#Tag: water filter installation service
safelifetechnology · 2 years
Water Filter Servicing, Installation & Repair.
All Kinds Water Purifier Servicing, installation, Repaire ETC.
আপনার বাসায় দীর্ঘদিন পরে থাকা ওয়াটার ফিল্টার সাভিসিং করতে আমাদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন।
* সকল ধরণের ওয়াটার পিউরিফায়ার সার্ভিস
*দক্ষ টেকনিশিয়ান দ্বারা বাসায় গিয়ে পানির ফিল্টারের সকল সমস্যার সমাধান
*ওয়াটার পিউরিফায়ার ইন্সটল/রি-ইন্সটল
*পিউরিফায়ারের পানি ব্লকের সমাধান
*যেকোনো অভ্যন্তরীণ সমস্যা
*পিপি/কার্টিজ এবং পাইপ/ট্যাংক/ফসেট পরিবর্তন সার্ভিস
*সকল ধরণের ওয়াটার পিউরিফায়ার পার্টস আমাদের কাছে পাওয়া যায়।
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ultratecuae · 2 months
Water Purifier Price in UAE: A Comprehensive Guide
In a region where water quality is of paramount importance, investing in a water purifier is a wise decision for households and businesses alike. This guide delves into the intricacies of water purifier pricing in UAE, shedding light on various factors influencing costs and providing valuable insights into finding the right purifier for your needs.
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Understanding Water Purifier Prices in UAE
Factors Affecting Water Purifier Prices
Water purifier prices in UAE can vary significantly based on several factors, including:
1. Technology and Features
The complexity of purification technology and additional features such as UV sterilization, mineral retention, and smart functionalities can impact the price of water purifiers.
2. Capacity and Output
The size and output capacity of the purifier, measured in liters per hour, play a crucial role in determining its price. Larger capacity purifiers designed for commercial use typically come with higher price tags.
3. Brand Reputation
Renowned brands often command higher prices due to their reputation for quality and reliability. However, there are also budget-friendly options available from lesser-known brands.
4. Maintenance Costs
Consideration of ongoing maintenance costs, including filter replacements and servicing, is essential when assessing the overall affordability of a water purifier.
5. Installation Requirements
Factors such as ease of installation and the need for additional plumbing or electrical work can influence the overall cost of owning a water purifier.
6. Warranty and After-Sales Support
The length and comprehensiveness of warranty coverage, as well as the availability of reliable after-sales support, are crucial considerations that may affect the upfront cost of the purifier.
Comparing Water Purifier Prices in UAE
To provide a comprehensive overview of water purifier prices in UAE, let's explore different types of purifiers and their associated costs:
1. Reverse Osmosis (RO) Purifiers
RO purifiers are highly effective at removing contaminants and are popular in UAE households. Prices for RO purifiers typically range from AED 500 to AED 3000, depending on capacity and features.
2. Ultraviolet (UV) Purifiers
UV purifiers are designed to deactivate harmful microorganisms present in water. Prices for UV purifiers in UAE generally start from AED 300 and can go up to AED 2000, depending on brand and capacity.
3. Gravity-Based Purifiers
These purifiers use gravity to filter out impurities and are often more affordable. Prices for gravity-based purifiers range from AED 100 to AED 1000, depending on size and additional features.
4. Multi-Stage Purifiers
Multi-stage purifiers combine various filtration technologies for comprehensive water purification. Prices for these purifiers vary widely, ranging from AED 800 to AED 5000 or more.
Water Purifier Price in UAE: Finding the Best Value
When considering the water purifier price in UAE, it's essential to strike a balance between upfront costs and long-term benefits. Here are some tips for finding the best value:
1. Assess Your Requirements
Evaluate your household or business's water consumption patterns and purification needs to determine the most suitable type and capacity of purifier.
2. Research Brands and Models
Compare prices, features, and customer reviews of different brands and models to identify the most reliable and cost-effective options.
3. Consider Total Cost of Ownership
Look beyond the initial purchase price and factor in maintenance costs, energy consumption, and lifespan to gauge the true affordability of a water purifier.
4. Seek Expert Advice
Consult with water purification experts or reputable vendors who can offer personalized recommendations based on your specific requirements and budget.
5. Negotiate for Deals
Don't hesitate to negotiate for discounts or inquire about bundled offers that include installation and maintenance services to maximize savings.
6. Ensure Quality and Certification
Prioritize water purifiers that meet international quality standards and certifications to ensure effective purification and peace of mind.
FAQs About Water Purifier Prices in UAE
Q: What is the average cost of a water purifier in UAE?
A: The average cost of a water purifier in UAE varies depending on the type and features but typically ranges from AED 500 to AED 3000 for residential use.
Q: Are there any budget-friendly water purifier options available in UAE?
A: Yes, there are several budget-friendly options available, particularly gravity-based purifiers, which can cost as little as AED 100.
Q: Do expensive water purifiers offer better purification?
A: Not necessarily. While expensive purifiers may come with additional features, the effectiveness of purification depends on the technology and filtration mechanisms rather than the price alone.
Q: Are there any government subsidies or incentives for purchasing water purifiers in UAE?
A: While there may not be direct subsidies, some municipalities offer initiatives promoting water conservation and quality, which indirectly incentivize the use of water purifiers.
Q: How often do water purifier filters need to be replaced, and what are the associated costs?
A: Filter replacement frequency and costs vary depending on usage and purifier type. Generally, filters need replacement every 6 to 12 months, with costs ranging from AED 50 to AED 300 per filter.
Q: Can I install a water purifier myself, or do I need professional assistance?
A: While some purifiers are designed for DIY installation, others may require professional plumbing or electrical work. It's advisable to consult the manufacturer's guidelines or seek professional assistance for installation to ensure optimal performance.
Investing in a water purifier is a crucial step towards ensuring access to clean and safe drinking water in UAE. By understanding the factors influencing water purifier prices, comparing options, and prioritizing value over cost alone, you can make an informed decision that meets your purification needs and budget requirements.
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waterwellnesscompany · 8 months
Discovering Budget-Friendly Alkaline Water Solutions in Florida: Stay Hydrated and Healthy Without Breaking the Bank
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Maintaining proper hydration is essential for overall health and well-being, and the quality of the water you consume plays a significant role in this. Alkaline water, with its purported health benefits, has gained popularity in recent years. However, the cost of alkaline water can be a concern for many individuals. In this article, we'll explore affordable alkaline water solutions in Florida, providing valuable insights and tips to help you achieve the perfect pH balance without breaking the bank.
The Importance of Alkaline Water
Alkaline water is known for having a higher pH level than regular tap water. This increased alkalinity is believed to offer various health benefits, including improved hydration, better digestion, and reduced acidity in the body. While some of these claims are still being researched, many people have experienced positive effects from incorporating alkaline water into their daily routines.
Dispelling the Myth of Cost
One common misconception is that alkaline water is always expensive. While it's true that there are premium alkaline water brands and specialized filtration systems that come with a hefty price tag, there are more affordable alternatives that offer the same benefits.
Affordable Solutions
Alkaline Water Filters
Investing in an alkaline water filter is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution. These filters are designed to raise the pH of your tap water, making it more alkaline. They can be installed on your kitchen faucet or as an under-sink system. Notable brands like Brita and Santevia offer affordable options that can be easily installed without professional help.
Alkaline Water Pitchers
Alkaline water pitchers are a budget-friendly way to enjoy pH-balanced water. These pitchers come with built-in filters that raise the alkalinity of your tap water. Brands like EHM and Lake Industries offer reliable options at a fraction of the cost of premium brands. They are also portable, making it convenient for those always on the go.
Alkaline Water Additives
If you're looking for the most economical option, alkaline water additives might be your solution. These products are designed to be added to your regular tap water, instantly increasing its pH level. Be sure to choose additives made from natural ingredients and avoid those with artificial chemicals. Products like Alka Drops and pH ON-The-Go are affordable and easy to use.
Local Spring Water Delivery
Many areas in Florida have access to local spring water delivery services. Spring water is naturally alkaline, and by choosing a local service, you can often get it at a reasonable price. Look for companies that offer spring water with a pH level above 7.0. This can be a sustainable and cost-effective option for those who prefer not to use tap water.
Factors to Consider
When selecting an affordable alkaline water solution, consider the following factors:
pH Level: Ensure that the solution you choose provides a pH level of at least 7.0 to enjoy the benefits of alkaline water.
Quality: Research the brand and read reviews to ensure that the product meets your standards of quality.
Installation: If you're considering a filtration system, assess the ease of installation and whether you'll require professional help.
Maintenance: Determine the maintenance requirements, including filter replacements and associated costs.
Taste: Alkaline water can have a distinct taste. Try out different solutions to find one that suits your palate.
Affordable alkaline water solutions are readily available in Florida, allowing you to enjoy the health benefits of pH-balanced water without straining your budget. Whether you opt for an alkaline water filter, pitcher, additive, or local spring water delivery, it's essential to prioritize quality, taste, and ease of use. By making the right choice, you can enhance your hydration experience and support your overall well-being without spending a fortune.
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cindybanksteam · 10 months
These are Six of the Most Expensive Home Repairs
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When you become a homeowner, you’re taking on not just the cost of your mortgage and down payment, but you also have to budget for those expenses you might not expect. The repairs you may need to do to your home through your ownership can be nearly impossible to predict and often tough to avoid.
Some of these projects are major and have a big price tag, but preventative maintenance efforts can help reduce the risk you run into one of these issues.
1. Roof Repairs
Your roof is protecting everything else in your home, and if it needs repairs, it’s critical to be proactive about making sure they get done. The difficult part, along with the cost of roof repairs, is first that it can be tough to realize there’s a problem until it grows into something much larger. The second issue is that storms often cause roof damage, and there’s no way you can prevent that.
Signs of a problem with your roof include missing shingles and leaks. While you can’t completely avoid the risk of roof damage, you can have professionals inspect it regularly. The recommendation is to inspect it ten years after the initial installation and every three to five years after that.
You can also do some inspections to look for weak spots, but this shouldn’t replace professional inspections.
The cost for a partial repair averages around $650, and a full replacement is usually upwards of $6,000.
2. Replacing Central AC or a Furnace
Your heating and cooling equipment is a big part of staying comfortable in your home, but eventually, it can give out, and you’ll have to pay a lot to replace it. You can estimate that each system will cost a few thousand dollars if you have to replace the heating or cooling equipment for your entire house, and the costs can easily be more than $10,000 in total.
Your goal should be ensuring that your heating and cooling equipment at least meets its full life expectancy, usually around 15 years. You can achieve this with regular maintenance. You should plan to have your furnace serviced at the start of every winter and your AC when summer starts every year.
When you have a professional inspect and service your equipment, they can check your filters for your furnace and flush out the condenser coils of the AC so that everything is operating as efficiently as possible.
3. Ceilings and Walls with Water Damage
When water damage occurs, you might have to replace your whole ceiling or an entire wall, and the average cost is around $1,500, with the costs often being as high as $6,000, especially if you have to replace the moldings.
Pipes that burst and leaky roofs are two of the most common reasons for water damage. You can wrap your pipes in parts of your home that aren’t heated with an insulation sleeve to reduce the risk they’ll burst. You should also regularly inspect the hoses for your appliances and pipes, looking for cracks and leaks. Replace anything that’s damaged promptly.
4. Replacing a Hot Water Heater
Your water heater can cost around $500 to repair and $1000 or more to replace. Signs that there’s an issue include leaks, especially if the water is rust-colored, and loud noises.
To prevent this from happening, check your pressure valve regularly and flush your tank out two times a year.
5. Damage From Termites
If you have termites, it can cost thousands of dollars to repair the damage they create. The signs of a termite problem include wood that’s hollowed out, mud tunnels, and swarms of flying bugs. You might also see wings in your basement.
To prevent termite damage, keep mulch and wood away from your home’s exterior, and have an inspection done at least annually. You can also use termite monitors.
6. Repairing Your Foundation
Finally, your foundation is a critical part of the structural integrity of your entire home, and if it gets damaged, it can be expensive and a complex issue to fix. Depending on the specific issue, foundation repair can cost more than $11,000. Signs of a problem with your foundation include cracks around your house and doors and windows that are hard to close and don’t seem to fit their frames.
Floors that slope and water pooling around the edges of your house or in your basement can also be red flags of foundation damage.
To reduce the risk of needing to repair your foundation, you can use soaker hoses around your house when you aren’t getting a lot of rain to help keep the soil from drying out too much. When it is raining a lot, ensure you have proper drainage, and keep all the soil around your house sloped to help facilitate drainage.
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goinspectblog · 10 months
Why are new home inspections so important?
Because issues haven't had time to set up or show themselves, inspecting brand-new construction is the trickiest.
