thinking about alastair carstairs going from giving up all hope for unconditional love and looking up to all the toxic men in his life to then finally accepting that he deserves to be loved AND be able to give love in return all while giving himself the space to be soft with the ones he loves and himself and literally promising to be there for his brother in the way that no paternal figure was ever there for him without being bitter about it because he finally has everything that he’s ever wanted …i am not okay… literally the character with the best arc in all of tlh.
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Kamala: Alastair is avoiding you because you two are having, and I quote, “boyfriend issues” with each other
Thomas: But we aren't boyfriends?
Kamala: From what I gathered, that was the issue
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laylax13s · 2 years
Okay but hear me out.
I WILL do an Alastair fanfic based on Conan Gray's song named Family Line.
It fits him. Fight me.
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Five Days Till Alastember
"Because I wanted you to have a childhood,
a thing I never had. I wanted you to be
able to love and respect your
father as I never could."
-Alastair Carstairs, Chain of Gold
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herondales · 1 year
my one thought after reading chain of thorns is that cc always tries too hard to to fit in like 10 side character storylines and that’s why nothing feels satisfying 
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lueurichor · 4 months
fun question!
My favourite trope in a relationship is- black cat meets golden retriever. As well as friends to lovers but that's another point.
Who do you think is the MOST 'black cat' meets 'golden retriever' in the Shadowhunter couples and why? :D
Phew, this actually made me think. A lot, actually😅
My spontaneous answer would've been Thomas & Alastair, but honestly, Thomas isn't giving me too much Golden Retriever Energy. Sure, there is some, but not nearly enough I think. He radiates more cat energy in my opinion.
Now that I'm thinking about it, I'll might have to say Gabriel & Cecily. The more I think about it, the more I want to stick with it honestly. Gabriel has A LOT of lost-puppy-energy and Cecily has always given me cat-energy so... Yeah, I'm actually happy with that choice!
ps: also, friends-to-lovers supremacy!
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drunkonimagination · 2 years
hi!! hope you're doing okay! Your tags on the thomastair childhood friends to lovers post got me thinking about them again and I hope you don't mind me sharing ahh: one of the ways they're both so similar is how much they care for and are protective of their families. Imagine Tom training with Cordelia, two people with the same reckless drive to prove themselves who share this fierce love for one person, and asking her for pronunciation help when he starts learning Farsi, or poetry/book recs 1/?
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anon. id be lying If i told you that i didn't spend this last week drawing them repeatedly like it was a matter of life and death. my mind is literally no thoughts, just thomastair childhood friends to lovers au
(this morning i even woke up with the purpose of finishing my little silly sketches and guess what? i added two more instead of polishing the old ones 😭 im too far gone)
anyway THIS. thank you so much for sharing, all these additions are gold
taking care of each other's family is thomastair's love language.
no literally. this one sentence makes me so emotional bc i can totally see it. they just care so much about their families/friends (even thought they both like to fake annoyance at them and pretend it's not true), so seeing each other interact and feel safe around their respective close ones would make both of them so happy.
tom would easily befriend cordelia and he would definitely ask her for pronunciation help. then he would surprise alastair saying smth in his mother's language with perfect pronunciation making it appear totally casual (with poor success), but alastair wouldn't even notice bc his little heart would start beating so fast that he couldn't help but put the biggest smile on his face and ask thomas for more.
and alastair taking care of tom's friends/cousins and spending quality time with them? YES. i love everything you pointed out, especially about kit and alastair ahhh, im quite fond of their friendship and i bet they would have been such good friends if they met as kids!!
also i'll never stop believing in thomas/lucie friendship supremacy and as their bond is totally underrated so is the potential friendship between her and alastair. i just have this odd feeling that despite the very different personalities and attitudes they would get along great. pls, imagine little alastair giving her suggestions for the beautiful cordelia (especially when it comes to thomas's character) like 'no luce, i think the perfect role for tom is the knight! he's just so brave, kind, honest....you need to make him the knight!! and give him a nice armour too, okay? oh and don't make him eat celery in your story, you know he doesn't like it-'
jakdjsj okay im done, one more little addition bc i have too. what about their relationships with the adults too? like... little alastair being fascinated by sophie's immense strength and patience? him wanting to spend time with gideon bc he treats alastair with so much care and love that makes him want to cry?
thomas surprisingly befriending risa (feat that no child has ever accomplished before)? her finding tom the cutest and kindest child she's ever met and always slipping him sweets when no one is looking?
yes i think a lot about this.
