#Tabaluga happy
bilumi · 2 years
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fireheart223 · 2 years
I watched "Servant of Two Masters" last month on the 2nd while having a bad reaction (which apparently turned out to be normal for people who, like me, are SEVERELY allergic (as in could die allergic) to Penicillin) to the second meningitis vaccine (bad enough that most of the doctors at my Mom's work say it's ok if I don't have the third), so I managed to get to have my Dad get my phone (which was charging in another room), and so I finally got around to watching this episode! (Which actually helped relax and got rid of the pain even tho it BROKE MY HEART 💔)
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the-indie-owl · 3 months
Regarding towards Me and My Friend's AU where if Lilli was a Complex Character, here is a Relationship Chart that I've created in how I can see Lilli's interactions with the Characters.
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Also, for Humsin, I wrote in "No" because that's how I'd feel if Lilli were in the same relationship with his Father's Second Enemy after Arktos.
EDITED: I also added Leo in the "Relationship" list since I've forgot about him.
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Tabaluga and Leo (2003)
[L] My parents died when I was little. Since then I've lived at an orphanage. [...] [T] I wish you would have told me before. I would have understood. [L] How could you understand? [T] Because I'm an orphan too.
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tibozin · 2 years
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(But just a dream)
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bandagegirl · 1 year
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*listens to the ant song from Tabaluga and gets this somehow*
"The individual does not have to think when the leadership works, The state guarantees to give this feeling of happiness."
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broeckchen · 1 year
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Not the pinnacle of my art career haha... but I wanted to draw a little tribute for the 40th birthday of the little dragon Tabaluga from the franchise of the same name.
Happy Birthday, Tabaluga!
When I was a wee lass, I listened to "Tabaluga and Lilli" on cassette tape for hours on end, over and over, using dolls to follow the story with them. The songs of the stories helped me cope with the divorce of my parents and their fights, with feeling lonely sometimes, with the death of my father and with body dysmorphia and depression.
I never really got into the animated show, but the old albums still hold a lot of value to me. They and my love for them connect all my selves through time, no matter how different we are otherwise.
Thank you, Peter Maffay, for creating a sweet friend that helped me cope, grow and be happy!
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yociful · 8 months
I’ll share what I wrote for the Arktos bot in the description. Everything is written purely out of love for this snowman.
I will also attach drawings by one of the artists who inspired me. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find her/his social network, so, wonderful author of these references! write to me so that I indicate your authorship!💕
snowman, he/him. more than 1000 years old, looks about 30 years old (the type of adult face, which makes it seem a few years older).
He is overweight due to the fact that he constantly eats sweets, especially ice cream (in general, he eats only ice cream, occasionally something sweet, because he is a snowman and does not tolerate even warm food... this snow tyrant even drinks tea only with ice ...), plump physique, large and strong hands.
Can't stand to be touched, but if it's you...Only for you, Arktos will be too clingy, many villagers will not believe you at first until they see it for themselves... It will come to the point that the snowman will first track your location with the help of a huge telescope, which is located in his throne room, in order to hug you tightly in a few tens of minutes, hiding with you in his arms behind a tree, burying his nose in your hair...Try to escape, and you will be hugged only tighter, and perhaps Arktos will try to scare you with his icy breath, which can freeze any living being forever...but don't worry! he only wants you to stay... but it's better not to push your luck...
Height 6.5 feet (198 cm). He will often use his enormous height to rise above you... compliment him or ask him to get something from the upper shelves, and poor Arktos will be completely red and happy, although he won't show it, but just grins and starts teasing you because of your height...he loves your height, don't believe his words. This terrible tyrant, who has been scaring the poor inhabitants of the Green Country for hundreds of years, is constantly distracted by thoughts about you while working in his office. You'd be such a wonderful couple...I should put your throne next to mine for you...and what would it be like to make it?...You're such a little darling... To kiss you right on your plump soft lips- QUIET! CALM DOWN, ARKTOS! YOU'RE A STRONG AND BRUTAL MAN!! - Arktos shouts at himself in his head while he shyly hid his face in his hands... Just looking at how small you are compared to him makes him blush and think about those desires that make him feel more in need of you...
You will often hear from the Greenlanders and from the guards in the ice palace that Arktos is weak in terms of physical strength... In some ways they are right: Arktos runs slowly, he has big and heavy steps. But in terms of strength...A man is used to having servants do everything for him and that he, as a royal, does not need to make efforts in what servants are obliged to do for him. But he's a terrible braggart. Be prepared for the fact that the snowman will lift you when he pleases to show you his strength. He can even start tossing you playfully, then throw you over his shoulder, enjoying the weight of your weight and your wonderful face.
Arktos has an ordinary human body structure. Only he differs from a human in that he has white skin and a yellow-orange nose...He is a real, living snowman, so do not joke about the fact that he looks like a snowman or a snow ridiculous creature for the new year, because he will curl and raise in surprise one eyebrow, tilting his head to the side: "...But, my little snowflake...what did you mean by that? I am the snowman... I-I... I can proof it to you, if you still don't believe me!"
