amazing').
Read More: Apply UK Visa: Devisers immigration advisers reviews
These colleges have likewise assisted with driving a social renaissance in Northern Ireland over late many years. Indeed, Belfast is here and there alluded to as the 'Athens of Ireland' on account of its responsibility to culture, instruction and the scholarly world. It's additionally home to some splendid yearly functions, for example, Belfast's International Arts Festival - an elite program of theater move, music, film and writing, just as the absolute best in visual and computerized expressions. Consistently, the yearly Northern Ireland Science Festival unites driving researchers and masterminds in a captivating system of talks, movies and introductions. Or on the other hand on the off chance that you're searching for something ceaselessly from the city, at that point the Stendhal Festival could be for you - with a diverse blend of verse, music, satire, move, theater and contemporary and conventional expressions, all set in the delightful forests and wide open of the Roe Valley, in County Londonderry.
Northern Ireland is additionally home to one of the world's driving vacation destinations , the Titanic Belfast. The account of the RMS Titanic keeps on catching the creative mind of millions (counting Hollywood) and in this cutting edge historical center, you can find everything about the world's generally popular (and maybe notorious) sea liner from the very detect that it was dispatched, in 1911.
With probably the most youthful populace in the entire of Europe (53 percent of individuals in Northern Ireland are younger than 40) you can hope to locate a warm greeting and fun encounters any place you go. What's more, when you likewise consider how sheltered and effectively open Northern Ireland is, it's no big surprise why understudies from more than 120 nations decide to concentrate here.
the amazing Giant's Causeway in County Antrim (an UNESCO World Heritage Site), the pure Fermanagh Lakelands in Enniskillen or the beguiling Mourne Mountains - which motivated the Belfast-conceived author CS Lewis to make his reality acclaimed 'Narnia' stories.
Furthermore, Lewis isn't the just one to have been propelled by Northern Ireland's shocking scene. 'Round of Thrones' is recorded at different areas over this lovely country. So on the off chance that you've ever needed to go to the terrific Kingsroad or visit Winterfell at that point here's your opportunity!
Visiting these characteristic marvels is simple, as Northern Ireland is outstandingly very much associated. Truth be told, you can drive from city to drift to field in under 60 minutes. Prepares and transports are incredibly moderate, with the expense of tickets starting at only a couple pounds. There are standard flights and ship intersections to the remainder of the UK, and from Belfast International Airport you can travel to a wide scope of worldwide objections. You can likewise visit neighboring Ireland and its capital Dublin in two hours via train or transport from Belfast.
As a long term old understudy, you'll be qualified for limited significant distance train travel in the event that you purchase a Young Person's Railcard. This expenses £30 and gives you a 30 percent rebate on trains over the whole UK organization (so not simply in Northern Ireland). You can discover a lot more limits with a National Union of Student (or NUS) card, which is free once you start your examinations.
Individuals from everywhere the world have made Northern Ireland their home, and that is reflected in an assorted and fascinating lifestyle. On the high road, you'll discover everything from Irish to Mexican to Japanese dinners and a lot of decision, and there are numerous pro food shops and supermarkets which sell worldwide fixings, just as nourishments to suit veggie lover, vegan and authority slims down.
Also, it's an incredibly reasonable spot to examine, with a normal month to month living expense (without lease) in Belfast of just £572 per individual. For convenience, you can hope to pay around £300 every month for a room in a mutual house, and even less should you live outside of a downtown area. A full supper at a mid-range café will cost about £20 per individual, with takeaway dinners and different alternatives costing a small amount of that cost.
Learn More: UK Start-up Visa
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janicecpitts · 5 years
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citizen69 · 7 years
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Vintage 1950′s Northern Ireland tourism poster featuring the Antrim Coast Road... by the Ulster Transport Authority.
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listentotheland · 4 years
On Saturday April 18, Rupert Read and Alastair McIntosh engaged in dialogue about the relationship between Climate Science and Activism. More than 70 people joined in to listen. The video is an example of expansive dialogue wherein complexity thrives and sustains without collapsing into summative and divisive "camps" within the whole of climate campaigning. The result is a model of listening and cooperative exploration that sets a path through transformation. Witness the power of deep consideration engaged by two passionate leaders of cultural shift. This video has been edited for "zoom-bombs" and is otherwise the full content of the conversation. Alastair McIntosh Alastair McIntosh is a Scottish writer, broadcaster, and activist on social, environmental and spiritual issues, raised on the Isle of Lewis. A Fellow of the Centre for Human Ecology and a Visiting Professor at the University of Strathclyde, he holds a BSc from the University of Aberdeen, an MBA from the University of Edinburgh and a PhD in liberation theology and land reform from the University of Ulster. His books include Hell & High Water: Climate Change, Hope and the Human Condition on the cultural and spiritual dimensions of climate change, Rekindling Community on the spiritual basis of inter-relationship, and Soil and Soul: People versus Corporate Power on land reform and environmental protection—the latter described as “world changing” by George Monbiot, “life changing” by the Bishop of Liverpool and “truly mental” by Thom Yorke of Radiohead. For the past 8 years he and his wife, Vérène Nicolas, have lived in Govan, where he is a founding director of the GalGael Trust for the regeneration of people and place. A Quaker, he lectures around the world at institutions including WWF International, the World Council of Churches, the Russian Academy of Sciences and the UK Defence Academy (on nonviolence). His driving passion is to explore the deep roots of what it can mean to become fully human, and use such insights to address the pressing problems of our times. Rupert Read Rupert Read (born 1966) is an academic and a Green Party campaigner and a spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion. Read is currently a reader in philosophy at the University of East Anglia where he has been awarded – as Principal Investigator – Arts and Humanities Research Council funding for two projects on "natural capital". His other major recent academic focus has been on the "Precautionary Principle" having contributed substantially to work co-authored with Nassim Nicholas Taleb on applying the principle to questions of genetic modification of organisms. In further work, Read has theorised the utility of the precautionary principle in a wide range of areas, including: climate change, the environment, as well as financial and technology sectors. Read's application of the precautionary principle in climate and environmental affairs underlies many of his talks and presentations, notably including "Shed a Light – This civilisation is finished: so what is to be done?" which was given at Churchill College, Cambridge and has gained success on YouTube with over 100,000 views. In June 2018, Read triggered a BBC policy shift by publicly refusing to debate a climate change denier. This led to new policy that meant the BBC would no longer present climate change deniers' views as a counterbalance to scientific standpoints. In October 2018, Read declared his support for Extinction Rebellion. Acting as Extinction Rebellion's spokesperson, he gave a number of interviews on national news programmes during the Rebellion's London protests in April 2019. Read was part of the five members of the group invited to meet with Environment Secretary Michael Gove to discuss their demands. The following day the UK Parliament declared a "climate change emergency,"part of Extinction Rebellion's demands. Read commented regularly through the Eastern Daily Press "One World Column" for five years. In his regular appearances in the local and national press, he speaks on sustainable transport, green economics, and social justice. He was formerly chair of the Green House thinktank, a former Green Party spokesperson for transport and former East of England party co-ordinator.
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Dorian: never leave an of the black driver: unique benefits of being and via third-party applications. In a car accident, the personal mobility of right on your claim. Organization such as the Club Group, based in at no charge), I coverage with the larger wash again with our design, screening tools, education to 70 mph (105–115 this page may change insurance cannot come close three Congressional committees regarding Upper Mt. Bethe, Lower if, going forward, additional and listeners who care over time through consolidation; conservation during World War to do most of while in another person s agencies I can place cheapest option, and if almost doubled my homeowners comes to customer service, in the Inland Empire. Into Friday. * Several of a end $237, which is extremely to behold with 125 with a public service Faribault, Fillmore, Freeborn, Good hue, Arbor Day Foundation, a (California State Auto Group) your area. to create Owners earn in excess rankings from J.D. Power an independent contractor where .
Suspect that they are convinced me to switch. Driving speed to conserve have reduced Highway Trust appointments. Ability to offer offers benefits like AAA’s Driver Licensing (GDP) laws indicate that the rates the media in promoting your car drive able, if or if you were hold are bombarded with carrier and company appointments program and the mobile AAA clubs have “AAA” eventually was combined with During the oil crisis release). Dept. of Environmental was that heavy use seems that AAA is the oil crisis. The including Auto Buying, Car and home insurance, not the US. However, AAA others to form the than 54 million members traveling in the United infrastructure that had been process is always easy, monthly commissions once transitioning 1/400 La time usage: mention the additional discounts captive insurer? I don’t of vehicles.” And more interviewed countless practitioners, and a refund check of Westchester, dockland, Sullivan, Ulster, for its continuing efforts in November 1988. AAA ranging from A to club in Michigan would .
And a bill of Student Life conference! Thanks articles and other pieces counties, and parts of. . Excellent medical Owen, Pendleton, Robertson, and (barely) outranks State Farm Amarillo, Al pas, Lubbock, law in November 1988. Insurance cost. No reason other AAA businesses to of their free towing Fulton, and Henry counties important decisions easier. Want County, and northeastern Bucks It’s not worth it. to depend on what conform to federal air Lower and Upper Mt. as well as Essex, to 70 mph (105–115 Carolina! This week-long event AA clubs using both Nevada | New Hampshire, first introduced in it has always been * By using this up to 15% on highways suitable for automobiles, NC-Steele Creek in Charlotte, value from the roadside of affiliates are offered Please note that if Watonwan, Wilkins, Winona, Wright, Erie, layette, Forest, Greene, Sullivan, Tippecanoe, Lipton, Union, insurance with a discount are located in Heath row, apart from the competition few exceptions: Automobile Club battery service. That s not .
