#Top 10 Eye Surgeons of Delhi
indianhealthguru · 18 days
Surgery is a common treatment for vision problems, particularly in correcting refractive errors. Refractive eye surgery aims to reduce or eliminate the need for eyeglasses or contact lenses. The quality of vision depends on how effectively the cornea and lens focus light rays onto the retina.
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chavaanjanentcare · 4 months
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Asian ENT Care Centre is known for its Care & Treatment at the hands of eminent Surgeons and skilled staff in addition to exceptional service & friendly Atmosphere. Chairman Dr. Chava Anjaneyulu is accredited EAR NOSE & THROAT SPECIALIST. Completed MBBS from NTR health university, Andhra Pradesh, India-1996 and M.S. in otorhinolaryngology from All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Newdelhi, India-1999. Worked as a Asst. Prof. AIIMS, New Delhi, EX. consultant at NIMS, Hyderabad and Ex. HON. Consultant, LVP Eye Institute, Hyderabad.
 a leading establishment in Hyderabad dedicated to advancing the field of Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) and introducing innovative treatment methods previously unavailable in India. Led by Dr. Chava Anjaneyulu, the Chairman of Asian ENT Care Centre, our primary mission is to pioneer research-oriented diagnostic and therapeutic practices in ENT, making top-notch treatment accessible and affordable to all.
As one of the finest and largest private Ear, Nose & Throat Hospitals (ENT) in Hyderabad, our reputation stems from the exceptional care and treatment provided by our renowned surgeons and skilled staff. We are proud to offer a friendly atmosphere and outstanding service to every patient who entrusts us with their ENT health.
Equipped with state-of-the-art operation theater specifically designed for a wide range of ENT and Head and Neck operations, our hospital is fully equipped to meet the needs of our patients. Our Outpatient Department is dedicated to conducting necessary investigations, ensuring accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment plans. Dr. Chava Anjaneyulu provides round-the-clock specialist services to cater to the diverse needs to all the patients.
Join us at the ASIAN ENT CARE CENTRE as we strive to transform the ENT landscape in India, keeping pace with the latest advancements and making significant contributions to the field. Experience our commitment to excellence and compassionate care as we work towards a healthier and happier society.
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aclmartsjaipur · 7 months
Subtitle 1: Looking for the best eye specialist in Delhi? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here is a list of the top 10 best eye specialists in Delhi, based on their experience, qualifications, and patient reviews.
Subtitle 2: Whether you’re looking for a specialist for routine eye exams, LASIK surgery, or treatment for a specific eye condition, you’re sure to find the right eye specialist for you on this list.
Here is a list of the top 10 best eye specialists in Delhi, in no particular order:
Dr. Poonam Jain, Sr. Eye Surgeon, Best Eye Centre In North Delhi Ashok Vihar, Best Eye Doctor in Ashok Vihar, Eye Specialist
Dr. Nikhil Pal, Principal Consultant, Eye Care / Ophthalmology, Max Hospital
Dr. Ranjit Verma, Principal Consultant, Eye Care / Ophthalmology, Max Hospital
Dr. Rituraj Baruah, Senior Consultant, Eye Care / Ophthalmology, Max Hospital
Dr. Neetu Gagneja, Senior Consultant, Eye Care / Ophthalmology, Max Hospital
Dr. Smriti Goel, Consultant — Eye Surgery, Eye Care / Ophthalmology, Max Hospital
Dr. Anshu Gupta, Senior Consultant Surgeon Cataract — MICS Phaco, LASIK and Anterior Segment, Eye Care / Ophthalmology, Max Hospital
Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Senior Consultant, Eye Care / Ophthalmology, Max Hospital
Dr. D.K. Mehta, Senior Consultant, Eye Care / Ophthalmology, Max Hospital
Dr. Charu Mithal, Senior Consultant — Eye Care, Eye Care / Ophthalmology, Max Hospital
When choosing an eye specialist, it is important to consider the following factors:
Experience: How many years of experience does the eye specialist have?
Qualifications: Is the eye specialist board-certified?
Patient reviews: What do other patients have to say about the eye specialist?
Specialization: Does the eye specialist specialize in the specific eye condition or treatment that you need?
It is also important to feel comfortable with the eye specialist and to trust their judgment. If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to ask them.
Choosing the right eye specialist is an important decision. By considering the factors listed above, you can find the best eye specialist for your needs.
To know more about the “Eye speclist in Delhi”, “Best Eye speclist in Delhi”, “Top Eye speclist in Delhi”, “Top 3 Eye speclist in Delhi”, “Top 5 Eye speclist in Delhi, Gurugram, Noida, Faridabad, Jaipur, Lucknow, Chandigarh, Sonipat, Ludhiana”. We recommend you to visit the ACL Marts. To see the Industries’ best rated and top businesses in the Delhi, Gurugram, Noida, Faridabad, Jaipur, Lucknow, Chandigarh, Sonipat, Ludhiana.
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eyecareclincindelhi · 8 months
The Hidden Benefits of Retinal Surgery You Never Knew
In today's world, medical advancements have provided us with an array of treatments for various eye conditions. One such groundbreaking procedure is retinal surgery, which has been primarily associated with vision correction. However, there are hidden benefits of retinal surgery that go beyond just improving eyesight. In this article, we will delve into the lesser-known advantages of retinal surgery that you may have never considered.
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Understanding Retinal Surgery
Before we explore its hidden benefits, let's start by understanding what retinal surgery is and how it works.
