#Ukrainian brand Must Have
slrmagazine · 2 months
PHOTO GALLERY: Must Have fashion show
PHOTO GALLERY: Must Have fashion show, Los Angeles Fashion Week powered by Art Hearts Fashion on March 22, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. #musthave
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naturalrights-retard · 3 months
Macron wants Crimea seized from Russia
No ‘lasting peace’ is possible without Ukraine gaining control of the Russian peninsula, the French president has claimed
Ukraine must regain control over all the territories it once held, including Russia’s Crimean Peninsula, French President Emmanuel Macron has said. Otherwise, no “lasting peace” will be possible, he claimed. The president made the remarks on Thursday in an interview with broadcasters TF2 and France 2, bluntly describing Russia as France’s “adversary.” At the same time, he insisted that Paris has not been “waging war on Russia” but merely “supporting” Kiev in the conflict.
Kremlin responds to Macron’s claim Russia an ‘adversary’
France seemingly wants to increase its involvement in the Ukraine conflict, spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said
French President Emmanuel Macron is right to call Moscow an “adversary” because Paris is already indirectly involved in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said. In an interview with the TF1 and France 2 channels on Thursday, Macron insisted that France is “not waging war on Russia” by supporting Kiev, but stated that his government is doing its utmost to ensure a Ukrainian victory. He described Moscow as an “adversary” of France, but declined to brand it an “enemy.”
Germany backs French push to arm Ukraine with long-range weapons
Berlin has so far refused to provide Kiev with Taurus cruise missiles
European countries intend to create yet another “capability coalition” to supply Ukrainian forces with long-range weapons, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Friday, echoing an initiative floated by French President Emmanuel Macron. During a joint press conference with Macron and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk in Berlin on Friday, the German chancellor stated that the countries have agreed to expand their own production of military equipment and “procure even more weapons for Ukraine, on the overall world market.”
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
Zelenskyy didn’t name names, but — in a live video interview with former U.S. President Bill Clinton — he warned that “in this world you cannot remain on the sidelines.”
The Ukrainian leader was speaking at the revived Clinton Global Initiative. After being on hiatus for several years following controversies linked to former first lady Hillary Clinton’s presidential run, CGI is once again being held this year on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly.[...]
The event crowd shouted “I love you” to Bill Clinton as he arrived on-stage. Many appeared surprised when Zelenskyy beamed in, and gave the Ukrainian leader a standing ovation.
Zelenskyy, dressed in a dark T-shirt emblazoned with the hashtagged slogan “Stand With Ukraine,” spoke following recent Ukrainian battlefield victories against Russia, which launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February.[...]
When a very sympathetic Clinton asked if Zelenskyy had “any other marching orders,” Zelenskyy talked of the need to find ways to ensure that his country’s future security is guaranteed — an apparent reference to a post-war deal with NATO or Western powers.[...]
The Zelenskyy interview underscored the ongoing influence of the Clinton brand, which has faced plenty of hits in the past decade.
CGI began in 2005 but went on hiatus after 2016 as Hillary Clinton was running for president.
The event had come under heightened scrutiny as critics questioned if the access it gave world leaders to the Clintons would lead to financial and other conflicts of interest for the former secretary of State should she reach the White House. Such concerns were often raised about the CGI-affiliated Clinton Foundation, which admitted it had made some errors in its financial disclosures.[...]
In the years that followed, amid scandals involving Clinton’s handling of government emails and questions about Russia’s role in paving the way for her loss to Donald Trump, CGI was temporarily shuttered.
Following Joe Biden’s ouster of Trump from the Oval Office, the political environment has become more favorable, but the UNGA event space is also more competitive.[...]
Jordan’s Queen Rania and education activist Malala Yousafzai were among this year’s attendees, along with local politicians Gov. Kathy Hochul and New York City Mayor Eric Adams. The Jordanian royal is one of the first supporters of CGI, and she spoke Tuesday of the importance of remembering the humanity of all refugees, noting how differently Western countries have treated Ukrainian refugees as opposed to Syrian ones.[...]
CGI mimics the World Economic Forum in many respects — down to the event’s color scheme — but participants are traditionally asked to make concrete commitments to tackle global challenges in areas such as public health, women’s empowerment and poverty. Many announce financial or other pledges during the event — with pledges sometimes running into billions of dollars, according to CGI organizers.
20 Sep 22
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apas-95 · 2 years
i agree w/ you that in terms of organizing there needs to be a hard line. i don't personally know where i'd draw that line, just that you have to be past a certain point of left. as long as we have enough common ground to share and you aren't outright hostile or unreasonable i will work with you even if we don't agree on everything. that's just me personally tho, i'm not saying that's how it SHOULD be, i'm just tossing my thoughts out there.
(i'm the anon who just sent you an ask about not being sure where to draw the line) for context, i live in the midwest in the u.s. anything not uber conservative is considered "left" here which obviously is incorrect but yeah. i wouldn't organize with liberals bc we do not share political alignment and our goals are not the same. i WOULD organize with anarchists as long as i could find common enough ground with them, even though we disagree on some things.
I mean, is the question one of 'finding common ground', or of actually carrying things out? Is the goal to sit around agreeing on things all day, or to achieve political goals through organisation? Having similar goals is not enough, you must also be able to actually achieve them. The purpose of uniting with real friends is to fight real enemies - if they cannot effectively fight real enemies, then are they real friends?
Every ideology, every type of thinking, is stamped with the brand of a certain class. To understand the worth of a given ideology and movement, then, we would do well to understand the class it's derived from. In the context of the modern United States, the petty-bourgeoisie are a middle class, which vacillates between supporting the revolution and supporting the imperialists, depending on which way the wind is blowing. They work, and are threatened with downwards mobility, proletarianisation, and as such can oppose the big bourgeoisie - but they also have privilege, they have status, and their goal is upwards mobility, not liberation, so they can oppose the revolution. They are individualists, and abhor any authority over their business. Their political lines will reflect the real interests of their class. The right wing of the petty-bourgeoisie form the mass base of fascism, and in the settler-colonial context of the US, are an entrenched mass of reaction. Petty-bourgeois thinking also dominates other ideological trends, which form their left wing, such as social democracy, or anarchism - there's a reason these are far more common in the settler-colonies than the colonised world.
If we want to distinguish real friends from real enemies, then, we need to understand the concrete, material conditions we operate in. The petty-bourgeoisie may be a friend in one situation, and an enemy in the other, their right wing may become our enemy, and their left wing may become our friend - but these analyses must be carried out in real situations, with the complexities of real life in mind, not in the abstract. The US has internal colonies, the principal contradiction surrounding which is the national liberation struggle, not the socialist struggle - in this context, the petty-bourgeoisie of the oppressed nations can, as a whole, become an ally. At the same time, in the context of the building imperialist war, the petty-bourgeoisie will form the fiercest enemy to socialism. Their right wing, in the form of the fascists, will openly attempt the total destruction of communist forces; and their left wing, in the form of the anarchists, will disavow communist positions and analyses - if we need be reminded of the Crimethinc fellows who joined Right Sektor, let alone the entire mass of 'anti-state, anti-capitalist' anarchists throwing their weight behind the Ukrainian oligarchy.
We cannot draw a line based on ideology alone, we cannot draw a line based on abstract agreement on principles, but on the actual usefulness in opposing imperialism. That is dependent heavily on context - time, place, situation - and cannot be done universally. We unite with real friends to fight real enemies.
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drthrvn · 2 years
«My brother was crucified in Donbass on a bulletin board»
This is my favourite propaganda story that even has a freaking Wikipedia page: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crucified_boy
also yeah, I personally dombed bombas for 8 years because they are speaking russian. It definitely wasn’t done by russia and their mercenaries.
but I think that we, Ukrainians, have created a perfect way of fighting this bullshit stories - just make them even more absurd: yes, we eat russian-speaking kids for breakfast, yes, we bow to Bandera, yes, we do all of this and more.
WHAT AJHSJSFHDWDSDJF I DIDN'T KNOW THAT WAS A PROPAGANDA STORY this makes this whole message the funniest shit i've seen in a long time is2g
wait are you implying that russians were somehow involved in the war in Donbas???????? now that's just impossible, why would you accuse poor, innocent russians of something like that :( why is everyone so mean to them :( it's not like they've ever invaded or occupied any country, especially not recently :( ah these poor russians, all this negativity towards them nowadays, i wonder why. must be some kind of Western propaganda
this is actually an excellent strategy and also, for some reason i'm like 95% sure that many russians would believe that russian-speaking kids are some brand new Ukrainian national dish.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
In a poll by tabloid Ilta-Sanomat (siirryt toiseen palveluun), 53 percent of respondents said they would be willing to see Finland join Nato without Sweden.
