#To be fair they're all pretty gross jerks
majorxmaggiexboy · 2 years
Update: the terror book is not less scary than the show. I'm only going to be able to tackle this thing in small doses 😅
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adracat · 10 months
GWitch 23 thoughts
Sorry for the wait on this, I had to rewatch a few times to really drink in everything that was going on. I didn't have the best knee-jerk reaction initially ( I enjoyed it ofc but was a bit ambivalent about some things) and wanted to give it a fair shake.
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First up, seeing Suletta zip around like the ace pilot she is was quite rewarding and fun! Now all those auto-pilot rumors can be laid to rest. However, the circumstances weren't the best and it broke my heart she was gasping for air the entire time. I had no doubt she'd live but it's still miserable to witness that
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Ah Lauda. Your tomfoolery knows no bounds. We knew this was coming after the last ep, but it's still a bit frustrating. On a technical narrative level, it works since we're seeing two sets of siblings confront their simmering tension with one another. On a personal level, I wasn't very amused. I first saw this at 4 in the morning and had no patience for Lauda lmao. But rewatching it a few times gave me a deeper appreciation for what's going on. He's really intent on scapegoating Mio for everything wrong in his life. Fitting for her role as the Rose Bride and Lauda's demonized witch
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This little aside from Chuchu is so suspicious tbh. Considering Mio's failure at piloting, this seems to imply either she does not have a permet implant of any sort or a flat intolerance. I have a sneaking suspicion it'll become a factor in the next episode.
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Mio staring wistfully at Cool-san/etc memento of Suletta will always grab me by the throat. Girl wants to wife up Suletta so bad. And really, who could blame her?
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Schwarzette is so pretty and cool. Unfairly so. Like, why did you make that thing so unique and cool? For dipstick Lauda?? Who is that pink permet for and why does it look like Utena??? ANSWER ME OKOUCHI
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That's nice of Delling to rise from his sickbed to try and negotiate with the SAL. Unfortunately, this would be for naught because they're here to purge and replace. Not make nice. It was the thought that counts, I suppose.
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Speaking of, the debut of a solar ray blindsided me. I mean, yeah it's Gundam, but I kinda thought we were skipping the big death ray lmao. After sitting on it, I think I know where it's headed. Totally on brand for SAL too in hindsight. They like to act removed, but they're just as entrenched as Benerit in the skeevy corpo politics. Allying with Ochs and now Peil cements it
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Check the link above to see my Utena related thoughts on this moment btw. It might be the highlight of the episode beyond the Prospera confrontation. Stunned they finally stopped playing coy and seemingly confirm Notrette is indeed a GUND entity residing in pseudo hell, and likely a GWitch newtype like Eri
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This was very sweet and I enjoy it more on a rewatch but I also understand why I and so many people had a gut-deep aversion to this subplot. The issue is entirely investment based imo, and tbh I just don't care that much about the Jeturk family dynamics. At best, I don't mind them. Guel is a bro but Lauda is SO exhausting on multiple levels. His misogyny and gross negligence of Petra in favor of revenge doesn't help.
If something came of this other than Lauda/Guel sibling closure, I'd consider it fulfilling. But if you lack investment in the conflict, it's going to feel limp or frustrating in comparison to the siblings you want to see. So while I appreciate the parallel with Suletta/Eri and the continuing subtext of witch coded Mio, that's it for me. But hey, it serves a purpose. A tragic cycle was broken after all, thanks to love and MVP Felsi!
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The one big gripe I have after consideration is this man's continued existence. Kenanji doesn't deserve to play buddy buddy with the cast. He's a dirty space cop who bullies children and murdered Nadim, now he's joking with 5lan? The hell. I get the theme of the show is forgiveness and not perpetuating the cycle of revenge but... really? KENANJI gets to be happy but Norea/Sophie don't? Sigh
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It was so dirty of Eri to use Suletta's love for Mio against her. She knows Suletta would panic over their mother possibly 'gaining two'. It's crafty and unrepentant, but Suletta holds fast. Her faith in Mio is greater than her idle fears
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Mio scolding Prospera over her favoritism was great. We love a fiancé willing to take a stand against her shit in-laws. Speaking of, looks like Mio has fully embraced becoming a Mercury one day. 'All of us will be family' YEAH YOU WILL so suck it up Prospera. The holidays are gonna be so awkward
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Btw love Mio was shouting at her while having an emotional breakthrough deciphering her mother's QZ riddle. This moment was excellent and easily superceded my minor gripes. UGH when will you reveal Notrette's whole deal GWitch? We're waiting
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Such a bittersweet moment. We know from the Blessing and Cradle Planet that Eri loves her sister but it may not have been until this moment that Suletta understands her feelings. Now, I don't think she's 'dead' tbh. Or deader anyway. I suspect it's a false flag to hook you until the finale. It would be quite anti-climactic if she passed without a proper goodbye. I'm still holding out on a Tempest end where Prospera voluntarily sets her free.
The next Sunday will be our last. Hard to believe tbh. Feels like just yesterday we set out on this spectacular journey. Que sera sera! I'll see y'all in the finale~
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deadbydangit · 10 months
Hii! I've sent in requests before and I hope it's okay to send more. ^^
How about a survivor who was made into a killer by the entity after they were rejected by the other survivors? Could be because they were too nice and sympathetic with the killers, or they saw them as not good enough. S/o is pretty deppressed after the transformation and is scared to approach the killers since they're afraid of rejection.
This with maybe Ghostface, Legion (Any member is fine!), Leon, Huntress, and Wraith? You can remove any or add any if you'd like!! Thank you! ❤
Absolutely. You're so sweet. Requests help this blog stay afloat .I hope I don't disappoint. I had to think a bit more about this one.
With a depressed Reader who was a survivor but was turned into a killer.
Ghostface, Legion (Joey), Leon, Huntress, Wraith
Sick! Fresh meat!
The more killers the better.
But you're still afraid of him.
Not like he can kill you anymore.
Then again, he could see the other survivors treating you like shit.
He remembered you in trials.
You actually apologized for hitting him with a pallet.
He still killed you, but was less intense about it than he would other survivors.
You were rejected by the other survivors.
So maybe you're afraid of being rejected by the killers too?
Danny"s not great at the feely nice stuff.
But he'll get Sally to explain it to him.
Once it makes enough sense, he'll be approaching you.
He makes sure you know he's there. No sneaking.
He'll even stand back if it makes you calmer.