What is Retinal Surgery?
Retinal surgery is a medical procedure designed to treat various retinal diseases and conditions. It involves the surgical repair or manipulation of the retina, which is the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye.
Common Retinal Conditions
Retinal surgery is commonly used to address conditions such as retinal detachment, macular holes, diabetic retinopathy, and age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
The Hidden Benefits
Now, let's uncover the hidden benefits of retinal surgery that often go unnoticed.
1. Enhanced Quality of Life
While retinal surgery is primarily performed to restore or improve vision, it also significantly enhances the overall quality of life. Patients who undergo successful retinal surgery often report an increased sense of independence and improved mental well-being.
2. Prevention of Further Damage
In many cases, retinal surgery can prevent the progression of retinal diseases. This means that not only does it address the current issue, but it also safeguards against future complications.
3. Preservation of Peripheral Vision
Retinal surgery can help preserve peripheral vision, which is crucial for activities like driving and sports. Maintaining a wide field of vision contributes to a better quality of life.
4. Reduced Risk of Depression
Vision problems can lead to depression and social isolation. By improving vision through retinal surgery, individuals are less likely to experience these emotional challenges.
5. Long-Term Cost Savings
Although retinal surgery may seem expensive initially, it can lead to long-term cost savings. It reduces the need for ongoing treatments and medications, ultimately saving money in the long run.
6. Faster Recovery Than Expected
Advancements in surgical techniques have made retinal surgery less invasive and recovery times quicker than many expect. This allows patients to resume their normal lives sooner.
7. Improved Cognitive Function
Clear vision is closely linked to cognitive function. By addressing retinal issues, surgery can help improve cognitive abilities, particularly in older adults.
8. Enhanced Career Opportunities
For individuals in professions that require excellent vision, such as pilots or surgeons, retinal surgery can open up career opportunities that were previously unattainable.
9. Better Night Vision
Many patients report improved night vision after retinal surgery, making nighttime activities safer and more enjoyable.
10. Restored Confidence
Regaining clear vision often leads to increased self-confidence and a positive outlook on life.
In conclusion, retinal surgery offers a multitude of hidden benefits beyond its primary goal of improving eyesight. It enhances the overall quality of life, prevents further damage, and even has positive effects on mental and emotional well-being. Consider retinal surgery not only as a solution to vision problems but as a path to a brighter, more fulfilling life. Discover Advanced Eye Care: Trust Dr. Suresh Garg Eye Hospital for Top-Notch Retinal Surgery in Delhi NCR.
Is retinal surgery painful?
While discomfort can be expected during recovery, the surgery itself is performed under anesthesia, ensuring a painless experience.
Are there any risks associated with retinal surgery?
Like any surgical procedure, retinal surgery carries some risks, but advancements in technology and techniques have minimized these risks significantly.
How long does it take to recover from retinal surgery?
Recovery times vary depending on the individual and the specific procedure, but many patients can resume normal activities within a few weeks.
Can retinal surgery be performed on both eyes simultaneously?
In some cases, yes, but it depends on the patient's overall health and the nature of the retinal condition.
Are there age restrictions for retinal surgery?
Retinal surgery can be performed at any age, but the eligibility depends on the specific condition and the patient's overall health. Access. Explore cutting-edge retinal surgery options at Dr. Suresh Garg Eye Hospital in Delhi NCR. Trust our expertise for vision care.
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lasiksurgery · 1 year
Lasik Surgery in Delhi
Get rid of your glasses in 10 minutes with effective Lasik Surgery in Delhi by the top eye surgeons of EyeMantra.
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oliviathomas1 · 2 years
Retina Laser Surgery – Iclinix
A laser is a concentrated light source that can be used to target sick tissue with extreme precision. Different types of bodily tissue absorb various lasers. The lens and cornea are examples of non-retinal tissue that retinal lasers can pass through without causing any harm. During the treatment of retinal diseases, lasers are now a widely utilized and very effective technology. Laser beams are directed at the retina using a variety of lenses for minimally invasive surgery.
Thermal laser therapy is the main method used to treat retinal disorders. With this kind of laser, the light energy is absorbed by certain tissue at the rear of the eye and transformed into heat. The retina is only slightly damaged by the heat. The scar helps to treat the underlying retinal illness as the eye recovers from this damaged area. Thermal lasers can be used to destroy aberrant tissue or blood vessels, seal retinal tears, and stop blood vessels that are bleeding.
Motiyabind operation in Delhi is very much possible from the top retina specialists in Delhi. Iclinix is a very popular hospital known for retinal detachment treatments. Even if you only have symptoms in one eye, your doctor will probably check both of them. Your doctor might urge you to return in a few weeks if no tear is seen at the first visit so they can be sure your eye hasn't grown a prolonged tear as a result of a similar vitreous detachment. Additionally, it's crucial to visit your doctor again straight away if you develop any new symptoms.
Non-invasive laser surgery is frequently carried out at a doctor's office. Depending on whatever area of the retina is to be treated, the laser can be applied to the retina in a variety of ways. It's common to utilize a microscope and lens setup identical to the one used to check your eye. Alternately, a laser system positioned on the head of the surgeon might be employed as an indirect delivery device.
Laser treatment is followed by:
1. You will receive anesthesia for your eye.
2. You will experience some flashes of light while receiving therapy, which typically lasts 5 to 10 minutes.
3 You'll have dilated pupils.
4.A separate contact lens will be required to hold your eyelids apart if a microscope is utilized.