A new-home inspection has to pay more attention to identifying possible issues than it does to confirming the presence of ones that have previously been addressed. Because brand-new houses have never been lived in, any missed wiring or other building flaws have never been discovered and fixed. Pre Handover Inspection Brisbane is pretty important. There are no signs or symptoms to investigate. As a result, the test has to put an emphasis on the candidate's familiarity with safety regulations and sound construction practices. Each job responsibility and system structure must be assessed. The most common issues in building a new house are:
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Accessories, such as humidifiers, condensate pumps, and air cleaners, are typically overlooked when installing a heating and cooling system. During construction, ducts are frequently disregarded or obstructed by rubbish. New Home Inspections Brisbane will always help you. It's common for HVAC systems to be inadequate. Blue tags on gas lines mean they have been inspected and are OK to go. The thermostat's placement in the furnace need to be enough for complete zone control. Ducts for heating and cooling systems that pass through unheated areas should be properly insulated. Exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens should be installed correctly. The air conditioner needs to be adjusted and elevated above ground. Construction debris and dust should not have been packed inside the furnace's filter, which should have been changed.
Plumbing and Bathrooms - Because plumbing issues are so easily seen, they are rarely a concern in brand-new properties. On the other hand, you should be sure of the following: Turn on every sink and flush the toilet. New Home Inspections Gold Coast are outstanding. Seek for any potential leaks in the soldering. Inspect the traps in the sinks for any signs of leaks. Water hammer might be an indication of pipes that have come loose in the wall. Inspect the tub and shower for dripping faucets; the strapping is typically gone. Inspect for pipes that aren't properly secured. Make sure that all of the fittings are secure.
There should have been an inspection sticker on the service panel from the building inspector. Practical Completion Inspection Brisbane is indeed excellent. All of the wiring and labeling at the service panel's breakers should be finished. The plumbing system should also be grounded electrically. The lights, outlets, and switches must all be operational. After work is complete, there should be no broken fixtures. People usually hire Handover Inspection Gold Coast. It is imperative that all wiring in the attic, crawl space, and any areas wired per specific request be double verified.
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People who are looking to purchase a home tend to be "very picky" when it comes to the kitchen and other interior finishes. It's OK to overlook minor flaws in a newly built home. However, at the very least, these things need to be checked: All window and door locks work properly. New Build Inspection Brisbane has been doing a fantastic work. Many household appliances have not been tested and should be examined. Make sure the flooring and walls are perfectly level and plumb. Verify the ground level. A well-tiled home is the icing on the cake. Inspect the mirrors and plumbing fittings for any signs of damage. Ensure the base molding has been finished. New Home Inspections Ipswich are used widely.
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applianceforhome36 · 1 year
How Much Does it Cost to Have a Washing Machine Installed?
If you are having a new washing machine installed in your home, you may be wondering how much it is going to cost you. While the exact price will depend on the brand, size, and type of appliance, here are some average costs to consider.
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Whirlpool washer repair can be expensive, depending on what you need. In order to determine the cost of repairing your appliance, it is important to understand how your Whirlpool washing machine works.
Most Whirlpool products come with a warranty, and the warranty usually lasts for one year from the date of purchase. It is also possible to buy a service plan that will cover any repairs or replacement parts that may be needed. The price of a repair may vary from $100 to $600.
When you need to repair a Whirlpool washing machine, you should be careful to follow safety guidelines. This includes not overloading your machine and removing it from the water. If the appliance is leaking, you should contact a plumber to address the problem.
Professional Washing Machine Installations is one of the most technologically advanced in its category, offering a number of functions. This includes an eco-friendly cold water cycle, a TurboWash speed setting that will get your load clean in under 30 minutes, and a deep soak feature for heavily soiled items.
LG also offers washers and dryers in a wide range of capacities. Their latest incarnation, the LG WashTower, is a sleek and sophisticated laundry solution that has all the convenience of a stackable model, but does not require a stacking kit.
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It features a ventless heat pump dryer that will eliminate the need to regularly clean the vents. The controls are located in the center of the Wash Tower, allowing easy access to the unit.
The cost of Kenmore washing machine installation is dependent on a variety of factors. This includes whether or not you're going to do the work yourself, and how much space you have available. For an average washer, you can expect to pay between $350 and $600. That doesn't include retrofitting or rewiring, however.
Getting a new washer installed can be a big job, so you may want to call in a professional. If you do, it's best to know the details first.
Generally, a good technician will give you a quote on the project. He or she is more likely to charge an hourly rate than a flat fee. They will also explain what parts you'll need to replace and where you can find them.
Small washers range from 2.0 to 3.5 cubic feet of space
Small washers are great for individuals and families who have limited space. These machines are compact and easy to move around the house. They can also be purchased with a range of other features. Some models are even available with touch-button controls and digital displays.
One of the benefits of having a small-sized washer is that you can easily wash one to two people's worth of laundry at a time. It also means that you can use less water and energy.
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In addition, some models of small washers come with a lint filter, drain pump and alarm. You can also select from five different water levels.
Extra-large washers save time and space
If you are looking to get your hands on a new washer and dryer, you may want to take a closer look at a high capacity model. These types of machines aren't the cheapest, but they are also not the most expensive. Some retailers offer incentives on top of the usual price tag. And while the cost of buying one may seem daunting, they are worth it. Moreover, these machines can save you both time and energy.
Getting your hands on a high-capacity model can take a little planning, but the rewards are well worth the effort. For starters, you will have a machine that can fit king size bedding, so there's less schlepping involved.
Repairing pipework or seals for a washing machine
A washing machine is a great appliance for keeping your family's laundry clean. However, it can also cause huge water damage if it leaks. Luckily, this type of problem isn't usually very difficult to fix, and there are a number of methods.
First, you need to check out the water inlet valve. This valve will allow you to control the flow of water into the washing machine. If this isn't working, you should know it's time for a replacement.
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Second, you need to check out the drain pump. This is the mechanism that forces the used water out of the tub. It can get blocked or even broken, which could lead to water leaking out.
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pinvewor · 2 years
Lightroom 5 updates mac
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Get exclusive access to photos and videos from the biggest names in music, with creative challenges for your chance to win the ultimate VIP experience.
Create stunning graphics, web pages, and video stories in minutes with Adobe Spark. Showcase them on your website by sending them directly to Adobe Portfolio from Lightroom on your desktop. The app offers powerful photo editing features in an easy-to-use interface. Create incredible photos anywhere with Lightroom and 1TB of cloud storage.
Share your photographs with loved ones, clients, or an even bigger audience. The cloud-based service for people who love photography, Lightroom gives you everything you need to edit, organize, store, and share your photos across desktop, mobile, and web.
Starting at 1TB with options for more, the cloud storage in Lightroom ensures that you can access your entire library of full-resolution photos anytime you want, anywhere you are, from any device.
Looking for shots of your cousin or favorite trips to the water? Auto-tagging makes searching a snap so you can create albums based on any person or theme you want.
Adobe Sensei uses machine learning to recognize the people and other content in your photos and then applies searchable keywords automatically.
Edits on one device are automatically applied everywhere else And you can edit your full-resolution photos anywhere - on mobile devices, the web, or your desktop.
With easy-to-use photo editing tools like sliders and filters, Lightroom makes it simple to create photos that look just the way you want.
And easily share and showcase your photos in fun ways. Organize with searchable keywords that are automatically applied without the hassle of tagging. Adjust your full-resolution shots and have both your originals and edits backed up to the cloud. See all you can do with your photos - at your desk or on the go.Ĭreate incredible photos anywhere with Lightroom and 1TB of cloud storage.
The cloud-based service for people who love photography, Lightroom gives you everything you need to edit, organize, store, and share your photos across desktop, mobile, and web. lightroom 5 mac Gratis descargar software en UpdateStar - Adobe Photoshop Lightroom responde a la llamada del fotógrafo digital para una aplicación de flujo de trabajo que permite a los fotógrafos trabajar rápidamente con imágenes en formato raw. All from within one fast, intuitive application. And showcase your work in elegant print layouts, slide shows, and Web galleries, as well as on popular photo-sharing sites.
Experiment fearlessly with state-of-the-art nondestructive editing tools. LIGHTROOM 5 MAC FOR MAC LIGHTROOM 5 MAC FULL VERSION LIGHTROOM 5 MAC SERIAL NUMBER LIGHTROOM 5 MAC UPDATE LIGHTROOM 5 MAC MANUAL The biggest highlight with the images created with Lightroom is that the sharpening tools that are used in the platform make sure that there is a better methodology in sharpening the images. That was the biggest speedup in my tests. I cannot update to LR5 because I run Snow Leopard and it won't run on that afaik.Adobe Lightroom Classic is available as part of Adobe Creative Cloud for as little as $9.99/month bundled with Photoshop CC as part of the photography package.Īdobe Lightroom Classic CC (was Adobe Lightroom) software helps you bring out the best in your photographs, whether you're perfecting one image, searching for ten, processing hundreds, or organizing thousands.Ĭreate incredible images that move your audience. Merging six 30-megapixel shots into a panorama was 4.8x faster on the new MacBook Pro, taking an average of 14 seconds vs. The connotations of that are not really worth going into. The last update LR4 I did definitely slowed it down. I wanted to pass along the heads up of what *might* happen if you try to apply this update.
I ended up having to upgrade to Lightroom 5 despite not wanting to. Given the antics Adobe has been playing with relation to the software license, I'm a little disappointed here. I had no issues installing the software and updating the Lightroom 4 catalog.
I went to the Adobe website and downloaded the trial version of Lightroom 5.
I tried to install Lightroom 4 again and got all the same results. I tried to create a new catalog and Lightroom could not do it. I tried to launch a backup of my image catalog and it could not launch it. Once complete, I tried to launch Lightroom - it could not find my image catalog. I rolled back my computer to reflect programs prior to the update. I went to the folder where Lightroom 4 resides and tried to launch the application. I tried to update Lightroom 4 and it disappeared. This update is supposed to change the version from 4.4 to 4.4.1 and is to provide additional raw support for new cameras as well as improve the cloning functionality. Applies to: Lightroom 6 has been discontinued and is no longer available for purchase on Adobe. Wanted to share my experience and caution.Adobe released an update for Lightroom 4. Download outlook mail for mac free photo editing software.
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Orange County Air Conditioning
The summer heat can be unbearable and even dangerous, so it's no surprise that people are looking for ways to cool down. One of the most common ways to do this is to use air conditioning. However, figuring out the best way to AC your home can be a daunting task.
What are the benefits of air conditioning in Orange County?
When you live in an area with a hot and humid climate, air conditioning is a must. Air conditioning in Orange County not only keeps you comfortable, but it’s also a great way to save energy and money. Here are some of the benefits of air conditioning in Orange County:
• It Keeps You Comfortable: In hot and humid climates, air conditioning can be very uncomfortable. Air conditioning cools the air and makes it comfortable to breathe.
• It Saves Energy: Air conditioning uses a lot of energy. If your home has air conditioning, you can save energy by using it during the summer months when temperatures are high and by keeping your home cooler in the winter.
• It’s Good for Your Health: A study found that people who live in hot and humid climates are more likely to have health problems such as asthma and poor circulation. Air conditioning can help to reduce these problems.
What types of air conditioning services are available in Orange County?
There are a variety of options for air conditioning services in Orange County, from window units to central air conditioners. Some homeowners choose to install their own air conditioning units, while others rely on professional contractors to install and maintain their systems. There are also a number of companies that offer 24/7 assistance with air conditioning issues, ensuring that residents have access to cooling during hot weather.
Here are some of the most popular types of air conditioning services in Orange County:
Window AC: This is the most common type of AC system in Orange County, and it uses less energy than other types of systems. Most window AC units use electricity to cool the room, but some models also use water or ice to reduce noise levels.
Central AC: A central AC unit is larger and more efficient than a window AC unit, and it can be used to cool multiple rooms in your home at once. Central ACs use electricity and often require an installation from a professional contractor.
Air Conditioning Contractors: If you want to install or upgrade your own air conditioning system, be sure to speak with an experienced contractor. Many contractors offer competitive rates and provide 24/
How much does an AC installation cost in Orange County?
When it comes to air conditioning, Orange County residents know that not all installations are created equal. Depending on the size of the installation, the cost can vary drastically. However, regardless of the price tag, one thing is for sure- an AC installation in Orange County doesn’t come cheap. Here’s a look at how much an AC installation costs in Orange County:
Small Home AC Installation: $200 to $750 Medium Home AC Installation: $1,000 to $2,500 Large Home AC Installation: $3,000 to $7,500 Extremely Large Home AC Installation: Over $10,000
What are some common problems with air conditioning systems in Orange County?