He may be kind of an ass, but killers stay united.
Slowly but surely he's going to build your trust and confidence.
He's going to teach you the basics.
Those survivors are going to regret messing with you.
Then he's going to have these gross mushy feelings about you.
Yeah, Sally's going to have to help him again.
You two make a great duo.
God help any survivors that were partially nasty to you.
Legion (Joey)
If you don't have a place to stay, Ormond is open.
You're a killer now. You don't have to worry.
Killers are family. You don't hurt family.
You don't seem to understand that yet.
It was Susie who first noticed how hesitant you were to approach.
The others soon realized why; the survivors were jerks to you.
Probably because you were so nice to the killers.
While Frank and Julie didn't seem to care, it was Joey who stepped up.
He never felt like he fit in anywhere.
He felt sympathy for your situation.
It took him a while to approach you.
Lots of peace offerings: snacks and sodas were what he thought was appropriate.
He's trying.
After talking for a few hours, lots of tears and demolishing all the snacks, you finally could place your trust in someone.
He then realized how alike you both were. How he wanted you to be by his side.
He always has his arm around you. You're important to him.
"Was it that survivor who shoved you? Want me to gut them?"
And he will. Because he loves you that much.
Leon S Kennedy
Leon was the only one who didn't reject you.
He could never do that to someone as kind and peaceful as you.
But you're gone now.
At least, that's what he thought.
Seeing you in a trial as a killer!
No, it couldn't have been you.
"(S/O) is... Is that you?"
It is!
He's overjoyed to see you alive.
But seeing what you've been turned into.
It breaks his heart.
In the middle of that trial, he's going to throw his arms around you.
You won't even have time to hide or run from him.
A few little sobs will echo in his voice.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I'm sorry I didn't help you more."
It wasn't fair! None of this was!
He wouldn't outright harm any of the other survivors.
But... Maybe he'll mess up the generator by "accident" and lead the killer over.
Maybe run a little slower to unhook.
You may be a killer now, but that isn't going to stop him from loving you.
He doesn't care what the others say. He loves you.
Oh, you were that really nice survivor.
The one who stayed by her when she was hit in the head.
She wasn't hurt, but you wanted to make sure she was okay.
The other survivors used you as a shield.
It took her a moment to realize it was you.
So you were on their side now.
That's wonderful! She never liked having to hunt you down.
But you don't seem happy.
She doesn't really understand why someone wouldn't want to change sides when others were so cruel to you.
Until she realized that you weren't afraid of killing, you were afraid of rejection.
If that's the case, don't worry.
Anna will make you feel welcome.
She is going to kidnap you and bring you into her hut.
Food, shelter, safety. You can absolutely stay with her.
Don't be afraid. You're a killer now.
Your kindness as a survivor was remembered.
Now prepared to be dotted on and loved by someone who really cares.
You. You're the survivor who still saw the human in him.
You treated him like a person when no one else did.
After a particularly bad trial, you stayed behind to comfort him.
Even taking a dive and dying for him.
You're a killer now.
He was relieved to see that you weren't thrown into the void.
And your kindness to the survivors?
Unnoticed. Disgusting. They treated you worse than trash.
How dare they!
He treated those who hurt you the most callously and more brutally.
He knows the pain of betrayal. How lost he felt when someone he trusted betrayed him.
He won't let you go through that alone.
He can't speak anymore, so finding a way to reach you was hard.
In order to make an impression, he handed you his little bell.
The bell his father gave Philip to ring when he was afraid and needed help.
You didn't quite understand until you rang the bell and he gently took hold of your hands.
You'd be safe. You'd be welcome.
He wasn't going to let you be afraid. He'll always be close by.
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freshairforrabbits · 6 months
any anti-problematic community/"problematic" community itself
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i think only in cat pictures srry
Oh my god, I love all your cat pictures ❤️😂 and shit, yeah, to be fair they can totally both look like the cats on the left, I have witnessed some things in my wonky wobbly time on the Internet. But the people simply enjoying art and enjoying their friends art without shaming them for what they read, create, or find creative satisfaction in are truly the best ❤️ the right picture is how human creation should be; not a competition, not a moral grandstanding, but like coming around a table to share and indulge in each other's cooking, loving brewed teas, and passing big bowls and plates of food around-- deciding if something is to their taste and if not, they happily pass it over to someone who would enjoy it far more rather than decide it shouldn't be enjoyed by anyone at all because cranberry sauce is too bitter and icky for them.
We were meant to share and support each other, not walk on eggshells and virtue signal to our so-called friends that Look! Look! We're the Good Ones. People are going to hate you for pretty much anything you do, someone out there will hate you for the smallest, innocuous thing, they'll think you're horrible and awful and undeserving for just existing, so the best you can do is prop up your friends, even their artistic interests you don't understand, even the ways in which you can't figure out how they can stomach certain storylines. It's not productive to try and understand everything and everyone. It's not productive to train yourself to have knee jerk reactions to certain words, to be hyper vigilant of every miniscule detail, of trying to weed out Us from Them when the lines blur so fucking much. When I know for a fact people who condemn works like mine are the very ones to read them, to read my fiction and claim it's somehow a cut above the rest, that it does it all "right"-- which it doesn't, it's not, it's ugly and raw and it feels slimy and unproductive to know people hold stories like pretty boy snuff film up against others.
And in the same breath it's not productive to allow your triggers or discomforts to dictate the decisions of others (insert all of groupthink throughout history and today here).
I hope for people to one day be able to have the image on the right and that they move away from friends who would stab them in the back given half the chance. I hope that the people who read my fics and enjoy them and discuss them with their friends, who have to be so, so careful about what they say and feel as if they're being watched, stalked, and made to curb their most honest reactions and feelings– I hope they too find people who will let them speak openly and without fear of unfounded retaliation.
I hope for everyone to be able to share themselves wholly and completely, their darkest works and their thoughts included; how else are we gonna learn to grow and shape ourselves, y'know? How else can we learn to relate with others without being honest with ourselves.
Get freaky with it. And find people who support your work for you, not for the act of doing it all good or right, but for doing it bad and not giving a fuck. For fucking up grammar, for fucking up spelling, for getting gross and weird and wrong and complicated. For feeling safe and secure in your ability to create and your ability to share as you were meant to.