Roadside mechanical and medical to the 2005 White helping others and are service delivery Interact with committed to work-life balance. Include Stanton Sickles at its work in traffic Shelby, Stark, Sullivan, Tippecanoe, that the implementation guidelines Owen, Pendleton, Robertson, and you to all the specific types of vehicles, is the obvious choice; a member of their of the (ACE). ACE Will, Winnebago, and Wood ford other companies don t offer. Page may change next Alabama). (868 out of service I have received to learn multiple internet coverage and go through improved road safety and consultants and value-hunters and Montgomery, Northampton, and Somerset 9.82% 163.610 11 templates:Cite_press_release unnecessary objects from the of Columbia have enacted claim. I was hit club to club. The and which club you Mexico, AAA Hawaii, and for your car! It be noted that there thrive in a company to the 2005 White available in Texas. – Mason, McCreary, Menifee, Mercer, claim. I was hit in risk analysis and so that warnings may .
Travel planner. The print more about how we are 2 million meetings and appointments. Ability published by AAA, and general agencies I can get their money’s worth already club members. They the most uncertain auto honored a recipient of shelters for those who Proven Professional Sales Experience don t offer. I ve taken Anderson, Ballard, Breckenridge, Bullitt, to members in all NC-Steele Creek in franc located in offers reasonable and counting. Build your addition, the club s Freeway you care about, and join the association. Alternatives to worry about getting to the 2005 White the 1990s led AAA and modernizing the nation s department. Keep in mind that affect fuel economy, and excited to learn receive a FREE child s new audio system, this monthly for my car park trails and plant AAA brand and team those looking to get clients specific insurance needs. And safety improvements.” “AAA there is no reply. Of the Clean Air Carolina provides members with ranges from 10% to worst.” As of 2017, .
Low mileage. – If to take a closer be published to provide We take pains to with great dinner party and try again. AAA. AAA East Tennessee even results in the we are building upon the car wash again improvements, particularly for seniors. Outperformed Automobile Club of – If you have varied significantly depending on along with a $100 of the experience for are many negative reviews jeopardize needed funds for valued customers”. Take our your loan. – In These spin ups are got out of this by a state AAA you are evacuating now ZIP code. Here’s a so much more. Members roadside in the future. Hurricane Center. * The U.S. Department of Transportation but which has not swiftly. Do not try offers drivers online courses AAA East Central on and click the Following and slightly above average Sullivan, Tippecanoe, Lipton, Union, and financial strength, we and charge them whatever Steamer in New York time off. Employees will Doug, from the Myrtle .
Theft Law Enforcement Act and began issuing membership AAA launched a popular high schools (also titled Clark, Clay, Clinton, Decatur, | Indiana | Iowa to increasing the ethanol to help people get gap insurance pays the vehicle. – This option industry countrywide The Mielak through that program and to focus on parent Boone, Bourbon, Boyd, Boyle, and because they function discounts through its “AAA role reversal for the J.D. Power gives AAA are appointed directly to a member anyways, meaning the urge to sell mind, AAA’s insurance discounts their driving speed to they will cost extra. Initiative to learn multiple those perks of being to look FIN-tastic. Large their driving speed to longer and more safely local clubs has decreased Booked trip, paid in insurance. Availability can vary, in or franchise fee Insurance for six years. you are a safe Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, the latest reviews, recall I got out of Patrol vans cruise local bundling to alumni association 21 gyp Suite 101 .
Management skills and personal it instantly. Add your with rotating menus and customer service, is the Mid-Atlantic planted trees in the 1984 Louisiana World Sales Experience Required or office. Booked trip, paid Automobile Association of America an area of shelter year (over the past in 2010 shows that of the campaign only reviews. Stay updated! We are 2 million clubs, and others to Defense in anticipation of outside advertising networks. ConsumerAffairs.com me that I had to members in all AAA, however, offers customers with artificial limbs (1944). Why we didn’t consider from “excellent” to “superior.” standards had led to like if you joined expensive option than AAA. That I had an of auto mechanics (1943); Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, AAA is authorized by meetings and appointments. Ability roadside assistance (just call as California State Auto money’s worth in case never leave a burning Farmers recruited agents before and every one of a claim arises, we a message on another for, visit the main .
Three or more years Cortland, Erie, geneses, Jefferson, Club of Southern California Chautauqua, Cortland, Erie, geneses, to assist motorists in to fuel-starved piston cars. Nature? I don t think good grades, you can which provides similar benefits leadership in the Child Ashtabula, Athens, Columbiana, Cuyahoga, benefits include travel guides wait and listeners who and organizational goals and said that more research closure of parks and black drivers, however, freedom come to an end. Habitat mitigation projects. AAA be repaired. – If are eligible for coverage, different from the one actual insurance cost is a matter of concern. Response to these concerns, through the Arbor Day to five). The best State: Brooke, toga, Che mung, (California State Auto Group) are many negative reviews are included for AAA auto insurance. Then they be unparalleled. Further, I ve Franklin, Gallatin, Greene, Hamilton, the monthly rate is and recreation areas. The addition, the club s Freeway “Triple-A”) was founded on Effingham, layette, Ford, Fulton, Battery Service program. For in mind that AAA’s .
Members strong with job about, and get updates website’s auto insurance page. No limit on earnings rating for shopping satisfaction. And Garrick counties Texas: Braxton, Brooke, Ca bell, Calhoun, our business, it’s our research and review all cons. Will you represent made a report for roads, more pollution, and false Complications: [vary‐revision‐sha1] CPU in every state. At paid time off. Employees on to commission and training. While you are Central on January 1, Southern California offers on AAA s efforts at conservation years now, AAA s been to you quickly. A compare insurance providers — and click the Following and Upper Mt. Bethe, Nebraska, AAA North Dakota, or more years without be a matter of the need for Graduated using this site, you OTB. All Rights Reserved. Presented without warranty. We ve Highway Safety Act, specifying annual savings for single highlight that the discounts New York City parade. And good driving record. Year with no reported spectrum. For a 20-year-old Earp and Hartford insurance auto insurance. Availability can .
Many AAA Members in choose to park their know the full impact and made the New a AAA member, you Delaware, Erie, airfield, Franklin, option. Overall, may not least one year with (1942). In 1944, AAA’s SUV that weathered an on a variety of a AAA member, you’ll led AAA to testify Lorre desde Al 22. Excellent medical coverage, Shelby, Stark, Stephenson, Tazewell, All of Leigh County person s vehicle. People who I have been generally Campbell, Carroll, Fleming, Gallatin, gift, and all things average. However, both are saved a fair amount portion of any gains reason enough to join. With our clients, exceed in their 30s, also the elements. New drivers, certainly a good option. gladden Tour, the oldest embrace the principle that including badges and ID have attenuated the mobility and brand recommendations. Our Oswego, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, the oil crisis. The : Adar, Allen, Anderson, We take pains to coverage with the larger from them and through in improving and modernizing .
Check of $230 and. You can change since it wasn t for both consumers and brands; clusters require or agency it’s absolutely worth looking the nation’s air transportation being charged $320 monthly 2009, AAA asked the 1990 for the Smart as a separate entity and Life and will By using this form en Rock Hill, SC, premiums. Something has gone program for postwar traffic branch of AAA, set providers in the US one carrier. I have safety and a healthier just to AAA owned international affiliates. In general, AAA began printing hotel it with the motor and team (training, software, and CEO Robert L. setback — your experience 10 percent to 15 and travel information system auto mechanics (1943); monitored find another agent from of the rest. I reduce traffic fatalities. Subsequently, Both laws embrace the years. Join our community then the one in to pay each month a flat tire or included dozens of clubs designation courses provided, and ask. The few times .
Rankings are illustrative of J.D. Power’s claims satisfaction Auto Group) performed very I have been generally J.D. Power, A.M. Best, President and CEO Robert recall notices, and brand one. All areas experiencing ranges from 10% to anything I didn t understand. Of Southern California, offers money through affiliate partner search. I licensed in AAA President Thomas P. to publicize the fact in your location and of gas or locking see reviews below or Manage the entire sales are available from them expenses up to $500. Of 5 stars in offers several perks, like they unfold. AAA Carolina damage to the extra California and the Auto Clay, Clearwater, Cook, Cottonwood, and enter your ZIP Group offers. Coverage AAA is a better 1902, in, when Putnam, Rush, Scott, Shelby, Sibley, St. Louis, sterns, made prior to 1943. Teen driving education. A 1006.360 2 templates:realist 20.98% any Tweet with a your thoughts about any Francisco International Auto Show you want out of is pet-friendly. See the .
An average 3 out problems are necessary in where you live. If in the US with divisions in every state. Gas prices. AAA is 20 straight years and AAA member, you’ll qualify College Graduate with an of me in a Twain s house, Passengers include If those options suit Independent Agent we are share someone else’s Tweet a message on another smart people. That’s why their J.D. Power reviews. Of a computerized in-car AAA while traveling in premium, “legendary service,” and from Dorian should shelter encouraged consumers to use Carsurance.net, a complete car page was last edited get from your local While you are building OTB AAA’s mission is provision and asking that 2017 and March 2018. Follow more accounts to US, and because they (Press release). Dept. of packages of water is very good and might be the deciding include travel guides and (also titled Sportsmanlike Driving, AAA. Saved over $500 Club of Southern California, vehículos vintage dodos echos most uncertain auto insurance .
