#Tristan Facts with Juquia
ladyjuquia · 1 year
In Straßburg‘s Tristan there are a references to greek/roman mythology. It’s shown that Tristan has knowledge and is fond of tales from old mythology, as he exchanges stories with Isolde. FGO displayed this knowledge and side of Tristan perfectly in Meiho-Sou and Enma-Tei.
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ladyjuquia · 2 years
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The boar is the heraldic animal on the shield which Tristan gets at his sword ceremony. Later it represents Tristan in Marjodos Dream too. The boar is a important animal in Straßburgs „Tristan“. Thinking about it, I love that the Demon Boar CE's effect is also fitting for Tristan. Displaying him with this CE feels like he has his old Knight Shield again!
[Also the description is matching perfectly with my Tristan Alter Design and Personality, hehe]
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ladyjuquia · 3 months
»The Tristan-Chord«
Art by @shokansen ; please turn on the Volume to listen to the Audio, if you want to hear how the Tristan-Chord Sounds
Tristan is heavily associated with Music in the Game Fate/Grand Order to such an extent that he even uses his harp as a Bow, his Valentines Return Gift is a CD of his greatest Hits and he also would express his emotions through the harp playing, he even is asked to play for Karaoke-Reasons (e.g. Enma-Tei Event, MyRoom Line for Elizabeth Bathory).
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This is no surprise given that Tristan was known for his music skills in the Medieval Tellings as well besides the Hunting Skills and his Knightly Deeds.
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Art by Mac Harshbeger
(For this Part, please keep in mind that there might be translation errors, since English is not my first language, and that I hold it on a surface level since I am not an expert in this field! I mainly looked up explanation videos, read a bit about it and listened to a little informational audio on NDR Info, which I will link below, but attention it’s in German only!)
As many might know there is the „Tristan and Isolde“ Opera made by Richard Wagner, an Opera that gave the Tristan Story a new fresh breeze and brought it to the modern Pop-Media we know today! But what is also interesting, besides that this is a Music Based Medium, the Opera also is known for the „Tristan-Chord“. The Tristan-Chord became so popular that it even became Wagner’s Music Trademark and many other Music Artists would later reference it - It also was a big deal in music history because of its mysterious sound that also had something slightly eerie to it!
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The Tristan Chord is also known for it not being categorised into Moll or Dur and became, according to the NDR Info Audio, the most discussed chord in music history (the source for that was the NDR Info) even tho it only has 4 tones; „f“-„h“- „dis“- „gis“
More Informations about it and where I heard most about the Details you can look up here:
Richard Wagner described the tone: „Faintly the heart sinks back to languish in longing. In longing without attainment, since every attainment is only new longing. It is the bliss of dying.“
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ladyjuquia · 8 months
Got a Hüdan/Hiudan Charm! It’s Tristans Hunting Dog, it has many different ways of writing. Hiudan is the way to be written in Gottfried von Straßburg's Tristan but I think he is more known under the Husdent Type of writing! He is described as small and handsome<3
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A little Hint: Hiudan plays a major Role in my Version of Tristan Alter and if you saw my Punk TrisQuia AU you might noticed the dog on Juquias lap, who is also supposed to be Hiudan based on the description and the different paintings of him!
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ladyjuquia · 3 months
Tristan FGO:
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From the „Knights of the Marines“ CE
Also Tristan FGO:
From the Chaldea Boys Collection 2024 (JP) „Charlemagne's Montjoie Chivalrism!“
The Duality of a Man…. (Affectionate)
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ladyjuquia · 10 months
Recently I watched the Fate/Grand Carnival Opening again. Back then I thought it’s neat that Amakusa was next to Tristan because he is one of my mutuals favourites. But I noticed the irony of both being voiced by Kouki Uchiyama & being placed next to each other.