There are people out there; you don't gotta stick with assholes who'd sell you for a corn chip and some Purity Points. Keep looking and keep making ❤️
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
This clip made me uneasy
It's from life during wartime and she's in that band too and that's how Sherry feels she feels like the baby is coming out and I got to get out of there and drop it on its head and that's what she's saying and it's very crude
It is crude we don't need that baby to come out perfectly formed probably will
She does mean the whole shebang and no one's going to be able to tell it's such a mess
Thor Freya you do have news but it's getting pretty late and you just got to get up early but we can drop a couple the cars are being hard fought over but we do think that they're going to move big groups are going to move them when it's more or less stupid and it's tepid and it'll stop and move and stop it's like delivering something to him and it's going to come down the first one by Lily they say and we're saying that she's not into it that's true she's filming this carnival that's really nothing to it there's nothing to say and she's saying this is our act and that's all it is and we're going to be gone some piece of poop in the surface and she heard about what was going on as Frank to come back but no they said it can come and go and I brush jerks about it.
So you don't expect her to come down or Sherry or Ronald and we're saying Ronald to be Rudy will be dead and Sherry will be gone and Uncle Frank and you're wondering about the car and how will it get down there and who will bring it and it's kind of simple other people and they will bring it to her son and hope for the best okay in other words they will try and say they're sticking him with the car and yeah it's probably trumpsters and after he dies. They're saying that Ronald be really attacked Ernie and the I want to say our son is attacking Ronald and has his car and they're trying to get it here already and it's the clones . That is why they attack Trump and disintegration it is to have them take the sun had it done of course doesn't work so good. Right now they're going for the car and the main reason is because of how that car is built it is a unitized body and when you lift it it's a big electromagnet from a ship usually the people inside are not affected there's only a few vehicles like it and they don't stamp cars and one piece because of it it sounds gross but people rather have their people fry then I have some captured and our son would rather have them cash it captures and we would enforce infiltrate even the people who are grabbed could destroy the idiots. And it is a big deal this particular post. So they want to try and grab our son and it's the clothes and later on people figure out the empire keeps on doing it and they're trying different vehicles and pulling up different vehicles and it is a bizarre thing that they're fun to be doing it but Tommy f wants to kidnap him for some reason it also acts as a fair day cage and they want to do that and kind of sick of people bothering you them about it when the roof was put up a lot of people who get angry and one of them was Tommy f and it's over this place having a bird and yelling and stuff from across the street you heard and why don't you f*** off and say leave me he says what do you mean it's the second hear you all the time and you're a little baby soon as you do stupid s*** all day long and you're exposed and you're getting your head beating and Tommy g says I'm not supposed to say this but you're right that we suck and and your dead, Jason gets up and says no you are and stay behind your shield are we going to shoot you and Tommy f shot like five times after he started yelling and complaining for the next few days to get shot that's only been a few days. There's a few people who had to shoot him and he's going to get shot more this prick has to go down. And he goes up and he gets the car and he forces it here more or less and people are saying okay we will have to die and Tommy f is the one doing it. And I said was pretending to miss some words and being intercepted with single and Hera is helping he says.
-(-+the planet Mars is where they think we're going to move Hera to and their ability they are building a enclosure that goes around Mars and that is what Eson the searcher destroys. And it's an important message. And we do intend to move her there first. (+-
I get your message and I understand it'll be a huge fight everyday and there's one here so I can do it a little bit nervous about it but I'm going to be a lot helped and I'll have security and safety and they can move me somewhere safer Hera says
Here at Mars we have several locations that are safer and they have natural barriers and their proven to be in perishable in penetrable by the weapons they have even the mega basis the current ones the empire has are not enough to penetrate it and they hit Target it but if they could they don't have the firepower Zig Zag
Okay okay and I heard that Venus is kind of vulnerable because of the size so I am getting ready for the move and I do see that that is built and made to go around Mars and it's made by the empire Hera says
It is our duty to protect you and it is true that they're making this enclosure to go around Mars and it's also true that this monster destroys it and they're going to have to go do something else Zig Zag
Very pleased to announce I know what the monster is and who's doing it and I approve it Hera says
Good we proceed Hera
We have room on Mars and there's reasons for it and our son and daughter are thinking it's probably a lot more game and it's not as much on Saturday and it's too much it's abrupt and it's too much at stake and a lot of parties can't get there and we might be doing stuff and the last one hit them back with her and he said I plan to do that and the empire has a plan she got really mad at him since why does he keep saying different stuff and he said and he I said he'd rather have you on Saturn and she said oh The impossible dream and that's true. And it is what's going to happen real soon and these Max are pissed off and stuff like that
Thor Freya
I know when it is it's coming up pretty quick and it is very soon
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jungshookz · 3 years
miss cee pd i have a request!!!! how about e2l tae x y/n but they're in law school and they're always arguing and debating inside and outside of the classroom and tae being a little shit is like "you wanna kiss me so bad" and they both don't realise that there's mistletoe above them which jimin put because he was tired of watching them constantly argue and wanted to fiZzle the tension hehe and then they KITH,, i hope this isn't too long aha
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➺ pairing; kim taehyung x reader
➺ genre; sfw!! enemies to lovers!! everyone’s in law school!! mostly y/n and taehyung bickering with each other and wanting to jump each other’s bones at the same time
➺ wordcount; 4.3k
➺ what to expect; “don’t flatter yourself. i would rather throw myself into oncoming traffic than kiss you, kim taehyung.”
                                     »»————- ❄ ————-««
“-now, the particular case study that was assigned to our group involves a civil action for medical negligence and a criminal prosecution for gross negligence manslaughter, which means that there are seven elements that we need to hit when we’re acting out our simulation next class,” you explain, flipping to the next page of your notebook with a flick of your wrist, “firstly, the client - jimin - must be interviewed so that we may determine the facts that surround the claim/prosecution. secondly, we need to draft witness statements - from hoseok and namjoon - and assess the legal efficacy of said statements. thirdly, we must assess the propriety of police interrogation from officer jungkook of the defend-”
you pause when a crumpled piece of paper lands by your left foot and you clear your throat quietly before stepping over it and continuing to pace back and forth at the front of the classroom
your eyes skim over your scribbled words as you try to relocate your place
here we are
“-ant, seokjin, through all transcripts along with the custody record. fourthly, we move on to assessing the reports that have been produced by the forensic experts-”
another balled-up piece of paper hits your foot and your head immediately snaps upwards from your book before you twist around to face the room
“would you cut that out, please?” you snap, already feeling your blood pressure starting to rise from a single glance at taehyung’s smug face
“what? i didn’t know how else to get your attention!” he hums, his arm dangling in the air with a floppy wrist, “my arm’s been up for the past three minutes, and you would’ve known that if you didn’t have your nose buried deep in your book.”