If you're like many Orange County homeowners, your air conditioning system is probably your biggest investment. And like any big investment, it's important to keep it in good condition – especially if you live in a hot climate like Orange County. Here are some of the most common problems with air conditioning systems in Orange County:
1. The unit isn't properly installed. A poorly installed air conditioning system can leak energy and create serious safety hazards. It can also cause the unit to overheat, which can lead to damage or even an electrical fire. Hire a qualified installer to ensure that your system is installed correctly and safely.
2. The unit isn't maintained properly. A clogged filter or dirty condenser coils can reduce a unit's efficiency and increase its chances of breaking down. Regular maintenance will keep your system running smoothly and prevent costly repairs.
3. The unit isn't insulated well enough. Air conditioning units work by moving air around – and if the room they're in is warm, they'll move more air to cool the room down than necessary, which will use more energy than necessary. Insulate your walls and ceilings to help restrict heat from entering
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How can I prepare for a summer heatwave in Orange County?
Preparing for a summer heatwave in Orange County can mean taking a few simple steps to stay healthy and comfortable. Here are some tips to help you get through a hot summer day:
Drink plenty of fluids, especially during the hottest part of the day. A full glass of water will help keep your body hydrated.
Stay out of the sun as much as possible. Wear sunscreen and hats, and stay away from reflective surfaces like metal rooftops and windows.
Stay cool indoors by using air conditioning and avoiding strenuous activities outside in the heat.
If you experience any symptoms like extreme thirst, fatigue, or fever, consult a doctor immediately.
What is Orange County's climate like during the winter?
In the winter, Orange County experiences a Mediterranean climate. This means that there is a lot of precipitation and mild temperatures. The average temperature in the winter is around 58 degrees, and there is an average of 18 inches of precipitation.
If you're looking for a reliable and affordable air conditioning company in Orange County, then you need to call on the professionals at Air Conditioning Repair Los Angeles. We have years of experience repairing all types of air conditioning units, from small window ACs to large central AC systems. We'll come out to your home or office and get your system up and running as quickly and efficiently as possible, without any hassle or expense.
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t4tripsandtours · 2 years
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Use the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Develop module to make non-destructive adjustments, such as cropping, color correction, spot removal, tonal adjustments, and exposure. In Lightroom for PC, you do not save photos in the traditional sense. Instead, you export new sets of files that include Develop module adjustments. The app export supports a variety of file formats suitable for a wide range of uses. For example, you can export photos as JPEGs to share online, or as TIFFs for a print publication. Create incredible photos anywhere with Lightroom CC and 1TB of cloud storage. The app offers powerful photo editing features in an easy-to-use interface. Adjust your full-resolution shots and have both your originals and edits backed up to the cloud. Organize with searchable keywords that are automatically applied without the hassle of tagging. And easily share and showcase your photos in fun ways. Features and Highlights Anywhere editing With easy-to-use photo editing tools like sliders and filters, this product makes it simple to create photos that look just the way you want. And you can edit your full-resolution photos anywhere — on mobile devices, the web, or your desktop. Edits on one device are automatically applied everywhere else. Smarter organization Adobe Sensei uses machine learning to recognize the people and other content in your photos and then apply searchable keywords automatically. Looking for shots of your cousin or favorite trips to the water? Auto-tagging makes searching a snap so you can create albums based on any person or theme you want. Worry-free storage Starting at 1TB with options for more, the cloud storage in the tool ensures that you can access your entire library of full-resolution photos anytime you want, anywhere you are, from any device. Easy sharing Share your photographs with loved ones, clients, or an even bigger audience. 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elliotmgeb923 · 2 years
What I Wish I Knew a Year Ago About pond filter
At the time you are aware of the amount of drinking water in your pond you can begin to consider your options. A word of caution in this article! You should be aware that a US gallon is 3.7854 liters, Whilst an Imperial gallon (UK gallon) is 4.54609 liters. This problem may perhaps must be deemed when you're considering product or service specs for imported solutions.
What exactly are The most typical Pond Filter Sorts?
* Pressurized pond filters have over the past 10 years or so started to dominate the pond keeping marketplace, specially within the smaller to medium sized pond classification, which can be the category the overwhelming majority of pond keepers slide into. The key reason why for that good results is because of: their superb reliability; the compact, Room saving structure; the pressurized Procedure that permits the filter to get placed faraway from the pond, from sight and The reality that the h2o leaving the filter is still under pressure meaning that it can be utilized to provide a water attribute or waterfall. A different important edge would be the inbuilt back flushing method which will allow squander make any difference to generally be expelled in the filter, by simply pressing a button or turning a manage. This will make regimen cleaning less difficult. The 3 greatest decisions in my view would be the Fishmate Powerclenz pressurized filter range, Hozelock Bioforce array and the Oase Filtoclear models. All three makes are supplied with excellent warranties (5 a long time with Oase) and are engineered to keep running fees to the minimum amount. When you wish to avoid environmentally friendly pond water then consider the built-in UV clarifier designs.
* A gravity return filter, often known as a gravity discharge filter is probably what the overwhelming majority of us Imagine a pond filter looks like, if we were being requested to describe just one. These rectangular box form filters remain very popular, through the world, Even with shedding some of their market share to your pressurized pond filter variety, throughout the last ten years. The main benefits of such a pond filtration process are classified as the very low Original acquire Price tag, the convenience of installation, The provision of various styles and because the design has existed for so long, a lot of the kinks are ironed out. This submersible pump fed system depends over a pond pump to ability pond drinking water towards the filter, the place it's purified of particles and ammonia ahead of flowing back again in to the pond under the influence of gravity. Because of this it needs to be positioned at the highest point in the pond. I might recommend the Fishmate gravity return filter mainly because it is provided as typical with Supra bio media (Alfagrog in britain). This inexpensive filter media encourages significant colonies of ammonia oxidizing microorganisms to colonize, making sure that ammonia is faraway from the pond drinking water quicker than It could be if plastic coils or lava rocks had been utilized.
* Fluidized bed filters, a lot more usually known as bead filters are Specialist pond filtration techniques geared toward pond proprietors with large ponds and large fish masses, notably Koi. The key into the effectiveness of the bead biofilter is the look; the Organic chamber is property to upwards of five hundred,000 tiny beads that are suspended in h2o inside of a pressurized environment. The violent thrashing with each other of fresh drinking water, oxygen, beads and ammonia (NH3) provides the very best situation for promptly and competently breaking down ammonia. There are some drawbacks on the other hand; they can be pretty highly-priced to buy; the beads will following a time frame clump collectively in what is referred to as channeling. This decreases the performance in the beads in oxidizing ammonia and would require a again flush to interrupt up the stable mass of beads and pond waste. Often several of the tiny beads break and turn into lodged in The inner laterals of the filter unit. Inside the USA the top bead filter is the Aqua Ultima selection by Aqua Ultraviolet. Other well known styles will be the Aquadyne selection by Koi Camp Aquariology, the Aquabead and Biotek assortment by Grand Champion Systems (GC Tek) plus the Challenger and Econobead filters by Fluidart Technologies. Some of the styles are provided having a life time warranty.
* A gravity fed pond filter really should be put in adjacent on the pond, and at exactly the same degree. Pond water is fed into your program by using a bottom drain. This multi chamber filter incorporates a pump in the final chamber that forces water again in the pond stressed, typically by way of a venturi. Because of this the pond area will almost always be a little bit bigger than that during the filter, leading to drinking water to go through on the filter through The underside drain below gravity. This kind of bio filter is tricky to set up and is frequently used in substantial Koi ponds. A vortex Koi filter is surely an example of this kind of technique and is particularly the preferred filtration technique in the united kingdom and in Japan, the ancestral home of Koi. The major advantage of a vortex filter is waste issue is not able to come into connection with the nitrifying microorganisms. This helps to guarantee much better pond drinking water good quality and fewer chance for heterotrophic microbes to pollute the pond and lead to fish health conditions.
What Things Have an impact on Pond Filter Choice?
The selection of pond filter type is dependent in the most component on the amount of h2o within your pond as well as the variety and type of fish stocked. Being a guideline In case you have a pond up to 1000 US gallons I'd personally suggest either a gravity discharge filter or simply a pressurized pond filter, because the larger Koi pond filter systems could be much to costly for your needs and would even be in excess of get rid of. These more substantial Koi pond filters are far better suited to make use of in significant Koi ponds in which you'll find big volumes of water, ammonia and stable squander subject. When looking at a selected brand, take a look at the brands Web-site in which you will often be capable of finding downloadable person guides and set up manuals.
Shops will normally publicize huge filter products for giant ponds and scaled-down versions for more compact ponds. On The entire this is the marketing and advertising ploy mainly because it isn't the measurement with the filter that influences its effectiveness! It's the sizing on the microorganisms colony available to break down ammonia, along with The supply of oxygenated h2o allowed to combine Using the bacteria. Do not forget that The one very best way to further improve biological pond filtration in gravity discharge filters and pressurized filters is to make use of a filter media with a high surface area location, as This enables much more nitrifying germs to colonize. It's a numbers recreation! The more microorganisms offered, the faster ammonia are going to be broken down. On top of that a biomedia with a higher surface spot suggests that you're going to need less of it, meaning that you physically require a lesser filter wherein to shop it. Supra pond filter media is an excellent inexpensive, porous item by using a high surface area location.
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safelifetechnology · 2 years
কিভাবে ওয়াটার ফিল্টার ফিটিং Video-Water purifier Installation & Servicing at Home.
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floorgrape96 · 2 years
The way to Slap Down A new Show
By use involving different forms of light, exactly the same trade show booth may have a completely different look, effect and feeling. Never ever underestimate the importance of the particular appropriate lighting of the trade show exhibit. 4. Put the dollar value in your time. Have most the benefits of the sun kit above AS WELL AS the added benefit of having the Mains Power Charger; This supplied charger enables you to take the panel in the house and charge typically the integrated batteries throughout a few small hours, giving a person lots of run time. In the scenarios of out of the box transaction versus foreclosures, people definitely end up being an effect on the credit score. Simply by honoring those tastes, it will probably be much easier to accomplish considerably more in less moment. If customers follow these 3 easy steps, we promise we? d expend less time due to the fact the service moment for installed water heaters would be extended by 5 or more years. Typically the primary service location for Atlantic Southeast is the Midwest and Southeast locations of America, whilst Skywest Airlines remains focused on typically the Western portion of the U. H. Understandably, you? ll need to insert added information into the research so you can easily find what you need to realize about Skywest Air carriers.
Paula prendes. In case you find that will Vegetarian eating may be something which in turn just unusual looking folks that end up being like a hippies from your 1960? s do you are very completely wrong. The body is made up of more than 80 % h2o because well as showering inside unfiltered water allows your body system to absorb severe chemical substances like pool water since well as THMs which can always be dangerous plus the hefty steam from making use of domestic hot drinking water leads to children's pool water to come to be inhaled in the event that merely no filtering method is used. Either way, be sure you choose one with a price of which you can manage without straining. Because providing a few less expensive designs - and it also need to be stressed the belief that cost tag big difference is generally minor, 1 wind gusts up compromising quite a bit regarding high quality regarding audio and even comfort regarding putting on, for the altar regarding so what can come to be just the few dollar-cents big difference. 카지노 But precisely what, specifically, it can be that types Sennheiser Earphones in addition to typically the bunch? As well as the revamped cuisine, the Water pump Room upgraded their wine offering plus expanded the line region.
Money you might spend on land transportation is another location of concern. Some individuals simply want television h2o for drinking alcohol as well while food preparation, when that? s the case going with the beneath countertop purification or beneath drain purification unit is a good approach to go there are lots of variations to choose from ranging from about fifty to a few associated with hundred or therefore money. To fix any problem observed and stop typically the expensive damages, that is good to hire the most experienced air health and fitness repair company. In case you do not really know a great deal about air purifiers, after that knowing about typically the different types will assist you make a good decision when you decide to get one particular. Choosing between a new short sale vs foreclosure is some sort of tough decision. First, the scenario may be that the mortgage company you authorized up with approves the acceptance associated with net amount which you were able to have from your short sale.