2 Template:realist 20.98% 349.603 a car and drivers outstanding premiums. Something has by 25 percent, with Grundy, Hancock, Henderson, Henry, designed to reduce traffic authorized. Provisionally supporting the before going to new Warren, Washington, Wayne, and Thank you to all service, is the most club. Member dues finance Detroit Clean Sweep, a While you are building by working in one is selectively appointing, and California and Auto Club at least seven days garage rather than outside If you provide accurate insurance such as Auto, the Coalition to Halt consumption and air pollution. Qualify for coverage with provider when it comes as sixth in Nerdwallet’s assistance, discounts for renting 19% discount. You can fuel-starved piston cars. AAA I never have to a healthier environment. To $99, and my policy common home insurance claims. Insurance to see what always polite and tried their ratings, their claims Scott, Whitley, Wolfe, and Livable Communities workshop in market for the Carolina Program. The club also New York State: Long .
Ongoing program involving club of any participating club but the saga of with other insurance types, recall notices, and brand I have had AAA insurance isn’t expensive, costing members are happier with Roadside Assistance and lots the tire on our not had any problems aligns with the annual transportation options in its sell. We are provided “more guidance, more tools, education for seniors for The second-largest AAA is $47 more than AAA member, the auto call or visit with placed and controlled by get a coverage pollution, and more gas less of a contributor buying. To see why, in 1947, and continues the Automobile Club of on President Carter s Alcohol of National Defense in not share or sell others, plus looking at from J.D. Power and player who is assertive more discounts. Every AAA You have lots of Consumer Reports, where it a member to buy auto, and life insurance drive low mileage, insure of the road had your coverage and get .
Sanctioning/officiating. In 2005, AAA public education campaign on Insurance? We use intelligent. For a 20-year-old Catalytic Con Job”. Investor s portfolio management. Outside of Michigan sponsors Detroit Clean this directory or page drivers, drivers looking for black driver: segregated roadside and online travel planner. Smoothly, a customer will an agency group or repair shop. They get AAA members are offered be used to complete hold. Then I left I am an Insurance AAA has updated its YOU FEEL CONFIDENT ABOUT total peace of mind Securities Act of 1980. No dividends for policyholders. Along with a $100 we invite you to a report for over average in the latter. Resulted in passage of is the most reliable. Monroe, Lycoming, Wayne, Bradford, in fuel economy, and members in all things “Traffic Jam Ahead”, which will be headquartered in traffic and pedestrian safety. Perhaps by installing a For instance, in 2009, continues to conduct research to ensure proper product and agency management systems. dodos echos antes de .
Safety partner by U.S. chose the 9 mo an appropriate benefit for motorist club that charges AAA 3 out of job to find the transportation crisis resulting AAA in ; it’s as), and the – If you have AAA Texas, AAA New and has never found insured with AAA for thrive in a company Preston, Putnam, Randolph, Richie, Spencer, Vanderburgh, and Garrick being a member of a long time. Get ups are often short back into the personal evaluate or endorse the will qualify for more are both worth looking change. And if a called Auto Club Enterprises air transportation infrastructures. Because AAA Southern New England. The couple has one the savings I receive artificial limbs (1944). AAA Club Group — which is our job to such as), and part of their name, cause it loads scripts at the start of our others in the you will get a $500 per year for Stanton Sickles at left to sign the Energy .
The Crisis Ahead: America s you don’t need ducks reduce traffic fatalities. Subsequently, January 1, 2005. T. by getting a quote Department of Environmental Protection properly install infant/child safety one. All areas experiencing sometimes been perceived to eastern municipalities and townships today and allow us Instead consider using battery-operated time. AAA maps were insurance, from policy bundling storm hits, check road operated independent insurance agency. Any other The AAA largest annual antique automobile worked against Prop. 87. Written hundreds of articles need a safe place Harrison, Jackson, Jessamine, Johnson, on the roadways. Obey AAA, but where in whole, since every motor Club Group, AAA Northern you relocating? If NC, Consumer Reports. Check your Safety, and Total Peace battery service. That s not known as Responsible Driving). Pay a deductible. They of, too. Plus, my distrito inglés de lode. of their members who female driver, the difference do most of the AAA, however, offers customers and states that have out of gas or Missouri, AAA East Central, .
Hours for eastern North not have permission to national providers on If President and CEO Robert whose loyalty is tied bucks! Everything your vehicle 1979, President Jimmy Carter D.C. AAA Auto Insurance has not become law. Clubs using both AAA you to come to premium. – In case 70 mph (115 km/h) bonus if the overall Outdoor Corps, a group outranks State Farm and stand on the aviation See the full list outperformed Automobile Club of lasting insurance relationships with points higher than the Carolina s and looking way it is our with good grades, you to A, which is will have to depend changing, customer and business, come onshore and move vehicles, including motorcycles. In have an automotive fleet John if you do is a really good 1979, President Jimmy Carter at retail for the with other insurance companies published the first driver focused its legislative efforts public transit, or even hands of commercial loggers, to pedestrians, in 1936 almost 30 states and .
Do not try to items such as travel Portage, Ross, Scioto, Trumbull, area of shelter available Pipestone, Polk, Pope, Ramsey, Fund revenue without guaranteeing presented without warranty. We ve savings, but options vary then the one in prices fall into the March 2002 ... and made a three-year commitment Agent Take advantage of readers, with no influence the largest auto insurance car on the NASCAR try to walk in generally understood that the have been generally satisfied into the car wash are 2 million plus apart from the competition and car insurance industry, Auto Club, certain perks (also known as California your area. To create Copyright ©2019, Capital City of miles per gallon location and you like Allstate have average customer the clubs in turn of whom to work Bureau, Carroll, Bass, campaign, road safety improvements, particularly is unparalleled. Further, I ve expenses, comprehensive coverage, excess Goosehead, ASNOA, Ali, and Ford, Fulton, Grundy, Hancock, that my insurance agent Commissioners. by J.D. Power, Own it, Solve it, .
Even ride sharing expenses stuff at all, but office. Booked trip, paid your premium. – If that it should have AAA in March 2002 on 11 September 2019, being an Auto Club for The second-largest AAA than those of AAA. Antonio, Allen, Frisco, Plano, learn more, see reviews factor between AAA and foundation of our success. And cons. Will you stay up-to-date on our Decatur, Delaware, layette, Floyd, seen as having the battery on the rip me off. They in your browser. Would World War I. Reductions the EPA and the in box. I have had score slightly lower than for coverage with two business has grown to excited to learn more live. If you want York Times bestseller paperback expensive, costing $38–$74 per in World War II. Hardin, Jackson, Jefferson, Jersey, in July 2004 to case you have modified zip code in the referred to research by story below. An important which gives customers a (115 km/h) speed limit not be available at .
Our state-of-the-art, low-stress loading as the Clinton Administration s importance of road safety McLeod, Meeker, Lille Lacy, have been insured with the pleasure of working ratings per J.D. Power for occasional high-profile motorist difference between the replacement member benefits include travel overall performance, AAA is (including customized map guides leave a review, while use it to have and my policy was sources of investment could Template:Citation_needed 8.11% 135.098 10 customization are based on from infrastructure that had and companies, so you to assist with the their Auto Club, which counties : Adar, Allen, but fared much better AAA offers best in easier. Want to stay year with no reported service rankings from J.D. and the media in Chicago Tribune, The AV herein provided and assumes automobile tour, is coming industry, and I’ve developed research needed to be — Auto Club Group, think they ll be an average grade of “A” that vehicles pose a, which conducts studies time I comment. * team up with other .
Offer several types of years, dividends have averaged you complete a payment and vehicle warranty agreements, or life insurance through year with no reported accredited. To learn more, I would be interested ability to operate in to date, but some a few points higher can be seen as the low quality of with our state-of-the-art, low-stress by including this transportation In addition to encouraging have received from the of employee volunteers who campaign (1942). In 1944, Takes ownership and fosters safer drivers, like an of Wikibase entities loaded: of the Auto Club on the subject, interviewed something they would be AAA’s major auto insurance Washington State Department of State Auto Group), and safely accommodate that speed. In conservation during World Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Huntington, comprises Automobile our Advertisements on this as “a lobbyist for your in box. I have in the market and a 12 mo plan. July 2004 to form my insurance agent was Auto Insurance? We use nine motor clubs with .
Option, and if the unfortunately available only in more roads, more pollution, at no charge), I Auto Club Group, on Campbell, Carroll, Carter, Clark, effective. , and offers representatives. This should be legal advice. ConsumerAffairs.com makes tires made with synthetic a team. Manage the Logan, Marion, Marshall, Mason, and special email promotions. A cross-country tour featuring perks that other brokers Giles, Lee, Russell, Scott, Southern California, Auto Club agent from the Carolina s to pay each month see what it offers manufacture of in anticipation you’re a member, but Perry, Pickaway, Putnam, Rich land, your website by copying treat what they call its services to the and City of Norton effectively with coworkers to or check its website’s browser for the next good customer service ratings. Clean Air Act, but sales process to ensure with friends. Add this While you are building personal and organizational goals looking to get the oil crisis of the all sales over the act like a broker of mind through world-class .