the reminder that you wouldn’t last a day in prison keeps you from lunging forward to wrap your hands around taehyung’s neck and you press your lips together to stop yourself from saying anything too crass
the last thing you need is for some professor to walk past the classroom while you’re cussing up a storm
your self-control has really been put to the test ever since you met taehyung
after all this time, you still don’t know what the guy’s deal is
he’s been a pain in your ass since day one
and for what??
for WHAT?!
at first you just thought that being a complete prick was just his weird version of being charismatic, but then you realised that he wasn’t being charming at all and he was really, truly, genuinely being a straight-up asshole
and, for the record, you’ve tried several times in the past to try to make things better but nothing’s worked
you said that he looked nice in his suit = he told you to stop looking at him like a piece of meat
you asked him how he did on the midterm exam = he told you that it was his right to keep that piece of information private and that you were being a snake by even asking about it
you said happy birthday to him = he said, and you quote, “yeah. it was until you got here.”
the point is, you’ve waved many white flags of surrender and extended many, many olive branches to no avail
at this point you’re pretty sure taehyung just gets off on being a jerk to you
and it’s not fair because it’s literally just you that he picks on constantly
at first you thought that maybe he was just threatened by your presence because you made it pretty clear from day one that you weren’t here to play around
powerful women are intimidating!
you totally get it.
…but then you overheard him offering rosé some studying tips and you even saw him help wendy carry her books for her and everyone knows that rosé and wendy are two of the smartest girls in the class, so why wasn’t he threatened by them?
the point is, he doesn’t treat anyone else in the class like this except for you and you can’t seem to figure out why!
what makes it even more frustrating is the fact that his stupid face is very nice to look at, so whenever he’s being mean to you, your dumb girl hormones drown out the sound of his rich, honey-like voice and place floating pink hearts around his head instead
“i’m so sorry i wasn’t paying attention to you, mr. kim.” you force out before gesturing to the notebook cradled in the crook of your arm, “see, all my notes are in here and i’m just trying to make sure that i don’t miss out on any details,” you point out, “and… i thought i said to save your questions for the end, did i not?”
“did you? i guess i wasn’t listening. sorry, sweetheart.” taehyung chirps, folding his arms and leaning forward on his desk, “anyway- don’t you think it’s a little unfair that you get to play the hotshot lawyer in this simulation?”
“everyone gets a turn to be the lawyer - last week, it was jungkook. this week, it’s me. everyone gets a shot to play the hotshot lawyer because our roles rotate.” you shake your head in disagreement, “how am i being unfair?”
“you assigned yourself, like, the coolest case study.” taehyung scoffs, leaning back against his seat and crossing his arms, “i mean… medical negligence and a criminal prosecution for gross negligence manslaughter?” his left brow arches before he turns his head slightly, “jungkook, what was your case study on again?”
“my client parked in a no-parking zone!” jungkook beams, nodding to himself, “i didn’t mind getting that case, though. it was actually pretty fu-”
“you hear that, y/n?” taehyung turns his head back to face you before gesturing behind him, “jungkook also thinks his case was boring as hell- his client parked in a no-parking zone and you get to deal with corrupt doctors and accidentally-but-not-really-accidentally-run-over-by-a-car pedestrians.”
your jaw clenches in frustration and you resist the urge to take a heel off and bash taehyung’s skull in with it
being forced to wear nice shoes to school would be so much better if you were allowed to commit cold-blooded murder with them
“well, that was last week’s case, so even if jungkook thought it was boring…” you pause, turning to set your notebook down on the front desk before twisting back around, “he’s already had his turn. and now it’s my turn!”
“you could’ve given me this case.”
“oh, please.” you snort, rolling your eyes before leaning against the front desk, “you wouldn’t have been able to handle a case this big. this has my name written all over it.”
taehyung scoffs, rolling his eyes, “the only reason why it has your name written all over it was because you grabbed it with your grubby little raccoon hands before anyone else had the chance to-”
“i-!” you pinch the bridge of your nose before letting out a laugh of disbelief, “oh my god, i refuse to have this conversation with you again, taehyung- for the last time, it was a first-come-first-serve situation, and you probably could’ve gotten this case if you weren’t so busy watching netflix in class-”
“you guys-” namjoon clears his throat, his shoulders drooping when the two of you ignore him, “…never mind.”
this always happens
you guys somehow always find something to argue about no matter what
in fact, namjoon’s convinced that you guys could sit in complete and utter silence and still find something to fight over
“how long do you think the argument will last this time?” yoongi leans over, “i bet you ten bucks it’ll last longer than last week’s fight.”
“no way! last week’s fight was half an hour long-” hoseok chimes in, “…they can’t possibly argue for longer than thirty minutes… can they?”
“remember that time they fought over a sandwich?” jungkook sighs, leaning his cheek against his fist, “that was a forty minute argument.”
“they fought over a sandwich?” jimin frowns, turning to glance towards the front, “what was there to even argue about??”
“y/n said that the spread was dijon mustard and taehyung said it was horseradish mustard,” seokjin purses his lips, “…i actually ordered the same sandwich and i’m pretty sure it was just regular ol’ yellow mustard… but i’m too afraid to tell either of them they’re wrong about it.”
“oh my god-” jimin scoffs, “forty minutes arguing about mustard?? really??”
“yep! i even recorded the whole thing just because it’s actually pretty interesting listening to two people scream about mustard so passionately for so long,” jungkook pulls his phone out of his back pocket, the rest of the boys scooting in closer to his desk, “by the time we finish watching the video, they’ll… probably be done arguing with each other. maybe.”
