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Mook TBG’s new maxi single “MetaVerse Mook” is a must-have for any music fan. Its two tracks, “On My Mind” and “Count Up Racks,” form an electrifying combination of hard-hitting beats, catchy hooks, and soulful melodies. Featuring Mook TBG's signature sound with a modern twist, this release has something for everyone. The title track of the record, “On My Mind,” starts off with a warm and melodic bassline that sets the mood for the rest of the song. The verse flows into an infectious chorus with Mook TBG's signature raw energy and charisma coming through in his vocal delivery. With its unique mix of rap, R&B and pop elements, this track will have you dancing along to its undeniable groove in no time. Meanwhile, “Count Up Racks” offers up another side to Mook TBG with its playful production and high-energy vocal performance. This one is sure to get your heart racing as it builds up from a slow-burning rap verse to an addicting chorus filled with powerful lyrics about rising above life's struggles. Overall, this release is an absolute banger that will certainly be on repeat all summer long. Whether you're looking for something to vibe out to or just need a hype boost during your workout sessions – MetaVerse Mook has got you covered! 🔥🔥🔥 . #metaverse #mooktbg #music #musicproducer #hiphop #rap #meta #verse #future #drake #lilbaby #lildurk #speakerknockerz #metaversemook #rollingloud #links #rise #donnie #twitterapi #dj #record #tbg #talibandztbg (at Columbia, South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpdLU8qOKQO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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followeraudit · 2 months
This article explains top 10 influencers who were exposed for telling lie to increase the followers and engagement.Today, getting attention on social media and building a follower base is not easy. It's now more competitive than ever. Although, many influencers often do weird and unethical things to gain popularity. Some try to take undue advantage of their followers while others even go as far as faking their lifestyle.a
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followersaudit · 1 year
Bulk Audit Unlimited Twitter Accounts
 Get Fake Followers Percentage, FA Score, And Detailed Twitter Followers Audit Stats In JSON Format For Easy Web And App Integration.
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bricehammack · 1 year
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#TwitterAPI #NewYorkCity #Manhattan #NewYorkPublicLibrary @nypl #PolonskyExhibition #TheNewYorkPublicLibrarysTreasures #WinnieThePooh #ChristopherRobinMilne #Harrods #EPDutton #NineteenTwentyOne #BriceDailyPhoto https://www.instagram.com/p/CoKj-_Mu-uV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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leomacgivena · 1 year
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kennak · 1 year
[B! api] TwitterAPIの停止で16年間心血を注いできたアプリ「Twitterrific」が突然死し作者がブチ切れ
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qnlost · 6 months
開始時刻となりましたので拠点ボードを公開致します。 これより一ヶ月間よろしくお願いします。
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odaccy-sls · 11 months
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年初から色々とイーロンの影響でぐちゃぐちゃなAPI、このサイトで謳っているのはあくまでも記事の投稿に連動したもので、日にいくつもTwitterへ投げるものではない。 そうしたものまでいっしょくたにされちゃうのだから困るが、botの悪使用を考えれば仕方ない部分もあるのだろう。 まぁエンジニアのクビあれだけ切ってりゃ既にあるものをより緻密に仕分けするものへ変えることは、新規で作るより難しいだろう。 当方Wordpressは暫定プラグインで乗り切っている、何れ非プラグインをと思っている。 Wrodpressのものは投稿と同時にTwitterへも投げられるが、MovableTypeのものはcronで叩いて投げる仕様だ。 当方のプログラミング能力不足といえばそうだが、MTのプラグインは有償だしそもそもMTにおいては他にプラグインがない。それにWPでは間々あるがプラグインの開発が停まるとプラットフォームのバージョンを上げられなくなり、Coreserverの様にMT6.1以下は使えないサーバーに強制移…...Learn more
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taketa2 · 11 months
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smithographic · 1 year
Mastodon Flock — mastodon-flock.vercel.app
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An excellent Twitter-to-Mastodon friend finder.
All the functionality of Movetodon (before Twitter killed it today), but open-source with a delightfully retro interface.
→ Via https://xoxo.zone/@andybaio/109803447626000959
#Mastodon #TwitterAPI #opensource
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piupon · 1 year
TwitterAPIの停止で16年間心血を注いできたアプリ「Twitterrific」が突然死し作者がブチ切れ Source: http://pixlovex.link/?feed=rss2
View On WordPress
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cloudrevoluteus · 2 years
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Cloud Revolute #pawnscan #API offers numerous advantages over the #API. First, there is now only one #framework instead of two.
