the-everqueen · 10 months
that one scene in the audio drama version of "Men of Good Fortune"
h*b: friendship. [smyECK] OI fink yoa lonely.
dream of the mcavoy: [heaugheughgughghgh] [hhhhhhhhh] [appallingly loud close-mic chair creak] y-you. da-are. you. daAare. imply that *i* might befriend a morTAL?? that one of MY kind might need comPAN-IONship?? YOUDAAAAARE to CALL ME LONELY???!??!?!!?!?!??! [frantic chair hits, furniture scrapes, door slams, screaming, crying, pissing, shitting, falling over and exploding,]
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stellerssong · 3 months
reminder to self to have some fucking couth. neel geighman is LITERALLY on this website and he DOES check his notifs. you cannot doxx yourself on behalf of a joke about horse murder.
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catboybiologist · 6 months
could you explain why/if we can't just copy the genes of one animal and splice them into another animal, for example why we couldn't give humans cat ears?
There's no one easy way to answer this, but the basic answer is that it's not that simple. There's no one gene, or even easily reducible set of genes, that just is "make cat ears". Not only is there a network of genes activated within a cell, there are a myriad of signals from nearby cells (the "microenvironment") as well as cues from the rest of the body and environment.
So each one of the cells making your ear isn't just encoded to be a cell that makes your ear. In fact, most of them don't have any "ear" genetic characteristics or activation. They're generic cartilage or skin cells that were told to grow more or less by neighboring cells or distant cells during carefully coordinated times during growth and development. Each cell interprets this signal in different ways, and also receives multiple signals at a time, the combination of which can produce unique results.
The easiest to interpret example of this is finger development. During development, when your hand is still a fingerless paddle, a single cell on the pinky side of your hand (or thumb side, it could be reversed) releases a signalling molecules to nearby cells. A cell receiving the highest dose will start to become a pinky, and send a signal for the cells immediately around it to aide in that. The next cell that isn't aiding that, but still receives the initial signal, receives a lower concentration of that signal since it's further away. That lower concentration signals a ring finger, and it repeats until you get thumbs at the lowest concentrations.
That's the most visible example, but it's similar to what happens all over the body- signals that are dependent on the structure and genetics of the microenvironment, not just the genetics of the developing cells alone.
This careful network of timing, signals, gene activations, and spatial placement of cells is the core of the field of Developmental Biology (which, technically, my PhD is in as well bc it's often wrapped in with molecular bio lol).
So making cat ears on a human genetically would essentially require not only genetic manipulation, but also babysitting the fetus the entire time and adding in localized signals to the microenvironment of the developing ear cells, which is essentially impossible. There's too much "human" flying around to realistically get that result, and an attempt at doing so would essentially be akin to molecular sculpting. That's why *my* preferred approach would be epithelial stem cell manipulation/printing and subsequent grafting, but that's an entirely different thing.
If you're interested in this kind of thing, the most approachable and engaging summary of developmental biology is the book "Your Inner Fish", by Neil Shubin, the discoverer of Tiktaalik. He summarizes a lot of dev biology through the lens of evolutionary biology, which is a great way to see how differences in structures have arisen and differentiate across the tree of life.
If you want a shorter introduction, and like cute but kinda "cringey in the way you love" science parodies: the song evo-devo by a capella science is really fun and gets stuck in my head a lot:
But yeah, hope that answered your question!
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do you have any fun experiences to share? like funny situations or things like that 😭😭 i dont even know how to ask lmao
knox coming up behind me and trying to spook me but i accidentally elbowed him in the chest 😭 i felt so bad
charlie and i showing the rest of the poets our dance routine we made up, it was so bad because we kept stopping to cackle
pitts just constantly hitting his limbs off of everything, all the time. he has no spatial awareness at all. it's shocking he doesn't have a concussion atp
neil making a weird little sound and todd going "what the fuck was that?"