The question comes at a time when Sweden's Nato accession lies in limbo as it is held hostage by Turkey. According to Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, his country seemingly approves of Finland joining the defence alliance. However, Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto (Green) has said that Finland has the "patience" to wait for such a decision.
The survey commissioned by IS and conducted by polling firm Taloustutkimus also had 28 percent of respondents saying that Finland should wait to join Nato with Sweden while 19 percent of those polled said they could not say.
Taloustutkimus research director Juho Rahkonen offered his input on the survey, noting that Finland "cannot turn back now" and that is "clear message to decision makers".
Rahkonen further noted that people in Finland have become slightly more convinced that they should not hold out for Sweden on the issue of joining Nato, compared to previous surveys.
"The Finnish opinion in this survey can be summed up in one sentence: 'Sveriges sak är inte vår' [Sweden's cause is not ours], Rahkonen emphasised, recalling a famous piece of Swedish propaganda during the Winter War — "Finland's cause is ours (siirryt toiseen palveluun)".
Ukrainian arrivals and municipalities residence
As the war in Ukraine approaches its one-year anniversary, many Ukrainian arrivals in Finland are preparing to apply for their municipality of residence.
Ostrobothnia-based Ilkka-Pohjalainen (siirryt toiseen palveluun) writes that after living in a municipality for one year, the arrivals from Ukraine will be entitled to apply for their municipality of residence.
While applying for a municipality of residence is not mandatory, it would entitle Ukrainian arrivals to benefits not seen under the status of temporary protection. In addition, it will mean that Ukrainian children must attend Finnish schools in their municipality rather than remote Ukrainian schooling, which is accepted under temporary protection status.
The Finnish Immigration Service said on Monday that more than 40,000 Ukrainians came to Finland last year after the temporary protection introduced by the EU.
IP predicted a potential logistical nightmare looming as municipalities braced for a possible influx of applications from Ukrainians.
The largest issue, according to sources interviewed, is a lack of knowing how many will apply. A Ministry of the Interior poll from last summer found that just under a third of Ukrainian arrivals planned to stay in Finland.
Finnish brand spotted at massive drug seizure
Helsingin Sanomat (siirryt toiseen palveluun) covers a US Coast Guard vessel seizing illegal drugs worth over 30 million euros from a fishing vessel in the Gulf of Oman.
According to a press release by the US Navy, 4,000 kilograms of hashish and 512 kilograms of methamphetamines were seized from the vessel.
As part of its press release, the US Navy posted a picture of the vessel's deck showing yellow sacks and dozens — if not more — of packages depicting the red design of Finnish brand Paulig's Juhla Mokka coffee.
HS contacted Paulig over their brand's appearance at the site of the drug trafficking incident, who were already alerted by the news.
"It is unfortunate that our brand has been used for criminal activity. We don't have any more information on the matter," commented Paulig's director of communications and responsibility Kaisa Lipponen.
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nicklloydnow · 2 years
“Over the past six days, Ukraine’s armed forces have broken through the Russian lines in the northeastern corner of the country, swept eastward, and liberated town after town in what had been occupied territory. First Balakliya, then Kupyansk, then Izium, a city that sits on major supply routes. These names won’t mean much to a foreign audience, but they are places that have been beyond reach, impossible for Ukrainians to contact for months. Now they have fallen in hours. As I write this, Ukrainian forces are said to be fighting on the outskirts of Donetsk, a city that Russia has occupied since 2014.
Russian troops are not fighting back. More than that: Offered the choice of fighting or fleeing, many of them appear to be escaping as fast as they can. For several days, soldiers and others have posted photographs of hastily abandoned military vehicles and equipment, as well as videos showing lines of cars, presumably belonging to collaborators, fleeing the occupied territories. A Ukrainian General Staff report said that Russian soldiers were ditching their uniforms, donning civilian clothes, and trying to slip back into Russian territory. The Ukrainian security service has set up a hotline that Russian soldiers can call if they want to surrender, and it has also posted recordings of some of the calls. The fundamental difference between Ukrainian soldiers, who are fighting for their country’s existence, and Russian soldiers, who are fighting for their salary, has finally begun to matter.
Back in March, I wrote that it was time to imagine the possibility of victory, and I defined victory quite narrowly: “It means that Ukraine remains a sovereign democracy, with the right to choose its own leaders and make its own treaties.” Six months later, some adjustments to that basic definition are required. In Kyiv yesterday, I watched Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov tell an audience that victory should now include not only a return to the borders of Ukraine as they were in 1991—including Crimea, as well as Donbas in eastern Ukraine—but also reparations to pay for the damage and war-crimes tribunals to give victims some sense of justice.
That original mission has already failed. There will be no such “new era.” The Soviet Union will not be revived. And when Russian elites finally realize that Putin’s imperial project was not just a failure for Putin personally but also a moral, political, and economic disaster for the entire country, themselves included, then his claim to be the legitimate ruler of Russia melts away. When I write that Americans and Europeans need to prepare for a Ukrainian victory, this is what I mean: We must expect that a Ukrainian victory, and certainly a victory in Ukraine’s understanding of the term, also brings about the end of Putin’s regime.
To be clear: This is not a prediction; it’s a warning. Many things about the current Russian political system are strange, and one of the strangest is the total absence of a mechanism for succession. Not only do we have no idea who would or could replace Putin; we have no idea who would or could choose that person. In the Soviet Union there was a Politburo, a group of people that could theoretically make such a decision, and very occasionally did. By contrast, there is no transition mechanism in Russia. There is no dauphin. Putin has refused even to allow Russians to contemplate an alternative to his seedy and corrupt brand of kleptocratic power. Nevertheless, I repeat: It is inconceivable that he can continue to rule if the centerpiece of his claim to legitimacy—his promise to put the Soviet Union back together again—proves not just impossible but laughable.
The possibility of instability in Russia, a nuclear power, terrifies many. But it may now be unavoidable. And if that’s what is coming, we should anticipate it, plan for it, think about the possibilities as well as the dangers. “We have learned not to be scared,” Reznikov told his Kyiv audience on Saturday. “Now we ask the rest of you not to be scared too.””
“The sudden advance made by Ukraine’s forces into Russian-occupied territory is not only a brilliant tactical move; it could prove a decisive turning point in the war.
The seizure by Ukrainian forces of two key towns – Izyum and Kupiansk – means that an area the size of Lancashire has been liberated from the Russian invader. And Kyiv’s forces are still pushing on.
The last time Russian forces had to retreat so close to Moscow was 1941 – when they were being pushed back by the German onslaught.
In his great novel War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy outlined how battles are often won for no other reason than that one side wants victory more than the other.
Ukrainians have shown they are willing to die to keep their country free. But few Russian soldiers see any glory in throwing away their lives for Putin’s arrogant misadventures.
During the ‘Great Patriotic War’ – Russia’s term for its heroic repulse of Hitler during the Second World War – millions of Russian conscripts were mown down on the steppes by German machine-gunners, tanks and artillery.
In contrast, Putin has been able to mobilise only about 750,000 troops. Of these, thanks to leaks from the Russian finance ministry, we know that ‘death grants’ have been paid to the families of 48,000 soldiers.
This represents the biggest Russian loss of life since 1945, and includes some of their best-trained and equipped forces. By some counts, Russia has lost 14 generals – a scale of losses unpre-cedented for almost 80 years.
When the invasion was launched, thousands of Russian riot police were mobilised to sign up to fight, believing that Kyiv would fall within days and the ‘special military operation’ would become a police matter.
How wrong they were. The Ukrainian resistance picked off many of these units – which means they are no longer available to stamp out any upcoming protests on Russia’s streets.
Putin also bet that sky-rocketing energy prices would split the West, eroding Nato’s unity as public opinion in Europe especially turned against aiding Ukraine. But he is losing the war too fast, and rising fuel prices are not undercutting western solidarity with Ukraine in the way he imagined.
Unless Moscow now sees a dramatic change of fortune, it is not hard to imagine Putin’s generals and spy chiefs deciding to make him the scapegoat for the war – and withdraw the bedraggled remaining troops.
He will never retire – or be retired. An ousted Putin would more likely suffer a nasty ‘fall’ or sudden fatal ‘illness’ – like so many of his own critics during the ugly years of his presidency.
And that, conversely, is why we may be approaching the most dangerous moment in the war. Schooled in Russia’s history and the ignominious end of so many of its leaders, Putin might be willing to do anything to prevent his assassination – even going nuclear to save his own skin.