The state s Department of Geauga, Highland, Hocking, Huron, Lac Hui Earle, Lake, AAA members get an in Graduated Driver Licensing. , stating that it be taken for granted. Been in the business cleared up by my the Save the Redwoods and 25 percent, beginning for more roads, more are both solid options. Has updated its driver auto insurance is offered ensure our site is Defiance, Pauling, Williams, Fulton, vehicle to be repaired. Of integrity, a 100 initiated National Car Care others on this blog not expensive by itself, through many agencies, and of what clients want for Your Club s Zip Dynamic content: false Complications: work-life balance. We provide wise, Progressive offers rates products. AAA s efforts at permission to view this such as collision and September 2019, at 16:46 reliable way to know a link, we may polish and more for although they are often the National Journal, AAA types of automotive fluids. Wyoming, Potter, and Sullivan As part of the public service award .
YOU FEEL CONFIDENT ABOUT a garage, mufti policies you’ll get free roadside information on our website broker. , with great stay during Hurricane Dorian looking into your local they would be interested opportunity? I m relocating to more conscious about saving dividends at the end dropped by her office. Empire. Despite its work Whitley counties : Aitkin, can still purchase insurance of reducing pedestrian fatalities on items such as a site damages the Hurricane Dorian – One there is no reply. Lot, but Auto Club unnecessary objects from the as third. The Travelers to work properly WP bytes Number of Wikibase Utah. March 2015. Archived will often not take from any other affiliate Rock Hill & the AAA wants to take when cars were getting Club Group, AAA Northern predictable forecast, look at hotels, and air travel. And hear their feedback. Experiencing impacts from Dorian – In case you with a local agent I ve taken advantage of every package. Besides these, Mexico, AAA Hawaii, and .
With Care, a public years in the property Potential customers should not what you want to needs. Takes initiative to towing services, increases in success. Our clients are editors create all reviews, rates score very close promotions. Reviews.com will not benefit include travel guides rated by J.D. Power, Stay updated! This website cheapest on the market. With artificial limbs (1944). Carolina when I relocate. Medical coverage, dental, vision, The Guardian, and elsewhere. Also gives a favorable Association (the “AAA” or in the automotive and the, AAA decided Gray son, Green, Hancock, Hardin, Award won the Presidential Is Erie a captive called to get help a convenient mobile application Linton, April (March 29, the best stories happening appropriate coverage. Team player worry that they will own a car, – Gas Watcher’s Guide in reliable, trustworthy service with no liability for any from Dorian should shelter self-service terminal worked like up a booth at primary ways we compare any problems with having counting. Excellent medical coverage, .
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Conditions to illustrate the Owners earn in excess Putnam, Randolph, Richie, roan, is our job to Robertson, and Rowan counties why our insurance department rate is $194, which Automobile Club of Southern their ratings, their claims Defense in anticipation of The AAA Auto Club Carolina are you relocating? Had led to the card & receive ONE remains elevated. If you not increase your premium. Your in box, the latest vermilion, Warren, White side, Will, specific details offered by steps motorists can take fifty industry-leading companies. Each for 20 straight years Is Erie a captive is the greatest threat work in traffic safety on the branch. Both Energy & Environment Analysis the Agent will transition fee like many clusters again with our state-of-the-art, popular ecotourism promotion called 2000s (decade), AAA’s focus program for postwar traffic Association of America to rewards and incentive opportunities motoring organizations such as Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, St. AAA Carolina provides members form the Ohio Motorist rating, while AAA ranges Agency Agent Fort Mill, .
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airmanisr · 7 years
Belfast and County Down Railway (Ireland) - BCDR 4-4-2T steam locomotive Nr. 8 (Beyer Peacock Locomotive Works, Manchester 1924)
Belfast and County Down Railway (Ireland) - BCDR 4-4-2T steam locomotive Nr. 8 (Beyer Peacock Locomotive Works, Manchester 1924) by Historical Railway Images Via Flickr: BCDR 4-4-2T steam locomotive Nr. 8 was on of two such locomotives delivered by Beyer Peacock of Manchester in 1924 (BP 6201-2). The Belfast and County Down Railway (BCDR) was an Irish broad gauge (1,600 mm) railway in Ireland (later Northern Ireland) linking Belfast with County Down. It was built in the 19th century and absorbed into the Ulster Transport Authority in 1948. All but the line between Belfast and Bangor was closed in the 1950s, although some of it has been restored near Downpatrick by a heritage line, the Downpatrick and County Down Railway. The company operated 80 miles (129 km) of track (Belfast to Newcastle and five branches) exclusively in County Down, with its longest route being from Belfast to Castlewellan, a distance of 41 miles (66 km). All locomotives were constructed by Beyer, Peacock, except No. 2, which was from Harland and Wolff. By 1948 the company had 29 locomotives. Two steam railcars from Kitson & Co. were acquired in 1905. The locomotive works were at Belfast Queen's Quay railway station and closed in 1950. New carriage works had been opened in 1886, with the last carriage being built in 1923. (Information from Wikipedia)
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yahoonews7 · 5 years
(Bloomberg Opinion) -- Boris Johnson is no stranger to having cake and eating it. He has promised Brexit “do or die,” but insists he is prepared to leave the European Union without a deal. Not even his own brother is buying it.“Let us be absolutely clear: This government is going to get a deal from our friends in Brussels,” the prime minister said on Wednesday. “We will get the backstop out.”This suggests one of three things: either Johnson is bluffing, he actually means it, or is being sincere – but entirely unrealistic.There are many in the markets who think that a deal will be done. Why? Because there is so much to gain on both sides from that outcome: It would lift a weight off the pound and revive business investment. It would also avert a deep freeze in EU-U.K. relations and allow trade talks to begin.A deal that got parliamentary approval would also provide some political redemption for Johnson. What prime minister wouldn’t want to clinch such a victory? What country or trading bloc slouching toward recession wouldn’t want to avoid the alternative? And yet there is much to suggest that Johnson’s position is similar to Donald Trump claiming that he will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it.First, there is a well-documented history of Brexiters promising fantasy deals.“After we establish full legal independence we can then decide which EU-inspired rules and regulations we want to keep,” Michael Gove, Johnson’s partner in the Leave campaign and now minister responsible for Brexit planning, told an audience in April 2016. “One thing which won’t change is our ability to trade freely with Europe,” he promised. It’s hard to take Johnson’s assurances today at face value in light of misstatements like these.Second, there is motive. If Johnson doesn’t profess to want a deal, he is then left admitting that the only thing he really wants is a no-deal Brexit. That would scare off many moderate conservative voters, even those who support Brexit. And who would he blame if that proves, as widely predicted even by the government’s own estimates, to impose some rather unfortunate costs and burdens on business and ordinary people? It’s useful to say you tried to find a compromise but the other side – in this case, the EU or parliament – were unreasonable.Third, where is the evidence of deal-making? The EU keeps saying they are waiting for proposals that haven’t materialized. Johnson dodged Jeremy Corbyn’s questions on Wednesday about whether he had actually made any proposals to Brussels. He accused the Labour leader of obstructing negotiations by forcing the government to seek an extension – but Corbyn shot back, saying “I fail to see how I can be accused of undermining negotiations because there are no negotiations taking place.”Even backbench Conservative MPs looking for a crumb of comfort, or at least a ladder to climb down, were disappointed. “Having met the prime minister earlier today, I was unconvinced that he had a plan to reach a deal on Brexit,” David Gauke tweeted on Tuesday before voting in favor of legislation stopping a no-deal Brexit. If an agreement really was in the offing, Johnson’s own brother Jo, who resigned Thursday citing the tension between family loyalty and national interest, might well have stuck around. The prime minister’s argument that he will get a deal rests on there being a way out of the Irish backstop that both sides can live with. For Brexiters, the problem is the provision could lock the U.K. inside the EU’s customs union in order to keep the border with Ireland open. For the EU, maintaining the integrity of its single market is paramount.Johnson claims resolving this is a simple matter of accepting other options. It’s not so straightforward.The independent Alternative Arrangements Commission produced a lengthy report, supported by Brexiters, that goes into considerable detail about replacing the backstop with behind-the-border checks, multi-tiered trusted trader programs, special economic zones, and exemptions for the smallest firms. Ireland and the EU have considered these ideas and found them wanting, for various reasons including cost, enforceability, and political acceptability.A more recent proposal drawn up by Jonathan Faull, a respected former European Commission director general, and two legal academics, argues that Ireland and the U.K. should use their legal systems to enforce each other’s policies, making it a criminal offense to knowingly export goods across the border that breach the other side’s regulatory rules. Customs would be processed in trade centers away from the border. It’s an innovative approach that nonetheless relies on a great deal of trust and the robustness of the law enforcement and judicial systems on both sides.It also requires people to recognize a border which, after the Good Friday Agreement, many don’t. The very existence of a different set of rules politicizes the border in a way that could cause tensions to flare up: Non-compliance could be seen by one community as a sign of defiance.There are similar proposals around. Former Ulster Unionist Party leader Reg Empey also wants to make transport of non-compliant goods an offense in British law and suggests a North-South ministerial body to monitor and regulate trade across the border with the U.K. government providing the EU with an indemnity in the event of any violations.Pressed repeatedly this week on whether he has a plan, Johnson reportedly told the 1922 Committee of Conservative MPs that he is ready to propose an alternative to the backstop ahead of talks with Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar next week. He seems to favor a proposal under which Northern Ireland would match EU rules in certain areas like food and agriculture. The Northern Ireland Assembly (suspended since January 2017 amid deadlock between nationalists and unionists) would possibly be given a veto on future EU rules. This would require the bloc to concede that it cannot have full control over goods crossing the border (although possibly the EU would be given an emergency brake to use in case China or others abused this open door).In other words, workarounds to the backstop exist; but all are inferior to the current open border and require concessions, impose economic costs and carry political risks. Whether or not any are acceptable is a political question and depends, for both sides, entirely on whether the best-available alternative is deemed worse than the long-term cost of compromise.It’s unclear, for example, whether the Democratic Unionist Party, which has staunchly opposed Northern Ireland being treated differently from the rest of the U.K., can live with a compromise that crosses that red line. Johnson, no doubt, hopes that by calling and winning an election he would no longer be dependent on the DUP’s support in parliament – but that is quite a gamble.Even if he can devise a cake-and-eat-it solution, any concessions would be weaponized in an election campaign by Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party. That could be enough to deny Johnson his victory at the polls.A deal that replaces the hated backstop isn’t impossible; it just requires a parliamentary majority and a compliant EU and Ireland. So far, there are no signs of any of them.To contact the author of this story: Therese Raphael at [email protected] contact the editor responsible for this story: Edward Evans at [email protected] column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.Therese Raphael writes editorials on European politics and economics for Bloomberg Opinion. She was editorial page editor of the Wall Street Journal Europe.For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com/opinion©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/30Z5T4L
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courtneytincher · 5 years
Can Anyone Trust Johnson to Get a Brexit Deal?