5. In case an indirect laser is utilized, you will be placed in a flat position.
Almost always, laser therapy is painless. The majority of people believe the bright lights to be more uncomfortable than the laser's actual intensity. You can experience some sensation during laser surgery if you require more extensive laser therapy.
Things that you should  be expecting after the laser surgery:
1.  Discomfort: After the retinal laser surgery, the majority of patients have little to no pain. An eye or eyelid discomfort is possible in individuals who need more intense laser treatment.
2. Blurred vision: For a few hours after the laser surgery, blurry vision is typical.
If the discomfort keeps increasing, then you must immediately call your doctor.  
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suryakanthjha · 2 years
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parkeralison · 2 years
Famous eye care center in Delhi display the performance and first-class requirements maintained at the hospital on an everyday basis. Famous eye care center in Delhi promote and support eye care Read more https://medical-tourism-magazine.blogspot.com/2022/01/india-famous-eye-care-center-in-delhi.html Call Us +91-9371136499. Mail Us [email protected]
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indianhealthguru · 3 months
People worldwide encounter a variety of eye issues, but modern medicine has made significant advancements in surgical techniques to effectively address many eye problems, including conditions like glaucoma and cataracts.
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heartcareinstitute · 4 years
Top Liver Transplant Hospital For Quality Treatment
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Liver Transplant is easily carried out in entire country but liver transplant hospital in Delhi are given preference over others in the minds of public, due to number of reasons. While many believe, the capital hospitals offer superior services than rest, few suppose the city has top quality surgeons. However, many patients put lot of different permutations and combination before heading for a transplant, we sitback and understand what all goes into the same. Liver Transplant is a procedure which swaps a patient's damaged liver with a whole or partial healthy liver from a donor. The transplant surgery usually takes up around 4-8 hours depending largely on the patients medical and surgical history. The person undergoing the transplant is under general anaesthesia during the surgery and is unconscious for the entire process without feeling any pain. Liver transplant is certainly a long and complex procedure which should only be performed by the best group of surgeons. While people might struggle getting the correct information about the same, but we have got you covered. Role of Live in our Body - Termed as metabolic engine of human body, Liver takes food substances you observe, processes them and turns them into energy. Some of the activity’s liver performs are –
1)      Processes Nutrients.
2)      Produces Proteins.
3)      Controls Hormone Levels.
4)      Controls Sugar and Cholesterol levels.
5)      Helps body fight infections.
 Symptoms of Liver Failure – One can face serious complication if the lives don’tfunction well. Here are few symptoms one can sense of liver failure –
1)      Yellow Skin and Eyes (Jaundice)
2)      Fluid retention in the abdomen.
3)      Edema – Swelling of hands and legs.
4)      Chronic Weakness.
5)      Encephalopathy – Confusion or forgetfulness
What happens in Liver Transplant Surgery –
Well, to really put in brief, the patient’s damaged liver is replaced with healthier liver through surgery. Post-surgery, the patient is closely monitored inside Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for a time period.  The team analyses the patient and meanwhile, keeps an eye of any early signs of organ rejection or infection. If and only when the patient is fully recovered after surgery and gone through the monitorization, he/she will be declared of successful transplant. The whole procedure can take 8-10 days of hospital stay if there aren’t any complications found. Post Liver transplant surgery, it usually takes 4-6 months of recovery time depending on person to person. Medications become integral part of their life, as regular checks ups and routine follow-upsare always recommended for a time period. Medication ensures healthy liver for long term and shouldn’t be ignored or missed.
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5 Tips For Recovering From Your Hair Transplant
Congrats on settling on the critical choice to have a Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Delhi, and thank you for allowing us the chance to work with you. We trust you had a positive encounter during your strategy. FUE has one of the most noteworthy achievements and patient fulfillment paces of any restorative technique and we anticipate that you should be blissful about your outcomes too.
In light of that, if you don't mind keep this guide convenient in the coming days, as it will as your online reference for recuperation and post-operation care.
Heading back home after your hair transplant
After your hair transplant by Best Hair Transplant Clinics in Mumbai system is finished, you will be returning home with bandage fold over your head, secured by a defensive top (so it won't be obvious). This bandage wrap will stay around your head until it is expelled during your post-usable test, the following day. From that point onward, no wraps or swathes are required.
At the point when you return home, attempt to invest however much energy as could reasonably be expected setting down. The more you stand up and stroll around, the almost certain you are to make them swell. Have a full and solid supper. After supper, take your anti-microbial and painkiller gave. You are likewise allowed to take another painkiller around evening time on the off chance that you experience uneasiness. Most patients commonly don't require any painkillers after the principal day however you should keep on taking your anti-toxins two times per day, for 5 days.
It is significant that you mind your head consistently today around evening time. You need to abstain from knocking your head into anything unintentionally and dislodging joins accordingly. You additionally need to abstain from squeezing your scalp or focusing on it anyway, remembering for a pad.
During the initial, hardly any evenings after your hair transplant, lay down with your head marginally raised. It would be ideal if you guarantee that the top and front of your scalp doesn't come into contact with your cushion or headboard as you rest.
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Days 1-3 after your hair transplant methodology
The day after your methodology, you will come back to have your cloth wrap expelled. As of now, the Best Hair Transplant Surgeon in Delhi will likewise guarantee that your unions are recuperating appropriately and there are no entanglements. There ought to be insignificant torment and inconvenience as of now.