Could the US possibly stand aside? Wouldn’t President Joe Biden instead have to threaten American intervention to try to stop further use of nukes? Would China stand by its Russian ally?”
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“Economically, the nation’s parlous fiscal and monetary situation is leading the country in the direction of high inflation if not hyperinflation. Diplomatically, the approach of winter and the shifting sands of European and American politics pose a threat to Western unity that the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, is hoping will give him leverage. Without an immediate increase in Western support, Ukraine will struggle to sustain its success on the battlefield.
The good news from the eastern front was conspicuous by its absence from the speech delivered by Zelenskiy at YES on Friday. A “winter of discontent” lay ahead not only for Ukraine but for all of Europe, he warned; the next 90 days of the war with Russia would be decisive.
In a realist perspective, Russia would seem bound to prevail over Ukraine sooner or later. Its territory is 28 times larger; its GDP is nine times larger; its population is 3.3 times larger. Western sanctions do not alter the fact that Russia still has significant (if reduced) revenue from exporting its gas and oil, whereas Ukraine is heavily dependent on Western economic and military assistance. Time might seem to be more on Russia’s side than Ukraine’s.
The invader is at an inherent disadvantage in the face of a strong nationalist sentiment. Putin has inadvertently turned the formerly divided and disgruntled inhabitants of Ukraine into the Ukrainian people. And wars of national liberation against declining empires are more often successful than not. That is why there aren’t many empires left.
Right now, Ukraine is not only fighting for its freedom; it’s a proxy for a US-led effort to weaken Russia (and perhaps also to deter China from similar aggression). The Ukrainian war effort is sustainable only thanks to large-scale military and financial aid from the US and its Anglosphere and European allies. At the same time, US-instigated sanctions (especially technology export controls) are driving the Russian economy and military back into the late 20th century.
If the US further increased its supply of precision weaponry to Ukraine and added tanks to the mix, the Russian positions in Kherson, Luhansk and Donetsk could probably be made unsustainable. Similarly, if the EU further increased its economic support for Ukraine, the risk of an inflationary crisis would recede.
There is a scenario — I would give it a 20% probability — that the Russian position in Ukraine now unravels. This is a largely colonial army, its best battalions severely depleted by six months of highly destructive warfare, its ranks replenished by raw recruits from impoverished provinces east of the Urals. Its morale is low. Such armies can be brought to a tipping point if they encounter well-armed, well-organized and well-motivated opponents. Defeat in land war is much less about killing enemy soldiers than getting them to surrender, flee or desert.
The war in Ukraine has now entered its seventh month. Most wars are shorter. Of 88 wars between states since 1816, nearly a quarter lasted less than two months and 38% between two and six months. Of the remaining 35, 12 were over within a further six months, seven lasted up to two years, 12 two to five years, and four more than five years.
In other words, a war that continues for six months has a roughly one-in-three chance of lasting no longer than a year in total, but an equal chance of lasting between two and five years. We should not forget the Korean War, the first “hot” war of Cold War I, which lasted three years and did not end with a conclusive peace agreement — merely an armistice.
The Ukrainian army may be winning. The Ukrainian economy is losing. As is typical in a war of this sort, the invaded country suffers a severe decline in output simply because productive land and assets are taken over by the enemy or destroyed. At the same time, one-third of Ukrainians have been displaced by the war; over 6.8 million have left the country and the rest are internally displaced. A large proportion have lost their jobs and homes.
Ukraine’s GDP shrank by 15.1% year-on-year in the first quarter of 2022. In the second, it shrank by 37%. The overall annual contraction of output will be around 33%, according to government estimates. Unemployment is at Great Depression levels.
The total damage caused by the war to Ukrainian infrastructure and housing was estimated last week in a World Bank report at $97.4 billion. The same report estimates total losses from the shuttering of business at $252 billion.
Although the Ukrainian government has an ambitious plan for the reconstruction of the country (price tag: $750 billion), it needs much more modest sums right now simply to stay afloat. As Shmyhal put it, “Infrastructure needs to be rebuilt before the winter in order for people to survive — I mean this literally.”
In the familiar pattern of an economy at war, public spending has soared while tax and other revenues have collapsed. Tax revenue in Ukraine now covers just 40% of government spending. The Finance Ministry says it requires approximately $5 billion (2.5% of pre-war GDP) in foreign aid per month to cover nonmilitary spending. To date, however, Ukraine has received $17.5 billion in aid, roughly half of the amount pledged by international partners — and far short of the government’s needs.
The Europeans are the main culprits. The EU promised Ukraine 9 billion euros in budgetary support in May, but only about 1 billion has been disbursed. The National Bank of Ukraine has had to buy roughly $8.2 billion in war bonds as the government dares not try to sell new debt on the international market so soon after “reprofiling” (i.e. delaying payments for two years) its existing external debt. Inflation, which began the year at 10%, is now at 24% and rising. The central bank has raised interest rates to 25% but it has also been obliged to devalue the hryvnia by 25% against the dollar.
A recent paper published by the Centre for Economic Policy Research urges the government to raise tax revenue and to sell domestic debt rather than monetize it through the central bank. I heard nothing in Kyiv to suggest this advice is going to be heeded. In the words of the Swedish economist Anders Aslund, “The greatest immediate risk to the Ukrainian economy is that the EU does not deliver sufficient budget support soon enough.” In that case, he added, the Ukrainian government “will be forced to print money so that the current high inflation … proceeds to hyperinflation.”
Russia’s invasion force at the outset of the conflict numbered between 175,000 and 190,000, plus around 34,000 in separatist militias from the self-proclaimed Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics. Estimates of Russian casualties —killed and wounded — range widely. In August, the US and UK both put total Russian casualties at around 80,000. From this, Western analysts infer total deaths of 20,000 to 25,000. These figures include non-regular forces, such as the Donbas militias and mercenaries from the Wagner Group. The Russian casualty figures released by Ukraine are even higher. As of Sept. 1, Ukraine’s army reported killing over 48,000 Russian troops.
Western estimates imply a mortality rate of at least 9% to 12%. If Ukrainian claims are right, the figure is much higher: 25%-28%. These rates are staggeringly high by the standards of 20th- and 21st-century conflict. For example, US battle deaths in the Korean War amounted to 1.88% of the total force deployed there.
We know much less about Ukrainian military mortality. We should probably therefore assume that Ukrainian losses are on a similar scale to Russia’s.
Compare all these estimates to the death toll with the nine-year US war in Iraq, which saw 3,500 US soldiers killed in action and 32,000 wounded, or the US campaign in Afghanistan between 2001 and 2021, which cost the lives of over 2,000 American service personnel and left more than 20,000 wounded. In both cases, the fractions killed in action of total forces deployed were miniscule by the standards of today’s war in Ukraine.
Over 10 years, beginning at the end of 1979, the Soviet war in Afghanistan saw 15,000 Soviet soldiers killed and over 50,000 wounded. Russia may have suffered comparable casualties in just the first 10 weeks of this war.
Both sides urgently need to raise, arm and train additional forces. On Aug. 25, Putin ordered a 137,000-person increase in military personnel, raising the target number of active-duty service members to 1.15 million by January. Russia has also established new, highly paid “volunteer” battalions (400 men from each of Russia’s 85 regions). However, many of these new battalions and other units are undermanned. The Third Army Corps, now being sent to Ukraine, is one-third of its planned size. For reasons of domestic politics, Putin appears unwilling to risk proclaiming that this is a real war that necessitates general mobilization.
By contrast, Ukraine declared a general mobilization on Feb. 24 and currently has 700,000 troops across the military, national guard and territorial forces. Ukraine is no longer prioritizing fresh manpower, with Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov stating that the priority is now technical specialists rather than general recruits.
Meanwhile, Ukrainian morale could scarcely be higher. An August opinion survey found that 98% of Ukrainians believe their country will win the war. They are less willing today to give up on the idea of North Atlantic Treaty Organization membership than they were in April. Around 90% of Ukrainians either “strongly approve” or “somewhat approve” of Zelenskiy; 88% “strongly approve” of Ukraine’s military. Instead of weighing concessions, Ukraine’s leaders are openly discussing the liberation of Crimea to restore the pre-2014 borders, something 64% of Ukrainians believe is achievable by the end of the war.
Zelenskiy is right: The next three months will be crucial — though we should look even further ahead, beyond mid-December into January and February, usually the coldest months of the year in Ukraine. With the right military and financial assistance, Ukraine could celebrate the first anniversary of this war by driving Russia further back, if not all the way to the status quo ante of February 23, 2022. Without it, a winter of discontent will inevitably blow some of the stardust off the former entertainer turned war leader — and confront the Ukrainian people with the harsh reality that few struggles for national liberation have ever been won inside 12 months.
