#Techland are you alright my guys
dicktat · 8 months
HELLO??? Why didn’t anyone tell me there’s literally a line in game that says “WHY DON’T YOU LET ALL OF US ENTER YOUR ASSHOLE” from the PKs to Hakon like Techland??? What the fuck is you on when you wrote that like this is devious
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rampaigewolf · 2 years
Alright, here’s my experience with Dying light 2, this contains spoilers so if you haven’t played or finished I suggest you stop and scroll.
First off, I’d like to give props to Techland for going a different route for the fall. Instead of just having the Harran virus spread like covid, they made a cure, only for the GRE to fuck shit up AGAIN and create a stronger variant that basically ended the world. It shows how corrupt and evil GRE was, Kudos Techland. 👍
With that being said, FUCK THE GRE.
I am still absolutely horrible at parkour and died/broke my legs hundreds of time just like I did in the first game.
Even though their are no guns in this game, I still managed to be loud and proud.
I know everyone loved and misses Crane, but I really like Aiden.
I get scared every time I hear a baby/child crying and run the opposite direction because I’m still traumatized from the first game.
Other than that, I did hear dogs barking and looked everywhere to try to save it, until I realized it was a sidequest and I can’t believe Techland had me put a dog down. 😭
Going through any GRE offices had me paranoid af because i got jumpscared by the dead guy sitting in the office chair in the first game.
I like how in the first game everyone is like ‘no don’t go out after night it’s dangerous’ and in this game everyone is like ‘I got something for you to do, but you should probably wait until nightfall.’
Anyway, I didnt listen and ran into dark zones in broad daylight and get destroyed by virals. Lesson learned.
I liked Aitor at first, but then.... yeah no I don’t like the peacekeepers, I’m with the survivors all the way.
I get that A LOT of people like Hakon, but I really didn’t at him at first, because I just had a feeling he was sus and I was even more sus after he said he’d go and check out Barney and Sophie’s hideout.
I did save Hakon though, and I’m glad I did. I thought I killed him at the church and in a panic I rolled back and did the entire fight again to try to find a way to save him lol.
I really don’t like Major Jack Matt. I didn’t like Juan either but after that shit of whiskey he started making sense.
The Elevator cutscene was hilarious and Rowe and his squad didn’t deserve that 😭. They were the only peacekeepers I liked. That Building was a bitch to climb it took me and the rando helping me an hour to do it.
Honestly fuck Major Matt, I ended up giving the antenna to Frank. At least, Juan didn’t throw a fit about it.
I did save Frank and I wasn’t surprised at all when it was Major Matt who tried to kill him.
I haven’t talked about Waltz yet, but FUCK him too. I get trying to save your daughter but destroying the last city standing in the process is fucked up.
I cheered when I got the Lawan ending. She’s such a badass and I love her for it.
The ‘Good night and good luck’ at the end gave me chills.
Also props for whoever chose Help, I’m alive by Metric for the end credits, I actually stayed and listened.
I had a lot more to say but this post is already long so I’m gonna stop. I loved this game and would recommend it to everyone who likes story based games.
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crane--here · 2 years
dying light cut/unused voice lines and the context behind them (part 2)
masterpost (part one) // (part two)
here's the old town and finale part + some miscellaneous stuff i found noteworthy
i'll be intertwining lines that are still used in-game with the ones unused. the unused lines will be marked in bold
"Find the Embers"
there's only one VERY notable unused voice line spoken by troy:
" My older brother threw acid at my face 5 years ago, when I said I wanted to attend school. But now my family are all dead and the Embers look to me for leadership. Funny how the world had to drown in chaos, before I could give orders to a man, isn't it? "
this is quite infamous to my knowledge. as far as i can tell several years ago it was given a lot of attention as it was very unclear why the voice line was cut in the first place. however with how the voice lines themselves are titled (cin_meetingtroy) and numbered, we can come to the conclusion that it was meant to be said during the cutscene we meet troy for the very first time. because of the placement, this comment would seem... off with how the entire scene pans out. crane doesn't even ask troy about the scar, she just starts her introduction with this very speech, before immediately going "You're looking for Jade Aldemir, aren't you?". perhaps techland thought it was best not to put this line awkwardly there and just didn't know how to implement it back? which is a shame, because i really love this insight on troy's character
"Public Face"
the entire talk between kyle, troy and jade after putting a frown on that building is cut in several places. here's what i managed to string together by the order of the files (jadecalls):
" - Troy? It's done. - Crane, we see it! Great job! - Thanks, I hope it's enough. You have any contact with Jade? - God, DAMN IT! Fuck! No... - Damn it, I know. Look I hope this shit was worth it... - Crane... - Jade?! Is that you? - Crane I heard what you did, I SEE what you did. You know how to make a statement, I don't think the people of Harran will forget it. But if you're really a GRE agent, you've got to contact them. We need antizin in the worst way, they wouldn't send you into a place like this without some way to reach them. - So do you believe now that I'm on your side? ... Oh these sons of bitches! "
... yeah as you can see it's very jumbled - but it is transcripted directly from the order of the files. and funnily enough, while this full sequence doesn't happen in the actual cutscene, it does in this dying light 2 easter egg! so you can tell it's legit
"The Museum"
tahir has an unused string of voice lines before his boss fight (tahir_museum_tahirbossfight_01):
" I'd wager you think you're quite the celebrity now, the Runner who toppled Rais. But Rais rules his kingdom the same as ever. Cut off his hand! Slit his throat! It doesn't matter! Rais will not fall. But you, Runner, this will be your last run. Today is the day you die. I'm waiting for you. Come on! "
why are you, as a man, talking so passionately about another man hm?