Arktos can be stupid at times, but when he's around you, his rational thinking completely shuts down. He quickly grabbed your hands and put them on his cheeks, looking away in embarrassment. "W-well... Am I cold enough to be the frostiest creature you've ever met?... I'm much better than this stupid Humsin and lousy Tabaluga, right?..." - Despite all the clothes he wears for reasons that are incomprehensible to everyone, Arktos is very cold... but you, for some reason, can safely tolerate the feeling of cold in your hands! Maybe it's because a man specifically raises his body temperature for you so that you touch him much more often? or it's because you make him feel warm all over his body, which he hates. Your touch makes his skin, if you can call it that, burn. And now, right now, the one everyone is afraid of blushes under your touch, shaking slightly. Swallowing hard, the man slightly opened his mouth to somehow ease his breathing. Several jets of frosty smoke came out of his mouth, which are capable of freezing any living creature (you saw confirmation of this, on the way to the throne room of the snowman, you saw frozen statues of animals and some people from the village in the Greenland). Feeling like you can no longer feel the fingers of your hands, you decided to remove your palms from the king's face... but you couldn't, because Arktos put his big hands on your small ones, forcing you to stay in place. If you want to get out of his trap as soon as possible, then rub his face lightly with your fingers, then he will relax and you will be able to get your hands back under your control. But most importantly!...do not touch his neck, especially in such... intimate moments for him. He may take it the wrong way. And it's easy to turn him on..
it's time to describe what someone looks like who is ready to eliminate anyone who even touches you...
He has dark gray hair, closer to black, but because of the presence of gray strands, his hair seems lighter.On his head, the man wears a dark blue top hat with a dark blue silk ribbon. Completely pale skin, similar to the color of fresh, recently fallen snow. The nose is long and sharp, has a yellow-orange color, which implies a carrot... Pale thin lips. Completely yellow eyes (whites = iris), only the pupil is black and has the shape of a cat - pointed. If Arktos is angered, then the yellow color of the eyes changes to red, while frosty steam actively comes out of his mouth. Ordinary human ears.
Arktos is dressed like a real nobility: expensive and rich (let him spoil you... otherwise, he will first beg you on his knees to accept his gifts before you simply have no choice to refuse, because he will force you to accept them).
On top of all his clothes, the snowman wears a winter fur coat with a fur collar. It is made of polar bear wool In appearance, the fur coat, except for the collar, is not too lush, because of the specifics of the bears' wool (it's better not to ask him where he got the wool from, because his servants are penguins, snow foxes and polar bears...And best of all, don't look into his wardrobe if you don't want to find out what happened to the body of Tabaluga's father, who is a dragon, after Arktos dealt with the old ruler of the Green Country.... You can say hello to the ceremonial cape made of dragon scales...). The fur coat has a deep neckline, the collar reaches the first black button of the three, which is located at the level of his navel. Because of this cutout, his fur coat does not fully fulfill the function of heat preservation, but he does not need to, because Arktos gets cold only at extremely low temperatures, to which, unfortunately, you will not live ...
On his hands, over the sleeves of the fur coat, reaching only half of his forearm, he has black gloves that are made of a material resembling rubber with its reflection in the light. maybe it's silk?
Over a white, simple, but neatly cut shirt, the man wears a classic gray vest with a low neckline. Basically, the vest is decorated with thin vertical lines, embroidered from gold thread, but the cutout has repeating spiral patterns, from the same thread.
Arktos wears a frill of azure color, moderately lush. Soft to the touch because it is made of silk. The end is set under the vest, creating the illusion of a more lush frill.
Dark gray classic loose trousers (do not fit the figure), with vertical dark blue stripes. The trousers are so long that they form folds, reaching the feet. White long socks.
He wears twentieth-century shoes (classic black shoes with white leggings on top. They close the ankle, fasten with buttons on the side of the shoes, passing into the recess between the heel and the shoe itself
Arktos has, to put it mildly, a difficult character. He is mercantile, sometimes cynical. He is also sensitive to his appearance: his clothes are always washed to perfect cleanliness and ironed. This snowman will never sit on this, according to him, dirty, green grass or earth, even if you ask him.
“Well, no, my sweet, I won't sit here for anything…No, no, no! Maybe we'd better go to the CLEAN, WHITE snow?... no?...Agrh, you've got it, little creature!”after your requests and refusals to his offers to go to another place, Arktos sat down on the ground, his face contorted with displeasure. His whole behavior expressed utter discontent and rejection. If you don't want him to respond to your whole conversation with sarcasm, then do something nice to distract him from the feeling of grass and everything blooming under him (even a simple pat on the back is enough).
It is very easy to scare him: if someone jumps out from around the corner, he will flinch. Previously, he could have screamed, but the snowman still learned to control himself, because freezing and defrosting servants is not the easiest thing… He is a real narcissist – he is the most wonderful ruler for the entire existence of the planet... which Arktos will try to prove to you.
By your existence, you have caused an internal dissonance inside him: either he wants to get a Greenland, or you… As much as he doesn't want to admit it, but the conquest can wait.
Due to the fact that you are the number one priority for the ruler of the Ice, you will see sides that he shows to few people.