Cloud Revolute #Pawn #ScanAPI is a building block for creating #HTTP services that can be accessed by any client, including browsers and mobile devices. On the #NETFramework, it is the perfect #framework for creating #RESTful apps. #API #NETFramework #GooglemapsAPI # fastAPI #APIgateway #TwitterAPI #JSONserver #JavaAPI #awsAPIgateway
#ScanPawn#Pawn API #pawnJSON#Applicationprogramminginterface (API) #RestAPI#APIsoftware # APIs For more info visit
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followeraudit · 2 months
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Get a comprehensive overview of your X (Twitter) presence with our Total Follower Audit Score. This score, calculated based on various factors, encapsulates the health and authenticity of your follower base, providing a clear benchmark for your Twitter influence. Read: https://www.followeraudit.comanalyze-twitter-followers
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fahrni · 2 years
Saturday Morning Coffee
It’s Thanksgiving week here in the States so I had a three day week, which is really nice and I’d like to make it a standard moving forward. Show of hands, whose with me!
I need to have a very serious conversation with Kolby. He woke me up at 5AM, not to go outside, nooooo, he just wanted to get up. Goofy pup.
There is a good side to being awake, I’m alive, I get to write, and I get to drink coffee. Cheers. ☕️
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The Guardian
Sian, I’m seeing a lot of talk about a Martin Scorsese film called Goncharov. But I’ve never heard of a Martin Scorsese film called Goncharov. What’s going on?
This is one of those delightful things that could only happen on the internet. Creative people gonna create.
Maybe Mr. Scorsese should make this film? It would have to be a remake, of course. 😃
John Scalzi
Now, why should we bring back that artisan, hand-crafted Web? Oh, I don’t know. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a site that’s not run by an amoral billionaire chaos engine, or algorithmically designed to keep you doomscrolling in a state of fear and anger, or is essentially spyware for governments and/or corporations?
That’s right, author John Scalzi also has a really great blog and he understands the power of the open web. He’s also very entertaining on Twitter. Here’s hoping his Mastodon account is just as good.
Want to take your following list from Twitter to @Tumblr? We want to help you do that! Unfortunately, @TwitterAPI is returning an empty list for every user we check with our token using their API. 😕 It's your data, they're locking it up!
— Matt Mullenweg (@photomatt) November 23, 2022
This new emphasis on advertising also undermines Apple’s claims about privacy with its App Tracking Transparency (ATT) feature and its “Privacy. That’s iPhone” ad campaign. In fact, it appears ATT may have been more about blocking competitors than protecting user privacy. Since Apple introduced ATT, its ad revenue has skyrocketed, leading German regulators to investigate Apple to see if it’s abusing its power.
No matter Apple’s true intentions here it just comes off as a real scumbag move and I’d imagine regulators are ready to pounce.
The Verge
Elon Musk says that Twitter’s check mark program could return on Friday, December 2nd, with a new procedure to verify individual identities in order to resolve impersonation issues. Musk described the new manual authentication process as “painful, but necessary.” Verified checkmarks will also be expanded with additional colors — gold for companies, grey for the government, and the original blue for individual accounts.
Not that it matters but I like this move. I don’t agree with the color coding but I like the idea.
I’d make the people gold, governments blue, and companies gray. As it is having gold for a company makes them seem more important than people. The people make the platform not companies. Oh, and gray for the government feels like a slap in the face to governments.
these big brain posts about twitter’s infrastructure make me all tingly inside https://t.co/qncdcUgAIf
— Amy Hoy (@amyhoy) November 23, 2022
Flicker Fusion
I think Musk is genuniely surprised he hasn’t been able (so far) to bluster his way through this.
We’re finally starting to see cracks in Musks three ring circus. He’s spending so much time at Twitter blowing it up he’s ignoring Tesla and Space X.
Here’s hoping he hires an adult to run Twitter soon. 🤞🏼
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I know I wasn’t alone in chuckling when the new Warner Bros. Discovery C.E.O. David Zaslav announced on an earnings call last week that he’d really like to do “something with J.K. on Harry Potter going forward,” noting that his film executives “haven’t done a Harry Potter movie in 15 years.” You don’t say! one rival exec texted, echoing a few calls I got from others on the Warners lot. People are terrible.
You need more than JK Rowling to boost your profits Mr. Zaslav but you know that.
Comic Sands
Horror icon Stephen King became the latest celebrity to mock billionaire Elon Musk following his move to reinstate former Republican President Donald Trump to Twitter.
Stephen King, another author I love, is also extremely entertaining on Twitter and I hope he to makes his way to Mastodon.
I wish he and Mr. Scalzi would consider running their own Mastodon instance and invite authors to join them. That would be amazing.
Tumblr will add support for ActivityPub, the open, decentralized social networking protocol that’s today powering social networking software like Twitter alternative Mastodon, the Instagram-like Pixelfed, video streaming service PeerTube, and others.
I think this is a brilliant idea. Tumblr is a great little micro blogging platform and this will bring a massively scaled ActivityPub instance to the fold.