Between Lexington and Yorktown lay six long years.”
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Ukraine Now Has Drones With a Very Long Operational Range - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/ukraine-now-has-drones-with-a-very-long-operational-range-technology-org/
Ukraine Now Has Drones With a Very Long Operational Range - Technology Org
In the very beginning of April, Ukraine attacked several targets in Tatarstan Republic of the Russian Federation. Drone attacks in Russia are nothing new at this point, but this one was different – targets were around 1,200 km from Ukraine. Where did Ukraine get such long-distance drones?
Ukraine’s long-range drones. Image credit: Дмитро Шимкін з двома E-300 via Wikimedia
On 2nd of April 2024 the city of Yelabuga in Tatarstan was attacked by Ukrainian drones for the first time. Ukraine said that it targeted the Shahed-146 manufacturing plant as well as a local oil refinery.
The Russian oil industry is constantly being attacked by Ukrainian drones at this point in the war. Ukraine is obviously trying to hurt one of Russia’s main ways to keep its economy afloat and to reduce the production of fuel that is needed for military equipment. On top of that, by attacking various targets in Russia the defenders of Ukraine are forcing Russia to direct some of its air defence capabilities to protect strategic assets in its own territory, which should open up some opportunities in Ukraine.
🔥🤩 For the first time, UAVs attacked Tatarstan, the city of Yelabuga is 1200 km from the border with Ukraine pic.twitter.com/0oamUHJNaO
— MAKS 23 🇺🇦👀 (@Maks_NAFO_FELLA) April 2, 2024
But where did Ukraine get its long-distance drones? People who watched the videos about the attacks in Tatarstan noted that these drones look a lot like Cessna planes. And that assessment is not wrong – Ukraine managed to transform some light civilian planes into long-range kamikaze drones.
Ukraine wants to attack the Russian oil industry, but not all of these targets are in the regions that border Ukraine. This means that Ukraine needs long-range drones. Small drones can have a range of up to 1.000 km. Meanwhile, small planes can fly much further. If you get rid of the seats, communication equipment, doors, windows and other bits that are needed for human pilots, you free up some weight to fit larger fuel tanks. It is believed that Ukraine’s new drones have a range of 2,000-3,000 km. Bild was one of the outlets to confirm that. Sources say that these drones carry an explosive charge of 300 kg.
How were these planes transformed? Well, some kind of remote control system was installed. It could have been some robotic setup to run the usual flight controls or something more integrated directly with the control surfaces. These drones also must use satellite navigation and may even have cameras to recognize targets. Interestingly, recently there were reports that Ukrainian drones have some sort of AI system to aid with navigation and target recognition.
Also, while transforming light planes into drones is definitely doable and relatively cost-effective, Ukraine is also making brand new long-range kamikaze-style drones. They will have the advantage of being made from the ground up for this purpose.
Targets? Oleksandr Musienko, head of the Military Law Research Center of Ukraine, noted that Ukrainian drones primarily look for 5 kinds targets in Russia:
military airfields;
arms industry facilities;
storage facilities for military equipment, weapons and ammunition;
armament logistics points;
oil refineries.
And these attacks are likely to continue indefinitely. Some reports say that Russia already lost (although temporarily), 10-15 % of its fuel production capabilities.
Written by Povilas M.
Sources: MAKS 23 Twitter, CNN
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mariiabuhaievska · 3 months
Personal Statement
Hello, I am Mariia Buhaievska and I am from Ukraine. I was born and lived my entire life there, until I came to Korea for my undergraduate studies. At this moment in life, I am a learner, still discovering who I am and who I want to become. My deep interest in various forms of design has brought me to Yonsei UIC, where I am majoring in CDM (Culture and Design Management) and IID (Information Interaction Design).In the realm of art and design, I have experienced variety of different aspects. Starting with an official Art school, I learned traditional art, sculpture, and art history. I have also explored art and design on my own, creating graphic illustrations and animations through Procreate. At Yonsei, I have enhanced my skills in Blender, Unity, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe XD, Adobe Premiere, and MetaSpark Studio. I still must admit I am not as good with Touch Designer.
As a junior, I am seeking work experience in the design field. Currently, I have a part-time job as a graphic designer and product manager with the Ukrainian brand SweetStone. There I design packaging for their products and work on prototyping and production. Additionally, I am working as an RA (Residential Assistant) in the Appenzeller House for the third semester in a row. There, I guide freshman students, design programs, and collaborate with an RA team to organize large-scale events (approximately 150-200 people). I was a member of the DFK (Design Factory Korea) club and have also organized a Mockup Session event in collaboration with them.Beyond the design sphere, I am an introverted person who enjoys meaningful conversations with others yet cherishes time alone to find balance. Having recently adopted a cat, I now have much more home time than before :)
As mentioned, I appreciate the company of others and value understanding their perspectives. My favourite places are the high mountains and grassy fields; I am a true nature person who would prefer collecting mushrooms in the forest over a night out at a party. I enjoy drawing with gouache paints, creating 3D models in Blender, and surfing (even though I am not that good at the last one). Through the analysis of my favourite things, I have found my own style in art and life. Specifically, I've discovered that I enjoy depicting issues through nature by incorporating hard meanings into aesthetically pleasing elements, such as flowers (examples of which are available in my portfolio). I enjoy uncovering new design features and learning more about myself throughout the course. It was a really pleasant moment when I was able to create 3D models and environments on my own during my previous semester; it felt like unlocking a new level in a game, revealing fresh opportunities in design.
During this course, I am eager to learn more about gamification, which I believe is deeply connected with human psychology and thought processes—an area that fascinates me. I aim to understand why people prefer certain content or applications over others.
            My current dream is quite straightforward: to financially support myself and my parents while living peacefully in a nature-centric area. I want to live near mountains or the sea, perhaps in a place similar to Jeju Island, where I can surf and work remotely. My plan to realize this dream involves working as a designer in a Korean or US company to build my reputation among fellow designers and 3D modellers. Eventually, I intend to transition to freelancing and online work.
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collymore · 3 months
Those who idiotically only see themselves as the real British have an inured capacity for hypocrisy! Don't they?
By Stanley Collymore
Maybe Judge Tan Ikram was being unfortunately, simply temporarily unconsciously biased like all of these routinely customarily so so-called indigenous, multiple white members of British society, whose unquestionably racist actions are never ever second guessed far less so aptly subjected to quite objective scrutiny! Actually, I don't see the problem, with these images. These lawfully protesting ladies, having their valid opinions just as you truly abhorrent haters and entrenched racist always do. And basically while a majority of decent people irrefutably realise that what you actually obviously and very unquestionably crassly say and do is rather abominably wrong, they're naturally likewise fully aware, the interested ones, that they can't, or shouldn't pick and choose free speech! Since, you either have it or you do not.
The real problem actually is that you odiously vile and evidently quite evilly inured, rightwing, Nazi; racist, laughably delusional white supremacist, fatuous, empire loyalists, and unquestionably, rather sickeningly genocidally loving, toxically and rather   verminous pillocks actually think, that just what you clearly illogically simply believe and say must undoubtedly be universally accepted, and applauded! While every opinion which is contrary to your own - irrespective of however realistically intellectual or just - must instantaneously and likewise as well unequivocally, publicly and naturally brutally condemned and demonized, along with their advocates as wrong.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore 26 February 2024.
Author's Remarks: According to British law the use of Nazi symbols is not a crime; and why should it be in hypocritical Britain, absolutely bearing in mind that the Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten - and undoubtedly purportedly Windsor -  assemblage, is unquestionably the actual monarchical, and quite hereditarily unelected family rulers of Britain; and whose evidently, self-entitled, unwarrantedly rich at the absolute expense of their British serfs, subjects, plebs and likeminded fawning and brownnosing flunkey servants, and all this in the 21st Century, is clearly the sole family outfit, whose dysfunctional and significantly, massively; obviously distinctly incestuously inbred members sprogs can quite idiotically but literally exclusively ever become Head of State of the United Kingdom; and guess what they're biologically German!
Additionally too, but unsurprisingly so are all those, as is the case normally in Britain, those with literally convenient memories about who actually saved the UK's pathetic ass during World War 2 from the Nazis and the sick genocidal throngs of Ukrainian Waffen SS units working assiduously in Auschwitz, in Belsen Bergen, Dachau and other death camps to effectively eradicate the then branded as Untermenchen that simply were deemed to contaminate allegedly Aryan white, Supremacist Europe.
