#The Happytime Murders
worseblr · 1 year
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The Happytime Murders (2018) dir. Brian Henson
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Ngl whenever I see someone being horny for one of the Welcome Home puppets this scene from The Happytime Murders is the only thing I can think of
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xekstrin · 6 months
was watching the happytime murders and said “oh i just KNOW theres some girlies on tumblr who want Phil’s fuzzy blue felt dick” & i was absolutely right
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puppetdaily · 1 year
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Phil Phillips from The Happytime Murders
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thevaudevilledemon · 1 year
Muppets Mayhem made me realize the real problem with Happytime Murders
So, being the Muppets fan that I am, I’ve checked out the first six episodes of the new Muppets series on Disney+, and... not to spoil anything but I am digging it. The writing, the music and the characters are all wonderful, but the one thing I have really liked, other than the added lore, is the one thing that I feel has been missing from modern Muppet productions since the last two theatrical movies; The Emotional Gut-Punch.
Think about it, most Muppet production, barring Sam & Friends, had their emotional gut-punch moments. I mean, movies alone; I’m Going to Go Back There Someday and Kermit’s self-reflection in The Muppet Movie Saying Goodbye in Muppets Take Manhattan When Love is Gone in Muppet Christmas Carol Pictures in my Head and Man or Muppet in The Muppets 2011
And in the original Muppet show there was Time in a Bottle, Turn the World Around (Rest in Peace Harry Belafonte) and of course two separate occasions of Being Green, a song originally from Sesame Street.
Sesame Street and Fraggle Rock both are full of emotional gut-punches, and that I feel is part of the core of The Muppets. Whether it’s The Muppets on Sesame Street, Fraggle Rock or The Muppet Show, The Muppets work at their best when they are on the same level as the actual Humans working with them.
This made me realize the real issue with The Happytime Murders. Forgetting of course that it is Brian Henson making the same mistake his father did when Jim was originally shopping The Muppet Show pilots around, The Happytime Murders failed because the puppet characters were never on the same foot as the Human characters, they couldn’t be, they exist as an allegory. Their entire existence revolves around the fact that they are puppets.
Sure, The Muppets had meta jokes that alluded to them being puppets, but that’s all they were, jokes. Robin commenting that they always saw Jim “Down there” was a one off gag and then we would forget about them being puppets. It doesn’t work as well when we are actively and painfully aware of the fact that everyone is a puppet because, simply put, The Muppets are not puppets, for all intents and purposes, The Muppets are human.
This ties all back into my biggest hesitation about Muppets Now! Disney’s attempt to modernize The Muppet Show. It had nothing to do with the ABC series or the fact that variety shows have changed over the years, it all came down to the passing of Jerry Juhl in 2005. If there was anyone who saw the humanity in these fabric frogs and pigs and bears and chickens and frackles and anythings and whatever Gonzo is, other than Jim Henson, it was Jerry Juhl, and you can see that in his work on Fraggle Rock. Though Fraggle Rock spawned from Jim’s idea, it can be argued that the show was Jerry Juhl’s.
Ultimately, The Muppets Mayhem puts the iconic Muppets characters in a light I have not seen them in in years, a human light. They got in the right direction with Muppets Haunted Mansion, but this one truly is where The Muppets truly are The Muppets again.
Now, hoping Paul Williams cameos in the last four episodes.
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robotic-bakery · 1 year
if I had a nickel for every time I got a fixation on a puppet centric media I'd have three nickels which is too many nickels and I'm starting to think I have a special interest for puppets
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joanathedummy · 2 years
If I had a nickel for every time that I got attracted to a ginger/red-headed puppet, I'd have three nickels.
Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened three times.
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callmebrycelee · 2 years
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blissfultyranny · 5 months
thinking about the happytime murders and how it does a peek at the entertainment industry and the minorities that the puppets are
and then I remember the purple gooch.
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thedetectivesteve · 2 years
Cold Cases #2 - Christopher Robin, The Happytime Murders, Crazy Rich Asians
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i don't get people who leave the cinema early. even it's a super boring or even bad movie. you paid at least 8+ € for it, why would you miss out on the entertainment you already paid for? go laugh at how ridiculous it is with your friends! get trauma-bonded by horrible, perverse scenes with your seat neighbour! fall asleep and have a nice nap when nothing interesting happens on screen! make the most of a bad movie by getting comfortable in a dark room full of strangers for two hours <33
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abs0luteb4stard · 1 year
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All the negative reviews were ALL WRONG. It being a box office bomb was so unfair to the movie.
And even Melissa McCarthy was really fucking good. I've seen a lot terrible unwatchable movies and this wasn't that!
I suggest it if you haven't seen it to see it. This movie deserves to become a cult hit.
I hope BRIAN HENSON can make more R rated puppet movies in the future.🤞
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drustvar · 1 year
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Hey remember when we saw the concept art for Happytime Murders and we thought it'd be a fun Roger-Rabbit-type film noir murder mystery?
I'd never been more disappointed in a film. The perfect opportunity was RIGHT THERE and they fucked it over for tasteless sex jokes.
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animationismycomfort · 2 months
to anyone that makes anything in regards to unknown/unpopular movies or shows
just know I love you
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choco44443333 · 2 years
The Happytime Murders 2018
The Happytime Murders 2018
In a world where human beings and puppets live together, when the members of the cast of a children’s television show aired during the 1990s begin to get murdered one by one, puppet Phil Philips, a former LAPD detective who fell in disgrace and turned into a private eye, takes on the case at the request of his old boss in order to assist detective Edwards, who was his partner in the past.
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