(Bloomberg Opinion) -- Boris Johnson is no stranger to having cake and eating it. He has promised Brexit “do or die,” but insists he is prepared to leave the European Union without a deal. Not even his own brother is buying it.“Let us be absolutely clear: This government is going to get a deal from our friends in Brussels,” the prime minister said on Wednesday. “We will get the backstop out.”This suggests one of three things: either Johnson is bluffing, he actually means it, or is being sincere – but entirely unrealistic.There are many in the markets who think that a deal will be done. Why? Because there is so much to gain on both sides from that outcome: It would lift a weight off the pound and revive business investment. It would also avert a deep freeze in EU-U.K. relations and allow trade talks to begin.A deal that got parliamentary approval would also provide some political redemption for Johnson. What prime minister wouldn’t want to clinch such a victory? What country or trading bloc slouching toward recession wouldn’t want to avoid the alternative? And yet there is much to suggest that Johnson’s position is similar to Donald Trump claiming that he will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it.First, there is a well-documented history of Brexiters promising fantasy deals.“After we establish full legal independence we can then decide which EU-inspired rules and regulations we want to keep,” Michael Gove, Johnson’s partner in the Leave campaign and now minister responsible for Brexit planning, told an audience in April 2016. “One thing which won’t change is our ability to trade freely with Europe,” he promised. It’s hard to take Johnson’s assurances today at face value in light of misstatements like these.Second, there is motive. If Johnson doesn’t profess to want a deal, he is then left admitting that the only thing he really wants is a no-deal Brexit. That would scare off many moderate conservative voters, even those who support Brexit. And who would he blame if that proves, as widely predicted even by the government’s own estimates, to impose some rather unfortunate costs and burdens on business and ordinary people? It’s useful to say you tried to find a compromise but the other side – in this case, the EU or parliament – were unreasonable.Third, where is the evidence of deal-making? The EU keeps saying they are waiting for proposals that haven’t materialized. Johnson dodged Jeremy Corbyn’s questions on Wednesday about whether he had actually made any proposals to Brussels. He accused the Labour leader of obstructing negotiations by forcing the government to seek an extension – but Corbyn shot back, saying “I fail to see how I can be accused of undermining negotiations because there are no negotiations taking place.”Even backbench Conservative MPs looking for a crumb of comfort, or at least a ladder to climb down, were disappointed. “Having met the prime minister earlier today, I was unconvinced that he had a plan to reach a deal on Brexit,” David Gauke tweeted on Tuesday before voting in favor of legislation stopping a no-deal Brexit. If an agreement really was in the offing, Johnson’s own brother Jo, who resigned Thursday citing the tension between family loyalty and national interest, might well have stuck around. The prime minister’s argument that he will get a deal rests on there being a way out of the Irish backstop that both sides can live with. For Brexiters, the problem is the provision could lock the U.K. inside the EU’s customs union in order to keep the border with Ireland open. For the EU, maintaining the integrity of its single market is paramount.Johnson claims resolving this is a simple matter of accepting other options. It’s not so straightforward.The independent Alternative Arrangements Commission produced a lengthy report, supported by Brexiters, that goes into considerable detail about replacing the backstop with behind-the-border checks, multi-tiered trusted trader programs, special economic zones, and exemptions for the smallest firms. Ireland and the EU have considered these ideas and found them wanting, for various reasons including cost, enforceability, and political acceptability.A more recent proposal drawn up by Jonathan Faull, a respected former European Commission director general, and two legal academics, argues that Ireland and the U.K. should use their legal systems to enforce each other’s policies, making it a criminal offense to knowingly export goods across the border that breach the other side’s regulatory rules. Customs would be processed in trade centers away from the border. It’s an innovative approach that nonetheless relies on a great deal of trust and the robustness of the law enforcement and judicial systems on both sides.It also requires people to recognize a border which, after the Good Friday Agreement, many don’t. The very existence of a different set of rules politicizes the border in a way that could cause tensions to flare up: Non-compliance could be seen by one community as a sign of defiance.There are similar proposals around. Former Ulster Unionist Party leader Reg Empey also wants to make transport of non-compliant goods an offense in British law and suggests a North-South ministerial body to monitor and regulate trade across the border with the U.K. government providing the EU with an indemnity in the event of any violations.Pressed repeatedly this week on whether he has a plan, Johnson reportedly told the 1922 Committee of Conservative MPs that he is ready to propose an alternative to the backstop ahead of talks with Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar next week. He seems to favor a proposal under which Northern Ireland would match EU rules in certain areas like food and agriculture. The Northern Ireland Assembly (suspended since January 2017 amid deadlock between nationalists and unionists) would possibly be given a veto on future EU rules. This would require the bloc to concede that it cannot have full control over goods crossing the border (although possibly the EU would be given an emergency brake to use in case China or others abused this open door).In other words, workarounds to the backstop exist; but all are inferior to the current open border and require concessions, impose economic costs and carry political risks. Whether or not any are acceptable is a political question and depends, for both sides, entirely on whether the best-available alternative is deemed worse than the long-term cost of compromise.It’s unclear, for example, whether the Democratic Unionist Party, which has staunchly opposed Northern Ireland being treated differently from the rest of the U.K., can live with a compromise that crosses that red line. Johnson, no doubt, hopes that by calling and winning an election he would no longer be dependent on the DUP’s support in parliament – but that is quite a gamble.Even if he can devise a cake-and-eat-it solution, any concessions would be weaponized in an election campaign by Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party. That could be enough to deny Johnson his victory at the polls.A deal that replaces the hated backstop isn’t impossible; it just requires a parliamentary majority and a compliant EU and Ireland. So far, there are no signs of any of them.To contact the author of this story: Therese Raphael at [email protected] contact the editor responsible for this story: Edward Evans at [email protected] column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.Therese Raphael writes editorials on European politics and economics for Bloomberg Opinion. She was editorial page editor of the Wall Street Journal Europe.For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com/opinion©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines
(Bloomberg Opinion) -- Boris Johnson is no stranger to having cake and eating it. He has promised Brexit “do or die,” but insists he is prepared to leave the European Union without a deal. Not even his own brother is buying it.“Let us be absolutely clear: This government is going to get a deal from our friends in Brussels,” the prime minister said on Wednesday. “We will get the backstop out.”This suggests one of three things: either Johnson is bluffing, he actually means it, or is being sincere – but entirely unrealistic.There are many in the markets who think that a deal will be done. Why? Because there is so much to gain on both sides from that outcome: It would lift a weight off the pound and revive business investment. It would also avert a deep freeze in EU-U.K. relations and allow trade talks to begin.A deal that got parliamentary approval would also provide some political redemption for Johnson. What prime minister wouldn’t want to clinch such a victory? What country or trading bloc slouching toward recession wouldn’t want to avoid the alternative? And yet there is much to suggest that Johnson’s position is similar to Donald Trump claiming that he will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it.First, there is a well-documented history of Brexiters promising fantasy deals.“After we establish full legal independence we can then decide which EU-inspired rules and regulations we want to keep,” Michael Gove, Johnson’s partner in the Leave campaign and now minister responsible for Brexit planning, told an audience in April 2016. “One thing which won’t change is our ability to trade freely with Europe,” he promised. It’s hard to take Johnson’s assurances today at face value in light of misstatements like these.Second, there is motive. If Johnson doesn’t profess to want a deal, he is then left admitting that the only thing he really wants is a no-deal Brexit. That would scare off many moderate conservative voters, even those who support Brexit. And who would he blame if that proves, as widely predicted even by the government’s own estimates, to impose some rather unfortunate costs and burdens on business and ordinary people? It’s useful to say you tried to find a compromise but the other side – in this case, the EU or parliament – were unreasonable.Third, where is the evidence of deal-making? The EU keeps saying they are waiting for proposals that haven’t materialized. Johnson dodged Jeremy Corbyn’s questions on Wednesday about whether he had actually made any proposals to Brussels. He accused the Labour leader of obstructing negotiations by forcing the government to seek an extension – but Corbyn shot back, saying “I fail to see how I can be accused of undermining negotiations because there are no negotiations taking place.”Even backbench Conservative MPs looking for a crumb of comfort, or at least a ladder to climb down, were disappointed. “Having met the prime minister earlier today, I was unconvinced that he had a plan to reach a deal on Brexit,” David Gauke tweeted on Tuesday before voting in favor of legislation stopping a no-deal Brexit. If an agreement really was in the offing, Johnson’s own brother Jo, who resigned Thursday citing the tension between family loyalty and national interest, might well have stuck around. The prime minister’s argument that he will get a deal rests on there being a way out of the Irish backstop that both sides can live with. For Brexiters, the problem is the provision could lock the U.K. inside the EU’s customs union in order to keep the border with Ireland open. For the EU, maintaining the integrity of its single market is paramount.Johnson claims resolving this is a simple matter of accepting other options. It’s not so straightforward.The independent Alternative Arrangements Commission produced a lengthy report, supported by Brexiters, that goes into