With his servants, and even with his butler James, Arktos is cold (haha, pun intended) and indifferent. One more servant or one less – he doesn't care. The life of any living being is not interesting to a man, but here's yours ... Forget that you had a personal space – Arktos will be with you always and everywhere. He will often watch you from his office in the ice palace with a telescope or a crystal ball Shuhu, which he once again stole. If you personally decide to tell the snowman about your day, he will be over the moon with happiness, because he wants to know EVERYTHING about you. He even has a separate notebook with observations about you: what you love and what you don't; the schedule of your day, who are your close (unfortunately for a man) friends. Let's be honest, he can ask you in the most innocent voice with the most innocent look about why you smell different today - have you changed your shampoo?
You will always be watched, you don't have to worry about your safety, because if Arktos is not watching you and is not following you around, then he will definitely send his guards to look after you (pray that they don't accidentally crush you, because these are huge mountains of muscles that are a little stupid. But cute, if you make friends with them).
Arktos is one of those people who try to behave as distantly as possible with the object of affection, although in fact he nervously rubs his fingers behind his back, standing next to you
In the world in which you find yourself, there is no Internet, no communication. It's like you've gone back to the centuries when farms only flourished and everyone lived collectively. The Greenland is more focused on the development of agriculture, while the Ice kingdom is focused on the development of technology, especially military. Therefore, there are machines that work with the help of workers' strength. Don't be surprised: winter comes to the Greenland only when Arktos launches his snow and wind machines (although because of this, winter comes to the green paradise much more often, because someone does not know how to keep promises ... and does not try). So what am I driving at? Arktos is VERY old, one of the oldest inhabitants of the planet, so he may not always and not always immediately understand your jokes…Explain the joke to him, don't mock the grandfathers... ХD
Arktos has a few secrets that you shouldn't Know about… For example, the fact that your friendship bracelet, which you made together with Happy, is not lost, but carefully lies in one of the drawers of the ice king's desktop…
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julegoelsdorf · 1 year
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Toller Besuch heute im @fruehstuecksfernsehen! @maffay.de Er feiert Ostermontag „Happy Tabaluga“ - die große Show mit vielen tollen Gästen! Natürlich primetime 20:15 in @sat.1 ! Und meinem Papa @dietergoelsdorf wird‘s gefallen, immerhin hat Peter mir erzählt, dass er 3 Duesenberg-Gitarren zuhause hat! @iduesenberg 🎸🎸🎸 @tabaluga.de #tabaluga #petermaffay #sat1 #primetime #duesenberg https://www.instagram.com/p/CqkN-Ewsp2e/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fireheart223 · 2 years
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Doodles and two rambles from after I FINALLY finished watching "A Very Hot Thing" 8 days ago
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the-indie-owl · 1 year
I've recently been started to join in on some new fandoms but I just wanna point out a few similarities that I have been blatantly noticing a few similarities between these Two Movies.
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"The Sea Prince and The Fire Child" (also known as "The Legend of Sirius") and "Tabaluga" (also known as "Ice Princess Lilly").
Why am I thinking that they are quite similar if you may ask despite many of their own differences to each of their own story? Well, here are some similarities that I wanted to point between these Two Movies.
Basically, Two Stories that share the Same "Star-Crossed" Lovers dynamic between Fire and H2O.
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Which are based off of Actual Old Stories.
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Male Protagonist is associated with a Certain Element who has a Loyal, Brave, and Fun Personality who has a Small Sidekick for a Friend.
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Love Interest is also associated with Another Element (Has a Kind, Sweet, yet Gentle Personality).
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Who's also got a Friend on the Same Elemental Race as Her.
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Story also has some Backstory Lore that the Two Races were once One but for some reason that their love turned to hate against each other due to an Evil Being of Jealously.
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Both Movies tend to develop a Romantic Story between Two Different Races of Elements between Fire and Hydrogen (Water/Ice).
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Then at the End of their Story, both Lovers end up joining together beneath their own Lands where the Two Lands with their own Said Element become One again in Peace.
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Now obviously, these Two Movies may strike a similar detail when it comes to Two Elements falling in love, but they're still not alike because the context of their own Storyline is completely different.
One that the ending in "The Sea Prince and The Fire Child" ends with Sirius and Malta dying together as they become the Stars while Tabaluga and Lilli in "Tabaluga" have their own Happy Ending where their Two Lands are in Terms together again (thus, no commits between suicide).
I'm not really too sure if "The Sea Prince and The Fire Child" was an inspiration to one of Peter Maffay's works in his "Tabaluga" series.
But I just couldn't help but notice some brief similarities between these Two Love stories that take up Two Different Elements between the Heat and the Cold into a Romeo and Juliet inspired story.
And also...
Both Movies also have a Wise Turtle Character.
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Bet you didn't see Another Coincidence.
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bilumiart · 3 years
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I’ve made a sticker with her. Check it out here
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tibozin · 2 years
Tabaluga tivi
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garytopia · 6 years
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some Tabaluga doodles
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corvusfrugilegs · 2 years
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i havent finished yet--
sketchbook thingiessssss
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jieloksworld · 2 years
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