the broadcast mission has a lot of unused lines actually. but i don't necessarily mean dialogue here. more so a lot of crane's one-liners not making the cut
... and i mean a lot
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regardless! i do want to highlight some more fun ones, if you want to hear all the lovely sarcastic remarks from kyle himself i suggest you give it a listen yourself
here's a bit of cut conversation between savvy and crane (contact_04):
" [...] - No, no, it's there mate! It's just, the last guy who tried to do something like this made to one of the containers before we, uh... lost contact with him. - You know next time YOU go through the sewers! - Uh, what's that mate? I didn't hear you... - Hmpf, alright I'll look for the keycard... "
and here's some of the most fun (at least in my opinion) quips from crane:
" Come on you bastards... I'll go through you if I have to!- Shit, I'll guess I'll have to! " " Twitchy little pieces of shit! " " God- these things are like fucking cockroaches! " " Holy shit. Worst. Bridge. Ever. " " Oh for fuck's sake! This place could use a fresh coat of FIRE. " " Oh for crying out loud! What is this fucking thing made of, popsicle sticks? " " Oh, fuck this right in the ear. "
classic crane stuff
he also has another cut conversation with savvy (contact_23):
" - Savvy, I'm out of the sewers man but I'm gonna need some other way to get back there. - Why? Tunnel's too much for you? - No it's less about tunnels and more about not being able to climb up the side of a fucking DAM. - Ohh, yeah, I guess that does make sense. Well, there's another tunnel you can use. I just don't know how full of Biters it'll be. - Great, fantastic. "
"The Clinic"
it seems like originally camden could not hear crane through the radio for... whatever reason. seems that's why crane isn't very talkative through the entire mission (camden_clinic_01dlg02):
" I can't hear you! So don't waste your time talking. "
there is actually some pretty interesting stuff here. one of camden's voice lines (camden_clinic_18dlg01) has this to say about the virus:
" As near as we could tell the virus seemed to have been unearthed in an archeological dig outside the city. "
i apologize if i may have messed the transcript, it's hard to tell what camden is exactly saying. BUT LIKE. THIS COULD VERY POSSIBLY BE THE ORIGIN OF THE VIRUS THEN. i do wonder, WHEN did the military experimentation come to the picture though?
other than that, camden has one little thing to say about amir and jade:
" I heard that the operative met a beautiful girl and they fell in love. I wonder whatever happened to them, I wonder... "
there's some very interesting string of lines in the finale that tell us that originally... rais had hostages (finale_27):
" - I HAD thought to create a distraction for you Crane, should you manage to make it this far. - Shut the FUCK up... - But I have decided I do not wish to have an audience, so... These hostages will have to go. - Please, mister... Don't hurt me. I'll be good. I'll be good. I promise! I'll... [this line is spoken by a little boy] - You fucking BASTARD! - Don't worry Crane, I'm doing these people a favor. After all, who doesn't want to see a mother and child reunited? - No, no, no please! NOOOO! [this line is shrieked out by a woman, presumably the boy's mother] - I WILL TEAR YOUR FUCKING HEART OUT RAIS! "
now i don't know about you, but these lines actually gave me CHILLS. like seriously what the fuck is wrong with rais??? and the pure and raw emotion in crane's scream. good lord
rais then has some other unused lines (rais_finale_28):
" I've done you a favor, Crane. Simplified your situation for you. All the choices I have forced you to make... Now, the only thing you have to do... Is die. One-handed or not, Crane, I'm about to make you suffer. "
the npc aziz seemed to have another side quest planned for him, the leftover files are titled perfectmurder
the npcs with the zombie puns in the tower are named akram and faraj respectively :) they also have unused voice lines related to bulletin board quests (akram has idles related to coffee, faraj to bandages and meds)
ayla from the magic fortress questline has an unused voice line, and crane even replies! (healthpotion_10):
" - Mr. Warrior? Thank you for the magic potion, you're a real hero! I made this for you. - (chuckle) That's very sweet of you. Thank you, sweetie. "
there are gre support broadcast files in the game (announcer_gre_propaganda) and to my knowledge they remain unused to this very day:
" This is the GRE radio support broadcast. If you find a deceased infected in a still body of water, do not drink the water. Any water that's been in contact with an infected individual should be considered contaminated and dangerous. Do not drink it or bathe in it. Repeat - do not drink it or bathe in it. Boiling water may reduce infectious agents, but this has not been clinically proven. We cannot recommend boiling as a sterilizing agent at this time. Stay tuned to this station for more updates. "
" This is the GRE radio support broadcast. Antizin is the only known treatment for controlling the onset of symptoms associated with the Harran Epidemic. Vitamin mineral and herbal remedies are not effective. Do not use them in place of antizin. The GRE is working to provide a steady and reliable supply of antizin to support the needs of Harran citizens. However, production and distribution difficulties can disrupt the normal supply times. Use antizin as needed, but do not overuse it. There is no health benefit from consuming quantities greater than those currently prescribed. Remember - antizin is a treatment, not a cure. Stay tuned to this station for more updates. "
" This is the GRE radio support broadcast. Are the infected still considered people? And if so, what rights do they have? It's a simple question with a complicated answer. Legally all infected are considered living people with all the rights and privileges of any Harrani citizen. But that means they must also abide by all the same laws and restrictions. Any infected attempting to attack or harm an individual is breaking the law and you have the right to defend yourself, including using lethal force if it is required. However, your right to defend yourself does not allow for random or unprovoked attacks against infected. If you engage in such attacks, you can and will be prosecuted. The infected are your friends, your neighbors and your family. Treat them with respect - unless they attack you. Stay tuned to this station for more updated information. "
(all voice lines were found on sounds-resource)
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