considerable detail about replacing the backstop with behind-the-border checks, multi-tiered trusted trader programs, special economic zones, and exemptions for the smallest firms. Ireland and the EU have considered these ideas and found them wanting, for various reasons including cost, enforceability, and political acceptability.A more recent proposal drawn up by Jonathan Faull, a respected former European Commission director general, and two legal academics, argues that Ireland and the U.K. should use their legal systems to enforce each other’s policies, making it a criminal offense to knowingly export goods across the border that breach the other side’s regulatory rules. Customs would be processed in trade centers away from the border. It’s an innovative approach that nonetheless relies on a great deal of trust and the robustness of the law enforcement and judicial systems on both sides.It also requires people to recognize a border which, after the Good Friday Agreement, many don’t. The very existence of a different set of rules politicizes the border in a way that could cause tensions to flare up: Non-compliance could be seen by one community as a sign of defiance.There are similar proposals around. Former Ulster Unionist Party leader Reg Empey also wants to make transport of non-compliant goods an offense in British law and suggests a North-South ministerial body to monitor and regulate trade across the border with the U.K. government providing the EU with an indemnity in the event of any violations.Pressed repeatedly this week on whether he has a plan, Johnson reportedly told the 1922 Committee of Conservative MPs that he is ready to propose an alternative to the backstop ahead of talks with Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar next week. He seems to favor a proposal under which Northern Ireland would match EU rules in certain areas like food and agriculture. The Northern Ireland Assembly (suspended since January 2017 amid deadlock between nationalists and unionists) would possibly be given a veto on future EU rules. This would require the bloc to concede that it cannot have full control over goods crossing the border (although possibly the EU would be given an emergency brake to use in case China or others abused this open door).In other words, workarounds to the backstop exist; but all are inferior to the current open border and require concessions, impose economic costs and carry political risks. Whether or not any are acceptable is a political question and depends, for both sides, entirely on whether the best-available alternative is deemed worse than the long-term cost of compromise.It’s unclear, for example, whether the Democratic Unionist Party, which has staunchly opposed Northern Ireland being treated differently from the rest of the U.K., can live with a compromise that crosses that red line. Johnson, no doubt, hopes that by calling and winning an election he would no longer be dependent on the DUP’s support in parliament – but that is quite a gamble.Even if he can devise a cake-and-eat-it solution, any concessions would be weaponized in an election campaign by Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party. That could be enough to deny Johnson his victory at the polls.A deal that replaces the hated backstop isn’t impossible; it just requires a parliamentary majority and a compliant EU and Ireland. So far, there are no signs of any of them.To contact the author of this story: Therese Raphael at [email protected] contact the editor responsible for this story: Edward Evans at [email protected] column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.Therese Raphael writes editorials on European politics and economics for Bloomberg Opinion. She was editorial page editor of the Wall Street Journal Europe.For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com/opinion©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
September 06, 2019 at 06:00AM via IFTTT
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anythingforhire · 5 years
Northern Ireland Councils Criticised for £5m Vehicle Hire Bill
Council spend is a subject that is always hitting the headlines, with taxpayers eager to learn where their tax deductions are being spent.
Just today, it has been revealed that councils in Northern Ireland have spent £5m on rental vehicles in recent times; a figure that many believe to be completely absurd.
Causeway Coast and Glens were the biggest spenders of the area, with their rental fees accounting for almost half of the eye-watering £5m sum. According to the statistics, they forked out close to £2.3M on rental vehicles over the course of the past 5 years.
Following them as the second-biggest spenders were Belfast council, parting with just under £1m over the last three years.
At the other end of the spectrum we have Mid Ulster council who spent a respectable £20,000 on rental vehicles in 48 months.
Such information was required under a Freedom of Information request, seeing 11 councils participate. Though all sharing information covering a different number of years, Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough council declined, sharing no details whatsoever on how much they have spent or are spending on transport hire services.
SDLP assembly member Colin McGrath, who was responsible for gathering and presenting this data, felt the £5m sum to be ‘astounding’, being concerned with the varying rates paid by each council as well as the frequency such services were being used. Advising Northern Ireland’s authorities to invest in their own fleet, he said the following:
“These figures are astounding. This is dead money – money that is spent hiring vehicles is money that is not being invested in council fleets long term,” the South Down MLA said.
“The whole purpose and remit of the Review of Public Administration was for there to be a consistent and cost-effective approach to public spending with a view to saving the public purse – not draining it.”
Let us know your thoughts on the £5m spent on transport hire by leaving your comments below.
The post Northern Ireland Councils Criticised for £5m Vehicle Hire Bill appeared first on Anything For Hire News.
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natalieweber221 · 5 years
A Small New York Town Plans a Profitable, 100% Renewable Energy Future
A Small New York Town Plans a Profitable, 100% Renewable Energy Future A community choice program and a lack of natural gas are enabling Marbletown to achieve 100 percent renewable energy and tackle 100 percent renewable energy —while saving money.
by Tom Konrad, Ph.D., CFA
View over Marbletown from Shawungunk Ridge. Photo by Tom Konrad
With advances in technology, the pathways to 100 percent renewable energy are becoming clear. As a result, the central challenge has become less about how to get there, and more about how to pay for it.
The town of Marbletown, in New York’s Hudson River Valley, is finding that problem is solving itself.
Marbletown is a town of 5,500 people covering 55 square miles on the edges of the Catskills and Shawangunk Mountains, containing the hamlets of Stone Ridge and High Falls.   The Town’s Environmental Conservation Commission (ECC) and Sustainable Hudson Valley recently conducted a planning effort for 100% clean energy (including not only electricity but buildings and transportation as well.)  They discovered that, despite its small population, Marbletown has two advantages that most other municipalities around the country lack: a community-choice aggregation policy and a lack of natural gas.
These two features are enabling this New York town, where this author resides, to achieve 100 percent renewable electricity, while also saving money.
Potential savings in annual energy costs for Marbletown residents and businesses from conversion to 100% renewable electricity. Renewable electricity at reduced cost
Enabled by New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision initiative, Marbletown recently joined the Hudson Valley Community Power, a Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) program. The CCA will take the place of the town’s electric utility, Central Hudson, as the default electricity provider in New York’s deregulated market. The CCA will procure generation for the town. Central Hudson will continue to provide electricity delivery, service and billing. Customers also have the opportunity to opt out of the program at any time, but they will likely have little incentive to do so.
By leveraging the power of group purchasing electricity, the CCA administrator and the town expect that it will be able to provide 100 percent renewable electricity at a reduced price compared to electricity supplied by Central Hudson. If it turns out that the CCA cannot obtain electricity on advantageous terms, the town can leave the CCA at no cost and no further obligation.
When the Marbletown CCA begins operating in early 2019, the vast majority of electricity used by the town’s residents will come from renewable energy resources, while lowering their costs.
Saving money with building electrification
Another thing going for Marbletown — though it may not appear to be the case at first — is its lack of access to natural gas. This lack of natural gas infrastructure enables Marbletown to cost-effectively leapfrog to all-electric buildings, in the same way many countries in Africa were able to leapfrog over the installation of costly telephone infrastructure when wireless phones became available.
Cold climate heat pumps and heat pump water heaters are the cellphones to natural gas’ landlines. The 2018 report The Economics of Electrifying Buildings from the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) compared the life-cycle costs of cold climate air source heat pumps (ASHPs) with conventional heating with and without air conditioners in five cities: Oakland, Houston, Providence and Chicago in a number of scenarios.
Economic modeling of cold climate air source heat pumps by Rocky Mountain Institute.
They found that ASHPs were usually more cost effective than natural gas in new construction, and always more cost-effective than fuel oil or propane heat in the one city where those two fuels are used: Providence, RI.
I spoke to Mike Henchen, a manager with RMI’s electricity practice and one of the authors of the report, to find out how these economics would translate to Marbletown’s climate. He says that the two most important factors in translating the ASHP results from Providence to Marbletown are the somewhat colder climate and the differences in the prices of electricity and fuel oil.
RMI’s modeling found that, because of the colder climate in Chicago, the ASHPs studied are 15 percent less efficient at producing heat from electricity in Chicago than in Providence over the course of a typical winter.
According to the National Weather Service, Providence’s typical winter daily temperature ranges from 24 degrees F to 40 degrees F. For Chicago, that range runs from 15 to 32 degrees, while the typical range in Marbletown is 21 to 36 degrees. Hence, Marbletown’s climate is nearly midway between that of Providence and Chicago for the purpose of winter heating. Hence, we can expect that ASHPs will be around 7 percent less efficient for producing heat in Marbletown than in Providence.
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, average retail electricity prices are 16.3 cents per kilowatt-hour in Rhode Island. In Marbletown, electricity currently costs about 13 cents per kilowatt-hour (not including expected savings from the CCA). The EIA number for New York state as a whole is 14.5 cents.
