#UMMMM actually I’m neurodivergent and I experience this too
ionlytalktodogs · 2 years
I don’t really get why able-bodied people see a post that’s really obviously about physical disability and feel the need to make it about neurodivergence or LGBTQ rights or something. Like okay great you, as an able-boded person, can relate to me. Do you…want a prize? You know…it is okay for things to not be about you. It’s okay if you see a post about physical disability and you don’t say “yeah well… I’m not physically disabled and this applies to me too!!!” You don’t need to say that. I know you probably don’t mean it this way, but it comes across as talking over physically disabled people and I just don’t really appreciate it.
Especially when it comes to autism. I’m autistic. I don’t need to be educated about autism. Chances are, if a post of mine can apply to autistic people, I already know that. I’ve just chosen to highlight physical disability. And that’s okay. Maybe sometimes certain posts just…aren’t for you.
I’m trying to find a way to say this without being rude because I understand the desire to relate to others. But I also feel like talking over physically disabled people, as an able-bodied person, is…annoying at best. I just think if you have to say “well actually this applies to (something else) too” maybe just…don’t say that. It’s okay if a post is about a specific thing. You could just…make your own post. Idk.
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