So as to guarantee legitimate recuperation throughout the following 3 days, there are some straightforward things which you ought to dodge. For one thing, don't get your scalp wet right now. At the point when you scrub down, wash just your body and stay away from your hair. Try not to smoke or drink liquor as this will meddle with your recuperating. Moreover, you ought to stay away from direct daylight as this can likewise limit mending and increment scarring.
You may likewise be offered prescriptions to forestall expanding and aggravation after a medical procedure. Indeed, even with the Hair Transplant Doctors in Delhi, a few patients will in general experience slight expanding around the brow and eyes. This isn't a reason for concern and should resolve itself inside 72 hours.
Laying down with your head raised will help decline any expansion. You can wash your head on the fourth day. Use infant cleanser and be delicate with your scalp. Tenderly wash your scalp with warm water and cautiously wipe it off with a delicate towel. You can rehash this procedure day by day as it will assist with shedding any scabbing.
Following a couple of days have passed, you are allowed to wear a free fitted and breathable cap to shield your scalp from the sun. Stay away from demanding activity and weight lifting during this period too and make a point to eat a fair and solid eating regimen that supports mending. You ought to likewise abstain from pools as the chlorine is hurtful to the touchy unions.
Weeks 1-3 weeks after your hair transplant technique
After the tenth day, you can start to wash your hair consistently and any scabbing should fall away. Your scalp may feel somewhat irritated as of now however please abstain from scratching it. Coldwater can help lighten any tingling securely.
In the 3 weeks following your hair transplant by Hair Transplant Doctors in Mumbai, you should keep on relaxing and dodge overwhelming activity, for example, running or weightlifting yet strolling and running is not an issue. Attempt to abstain from smoking and drinking liquor however much as could be expected to expand mending.
You should keep on abstaining from presenting your scalp to solid daylight and chlorinated water for 2-3 weeks after your medical procedure. You ought not to utilize styling items in the main week either, as the synthetic substances they contain may hurt your unions. None of these exercises will devastate your new hairs yet they will add to imperfect recuperating and surely influence your outcomes.
After the initial 10 days have passed, you can start to continue your ordinary hair care schedule. Stay away from unforgiving shampoos, for example, dandruff shampoos which can dry out your hair follicles. To guarantee legitimate mending, your unions must be sustained and fed continually. Expecting you follow your aftercare headings appropriately, the way that you had a hair transplant should be unnoticeable following 10-14 days.
What results would it be advisable for me to expect after my hair transplant?
After your hair transplant by Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Mumbai, it might take somewhere in the range of 6 to 10 weeks for your hair follicles to start developing observably. You may see some recently transplanted hairs dropping out right now. Try not to freeze, this is totally normal, as the hairs may drop out however the follicles will stay flawless. After the hairs have fallen, the follicles that were transplanted will start to create solid and solid hairs simply like the ones on the back and sides of your scalp.
In the event that you consistently color your hair to cover up turning gray, you can keep on doing as such following 30 days. Following a half year your hair ought to be sufficiently long to brush back and in many patients, completely developed inside 8 months. It shouldn't take longer than a year to consider unmistakable to be as most patients will have a full head of hair in 8-9 months. In the coming months, it is significant that you keep up legitimate hair wellbeing so as to expand your outcomes. Basic things, for example, including omega-3's and biotin supplements in your eating routine can help have any kind of effect in your hair wellbeing and amplify your outcomes.
On the off chance that you have any worries about your outcomes, don't stop for a second to get in touch with us whenever. We are here to assist you with augmenting your outcomes and guarantee that you feel sure and content with your treatment.
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aclmartsjaipur · 7 months
Subtitle 1: Looking for the best eye specialist in Delhi? Look no further! Here is a list of the top 10 eye doctors in Delhi, based on their experience, expertise, and patient reviews.
Subtitle 2: Whether you need a routine eye exam, treatment for a specific eye condition, or surgery, these eye specialists can provide you with the best possible care.
Subtitle 3: So, if you are looking for the best eye specialist in Delhi, be sure to check out this list!
Delhi is home to some of the best eye specialists in India. If you are looking for an experienced and qualified eye doctor to treat your eye condition, you have come to the right place.
Here is a list of the top 10 eye specialists in Delhi:
Dr. Mayank Bansal, MD AIIMS
Dr. Anshu Gupta, Senior Consultant Surgeon Cataract — MICS Phaco, LASIK and Anterior Segment
Dr. Vikas Thukral, Senior Consultant
Dr. Charu Mithal, Senior Consultant — Eye Care
Dr. D.K. Mehta, Senior Consultant
Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Senior Consultant
Dr. Nikhil Pal, Principal Consultant
Dr. Ranjit Verma, Principal Consultant
Dr. Rituraj Baruah, Senior Consultant
Dr. Neetu Gagneja, Senior Consultant
These eye specialists are highly qualified and experienced in treating a wide range of eye conditions, including:
Macular degeneration
Diabetic retinopathy
Retinal detachment
Corneal diseases
Pediatric ophthalmology
Ocular oncology
If you are looking for the best eye specialist in Delhi, be sure to check out this list. You can also read patient reviews online to get a better idea of which doctor is right for you.
Eye health is important, so it is important to find a qualified and experienced eye specialist to care for your eyes. If you are looking for the best eye specialist in Delhi, be sure to check out the list above. You can also read patient reviews online to get a better idea of which doctor is right for you.
