#SuperSlow LA
drbob785 · 19 days
Celebrate Mom's Strength This Mother's Day with SuperSlow LA
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superslowlatraining · 3 years
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Personal Training in Los Angeles * SUPERSLOW LA Call (310) 471-1300
SUPERSLOW LA 11604 Chayote Street Los Angeles, CA 90049 (310) 471-1300 [email protected]
Whoever you are or whatever your level of fitness, SuperSlowLA customizes strength building workouts that work on your own terms. I always feel if you can walk thru the front door you can do this exercise program.
Strength Training is important component in anyone’s wellness regime, with notable benefits to your physical health, mental effectiveness and ability to enjoy your life.
Everyone has 30 minutes once a week to literally transform the complete physical and mental well being.
After the age of 30 we lose between 3-5 % of our muscle mass per decade. SuperSlowLA training can help reverse this aging related process.
Our certified trainers push you every week to do the best you can be. We know the benefits and we remind each of our clients that they need to try a little harder until they can push the weights out anymore.
Benefits to doing slow motion strength training every week is our clients feel a noticeable change in their everyday lives. Every week the weights are going up in weight because you are becoming stronger every week.
Most of our clients come in with either a bone density issue which causes both osteoporosis or osteopenia. Also most adults find the core to be weaker each and every day of their lives.
Ours is truly the perfect workout!
We have much better equipment as well as certified instructors.
In the 21 years we have been in business not a client has got injured in our facility.
Our staff is trained to be observant of any changes to our clients and then we communicate with them.
Our facility is exceptionally clean and we also use abide by CDC regulation’s as we are an essential business.
Come for a free trial session today!
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superslowlallc-blog · 3 years
Phone: 310-471-1300
Address: 11604 Chayote Street, Los Angeles, California,90049 USA
SuperSlow LA is a personal fitness facility which specializes in "slow movement" strength training exercises. Our equipment and regimen is unique; give us 30 minutes once a week and you'll never go to a regular gym again.
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manuart79 · 5 years
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SECOND - #chestandarms #chesttriceps #chestworkouts #tricepsworkout - #benchpressmax + #pushup #concentriceccentric mode #onehandeccentricpushup #onehandpushup eccentric + #onehandtriceps #cabletricepextension #cabletriceps eccentric + #dumbbellspushpress #dumbbellsbenchpress + #dumbbellsfly eccentric + #superslow technique #superslowbenchpress #slowbenchpress #slowpushup - Allenamento di oggi: Esercizi per la massa - Workout Eccentrico e Massimali/Submassimali - #workoutoftheday #eccentricworkout #hypertrophy #workoutformass - #workoutpassion #workoutingarage #iloveworkout - #workouteveryday #workout https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxw7pkvhRsR/?igshid=uyz3a908i0og
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stylefitn3ss · 5 years
Les réponses que donnent des résultats  Je ne pense pas que ces réponses vont aider tout le monde, si vous voulez voir si cela est fait pour vous, regardez la suite : • Si vous doutez du programme de votre
The post 🔒FAQ #15 : Choisir son coach, le superslow, adapter son entrainement,etc appeared first on Fitnessmith.
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fitnessmith · 5 years
Merci d'écouter le podcast Fitnessmith, voici les notes de l'émission 1- Mes découvertes de la semaine : huile essentielle de lavande sur les poignées - meditation transcendantale https://youtube.com/watch?v=pjBEPEIPse0 - pantalon flex : http://bit.ly/2RlDIYk 2- La question d'un auditeur  3- Mes actualités pour les vip : Si vous doutez du programme de votre coach  Si l’entraînement en superslow vous intéresse  Si vous avez parfois du mal à doser votre entraînement  Si vous souhaitez comprendre comment cycler les glucides  Si vous avez envie de savoir comment utiliser les probiotiques  Si vous voulez savoir pourquoi le protège-dents est utile pour certains  Si parfois vous vous demandez comment vous pourriez agir sur votre hormone de croissance Voir la vidéo ici : http://bit.ly/2HAv8W3 4- Voir aussi : Mes e-mails du matin : http://bit.ly/2MoaNC1 Laisser un message vocal : http://bit.ly/2QRuhV8 ------------- ALLER PLUS LOIN : ▷ Les ebooks Fitnessmith : https://bit.ly/2PjN22N ▷ Les programmes Fitnessmith : https://bit.ly/2zFer4n ▷ Les vêtements Fitnessmith : https://bit.ly/2D75Gnb ▷ La zone membres VIP : https://bit.ly/2D8RQ3s ▷ Phone coaching : https://bit.ly/2QwW8Wb ▷ Pack énergie : https://bit.ly/2qDO9LW ▷INSTAGRAM Fitnessmith : https://bit.ly/2JQatKZ ------------- ▷MON MATERIEL PHOTO/VIDÉO/PODCAST : http://bit.ly/2BCqbWf ▷LIVRES MOTIVATION : http://bit.ly/2QOyMzz ▷LIVRES MUSCULATION / NUTRITION : http://bit.ly/2BCqccL ▷MATERIEL POUR DÉMARRER LA MUSCULATION : http://bit.ly/2QPbee8 -------------
