#Thanks all-hail-queen-of-trash-kree!
goldenamaranthe-blog · 11 months
The step parent Yang posts make me think of that shirt that say "I'm not the step-dad, I'm the dad that stepped up"
Yes! To all of it! I can also see Yang being a blubbering mess when she's given the shirt as a gift, because you don't just buy yourself something like that and not be a piece of work.
-6 months of dating later-
Blake: Yang, Cubby has something she wants to give you.
Yang: (immediately stops everything she's doing) Really??? What is it, Cub?
Kela: (hiding nervously behind a gift bag)
Blake: (kneels down and nudges Cub forward) Go ahead, Sweetheart.
Kela: (holds out gift) H-Here you go, Yang. I-I asked mommy to help me get you something...
Yang: Aww, thanks, Kela! (ruffles Cubby's hair and starts shifting through the tissue paper) What's the occasion? It isn't my birthday.
Kela: (holds hands behind back shyly) My friends were talking about getting their daddies presents for Father's Day, and I wanted to get you something... I did the colors myself!
Yang: (mental record screech)
Blake: I, uh, get that it's a bit early for something like this, but she really wanted to get you something no matter what I- Yang...are you okay?
Yang: (teary eyed and blubbering mess as she holds up a tacky, obviously clumsily, homemade yellow, orange, and purple tie-die shirt that has "I'm not the step-dad, I'm the dad that stepped up" written on it)
Kela: (curls in on herself) Do you not like it?
Yang: (hurriedly strips and puts the new shirt on while puffing her chest proudly) *sniff* This is my new favorite shirt!
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 10 months
What is Weiss' role in the single mom au and why is it being married to Ilia?
First of all, those two lesbian disasters need some outside help.
Kela: Aunt Ilia, when are you going to grow a pair and give Ms. Weiss a kiss?
Ilia: (spits her drink)
Weiss: (silently screaming)
Blake: (crying in her attempt to not laugh) Why do you think Aunt Ilia wants to kiss Ms. Weiss? Also, language, young lady.
Kela: Because she's been looking at Ms. Weiss the whole party like you used to look at Yang before you two kissed.
Ilia: (kaleidoscope of colors)
Weiss: (frozen in shock)
Blake: That's fair. So, Ilia, when are you going to ask Weiss on a date?
Ilia: When you and Yang play naked twister!!!
Kela: Oh, they've already done that.
Blake: (silent screaming)
Ilia: .......So, Weiss, dinner this Friday?
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