To know more about the “Eye speclist in Delhi”, “best Eye speclist in Delhi, Gurugram, Noida, Faridabad, Jaipur, Lucknow, Chandigarh, Sonipat, Ludhiana”. We recommend you to visit the ACL Marts. To see the Industries’ best rated and top businesses in the Delhi, Gurugram, Noida, Faridabad, Jaipur, Lucknow, Chandigarh, Sonipat, Ludhiana.
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biotechtimes · 4 years
Lessons in science journalism from veteran Dr K S Jayaraman
New Post has been published on https://biotechtimes.org/2020/05/10/lessons-in-science-journalism-from-veteran-dr-k-s-jayaraman/
Lessons in science journalism from veteran Dr K S Jayaraman
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Dr. Killugudi S Jayaraman (born 1936) is a familiar name for several generations of scientists, policymakers and journalists in India. He is credited with founding the tradition of independent science reporting in Indian media. A qualified nuclear scientist as well as a trained journalist, Dr. Jayaraman first worked in the US but chose to return to India and worked in DRDO before joining premier news agency, the Press Trust of India (PTI) in 1973. He founded PTI Science Service, which became a trailblazer in science journalism and training ground for future budding science journalists. Dr. Jayaraman focused on investigative science reporting and got many scoops – unauthorized project on the genetic control of mosquitoes, racket in cornea transplants, illegal import of hop plants for beer making, Himalayan fossil fraud by Viswajit Gupta and so on.
As a long-time correspondent of Nature, Dr. Jayaraman played a critical role in placing Indian science on a global platform. In this interview with Dinesh C Sharma (Jawaharlal Nehru Fellow and founding Managing Editor, India Science Wire) who was trained under Dr. Jayaraman in PTI (1984-1990), Dr. Jayaraman recalls his early life and the journey in science journalism. Here are excerpts from the interview:
How did you shift from scientific research to science journalism?
I had an interest in writing from school days. While studying in the US, I had been occasionally writing science articles for The Hindu. The interest continued even after becoming a post-doc in Canada.  I remember having a long phone conversation with Professor Joseph Weber – who had developed the first gravitational wave detectors at the University of Maryland where I did my Ph.D. – for a story on gravitational waves that got published in The Hindu.
While working as a post-doc in the University of Manitoba, I was sent to Chicago to present a paper at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society in 1970. There, in the Press Room, I chanced meeting the science reporter of wire service, the Associated Press, who had come to cover the meeting. His name was Charles Gene McDaniels. I found him banging his typewriter in the Press Room. I told him that I also wanted to become a science reporter like him and asked for his advice.  “You are in the right place,” he told me. “About 10 miles from here is the Medill School of Journalism on the Evanston campus of Northwestern University. You can join that school, which is No.2 journalism school in the US.”  I  took his word seriously and took a train to Evanston the same day and met the dean of the Medill School and asked him if he would take me as his student for the one-year post-graduate (M.S.) course in journalism. “Not many have come to us after a Ph.D. in physics. Why you want to study journalism when you can report science without doing an MS,” he said. It took some effort to convince him that I wanted to learn all the tricks of the trade and fundamentals of reporting.
As part of practical training, I was also attached to a reporter of Chicago Tribune who used to take me in his car wherever he went. This gave me a chance to see how reporters work in the field. On one such round, he noticed that fire engines were missing from their usual depot. That raised a red flag: had they been called for duty?  He guessed it right. There was a huge fire in the neighborhood and he was the first to report from the site. This was a great lesson in reporting: always be alert and inquisitive.
You joined the Press Trust of India (PTI) in 1973. How was it to work in a news agency as a science reporter?
Scientists and science administrators are much more open today than the days when I started reporting science in PTI. This was a big downside. For example, though G.P. Talwar at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) had in 1972 successfully experimented with his novel birth control method on rats, he would not give more details for a story without the permission of the institute director. Eventually, permission was granted and the PTI story on a potential birth vaccine for women made global news. In the presence of an invisible wall between scientists and reporters, science conferences and journals were the main source for stories. Sometimes, there was a problem here too. I remember AIIMS scientist (Dr. O.P.Ghai)  who had published the harmful effects of the colors used during the Holi festival,  strongly objected to PTI coverage of his published findings on the ground it scared people. The Tight-mouthed science community, coupled with the absence of official news outlets and press officers in scientific institutions, proved to be a major handicap to reporters covering science.
What were the top science stories you broke in the early days?  
Some stories that come to my mind include the one on biological warfare implications of US-funded project on the genetic control of mosquitoes. Following the story, the matter was raised in the parliament and Public Accounts Committee (PAC) investigated the matter in 1975. It resulted in the closure of the project and the government’s decision to set up a task force to scrutinize proposals for all projects involving foreign collaboration. Then there was one that exposed a racket in cornea transplants in which some eye surgeons in India were making money by misusing corneas donated by the international eye bank of Sri Lanka.
I also wrote on illegal import of “hop” plants (used for beer making) infected with dangerous pests by Mallya’s brewery in Bangalore. This also led to a parliamentary inquiry and resulted in changes in the Plant Quarantine Act. Another expose related to in-patients and outpatients at AIIMS being used as guinea pigs for research. The AIIMS director Lalit Agarwal threatened to sue PTI but changed his mind when shown a photocopy of the medical record of one patient. After my reports exposing the Himalayan fossil fraud by Dr. Viswajit Gupta of Punjab University, he was dismissed. I also wrote on how a blind school in Delhi, in order to keep getting government grants, was preventing its students from getting free eye operation that would have restored their vision. Another expose that led to a parliamentary investigation by PAC was about genetically engineered mosquitoes for malaria control.