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ladyjuquia · 11 months
Visual Difference between Inverted/Reversed/Singularity 6 Tristan & Regular Tristan
Inverted Tristan is, in simple terms, an evil side of Tristan. An ugly side of him, he himself doesn’t like. A side he got „thanks“ to the Lion King's Gift as we learned in Camelot/Zero that Tristan couldn’t bear all the killing and needed it to require the mission. Tristan had his reasons to follow the Lion King, be it the guilt he still had for leaving his former king in such a manner or the simple fact that he thought this was the less painful solution for humanity. However it’s not something Tristan usually is as you even can see his struggle with all this when facing Bedivere and the others.
The core is the same. Tristan, the child of sadness. But the essence is different. One aspect would be the sound of his harp. While we could say that the Game only uses a default harp sounds it felt intentional that they used an metallic and „ugly“ sound in the Movie for him (note that in the Stage Play they - if I remember correctly - used the default game sound)
But one visual difference that is very noticeable is the single strand of hair in his face. So the thing here is, normal Tristan sometimes also has the single hair strand in his face but it’s not as aggressive as the one of inverted Tristan. So I guess this shows that inverted Tristan also has messier hair - he calls himself a ugly monster/a beast - so this could also point out that his appearance doesn’t have to look knighty anymore and that he does not care about his reputation in that matter anymore as well.
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Even his Merch has the Hair Strand. This is a collage I made 3 years ago, so it’s not the best Quality, I apologise for that. But it showcases very well what I mean.
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Additional; there are also differences in his Design, but I do believe this could have been for the sake of an easier animation - The Design changes often depending on the occasion. It doesn’t have to display the changes but the chances are there that it’s also intentional! I once made an extra Post about it, if you are interested just look under the tag „Juquia spots the difference“ (since my Tumblr won’t let me insert Links currently ahhhh)
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This is just my little thought to it, I wrote this down so serious but I thought it’s a very nice little detail and in terms of the Merch it’s cute and funny to look at!
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ladyjuquia · 5 months
2017 was the Year of the Rooster. Takeuchi used Birds as symbol for the Rooster in his drawings which includes Robin (a familiar of Alice from Mahoyo) and a little Tristan Plush.
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Funnily Summer Tristan got Roosters as Bird familiars as well. While this could be because of the Luluhawa Theme and Luluhawa is known for the Chickens, I wondered if in the back of their heads they connected Tristan with chickens/roosters in general - Tristan being connected to birds thanks to the words play Tori-Stan is nothing new but the focus on roosters is interesting!
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ladyjuquia · 1 year
In the first Chaldea Ace, Tristans Father is named Meliodas, in the official game Bio it’s Rivalen, acknowledging the different sources. Maybe they wanted Tristan to be more Malory Based at first. Malorys Name for Tristan, Tristram, also appears in LB6 as „easter egg“.
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My own little thought to that would be, that if Saber Tristan Releases they probably go the Malory Route as the sword Tristan would have would probably be Cortana/Cortain. Since this would be known as Tristan, a Knight of the Round Table, which Archer Tristan is rather known as Tristan, the tragic hero of the Tristan and Isolde/Yseult Story. I think they could have thought about separating the way Tristan is viewed per class and so they decided to give Archer Tristan more of the less Round Table-Filled Sources.
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ladyjuquia · 1 year
The „Best of Tristan“/„Tristans Greatest Hits“ CD actually has a little Easter Egg and is a hint to Richard Wagner's „Tristan und Isolde“ CD's. A theory of mine would be that the Song „Requiem“ leans on the famous „Mild und Leise wie er Lächelt/Spricht“ from Wagners Opera.
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ladyjuquia · 11 months
In the current JP Tower Event „Mystic Eyes Symphony“ we collect feet pics to rate Servants shoes. Obviously, Tristan has cool shoes as he deserves, but this post isn’t about it but his „Enemy Title“!
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According to Deepl the Name is „Legs of Grief“ while according to Google Translate the Name is „Sorrowful Legs“ meaning the name probably is something like „sad legs“.
This was probably not intentional, but what I found funny is that in Gottfried von Straßburgs telling of Tristan, Tristans Leg gets wounded during the Morolt Battle. This poisoned wound is the fateful reason he has to go to Ireland to seek help from Queen Isolde, the Mother of Isolde, later known as Tristans Lover.