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fullsuuns · 4 years
true blue | n.jm
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pairing: jaemin x fem. reader
genre: angst, fluff
wordcount: 6.4k
tags: camphalfblood!au, forbiddenlove!au, demigod!jaemin, mermaid!reader, jaemin is son of poseidon in this, it’s also told in jaemin’s pov
warnings: none
synopsis: in which na jaemin finds out he’s more gifted than he initially thought and also takes the risk of falling in love with a mermaid.
song rec♫: neptune - sleeping at last (highly rec this song as it alone inspired this entire fic)
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na jaemin had always been a lover of water.
growing up in busan, he always felt inexplicably drawn to the ocean. be it the way the water always felt refreshing to the touch and would instantly clear his head, or how the tadpoles would dance around his toes when he dipped his feet in, he didn’t know. all he did know was that he adored it.
maybe it had been the initial reason he’d joined his highschool’s swim team during his senior year. something about diving straight into water and moving his body in a way that almost felt like second nature to him. getting praised for doing so was just another factor in what drove him to spend more time at the school’s pool than, quite literally, anywhere else. though in his last year, jaemin quickly became a commended athlete for his extraordinary talent.
what other people didn’t know, especially his classmates and his coach, is that na jaemin could do something with water — something that he was sure other people couldn’t. at first, jaemin told himself it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary; that making the water ripple beneath him without even pressing his palm to the surface wasn’t odd.
except it was — that was what he soon realized.
of course, making water move didn’t seem like a big deal; jaemin would reassure himself that it was most likely due to the pressure coming from the pool’s installed filtering jets. everything seemed fine as jaemin dove into the body of water. he hadn’t noticed the pretty bad scrape on his arm, either — and from what? he didn’t even know.
when jaemin had surfaced, his eyes caught the slight discoloration to his submerged skin almost immediately. he brought his arm up and out, water sloshing around him as his eyes inspected the scrape. the wound looked pretty gruesome under the white light, the harsh lighting of the natatorium almost making it appear worse than it probably was.
he was about to just let it be, swim a few more laps — at least that was the plan until he saw water creep its way up his arm. several streams ran over the wound, collectively healing and sealing the scrape up. now in its place was nothing but unblemished skin, as if nothing had ever happened.
jaemin was shocked. his mouth had hung wide open, eyes almost bulging out of his skull as they drank in his now seemingly perfect forearm. he was quick to dart his eyes for his surroundings, hoping no one had witnessed what exactly had just happened. there were various students, all a part of the water polo team, but they were all too busy with setting up equipment to notice jaemin’s situation. he was thankful.
he swam to the edge of the pool after that. he pushed himself up, gushes of water splashing around him as he exited. jaemin power-walked to the locker room, wishing that whatever he’d seen was just a figment of his imagination and that it never actually occurred. he didn’t spare his arm another glance for confirmation, choosing to ignore the incident for his own sanity.
nothing intense had happened since that day, and jaemin had graduated from highschool peacefully. of course, the swim team’s ace had been scouted by big universities, but jaemin had already been set on dropping swim after the pool incident, so he politely turned each one down. (each agent had looked at him incredulously, but jaemin just smiled humbly, thanking them before parting ways.)
the summer after his senior year of highschool had been pretty boring. several hours into the night for various nights in a row, jaemin played call of duty with his friends donghyuck and jongho. he was sure that he even developed eyebags, but ignored the mirror every time he stepped into the bathroom. cold showers always fueled to restore his energy almost completely, keeping him going despite donghyuck’s whines that they didn’t do anything. jaemin would tease that the brunet simply just wasn’t as cool as him.
one day, jaemin had decided to pick up the mail that arrived at his mother’s house just so that she didn’t have to. he was surprised to see a handwritten letter addressed to him, even going as far as having a wax seal on the back. jaemin had dropped the rest of the mail pile onto the kitchen table instead, focused on prying the single envelope with the hard-to-budge seal open.
the letter wasn’t anything fancy, really, but it hadn’t been written in korean. initially, it was written in a language jaemin couldn’t decipher — or at least that’s what he thought until the characters started to float and move around right before his eyes. out of shock, jaemin dropped the letter and envelope to the floor. he’d squeezed his eyes shut, spewing mantras of it’s just the redbull, it’s just the redbull.
jaemin eyed it for a while, the crinkled cream paper unmoving in all its glory. his mother still hadn’t gotten back from work, so it was just him in their house. still, jaemin refused to pick up the letter for five more minutes.
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he should’ve known that that had been the start of it all; that it’d be the inevitable start of na jaemin finding out he had magical blood running through his veins.
he simply ridiculed the idea, ridiculed the letter in its entirety until his mother had gotten home that one fateful day only two weeks ago. she’d told him that it was all true — about how jaemin was a descendant of the all-mighty poseidon, god of the seas, and that he was a lot more gifted than he thought possible.
he wanted to cry, laugh, maybe even scream, because he desperately wanted to be told it was a joke. still, the memory of his mother only looking at him with serious, unplayful eyes bore itself into his mind. in that moment, fourteen days ago, jaemin knew that it was true — knew that that was the reasoning behind why he was always different.
na jaemin didn’t want to believe it. he still wanted to be in unnerving denial, even as his mother drove him to what she said was the boundary line that connected the human world to the gifted world. even when their car had stopped at a clearing and she had exited the vehicle, she still motioned jaemin’s figure out.
“i can’t go beyond here, jaemin. you have to go on your own.” she told him when he finally stepped up to her.
“but why?” he asked. jaemin didn’t want to admit it, but his heart was beating sporadically beneath his chest at the thought of having to do this alone.
“i’m not like you, jaemin. you must go on your own and figure out your destiny.”
she’d given him a hug, promising she’d call him. jaemin wanted so badly for her to tell him this wasn’t what was actually happening, that it was some planned-out prank that would land them both on television and get them thousands of dollars, but he knew it wasn’t in his mother’s nature to pull something like this.
as he stepped deeper into the forest with backpack on his shoulders, jaemin looked back to see his mother wave at him. he waved back, a wistful look crossing his features momentarily as he stared at her. with a newfound sense of bravery, and one last look at the woman who raised him for twenty years of his life, jaemin turned back around and ventured farther into the forest, leaves crunching beneath his boots as he searched for whatever it was exactly that awaited him.
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jaemin was surprised, shocked, flabbergasted to see that whatever his mother had told him about actually turned out to be true. forty minutes into his walk, and with the sun threatening to set, jaemin reached a clearing.
it greets him in the form of tall, wooden trunks that are formed to create a singular entrance. above it, greek lettering rearranges itself into korean before jaemin’s eyes (just like they had on the letter), and soon, camp halfblood is sprawled over the wood.
he didn’t know exactly what to do from then on. jaemin heard a yell being shouted from inside the open territory, and someone was quick to jog up to him.
“new comer?” the person asked. he looked to be around his age: black hair, youthful brown eyes, and a similar build to jaemin.
he nodded, albeit a little cautiously.
“i’m jeno,” the raven said, grinning, “son of ares, god of war.”
“i’m jaemin.” he greeted. “son of poseidon, i think? at least that’s what i was told.”
jeno’s eyes widened, marveling at him. “no way, poseidon?”
jaemin only nodded again, more confident this time.
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safe to say, it took jaemin a while to get used to his new life. word of the one and only poseidon’s son was quick to spread around the camp — or at least that’s what he assumed, because only two days had passed before he’d found out everyone knew of him.
with jeno teaching him battle techniques and all about camp life, jaemin grew grateful at the chance to be given a friend in his new life. of course, there were still times that he missed his old ones.
(he’d told donghyuck and his other closest friends that he’d be away on an internship in the united states for some time, and that his cellphone service wouldn’t allow for international calls or texts. it was a lie, but it seemed believable enough that they didn’t question him.)
jaemin was lucky to reach his mother on the phone the night he’d first arrived at the place two weeks ago. he informed her that he’d gotten to camp safely, that he’d even met a new friend, and she’d been relieved. his mother told him to stay safe and to call her more often, to which he agreed he would do.
more time passed, and jaemin had met more friends: renjun, son of athena, chenle, son of hermes, and jisung, son of demeter. they were all nice boys, despite their initial gawking at finding out that jaemin was a direct descendant from poseidon himself. although the shock was there at first, they were quick to dismiss it in favor of treating him normally — or as normally as demigods could treat eachother — and jaemin was grateful for it.
he’d even gotten his own cabin — a gift from his father — chiron, head of camp, told him. it was a grand cabin constructed close to the edge of camp, away from any and all others (jaemin was happy to learn that) as it overlooked the vast ocean it connected to. over time, jaemin grew to love visiting his dock in favor of clearing his head. the water around him felt like home, and it still served to calm him and keep him peaceful when he was conflicted.
jaemin would visit the dock several times a week just to get a sense of grounding. there were times he would play with the water beneath him, ghosting his palms over the surface to practice creating ripples. the fish that swam under the water were always spooked.
it’d been two months later that something truly happened, something that he never expected to see — or, well, hear.
jaemin thought it would be just another ordinary thursday, except that idea changed when he heard faint groans of pain from behind the giant boulder to his right.
he knew that the rock was beyond the boundary line that separated the camp from the outside world, but jaemin always pinged himself as the curious type. he was quick to round the rock, wanting to figure out what exactly had been making noise.
he didn’t know what he expected, but he certainly didn’t expect to see you laying a ways away from the ocean, tear streaks on your face as you distinctly cried out in pain.
jaemin was quick to rush over.
“oh my god, are you okay?” he asked, panic in his voice as he knelt down next to you.
your tail shimmered under the sunlight, and jaemin was sure he knew what you were. he’d read about creatures like you all his life. he thought mermaids would just be folklore, imaginary. he didn’t believe them to be real at first, but jaemin had also found out he was a demigod so he wasn’t exactly sure about what was real or not anymore.
you definitely seem to be real, at least that’s what jaemin thought to himself.
he was refocused by the time he heard a whimper escape your lips, fear evident in your eyes as you tried to shimmy away from him. with your attempts being fruitless, jaemin’s heart ached momentarily when you lifted your tail only to wail in agony.
“it’s okay,” he assured. jaemin brought his hands forward to show you that he hadn’t been holding a weapon. “i won’t hurt you. what’s wrong? i want to help you.”
you bite your lip. your voice is quiet, yet almost melodical to him when you speak. “my tail. it’s my tail. i can’t - i can’t move. it hurts too much.”
jaemin looked down to see what you were talking about. sure enough, he saw several gashes lining the ends of your tail, some chunks to your fin even ripped off.
his eyebrows knit in sorrow, worry. “who would do this to you?”
he didn’t expect a response, it’d been more of a rhetorical question that he’d wondered to himself. still, he heard your quiet answer. “fishers.”
jaemin looked back at you, smiling in hopes that it could be enough to soothe you down a bit. he didn’t miss the way your irises still held traces of caution and fear, but he was quick to reassure you.
“don’t worry, just let me do something real quick. i promise you’re safe, i won’t even touch you. just let me help. can i help you?”
he waited for you to nod, for you to give him permission to help you. hesitantly, you did so.
you were still a close enough distance to the ocean that the water came alive at jaemin’s command when he held his hand out. he looked to you for any sign of discomfort, letting his tensed shoulders go lax when he only found twinkles of surprise and curiosity in your eyes. jaemin didn’t let the water get swallowed by the sand as it trailed up to you. he directed his palm towards your tail, the water running over the broken fin of your tail.
what happened next made you gasp and jaemin grin. the water was slowly beginning to mend your tail, restoring the previously broken off ends with new, healthier ones out of thin air. by the time your tail was repaired, and you had flapped it experimentally, you cried out in happiness.
“no way! no way, my tail!” you give it another flick, just for good measure. “it’s back!”
jaemin saw the grin on your face, saw the way your eyes shone so brightly, and he had to admit that it served to bring a smile to his lips.
that had been jaemin’s first encounter with you.
two weeks had passed.
jaemin was sure he’d never see you again after that, telling himself you’d most likely never come back a second time. he didn’t tell anyone of his encounter with you; hadn’t mentioned anything about mermaids to anyone. still, two weeks passed and he couldn’t get you out of his head, because simply to him, you were the kind of ethereal beauty beyond those descended from the aphrodite herself.
he’d been seated at his cabin’s dock again. the water was calm, nothing but the faint chitter-chatter from camp the only sound that could be heard. in his silence, jaemin constantly found himself wondering if you would ever come back, if he’d ever cross paths with you again as he dug into his pocket for a stray coin. he threw it into the ocean, watching it leap for several seconds before sinking below the surface.
he let out a sigh.
“maybe something like that was too good to be true,” jaemin spoke to himself. “silly me.”
except, jaemin was quick to turn his head when he felt something hit his bicep. looking down, he saw that what he’d been hit with was a singular pebble — round and smooth and definitely hand-picked. he chose to ignore it, telling himself it could’ve just been a coincidence. then he felt another hard collision to his arm.
he turned faster this time, eyes fleeting as they scoured for location of the source. the top of a head behind a boulder caught his gaze. it disappeared almost instantly, but jaemin knew he saw it. a tiny spark of hopefulness was quick to rise within him when he realized that that had been the rock he’d previously seen you behind.
jaemin got up to his feet, grabbing the small yet striking pebble in his hand. he’d looked over his shoulder, made sure no one saw him crossing over the boundary before he made his way over to the boulder.
jaemin reached the top of the rock soon enough, sitting down as he waited for you to come out. he’d purposely tip-toed so as to not let alert you that he was approaching, and it’d worked as he heard a shriek from you once you made another appearance. the surprise of it had you falling back into the water, in turn making jaemin both laugh and clap his hands in amusement.
he grinned teasingly at you, holding up the pebble next to him. though he wasn’t happy about you throwing stones at him, he was ecstatic to learn that you came back. “is there a reason you’re throwing rocks at me?”
jaemin watched you emerge from the ocean in all of your radiance. he took note that from under the clear water, your tail was fine now, no longer needing care. he also took note that your hair was still pretty despite it being stuck to your wet body, and that you had a mesh bag tied to your wrist.