doing meeks' makeup and him attempting to do mine and failing miserably
"do people in britain call their dads 'dud' or do they call them dad like a normal person?" -neil
"well neil, considering that no one in the history of ever has called their dad 'dud', im gonna go with no" -me
that's some i could remember off the top of my head! i tried to make sure i included at least one memory with each of them <3
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La première femme sur la lune est Margaret Hamilton, que l'on voit sur cette photo historique rare de 1969, est l'ingénieur informatique que l'histoire a oublié, au contraire de Neil Armstrong ou Buzz Aldrin. Hamilton a dirigé l'équipe informatique de la NASA qui a fait atterrir les astronautes d'Apollo sur la lune. Elle était ingénieur en informatique avant même que quiconque ne connaisse ce terme et sur la photo présentée, elle se tient à côté de ce que l'on pense être le code ou les listes de programmes de la mission spatiale Apollo. Elle était une pionnière en matière de développement du génie logiciel, contribuant à ce type de programme, assumant ce type de rôle a déclaré le Dr Teasel Muir-Harmony, conservateur de la collection du projet Apollo au Musée national de l'air et de l'espace Smithsonian à Washington
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Visit HistoricTalk.com. Even non-history lovers will be in for a shock when they learn who the richest person in history was, or how studying our prehistoric ancestors’ pasts might unlock the secrets we need for healthy eating today. Visit website
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wumblr · 1 year
i find your posts about... uh. physics (idk what further specificity applies. astrophysics? quantum mechanics?) fun to read, and way over my head. like. shit is undeniably compelling even as most of it is pretty much impossible for me to conceptualize (at my present levels of familiarity anyway) or attempt to contextualize within my.. subjective experience of material reality.. i guess. any advice on further educating one's self, for someone in my position of finding this sort of thing cool and interesting as a layman high school dropout beset by dyscalculia and poor visuo-spatial ability? i feel patronized and condescended to by the like... reddit / neil degrasse tyson "science is badass and awesomesauce" pop science attitude, btw. just think itd be nice to have the means to build practical knowledge in a way that is actually Neither erudite to the point of elitism Nor cheesy and annoying. if you happen to have any "tips" or "recs"
thank you! i do have recs. i have a page of book recs on my music portfolio website. that covers several subjects but it may be obvious which ones are about physics
"cosmology" is probably the word you were looking for (i'm looking for a grad school with a focus on that while i'm saving up for it)
arvin ash and sabine hossenfelder have some good youtube videos on the subject if you don't want to jump into a whole book. pbs spacetime is good. sabine also has a couple great books out
i like eugene khutoryansky, his videos sometimes ask a lot of the viewer, but probably nobody else has made 3d animations to unpack the einstein field equations
as a general rule i really like books for a layman audience by nobel physics laureates. these usually don't involve math (in search of the ultimate building blocks by gerard t'hooft, quark and jaguar by murray gell-mann, relativity the book by einstein)
basically anybody who's famous enough that you know they're a physicist has published a good book (stephen hawking, roger penrose, michio kaku)
einstein's dreams by alan lightman is a collection of short fiction about relativity made tangible. really good
structure of scientific revolutions by thomas kuhn is a classic but it confirms something i've been grasping at (focus on the bare observables, theory is an attempt to explain these phenomena)
i don't know if anybody has published a good layman's review of LIGO black hole mergers yet (janna levin?), i've been doing the crash course the hard way and just keeping up with the GCN circulars email list, where they tell all the telescopes in the world to slew in some kind of general direction when they detect something
if you only want to read two books i would recommend warped passages by lisa randall and lost in math by sabine hossenfelder. i think they make an excellent paired set, they're like complementary opposites... warped passages does basically everything that lost in math critiques, but it also contains a gold-standard description of the standard model and the process of modeling
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l-avis-de-klervie · 1 year
La SF c'est pas que pour les geeks La fantasy c'est pas que pour les ados
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Penguin Classics Galaxy est une collection de six titres de la littérature de fantasy et de sciences fiction publiés en 2016 et dirigée par Neil Gaiman. Le directeur artistique Paul Buckley a commissioné le graphiste Alex Trochut pour en concevoir les couvertures. Cette collection a gagné le prix AIGA + Design Observer des 50 meilleurs couvertures de l’année.
Les couvertures sont composée uniquement de lettrage original. Pourquoi n’y a-t’il aucune iconographie ?
En écartant tout recourt à l’image, le lettrage apparaît en majesté, il aurait apparu anecdotique s’il avait été mis en concurrence avec une image. Le lettrage est une image en soit puisque son style est évocateur du titre qu’il illustre. En témoigne le caractère pour The One and Future King qui rappelle les enluminures moyenâgeuses. Quant au «D» de Dune, il ressemble à un vaisseau spatial. Ainsi, c’est le lettrage lui-même qui sert d’iconographie Le lettrage vise à intriguer car le texte n’est pas immédiatement déchiffrage Les caractères typographiques dessinés sont peu lisible. Il faut "quelques secondes de plus pour en décrypter la signification. En effet, certaines lettre semblent incomplètes, brouillées par des interférences visuelles. En effet, les lettres de la couverture de Dune forment des blocs quasi rectangulaires dont on ne discerne la lettre uniquement grâce à la direction prise par les lignes. Des effets de déconstruction sont présents notamment dans le caractère conçu pour la couverture de The Left Hand of Darkness qui déconstruit et superpose une moitié de lettre au dessus d’une lettre. Quant au caractère de The Once and Future King, les lettres s’écartent beaucoup des formes auquel le lecteur est habitué. Par exemple, la lettre "T" contient une arabesque qui se confond de premier abord avec un "G". De plus, le fût est penché vers la droite, ce qui accentue l’ambiguïté. Ainsi, l’ensemble de ces éléments visent à brouiller la lisibilité au profit d’une esthétique originale dont l’objectif est que le consommateur en librairie passer plus de temps à regarder la couverture. Le but est de marquer les esprits par le temps passé à regarder le livre.