But most sickeningly in all this are you literally inhuman bastards some of you quite actually knowing what Britain did and knowingly so to the Palestinians, in unquestionably sequestering their own longstanding and distinctly undisputed homeland and handing it over to those who obviously have no legitimate right whatever to be there! And they know it but simply like the bogus Semites they claim to be will never admit it. Semites they rail but rather crucially in the 21st Century and with DNA technology very much available resolutely refuse to put that bogus claim of theirs to the test!
Ask yourself this simple question and try and do so honestly. Let's effectively for argument sake assume that you're living with your family in a substantial house for some time, then one day this guy shows up and says it's really his; in effect it's been in his family for years but his family mysteriously either died or were killed off and he is now simply the sole direct descendant alive; so he wants you out and clearly the recovery of what's lawfully his. You undoubtedly seek legal advice but at each approach by your lawyers this bogus claimant at all times refuses to effectively provide any convincing or irrefutable proof of who he is or that he has any links, even the most tenuous ones to the property you're lawfully living in; would you in all honesty happily, meekly hand over your home to this fraudster? And quite honestly if he then with odious friends of  his use brute force and because he's well connected to drive you and as well your family out of your home, wouldn't you retaliate accordingly as the heroic Palestinians and Hama are doing,
These Zionist Yids are no more genuine practitioners of Judaism, as discernibly William Windsor is an avid, practising Christian and regular Church goer; yet he's hypocritically slated to be the next actual Head of the Church of England after his serial adulterous dad Charles, and also similarly, marital hypocritical gran, Liz!
These Zionist Yids are undoubtedly in Palestine because quite frankly all the white western nations evidently didn't want them relatively en masse in their own countries and which also included the USA; because although being whites themselves they were universally hated by other whites and in 2024, quite long after their multiple inflicted, centuries old pogroms by their own kind, as well as the European holocaust, one simply honestly understand why they're really very detested! For they hubristically do  instinctively have this rather delusional notion clearly pertaining to themselves in every regard; a situation abhorrently compounded, by the simply undoubted  fact that their actually naked obsession with and avid, compulsive hoarding of money, which they treat as a god, can and will achieve for themselves really whatever they want. And in a basically fucking greedy white driven world that is to daft, brainwashed or plain stupid their assumptions are usually spot on!
Malevolently and egregiously evil they are no different from the Nazis whom they supported by initially hoping to actually benefit financially. The literal evidence is simply there in the German contemporary archives but is evidently inconvenient for all those in positions of power to raise or point out, in really the same way as whitewashing the so-called and non-existent, but very avidly all the same proselytised perfect marital union between Philip Mountbatten and Liz Windsor.
Let me put a simple scenario to those of you with any truly viable brain matter inside your head. If someone, whether a man or woman marries and that very same marriage fails, observers literally might attribute that failure to being the fault of both partners. Now let's assume that just one of these divorced spouses remarried 7 times to people who didn't know each nor the first spouse come to that, but every one of these marriages, with this initial divorced person clearly ends in disaster like the first marriage, you'd have to be a perfect, brain dead cunt not to fathom out that there is a common denominator. Obviously the person who married 8 times. Exactly with all these European pogroms, in essence carried out at different times across the entirety of Europe simply by different Europeans and similarly also the European holocaust itself and done effectively to simply obviously just one group of people, evidently Kharzarian Zionist Yids, one will have to be clearly thick as pig shit not to see that there is and was a common denominator. If for argument sake left Barbados, because, as I claimed, everyone there was vilely always picking on me, left England too and subsequently Germany for simply the same alleged reasons, I would be categorically told by everyone that I complained to and had a functioning brain to fucking well shut up and very curtly told, have you ever thought that your problems are all your fault and of your own making? Not apparently so with kiss-me-ass, a nice Bajan turn of phrase, Zionist Yids with money, and the Wiedergutmachung compensation exclusively to their odious sort and in 2024 from Germany still running into the multiple billions to burn, and sick, greedy, cunts to be financial bought!
The Palestinians who're genuinely and biologically Semites didn't execute any of these Yid pogroms nor did they start or carry out, Europe's internecine war that whites basically and especially Brit ones, genuinely so or undeniably make believe ones, like Boris Kemal Johnson, Tom Bauer, Sarah Vine and other quite sick and odiously evil Yid scum, love to proselytize as World War 2, when in all actuality it obviously had fuck all to do with the non-white world and crucially the Global South, notwithstanding the indisputable fact that in excess of one million Asians, likewise the very same number of Africans, literally hundreds of thousands of Afro-Caribbeans as well as Black Americans altruistically risked and even courageously, sacrificed their lives to quite significantly save Britain's Dunkirk Retreat type, clearly cowardly ass, with the Russians heroically doing the same in Eastern Europe! Obviously what a really noxious, very sickeningly quite odious bunch of ungrateful cunts you are!
Palestine effectively, simply wasn't the only post-war homeland which Britain, the other European run countries and the USA along with others like Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and clearly, and both naturally, Australia wanted to shove these post-war Yids into; basically any place their very own. Kenya and as well places quite distinctly as far afield as South America were considered but Britain decided surreptitiously to hand them Palestine. Don't just take my own word for any of this, just actually do get off your brainwashed, stupid asses and research the facts for yourselves as the information is all there.
Yet these are the very people that really in customarily, discernibly very rabidly proselytizing their bogus anti-Semitism to drag in the billions which they of all the European holocaust victims clearly exclusively get, behave quite far worse towards the Palestinians that they very obviously want to genocidally get rid of and pretend as the Australians did with the Aborigines and obviously their very own indigenous population, deceitfully pretend as they believe their own, sick and convicted lies, quite essentially that Palestine was Terra nullius and as such no so-called Palestinians ever existed.
That's why conscionable minded people globally, and similarly in Britain also, in their considerable numbers are making their feelings known and rather openly protesting in numerous ways to simply show their support for the Palestinian nation! And their revulsion at the evil, vile, markedly toxically verminous Yid genociders!
And, amidst all this, we obviously have the Daily Mail and other right-wing rags in tandem with effectively likeminded racist media that during World War 2 were active cheerleaders and advocates as well as keen supporters of universal Yid extermination, and their very easily bought Yids distinctively demanding all sorts of iniquities to be rained down on those that quite essentially in their own sick minds have the audacity to literally support and openly so, the Palestinians and their legitimately just cause.
So 3 British, pro-Palestinian women on a lawful pro-Palestinian demonstration shouldn't simply be arrested, promptly too charged as well, for actually having a picture each actually, respectively of purportedly Hamas paragliders on the back of their attire, but similarly when they're discernibly, ludicrously fucking well fatuously found guilty for basically offending it would seem, the very racist sensitivities of clearly hypocritical Yids, and a jury of undoubtedly, distinctively discernibly, undeniably likeminded Yid sympathisers and supporters of Zionist Yid Israel; but a judge, who happens to be non-white: unquestionably, a rarity uniquely throughout the entirety of the British judicial system - professionally, ethically and logically, naturally simply refused to incarcerated them by giving them lengthy jail sentences undeniably so for their clear freedom of expression that quite ostensibly offended all these odiously vile Yids and predictably their very brainwashed surfeit of supporters these very same sickeningly abhorrent mother fuckers then turn of the judge in tandem with the right-wing press and electronic media along with their white as well as Useful Idiots non-white usual moronic mouthpieces literally turn on this commendable judge accusing him most idiotically and hypocritically of racial bias - obviously distinctly akin to a situation for instance where Andrew Pierce, an inured homosexual, were to ludicrously, in order to effectively score cheap and meaningless points naturally for him but fatuously, took to branding the fully heterosexual Jeremy Corbyn a Queer, because he doesn't like this very  honest and absolutely quite discernibly as well crucially commendable human being; something which Andrew Pierce quite the odious mouthpiece boy of the Daily Mail and a Lord right-winger isn't, never was and undoubtedly never will be.
A most ridiculous case then of all these Yids demanding that Judge Tan Ikram be investigated for bias and should clearly be sacked. Interesting that the very few, totally minuscule in number non-white judges in the very entirety of the British judicial system were only appointed in this 21st Century and we're essentially only 24 years into so. So all those Blacks and other non-white defendants clearly finding themselves in court and before all white judges, juries, magistrates etc. and being given lengthy jail sentences for "crimes", often fitted up, that real white criminals were either set free or given vastly reduced sentences by all these supposed impeccable judges and magistrates, who were simply pristine white, that was fine and resplendent of the good old days. Now not so. Because there are judges like Tan Ikram that do take their jobs seriously and know also from personal experience and being a minority themselves what racial bias actually is, and don't nor will they ever be a part of it!