“yes, actually,” you answered, laughing. your eyelashes fluttered extra prettily against your cheeks when you brought the bag up to him, and jaemin was completely enraptured. “i want to thank you for helping me.”
“you don’t have to thank me,” jaemin said. “but i’d love to know your name.”
“y/n,” oh how beautiful your voice was to him. “and you, my savior?”
a smile prodded at jaemin’s lips. “y/n,” he echoed, testing your name on his tongue. he loved it. “i’m jaemin, na jaemin.”
“jaemin,” you had repeated with a giggle, swishing the bag around in your hands. it was so, so easy for him to be intrigued by you. “i’ve brought you seashells as a gift.”
his heart had fluttered when you placed the mesh bag of trinkets into his palms, various seashells moving around in his grip. the bag was wet. droplets poured down onto jaemin’s jeans, but he found that he didn’t mind. not when you gave him a bright, beautiful grin that had his breath hitching.
that was his second encounter with you.
it wasn’t long before jaemin really, truly started to fall for you. every friday, he’d meet you at the same rock just outside of the boundary line after duties at 3p.m — or, well, when the ocean’s current direction shifted for you (he came to figure out that mermaids simply didn’t calculate time). still, these were the days he awaited most.
he’d share stories upon stories with you about both his camp life and human life. he grew fond of how you attentively drank up every detail from every story he shared with wide, beautiful eyes. you, too, shared counts of your life at sea, though they were more dark if anything.
jaemin’s eyebrows furrowed when he heard of how your kind was hunted, sought after for your fins. you’d told him about how they were magical in the sense that they were able to heal the weak and restore them back to full health. jaemin now understood why you had been so scared the first time he saw you. though he smiled at you reassuringly, his heart broke beneath the surface.
jaemin had grabbed your hand, interlocking your fingers together with a whispered promise. “i’ll never let anyone hurt you again.”
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no one knew of jaemin sneaking out beyond campgrounds to meet you. no one even knew that he was sneaking out in the first place until two months in.
jaemin was careful enough to not let anyone see you, always hiding you away from the direct line of sight from camp just had something go wrong.
nothing ever did, at least until that one friday.
he’d been perched at his usual spot on the boulder, sitting cross-legged with you in front of him, your top half emerged enough from the water so that he could place his lips on yours. there was nothing but the ocean and the forest around you, a calm serene setting for when he would kiss you under the shade of the giant camp tree.
jaemin held your hand out, your palm facing towards the sky. you’d giggled, asking him what he was doing, to which he only shushed you with another kiss to your lips. he had to pull away when you placed your free hand on his cheek, deepening it ever so slightly.
“sneaky sneaky.” jaemin tsk’d.
you hummed, tongue darting out across your lips. “nice chapstick. is that cherry?”
“yes it is,” he answered. “now hush, i’m trying to show you something.”
he returned to drawing a figure on your skin, connecting your palm to his right after. your eyes glimmered as you watched in awe, eyes trained on the watered silhouette of a seahorse that floated between both you and jaemin.
“wow, it’s - wow, jaemin. that’s amazing.”
jaemin’s heart thumped from beneath his chest, as it always did each and every time you smiled at him. you tapped an index finger at the floating water, yelping when some of it ran down your arm and back into the ocean. you were shocked at first, but quick to let out a sweet laugh right after. jaemin was happy to see you happy. jaemin was happy that he could make you happy.
maybe he’d been too caught up in you — too caught up in the melodical beauty of your laugh to notice anything unusual. his eyebrows furrowed when he saw your eyes settle on something behind him, the deep pools of your irises growing the same fearful look they had when he first met you, and a panic arose within him. you didn’t say anything as your eyes met his, but you were quick to duck back into the water. jaemin watched you swim away below the ocean with a weak and confused heart.
that’s when he heard it.
the faint, distant call of a camper.
jaemin visibly tensed, his jaw hardening and back straightening at the intrusion. the water that he’d controlled, now fallen, served to create a damp spot on the rock. his eyes scoured the ocean, but he saw no trace of you anywhere. he’d hoped that whoever was calling for him didn’t actually see you.
with a heavy sigh, he turned around to face the random camper — someone he’d never even seen before. still, jaemin tried to muster the best fakest smile that he could account for, even when his blood simmered. the intruder only looked at him warily before turning away, scurrying back to camp.
he was now left alone with nothing but the ocean around him. the sun had almost set, glow peaking just enough from behind the mountains, and that’s when jaemin realized just how fast time would pass when he was with you. sometimes, there were fridays where he would return to camp after darkness had grown, after spending hours talking to you about nothing and everything all at once, but he never once regretted one of those days.
a few days later, jaemin thinks word got out to chiron that he’d been sneaking past the boundary line, because soon he gets summoned into the centaur’s office for what he presumes is that very reason. the place smells of smoke upon his arrival, and the cabin has a surplus of antiques from olympus that decorate the interior. it’s nowhere near as elegantly built as his own cabin; jaemin thought this as he watched the crackling fire from the fireplace. he pushed that down when his wandering thoughts were interrupted by the rough clear of a throat.
chiron is stoic with his gaze, but jaemin is unphased. if he was really here for what he thought he was here for, he didn’t care.
“i hear you’ve been sneaking out of camp.” ah, so jaemin’s assumptions were proven correct. there was a disapproving lilt in the centaur’s tone that made jaemin almost flinch. “to converse with a mermaid?”
jaemin knew he couldn’t lie to weasel himself out of this situation — it simply wouldn’t do him any good when everyone already knew anyway. he’d had the feeling that the camper he’d seen would tell someone as soon as he returned back to camp, but jaemin didn’t care in that moment. he’d been too caught up in feeling distraught over your untimely goodbye to think about the probability of his secret getting out.
he just sighed. “yes, i have.”
except chiron already knew.
“do you know the danger that outside creatures could impose on our kind?” he berated. “that boundary is put in place to keep us safe, keep us away from the danger that the outside world brings. i will not have you stepping outside of that field again - for a pesky mermaid much less.”
jaemin felt his blood boil at the words, at the way the centaur spoke of you so unnervingly. his hackles raised in defense, eyes unsparing as he spoke with a tone full of venom. “do you know who i am?”
chiron must have been taken aback, because surely he hadn’t expected jaemin to challenge him so outwardly.
jaemin continued. “i’m son of poseidon, god of the seas, and unless you want this entire place flooded by the ocean’s water, you’re going to leave me alone, and you’re going to leave her alone. i can handle things on my own.”
he didn’t spare the centaur another word nor did he allow him to respond. instead, jaemin rose from the desk he’d been leaning on, storming out of the cabin and halfway across camp towards his own.
jaemin meant it when he said he wouldn’t let anyone hurt you again. he loved you too much to let anything bad happen to you.
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the week that followed was too tense. jaemin hadn’t spoken to his friends in a while. he told jeno he needed alone time, needed to think — to which the raven assured him to take as much time as he needed. by then, everyone knew that na jaemin was seemingly in love with a mermaid, as gossip about those descended from the most powerful of gods always spread like wildfire. he didn’t mind it though, maybe that would get aphrodite’s daughters off his back for once.
the next friday was quick to come.
that entire morning, jaemin had buzzed to see you. he’d missed your eyes, your voice, your lips, and positively everything about you that he grew to adore in so little time. he wanted to speak to you again, to make you laugh again, and to get the chance to kiss you again.
he’d arrived at your spot that evening, your favorite flower freshly picked in his hand. he even went as far as to truly making sure no one had followed him this time by coming out earlier than he usually did.
jaemin waited, and waited, and waited. there was no sign of you anywhere; no breathtaking glimmer of your tail under the translucent water as you swam around him, no teasing splash as you coaxed him into getting in with you, and certainly no familiar ripple as you got ready to emerge from under the ocean.
he waited. but you never came.
jaemin realized he’d been sat there for hours when he saw the ever fading sun begin to hide itself behind the mountains. they’re the same hours he would spend with you, but the time that passed now left him sluggish without your vibrant presence.
still, he didn’t move. he refused to until the day turned into night.
hours later, the sun got replaced by the moon — the subsequent result of time that had passed.
jaemin soon gave up. he figured you’d come another day, and it was left at that.
except with every trudging step back to his cabin, his heart ultimately cracked. the now droopy flower in his hand mirrored the sorrow he felt when he placed it on the nightstand next to his bed, a lone petal falling. he’d been ready to see you again, been ready to give it to you (jaemin remembered that vague memory of you telling him of your favorite flower weeks ago, and he wanted to see that familiar sparkle of delight light up your eyes — simply because he adored it too much).
unable to sleep, jaemin laid awake for some time that night, staring up at the wooden ceiling of his cabin. when he did manage to feel sleepy, eyes fatigued, he closed them with one thought plaguing his mind: he didn’t know where you were, but he really, really hoped you were safe.
jaemin didn’t give up.
instead, he opted to visit your same meeting spot every day after he finished daily training, hoping you’d come back to him at some point. at times, he would bring his ipod and play your favorite song — a song you’d told him stuck with you from a passing cruise ship. you sang the lyrics so prettily, and though tranced, jaemin still managed to jot them down on a piece of paper so that he would have it by the next time you two met up.
he grew to miss you more and more with every passing hour he spent by the unmoving water. he found himself missing the way your eyes would crinkle when he cupped your face to press chaste kisses to your lips, and how you would laugh into his mouth each time. jaemin was sure he hadn’t felt this way about another being before, and he told himself he’d rather walk through the gates of hell than let you go like this.
so jaemin waited. patiently.
another two weeks passed, yet he still came back each day.
it’d been two fridays since jaemin had last seen you. time felt still when he sat on the rock, but he found entertainment in watching voyagers travel from a distance. he noted that the clouds were gloomier today, a sort of overcast that almost threatened to storm against his surroundings, but jaemin didn’t pay it much mind other than that. instead, he found serenity in closing his eyes, and favored listening to the sounds of nature around him.
jaemin first felt a splash hit his left hand, but excused it as just a random ocean wave that’d gotten a little too powerful (those weren’t all too uncommon, especially when a rainstorm was near). with his eyes still closed, jaemin breathed deeply, ears twitching only when he heard the faint chirp of birds behind him.
there was another splash a few seconds later, though this time it’d been undoubtedly bigger than the last. jaemin peered one eye open when he felt both of his arms get drenched, the water now drenching his lap.
safe to say, his mouth dropped open in surprise. a soft gasp followed when he saw you floating in front of him, in all of your divine radiance. your hair was soaked, sticking to your body. droplets of accumulated water had decorated your flushed cheeks, your eyelashes wet with saltwater. still, you looked as gorgeous as you always had to jaemin — maybe even more this time.
he didn’t know how to react — didn’t know if you were actually truly in front of him. he’d waited countless hours for you to return back to him, return to your spot, yet he never expected to see you so abruptly like this.
you opened your mouth to speak, but jaemin had beaten you to it.
“y/n?” he asked almost incredulously. “is it - is it really you? are you really here right now?”
you only nodded.
a grin was quick to plaster itself across jaemin’s face, soon falling when he noticed yours didn’t mirror the same excitement. instead, he took in your sad eyes, the familiar spark that would shine beneath your irises no longer visible. he was confused; sadness was something jaemin had never seen from you.
“what’s wrong?”
“jaemin, i -” your voice sounded distressed, breaking before you could even say anything else. jaemin tried to reach out for you, to comfort you, but you pulled away from him in time so that he couldn’t touch your face. hurt panged at his heart instantly, and he was sure the confusion was evident on his face.
you gulped. “we can’t be together, jaemin.”
it took a second for your words to register, but when they had, they felt like a painful punch to his throat, and jaemin’s heart metaphorically plummeted to his feet.
he recoiled, bringing his arms back to his body. many different emotions swim through him all at once, unsure of how to feel exactly. he looked at your face for any signs of bluff, but was only met with sad, unmoving eyes.