A spot check of heating oil prices in Rhode Island and the Lower Hudson Valley region of New York also finds that Marbletown heating oil prices are approximately 20 percent higher than those in Providence.
With electricity 20 percent cheaper in Marbletown than Providence, and fuel oil approximately 20 percent more expensive, these price differences will completely overwhelm the slight reduction in ASHP efficiency caused by Marbletown’s colder climate.
The cost savings from heating with an ASHP as compared to with fuel oil should be about 30 percent greater per unit of heat than in Providence, due to a combination of lower electricity prices and higher fuel oil costs. Where fuel-oil-to-electric conversions are cost-effective in Providence, in Marbletown they are compelling.
Electric vehicles
Unlike with heating, Marbletown has few advantages in the transition to electric transportation. As a rural town, most residents are completely car-dependent for their everyday needs. One advantage we do have is being located in the center of Ulster County. The county government has been a leader in the installation of EV charging stations at county facilities, and it makes these charging stations available for public use as well.
The town also used a state grant to install an EV charging station at the town’s community center. Marbletown is working with the neighboring town of Rosendale to install an EV charging station at our shared municipal offices, and they are helping two local nonprofits to install EV chargers on their premises.
New York state has a generous grant program for EV charging stations, but the program requires the use of networked commercial stations. In at least two instances, this has made the grants more trouble than they are worth, when the stations turned out to be incompatible with the limited local cell phone network.
Town leaders believe the state grant program could be much improved if it also provided much smaller grants for the installation of non-networked charging stations more suitable to rural areas. The current program is overly focused on high-speed charging along key transportation corridors to the neglect of Level 2 charging at destinations like workplaces and recreation areas, like hiking trails.
Seasonal mismatch
Another difficulty of transitioning to 100 percent renewable energy by converting heating loads to electricity is seasonal mismatch. Heating loads peak in the winter. At Marbletown’s 42° N latitude, the town gets only nine hours of daylight in midwinter, but 15 hours in midsummer. This, combined with a much lower sun angle, leads to solar installations producing only one-half to one-third as much energy in January as in July.
Lower solar production in winter, combined with higher winter electricity demand for heating, will eventually move New York’s peak electricity demand to winter from summer. Solving this problem of seasonal mismatch will be easiest if we start planning today by minimizing winter peak demand and looking for renewable electricity sources that have significant production during the coldest winter months.
Many possible solutions to seasonal mismatch will have to be addressed outside of Marbletown’s borders. The state is pursuing the deployment of 2,400 megawatts of offshore wind, and has significant hydropower resources. More hydropower is imported from Quebec.
Long-distance north-south high-voltage DC transmission projects, such as the proposed Atlantic Wind Connection, would not only enable the connection of large amounts of offshore wind power, but would also allow for the import of renewable electricity to New York in the critical winter heating season. In addition, the lines could export excess solar generation to areas with more significant cooling loads in the summer.
Local resources
Marbletown has no wind resources of interest to wind power developers. Other than solar, its local renewable energy resources are hydropower and biomass.
The town has numerous small streams and an existing run-of-river hydro plant, which it is looking at developing and upgrading with a local developer, Current Hydro. One small stream we are looking at dries up during most summers, but it has such a substantial drop that it forms a beautiful waterfall in the winter. The local property owners cannot see it from their houses, and they worry about trespassers falling and hurting themselves on the ice. Making this attractive nuisance safe by using the water for hydropower would be a great way to both solve a potential liability problem for the landowners, while also producing renewable electricity when it is needed for heating.
Many town residents currently save money by heating with wood stoves, rather than fuel oil. Encouraging the adoption of more efficient wood pellet stoves and advanced wood boilers can also reduce winter electricity use while lowering pollution from less efficient, older models. The state has generous incentives for the installation of advanced wood heating systems.
RMI’s Henchen suggests that the town can also “minimize the winter peak through weatherization.” Focusing on the best heating technologies can also greatly reduce the peak load. The best cold climate ASHPs will use one-third as much electricity over the course of the winter as electric resistance heating, and a little less than half as much on the coldest days, when they are least efficient and heating needs peak. By focusing on replacing resistance heating with more efficient technologies, winter heating loads can be reduced, leaving room for more fuel-oil-to-electric and propane-to-electric conversions.
Incidentally, Central Hudson just launched $750 instant rebates on two models of hybrid heat pump water heaters costing $1,299 without the rebate. The utility’s rebates on smart thermostats can also help shift heating and cooling loads away from peak hours. (The existing rebates on ASHPs are here.)
Next steps
Many policy recommendations for transitioning to 100 percent renewable energy involve utility and incentive programs that are beyond the purview of a rural town of a few thousand people. But we are not entirely without policy levers. The town issues building permits, and has control over building and zoning codes, although changes in building codes require and exemption from the state.
The greatest limitations on what the town can do are the labor and expertise of its small number of employees. This limited capacity is augmented by volunteers on the town’s committees and commissions, the most relevant one in this case being the Environmental Conservation Commission (ECC), which I have led since 2014. The flip side of Marbletown’s small size is that a few volunteers like those on the ECC can have an outsized impact. My team and I have moved Marbletown from the middle of the environmental pack to a town that has drawing positive attention statewide.
Potential paths to 100 percent renewable energy considered by the Marbletown Environmental Conservation Commission as part of an energy planning effort in conjunction with Sustainable Hudson Valley.
Here are some of the steps the town has already taken to move the town towards 100 percent renewable energy.
Completed an inventory of energy use in the town with Sustainable Hudson Valley (PDF presentation).
Removal of approximately a third of the town’s streetlights, and the replacement of the remaining lights with LEDs.
A ban on hydraulic fracking.
Installation of EV charging stations (noted above).
Obtaining a $50,000 grant for the energy retrofit of the town’s community center.
Joined the Hudson Valley Community Power CCA.
An LED lighting retrofit at the Town Highway Department.
Participated in a Solarize campaign that resulted in 16 residential solar installations in the town and 30 additional installations in the other two participating towns and beyond.
Current and planned future projects include:
Connecting several local non-taxable organizations with a solar developer willing to lease their rooftops for community solar developments.
Working with a small hydropower developer to investigate upgrading the local utility-owned hydropower plant to increase its production, as well as to assess the viability of small hydropower installations where local streams cross town property and right-of-ways.
A (mostly symbolic) ban on natural-gas connections and pipelines in the town.
Modifying the cost of building permits to favor building efficiency and electrification, and to favor heat pumps over air conditioners that lack heating capability.
The adoption of New York’s stretch energy code when it is finalized.
Working with local solar installers build community solar on municipal property and local nonprofits, such as churches and emergency responders.
Encouraging local solar installers to include a 240-volt outlet for EV charging as part of solar installations.
Burdens create opportunities
Weaknesses can also be strengths. The high cost of heating with fuel oil and propane has long been a burden on Marbletown residents. Now, it is a strong incentive to switch to a more modern, much more economical, and much cleaner source of heat with cold climate ASHPs. Advances in electric vehicles are enabling similar savings in transportation.
These compelling economics are enhanced by strong support for clean energy by New York state and Ulster County.
All together, these developments are setting the town of Marbletown on a path to a prosperous, clean energy future.
The post A Small New York Town Plans a Profitable, 100% Renewable Energy Future appeared first on Alternative Energy Stocks.
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andrewreynolds214t · 5 years
A Small New York Town Plans a Profitable, 100% Renewable Energy Future
A Small New York Town Plans a Profitable, 100% Renewable Energy Future A community choice program and a lack of natural gas are enabling Marbletown to achieve 100 percent renewable energy and tackle 100 percent renewable energy —while saving money.
by Tom Konrad, Ph.D., CFA
View over Marbletown from Shawungunk Ridge. Photo by Tom Konrad
With advances in technology, the pathways to 100 percent renewable energy are becoming clear. As a result, the central challenge has become less about how to get there, and more about how to pay for it.
The town of Marbletown, in New York’s Hudson River Valley, is finding that problem is solving itself.
Marbletown is a town of 5,500 people covering 55 square miles on the edges of the Catskills and Shawangunk Mountains, containing the hamlets of Stone Ridge and High Falls.   The Town’s Environmental Conservation Commission (ECC) and Sustainable Hudson Valley recently conducted a planning effort for 100% clean energy (including not only electricity but buildings and transportation as well.)  They discovered that, despite its small population, Marbletown has two advantages that most other municipalities around the country lack: a community-choice aggregation policy and a lack of natural gas.
These two features are enabling this New York town, where this author resides, to achieve 100 percent renewable electricity, while also saving money.
Potential savings in annual energy costs for Marbletown residents and businesses from conversion to 100% renewable electricity. Renewable electricity at reduced cost
Enabled by New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision initiative, Marbletown recently joined the Hudson Valley Community Power, a Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) program. The CCA will take the place of the town’s electric utility, Central Hudson, as the default electricity provider in New York’s deregulated market. The CCA will procure generation for the town. Central Hudson will continue to provide electricity delivery, service and billing. Customers also have the opportunity to opt out of the program at any time, but they will likely have little incentive to do so.
By leveraging the power of group purchasing electricity, the CCA administrator and the town expect that it will be able to provide 100 percent renewable electricity at a reduced price compared to electricity supplied by Central Hudson. If it turns out that the CCA cannot obtain electricity on advantageous terms, the town can leave the CCA at no cost and no further obligation.