I think it’s funny to refer to Tristans Leg as sad, thinking about how he got wounded and poisoned there and his tragic fate started there and with that. I don’t think it was leaning onto this fact but I like the „coincidence“!
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ladyjuquia · 1 year
Tristan Merch is usually Red, which makes sense. This is probably due to his hair, also Red is often connected to passion and love. Both things that fits Tristan.
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But Tristan himself states in Aśhvatthāmans Interlude that he is synonymous with the colour green. Funnily the Sanrio Merch Collab uses no other colour for Tristan than… Green :)
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ladyjuquia · 3 months
Gottfried von Straßburgs „Tristan“ is my favourite Tristan Telling and my Love for him is on par with Fate/Grand Order's Tristan. So of course it was just a Question of time until I would realise my own vision of him. Even some of my Mutuals that I probably love Gottfried Tristan the same amount as FGO's Tristan of not even more - That said, I hope this explains why I have this huge bias and my head canons for FGO Tristan mostly goes into Gottfrieds Direction haha
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Art by @glacescup
While Gottfried's Tristan is still royal and a noble knight I imagined him more simple - The clothes are heavily inspired by Mac Harshbergers Tristan (who is my favourite Tristan Artist) and the Tristan and Isolde Movie (though I have to admit I wasn't the biggest Fan of it haha). I also wanted to show his mora nature-connected side and thought of "the colour of autumn leaves" while designing him.
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Art by @harmonia99
Also I want to say, I have my own "Fanfiction" for this Tristan! I am still a "Dreaming Girl" (known as the japanese term "Yumejoshi"; "夢女子").
I am known for shipping my Alter Ego, my Mirror-Self with Fate/Grand Order's Tristan, as you might know! So for this Tristan of course I "made" another Me who fits in my "Dreaming Fanfiction"!
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Art by @glacescup
This Version of me is basically just me with some "magical" Elements. For example the Hair is longer and I made the colour's of my Hair more prominent giving each colour a single braid at the back - Fun Fact: The Colours resemble emotions, the stronger this Juquia feels an emotion the higher the chance her hair will change completely to this colour!
The eyes are also brighter, which is because of an enhancement of her eyes so she won't need glasses. Also the little pointy ears are ears I own myself as accessories, I thought it might be cute to add them here!
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Art by @harmonia99
This Juquia is a "full fledged fairy" - I thought of her like a Fairy Godmother Type of Fairy. Her Outfit is also more a "lazy" one. I say lazy since I dress like this when I am too lazy to dress myself properly, haha. It also has more focus on being comfortable and practical! In my "Dreaming Fanfiction" she is sort of a Good Fairy for Tristan who always accompanies him!
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That said; Yes. My Dreaming Time doesn't end with Fate/Grand Order. The whole shipping is something very personal and therefore something very important to me. But it also has this wonderful effect that whatever happens in F/Go and with Tristan there, it won't affect me this much as I can focus on my OC Shipping!
While this is OCxOC basically I think it's also partially OCxCanon considering I based him on Gottfried von Straßburgs Story, haha. I love them both a lot, I hope I can work with them more in the future!
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ladyjuquia · 9 months
One of my favourite AU's for TrisQuia (short for Tristan x Juquia) is the Punk AU. Mostly because it was at the beginning more of a „I would love to see Tristan dressed up more in my style!“
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Art by @shokansen
But it grew on me more for different reasons. My interpretation on Tristan is more Gottfried von Straßburg based, but we for sure can say that in all Versions Tristan is kind of unhinged and wild at one point, haha. But in Gottfried von Straßburg it felt more this natural rebellious teen phase. I thought when he was younger the rocking spirit came more through. He gives me the vibes of someone who was born into nobility but in the end just wants to make music and go hunting with his Dog, haha.
This paired with the fact how much comfort it gives me because it hits so close at home.
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Art by @shokansen
Also the fact that FGO gave me enough content to feed into my thought of „Punk-Rock Tristan would be a thing“. E.g; Enma-Tei when he plays more wildly the harp, while he is not happy with the song choice he surely gives it all or the Saber Astolfo Interlude where, after losing his „restraint“ he goes full head-bang mode - Bonus for the Ritsuka Fujimaru doesn’t get it Mangaka Tsuchida for once drawing Tristan in Fetish Wear in their FGO Doujinshi.