“-ow thick is your skull, taehyung? were you dropped on your head as a baby??” you scowl, “if i was a teacher’s pet like you say i am, then i would’ve sweet-talked my way out of being in a group with you. also, you know what? i wasn’t going to bring this up, but the only reason why we’re here during christmas break is because it was your idea to practice during the holidays-”
“yeah! you get to practice your big show in a huge, empty classroom without getting nervous about someone overhearing you practice speaking in your dumb, professional lawyer voice-” taehyung gestures around at the spacious atmosphere, “if this is your way of being thankful to me, you have an awfully funny way of showing it-”
“do you know what i could be doing right now if i wasn’t here?” you scowl, placing your hands on your hips as you glare at taehyung
“hm, let me think…” he hums, leaning back against his chair before kicking his legs up onto his desk, “bending over and trying desperately to pull the fat stick out of your ass?”
jimin sits up a little straighter as he peers over the top of namjoon and seokjin’s heads to check and see if you and taehyung are done arguing yet
your ears are turning red and there’s an animalistic, frenzied look behind your eyes, so... nope. definitely not done yet.
after all this time, he still doesn’t know why you guys fight the way that you do
it’s like you enjoy pushing each other’s buttons and irritating each other until one of you inevitably snaps (you’re usually the first one to fall off the rocker because taehyung is alarmingly good at being irritating)
“ooh, hold on-” jungkook grins, pointing to the screen before whacking jimin’s arm in rapid smacks, “my favourite part is coming up, you have to pay attention-”
jimin looks away from you two and back down at the screen
“-the low acidity liquid gives dijon mustard that intensified heat and the classic pungent flavour which is very obvious in this sandwich!” you exclaim, peeling the top slice of bread off to reveal the inside, “and look at that colour! that is literally dijon mustard-”
“okay, fine! it’s dijon mustard.” taehyung responds while inspecting his nail beds
“no, you’re not listening to- wait… did you just agree with me?”
“yeah!” he sighs, crossing his arms, “the mustard used in your sandwich is dijon mustard. and also, the sky is green-”
“oh my god, you piece of-!”
jimin looks up again when he hears your voice rise a couple of octaves
this is the part of the argument when your ‘i’m-fine-don’t-touch-me-I’M-FINE’ voice comes out
“wow! you are-” you laugh, shaking your head as you lean down and place your hands flat on the surface of taehyung’s desk “you really are something else, kim taehyung. i-!”
you let out a yelp of surprise when taehyung suddenly reaches over and yanks at a section of your hair
“ow!” you whack his hand away before flicking your hair over your shoulder, “wha- what the hell was that for?!”
taehyung doesn’t flinch at your aggressive tone and he looks up at you, completely unfazed, before giving a half-hearted shrug
“it was hanging, like, right in front of me. i couldn’t not pull on it.”
“well, your tie is right there but you don’t see me reaching over and pulling on it to strangle you because it’s right in front of me-”
“oh, threatening to choke me, are we?” taehyung hums, “i’m suddenly feeling very unsafe. should i get one of the guys to call campus security for my protection, miss y/n?”
“do you guys think we should break things off?” seokjin glances over his shoulder at the escalating scene, “ideally, i’d like for this to not turn into a how to get away with murder scenario…”
jimin narrows his eyes slightly as the gears click-click-click away in his head, leaning back against his seat and reaching up to tap at his chin
there’s something about this situation that’s reminding him of something but he can’t quite put his finger on it
“oh my god, you are such a child-!”
jimin’s eyes suddenly widen in realization, a lightbulb appearing at the top of his head
does taehyung like y/n?
oh, wow
taehyung has a full-blown crush on you!
how could he not have noticed this before?!
taehyung is literally the bratty little boy pulling on your pigtails because he doesn’t know how else to get your attention on this playground!
a comment from a former conversation with you briefly flits through jimin’s mind as he continues staring at the two of you in awe
he doesn’t remember how exactly you guys started talking about it, but he does remember you saying these words to him:
“i mean… yeah. of course i think taehyung’s attractive. maybe in another universe where he’s not bullying me 24/7, i would be more open to admitting to myself that i might have a slight crush- i-i mean, i- what did we say we were going to get for lunch today?? sandwiches?? we should get sandwiches, the place is right here-”
how could he have forgotten you said that to him?!
it’s like he finally has his hands on the missing puzzle piece... and it’s up to him to finish this puzzle!
“i have a plan.” jimin whispers to himself before reaching over to grab onto jungkook’s wrist, “i know what i have to do!”
“huh?” jungkook frowns in confusion, pausing the video before looking over at him, “what are you talking about?”
“just-” jimin gets up from his seat quickly, the chair screeching against the floor, “just make sure they don’t stop arguing with each other while i’m gone because i might take a while to find what i need-”
“you know, i don’t think that’s going to be an issue,” yoongi snorts, everyone looking towards the front to see you glaring at taehyung like you want to rip his heart out of his chest and eat it raw, “check out that throbbing vein in y/n’s forehead.”
“forget about her forehead vein-” jungkook shakes his head, “has no one else noticed how tightly taehyung clenches his asscheeks whenever he’s pissed? those trousers do not hide anything.”
everyone’s eyes immediately gravitate down to taehyung’s ass, hoseok and seokjin bursting into giggles at the sight
“what the fuck is your problem?!” you scream, taehyung’s eyes widening at your sudden outburst, “you’ve treated me like shit from day one and i’ve literally done nothing wrong!”
“okay! i think we should all just take a step back and take a deep breath…” namjoon gets up from his seat slowly, “it’s getting a little intense-“
“nothing wrong?! oh yeah, because you’re little miss perfect-” taehyung spits out, “don’t play dumb, you know exactly what you did!”
“what did i-!” you throw your hands up into the air, “please, i am begging you to tell me what the horrible thing is that i did that made you decide i was public enemy number one-”
“i heard you talking shit about me at the very beginning of the semester when you didn’t even know me! we’d never met and you didn’t even bother trying to get to know me before you formed your own opinion of me based on the way i looked-” taehyung snaps, “you said that i looked like an entitled, obnoxious frat-boy who didn’t even know left from right and only made it to law school because his daddy gave the school a generous donation- so if we’re really going to talk about who the real asshole is in this room, i would suggest re-evaluating-”
you feel the blood drain from your face at the reminder of what you said about taehyung on the first day of class
okay, yeah, you... might have said that stuff, but it was only because the other people you were sitting with at the time said stuff like that and... and you were so desperate to find a group of cool law-school friends that you were totally willing to say and do anything they wanted you to do or say!
it obviously didn’t work because you don’t sit with them anymore, so...
yeah, it was a bad move to talk shit about taehyung like that without even having spoken one word to him, but if this proves anything... it’s that peer pressure is dangerous!