L’absence d’image rappelle le design de la collection blanche de Gallimard et la couverture cartonnée rappelle les éditions de La Pléiade. Dans ce cas, l’iconoclasme est un gage de qualité car elle hisse ses publications au rang de classique : le titre suffit.
Chaque lettre a une image, un style particulier propre à lui-même. Il y a une certaine originalité dans le style général de la collection. En effet, les éléments sont reconnaissables dans leur ensemble. Si l’on prend les éléments séparément, on saura les associer immédiatement à la collection. Et dans le même temps, chacun apparaît dans son unicité. Cela n’est pas sans rappeler la collection Insel ou Zulma designée par David Pearson qui ont toutes deux un motif en fond original à chaque couverture.
Quel est le rôle joué par les procédés d’impression et de fabrication dans la stratégie ?
Le marquage à chaud réhausse la valeur des objets livres par leur couleur argent ou doré et la technique qui augmente le prix du livre. L’effet réfléchissant du marquage à chaud attire l’oeil autant qu’il ajoute de la valeur par son apparence dorée. C’est une édition deluxe qui est précieuse. Cela s’explique par le fait que les anglais sont friands des table books. Cette édition est la parfaite intersection entre un livre beau et précieux autant dans son contenu quand dans son contenant.
Le choix d’une couverte rigide ajoute un aspect luxueux à l’objet : il a plus de poids et de prestance. De plus, il est plus durable qu’un livre de poche, on doit en prendre soin, on ne peut pas l’emmener et le lire partout car il risque de s’abimer, sa place se trouve dans une belle bibliothèque. Ainsi, la couverture rigide ajoute ainsi de la valeur à l’objet livre.
Quel est le but concernant la perception traditionnelle des genres littéraires de cette collection ?
L’enjeu de cette collection rappelle la collection New Penguin Shakespeare illustré par David Gentleman. L’enjeu était de redonner une image contemporaine à Shakesperare afin d’élargir son public.
Ici, il s’agit également de bousculer les stéréotypes associés aux genres de la SF et de la Fantasy dont l’image serait celle de geek ou d’adolescents. Cette collection vise à dé-marginaliser ces textes et les hisse au rang de chef-d’oeuvres chic et précieux. Cet objectif est atteint grâce aux procédés d’impression et de fabrication ainsi que l’absence d’iconographie qui rend ces oeuvres intemporelles et universelles.
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russellmoreton · 2 years
Tentative Building Profiles : Speculative landing sites of surface, image and texts.
Tentative Building Profiles : Speculative landing sites of surface, image and texts by Russell Moreton Via Flickr: 5 Procedural Architecture Start by thinking of architecture as a tentative constructing toward a holding in place. Architecture's holding in place occurs within and as part of a prevailing atmospheric condition that others routinely call biosphere but which we, feeling the need to stress its dynamic nature, have renamed bioscleave. Architectural Body Madeline Gins and Arakawa Working Notes/Holding in Place Wayfinding/Movements through accumulated research Running scripts, enactments, instances, involvements Collaborative texts, complexity, emergent, discursive From The Bookcase to The Field Table : Landing Sites of Inquiry Camouflage Neil Leach For Benjamin, the twentieth century is an age of alienation. Human beings are no longer 'cocooned' within their dwelling spaces. Architectural spaces are no longer reflections of the human spirit. Something has been lost. Mimesis, 19. New Concepts of Architecture Existence, Space and Architecture Christian Norberg-Schulz A child 'concretizes' its existential space. A Philosophy of Emptiness Gay Watson Artistic Emptiness Everything flows, nothing remains. Heraclitus Rethinking Architecture Neil Leach Figure 1, Sketch by Jacques Derrida for Choral Work project. 343 Foucault, Figure 2 Bentham's Panopticon (1791). 360 Page laid in, The Atrocity Exhibition by J. G. Ballard, new revised edition,annotations, commentary, illustrations and photos. Tracing Eisaenman Plenum, juxtaposed to form/haptic values/body absences Robert Mangold Between moments of 'meaning' lie spaces or blanks of immediate experience. Such blanks are actuality. Usually the blank, the actuality, goes unnoticed because it works so efficiently to differentiate one meaningful event from another. Kubler discussed this in The Shape of Time. Interactions of the Abstract Body Josiah McElheny Object Lesson/Heuristic Device The term 'heuristic' is understood here to denote a method of addressing and solving problems that draws not on logic but on experience, learning and testing. In this regard stories and fictional narratives can be heuristic devices in acting as ideal models that are not to be emulated but which help to situate characters, actions and objects. Space Between People Degrees of virtualization Mario Gerosa Adaptive Architectural Design Device-Apparatus Place Function Adaptation The second phase of project activity acknowledges that the proposal involves two sites; the landscape of settlement and the artifice of the factory. The design is intended to be a reflection of the conditions of each, so there was a need to work directly with the manufacturing process, at full scale, as early as possible. This would provide an immediate counterpoint to the earlier representations and a necessary part of exploring the manufacturing medium in the context of architectural design. 