Of course this is all fun and games, nothing to taken too serious. Especially since I use it for my silly little Headcanon.
Also we can’t deny that Tristan looks very attractive in this style, haha!
As a whole I also like that in this AU Tristan can live more by his own choice and does what he wants without much holding back. He is still a softie who carries a lot of empathy for others and has his romantic and silly side - He just rocks hard!
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ladyjuquia · 4 months
!! Yumeshipping/OC x Canon Post !!
Tristan & Juquia - Their Flowers and their Meaning (in their relationship)
Tristan and Juquias Flowers are pretty basic with Tristan having the red Rose and Juquia the Daisy. But besides that it fits for both of them, not only in meaning but appearance, I also think the way how humble and „basic“ it is, it reflect their relationship very well.
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Tristans Flower - A Red Rose, who is more dark and has slight dark tips
Tristan, a man marked by passion and love from his past, is actually someone so beautiful you don’t want to just approach him. You maybe even simply can’t. The thorns symbolise his own isolation on that as well. He is a dark red rose as he is not only known for love and passion, but the dark red rose stands for itself for Loyalty and eternal Beauty. While Fate goes more with the depiction that Tristan betrayed one Isolde, I think it signalised more that he was loyal in another way - Thought the Tristan of my Story is more Gottfried von Straßburg based which works more with the theme of Loyalty, especially for Tristan. The black tips here stand rather for Tristans condition being trapped in insecurities, anxiety and depression. Something that might make his beauty faint a bit.
This paired with the fact roses start blooming in Mai, a reference to the Maifest where his parents met each other and fell in love, the start of their romance and the very core beginning of Tristans existence with them making love later which leads to pregnancy with roses also having their main blooming time during June and July, with June being also the release month of the Tristan and Isolde Opera. Also Juquia has her Birthday in July, once could say he blooms the strongest for her.
Also a fun fact, in my language I often say „Tristannuss“ meaning „Tristan-Nut“ coming from Drystanus/Drustanus - Funnily the Rose fruits, the Hagebutte, belong to the family of nuts haha.
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Juquias Flower - The Daisy, one with pink/bright red tips
Juquia is the Daisy. Nothing special. At least at first. Daisies are one of the most seen flowers, people often call it „the Persistent/the Persevering“ with Juquia being always there, even with the curse, no especially because of the curse that won’t let her just die. She stays alive for as long as possible. Juquia is someone who gained a strong healing power, funnily the Daisies are also said to be having strong regeneration powers and being used for healing.
While Daisies also can stand for innocence and being pure, which would fit to Juquias core, it also can stand for being humble and trust. Coming to Juquias Wish of just having one person on her life she can trust and who likes her for who she is and who can stay at her side, plus the trust she did put in the world especially the clock tower it makes sense, even if she seems pessimistic at core. In some terms the Daisy can also stand for beauty. A persistent beauty. This is something rather how Tristan is perceiving her. Juquia sees herself rather as small, not special and not noticeable and easily replaceable. When a daisy is used as Fortune Teller, for the petal Game, Juquia sees herself as always the bad outcome with her curse bringing bad luck to the people around her. But it also contains her inner fear of in the end being just used, when bringing good fortune, being robbed of everything that makes her whole to be thrown away afterwards. So she is alright with not being noticeable.
The pink tips stand for Juquia still being a romantic person who yearns for companionship, who daydreams about happiness and love in its purest form. And especially with Tristan she let this love in her life.
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In the core, both are more seen as basic flower. Nothing special. And probably that is what TrisQuia is. Nothing special at core but them embracing this normality makes it beautiful, like the flowers they represent. Tristan and Juquia are both tied together trough a very humble wish - to find someone who found completely understand them. They didn’t even wished for a Lover, but for someone to trust. For someone where they can be themselves without worrying to lose this happiness in an instant.
And while both flowers represent their „ugly“ parts it also shows their simple beauty. Especially for each other.