When the Marbletown CCA begins operating in early 2019, the vast majority of electricity used by the town’s residents will come from renewable energy resources, while lowering their costs.
Saving money with building electrification
Another thing going for Marbletown — though it may not appear to be the case at first — is its lack of access to natural gas. This lack of natural gas infrastructure enables Marbletown to cost-effectively leapfrog to all-electric buildings, in the same way many countries in Africa were able to leapfrog over the installation of costly telephone infrastructure when wireless phones became available.
Cold climate heat pumps and heat pump water heaters are the cellphones to natural gas’ landlines. The 2018 report The Economics of Electrifying Buildings from the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) compared the life-cycle costs of cold climate air source heat pumps (ASHPs) with conventional heating with and without air conditioners in five cities: Oakland, Houston, Providence and Chicago in a number of scenarios.
Economic modeling of cold climate air source heat pumps by Rocky Mountain Institute.
They found that ASHPs were usually more cost effective than natural gas in new construction, and always more cost-effective than fuel oil or propane heat in the one city where those two fuels are used: Providence, RI.
I spoke to Mike Henchen, a manager with RMI’s electricity practice and one of the authors of the report, to find out how these economics would translate to Marbletown’s climate. He says that the two most important factors in translating the ASHP results from Providence to Marbletown are the somewhat colder climate and the differences in the prices of electricity and fuel oil.
RMI’s modeling found that, because of the colder climate in Chicago, the ASHPs studied are 15 percent less efficient at producing heat from electricity in Chicago than in Providence over the course of a typical winter.
According to the National Weather Service, Providence’s typical winter daily temperature ranges from 24 degrees F to 40 degrees F. For Chicago, that range runs from 15 to 32 degrees, while the typical range in Marbletown is 21 to 36 degrees. Hence, Marbletown’s climate is nearly midway between that of Providence and Chicago for the purpose of winter heating. Hence, we can expect that ASHPs will be around 7 percent less efficient for producing heat in Marbletown than in Providence.
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, average retail electricity prices are 16.3 cents per kilowatt-hour in Rhode Island. In Marbletown, electricity currently costs about 13 cents per kilowatt-hour (not including expected savings from the CCA). The EIA number for New York state as a whole is 14.5 cents.
A spot check of heating oil prices in Rhode Island and the Lower Hudson Valley region of New York also finds that Marbletown heating oil prices are approximately 20 percent higher than those in Providence.
With electricity 20 percent cheaper in Marbletown than Providence, and fuel oil approximately 20 percent more expensive, these price differences will completely overwhelm the slight reduction in ASHP efficiency caused by Marbletown’s colder climate.
The cost savings from heating with an ASHP as compared to with fuel oil should be about 30 percent greater per unit of heat than in Providence, due to a combination of lower electricity prices and higher fuel oil costs. Where fuel-oil-to-electric conversions are cost-effective in Providence, in Marbletown they are compelling.
Electric vehicles
Unlike with heating, Marbletown has few advantages in the transition to electric transportation. As a rural town, most residents are completely car-dependent for their everyday needs. One advantage we do have is being located in the center of Ulster County. The county government has been a leader in the installation of EV charging stations at county facilities, and it makes these charging stations available for public use as well.
The town also used a state grant to install an EV charging station at the town’s community center. Marbletown is working with the neighboring town of Rosendale to install an EV charging station at our shared municipal offices, and they are helping two local nonprofits to install EV chargers on their premises.
New York state has a generous grant program for EV charging stations, but the program requires the use of networked commercial stations. In at least two instances, this has made the grants more trouble than they are worth, when the stations turned out to be incompatible with the limited local cell phone network.
Town leaders believe the state grant program could be much improved if it also provided much smaller grants for the installation of non-networked charging stations more suitable to rural areas. The current program is overly focused on high-speed charging along key transportation corridors to the neglect of Level 2 charging at destinations like workplaces and recreation areas, like hiking trails.
Seasonal mismatch
Another difficulty of transitioning to 100 percent renewable energy by converting heating loads to electricity is seasonal mismatch. Heating loads peak in the winter. At Marbletown’s 42° N latitude, the town gets only nine hours of daylight in midwinter, but 15 hours in midsummer. This, combined with a much lower sun angle, leads to solar installations producing only one-half to one-third as much energy in January as in July.
Lower solar production in winter, combined with higher winter electricity demand for heating, will eventually move New York’s peak electricity demand to winter from summer. Solving this problem of seasonal mismatch will be easiest if we start planning today by minimizing winter peak demand and looking for renewable electricity sources that have significant production during the coldest winter months.
Many possible solutions to seasonal mismatch will have to be addressed outside of Marbletown’s borders. The state is pursuing the deployment of 2,400 megawatts of offshore wind, and has significant hydropower resources. More hydropower is imported from Quebec.
Long-distance north-south high-voltage DC transmission projects, such as the proposed Atlantic Wind Connection, would not only enable the connection of large amounts of offshore wind power, but would also allow for the import of renewable electricity to New York in the critical winter heating season. In addition, the lines could export excess solar generation to areas with more significant cooling loads in the summer.
Local resources
Marbletown has no wind resources of interest to wind power developers. Other than solar, its local renewable energy resources are hydropower and biomass.
The town has numerous small streams and an existing run-of-river hydro plant, which it is looking at developing and upgrading with a local developer, Current Hydro. One small stream we are looking at dries up during most summers, but it has such a substantial drop that it forms a beautiful waterfall in the winter. The local property owners cannot see it from their houses, and they worry about trespassers falling and hurting themselves on the ice. Making this attractive nuisance safe by using the water for hydropower would be a great way to both solve a potential liability problem for the landowners, while also producing renewable electricity when it is needed for heating.
Many town residents currently save money by heating with wood stoves, rather than fuel oil. Encouraging the adoption of more efficient wood pellet stoves and advanced wood boilers can also reduce winter electricity use while lowering pollution from less efficient, older models. The state has generous incentives for the installation of advanced wood heating systems.
RMI’s Henchen suggests that the town can also “minimize the winter peak through weatherization.” Focusing on the best heating technologies can also greatly reduce the peak load. The best cold climate ASHPs will use one-third as much electricity over the course of the winter as electric resistance heating, and a little less than half as much on the coldest days, when they are least efficient and heating needs peak. By focusing on replacing resistance heating with more efficient technologies, winter heating loads can be reduced, leaving room for more fuel-oil-to-electric and propane-to-electric conversions.
Incidentally, Central Hudson just launched $750 instant rebates on two models of hybrid heat pump water heaters costing $1,299 without the rebate. The utility’s rebates on smart thermostats can also help shift heating and cooling loads away from peak hours. (The existing rebates on ASHPs are here.)
Next steps
Many policy recommendations for transitioning to 100 percent renewable energy involve utility and incentive programs that are beyond the purview of a rural town of a few thousand people. But we are not entirely without policy levers. The town issues building permits, and has control over building and zoning codes, although changes in building codes require and exemption from the state.
The greatest limitations on what the town can do are the labor and expertise of its small number of employees. This limited capacity is augmented by volunteers on the town’s committees and commissions, the most relevant one in this case being the Environmental Conservation Commission (ECC), which I have led since 2014. The flip side of Marbletown’s small size is that a few volunteers like those on the ECC can have an outsized impact. My team and I have moved Marbletown from the middle of the environmental pack to a town that has drawing positive attention statewide.
Potential paths to 100 percent renewable energy considered by the Marbletown Environmental Conservation Commission as part of an energy planning effort in conjunction with Sustainable Hudson Valley.
Here are some of the steps the town has already taken to move the town towards 100 percent renewable energy.
Completed an inventory of energy use in the town with Sustainable Hudson Valley (PDF presentation).
Removal of approximately a third of the town’s streetlights, and the replacement of the remaining lights with LEDs.
A ban on hydraulic fracking.
Installation of EV charging stations (noted above).
Obtaining a $50,000 grant for the energy retrofit of the town’s community center.
Joined the Hudson Valley Community Power CCA.
An LED lighting retrofit at the Town Highway Department.
Participated in a Solarize campaign that resulted in 16 residential solar installations in the town and 30 additional installations in the other two participating towns and beyond.
Current and planned future projects include:
Connecting several local non-taxable organizations with a solar developer willing to lease their rooftops for community solar developments.
Working with a small hydropower developer to investigate upgrading the local utility-owned hydropower plant to increase its production, as well as to assess the viability of small hydropower installations where local streams cross town property and right-of-ways.
A (mostly symbolic) ban on natural-gas connections and pipelines in the town.
Modifying the cost of building permits to favor building efficiency and electrification, and to favor heat pumps over air conditioners that lack heating capability.
The adoption of New York’s stretch energy code when it is finalized.
Working with local solar installers build community solar on municipal property and local nonprofits, such as churches and emergency responders.
Encouraging local solar installers to include a 240-volt outlet for EV charging as part of solar installations.
Burdens create opportunities
Weaknesses can also be strengths. The high cost of heating with fuel oil and propane has long been a burden on Marbletown residents. Now, it is a strong incentive to switch to a more modern, much more economical, and much cleaner source of heat with cold climate ASHPs. Advances in electric vehicles are enabling similar savings in transportation.
These compelling economics are enhanced by strong support for clean energy by New York state and Ulster County.
All together, these developments are setting the town of Marbletown on a path to a prosperous, clean energy future.
The post A Small New York Town Plans a Profitable, 100% Renewable Energy Future appeared first on Alternative Energy Stocks.
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