69 Building The Drawing The Illegal Architect Immaterial Architecture Mark Cousins suggests that the discipline of architecture is weak because it involves not just objects but relations between subjects and objects. And if the discipline of architecture is weak, then so, too, is the practice of architects. Architecture must be immaterial and spatially porous, as well as solid and stable where necessary, and so should be the practice of architects. Jonathan Hill Index of immaterial architectures Herzog and De Meuron Natural History Exhibiting Herzog and De Meuron We are not out to fill the exhibition space in the usual manner and to adorn it with records of our architectonic work. Exhibitions of that kind just bore us, since their didactic value would be conveying false information regarding our architecture. People imagine that they can follow the process, from the sketch to the final, photographed work, but in reality nothing has really been understood, all that has happened is that records of an architectural reality have been added together. My studio is a piece of architecture that is silent. The things of which it is made say all and at the same time nothing. Its strength lies in its demanding silence. A stern silence in order to permit works to occur. I imagine that a painting by Newman could be hung there. The arrival of Beuys in a world that was gradually falling asleep amidst minimalism generated a kind of confusion that was truly excellent for opening up the mind. Comfort vanished, driven away by subversive complexity. Speculative architecture On the aesthetics of Herzog and De Meuron Without opposition nothing is revealed, no image appears in a clear mirror if one side is not darkened Jacob Bohme, De tribus principii (1619) Reflections on a photographic medium Memorial to the Unknown Photographer Thomas Ruff's Newspaper Photos Valeria Liebermann Working Collages Karl Blossfeldt Anti Object We are composed of matter and live in the midst of matter. Our objective should not be to renounce matter, but to search for a form of matter other than objects. What that form is called architecture, gardens, technology is not important. Kengo Kuma
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tazipa · 2 years
17/07/2022 visite du parc de Mallasa
A environ 45 min du centre de La Paz, il est plus bas et bénéficie d'un climat plus agréable, 18° ! Il se vend davantage de lunette de soleil, de chapeaux et casquettes pour profiter de cet espace plus naturel et "calme". C'est le lieu idéal pour pique-niquer en famille ou bien visiter le zoo, dont la file était interminable ! (Du coup nous sommes allés dans le parc 👍)
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Une multitude de choix de terrasses restaurants.
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A l'entrée du parc, nous profitons de cette vue imprenable sur les les montagnes qui l'entourent.
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Oui aperçoit la Muela del diablo 😈
"La Muela del Diablo, 'Chris' ou 'Christopher' est une caractéristique emblématique du paysage de La Paz en Bolivie . La caractéristique est un col volcanique , qui est le noyau solidifié d'un volcan éteint, dont le reste s'est érodé ou emporté. "
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Nous sommes également passés devant la vallée de la lune.
"Un spectacle visuel incomparable. Ses formations rocheuses argileuses grisâtres se sont formées il y a 4,5 milliards d'années. Ils dessinent des formes capricieuses semblables à des cratères, des ravins et des systèmes de colonnes qui composent un paysage lunaire et une œuvre d'art naturel unique. C'est Neil Armstrong, le premier homme à visiter la lune, qui a donné son nom à cet endroit en 1969, lors d'une visite à La Paz. Cet événement a eu lieu la même année que son exploit à bord du vaisseau spatial Apollo 11."
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radiomaxmusic · 3 months
Tuesday, January 23, 2024 11pm ET: Feature LP: Rogers Waters - Amused To Death (1992)
Amused to Death is the third studio album by English musician Roger Waters, released September 7, 1992 on Columbia. Produced by Waters and Patrick Leonard, it was mixed in QSound to enhance its spatial feel. The album features Jeff Beck on lead guitar on several tracks. The album’s title was inspired by Neil Postman’s 1985 book Amusing Ourselves to Death. In 2015, the album was remastered and…
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View On WordPress
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find-me-if-you-can · 3 months
my aesthetics
old ThinkPads
doing everything in the terminal
coding in C
Louis Rossmann
Raspberry Pi
custom Android
Jake Chudnow
caring about privacy and security
satellites, astronomy
robotics, electronics
combat boots
working out, calisthenics
wanting to be disciplined
practical and reliable gear (backpacks, powerbanks, pants with a lot of pockets, swiss army knives, walkie-talkies, rugged phones and laptops)
martial arts
south/midwest gothic
small towns and their mysteries
wooden hut in the woods
national parks
physical notebooks, physical books
computers but without internet connection
maps, compasses
hiking boots
Neil Gaiman
gravity falls
anomalies: - physical (spatial, temporal) - psychological (perceptual, memory)
ouija boards, EMF readers
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prismmediawire · 5 months
Xcyte Digital Produces Second Metaverse Spectrum Business Conference and Launches Inaugural Pitch Fest
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POMPANO BEACH, FL, December 4, 2023 - Xcyte Digital Corp. (TSXV: XCYT) (“Xcyte” or the “Company”), a spatial computing event technology aggregator and developer providing a high value, cost-effective, multi-platform subscription service to host online virtual and immersive events, announced that it will produce the second annual Metaverse Spectrum Business Conference and Expo on Wednesday, December 6, 2023.