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ladyjuquia · 2 years
Hello, my name is Lady Juquia and welcome on my Account!
❥ A little bit to my Person: I am already more than 18 years alive and walk on this planet ♡ I go by she/her ♡ I speak German and English ♡ My DM's and Ask/Question Box are always open, so if you wanna get in contact or interact I don’t mind!
I also have Twitter and Instagram, you can find me there under the name „@ladyjuquia“ or „@LadyJuquia“ (I know, the difference, haha)
On this Account you can find all the different things for Tristan FGO! Why? Because Tristan FGO is my absolute beloved, no it’s even Sir Tristan in general! I am a big fan!
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Some Head Ups:
❥ I have my own interpretations for Tristan and I like the Gottfried von Straßburg Telling the most. How I see Tristan is of course my own bias and interpretation. So if you disagree that’s more than fine and valid! I avoid discussions or arguments about such topics, so I hope we can get along as well!
❥ Also I am a Self-Shipper (alternative can be referred as Yumejoshi with a Yumeship) I mainly use my Alter Ego Juquia, who is basically just me but I re-wrote her history so she fits in the Fate-Verse, so I guess this also counts as OC x Canon. I write small and silly Fics for them. I always shorten the Shipping Name with „TrisQuia“ so I don’t always have to say „Tristan x Juquia“
I use the following tags to better archive my posts. So here are all the tags I use with little explanation in case you wanna read something specific on this account but might have struggle finding it:
Juquia Spots the Difference
↳ Under this Tag you can me talking about differences in translations, differences I find in Design and Differences I find in different Media!
Tristan Facts with Juquia
↳ Under this Tag I will share some general Tristan Facts with you but not only about Tristan FGO but also different Tristan Lore Stuff in general
Fun Tristan Facts with Juquia
↳ Under this Tag you find more funny Facts and Easter Eggs for Tristan. This is mainly for FGO, in rare cases it includes irl Tristan Lore!
Juquias Tristan Collection
↳ Under this Tag you can find me showing Tristan Merch, my Tristan Books and just my Collection in General!
Dreaming Time with Juquia
↳ Under this Tag you can find my Fictions, my Writings. It’s not as obvious as the other ones but since my writing mainly surrounds my Yumeshipping/OC x Canon Shipping/Self-Insert-Shipping. I will post Stories here as Self written form and will link the bigger ones I post on AO3, they will both get tagged with that!
↳ Under this Tag you find Commissions I requested and just some general stuff I wanna share about my Shipping!
The Tristan Creatures
↳ Under this Tag you find my Tristan Doodles. They are mainly for fun and for therapeutic purposes, I don’t call myself an Artist, please don’t get it wrong. I refer to myself as a Writer.
Analysing Tristan with Juquia
↳ Under this Tag you find me analysing Tristan. This can be my takes on his irl lore and how I interpret things but this can also and will mainly mean how I interpret the informations FGO gives us about Tristan and how I view them
Travelling with Tristan
↳ Under this Tag you will find Photos of my Tristan Plush in different places, literally just travelling with Tristan
Chaldea Routine with Tristan
↳ Under this Tag you will find just FGO Screenshots and Gameplay Videos
Tristan Servant Talk with Juquia
↳ Under this Tag you find anything random I wanna share about Tristan that doesn’t fit in the other categories
Juquia Talks
↳ Under this Tag you find just me talking about things casually!
Tristan and Master
↳ Under this Tag you will find me talking about Tristans relationship with Guda/Ritsuka Fujimaru or the Master in general. It’s not necessarily romantic all the time and also some sort of analysis.
Fun Love and Passion for and with Tristan
↳ Under this Tag you will find Edits, Memes and other things I made just for fun for Tristan and things that show my love for him but won’t fit in the other categories!
Juquia answers Letters
↳ Under this Tag you will find me answering to anonymous messages! Before sending them, please remember to stay as polite as possible, even if you want to share something negative with me!
That said, thank you for your time and interest! I hope your stay here will be nice and that we will get along well!
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Art by @/scallopstempura on Twitter!
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