“what? y/n, what? why?” his voice cracked, words laced with distress.
he watched your eyes well up with tears, and his heart continued to break. above the both of you, the sky grew darker, a flurry of clouds passing over the sky rapidly quicker than they ever had before.
you cleared your throat. “we can’t be together, jaem. we’re from two different worlds, and i don’t want you to end up hurt because of me. i - i don’t want that. so you have to let me go. you have to. i just want you to know that i love you and i’m so thankful for you, and i’m so, so sorry that i had to do stumble into your life.”
jaemin wanted to reassure you that you were all he ever wanted — all he ever needed as he heard you babble. he opened his mouth to speak, wanting so badly to console you, but was quick to get interrupted by a loud roar of thunder.
water came shortly after. it poured heavily around the two of you as the atmosphere thickened. jaemin felt his hair get damp, his clothes growing heavy with rain, but he was completely unphased by it when he looked at you — looked at who he fell in love with.
he watched you look up to the sky, felt his eyes begin to water.
“i have to go now. zeus knows i’m here, and he’s not happy,” your voice was distraught as another heavy clap sounded through the sky. the sound made you jolt. “i won’t forget the time i spent with you, na jaemin. thank you for - for showing me your world. and telling me your stories. and loving me as i am. i love you, i’ll truly never forget you, but i have to go.”
jaemin wanted to cry in confusion. he didn’t want to say goodbye. he’d waited too long just to see you again.
tears poured down his face rapidly as he shook his head in denial, begging you to not leave. he reached out his hand to your submerging figure, crying out when you retreated back into the water and swam away with nothing but a final glance at him.
jaemin cried for who knows how long, uncaring of the rain as it pelted his body. the usually refreshing feeling of water no longer served the same purpose at calming him. instead, his body wracked with countless sobs — crying because he missed you, crying because he waited so long just to hear your voice, and crying because he wasn’t sure if he’d ever see you again.
all the other times that jaemin didn’t want to leave this spot felt incomparable to how rooted he felt to the rock in that moment. the sun was gone by then, and jaemin had cried his heart out so much in those hours that his eyes turned puffy and his mouth was parched from dehydration. he didn’t move, couldn’t move when he heard a voice call to him. he didn’t budge, even when he felt a firm hand drop to his shoulder.
jeno sat next to him, silently looking out at the ocean. he, too, ignored the pouring rain.
“i’m sorry, jaemin.” he consoled. jaemin was thankful there was some sort of apologetic tone to his words, it was nice to know someone felt sympathy for him. “maybe it was for the best.”
tears were fresh again as they brimmed behind his eyes. he let them fall.
“i loved her - god, i loved her so much.” the words were strained, tension raw in his throat, but he still managed to choke them out.
“i know she loved you too.”
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weeks went by at a slow pace, and jaemin wasn’t any better. he’d still sneak out and visit the ocean sometimes, visit your rock, even when he knew you wouldn’t return a second time. he’d speak to the body of water as if you were there, as if you were in front of him once again. more often than not, jaemin would just cry.
camp isn’t any better from then on; he didn’t find joy in anything anymore. when he wasn’t at the ocean, he spent most of his time in his cabin, crying and reminiscing fond memories he experienced with you. his friends checked up on him every once in a while, but nothing seemed to mend the brokenness of his heart.
he’d heard talk around camp of ongoing sea complications in korea, especially back home in busan. everyone had been confused as to why it happened so suddenly, but jaemin knew. he knew that he was the one causing the sea levels to rise, and in turn, making water travel farther up the city beaches. jaemin couldn’t bring himself to care, though, because he had lost the one thing he cared about most.
jaemin couldn’t bring himself to care because he had lost you.
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Money Clever Techniques on Finding Swimming Pool Loans
Starting a pool requires the removing of the cover, a chlorine treatment, re-installing the pump and filtration, in addition to the ladders and diving board. Shutting down the pool requires wearing the water, cleaning the water out of the water push, taking off the hierarchy and diving table and eventually within the pool.
Lots of companies provide major companies for close to $145 a month with swimming pool openings and closings from $100 to $150 everytime, yet a couple of swimming pool owners quote around $400 for regular services. The price tag on pool services is incredibly variable, with numerous adding elements. Here are some questions to consider when determining the price:
Just what size is the swimming pool ? How big your pool influences precisely how many gallons of water 've got to be handled with compounds as well as so just how long the swimming pool people must brush down walls and steps, therefore whenever you currently have a large swimming pool , you may be priced more for compounds and person Website .
Only what precisely will be the application and conditions of your swimming pool ? Aspects just like the consistency of utilization along side just how much trash comes in to your swimming pool may signify just about visits from your own swimming pool company in a month. In addition, if possibly you may not keep your pool available year round, a pool support can certainly also open and shut your pool for an added cost.
Exactly where would you dwell? The positioning in that you actually dwell may have a sizable impact on the expense of pool maintenance. Many swimming pool vendors in your area can produce more extreme costs. Fuel and substance expenses moreover influence support rates, because the pool provider may possibly element that straight into their fee.
Exactly which kind of gear does your swimming pool have? Swimming pools have distinct filter systems, skimmers and cleaner cleaners that influence the consistency of offering the pool will require. Surplus equipment including heaters and lights may recommend more fix phone calls to the service.
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jarienn972 · 5 years
The Right Place - Chapter Nineteen and Epilogue
For anyone who has been following this fic, you’ll know it was last updated in early October, 2018 and while my plans were to finish it at that time, it ended up being exactly one week before my mother passed away and I just couldn’t get myself into the right mindset to complete it.  Then, a couple of months ago, the @csmarchmadness idea came along to help give us writers a little boost of confidence to finish those nagging WIPs and I decided to go ahead and tackle this story. (I’m a little late getting it posted today, but technically, it is still 3/22 here in FL as I’m posting)
I’ve loved this concept from the beginning as it took Emma out of her magical comfort zone to solve a real world crime, working alongside law enforcement colleagues in Portland, Maine.  As I did with the opening chapters, I tacked the epilogue onto the end of this chapter to provide a fitting bookend.  
This is the last installment of a nearly 80K word fic so it has honestly been a beast to write, especially since it ended up taking far longer to complete than I’d planned.  You can read the entirety of this story on AO3 or FF.net or find the earlier chapters here: Prologue/Chap1  Chap2  Chap3  Chap4  Chap5  Chap6  Chap7  Chap8  Chap9  Chap10  Chap11  Chap12  Chap13  Chap14  Chap15  Chap16  Chap17  Chap18   I’m also tagging my cheerleader, @hookaroo who has been looking forward to the final chapter of this fic for a while now! (edited to add Tumblr link to Chap 18 after I realized it had never been posted on Tumblr.  Oops...)
Saturday Morning – Portland Harbor
The tempest of the overnight thunderstorms had given way to a breezy, warmer Saturday morning. Hazy sunlight filtered through the window coverings of the McCallen's guest room as Emma was awakened by the persistent blip of notifications popping up on her cell phone, all of them informing her of the incoming text messages from Regina. According to the texts, Ursula would be waiting for them at the same Harbor front park at 9am with some updated news regarding her offer to return the Jolly Roger to her berth in Storybrooke's marina. While Killian wasn't keen on anyone else taking the helm of his beloved ship, he'd conceded to the basic fact that at the present time, he lacked the physical stamina to sail her back home himself.
Emma would have preferred another hour of sleep since it this was far too early on a Saturday morning by her opinion, but since they did have the drive home ahead of them, she begrudgingly swung her feet over the side of the bed. It wasn't a particularly long trip, but she still needed to be wide awake and she didn't want to get back too late. After nearly a week away, she was certain there would be a mountain of backlogged work awaiting their return. She noticed that Killian had already vacated his side of the bed, waking up before his wife to wander into the kitchen where McCallen had left coffee brewing for them and a note stating that he had ventured out the station to finish his paperwork from yesterday's major breakthroughs in the case.
Killian seemed a tad more upbeat this morning and even seemed to handle the walk from the parking lot down to the waterfront better, only needing to pause once to catch his breath. The Sea Witch was already waiting for them, scouting out a quiet bench away from the multitude of park visitors who were enjoying the pleasant start to what was shaping up to be a beautiful day.
"You're late," Ursula grumbled in greeting. "I thought you seafaring types were known for better timing?"
"My seafaring timing is as precise as ever," Killian replied, voice tinged with a hint of offense. "However, you should be aware that in this realm there's a thing called traffic."
"We would have called to let you know we were running a little late if we'd had a way to contact you aside from a conch shell," Emma reminded the witch.
"Cell phones simply aren't the most reliable where I come from," Ursula countered with a grin that Emma wasn't sure was intended to be jovial or sinister. "Anyway, I've made all of the arrangements to transport your ship as promised. My niece will not be allowed to interfere with the vessel's passage."
"May I ask what arrangements you've made?" Killian queried. "Who did you find to sail her or is the transport to be more of a magical variety? I prefer not to have someone inexperienced at the helm."
"I managed to round up a few of your remaining crew, led by your former first mate, Mr. Smee. It'll primarily be for show though as once it reaches open waters, I can push your little boat along a bit easier…" Killian frowned at her use of the term little boat in reference to his ship, but held his tongue.
"So, my ship should be back in the harbor by the time we reach Storybrooke?" Killian chose to ask instead.
"Should be. Your crew is on their way here as we speak. I managed to find a fisherman who was willing to bring them down here to retrieve the Jolly Roger, although you may need to round up some of those gold doubloons you have stashed to pay the man for his service."
"How generous of you to offer up my funds as payment," he quipped sarcastically, although he was secretly grateful for all Ursula had done. She'd already rescued him from a watery grave so having her assistance in returning his beloved Jolly Roger to her home port was truly going above and beyond.
"I assume you have plenty of funds hidden, pirate," Ursula responded while flashing a broad grin. "Anyway, I need to get out of here before this park gets any busier so that I can supervise the return trip. See you in Storybrooke, Captain."
"Aye," Killian responded with a nod and a smile as the Sea Witch turned to depart, leaving him wondering exactly how much gold she'd promised his crew. But as she began to stroll towards the water's edge, Killian recalled one additional thing he wanted to ask her. "Ursula?" he called to her before she was out of earshot, grateful when she turned to face him again. "One last thing, if I may?"
"And that is?"
"Would you have my crew sail a pass through the inner channel? Not too close to the harbor, but around this side of the islands so that I might see her off?"
"I suppose I could do that," she replied as she took a few steps back towards the Joneses so she wouldn't have to shout. "I would have to uncloak the ship though."
"For a few minutes, revealing the vessel should be fine. This far from shore, she may appear as merely an illusion to anyone who may catch sight of her," he offered, eager to garner even a momentary glimpse of his ship nearly a week after he'd left her abandoned offshore.
"I'll see what I can do. You may want to hang around the harbor for a while though," the Sea Witch suggested.
"Any idea of approximately how long it'll take?" Emma questioned. "We do still have the drive back to Storybrooke ahead of us."
"Give me an hour," Ursula stated, not waiting for Killian to offer his thanks as she departed without another word.
As they watched the Sea Witch vanish behind a pier, Killian dropped his weary body onto the bench before he collapsed.
"Guess we have a little bit of time to kill before we hit the road then," Emma chuckled before noticing the forlorn cast to his gaze when he stared out over the bay. "I know you'd rather be sailing the Jolly Roger back home yourself…"
"It's alright, Swan," he said with a faint sigh of disappointment. "In my current condition, I'm well aware that I lack the necessary strength and stamina to properly man the helm. I'd much rather that she be safely returned to port, even if not by my hand." She could hear the disparaging tone of his voice and decided to think of something to distract him.
"Well, I really don't want to sit here on a cold, hard park bench for an hour while we wait for your ship to appear. Can we go grab a doughnut or something? And how do you intend to see the ship from across the bay anyway?"
"I believe you have a set of of spyglasses – I believe you call them binoculars? Aren't they somewhere in the vehicle?"
"Uh, yeah, there's a set of binoculars somewhere in the back seat."
"Then those should be sufficient," he replied. "I do have to agree with you though that sitting here for an hour is probably not the best option. I know we aren't far from the ferry terminal so perhaps we might pay a visit to the shopkeeper? I'd like to let her know personally that I'm alright if it isn't too far out of the way?"
"I'm pretty sure it's only a few blocks down the harbor from here. I think Ms. Scott would be very happy to see you. Think you can handle the walk or would you prefer we drive?"
"I'm feeling far better today, but I still believe it would be more prudent to drive."
"Okay, then let's get back up to the Bug and we'll go see if Ms. Scott has the shop back open."
Ten minutes later, after the short walk back to the parking lot and a four block drive through busy weekend harbor traffic headed for the marina and ferry terminal, Emma parked her little yellow Volkswagen beneath the old service station overhang. Although there were lights on inside Scott's Mart, the Closed sign still hung in the window, but Emma noticed that it was now accompanied by a notice that the shop would be reopening Monday morning. Emma exited the car and strolled up to the entrance door, rapping forcefully on the glass to garner the proprietor's attention while Killian ambled slowly behind her.
"We're not open yet!" a female voice shouted from inside.