The Metaverse Spectrum Business Conference and Expo is a leading event that brings together visionaries, entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts. Through engaging panel discussions, interactive sessions, and networking opportunities, the conference aims to foster collaboration, innovation, and investment within the Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Web3D ecosystem. This year’s Metaverse Spectrum Business Conference and Expo will include more than 1,500 attendees, 30 exhibitors, and 100 speakers.
The Conference Keynote will be delivered by David S. Rose, CEO, Gust, a global platform for founding, operating, and investing in scalable, high-growth companies. Global thought leaders speaking at the show include Neil Trevett, Vice President of Developer Ecosystems at NVIDIA & President of Khronos; Subroto Mukherjee, Strategy Lead & Cross Industry Solutions at Microsoft; Frank Diana, Managing Partner at Tata Consultancy Services and Futurist; Lee Margetts, UKAEA Chair of Digital Engineering at Fusion Energy; and Ginger Shimp, Global Content Lead for Industries & Sustainability at SAP.
The show will also showcase notable authors such as Luis Bravo Martins (Metaversed: See Beyond The Hype), Wagner Au (Making a Metaverse That Matters: From Snow Crash & Second Life to A Virtual World Worth Fighting For) and Leslie Shannon (Virtual Natives: How a New Generation is Revolutionizing the Future of Work, Play, and Culture), generously sponsored by Skolay. Together, the line up of speakers and exhibitors will provide a tremendous resource for attendees interested in spatial computing and AI.
Xcyte Digital will debut a beta version of its new intelligent AI based event support concierge service provided by life-like avatars located throughout the show. Attendees are encouraged to use these services to help navigate the show and optimize their experience. For further information and registration details, please visit https://metaversebusinessconference.com/.
Xcyte Digital also announced that it will produce the inaugural Pitch Fest at the Metaverse Spectrum Business Conference and Expo on Thursday, December 7, 2023. Over 25 innovative companies in the AI, VR, Web3, and AR industries will pitch their businesses to venture capital firms, investment banks, private investors, and angel investors.
The companies presenting at Pitch Fest are FOUNDAT, Hello3dworld, Sparsa AI, Dropkey, Panoram AG, Virtual Round Ballers, Shotam, Cryptomate, Thinakble, sosha.ai, Bond500, MidPay AI, Human Creator Alliance, Mindsage, Metaseat, ShivaTec Internacional, 18004heaven, Truescope, Appalachia Impact Gaming, Warpme.io, Xcyte Digital, Khaotic Gaming, Travel Advances, Collimation.tv, Cross Metaverse Avatars, Simul and Posh Multiverse/Ballin in the Metaverse. Notable investors attending Pitch Fest are SC Ventures, Focus Investment Banking, Spouting Rock Asset Management, London Real Ventures, and Newbridge Securities Corporation, among many others.
The Pitch Fest Keynote will be delivered by Costantino Roselli, Founder & CEO of NTZNS. The Pitch Fest will take place within the Metaverse and is proudly sponsored by NewsDirect, a leading provider of news distribution and media monitoring services.
Randy Selman, CEO of Xcyte Digital, will be presenting at the Pitch Fest at 11:00AM Eastern Time on Thursday, December 7, 2023.
This collaboration event exemplifies the growing interest and support from key industry players in the potential of AI, spatial computing and the metaverse. For further information and registration details, please visit https://metaversebusinessconference.com/pitch-fest/.
Finally, the Metaverse 100 awards ceremony will be held on Wednesday, December 6, 2023, and will recognize groundbreaking products and services that embody raw innovation, unique features, and remarkable contributions to the advancement of AI and spatial computing technology. Award categories include Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Metaverse and Web3. The Awards are not limited to the best-selling products; rather, they recognize those that challenge the status quo, offer fresh perspectives, and deliver exceptional results in the industry. The winners will be chosen by a panel of esteemed industry judges that are experts, thought leaders and prominent figures in the digital, AI, and Web3 sectors.
About Xcyte Digital Inc.
Xcyte Digital (TSXV: XCYT) is a spatial computing event technology aggregator and developer providing a high value, cost-effective, multi-platform subscription service to host online virtual and immersive events. Xcyte was formed in 2022 through an amalgamation of operating businesses & assets in the virtual & immersive event sectors. The Company went public on the TSX Venture exchange on November 15, 2023. Based in Fort Lauderdale, FL, Xcyte has operations in London, UK, Charlotte, NC and Union, NJ. Xcyte provides immersive event technology, virtual event technology and event support services. Visit us at xcytedigital.com
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Certain statements in this news release are forward-looking statements and are prospective in nature, including statements with respect to the Acquiror's future intentions regarding the securities the Issuer. Forward-looking statements are not based on historical facts, but rather on current expectations and projections about future events and are therefore subject to risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from the future results expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Such statements are qualified in their entirety by the inherent risks and uncertainties surrounding future expectations. Such forward-looking statements should therefore be construed in light of such factors, and the Acquiror is not under any obligation, and expressly disclaims any intention or obligation, to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.