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littlx-songbxrd · 2 years
I have a lot of autistic tlh headcanons-
-stims by walking and playing piano. occasionally taps his fingers against any hard surface
-avoids velvet anything. he'd rather die than touch it
-gets sick from anything with the alcohol smell ie most hand sanitizers, perfume, certain cleaning products
-hyperfixates on poems, calligraphy, and his bf
-he doesn't know what his special interest actually is so he just says it's bantering with matthew and hating james
-stims by popping his knuckles, playing guitar, and swinging his legs in opposite circles while sitting on a tree branch or the edge of a roof
-will gag violently if he eats a mushy/soft carrot, squash, cucumber, or a soggy sandwich
-cant stand strawberries or lemons. both a texture and a smell problem
-special interests include alastair, anything to do with his latine heritage, and persian culture
-rarely stims
-she likes to swing her axe around when she's bored, anything that makes her arms move is fun and scratches brain
-is ok with velvet but much prefers it in cake form
-hates silk. h a t e s.
-hyperfixates on persian culture and the paranormal
-special interest is writing
-does not know he's autistic
-thinks he's severely broken inside
-stims by hitting his head and scratching his arms
-gets defensive easily because he's worried that if someone gets too close they'll discover how "broken" he is
-self medicates(canon)
-hyperfiates on fashion and romance
-special interest is oscar wilde
-science autistic
-stims by throwing stuff, typically darts and hair pins but occasionally knives
-as much as she hates how many bad memories are tied to her hair, she'll never cut it because n o
-randomly taps her thigh with her palm in various speeds
-special interest is chemistry
-sciene AND math autistic
-plays with his fingers in different ways
-deals with really bad and negative thoughts
-nightmare disorder
-hyperfixates on psychology so he can help grace with her ptsd
-special interests are chemistry, physics, algebra, geometry, engineering
-also doesn't know she's autistic
-is incredibly emotional and sensitive
-she thinks it's because she's a woman
-needs constant touching
-stims by pacing and humming
-special interests are bees, butterflies, doves, and roses
-hyperfixates on how people perceive her and needing to be perfect
I am SO READY OK. Im not autistic so im mostly giving you reactions as i go but fbfjfjjfjfjfjfnf
Alastair supremacy pls bantering with mathew and hating james is always the goal here.
P o e m s c a l l i g r a p h y
Actually my friend really got into caligraphy and its so cool to watch them i can imagine alastair
Also i know these are your hcs. But for latine heritage thing may i suggest magic realism? Its a latin american literary movement based around bringing fantasy elements to normal settings with little to no explanation that are usually a critic to society. It is one of the funnest most spectacular literary concepts in latin america.
Justified hatred
Persian culture and the paranormal is so LUCIE GOD VDJDJD YEA
It all very much sounds like mathew. The part where he thinks they'll all just realize how broken he is hurts
The hair thing damn.
Tbh id kill to see you write christopher centric stuff. I dont think ive seen that very much and im so intrigued by this interpretation
Kamala 🤝 Isabela Madrigal / lh
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tys-kitty · 2 years
Alastair: I love you
Christopher literally crying: I love you too
Alastair: I was talking to Thomas, but yeah I love you too mate
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lekawi · 2 years
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I’m here to announce since now my fanarts will be posted on inst HERE.
Thank you so much for supporting me all the time, especially these hard days❤️❤️❤️❤️ and finally I’m ready to move on
I still here, till it’s available in my county (even on the last day)
@rinadragomir @drunkonimagination @spooky-drusilla @wheelershara @summergrace-art @writeordie-4 @life-through-the-eyes-of @khaleesiofalicante @littlx-songbxrd @cant-think-of-anything @tessherongraystairs @hidethebreakables @afunkygoodtime @thepictureofsdr @anarmorofwords @iloveallmyocs @lysakirova @thomaslightwood @ahanahahaha @ddepressedbookworm @axoloteca @styxdrawings @lord-jethro @runecarstairs
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thepictureofsdr · 3 years
alastair 🤝 cordelia
scandalously vouching for their love interests who’ve just been accused of a terrible crime
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rainingpouringetc · 3 years
don’t think we’re talking enough about the fact that alastair followed thomas on patrols to make sure he didn’t get himself killed bc he knew that thomas was hurting due to his sister’s death but he also knew that thomas wouldn’t accept any help, especially from him, so he found a way to help him silently, and he probably wouldn’t have ever told thomas he’d been doing it if it hadn’t been for the whole suspicion of murder thing
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Lucie and Thomas once had an argument about which Carstairs sibling is hotter: Alastair or Cordelia?
It went on for like a week because they disagreed and didn’t talk for a bit because you’re wrong, mine is hotter
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beccartidk · 3 years
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I’m so excited for Chain of Iron! 🤧
Here is a work in progress of Cordelia annoying Alastair by putting flowers in his hair ✨
Characters belong to @cassandraclare
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7 Days Till Alastember
“And only an ass puts people into situations in
which they need to be rescued at all.”
-Alastair Carstairs, Chain of Iron
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Would like to ask what in the actual hell was cc thinking when she made Cordelia stay quiet whenever James or Matthew insulted her brother.
Like that's not how siblings work man. I may insult my sister 2828392 times a week but if someone else does it, they're getting a mouthful of broken teeth.
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