Science reporting has changed at the turn of the century with the internet, embargoed stories from scientific journals, etc. Any thoughts on this?
This has made the job of science reporters a lot easier as one can write stories from home unlike in the 1970s and the 1980s when reporters were mostly on the road or near telephones. Internet journalism, however, limits one to follow-up work done by others. It robs one the thrill of spotting a potential story and turning out an article after a lot of running around. Many story ideas come when you least expect them. Once I sighted two dead experimental rats, used syringes and cotton rolls in a dustbin outside a hospital during a walk. It forced me and a photographer friend to visit and take photos of trash sites outside many other hospitals in Delhi. We found rag pickers rummaging these places to recover reusable articles. The resulting story, headlined “How hospitals spread diseases”, highlighted the pitiable state of waste disposal and prompted authorities to set up incinerators in hospital premises.
You have also been instrumental in presenting Indian science to international audiences through your reportage for the Nature group of journals. When did this association begin?
It started in 1981 when Nature editor Sir John Maddox asked me if I could write about science and technology developments in India and subsequently I became its contributing correspondent. In 1998, Nature desired to bring out an India supplement. This resulted in “News India”, a quarterly publication, with myself as its editor. This publication was stopped in 2008 when Nature launched the online version. My long association during which Nature and its sister journals covered important S&T developments in India, now continues on-and-off.
How would you describe the present state of science journalism in India?
Thanks to the new generation of over-active science reporters, the coverage of Indian science by the media today has grown leaps and bounds. It is also a pleasure to note that many of those responsible for this growth had earlier been associated with PTI science service. Future is extremely bright for four reasons: (1)  Increasing number of talented graduates and post-graduates in science and engineering are embracing this profession — a trend that will improve the quality and domain of reporting; (2) government science agencies, in their own ways, are promoting science communication; (3) major newspapers are giving more space to science-related stories;  and (4) thanks to the digital age, scientists who used to be reticent in the past, are racing to become vocal and visible like never before.
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[Excerpted from the book “Raising Hackles: Celebrating the life of science journalist Dr. K S Jayaraman,” edited by Dinesh C Sharma, with permission. The Kindle edition of the book is available on Amazon.]
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icgcontentmkt · 4 years
Dr.Ritesh Anand
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“Liposuction is a promising solution for excess fat removal and has served great results in the cosmetic industry but the procedure is not for treating obesity but to remove excess fat for a better physique”~Dr.Ritesh Anand
Liposuction or lipoplasty is a surgical procedure for excess fat removal from various parts of the body. Liposuction treatment in Gurgaon is one of the most in-demand treatment among cosmetic procedures conducted in India. It removes fat deposits from the body which you are unable to get rid of through diet and physical workout. Research claims that the liposuction procedure is drastically on the rise over the last couple of years. According to recent statistics, around 18 million people opted for this minimally invasive surgical procedure Around 258,558 liposuction cases were handled in 2018. 
The smart lipo is an advancement in the liposuction which uses ultrasound energy to remove fat from the body through the gentle suction process The surrounding tissues are left intact, giving you the smooth contours you want with less pain and recovery time than traditional liposuction. Staying ahead in the technology has always been a part of La Midas’s ethos the smart lipo is available at La Midas.
  So, let’s know more
The most in-demand smart liposuction
Feel free to skip ahead if one topic catches your eye:
1. All you need to know about fat reduction technique
2. Am I the right candidate for liposuction
3. Is liposuction used to treat obesity
4. What all areas can liposuction treat
5. What is Smart Lipo
6. How is the Smart Lipo different from the traditional liposuction
7. What Should I know beforehand?
8. What is the downtime of the Liposuction procedure
9. Does liposuction leave scars
10. The best results are always in the hands of the practitioner
Know all about it from the cosmetic surgeon in Delhi ~Dr.Ritesh Anand
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All you need to know about fat reduction technique
Liposuction or lipoplasty is a cosmetic procedure for the removal of excess fat from specific parts of the body. It aims to remove fat deposits from the body which otherwise does not shed through diet and physical workout. Liposuction permanently removes fat cells from the body thereby, altering the overall appearance. The surgery is performed with the help of a hollow instrument known as cannula and aspirator. It is inserted under the skin. The surgery is usually carried out under general anesthesia.
According to researches, the liposuction procedure is on the rise from the past five years. According to statistics, around 18 million people have undergone the surgical procedure for liposuction. Around 258,558 liposuction surgeries were done in 2018. American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) has ranked liposuction among the top 5 cosmetic surgical procedures.
 Am I the right candidate for Liposuction
Liposuction is not a procedure for weight-loss. An individual who wishes to undergo liposuction usually has a stable body weight but aims to remove undesirable deposits of body fat in various parts of the body. In the first place, every individual should try to reduce weight with a controlled diet and exercise to remain healthy. Besides, liposuction is surely not for those individuals who are overweight or obese. However, a good candidate for liposuction includes:
·      A person within 30% of his or her ideal weight who has firm and elastic skin A person with no life-threatening illness or medical condition that can obstruct in healing
·      A person who does not smoke 
·      A person who does not consume tobacco-related products
·      A person with fat accumulation that doesn't go away with diet or exercise
·      A person with good skin elasticity and muscle tone
·      An individual with a positive attitude and specific goals for body enhancement
  Besides, lipoplasty can prove to be beneficial for people having extreme weight loss after obesity, lipomas, lymphedema, gynecomastia and lipodystrophy syndrome. Gynecomastia is a condition in which male breast tissue swells due to a reduction in testosterone or male hormones or increased female hormones known as estrogen. The cause of gynecomastia includes puberty, aging, medication, and health conditions that affect hormones. However, gynecomastia surgery results are instantly visible. The swelling resolves and incision lines fade within three to six months after surgery.