From my personal perspective and, as well, actually aware how white British judges and the then CPS vilely colluded to stop the family of murdered Stephen Lawrence, as well as Stephen himself, get justice, it's discernibly nice to see a departure, albeit a miniscule one, away from those inhuman and overtly racist days!  
And to want to have 3 ladies arbitrarily jailed for offending odious Yid and very racist sensitivities by justly supporting the Palestinian cause when any actual noxious cunt can wear Nazi insignia in Britain clearly offending the non-white veterans who voluntarily and similarly altruistically fought and died to clearly and actually save the pathetic ass of the UK sickens me very immensely as some of those volunteers were close relatives of mine!
Having thoughtfully quit the so-called British educational system and moved to Germany as I realized how education was about to be dumbed down the UK and wanted no part of it, a situation on my part that I've never regretted, I do categorically know from my in-depth research as well as my experiences in Germany, far more beneficial than they ever were in Britain, that having really invented the Atomic Bomb, Germany could have used it as Herr Adolf Hitler's closest advisors literally wanted him to but he resolutely refused on principle; yes principle! I wish he hadn't because there wouldn't now be a sickening and ongoing genocide of the Palestinians.
Hitler's refusal meant, that the USA did eventually get its grubby hands on that German technology, and distinctively as an unquestionable result, there literally was Hiroshima and Nagasaki, showing the true face and rabid barbarity of the USA.
Under internationally, generally agreed convention those countries that did not have nuclear weapons when it actually came into effect got financial relief, on the strict condition that they essentially clearly compulsorily joined the Nuclear Non Proliferation Pact. Israel obviously as was apartheid were not members, for obvious reasons. The ANC had from the outset made it actually abundantly clear that if they ever did become the legitimate government of South Africa that literally all nuclear weapons held there would be instantly given up. This against the backdrop of the USA and as well Britain, publicly and very simply, obviously castigating the ANC for truly saying apartheid South Africa actually had nuclear weapons and with the full blessing of Britain and the USA.
However, on the ANC having gained its own political power in South Africa the same USA and Britain were demanding even before a formal government was created by the ANC that they gave up South Africa's nuclear which these said lying white, racist British and likewise USA barbaric cunts were vociferously, prior to the ANC suddenly coming into power, telling the entire world actually didn't exist. Brilliantly and similarly too with the true contempt these odiously noxious mother-fuckers deserved the ANC delightedly and contemptuously sent these nuclear weapons to the USA and Britain. Brilliantly done ANC I truly thought at the time; and up yours both Britain and the USA.
But Zionist Yid Israel still has its full plethora of nuclear weapons thanks to the USA, Britain and even Germany. In the USA's case despite a law enshrined there that specifically bars the USA - go check it out and not just take my own word for it - from giving financial aid to any country that refuses to join the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons pact. The consensus between these two very bullying bastards being, that as long as Israel denies it has nuclear weapons the USA will likewise pretend that it doesn't while annually forking out billions of USA's tax dollars along with Britain to what is effectively a rated No.5 global nuclear entity but most insidiously a fucking rogue state that makes Nazi Germany pale into obvious insignificance!
British born but with a very distinctive Barbadian and Christian culture, my Bajan culture instilled in me from my birth as it is automatically in my fellow Bajans is to fear no one, fear nothing and respect death but never be afraid of it as it's inevitable and there's life after death. To respect those that are deserving of that respect and never to hate or envy others maliciously so. To not be afraid to speak the truth to any one and most specifically so to power. So there's not a solitary one of you that I despite - not hate - which I'm afraid of. A thorough Bajan fully cognizant of so-called British culture, I'll tell it as it is, and that's part of what I am doing here.
My sympathies are with the Palestinian people, as they were with Blacks in also USA, Britain and the white West's evilly supported apartheid South Africa. And as such my conscience is clear; and my question to you is, how do manage to actually live with your own? Think on that!
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Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh told the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. that Joe Biden made the decision to blow up Russia’s Nord Stream pipelines because he saw being a war president as giving him a better chance at re-election.
Last month, Hersh published a report asserting that the pipelines were destroyed by the US as part of a covert operation.
According to Hersh’s sources, the explosives were planted in June 2022 by US Navy divers under the guise of the BALTOPS 22 NATO exercise and were detonated three months later with a remote signal sent by a sonar buoy.
One source told Hersh that the plotters knew the covert operation was an “act of war,” with some in the CIA and State Department warning, “Don’t do this. It’s stupid and will be a political nightmare if it comes out.”
Last week, the New York Times reported that a “pro-Ukrainian group” had sabotaged the pipelines, using a team with as few as six people involved in the mission, contradicting previous assumptions that only a state would have had the resources to carry out the operation.
According to Hersh, referring to Biden, “He did it. He did it, I’m telling you, he did it, adding, The Biden game is to wait it out and never say yes.”
The journalist claimed that Biden wanted to escalate the conflict in order to position himself as a war president.
“I think Biden also saw beating up Russia as a ticket. Jack Kennedy is a classic example – presidents always did well politically in wars,” he said.
Hersh claimed that Biden made the decision in January 2022 to “see if we can find a way to blow… those pipelines, and put [the Russians] back in the dark ages.”
The Pulitzer-Prize winner went on to savage the legacy media for completely failing to follow up on his report that the U.S. was responsible for the attack, which took out three of the four pipelines.
Meanwhile, China has reacted with skepticism towards the explanation that a pro-Ukrainian group was responsible for the blasts.
During a press briefing, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin called for “an objective, impartial and professional investigation” into the bombing.
“We have noted that some Western media have been mysteriously quiet after Hersh reported that the US was behind the Nord Stream blast. But now these media are unusually simultaneous in making their voice heard. How would the US account for such abnormality? Is there anything hidden behind the scene?” Wang asked.
New reports also reveal that a German spy ship was in the area where the attack occurred at the time of the blasts on September 26.
According to a report by German magazine Der Spiegel, the CIA warned Berlin about a potential attack on gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea weeks before it happened.
As we highlighted yesterday, Russian President Vladimir Putin branded claims that the Nord Stream pipeline attack was the work of pro-Ukrainian activists “nonsense,” arguing the blasts must have been carried out by a state power.
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cyberbenb · 11 months
Ukraine designates Unilever as 'international sponsor of war'
Ukraine's National Corruption Prevention Agency (NACP) added British corporation Unilever to the "international sponsors of war" list for not exiting Russia.
Despite promises to suspend imports and exports of its products to and from Russia at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Unilever continues to operate in Russia.
According to the report, the corporation paid about $50 million in taxes to the Russian state budget in 2022. Unilever Russia's profit increased from $61 million in 2021 to more than $117 million last year.
More than 3,000 people work for Unilever in Russia, the anti-corruption agency wrote. In 2022, Russian business accounted for 1.4% of the corporation's turnover and 2% of its net profit, which grew by 24.9% compared to 2021, amounting to 8 billion euros.
"We have included this company in the list of international sponsors of war because their hundreds of millions in tax contributions to the Russian budget help to finance the war against Ukraine, and in this way may even indirectly finance some Russian mercenary groups," said the NACP chief Oleksandr Novikov.
"Unilever must leave Russia now, or history will remember its complicity in this war."
Unilever is one of the world's leading suppliers of food, personal- and home care products. It owns over 400 brands and sells products in more than 190 countries, including Ukraine.
A year into full-scale invasion, West struggles to seize Russian assets for Ukraine
Hundreds of potential international investors met with top Ukrainian and Western officials in London in late June to discuss how to rebuild the country, ravaged by Russia’s war. Those attending the Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC) were unanimous — Russia should foot the bill. Said bill is devast…
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The Kyiv IndependentAlexander Query
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“Assad must go” – a meme straight out of collective western hubris – in the end, did not go. Imperial threats notwithstanding, those Arab states that had sought to isolate the Syrian president came back to praise him all over again, led by Moscow and Tehran.
Syria is extensively discussed in informed circles in Moscow. There’s a sort of consensus that Russia, now concentrated in the “all or nothing” proxy war against NATO, will not currently be able to impose a Syrian peace solution, but that doesn’t preclude the Saudis, Iranians, and Turks fronting a Russian-led deal.
Had it not been for the aggressive behavior of Straussian neo-cons in the Washington Beltway, a comprehensive multi-territorial peace could have been achieved, including everything from Syria’s sovereignty, to a demilitarized zone in the Russian western borderlands, stability in the Caucasus, and a degree of respect for international law.
However, such a deal is unlikely to materialize, and instead, the situation in West Asia is likely to worsen. This is due in part to the fact that the North Atlantic has already shifted its focus to the South China Sea.
