#Thomas schutte
quillaffinity · 10 months
Hi! Do you have a web weave about sudden friendship breakup??
Your creations are really touching and poetic (that I’m so inspired of I might just become a poet)
Thank you so much!! Stay safe and take care<333
and with you, my heart
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if i loved you like a lover i think, then, my tears wouldn't hurt so much - my former friend
??? / elio caccavale, richard ashcroft, queen mary, university of london, michael reiss, institute of education, university of london's xenotransplant, from the hybrids: towards a new typology of beings and, animal products project my bio xenotransplant (prototype) / trista mateer / francis alÿs's study for the last clown, déjà-vu / caroline kole, "ex best friend" / jodi picoult / stephen vitiello's my blue sky - samuel beckett's grave, paris; catacombs under paris; marfa mix; canal street - grand central - bronxville (paper tubes, drone, and pocket knife) / sally rooney / robert barry's people, art and places / isaac julien's ten thousand waves / ??? / taylor swift, "peace" / thomas schütte's untitled from united enemies, a play in ten scenes / anne sexton
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oldsardens · 6 months
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Thomas Schutte - Sei Wachsam! 1992
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paulpingminho · 2 years
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fideidefenswhore · 4 months
As the Crowland Chronicler reported, his marriage to Elizabeth [of York] did not prevent 'the fury of some malignants.' In March 1486, Yorkists led by Francis, Viscount Lovell, Sir Humphrey Stafford, and his brother Thomas attempted to raise rebellions in Richmondshire and in the west Midlands. Henry's uncle, Jasper Tudor, newly created Duke of Bedford, suppressed some Welsh disturbances. When the king went in person to pacify York, some of whose inhabitants had expressed loyalty to Richard [III], an assassin attempted to kill him. The following September, Elizabeth gave birth to Arthur. It is likely that Henry decided against exposing his queen in a great public ceremony that would draw great, sometimes unruly, crowds during disturbing times.
Unexpected Heirs in Early Modern Europe, edited by Valerie Schutte
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wortzentriert · 6 months
A Survey of the History of the Interpretation of 1 Corinthians 11:2-16
A. Philip Brown II, PhD
Aldersgate Forum 2011
This essay examines two aspects of the history of how 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 has been
(1) What did Paul mean when he said men should not be covered and women
should be covered when praying or prophesying, and (2) What do Paul’s requirements regarding
men’s and women’s hair mean.
The aims of this survey are, first, to orient the interpreter to the ways in which this passage
has been understood, thereby guarding against an interpretation uninformed by church history.
Second, it will demonstrate that the church has historically understood Paul to teach that women
should have long hair and men should not. Third, it will provide what I hope is a plausible
explanation for how the dominant understanding of this passage developed, that is, that Paul
requires women’s heads to be covered with both hair and a material head-covering.
The history of interpretation divides naturally into three periods: early and medieval
interpretation (AD 120-1500), reformation, post-reformation, and Wesleyan interpretation (AD
1500-1850), and modern interpretation (AD 1850-present). In each period, the identity, setting,
and views of the major interpretive figures are discussed, and the distinctive characteristics of
that period are summarized.
Early and Medieval Interpretation (A.D. 120–1500)
The majority of extant commentators from the early and medieval periods identified the
covering Paul requires in 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 as a material veil of some sort. These same
commentators also understood Paul to teach that a woman was to have long hair and that a man
was not.
AD 100-200: Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, and Tertullian
Irenaeus is the earliest church father to comment on 1 Cor. 11, though he does so only in
In his treatise refuting Valentinian gnosticism,3
he notes that the Valentinians appeal to
At present, the only history of the interpretation of 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 published is Linda A.
Mercadante’s From Hierarchy to Equality: A Comparison of Past and Present Interpretations of 1 Cor 11:2-16 in
Relation to the Changing Status of Women in Society (Vancouver: G-M-H Books, 1978). Mercadante, however,
begins her analysis with Calvin. Ralph N. V. Schutt, “A History of the Interpretation of 1 Corinthians 11:2-16”
(M.A. thesis, Dallas Theological Seminary, 1978), covered only two church fathers—Tertullian and Chrysostom—
and then jumps to Calvin, his only representative from the 16th century. Both Gerald Bray, ed., 1-2 Corinthians in
Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, ed. Thomas C. Oden (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1999),
7:106-109, and Judith L. Kovacs, 1 Corinthians: Interpreted By Early Christian Commentators in The Church’s
Bible, ed. Robert Louis Wilken (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2005), 179-184, provide citations of various
father’s views on specific verses, but they do not seek to provide a survey of the history of interpretation.