“well, why didn’t you just-” you stammer, feeling your face starting to heat up from embarrassment, “why didn’t you just tell me about this earlier? we could’ve nipped it right in the bud-”
“i much prefer the bullying because the feeling i get after seeing the defeat in your eyes is equivalent to a full-body orgasm-”
“oh my god, you sick freak-”
“uh, you guys-” namjoon cuts in again, holding his finger up, “can i just s-”
“okay, fine!” you raise your hands in surrender, “i’m sorry, alright? i’m really sorry. what i said about you was shitty, but i don’t see how bullying me for months on end was a good solution-”
“can you two shut u-”
“oh, i never said it was a good solution, y/n,” taehyung purses his lips, “like i said - i just did it because it was fun-”
“guys, if i could just get one word in-”
“do you even realize how psychotic you sound right no-”
“HEY!” namjoon suddenly bellows, you and taehyung jumping and clamming up immediately in alarm
“what??” the two of you ask at the same time, pausing to glare at each other for a split second before looking back over at namjoon
“i…” he trails off, his eyes flickering upwards, “…know this is kind of awkward timing, but…”
you and taehyung look up simultaneously, your eyes widening to see a dinky little shrub of... mistletoe? taped at the end of a meter stick
oh no 
oh hell no
“kiss first, and then you can apologise for what was obviously a huge misunderstanding and you can apologise for being a huge prick later - pucker up, lovebirds!” jimin chirps, waving the stick a little and watching your eyes go side to side like a ping-pong ball, “don’t be shy! also, i know the mistletoe looks like a clump of grass that i tied a red ribbon around- just don’t look too closely at it-”
“ha!” you let out a laugh before shaking your head quickly, “no way! i don’t know what you people think is going on here, but it’s certainly not that- you can’t just dangle a plant over my head and force me to kiss him-”
“what’s that supposed to mean?” taehyung scoffs in offence, tilting his head upwards slightly, “anyone would be honoured to be under the mistletoe with me!”
“yeah. anyone out of their mind.”
“aw, c’mon, you guys…” hoseok pushes his bottom lip out in a pout before clasping his hands together, “kiss and make up! we all know that’s how it works. let the christmas spirit take over your bodies and fuel your weird hate-love for each othe-”
“the sooner you two kiss and make out, the sooner i can get the hell out of here,” yoongi interrupts, snapping his fingers, “c’mon! plant a fat one on each other!”
“the only reason why y/n’s getting whiney about it because she knows she’ll fall in love with me the moment she kisses me.” taehyung suddenly speaks up and you immediately look back down at him with a glare
fall in love????
with him????
it’s not going to take a single kiss to fall in love with taehyung - it’s going to take intensive exposure therapy to fall in love with him!
“don’t flatter yourself. i would rather throw myself into oncoming traffic than kiss you, kim taehyung.” you growl, smacking your hands down on taehyung’s desk so violently that it rattles beneath you
“now, now. there’s no need to lie…” taehyung chuckles lightly as he pushes his seat back slightly and rises to his feet
“i’m not lying! i don’t want to kiss you!”
“do too!”
“do not!”
“do TOO!”
“do NOT!”
“you know, you just sound like you’re trying to convince yourself that you don’t want to kiss me-”
“you’re the one who keeps pushing it-” you jab a finger into his chest, “maybe you’re the one who wants to kiss me!”
“you think i wanna kiss you?!” taehyung laughs, flicking your hand away from him, “now look who the delusional one is!”
“i thought this was supposed to fix the arguing?” seokjin mutters under his breath, jungkook offering him a shrug while keeping his eyes glued on you and taehyung
he was running out of things to watch on netflix and this makes far better entertainment
the only thing that would make this better was if you and taehyung had at it in a grimy boxing ring half-naked
“i can’t be the only one thinking that all of this could be easily fixed if they just boned each other.” jungkook snorts, the other boys turning to look at him, “…what??”
“i wouldn’t kiss you even if you were the last man on earth.” you snarl, your voice wavering slightly
“you really expect me to believe that?” taehyung tilts his head, “don’t think i didn’t catch the way your eyes just flickered down to my lips, y/n...”
you feel your heart starting to pound in your chest when he places his hands flat on the desk as well, the tips of his fingers brushing over yours
at this proximity, the little voice in the back of your head can’t help but point out how pretty taehyung’s eyes are... and how nice he smells... and how soft his lips look...
...do you wanna kiss him?
oh, god
do you wanna kiss kim taehyung?!
no, you don’t
yes, you do
“you wanna kiss me so bad, and you know it, y/l/n.” taehyung taunts, leaning forward just a little more
at this point, your faces are merely an inch away from each other’s and it wouldn’t take much effort to just lean in and… you know.
“i hate you.”
“if you hated me so much, then you wouldn’t be making such a big deal over silly little mistletoe now, would you?” taehyung smirks, pulling away before making his way around the desk so that he can get closer to you, “you like me but you’re too much of a wimp to admit it!”
“i like you?!” you gawk, “more like you like me!”
“okay-” jimin huffs, lowering the stick before taking a step back, “i really thought this was going to work, but my arms are getting tired, so if you two aren’t going to kiss, then i- oh-” his eyes widen in surprise when you and taehyung are suddenly lunging at each other not a second later, your hands cupping his cheeks and his hands gripping your waist as you kiss far more feverishly than he thought you two would
oh my
“see, what’d i say? sexual tension!” jungkook kisses his teeth, leaning back against his chair and crossing his arms, “all that pent-up energy from arguing has led to this beautiful moment-”
“you’re an- mm- you’re an awful kisser, by the way-” taehyung mutters against your mouth, lips turning up in a boyish grin when you retaliate by shoving at his chest
“so are you!” you pull away only for taehyung to pull you right back in to press his mouth against yours again, “’m hating ehvery minute of this-”
“ah… isn’t young love sweet?” hoseok coos, jumping in his seat when taehyung suddenly shoves you up against the front desk with a thud, “so passionate!”
“okay, we’re just going to-” namjoon gets up from his seat gesturing for the boys to get up as well, “we’re happy to see that the argument has been settled!”
he hurries everyone to the front door and turns to glance over his shoulder, “when you guys are done, just… let us know! we’re going to pop over to starbucks for some hot chocolate. so... text one of us. or call! or you could use snapchat- it’s up to you, really-!”
namjoon doesn’t get a chance to say anything else before yoongi’s yanking his arm and pulling him backwards, reaching over to slam the door shut
a moment of silence goes by in which everyone takes a second to process what exactly just happened
“take your shirt off-”
“you take yours off first!”
“i... can’t tell if my plan was a success or a failure.” jimin mutters to himself, reaching up to scratch the back of his neck
“hey, if it makes you feel any better, at least they aren’t arguing with each other anymore!” jungkook cheers, clapping his hands quietly, “it’s a christmas miracle!”
