Wheelchairqior Stimboard
plain text: wheelchairqior stimboard
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transtourettes · 2 days
fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you I hate radqueers
Oh . Okay . But this is literally me , if you even care .
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distorted-coven · 2 days
fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you I hate radqueers
I love that antis really just think this is gonna be the thing that stops me LMAO Like I've dealt with and heard worse on other accounts, keep trying babe <3
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transx-mogai-cafe · 7 months
This is the "you can do whatever you want forever" site until you're trans in a way they don't like. 🤷
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she-is-ovarit · 8 months
Identifying as.
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This is Rachel Dolezal, who legally changed her name to Nkechi Amare Diallo. Dolezal is a white woman who identifies as black and insists that she is transracial. Growing up, her religious white parents adopted four black babies, claiming that they "saved them from being aborted", and routinely delivered strict punishments to their kids including Dolezal. Dolezal does not seem to have a good relationship with her parents and, based on interviews, wanted to distance herself from them and distance herself from rural white culture.
"I've never questioned being a girl or woman, for example, but whiteness has always felt foreign to me, for as long as I can remember. I didn't choose to feel this way or be this way, I just am. What other choice is there than to be exactly who we are?"
She apparently "passed as black" for several years before her parents came out and said that she was white and is identifying as a black woman, and she was asked in a TV interview if she was African American and responded with "I don't understand the question". She taught Africana Studies at Eastern Washington University. She crafted a fake story in growing up as black and has argued that she experiences race-based related hate crimes. She darkens her skin and gets perms and started using hair products she observed her adopted black sibling to use. She lied about her father being black and lied that her black adopted brother was her son.
I hope that as details of Dolezal's story are read about, we are able to understand that tanning white skin does not make someone a black person, that blackface is wrong and racist. I hope we recognize that what makes someone black isn't a collection of racial stereotypes, isn't based on feeling a kinship with black people more than with white people, and that being black isn't based on not feeling a connection with white culture. I hope we understand that a black person cannot identify out of racial oppression, and that a white person cannot identify out of white privilege.
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Jewel Shuping, age 38 now, was born healthy but dreamed of being blind since age 13. She stated her mother would tell stories about finding her walking down dark hallways at age 3, and mentioned that by age 6 the thought of being blind comforted her. When she was a teenager, Shuping bought a white cane and learned to read braille, becoming fluent in it by age 20.
She claims to have asked a psychologist to pour bleach in her eyes so she could fulfill her lifelong dream of being blind, and that the psychologist "understood her" and agreed to do so after giving her numbing eye drops to help with the pain (which was not ultimately helpful). She deliberately waited to seek medical attention so doctors were unable to save her eyesight. Gradually, over the course of six months, she became blind.
What Shuping has is considered a real mental health condition called Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID), a rare condition in which people who are born without disabilities believe with conviction that the should be disabled. There is another name for this in political activist circles, termed "transableism".
"I went blind on purpose, but I don't feel it was a choice."
Several other people with BIID are pretending to be paralyzed to use wheelchairs, with many not being driven to the point of causing harm to themselves to become disabled but instead living full lives faking being disabled.
I hope that as details of the stories of people pretending to be disabled are read about, we are able to understand that feeling like oneself should be disabled is an incredibly serious mental health condition and does not really mean that a person is "disabled inside". I hope we recognize that identifying as disabled does not make someone disabled, and that feeling a kinship with disabled people or a comfort in the thought of being disabled does not mean a person truly is or should become disabled. I hope we understand how people with mental health disorders claiming to be disabled can place further strain on resources and accommodations provided to disabled people. I hope we understand that inflicting pain, disfigurement, or physical altercations on healthy people to "help them physically match how they feel" is an inhumane way to treat a mental health condition.
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Paul Wolscht, who changed his name to Stefonknee Wolscht, was married to a woman for over 20 years and fathered 7 children before deciding to live life identifying as a six year old little girl. Living as a six year old little girl allows Wolscht to escape depression and suicidal thoughts because Wolscht gets to now play - even when in jail in solitary confinement for nine days for an undisclosed reason.
“If I’m six-years-old, I don’t have to think about adult stuff.”
Wolscht still drives and drinks coffee, but does so feeling and identifying as a six year old.
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Emile Ratelband, age 69, petitioned the courts to allow him to change his age to 20 years younger because he "does not feel" 69 years old. Ratelband has argued that he did not feel comfortable with his date of birth, that age 69 did not accurately reflect his mental state, and that at age 69 he experiences limits.
“When I’m 69, I am limited. If I’m 49, then I can buy a new house, drive a different car,” he said. “I can take up more work. When I’m on Tinder and it says I’m 69, I don’t get an answer. When I’m 49, with the face I have, I will be in a luxurious position.”
Ratelband even asserted that doctors have told him he has the body of a man 20 years younger, and he said that he was willing to renounce his right to a pension. He argues that if people are able to legally change their sex on documents, there is no reason why he should not be able to change his age.
I hope that as we read these stories of people identifying as a different age, we are able to understand that feeling like you are 20 years younger or 40 years younger does not really make you that age. I hope that we understand that even though identifying as a different age might help avoid suicidal thoughts, being discriminated against on dating apps, or denied resources, it does not really change biologically what is. I hope we understand that there are also broader societal and legal consequences to being able to legally change one's age. That an adult might identify as a certain age to trick kids into trusting them so they can sexually abuse them, and/or that allowing an adult to legally consider themselves a different age would make it easier for adult predators to gain legal access to kids in environments in which they would normally be socially and legally discouraged from being in.
