#The design is fantastic the performers are insane the writing is witty I am having the time of my life
“& Juliet is all spectacle no substance” to YOU. I’m bisexual though
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Moonrise Kingdom
A pair of young lovers flee their New England town, which causes the whole town to panic as they search to find them.
If at any time I need a good serotonin boost, I almost always put on a Wes Anderson flick. With the beautiful symmetry, lovely music, and fascinating dialogue, his films always put me in a good mood. Moonrise Kingdom is no different, it's witty, smart, and a film with a feel-good vibe that just puts a smile on my face. Like any Anderson film, it has his signature directing and writing style, which you can't help but be fascinated with. The story is incredibly simple, yet effective. Overall, this film is just classic Wes Anderson.
With any Wes Anderson film, you are in a treat for some very different acting that just warms your heart. Jared Gilman and Kara Hayward both make fantastic acting debuts in this film. Their acting and chemistry work perfectly under Andersons' direction. The regulars who appear in an Anderson film are Bill Muray, Edward Norton, and Frances McDormand all give great performances. One performance that really surprised me was from Bruce Willis. Never in a million years would I imagine him in a Wes Anderson movie and he works marvelously in this film. This role is such a type cast break for him and I really wished he did more roles like this one.
Like any Wes Anderson film, he puts an insane amount of effort into the visuals. The cinematography is gorgeous, the colors and the symmetry just pop in this film. The production and costume design is outstanding. The musical score is beautiful and upbeat where I find myself bobbing my head to the beat. With all that stated I do have one complaint. When the two young lovers are starting to get intimate it is really awkward to watch given that both the actors are minors in this film. That scene just put a little bit of a nasty taste into my mouth.
Overall, Moonrise Kingdom is another classic Wes Anderson film. It will make you smile, laugh, and fill your brain with enough serotonin that will keep you high for weeks on end.
I am giving Moonrise Kingdom, a B+.
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