 Is liposuction used to treat obesity
Many a time, you might have come across some of the pre and post-procedure advertisements that show an obese person turned into a beach body. However, this is not reality. Through lipo, it is only possible to remove subcutaneous fat and not visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat is deposited below the epidermis layer of the skin. On the other hand, visceral fat accumulates inside the abdominal cavity and can cause serious health conditions which may be related to heart, blood pressure, obesity, etc.
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What all areas can liposuction treat
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The liposuction procedure is used to remove fat from various areas of the body that fail to respond to diet and exercise. The surgery can be used to treat fat accumulated around:
·      Upper arms
·      Abdomen
·      Buttocks
·      Calves and ankles
·      Chest and back
·      Hips and thighs
·      Neck
·      Chin
 What is Smart Lipo
Smart lipo, also known as ultrasound liposuction is an advanced procedure for removing undesired body fat and tightening saggy skin. In this, a single fiber is introduced in the body through a small hollow device known as a cannula. Your doctor performs the surgery to melt the fat away removing stubborn fat deposits and reshaping the body. Ultrasound liposuction eliminates sagginess and gives you a youthful appearance. The recovery time of smart liposuction is short in general. One can resume his work and normal activities within two to three days after the treatment.
During the procedure, the area to be treated is filled with a medicated solution. The fat cells are then treated with ultrasound energy and are removed from the body through a gentle suction process. The surrounding tissues are left intact, giving you the smooth contours you want with less pain and recovery time than traditional liposuction.
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                                             ACOUSTIC STREAMING                                      
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                                                     FAT REMOVAL
 How is the Smart Lipo different from the traditional Liposuction Treatment 
Both the cosmetic procedures aim to remove unwanted fat from the body. However, there are certain points that you should be aware of:
Technique: In traditional liposuction, the cannula is inserted through the skin to suck out excess fat. While smart liposuction uses different medical technology to yield the same result. It requires ultrasound energy assisted  liposuction that makes use of gentle suction to remove fat. It liquefies unwanted fat which causes less bruising as compared to the traditional method. 
Recovery Time: The recovery time of traditional liposuction is a longer than Smart lipo. In the case of traditional lipo, it may take up to six weeks while for smart lipo it takes hardly a couple of days to recover and get back to routine.
Minimally invasive body contouring:An alternative to the harsh techniques of traditional liposuction, Smartlipo is minimally invasive yet powerful enough to eliminate large areas of fat and gentle enough to treat more delicate areas.
Immediate and precise sculpting: Smart lipo removes visible amounts of fat immediately. Its a step-up from non-invasive procedures that rely on secondary reactions to reduce small amounts of fat over an extended time.
Treat Multiple Areas in a single procedure : Smart lipo can sculpt and shape multiple areas in a single procedure, including: jowls, chin and neck, abs, hips or love handles, male and female breasts, arms, back, buttocks or thighs, knees, calves or ankles.
Less Pain, Swelling and Downtime: Smart lipo is unique in its ability to target fat while leaving other important tissues intact, giving you the smooth contours you want with less pain and recovery time than traditional liposuction.
Know more from the video given below 
Video URL: https://youtu.be/kWdcglBjL1I
What should I know beforehand?
 Before you decide to go for liposuction, consult with your surgeon. Talk about the risks and benefits along with the costs associated with the procedure. If you decide to get a lipo, your surgeon will instruct you on how to prepare for it. These may include diet and avoiding alcohol. Do let your doctor know about any allergies or medications that you take along with over-the-counter herbal supplements. Blood thinners and painkillers need to be avoided several weeks before surgery. Besides, you need to know the risks and side effects of liposuction.
The major concern associated with every surgery is the patient's loss of blood as well as the risk of infection. In case, anesthesia is used during surgery, there may be remote chances of its adverse reaction as well. The risks involved are usually linked with the complexity of the surgery which includes:
·      Bruising: Also known as ecchymosis. Blood or bleeding under the skin 
·      Inflammation: Swelling may retain and fluid may continue to ooze from the incisions.
·      Thrombophlebitis: Blood clots may accumulate in veins causing inflammation.
·      Contour irregularities: If the skin is not elastic the wound heals in a usual manner. Also, if the fat removal is uneven, the appearance of the skin may be withered, wavy or bumpy.
·      Kidney and heart problems: During the surgery, the fluids are either injected or suctioned. The change in fluid levels of the body may cause kidney or heart-related problems.
·      Pulmonary embolism: The accumulated fat may enters the blood vessels and moves to the lungs. 
·      Skin burns: The cannula movement may cause friction burns to skin.
Therefore the Smart lipo is the best solution.it’s really important to consult an expert cosmetic surgeon while considering liposuction  as the best hands always lie in the hands of the practitioner.
 What is the downtime of the Liposuction procedure
After the surgery, swelling usually subsides within a few days and the site appears less bulky. Depending on the type of surgery, your doctor would decide the period for your stay in the hospital. However, bruising, swelling, and soreness of the treatment site may last for at least a few weeks.