For further information, please contact:
Xcyte Digital Corp. Randy Selman, Chief Executive Officer and Director Phone: (647) 777 7501 Email: [email protected]
Investor Relations Nikhil Thadani, Sophic Capital Email: [email protected] Phone: (647) 777 7501
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
SOURCE: Xcyte Digital Corp.
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Deliver Us Mars
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L'avenir de l'humanité se trouve sur Mars Deliver Us Mars est une aventure de science-fiction pleine d'ambiance qui vous entraîne dans une mission pleine de suspense et d'enjeux pour récupérer les vaisseaux de la colonie ARK volés par le mystérieux groupe Outward. Alors que la terre continue de se désintégrer autour de nous en temps réel, il peut être tentant de regarder vers le ciel dans l'espoir de trouver un avenir meilleur. Mais si l'on en croit les jeux Deliver Us de KeokeN, la vie dans l'espace n'est pas non plus des plus agréables. Dans Deliver Us The Moon, vous vous souviendrez peut-être que les scientifiques chargés de la technologie du rayon d'énergie de la lune, qui permet de sauver la Terre, ont fini par avoir un moment de ravissement, sabotant tout leur bon travail (et l'avenir de la Terre dans le processus) et s'en allant Dieu sait où pour recommencer leur vie dans leur nouvelle utopie. Dans sa suite, Deliver Us Mars, on découvre que ces astronautes dévoyés ne sont pas allés si loin que ça. Ils ont sauté sur la planète rouge et s'y sont installés, et lorsqu'une étrange transmission révélant leur emplacement est reçue, elle sert de catalyseur pour envoyer une autre équipe dans l'espace pour enquêter. Cette fois, cependant, vous êtes au cœur du conflit central. En confiant aux joueurs le rôle de Kathy, la fille de l'un de ces astronautes malhonnêtes, Deliver Us Mars raconte une histoire beaucoup plus difficile et personnelle sur le type de futur que l'humanité devrait poursuivre : devrions-nous, en fait, orienter nos efforts vers une vie dans l'espace, ou devrions-nous faire tout ce qui est en notre pouvoir pour essayer de sauver cette planète sinistre, presque morte, que nous appelons notre foyer ? Ces questions sont abordées de la même manière que dans Deliver Us The Moon, Kathy tombant sur de nombreux enregistrements d'hologrammes détaillant les moments clés de ce qui s'est passé sur cette nouvelle colonie martienne alors qu'elle et son équipe explorent ses entrailles apparemment abandonnées. Comme vous pouvez le deviner, les choses ont fini par se gâter ici aussi, et suivre ce fil d'Ariane de désordre et de destruction constitue l'essentiel de la trame narrative de votre aventure.
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Mais il y a une tension plus profonde qui bouillonne à l'intérieur de Kathy elle-même et qui apporte un sentiment de profondeur et d'urgence à la mission en cours. Sa jeunesse et son inexpérience sont en conflit permanent avec le reste de ses coéquipiers plus expérimentés - y compris son commandant et sa sœur aînée Claire - et l'envie de sortir des sentiers battus pour retrouver son père disparu donne à Deliver Us Mars un noyau humain bien plus sympathique que celui que Moon pourrait espérer atteindre avec son protagoniste silencieux à la première personne. En effet, même sous une animation un peu raide et des expressions faciales caoutchouteuses, la performance d'Ellise Chappell dans le rôle de Kathy est aussi vive, spirituelle et attachante que tout ce que l'on peut trouver dans des superproductions plus flashy, et la voix tout aussi forte de Neil Newbon dans le rôle d'Isaac, le père de Kathy, dévoile habilement la défaite, la manie et le désespoir d'un homme pris entre le marteau et l'enclume.
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Entre ces moments cruciaux de l'histoire, Deliver Us Mars est un mélange de plates-formes tactiles et d'énigmes complexes à la poutre, laissant de côté les sections furtives frustrantes et les poussées d'oxygène un peu artificielles de Deliver Us The Moon pour un style plus calme et réfléchi de randonnée spatiale. Le saut de Kathy est peut-être un peu flottant par endroits, mais tout est pardonné dès qu'elle sort ses haches d'escalade. Elle s'en servira pour escalader des surfaces rocheuses abruptes, des parois de vaisseaux spatiaux rembourrées et des falaises glacées, ce qui lui rappellera la trilogie Tomb Raider de Crystal Dynamics. En effet, au lieu d'escalader chaque paroi d'une simple pression sur le stick analogique, Kathy doit positionner chacun de ses bras manuellement, ancrant ses pioches en place avec un bruit sourd et une pression sur la gâchette. Si vous relâchez ces gâchettes trop tôt, Kathy tombera à l'eau - bien qu'un système de points de contrôle généreux vous permette de ne pas perdre grand-chose si vous faites un faux pas.