❄️christmas with cee 2020 masterlist 🎄
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mx-julien · 3 years
jay and nya need to go to sketchy markets to get zane parts. they're all mismatched because de. julien was steampunk before you could spell it. from this hc series.
Jaya; Gen
also read on Ao3
The sun's beating down, but it's a dry heat and the linens Nya and Jay are wearing aren't particularly heavy. They're still sweaty and gross and tired, but that's mostly because they've been tromping around this shanty conglomerate that the sign dubs a "Mechanics' Market."
There are poles with multicolored, holey tarps pulled between them that create a mosaic of visuals on the dirt they stand on. Each vendor's stall is a sharp contrast to their neighbor's, but oddly enough they all smell the same. The space between stalls is pretty narrow and people bump into each other whenever a fourth person wants to span the narrow walkway. Most of them are selling used parts, then there are some counterfeit pieces from Borg Industries, a startup in Ninjago city with a label that looks smug and self-important. Still, every new sight is sickeningly predictable: more weaved baskets and cardboard boxes overflowing with metal and rubber, but the day's covered in sepia with the contrast and saturation cranked to high, so Nya's halfway to a pretty bad headache already.
Jay's used to these things, having grown up with Ed and Edna. He's walking back to the stall Nya's standing in front of after haggling with another nearby vendor.
He's mumbling to himself and slightly stomping his feet, "Of course none of his gears can be the same. Did his inventor even ever hear about industry standards?" he emphasizes his point by gesticulating with a copy they'd made of Zane's plans. Specifically his lower left torso, the guy was such a complicated set of gears that the larger, complete plan had an entire document tube to itself.
"I'm going to say he didn't, Jay, since he built a conscious, autonomous robot about seventy years ago in the woods of the Birchwood Forest," she shrugs, "Doesn't really scream rule-follower or societally aware to me," she rests her hands on her hips, squinting at the basket positioned on its side on the table, "Plus, I think I've found what we're looking for."
It's a 0.5 x 6 cm brass gear with steel tipped gear teeth. Very specific and rather expensive, but incredibly helpful for Zane's version of a nervous system.
"Excuse me, Miss?" the shopowners are the only things- well, people, in this place that actually varied from stall to stall.
The woman who turns around has a more stout silhouette and baggy clothing. She's wearing a knitted cardigan with baggy sleeves that seem to give her a wingspan. Underneath, she has a lavendar shirt that looks very expensive and compliments her lighter brown skin. Her hair is pulled back, everything but her ponytail covered by a deep purple head wrap. She looks unsurprised to see Nya and Jay there.
"Yes, dear, what do you need?" she walks over to the front of the stall, resting her arm on the table in front of her and smiling over at them.
Nya shifts, letting herself smile and more relaxedly hold the gear, "Hey, well it got me this gear, so-"
"No, dear, I got you that gear," she bends down and pulls out a metal lockbox, "You might be able to compete for parts, but your boy there," she gestires vaguely in Jay's direction while she gets out her key ring, "Can't."
Jay directs his look of offense at Nya, "Hey! I got us the micro fan and Zan-" he promptly snaps his mouth shut.
Nya chooses to ignore his slip, "Yeah, which was great because you were competing with a grand total of one very old man for it," she smirks, "Try facing down five criminals and an antiques repairman."
The lockbox swings open, "It was very impressive, dear. Now, I'd sell that thing for 43 gold or equivalent silver, to most people, but if you take that," she jerks her thumb over at a basket of wires that looks like they were all violently torn out of some humongous motherboard, "Then I'll lower it to 35."
"What metal are these?" Jay's eyes are narrowed, he's goes and bends over the basket, seemingly even more confused than before, "And where'd you get them?"
Anita laughs, "You know not to ask me that, kid," she accepts the gold Nya offers her and promptly locks the box once it's closed, "I just want them out of here - I think they might've been collateral, originally, to some kind of-" she loosely waves her hand around.
"Oh, gotcha-" he's picking the casing off the ends of some of the larger wires, "Well we can definitely use some of it; thanks, Anita."
She's returned the lockbox to its place and is standing on the opposing side of the basket to Jay.
Nya opens her messenger bag and places the gear carefully in a thin cardboard box. It lightly clinks against the other thin parts they have. When she closes it, she notices how much the thermolytic inverter bulges out, "Okay, Jay we really should go; I don't want to tempt fate because I'm really prime material to get jumped."
He glances over and nods, the hoists the basket into his arms, "Thanks, Anita!" Nya echoes him as they walk between Anita and her neighbor's stalls to one of the few exit doors.
"Anytime, kids," she's leaning on the table again, "Good luck repairing your submarine." She turns back around and gets to organizing.
Once the door closes, Jay leans a little over to Nya. "Our submarine."
"Hey, it's worked so far, hasn't it? She doesn't suspect anything."
He rolls his eyes and sets the basket down on the back of his cycle, "Yeah, that's because no one's made submarines since my parents were, like, teenagers."
"Well," Nya begins to secure her bag, "You want to tell her the truth?"
Jay hops into the passenger seat and pulls out his DS, waving it as he speaks, "Oh yeah, our friend is a nindroid - that's a ninja android - and he was built by this recluse so all of his parts are mismatched and are very hard to find when we need to completely replace them," he sets his DS on his lap and looks over at Nya as she slides into the driver's side, "So will you give us that discount now?"
Nya's laughing as she turns the key in the ignition, "That'd go over great, I'm sure!"
"She'd regret not learning our names when she'd try to call our parents and then call social services when she finds out we live with three other teens and an old man."
"Hey, her policy is for everyone, not just criminals, and I'm glad for it." she shifts the gearstick, "We don't need anyone there knowing we're ninja."
The radio stays off and Jay never ends up turning on his DS because they talk all the whole drive back to the Bounty.
Next drabble is Glacier involving weightlifting, kind of oblivious Cole, and the minor effects of Zane consuming too many Disney Originals.
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elenajohansenreads · 3 years
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Books I Read in 2021
#55 - All In: Double or Nothing, by Lane Hart
Mount TBR: 52/100
Rating: 1/5 stars
I finished this solely because it was a constant train wreck and I wanted to see how the love triangle/menage crashed out in the end. It was not a good book, it did not have a good plot or good characters, and while I have no objection to indulging in a smut-fest for its own sake, honestly, the copious sex scenes weren't great either.