Your surgeon may ask you to wear a compression garment initially for one or two months after surgery to control swelling. You'll probably also need to take some antibiotics to prevent infection. Most people can return to work within a few days and get back to normal activities within two to three weeks in general.
The results of the procedure are usually long-lasting provided the person maintains his or her
Health. Those who gain weight after the procedure may find variation in fat distribution. In general, it takes about two to three weeks to make a full recovery but the overall noticeable results might take up to six months.
 Does Liposuction leave scars
The procedure of Liposuction may cause scarring. This is because your surgeon might need to make small incisions to extract fat from the target body. However, the scars are a few millimeters in size and are created at discrete locations. These scars fade away with time and gradually disappear completely. Certain medications can remove the visibility of scars entirely. Also, irritation may occur around the incision site and the occurrence of baggy or rippling skin is also possible as temporary side effects of the surgery. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid rubbing the incision area.
Another unfavorable outcome of liposuction is bruising and ecchymosis. This happens immediately after the procedure and may worsen within seven to ten days. Bruising generally goes away by two to four weeks post-surgery. In rare cases, bleeding may occur from superficial veins damaged due to the surgery.
 The best results are always in the hands of the practitioner
Indeed, the results for any task or operation depend immensely on the practitioner. La Midas is an aesthetic and wellness center that offers an ultimate solution for weight –loss problem. We have handled several cases of liposuction with a high success rate. Dr. Ritesh Anand, one of the most experienced plastic surgeons of Gurgaon, has treated many individuals with the liposuction procedure. He is dynamic and hard-working and ensures complete satisfaction with his patients.
We would love to hear from you to know more call us on 80-76990954
Source URL: Best Liposuction Treatment and surgeon
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oliviathomas1 · 2 years
Motiyabind Operation in Delhi - ICLINIX
The motiyabind operation (cataract-removal Surgery) has been one of the safest and most performed surgeries. On the other hand, individuals frequently fear cataract surgery, which causes them to postpone their cataract removal. When a person is diagnosed with cataracts, they tend to have many questions.
Top retina specialist in Delhi is providing Diabetic Retinopathy treatment, Retina Laser surgery, and Cataract Surgery at Iclinix.
What exactly is a Cataract?
A cataract (safed motiya) is a clouding of the biological eye's lens. The lens is a transparent component within the eye that assists in focusing light entering the eye. As a result, eyesight is diminished when a cataract occurs. It's a normal aspect of growing older.
How can Cataract be avoided?
Although there is no scientific evidence that you can avoid cataracts, there are several things you may do to lower your risk.
Among them are:
●      Inspect your eyes regularly.
●      Consume a balanced and nutritious diet.
●      Stop smoking.
●      Reduce your alcohol consumption.
●      Maintain your diabetes in check.
●      When going out in the sun, use sunglasses.
The process of Surgery
●      The PHACO machine or blade will be used to make a small hole or incision.
●      The cataract lens would be eliminated and replaced with an artificial lens (IOL).
●      Because the hole or incision is so small, no stitches are necessary.
●      A bandage would be positioned over the eye to safeguard it after Surgery.
●      After some hours, the bandage or patch is withdrawn, as well as the patient is provided a set of black spectacles to use for protection.
●      The Surgery takes about 10 to 12 mins on average.
Which lens is best for replacing a cataract after Surgery?
Of course, the IOL you choose depends entirely on your lifestyle, preferences, and money. Monofocal lenses often focus your vision at just one distance—near, middle, or far. Monofocal IOL users usually use glasses when driving, particularly at night. Multifocal IOLs and Accommodative Lenses are created to assist you in seeing properly at all distances, including close, middle, and far. Most patients who opt for Multifocal IOLs do not require glasses for distant or near activities. When you have astigmatism, however, toric IOLs are an option.
What is the average lifespan of cataract lenses?
The hazy natural lens is substituted with a synthetic Intraocular Lens (IOL) undergoing cataract surgery, which normally lasts a lifetime.
How to Get Rid of Cataracts Without Surgery?
That's unthinkable! Nevertheless, eating good foods, not smoking, plus avoiding alcohol intake can help slow the growth of Cataracts.
How long should you rest following cataract surgery?
Everybody recovers at their speed and has distinct needs. Cataract surgery usually results in a short recovery, and most people who operate in administrative positions can return to work practically immediately. It should, nevertheless, be reviewed with your surgeon.
Cost of Cataract
The expense of Surgery is solely determined by the technology used to conduct the cataract surgery, the intraocular lens inserted in the eye, and the surgeon's experience and skill. The price of treatment for insured and uninsured patients is different. Patients on the Government Panel Pay a Different Price.
Best eye hospital in south Delhi
Best Retina Treatment and Surgery in Gurgaon by a leading Retina surgeon in Delhi, Dr. Varun Gogia, at Iclinix is here now. Iclinix has the most advanced phacoemulsification and laser machines for cataract surgery. Their hospital's skilled cataract surgeons are extremely qualified and experienced in handling any cataract surgery.
Cataract surgery is painless, stitch-free, and injection-free. This is a daycare procedure that does not necessitate hospitalization. The Surgery takes about 15 minutes. Patients are seen the next day. The patient can resume everyday activities a day after surgery, such as watching television, using cell phones, and reading books. The best
Retina specialist in Gurgaon, Dr. Varun Gogia, at Iclinix
offers you the best retina treatment services at affordable costs. It is well equipped with highly experienced staff that will smoothly take you through your cataract surgery. Post-operation care is appropriately guided.
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