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C'est une expérience merveilleusement tactile, et le processus méthodique d'accrochage, d'enfoncement et de déplacement donne un poids réel au voyage de Kathy, qu'elle descende une paroi de canyon relativement inoffensive ou qu'elle grimpe sur le flanc d'un vaisseau spatial qui s'effondre à chaque pas. Il n'y a pas de cascades de héros d'action sur cette planète mortelle, et faire le travail sans s'évanouir par manque d'oxygène aide à maintenir la pression. Vous ne ferez peut-être plus de courses folles vers les bidons d'oxygène jaunes, mais regarder les lumières à l'arrière de la combinaison de Kathy diminuer progressivement avec des bips sinistres ajoute encore à l'effroi et au sentiment d'être "en vie, je ferais mieux de me dépêcher avant de mourir". Les énigmes de la téléportation, quant à elles, sont sans doute la partie la plus glauque du vaisseau spatial de Deliver Us Mars. Non seulement leurs réseaux complexes de faisceaux d'énergie à vue semblent de plus en plus incongrus et peu pratiques lorsque vous êtes entouré de merveilles inédites de l'ingénierie humaine, mais, du point de vue de la résolution pure des énigmes, ils n'évoluent jamais de manière particulièrement satisfaisante. Elles sollicitent suffisamment le cerveau sur le moment, et une seule m'a vraiment fait me creuser les méninges pour trouver une solution (et c'était surtout parce qu'il fallait traverser une pièce qui ressemblait à un véritable piège mortel à première vue). Mais du début à la fin, vous trouvez toujours les mêmes lignes de visée pour ces choses, et vous utilisez les engins qui les accompagnent pour diviser ou atténuer la force du signal afin de trouver la bonne puissance requise. Il est dommage que ces éléments n'aient pas pu se développer davantage au cours des huit heures que dure Mars, et si on les compare aux énigmes spécifiques à un lieu de Moon, on ne peut s'empêcher de les trouver un peu plates en comparaison.
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Ayla, le robot flottant de Kathy, n'est pas non plus à la hauteur de son homologue lunaire, Ace. Non seulement elle est reléguée au second plan au profit d'énigmes à la poutre, mais les quelques aides qu'Ayla apporte aux énigmes - planer dans des conduits d'aération pour ouvrir des portes verrouillées et jeter un coup d'œil dans différentes pièces - sont reprises presque intégralement du prédécesseur de Mars. Ainsi, les capacités d'Ayla ne progressent jamais vraiment comme on pourrait l'attendre d'une suite, et elles finissent par ressembler davantage à un projecteur d'hologrammes glorifié qu'à autre chose. En fin de compte, le drame noueux de Deliver Us Mars a suffi à me faire passer outre ces petits défauts, même si l'histoire de l'utopie qui tourne mal a déjà été entendue plusieurs fois. Son macro-désastre planétaire est magnifiquement reflété dans ses micro-dilemmes familiaux, et les performances de Chappell et Newbon, ainsi que de Bryony Tebbutt dans le rôle de Claire, et de Nicole Tompkins et Danny Ashok dans le rôle de leurs collègues Sarah et Ryan, se rejoignent pour former un portrait émouvant de regrets du passé, d'egos meurtris, d'avenirs erronés et de ce que "faire la bonne chose" signifie réellement (c'est-à-dire coller ces puzzles à faisceau directement dans le sas). Il montre certainement de plus grands signes de vie que Deliver Us The Moon (auquel je vous recommande de jouer avant si vous en avez l'occasion, même si ce n'est pas strictement nécessaire pour apprécier ce qui se passe ici), et s'il n'est peut-être pas aussi poli ou glamour que les autres jeux spatiaux lancés cette année, il n'en est pas moins une digne continuation de la série de science-fiction réfléchie de KeokeN. Le futur qu'il dépeint est peut-être sombre, mais c'est un monde dans lequel vous serez heureux de vous échapper, même si ce n'est que pour un petit moment. David SCHMIDT Read the full article
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drgreg · 1 year
Dr Gregory Hough South Africa
The saying ‘your test will turn into your testimony and your mess will turn into your message’ is certainly true for her. Engela realised that, although she rejected God in her youth, God was the one who was present all through her life and the one who carried her by way of each crisis. God values each of us and takes care of all of us – kids, as nicely as adults. According to Psalm eight God created us somewhat lower than the heavenly beings and topped us with glory and honour. Engela and Jacques, the coed who did the club’s books had become good pals and started sharing their life stories with one another. He once took her to a resort where a consumer had booked her and begged her to not try to escape, because he knew the house owners would find her once more.
Thank you BLSA, MSC and all these involved in making it happen despite all the obstacles thrown in your way. Sadly had to miss this trip, but was on the 2017 Flock which was the expertise of a lifetime. This was the most wonderful trip for birding that I have dr gregory hough south africa ever accomplished. I have been birding for around 25 years, and may say with confidence that the boat trip to Marion Island with Bird Life was one of the best birding experience I truly have ever had.