When I saw this announcement my gut reaction was ”Yes! I must get a job there to help!” Yeah, seriously, that’s how I felt. Luckily I remembered how much I love WillowTree and came to my senses.
Here’s wishing the Tumblr team all the best! 🧡
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parkingbanana · 2 years
How to use python in visual studio code
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#How to use python in visual studio code how to#
#How to use python in visual studio code install#
#How to use python in visual studio code archive#
#How to use python in visual studio code code#
#How to use python in visual studio code download#
In this example searching after ‘#webapi’ string, retrieving the results in English, in batches of 10 results. Then we can search and extract results in successive batches or pages. With credentials from Twitter, we can access the Twitter data:ĬonnectTwitter = TwitterAPI(consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token_key, access_token_secret) To be able to do this we will use the TwitterAPI library. It has integrated the command prompt, and you can easy access it by clicking on the menu item: View -> Integrated terminal.
#How to use python in visual studio code install#
However, if the editor doesn’t detect that a linter is enabled, a prompt displays in the lower right corner to install Pylint.
#How to use python in visual studio code code#
Visual Studio Code enables Pylint when a new Python file is created. You could also run these lines within VSCode. Bandit: Finds common security issues in Python code As noted, Pylint is the default linter. To install the Twitter library, open the command prompt and run each of the next install commands. Then use the option File -> Open Folder in VSCode.
#How to use python in visual studio code archive#
Once you first open the VS Code, open the Extensions list and install Python extension.ĭownload from GitHub the code ( click to download) and extract the archive to a local folder. Our example will work with minor changes also for Python 2. After your application is created, you will need to get your API keys (or generate some) and also generate access tokens.ĭownload and install first Python 3 and then Visual Studio Code. Once you have an account, you’ll have to go to their developer’s site, in the Application Management area and create a new application. Getting startedĪt first, you will need to create a Twitter account and then a Twitter application. Installing a Python Library Using the Terminal in VSCode 1) Accessing Visual Studio Code Terminal. Python Interpreter: you can find the steps to install it here. Python Extension for Visual Studio Code: you can find the steps to install it here.
#How to use python in visual studio code download#
Being a modular solution, VSCode demands that you download and install. Visual Studio Code: you can find the steps to install it here. A kind of Lego board upon which you can construct the development environment you want and need. Visual Studio Code is a lightweight solution that can be expanded, extended and modified through plugins and extensions. Using an excellent Python library – TwitterAPI as a minimal wrapper to native Twitter API calls, we can have a tool to extract the information we need. Microsoft Visual Studio Code for Python Development. The list of different ways to use Twitter could be really long, and with 500 millions of tweets per day, there’s a lot of data to play with. Users share thoughts, links and pictures on Twitter, journalists comment on live events. Twitter is a popular social network where users can share short SMS-like messages called tweets. Combining with Python, and its associated 3rd party packages that wrap Twitter’s API, we can easy connect to Twitter, read and use the data in just few lines of code. works! … now, back to coding.Visual Studio Code is a cross platform editor that supports multiple programming languages. To get to that file, in vscode (mac) cmd+shift+P – type ‘ task’ – select ‘ configure task runner’, and edit the file to point the “ command” at “ python3”, and the (command line) args to point at $. Input the keyword python in the search box, and click the Install button for the Microsoft-created. It will list all the installed and recommend extensions in the visual studio code left side EXTENSIONS panel. Open visual studio code, click View > Extensions menu item at the top menu bar.
#How to use python in visual studio code how to#
I reached out to sent me to the wiki that kinda helped, but not quite… Configure VS Code for Python3Īfter a lot of poking around and going down rabbit holes, I found the solution, you need to tweak the tasks.json file to tell it to use Python V3. How To Install Visual Studio Code Python Extension. Using V2, no hassle, but V3 … nope … and dig as I might, I couldn’t find what settings to change. I love Visual Studio Code, really – it’s the longest lasting fav thing I’ve had, like, for evah! … I used to hack on Sublime, but I deleted it last week (for evah) in favor of vs code … it's the business.Īnyway, my love for it aside – I was starting some R&D the other day using it, and couldn’t get the darn thing to play nice with the latest version of Python.
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mediainformers · 4 years
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Twitter returns polls and other features to third-party apps In 2018, Twitter decided to disable the API that gave third-party developers access to many of the social network’s features. This has greatly affected applications such as Tweetbot and other third-party clients that have lost some of their users. However, the company recently announced that some of these features will be added back to the Twitter API of the second version, in addition to additional parameters that will return some features to third-party applications. Details in the Bio link. #twitter #api #thirdpartyapplication #socialmedia #software #technology #techoverall #trending #google #instagram #facebook #whatsapp #reddit #techblowup #twitterapi https://www.instagram.com/p/CDNHyCeDQeC/?igshid=1sa2dgo0oe23g
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