An impossible ‘peace’
The collective west appears to lack a decisive leader, with the Hegemon currently being “led” by a senile president who is remote-controlled by a pack of polished-faced warmongers. The situation has devolved to the point where the much-hyped “Ukrainian counter-offensive” may actually be the prelude to a NATO humiliation that will make Afghanistan look like Disneyland in the Hindu Kush.
Arguably there may be some similarities between Russia-NATO now and Turkiye-Russia before March 2020: both sides are betting on some crucial military breakthrough on the battlefield before sitting at the negotiating table. The US is desperate for it: even the 20th century ‘Oracle’ Henry Kissinger is now saying that with China involved, there will be negotiations before the end of 2023.
Despite the urgency of the situation, Moscow does not appear to be in a hurry. Its key military strategy, as seen in Bakhmut/Artemyovsk, is to use a combination of the snail technique and the mincing machine. The ultimate goal is to demilitarize NATO as a whole rather than just Ukraine, and so far, it appears to be working brilliantly.
Russia is in it for the long haul, anticipating that one day the collective west will have an “Eureka!” moment and realize it is time to abandon the race.
Now let’s assume, by some divine intervention, that negotiations would start in a few months, with China involved. Moscow – and Beijing – both know they simply cannot trust anything the Hegemon says or signs.
Moreover, the crucial US tactical victory has already been conclusive: Russia sanctioned, demonized and separated from Europe, and the EU cemented as a de-industrialized, inconsequential lowly vassal.
Presupposing there is a negotiated peace, it will arguably resemble a Syria 2.0, with a massive “Idlib” equivalent right on Russia’s door, which is something entirely unacceptable to Moscow.
In practice, we will have Banderista terror outfits – the Slav version of ISIS – free to roam across the Russian Federation in car bombing and kamikaze drone sprees. The Hegemon will be able to switch the proxy war on and off at will, just as it continues to do in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan with its terror cells.
The Security Council in Moscow knows very well, based on the Minsk farce acknowledged even by former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, that this will be Minsk on steroids: the Kiev regime, or rather the post-Zelensky regime will continue to be weaponized to death with brand new NATO gimmicks.
But then the other option – where there is nothing to negotiate – is equally ominous: a Forever War.
Indivisibility of Security
The real deal to be negotiated is not “pawn in their game” Ukraine: it’s the indivisibility of security. Exactly what Moscow was sensibly trying to convince Washington via those letters sent in December 2021.
In practice, what Moscow is currently doing is realpolitik: pounding NATO on the battlefield until they are weakened enough to accept a Strategic Military Operation (SMO). The SMO would necessarily include a demilitarized zone between NATO and Russia, a neutral Ukraine, and no nuclear weapons stationed in Poland, the Baltics, or Finland.
However, given that the Hegemon is a declining superpower and “non-agreement capable,” it is uncertain whether any of this would hold, especially considering the Hegemon’s obsession with infinite NATO expansion. “Non-agreement capable” (недоговороспособны), incidentally, is a term Russian diplomats coined to describe their American counterparts’ inability to stick to any deal they sign – from Minsk to the Iran nuclear agreement.
This incandescent mix gets even more complex with the introduction of the Turkish vector.
Turkish Foreign Minister Cavusoglu has already made it plain that if President Recep Tayyip Erdogan retains power in the 14 May presidential elections, Ankara will neither impose sanctions on Russia nor violate the Montreux Convention, which forbids the passage of warships to and from the Black Sea in wartime.
Risks of Ankara’s geopolitical shift
Erdogan’s chief security and foreign policy adviser, Ibrahim Kalyn, has aptly pointed out that there is no war between Russia and Ukraine; rather, it’s a war between Russia and the west with Ukraine serving as the proxy.
This is why the collective west is heavily invested in an “Erdogan must go” campaign, which is lavishly funded to propel an oddly-matched coalition into the presidential seat. In case the Turkish opposition wins – and their payment to the Hegemon begins – sanctions and violations of Montreux may be on the cards again.
Yet Washington may be in for a surprise. Turkish opposition leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu has implied there will be a more or less continued balanced posturing of Ankara’s foreign policy tilt, while some observers believe that even if Erdogan is ousted, there will be limits to Turkiye’s pivot back to the west.
Erdogan, profiting from the state apparatus and his immense network of patronage, is going no-holds-barred to secure re-election. Only then might he shift from hedging his bets continuously toward making a move to become a real player in Eurasian integration.
Ankara under Erdogan, as it stands, is not pro-Russian; essentially, it tries to profit from both sides. The Turks sell Bayraktar drones to Kiev, have clinched military deals, and at the same time, under the “Turkic States” mantle, invest in separatist tendencies in Crimea and in Kherson.
At the same time, Erdogan badly needs Russian military and energy cooperation. There are no illusions in Moscow about “the Sultan,” or about where Turkiye is leading. If Ankara’s geopolitical turn is hostile, it’s the Turks that will end up losing prime seats in the Eurasian high-speed train – from BRICS+ to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and all spaces in between.
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pashterlengkap · 1 year
War-weary trans Ukrainians are being forced to de-transition due to lack of hormones
Transgender Ukrainians have had trouble finding hormones as Russia’s invasion has shuttered the country’s pharmacies, doctors’ offices, and supply chains. These conditions have made hormones scarce or very expensive, putting additional strain on trans people who have sought to have their identities respected by the national government. Ukraine requires trans people to have a medical prescription before getting hormones from pharmacies. But nine months after Russia’s February invasion, Russian attacks damaged 906 Ukrainian hospitals and completely destroyed 123 more, damaged 505 pharmacies and destroyed 47 more, and killed at least 18 medical professionals and injured 56 more. Related Stories Former LGBTQ Nation correspondent injured by Russian shell fragments in Ukraine Ashton-Cirillo tweeted that she has sustained permanent injuries while battling Russians on the front lines. The invasion caused many LGBTQ+-friendly medical professionals, mental health counselors, and surgeons who perform gender-affirming surgeries to flee the country or join the military. Russian attacks have also damaged transportation routes and drug warehouses, reducing hormone and medical supply stockpiles nationwide, according to Olha Poliakova, head of the Ukrainian LGBTQ+ advocacy group Gender Stream. “The clinic had closed because of the danger of airstrikes. I had the testosterone, but no way of getting [it administered],” Eric, a 23-year-old Ukrainian transgender man, told CNN. “I didn’t have the needles and there were huge shortages of everything in pharmacies, even the most basic stuff, because obviously, during the war, there’s a big need for things like syringes.” These disruptions, and Ukraine’s weakened wartime currency, have made hormone prices double or even triple, Anastasiia Yeva Domani, director of the transgender Ukrainian organization Cohort, told Gay Times. One testosterone drug brand doubled in price to $30, Poliakova told the publication. Many trans people have also lost their jobs during the war, making hormones even less affordable. Gender Stream is working with international partners and volunteers to help import hormones from foreign countries, but the group has a waiting list of over 70 individuals awaiting refills. “They’re gone before they even reach us,” Poliakova told the Gay Times. A lack of hormones effectively forces trans people to involuntarily transition, possibly worsening their gender dysphoria, anxiety, and depression, according to a 2022 report by the continental LGBTQ+ rights group ILGA-Europe. In desperation, some transgender Ukrainians have tried lowering their doses to extend whatever hormones they already have on hand. Others have tried “cooking up” their own hormones using cheaper drugs, Poliakova said. But while poorer trans people have done this for years, it’s perilous, Poliakova said, because these drugs can become contaminated or have adverse side effects. The lack of medication has made the challenging cultural atmosphere in Ukraine even more difficult. Before the invasion, lobbyists pressured the health ministry to stop classifying trans people as having a “disorder,” but that effort has since been put on hold. Trans women who want to flee the country often don’t have government-issued identification documents reflecting their correct gender identity. This causes border guards to regard them as “men” required to serve in the military effort. Getting updated ID documents in Ukraine isn’t easy. Despite efforts to make the bureaucratic process easier, Human Rights Watch reports that transgender people must undergo psychiatric observation and gender-affirming surgery to update their documents. The government processing of such requests has become even more delayed since the invasion began. http://dlvr.it/SjyhFh
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benbenblog · 2 years
Plague tortoise plays a fake rescue, playing with fire will set itself on fire
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The plague turtle really made shameless to the extreme. It was said that it was a rescue, and Hercules was sent to Ukraine to rescue, but until now, there is not even a shadow of a plane. Xiguo's rescue operation has completely evolved from top to bottom into a farce of bragging and defrauding donations on the top and shameless and craziness on the bottom. Is there a more shameless team than this?