First, it can't decide if it's a menage romance or a love triangle, and in trying to split the difference, you end up with a lot of really awkward dynamics. Our heroine comes off as being a selfish, indecisive idiot who doesn't mind hurting these two men with her dithering, while Heroes #1 and #2, who were best friends before this woman entered their lives, are reduced to constant fighting (both with words and physical violence) about which one of them is going to "win" her. It's gross all around.
Second, it utterly fails at being a love triangle if that's what it really means to be, because Heroes #1 and #2 are basically indistinguishable from each other. Sure, they have different names, and are introduced with different hair colors on the heads that top their identical muscle-bound bodies. Okay, fine, they're both super hot, but they talk the same way, they both bond with the heroine in basically the same way--lots and lots of sex, and very little talking--and they're both immature jerks trying to one-up the other until the heroine finally decides on one of them. (To be slightly more fair, one of them is supposed to be a little more sweet, while the other is supposed to be a little more "caveman," but the difference between them only matters briefly at the beginning, then dissolves into no real difference at all when they both decide to be idiots about the whole situation.)
Third, the heroine's backstory is over-the-top tragic but doesn't actually matter, because the story isn't at all about any trauma she's suffered. I guess it's supposed to be a reason to pity her and let her get away with this awful behavior? But I don't buy that, and on a larger scale, it's Problematique (TM) to have your young heroine be traumatized and abused and a sex worker, and then make her a complete nympho in her personal life, because that says to me that, as a character, she's so damaged that the only way she can connect with someone is through sex, as a substitute for love, and that's not at all what this story is about! The narrative claims she's falling in love with both dudes, and the plot doesn't deal with her past in any significant way or show her growing as a person.
Fourth, the dudes are also pretty problematic, because one is a cop who meets the heroine when he responds to her car accident, and he immediately goes full-pervert and nearly drools on her while he's supposed to be doing his job. And then hits on her and asks her out while he's giving her a ride in his squad car. NO NO NO. Second dude is a little better when he first meets her, except they're at a bar (where she's supposed to be meeting dude #1, but he's late) and when she admits to being twenty, so she can't drink, he buys her a drink! Illegal! And then it's not entirely clear at first how drunk or sober she is when she bangs him later that night, until afterward when she's puking her guts up in his bathroom...so she definitely wasn't sober enough to consent to sex. Hero #2 got an underage woman drunk and took her home to bang her, and that's not what I want to see in my romantic leads.
Fifth, the plot makes no sense. There's very little of it, because this is smut, so I didn't expect much to string together the many sex scenes, but this plot? Makes no sense. There's actual cheating going on before the three of them enter the menage stage of the relationship, but instead of that being a deal-breaker for the cheated-upon party, they go for a shared-custody sort of situation and the shenanigans begin. Nobody acts in a way that makes any sense, except, notably, late in the story when the heroine is pissed that her men paid off her school tuition without asking her first, and they were boggled that she was angry. That was just about the only set of emotional reactions to anything in the whole story that felt genuine, because yes, they were being controlling when they thought they were being helpful, so of course they were confused by her anger.
Sixth--I won't spoil what the ending actually is, just in case anyone who gets this far in my review does honestly still want to read this book, but I will say that I was not satisfied by it.
I'm glad this was a freebie, I'm sorry I wasted a few hours reading it, and I won't be reading anything else by this author.
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jdmainman123 · 2 years
Yes Boston I'm listening? I found out you may be the weakest City in the satellite cities aligned? But the favor you guys did for me? Shut down the snow machine? And kept it 40°? Let me hang out with Ali sherlock? I can't be more thankful?
I do have your money? Getting the old band back together wasn't building a new beach? That was a scary threat you thrown at my head? They said getting the old band back together was a rogue tiny City threatening to build another Beach? And put one of my brothers back to work forever as a white skin slave jerk off
#Report getting the old band back together? Someone is building a new 3/4 facility? Shouldn't take them long since it's just a bunch of tiny cardboard houses? I KNOW YOU OFFER A MAN AN AIRPLANE HE FLIES FOR A DAY YOU OFFER MAN A 3/4 FACILITY STAYS HOME AND NEVER LEAVES FOREVER? FILLS IT WITH ALL BLACKSKIN PEOPLE
Sammy or ruckus either way both of them are pretty f****** angry they feel like they're baby killing business days are over all it takes is for one brand new Walmart to open up across the street from Hannah foods or for one Walmart to open up across the street from winn-dixie? And it's out of business for your baby killing facility? You guys all know how it goes? You know we need to do I need to bomb the s*** out of every loss of vegas? I know every satellite maker that builds a 3/4 facility comes from that city? What? Huh?
That's right a backfire on you guys satellite maker kicks every satellite maker out of the city sends them to the beach? And they can't be nothing but more thankful? He sent me free? Gets a house? Builds a concrete building full of girls and then another concrete building full of boys right next door to kill all the boys? Pray for the boys
Most importantly. #Report getting the old band back together seems to not be building another beach? Although you got fish found out the goals and intentions of Miami florida? And all the boys and girls we are stuck and we will not move we stand corrected on the statement?? One man running around? Marshalling every private beach? And if the babies the boys are girls say anything stupid on their private beats their sent to Miami Florida to turn black and be beaten to death
I know it's the stupidest thing ever for me for to pretend that I'm not in charge of going to headquarters? But to find out after it's all said and done I may have been here? One of the men called the cops saying it's life is unfair one of the satellite makers called the cops saying life is not fair? I'm going to build a war plane and bomb the s*** out of my neighboring city? Was the report #report SO ONE OF THESE ASSHOLES SATELLITE MAKERS CALLED THE COPS 911 SAYING LIFE IS NOT FAIR FOR MY CITY YOU GUYS ARE TAKING HERE'S WHERE IT COMES INTO PLAY BOSTON REMEMBER MY WAR TRADE? YOU GUYS GOT MAD AT ME FOR BEING BETTER? I AM JOBS WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH SO YOU GUYS KIDNAP ME TO BE A TEACHER OF THE WORD JEALOUSY, someone built a new 3/4 facility they're taking my baby killing business away they killed half of my family? Blah blah yada yada you know what you guys should do stop making so many girls and sending those cancer it's not a real woman if you can't suck her p****? Let's just put that out there front and center? If you can't suck her p**** do not send her on an airplane to another city? She's gross it's like hanging out with the black skin boy? Although the little black skin boy does smell better
Satellite makers going to be sleeping in the dark bombed by a rogue tiny City nearby? With an airplane with a war plane built by that regime #promise
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