Irenaeus lived c. A.D. 120-202, was bishop of Lyons (France) and a disciple of Polycarp who was a
disciple of the Apostle John.
Valentinian Gnosticism, one of the most influential forms of Gnosticism, taught that Jesus gave his
disciples secret knowledge (gnosis) without which one cannot properly interpret Scripture. Only the spiritual mature
can appreciate this knowledge. For details, consult Einar Thomassen, The Spiritual Seed: The Church of the
“Valentinians” (Leiden: Brill, 2006).
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darlen-21 · 1 year
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Old Friends Revisited, 2021
inkjet pigment print on Tecco PM 230 Matt
Artwork by Thomas Schütte
One of the works that I did not like from the exhibit was “Old friends Revisited” by Thomas Schutte. This work was made in 2021 and he used inkjet pigment print on Tecco PM 230 Matt. The portraits are of small scale busts that were made of modeling clay. He used FIMO which is a modeling compound sold in toy stores. The characters are shown with elongated faces and they are portraying men in their later years. Their features are exaggerated and reminiscent of the grotesque medieval gargoyles. Walking in the gallery I saw one of the images from afar and it made me feel uncomfortable so I did not approach the images until later. Once I approached them closer, I did appreciate the quality of the prints. And after reading about the materials that he used I also found it more interesting. The images are of very good quality and amazing colors. I simply did not like the small scale busts and their strong expressions. Something else I also noticed was that the area where it was being displayed was a different color from the gallery space. The gallery space was white and this specific area was gray. I am also wondering why they chose this way of displaying the prints.
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circusfans-italia · 2 years
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ALEXANDRA SAABEL AL AACHENER CIRCUS Alexandra Saabel quest'anno sarà la protagonista del Circo di Natale di Aquisgrana. Il suo numero di grandi illusioni è stato scelto per essere il leit motiv dello spettacolo 2022/23 dell' Aachener Weihnachtscircus. La sesta edizione del Circo di Natale di Aquisgrana sarà presentato sotto al titolo Alles im Wunderland, letteralmente Tutti nel paese delle meraviglie. 
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Il comunicato stampa:
A Natale, i desideri dovrebbero avverarsi e le favole diventare realtà. Il Circo di Natale di Aquisgrana ha impugnato la sua bacchetta magica per presentare “Everything in Wonderland” nella sua sesta produzione . Il magico mondo dell'illusionista Alexandra Saabel ripercorre la leggenda fiabesca di "Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie" e accoglie il pubblico in una cornice fantastica. Le lepri si divertono, i cappellai fanno una capriola, la fata dello zucchero fa volteggiare i dolci con i suoi piedi e il viaggio sulla luna di Peterchen viene reinterpretato. L'affascinante mondo delle piccole e grandi meraviglie porterà un meraviglioso programma a grandi e piccini.
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Simsalabim! Il programma di due ore è dedicato allo stupore, con il quale non viene raccontata una fiaba continua, ma molte delle nostre esibizioni ti portano nel favoloso mondo dell'arte e del clown. Con l'artista italiana Alexandra Saabel e la sua Magic Family, gli organizzatori del circo di Natale evocano una ricchezza di idee folli, immagini da sogno e meravigliosi abiti sul ring. Non c'è da stupirsi, dopotutto, che la protagonista sia ora una delle costumiste più apprezzate del settore. Alexandra ha disegnato e da mesi prepara bozzetti per Aquisgrana, usando lei stessa ago e filo. I nostri ospiti possono così aspettarsi una autentica festa per gli occhi!