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*+ ~ Reminders for transintersex folks!! ~ +*
You are intersex
Your reasons for being transintersex are vaild
We accept you in the intersex community
You don't need to prove anything to antis or medicalists
You are not perisex, no matter how much antis will say you are
All of the validation you get is truthful and genuine
Transintersex people should be able to get surgery
You're not a joke to the intersex community
You know more about the intersex community than most people
You deserve love and happiness
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planetaryplut0 · 11 months
A rant, which I typically don’t do.
You are NOT “transabled”. You are not “transid” or “transx” or whatever. YOU ARE AN ATTENTION SEEKER.
There are REAL people with REAL disabilities that struggle daily with ableism and depression because of their REAL disability, not the fake “UwU I’m so cute and silly! I have transautism transadhd transdepression transosdd transdid transfreckles transthisandthat!”
I get it-you want to feel like part of a group. You want attention, you want friends. But minimizing the struggles of real disabled people, or saying you have whatever when you DON'T is not the way to do it. Essentially, you’re just being ableist.
Tldr: Get off the internet, you’re not disabled.
Also, I HAVE autism, and I, a “cisautistic” person, find it absolutely horrific that people WANT to have autism. Sure, it may give me “superpowers”, but often, it just makes life harder. Disabilities MAKE LIFE HARDER. Be thankful that you have a body that works in the way it should, and a brain that makes life easier, not harder.
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thornantiradqueer · 9 months
This is for anyone doomscrolling this tag:
It's ok. These people will never be accepted into society. You don't have to keep looking at it. Eventually the shock factor will wear off and it'll just be disturbing and painful.
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everafter-life · 1 month
“Disability aids should be free” until a transabled person wants to use one
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Hey. If you’re doomscrolling in this tag, stop. Drink some water. Go look at something you actually want to. Remember, no one in their right mind is going to accept these people, so stop subjecting yourself to racism, ableism, transphobia, etc when you could be doing something better. These people are against recovery, so if you really want to piss them off, the best way is to be kind to yourself.
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littlemelonberry · 4 months
i love you unhappy transids!
i love you transrace folk who have had to live a life feeling "outside" the group you belong in!
i love you transheight folk who feel like your body is the wrong length!
i love you transweight folk who can't seem to get to where you wanna be!
i love you transplural folk who try and try and try to force a system with no results!
i love you transautistic folk who force stims so hard it hurts!
i love you transharmed folk who put themselves at risk in hopes it fixes something!
i love you transharmful people who have to bite their tongue and play nice!
i love you transabled folk who wish your body was different!
i love you transneuro folk who wish your mind was different!
it isn't always easy. and that's okay. you're here, you're alive, and i love you.
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doll-queer · 3 months
If you're transid, you have a right to have as much fun with your transidentity as you please just as much as you have a right to be completely serious with it.
You have every right to be the way you are.
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transspeciesguy · 5 days
Transabled people are disabled.
Transracial people are the race they say they are.
Transtraumatized people's trauma is real.
Transage people are the age they say they are.
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scrunkl3bunk1e · 3 months
hey can every transdisorder/transdisease/transabled person give a fucking apology to actually people with those disabilities??
you're not "transautistic" or "transbpd" you're a fucking ableist dickweed that fucks us all over. fuck you guys, all of you:
fuck your fults, apologize to actual cult survivors.
fuck your fake disorders, apologize to the physical and mentally ill.
fuck your transrace, apologize to people of colour.
fuck your transability, apologize to actually disabled people.
fuck your maps, apologize to minors.
fuck your transramcoa, you're supporting csem/abuse.
fuck your transabuse, apologize to actual abuse survivors.
fuck your transbpd, apologize to people diagnosed with bpd.
fuck your transdid, apologize to actual did systems.
fuck your transn4zi, h1tler was fucking awful and killed Jewish people, and started WWII as well.
i'm speaking for all you guys, and myself as an autistic person.
if i didn't tag you here, don't think you're safe.
fuck radqueers, i will shoot you if you come across me.
have a bad fucking day you disgusting ableist fucks.
i've had so fucking enough.
(bonus point: reblog to scare a radqueer or ruin a pro-rq's day)
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radquaint · 21 days
why @/reddwater is an unsafe blog for body mod advice, from a person studying nursing with a nurse mom
TOURNIQUETS WILL NOT STOP ARTERIAL BLEEDING. the only way to stop arterial bleeding is to stitch or cauterize.
sedation without a surgeon team can and will be deadly. anesthesia shuts down brain activity, and if you accidentally use too much, which is VERY easy, the person on the table will die or become brain dead.
no, an unlicensed surgeon is not a thing. they can be sued for malpractice
even piercers have to have licenses because if they dont know what theyre doing, it could kill you
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honeydew-wecantwo · 8 months
i know people talk about how they as transid people don't fit the stereotype that a lot of anti-radqueer people put us in, but shoutout to the people who do!
shoutout to white to asian transracial people! shoutout to asian transracial people who love cutesy aesthetics! shoutout to people who's transids are mostly just cosmetic and change constantly! shoutout to transracial people who are most comfortable as a handful of races other than just one! shoutout to people who's transid identities are intrinsically connected to their kinks and fetishes! shoutout to transautistic people who found their identity through tiktok! shoutout to people who found their transids through pathological lying! and shoutout to any who've i've missed!
you're not any less transx than the rest of us because you fall into a stereotype. you're valid, and i love you.
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