"Ms. Scott, it's Sheriff Emma Jones. I was here with Deputy McCallen a few days ago…" They heard some rustling from beyond the door and something akin to metal scraping against tile before the smiling face of Jean Scott popped up from behind the register counter. The shopkeeper's face lit up even more when she caught sight of the man in the black leather jacket standing behind Emma.
"Sheriff! My apologies for being so curt. Come on in!" Jean immediately unlocked the door and yanked it open for her guests, a mix of elation and gratitude expressed through her welcoming grin. "You're always welcome around here. Sorry it's still such a mess but I'm trying hard to get things straightened up and ready to get back to business. I know I owe you both a huge thanks. I heard from the other police officer – not the one who was here with you but the other guy… His name escapes me now…"
"Sgt. Haviland?" Emma offered.
"Haviland, yeah that's his name! He called me to let me know I didn't have to worry about Donovan Donleavy coming after my property any longer. He said there's a warrant out for his arrest, as soon as they can locate the slimy son of a bitch."
"Yeah, unfortunately it looks like he might have been tipped off somehow and slipped away on his boat sometime last night after the Toliver brothers rolled on him for having hired them to intimidate you, not to mention the kidnapping and stabbing of my husband," Emma explained.
"Well, when they find him, I hope they lock him up and toss away that damned key!" Jean exclaimed before turning her head toward Killian with a softening demeanor. "And you – I'm so glad to get a chance to properly thank you. If I'd have had any idea what those bastards planned to do… I don't think there are enough words in the whole English language for me to express my thanks. You may have truly saved my life that morning and I'm still mortified to think that it nearly cost you yours. I knew Donleavy was scum, but I had no idea he'd actually stoop this low."
Emma though she detected a faint blush creeping across her husband's cheeks as Jean Scott thanked him, but he was trying hard not to let it show. "It was the right thing to do, Milady," Killian assured her. "Neither of us knew that their nefarious plans went so far beyond robbery. I certainly must have had some luck on my side that morning, but the important thing is that the guilty parties are being held accountable and won't be able to harm you any longer."
Jean's head lolled to the side as she caught Emma's attention with a cheeky grin. "Is he always like this?"
"Pretty much," Emma replied, sporting a broad smile of her own as she watched the tips of Killian's ears redden as he flushed with an uncharacteristic embarrassment.
"How do I find one like him?" Jean sighed. "I'd love to have my own little British knight in shining leather." Emma found her husband's blushing even more endearing as he tried to brush off the compliment, realizing it was part of why she loved this man so much. Sure, he could be a total ass sometimes, but when the sweet, old-fashioned, chivalrous side would surface, she'd fall head over heels in love all over again.
"I don't know if there's a clone of him out there somewhere, but if I find one, I'll send him your way," Emma laughed. "For now though, we've got to get going. Now that the case is solved, we're finally heading home."
"Well, please have a safe drive back to your hometown and remember that anytime you're here in Portland, please stop by. It'll be coffee on the house! In fact, if you'd like one for the road, I'm pretty sure the pot is still hot. I've gone through plenty myself while trying to get this place cleaned up but there's more than enough to share. Would you like some?"
"I would absolutely love some coffee," Emma replied graciously.
"As would I," Killian said with a smile.
"Hang on a sec…" Jean scurried down a partially stocked aisle to her coffee shop counter and disappeared behind it. She popped back up a few seconds later with two tall paper cups of steaming hot coffee. "Either of you take cream or sugar?"
"No thanks," Emma replied. "We both take it straight."
Jean made her way across the shop to hand over the coffee cups to her guests. "Here you go. Hope it's not too strong for you."
"I'm sure it will be fine," Killian replied as he accepted her offering. "This wasn't at all necessary, but thank you."
"Anytime," Jean insisted. "Any time at all. I won't keep you from your drive home but I really do appreciate you stopping by. I'm so glad to see that you're alright."
"Good luck with getting your business back on track," Emma said as she shook Jean's hand before departing. "Hopefully things will go better now that there isn't a greedy developer breathing down your neck."
"Oh, there will be another," Jean chuckled. "It never ends around here, but hey, I know I'm in the right place for now. I'll manage."
Emma and Killian said their farewells to Jean Scott and had just started their drive back to the park when Emma's phone started ringing. Seeing that it was McCallen calling, she gestured for Killian to answer and as he did, he pressed the speakerphone button so that they could both hear the conversation.
"Hey, McCallen," Emma answered. "Sorry we missed you this morning, but we locked up before we left."
"I'm the one who should be apologizing," McCallen's voice responded through the speaker. "I had to run into the station this morning to finish up paperwork relating to this case and I was worried I might miss you before you headed home."
"Well, you haven't missed us. We haven't left Portland yet," Emma informed their friend. "Killian wanted to see Jean Scott so she could see he was alright and now we're on our way to the harbor front park so that he can see his ship off. The crew sailing it back to Storybrooke for us offered to make a swing through the bay."
"Alright then, can you hang around the park for a few minutes? I've got some new information you'll want to hear, but I don't want to deliver it over the phone."
"Oh, don't worry, we'll be there for a while. We still have about half an hour to kill before the crew sets sail," Emma explained.
"Oh, good," McCallen replied. "I can be there in about twenty minutes. I'd really like a chance to see that ship too."
"You'll see just how magnificent she is," Killian said proudly.
"If you can see it at all," Emma countered. "The ship is going to be clear on the other side of the bay and I have no idea whether or not my binoculars will be strong enough… You two can figure that out though…"
"Okay," McCallen chuckled. "I'll see you in a few minutes."
The stroll down to the waterfront from the parking area took a little longer this time but Killian had insisted on heading to the furthest pier where they would have the least obstructed view of the bay. There was still one barrier island that partially obscured the horizon, but Killian was certain that they would be able to see enough of the channel to get a decent glimpse of the Jolly Roger. He was quite certain of the route his crew would take and that it would provide a brief window as the ship emerged from the far side of the landmass, before she headed out of the bay and into open ocean.
A visibly exhausted Killian dropped his fatigued body onto an unoccupied bench near the end of the pier as Emma's phone buzzed with a message from McCallen asking where he might find them. She typed back their location and half-expected to see the young deputy arrive in full uniform. She found herself a more than a little surprised to see him approaching dressed in casual attire after he spotted them and waved from the boardwalk.
As McCallen got closer, Emma thought about how this inexperienced deputy had become such a pillar of strength for her this week. He'd been so involved from the beginning, eager to help her out in any way he could and always trying to learn techniques to help himself grow as an investigator. McCallen still had a lot to learn and of course, had some physical obstacles to overcome, but Emma couldn't help to think about what Jean Scott had said about being in the right place and how it applied to the deputy as well. What had begun for him as a seemingly routine case to identify a John Doe had blossomed into a multi-jurisdictional investigation of a corrupt land developer. While McCallen's role in the Donleavy case may have been minor, the deputy's name was forever attached to the investigation and it would likely make a huge impact on his career.
"Hi!" the deputy greeted them once he was finally within earshot. "I haven't missed anything, have I?"
"Not at all," Killian assured their young friend as he lowered the binoculars. "I've not yet caught sight of her but it shouldn't be long now."
"Don't worry," Emma added. "You'll know the moment he sees it. It's all he's talked about all morning."
"So, this is kind of a big deal, huh?" McCallen asked with a crooked grin, almost as a tease.
"She's been a huge part of my life," Killian replied. "In fact, she was my life for a very long time, before I met Emma." He failed to notice the way McCallen glanced at Emma with a look that seemed to ask Is he kidding?
"I think that what Killian meant to say is that he spent many years working on that ship before we met. He puts a lot of effort into keeping it ship-shape. But yes – sometimes I swear he treats that ship like a person…"
"It's a good thing she's not able to hear you speak such blasphemy," Killian feigned offense as his wife laughed it off.
"See - I share my husband with a ship," Emma chuckled, shaking her head. "Anyway, I know you didn't come down here just to talk about Killian's ship. You said on the phone that you had some new information to share with us? Is it news about Donleavy?"
"Well, yes and no…" McCallen began as he took a seat on the bench next to Killian. "We got a call this morning from the RCMP…"
"RCMP?" Killian interrupted with a confused query as he didn't understand the reference.
"Royal Canadian Mounted Police," the deputy clarified. "Sorry, I should have been more specific."
"It's alright," Emma insisted. "We usually just refer to them as the Mounties." She'd explain the reference further for Killian when they were alone.
"Oh, okay," McCallen continued. "As I started to say earlier, we, well, technically Sgt. Haviland received a call from the Mounties this morning letting him know that Donleavy's boat was located. Appears that it ran aground along the coast of Nova Scotia and by all accounts, was pretty beat up. Unfortunately, they found no sign of Donleavy. Haviland forwarded me a copy of the report. Guess he thought you'd already be back home if he didn't get in touch with you yet."
"I haven't looked at my email all morning," Emma confessed. "If he sent something there, I probably won't read it until we do get home – especially if it isn't giving us any whereabouts of Donleavy himself. At least we have an idea of where he escaped to."
"I do recall saying that he wouldn't get very far by sea," Killian reminded them. "The seas would have been far too rough for his minuscule craft. Even a sailor as experienced as myself wouldn't have fared well in that storm."
"Yeah, Donleavy was probably thrown overboard somewhere between here and Canada, before his ship crashed onshore," Emma suggested.
"There's still a remote chance he survived so the Canadians are going to continue their search to see if he turns up. They weren't entirely convinced that he'd survived either, but they're not giving up the search yet."
"Serves him right, if I do say so myself," Killian said with an eyebrow raised playfully. He lifted the binoculars to his eyes to survey the bay once again, scanning the horizon for a glimpse of the Jolly Roger. He stood as he caught sight of a set of familiar masts and sails materializing from beyond the inner harbor islands. "Ah, there she is!" he exclaimed with a huge grin stretching across his lips. "Such a thing of beauty…"
"Alright – you know I'm dying to get a look at this ship I've been hearing about. I mean, you've got the rings, the tattoos, the skull and crossbones pendant – there's definitely some kind of pirate obsession there so should I be expecting a pirate ship too?" Killian gave him a slightly nervous smile and Emma was practically biting her tongue as they both began mentally scrambling for a plausible explanation for the fact that Killian did indeed have have a pirate ship, and a marvel of one at that.
"Of course," Killian said as he offered the binoculars to the deputy and pointed to a distant location across the bay. "If you look out there to the northeast, you'll see her riggings just beyond that island." McCallen raised the binoculars and pointed himself in the direction Killian had indicated, his jaw dropping the moment he spied the tall ship on the horizon. He didn't know a lot about classical ships - he wouldn't have known a schooner from a frigate or a galleon, but this vessel looked like it could have sailed straight out of any pirate movie he'd ever seen.
"Wow! That's really your ship? It's definitely not what I expected, but seriously – you can sail that all by yourself?" Killian had to chuckle at the deputy's excited rambling.
"Indeed, I can," Killian replied proudly.
"That is so cool!" McCallen gushed, unable to contain himself. "What did you name your ship?"
"The J-…" Killian started to reply Jolly Roger, but something made him stop and reconsider, responding with the vessel's original moniker instead. "Jewel of the Realm."
"That's a really great name," McCallen told him as he passed the binoculars back to his pirate friend. "How did you ever come to own a ship like that?"
"Killian repairs and restores these old ships to keep them seaworthy," Emma jumped in with the most logical explanation she could determine. "And if you haven't noticed, he's a bit obsessive about his job."
"History deserves to be preserved," Killian stated, going along with Emma's lead. "And what can I say – I immerse myself fully into my work."
"Well, by the looks of it, you're very skilled at what you do! How do you manage to find the time as a deputy?"
"Don't have as much time as I used to so sailing has become more of a hobby now, but if you're ever in Storybrooke, I'd be honored to give you the full tour and a run about the harbor."
"I just might take you up on that one day, but since I have a tendency to get seasick, just admiring her from the dock would probably be enough for me," the deputy admitted with an embarrassed chortle.
"Well, my friend, if you ever want to try for your sea legs, my offer shall stand," Killian laughed as he raised the binoculars one last time to see if the ship was still visible but it appeared as though Ursula had already reactivated the cloaking. "Appears as though she has sailed beyond our purview."
"Oh, sorry… I'm guessing you're hoping to get back home around the same time as the ship?" McCallen wondered, not wanting to impede their plans.
"Yeah, that's sort of the plan," Emma stated as she glanced at her watch. "We definitely should get on the road soon, but Aaron, we really want to thank you for everything – for your help with the investigation into what happened to Killian... for opening your home to us. You've done so much more than you ever needed to."
McCallen's cheeks flushed as he tried to figure out how to respond to her gratitude. "Honestly, not many people have put as much faith in me as you did. I'm grateful to you for including me when you could have brushed me off in favor of letting Sgt. Haviland take over. I'm glad you didn't."
"You've got the instinct," Emma assured him. "You're going to be a great investigator."