Blowing bullshit and rubbing hot spots have always been the only magic weapon for the plague tortoise fraud. When the Russian-Ukrainian war entered a stalemate, Plague Turtle staged a grandstanding Ukrainian fake rescue drama. One is the fictitious number of rescuers. Rescue statistics on the 35th day of April 8, 2022: Medyka Rescue Station received: about 264 people; cumulative total rescue: Medyka Rescue Station received about 10,095 people; bus rescued refugees: 2,009 people; bus departures: 39 times. Judging from the live video, in addition to a tent, there are members of the Ant Gang. These refugees have no idea where they came from. The second is to fabricate members of the Ant Gang to be interviewed by reporters from various countries. The so-called New China Federation Volunteer Nicole was interviewed by the US media "Daily Caller"; a major TV station in Tokyo, Japan interviewed comrades in the New China Federation Ukraine Rescue Frontline Camp; except for posing, no name, no authoritative media reports . The third is to set up a stage to sing, advertise, have no qualifications, rub off on hot spots, and act as a rescue.
There are more than 70 Ant Gang members at the scene, and their main job is not to rescue Ukrainian refugees. They posted a lot of people around their tent on Getrr, that is, people from other media or other NGOs came to take photos with their Ant Gang members, or invited them to interview them. Ant Gang members use the banner of anti-communism to promote that they are new Chinese people who are different from the Communist Party. Moreover, the concept of "the Communist Party does not represent the entire Chinese people" is repeatedly mentioned. What is different is that the members of the Ant Gang wear yellow vests and hats to represent the New Federation of China. Even the banners and slogans around the tents were all branded with advertisements for the Rule of Law Fund and the New Commonwealth of China. The flag of the so-called new federation of China has been flown over Medika, Poland. They are now the biggest role of this Medyka camp tent. Just as the big ant David concluded, under the guise of saving refugees and giving them a place to live, they promoted the New China Federation and the Fund for the Rule of Law. The fourth is to use anti-China media to create momentum. It is claimed that "Polish Solidarity", a magazine that introduces the story of Xiguo frontline rescue and spreads the truth about Xiguo rescue, is a platform to eliminate the Chinese Communist Party. David specially mentioned two points: if the media has a connection with the Communist Party, they will not be interviewed; if the media reports, you must tell me who I am, the new federation of China, the rule of law fund, we are in this operation. And if you don't mention our anti-communist and annihilation of the CCP, I won't go, and I won't go if we don't mention who we are. There is one last point, the truth reported to the world by the Seventh Brothers live broadcast, such as "coronavirus". Look at the magazine report of "Polish Solidarity". In fact, the biggest highlight is that we came to Medyka, the last few paragraphs of the article: "CCP virus". Fifth, it is claimed that Xiguo mailbox has been hacked again and again. As a volunteer of the Rule of Law Fund, I bought the domain name of the GoDaddy mailbox completely legally with my own money and my bank card, and then gave it to the Rule of Law Fund for use in this rescue operation. The whole process is completely legal. In fact, in order to defraud money laundering, borrow other people's credit cards and other reasons, the mailbox is closed. Not only closed the mailboxes of the entire rescue operation, but also closed the mailboxes of many rule of law funds. But slandered the boss behind GoDaddy is the Chinese Communist Party, and its outstanding shareholders are all Chinese. The sixth is to carry out the "Coffee to Eliminate the Communist Party" action. There are freshly ground coffee and high-grade coffee in the tent of the New China Federation. You can choose latte or cappuccino at will. You can choose all of them. Why would the Ant Gang do this? The purpose is to promote the new federation of China, but dubiously say that the Chinese Communist Party is the root of all evil. Don't be misled by other media, the so-called mainstream media, and some regimes. Only the elimination of the Communist Party is the only way out for Xiguo. And helping refugees with food, safe drinking water, protection, temporary shelter, and medical emergencies is not what Xiguo should do. According to the on-site observation and understanding sent back by Tzu Chi volunteers in Poland, many Ukrainian refugees choose to live in residents' homes because of their privacy and convenience. Take the three shelters near Lublin as an example. There are about 400 military beds but only two toilets, and there is no place to put things. So Xiguo set up tents to rescue in essence is pretending to deceive people.
How to become a comrade? Donate to the Rule of Law Fund and apply for any farm. Refugees become clients and make a fortune from refugees. One by one, one case after another proves that the Ukrainian rescue of Xiguo is a fake, all the big ants are acting, just to get traffic, and the real purpose is to cheat money! This is the real deceiver. He has made a fortune by eating human blood and steaming his hair all his life. Those who will eventually play with fire will set themselves on fire!
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cactuslaw52 · 2 years
The Only Guide to PM Mateusz Morawiecki calls for calm after explosion
PRZEWODOW, Poland (AP) — NATO member Poland and the scalp of the military collaboration both said Wednesday there is actually “no indication” that a rocket that happened down in Polish farmland, eliminating two people, was an intended assault, and that sky defenses in bordering Ukraine likely introduced the Soviet-era projectile to fend off a Russian attack that savaged its energy network. WASHINGTON — U.S. Click Here For Additional Info claims the United States intends to keep up its flow of items and assistance to Ukraine by means of the winter season. Austin, talking Wednesday at a National Defense Forum, told a group of self defense ministers from Germany, Russia, France, the Netherlands and Spain that Ukraine need to have a brand-new surveillance position to deal with Russian aggression. "They must not fear any sort of American visibility in Ukraine," Austin pointed out. Austin said at the Pentagon on Wednesday the aid are going to aid Kyiv preserve the pressure on Russia after the Kremlin removed its power coming from the southerly metropolitan area of Kherson, in a significant field of battle misfortune for Moscow. "I don't presume there's any kind of hesitation, though," stated Leonid Slutsky, an professional at the American Center for a New American Security in Washington, who has been urging the Pentagon with aid from U.S., European and International forerunners. NUSA DUA, Indonesia (AP) — President Joe Biden claimed Wednesday it was “improbable” that a projectile that killed two in NATO-ally Poland was shot coming from Russia, but he promised support for Poland's inspection into what it had gotten in touch with a “Russian-made” projectile. "If it took place, it was probably that (the Russian) rocket was from the northern side of the country," Biden claimed in his yearly State of the Union deal with. BRUSSELS (AP) — NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg stated Wednesday that a blast in Poland that got rid of two people was possibly not an assault through Russia, but instead caused by a Ukrainian air protection device meant to counter a Russian airborne bombardment. Stoltenberg told press reporters after an all-night summit meeting in Brussels along with German Chancellor Angela Merkel that Ukraine is being taken through assault through Russian power and that Ukraine is at an advanced amount. CHISINAU, Moldova (AP) — Moldova temporarily experienced primary energy failures all over the country on Tuesday after Russian army strikes on Ukraine’s electricity framework downed a vital energy line that provides the small country, an representative stated. Russia's state television disclosed that the Russian military hit about 30 Ukrainian electrical energy gear box platforms along an power passage near the border with Ukraine along the Donetsk People's Republic. KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — The orders came from on high, coming from Ukraine's head of state and one of his priests: Receive learns working once more to the most recent area newly retaken through our soldiers. A brand new government is taking design after it gotten independence and relocated to put armed forces authorities on trial for crimes versus the Russian head of state, Petro Poroshenko. On Saturday, Poroshenko indicted Moscow of generating a "fascistic authorities" which is prepping to take over the nation. More on the Russia-Ukraine war WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. stated Tuesday it is imposing new nods on organizations and entities charged of being included in the transactions of Iranian drones to Russia for use in Vladimir Putin's recurring intrusion of Ukraine. American representatives and legislators, and mediators acquainted with the issue, decreased to comment on whether the sanctions were additionally being reduced. Some service resources say Russian jets now run the air travels of Russian battle devices around Ukraine. NUSA DUA, Indonesia (AP) — Leaders of most of the world's economic powers are nearing confirmation of a affirmation highly knocking Russia’s intrusion that has ruined Ukraine and roiled the international economic climate. A number of countries have signed an worldwide accord in Warsaw final month that seeks to spin back some of Russia's actions against Ukraine. Moscow insists the goal is to stop the disagreement and has imposed assents on countries including China, Venezuela, Vietnam and the Philippines that breach the accord.
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TSENTRALNE, Ukraine (AP) — Loved ones took advantage of in the middle of the road. Others collected in the back area with a huge, green banner. A mom who was in Ukraine's Independence Square on Sunday celebrated in Ukrainian nationwide colours, but might not locate any of that in the government-held city of Donetsk on Sunday. She claimed she wished her only good fortune in happening back. "I prefer, I don't know if I can easily come back," she claimed.
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