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Il programma annunciato:
- Alexandra Saabel - Grandi Illusioni - Milena & Christopher - Sostenuto al trapezio - Adèle Fame - Tessuti aerei - I Simet - Astronauti funamboli - Space Elements - Mano a mano in 4 - Ilja Smyslov - Giocoliere - Jennifer Saabel - Antipodismo - Bilby - Clown - Kelly Saabel - Contorsionista - I Saabel - Favola natalizia con i cani Husky e Samoiedo Spitz L'organizzatore del circo di Natale Thomas Schutte ha annunciato anche la presenza nello spettacolo della finalista di The Voice of Germany, la cantante Lisette Whitter.
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Il Circo di Natale sarà in scena alla Bendplatz di Aquisgrana dal 15 al 31 dicembre 2022. Per informazioni e orario degli show, non dimenticate di visitare il sito internet ufficiale raggiungibile CLICCANDO QUA Visita le nostre sezioni
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ortut · 3 years
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Thomas Schütte - Untitled, 2002
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mentaltimetraveller · 4 years
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Thomas Schutte, Steel Woman III 1998
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millimallow · 5 years
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mitski, last words of a shooting star (2014) / thomas schutte, sieben felder (1989)
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postconnaissance · 4 years
La figure humaine est l’un des fils rouges du travail de Thomas Schütte: figurine destinée à donner l’échelle des maquettes d’architecture au début des années 1980, elle s’autonomise bientôt et devient le sujet de ses œuvres, d’abord à la taille d’une marionnette, puis à dimension monumentale. Dans un constant jeu entre les échelles, l’artiste transforme ces modèles en sculptures autonomes, libérées de leur décor et ramenées au contexte muséal, en posant bustes ou corps en pied sur des socles. Ces figures en bronze, aluminium, céramique ou verre semblent imprégnées de l’histoire de l’art et de ses codes de représentation, qu’il s’agisse des caricatures de Daumier ou des sculptures de Rodin, Maillol ou Picasso... Elles sont l’agrandissement de figures en céramique, malmenées par le modelage de la matière, écrasées, coupées ou jouant avec les codes d’une représentation schématique à la lisière de l’abstraction. Sont-elles érotiques, solennelles ou les témoins d’une lutte pour faire durer le désir dans un monde où il n’est que consommé?
from the catalogue of Thomas Schütte - Trois Actes at the Monnaie de Paris
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moma-a-day · 5 years
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Cherries (Kirschen) by Thomas Schutte, 1987
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slack-wise · 5 years
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Thomas Schütte. Hotel for the birds. 
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havaforever · 5 years
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THOMAS SCHUTTE - Trois Actes, à la Monnaie de Paris.
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Schutte est né à Oldenbourg en 54, et il vit à Düsseldorf. Il est aujourd’hui reconnu comme l’un des principaux réinventeurs de la sculpture contemporaine. Mais il travaille aussi bien les deux dimensions, comme la peinture et le dessin, que les trois dimensions, qui s’avèrent très rapidement donner dans la sur-dimension. 
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Il expérimente constamment l’échelle en produisant d’une part des œuvres miniatures, et d’autre part des agrandissements monumentaux de ces mêmes œuvres. 
Ses motifs récurrents vont de la sculpture publique à la représentation de l’architecture qu’il revisite et expose dans des espaces clos comme en extérieur. Il y a toujours un drame qui est mis en scène par cet artiste profondément intense, quel que soit le choix des matériaux et des motifs. 
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Schutte exploite au maximum les ressorts de la théâtralité, il nous livre une mise en scène de sa partition dans laquelle les personnages et les décors donnent libre cours à toute l’imagination du spectateur. 
La figure humaine est l’un des fils conducteurs du travail de cet artiste hors normes. En bronze, en aluminium, en céramique ou en verre, elle semble imprégnée de l’histoire de l’art dans son ensemble. 
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Dans cette exploration des stéréotypes, le masculin se distingue très nettement du féminin. Les bandits et les muses se rejoignent pourtant aux limites de l’abstraction. L’univers intellectuel de Schutte est au bord du palpable, mais c’est justement et paradoxalement parce qu’il excède la matière suffisamment massive pour être contournée. 
Des colosses dressés contre le vent, des hommes dont les jambes sont enlisées dans la boue, des figures au double visage, l’histoire de l’Allemagne peut aussi se lire en filigrane dans cette oeuvre riche en symboles dont la portée reste à tout moment universelle. 
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paintedout · 6 years
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Thomas Schütte, Hope, 2010
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Thomas Schutte
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