Secondly, the variable used to characterize African immigration captures those residing legally in South Africa and doesn't replicate the presence of unlawful immigrants. Unfortunately information documenting the presence of illegal immigrants in communities is never out there and positively not at a suburb stage of aggregation. Lastly, the examine doesn't bear in mind the placement of the offender of the criminal incident. An offender residing in suburb A may commit an offence in suburb B and this could have little to do with the social disorganisation ‘status’ in suburb B. Indeed, research by Breetzke & Horn5 has shown how offenders in Tshwane are spatially clustered in some areas during which crime itself is comparatively low. Again, this limitation is difficult to counter as a end result of crime information usually collected by the SAPS doesn't report the offender of the crime and certainly not the offender’s handle.
On Thursday morning, 18 March 2021, the annual Neil Aggett Memorial Lecture was delivered at Kingswood College. The lecture takes place annually to celebrate the life of Dr Neil Aggett and is held to honour his legacy. This year we held a hybrid Neil Aggett Memorial Lecture with Dr Zweli Mkhize as this year’s speaker. The Summer Term of 2021 is over and while Covid remains, it was heart-warming to see school-life increasingly return to regular because the time period went on. On Tuesday afternoon, 15 March 2022, the annual Neil Aggett Memorial Lecture was delivered at Kingswood College. This yr we are fortunate enough to have our speaker join us at Kingswood College once more to deliver their speech in individual.
Hosted by DSG and SAC this festival attracts the highest teams within the Eastern Cape and Border regions. At our annual Neil Aggett Memorial Lecture at present, a particular award was made to Old Kingswoodian, Uyinene Mrwetyana who was tragically killed last yr. She has posthumously been awarded the Neil Aggett Memorial Award.
I daresay they taught MSC a thing or two and may have inspired them to do very different sorts of `adventure’ cruises in future. Birdlife SA actually deserve to win this travel award. They put SA on the world map for birders and adventurers alike. I waited 15 years for the opportunity to participate in a pelagic birding experience. BLSA & MSC Cruises certainly are grasp organisers.
Essential that wildlife be restored to the finest way nature supposed. BirdLife do such great work not just for birds but for biodiversity. They deserve and need all the publicity they'll get. How fantastic to be a fowl with full freedom of the skies bringing such pleasure with their vibrant plumage and cheerful chirping.
Fantastic expedition for birding specialist and fanatic. A journey loved by young and old from all walks of life. Our youngest beloved each second and even refused to go to dinner because he’d somewhat have listened to the specialists talking about birds and dialog dr gregory hough south africa. It was a visit that was a dream come true, made attainable by BirdLife South Africa. Bringing tourism and conservation together in assist of such a important downside dealing with the albatrosses is amazing!
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suretrust · 2 years
Cloudplayer pick which directory
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When it comes to choosing a service, it's a close race between Spotify Premium and Apple Music, but Spotify still wins as the best music streaming service overall. It's also ramped up its nonmusic content with a push toward podcasts, which indirectly led to folk-rock icon Neil Young removing his music from the service. It offers a number of curated music discovery services, including its Discover Weekly playlist, and is constantly implementing new ones, such as Stations. Spotify is a pioneer in music streaming and is arguably the best-known service. Spotify: Comparing the Top Music Streaming Services
We'll update this list periodically.Īnd if you want the TL DR, these are the top three.
So which music streaming services offer the best combination of price, sound quality and library size? Read on to find an in-depth look at each of the services and a feature comparison, along with a full price breakdown in the chart at the bottom of the page. Streaming should be about choice, and that includes being able to listen to whole albums at a stretch. It's worth noting that, in this roundup, I've purposefully left out services that can only play music in a radio format (such as Pandora, Napster and UnRadio) and which don't allow you to select your own songs. I've checked out the biggest names, including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music and YouTube Music, as well as smaller contenders such as Tidal, Qobuz, Deezer and Pandora Premium, to see how each platform stacks up for your subscription buck. While prices have been more stable at around $10 a month (not something I can say about live TV streaming) there have been other big changes recently, including the addition of hi-res music. Most of the services have music catalogs of over 60 million songs, so that's not really an issue, and they enable you to stream from multiple devices though some services enable this better than others. If you're shopping around for a new music provider the two things you need to consider most are monthly cost and compatibility. With so many different music services on offer, how are you supposed to choose? And while audiophiles might decry the quality of streamed music, a growing number of providers include lossless and spatial Dolby Atmos audio. If you're someone who hasn't made the leap yet, you're in for a world of convenience and discovery, allowing you to listen to hundreds of thousands of artists easily and quickly. Almost every single person these days has a subscription to a music streaming service.
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neuroguru · 2 years
A few notes before the Big Bang
A few notes before the Big Bang
Neil Turok We came for something, something violent, something extraordinary. Two possibilities: 1. Time non exist in the beginning. 2. 10 spatial …A few notes before the Big…
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