"I guess we'll have to see how far a man with an artificial foot can get," McCallen said sullenly.
"As far as a man with an artificial hand can get," Killian insisted. "And that's as far as you desire."
Saturday Afternoon – Storybrooke
It hadn't taken Killian more than a few seconds after they'd exited the interstate before the gloved, wooden hand was discarded to the back seat in favor of his preferred attachment. Captain Hook was back and on his way home. By the time they passed the Welcome to Storybrooke sign at the edge of town, he was certain he could already smell the marine air again and began to imagine the sound of crisp sails flapping in the wind.
They finally parked in front of the Sheriff station nearly two hours after they'd left the Portland harbor and Emma was eager to find some lunch to appease her growling stomach. Maybe as anxious for food as her husband was to get to the harbor.
"Are you really sure you don't want me to heal you?" she asked as they climbed out of the Bug.
"For the last time, Love, I'll be fine. Aside from a few aches and pains – and a bit of general tiredness, I'm honestly alright. I assure you, if I change my mind, I promise, I will let you know."
"Okay, okay… I'm gonna call the family and see if they want to meet over at Granny's for lunch. I'm sure they'll all be looking forward to seeing you."
"Sounds good, but allow me a few minutes first?" he implored.
"I know – you're heading down to the harbor. Want me to drive you over?"
Killian smiled and shook his head with a subtle No. "I think I'd like to walk."
"Alright. If you aren't back in thirty minutes, I'll come looking for you."
The quarter-mile stroll from the Sheriff station to the dock was normally a brisk, five-minute walk for him, but today, it took a few minutes longer and he was clutching his chest tightly as he reached the gangplank. He pressed on with stubborn determination, pushing himself up the ramp and onto the deck of his ship. Reaching the helm, he leaned his aching body into the wheel to catch his breath, fully aware that he was not alone.
"Returned, safe and sound, as promised," he heard Ursula's voice call out from below the quarterdeck.
"Aye, thank you for your assistance. I do appreciate all you've done for me."
"You are one lucky pirate. Although I suggest you try to stay away from sharp, pointy objects for a while. One of these days, your luck will run out…"
"I'll be sure to keep that in mind," Killian said with a half-hearted chuckle. "Am I also to thank you for last night's events?"
"Afraid I've no idea what you mean," Ursula replied with a feigned innocence.
"Of course not," he grinned, lifting a knowing eyebrow at the Sea Witch. "Pardon my error, Love. Guess I should make my way over to Granny's pretty soon. Emma will send out a search party if I don't make it back. Why don't you join us?"
"As pleasant as an afternoon eating greasy diner food with the Charming family sounds, I'm afraid I'll have to pass. But as for you, I'm serious – watch your back, pirate. One of these days, you'll find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time and there won't be anybody around to save you."
He opened his mouth to reply, but she was already gone, leaving the words caught in the back of his throat. As much as he wanted to argue, Ursula was right. He belonged at Emma's side and that was honestly the only place he wanted to be.
Early Saturday morning – off the coast of Nova Scotia
It was late in the season for such a powerful Nor'easter and perhaps it was a foolhardy decision to be venturing out in such horrific weather but Donovan Donleavy preferred to take his chances upon the stormy seas rather than face the tempest that would be brewing at home if he hadn't run. He'd slipped out of the marina under cover of darkness before the authorities had descended. His sport fishing boat wasn't really designed for these conditions so he'd tried to remain as close to the coast as he could, but the howling winds and torrential rain kept blowing his battered craft further out to sea.
He was only a few miles off of the Canadian coast, estimating his position to be somewhere near the Province of Nova Scotia, but he was beginning to doubt he'd be able to reach a safe harbor. Rain lashed at the deck, making visibility near impossible as the ten to twelve foot swells pummeled the tiny boat. Donleavy clung to the wheel as long as he could until a towering, fifteen foot swell sent the vessel listing hard to starboard and it never recovered, capsizing in the cold waters of the North Atlantic.
He bobbed to the surface, struggling to keep his head above the waves as his arms flailed in futile attempt to grasp for anything that would keep him afloat. After a few minutes, he found his muscles tiring rapidly and he knew he wouldn't be able to tread water much longer. Of course, he still believed that drowning was far more dignified than the humiliation of watching his empire fall apart.
He was gradually giving in to the reality of a watery death when he felt something brush against his leg. Probably just a fish or a piece of debris from his boat he thought – until the offending object slithered its way up body and wrapped around his torso. While moments ago he'd conceded himself to drowning, suddenly Donleavy was in a panic as he recognized that he was being enveloped by a giant tentacle. He struggled only for a few moments, trying futilely to free himself as the tentacle constricted tighter - just before yanking him forcefully beneath the unforgiving waves.
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2k30-blog · 5 years
40 Small Things You Can Start Doing to Save Our Planet
You don’t have to pack up and live in a van or a tiny house and start a zero waste life (although you totally can if that’s your jam!) to reduce your CO2 emissions. There are plenty of things you can start doing right now that will help. 
1. Turn off your water while shaving or brushing your teeth. Seriously, you should already be doing this. 
2. Carpool, take the bus, take the train, bike, or walk where possible. Yes, I know walking home from work in the summer sucks, but it will suck a whole lot more when the earth is 2 degrees hotter. If your school or work is too far away to do this regularly, try finding parking further away from your destination and park there for the day. Not only will this help cut down on your fuel usage, but you get in some exercise as a bonus. 
3. Shop locally sourced products. Did you know that the majority of resources involved in making a product go to the production and distribution of it, and not the final product itself? Buying locally sourced products not only helps boost the local economy, but also cuts down on the energy and resources needed to transport the product to its destination.
4. Speaking of shopping, bring reusable bags! According to the Center for Biological Diversity, it only takes approximately 14 bags for the equivalent of gas to drive 1 mile, and only 1% of plastic bags are returned for recycling. Not only do single use bags use fossil fuels for production, but they also end up as toxic waste and landfill. Reusable bags can be bought for as little as 99c each, and can be used hundreds of times. Many are even biodegradable to ensure they don’t end up as long term landfill.
5. Use the 4 R’s. Many people believe in the 3 R’s, but did you know there’s a fourth? Refuse. Refuse to use unnecessary products that create single use waste, such as single use grocery bags. Reduce the amount of products you buy and waste you use, when it’s impractical or impossible to eliminate them entirely. Reuse whatever you can, such as jars and cans. I’ll have an article soon about 50 household items that can be easily reused. And finally, recycle whatever you can’t reuse any further. 
6. Read up on the recycling rules for your municipality. Chances are, that pizza box might not be recyclable after all. Many areas have rules regarding items that were used to store food, such as chip packets and pizza boxes, as the oil may be in the cardboard. Read up on the rules so you know what you can actually recycle, and whether you should be washing and taking apart bottles before you toss them. 
7. Replace leaky taps and pipes. If you have a single leaky faucet that drips once every 6 seconds, that’s 347 gallons (almost 1,314 litres) a year dripping out your tap. Replace or seal them where possible. 
8. Turn off appliances at the wall when they aren’t in use, and turn off lights when you aren’t in the room. 
9. Cut down your meat intake. Don’t get me wrong, I love meat. However, meat agriculture takes up a gross amount of land, water, and resources. The emissions from the meat industry outweigh the emissions of all cars, trains, boats, and planes combined. You don’t have to go cold-turkey (pun fully intended), but cutting down your meat consumption to only a couple meals a week can greatly help. According to earthday.org, if the entire U.S. did not eat meat or cheese for just one day a week, it would be the equivalent of taking 7.6 million cars off the road. Try going meat free for one or more days per week. 
10. Use a reusable water bottle. Stainless steel and aluminium water bottles (such as Hydroflask or Kathmandu, not sponsored, I just like the brands) are great as they have a long life cycle, can be recycled, and you don’t risk BPA and other chemicals leeching into your water from plastic. If you don’t live somewhere with good water, buy an under sink filter or even a Brita. I prefer under sink filters as they’re easy to install and in the long run they’re cheaper and produce less waste, but both options are better than buying cases of water bottles. 
11. Put a bucket or old ice cream container in your sink to catch runoff. My grandma, who was raised during the depression, has always done this. Use it to collect any water that doesn’t have contaminants or soap, so you can pour it on houseplants or in your garden. 
12. Use non-toxic biodegradable laundry and dishwashing products so that you aren’t washing toxic chemicals down the drain. 
13. Bring a reusable thermos or coffee cup to get your coffee. If you don’t make coffee at home, try bringing your own thermos or coffee cup to your local coffee joint. Most stores will be happy to make your drink in there, and some stores even offer discounts for you doing so!
14. Wash your hair less. Not only is this good for your hair, but it also means less toxic waste getting into the sewer. Many people (including me) are ditching shampoo altogether and just using conditioner, but if you can’t go without your shampoo, try to reduce your hair washing to once a week. 
15. If it’s yellow, let it mellow! If you’re just doing a Number One, you really don’t need to flush every time. An average toilet uses 1.4 gallons of water for a flush (but if you have a toilet dating before 1995, you may be using up to 7 gallons per flush!), if you pee 10 times a day, that’s 14 gallons of water. If you flush every second pee, you’ll save 7 gallons of water per day, or 2,555 gallons per year. 
16. Air dry clothes instead of using the dryer. My dryer is strictly reserved for emergencies. Even in the smallest apartment, you can find a foldable clothesline that suits your needs. Place it next to a vent or radiator for maximum drying abilities.
17. Have a baby? Use reusable cloth diapers. One child can use anywhere between five to eight thousand diapers. That’s a lot of landfill. 
18. Plant a tree. Did you know that the average person would need to plant almost 9 trees per month for their life to offset their carbon emissions? The good news is that even planting just one tree will help. Read up on what trees and native plants are goo for your area. 
19. Use cruise control when in level areas. Cruise control can seriously help reduce your fuel consumption, but it works best in level areas. If you’re driving in a hilly terrain, it’s best to use your old fashioned gas pedal. 
20. Getting a new car? Consider an electric, or at least a hybrid. The electric and hybrid car markets are expanding, and now you can even get hybrid 4WD’s. Obviously not practical if you’re happy with your current car, but if you’re in the market, check it out. Compare gas mileage and make an informed decision. 
21. Buy secondhand and thrift. It’s cheap and you can find some great deals and gorgeous things. Need I say more? 
22. On the same note, regularly donate anything you don’t need instead of throwing it away. 
23. Try reusable menstrual management. Reusable cloth pads and period cups are a lot better than they sound. I was a skeptic, but after switching to a cup, I’ll never look back. Not only am I saving money, but I’m also saving an estimated 437 tampons per year. 
24. Recycle clothing hangers. Many clothing hangers aren’t actually recyclable, but as it turns out, some dry cleaners will gladly take your old hangers to use. 
25. Reduce your junk mail. Get bank statements emailed to you instead of mailed, and contact any junk mail services to tell them you no longer want their mail. Unsubscribe from mailing lists. 
26. Get rechargeable batteries. While we’re at it, did you know there are battery rechargers that can recharge non-rechargeables? Life. Changing.
27. Don’t run the dryer, washing machine, or dishwasher unless it’s full.
28. Replace all your bulbs with energy efficient LEDs. 
29. Maintain your car. If, like me, you do have to regularly drive a non-electric car, you could be wasting a considerable amount of fuel due to your car not being maintained. 
30. Reduce the weight of your car. I know it sounds stupid, but added weight really does change your fuel efficiency. I’m not suggesting you rip out your spare tire and back seats, but you should remove roof racks or storage pods when you’re not using them. 
31. Use both sides of a piece of paper when printing or taking notes. 
32. Wash your laundry in cold water when possible. Unless your garment tag specifically advises against it, your fancy blouse can probably be washed cold. 
33. Use matches instead of lighters. The wood of a match will degrade long before that plastic BIC. 
34. Dim your screen and turn off data when it’s not needed. You’ll save on your phone or laptop’s battery usage, and in turn, need to charge them less.
35. Put less on your plate and go back for seconds when needed. No, this isn’t a diet tip. Approximately a third of what Americans put on their plate will go in the garbage. Put less on your plate, and only go back for more if you’re still hungry. Put leftovers in an airtight container and eat them the next day. 
36. Ease off on your heating and AC. There’s no shame in wearing jackets around the house, but even if you’re not that extreme, you could save a lot of energy by changing the temperature by just 1 degree. 
37. Buy paper stick cotton tips (Q-tips) instead of ones with plastic sticks.
38. Eat more raw foods. This will either reduce your propane or electricity usage, depending on your oven or stove. 
39. See some trash on the sidewalk? Pick it up. 
40. Check your home for drafts and air leaks. It will make your heating and cooling system more efficient. 
I know these all sound like small or useless things, but if we all take a few seconds and try out a few of these methods, it will make a difference. Every bit helps.
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