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powerbuildingitalia · 5 years
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"Bisogna scendere lenti!" Quante volte lo sento affermare anche da rinomati coach italiani. Lascia che ti dica una cosa. NON È VERO. ⚔️ . . Nello Squat è tassativo imparare a sfruttare lo stretch reflex, il riflesso miotatico. 🍻 . . Nell'eccentrica muscoli e tendini si caricano di energia elastica, da sprigionare poi in concentrica.🔥 . . ➡️ Se scendi con eccessivo controllo e lentezza NON carichi energia in muscolo e tessuti. . . Cosa significa? Che usi meno kg perché NON hai immagazzinato energia. . . Gli slow e superslow hanno la loro importanza e possono essere utili ma solo se vengono contestualizzati. . . In 📸 @rachi_barbell . . Ah, trovi la guida completa allo Squat su nicholasrubini.it/squat . . #powerbuilding #vichingo #teamnoguantini #Allenatevi #squat #stretchreflex — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2zX0Q9C
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ejerciciosydemas · 7 years
Qué funciona realmente para ganar músculo
Mucho ha cambiado el conocimiento sobre cómo entrenar para ganar masa muscular en los últimos 3 años. A día de hoy disponemos de información lo suficientemente sólida y rigurosa como para cuestionar, como mínimo, los postulados sobre tiempo de recuperación, días de entrenamiento, ejercicios, series o repeticiones que siempre se han considerado idóneos para ganar músculo.
Todo empezó cuando en 2013-2014 se empezó a poner en duda la teoría hormonal. Esta teoría defendía que, cuanto mayor fuera la secreción postentrenamiento de hormonas con capacidad para estimular la síntesis proteica, como testosterona, IGF-1 y hormona del crecimiento, mayor sería la efectividad del entrenamiento. Muchos estudios, por no decir la mayoría, la abrazaron por conveniencia de los investigadores y universidades y pocos la cuestionaron porque no convenía.
El proceso de hipertrofia muscular es lento, y los métodos para medirla inexactos en su mayoría. Además, existe una gran disparidad en la respuesta de cada individuo. Eso significa que, si queremos que los resultados de un estudio sean rigurosos, este debe analizar a suficiente gente como para superar la disparidad entre personas, y durante suficiente tiempo como para que los resultados sean superiores al margen de error de los métodos de evaluación.
Dar por válida la teoría hormonal facilitaba (y abarataba) mucho el proceso pues no hacía falta que la muestra de individuos analizados fuera my grande, ni larga la duración del estudio. Solo había que analizar la secreción de estas hormonas, normalmente incluso solo una de ellas, ante diferentes métodos de entrenamiento. Los costes se reducían, también el tiempo necesario, facilitando que, ante mismo presupuesto de la universidad y tiempo, se pudieran hacer y publicar más estudios. Todos contentos.
El problema vino cuando, a partir de 2013, se empezó a cuestionar esta teoría, no sin despertar gran malestar entre quienes la habían abrazado por propia conveniencia. Numerosos estudios de larga duración, aquellos con la metodología óptima que mencionaba hace unas líneas, empezaron a demostrar que no había relación entre respuesta hormonal y efectividad. Los individuos y métodos que generaban una mayor respuesta no eran los que más masa muscular ganaban.
Por el contrario, había individuos que, siguiendo un mismo método, no obtenían ninguna respuesta hormonal comparado con otros compañeros que habían seguido el mismo método y que veían como se disparaba su secreción de Testosterona e IGF-1, y no había diferencia entre ambos en los resultados. Vamos, que todo parecía indicar que la respuesta hormonal era prácticamente insignificante.
Llegado a este punto, ¿Qué hacemos con todos los estudios que habían sentado una metodología de entrenamiento basándose en premisas y axiomas erróneos? Perdieron su credibilidad. Hubo que desecharlos y casi partir de cero. Hemos necesitado 2-3 años para reunir la evidencia científica seria y rigurosa que no se basara en esta premisa. En 2016 se empezaron a publicar metanálisis serios donde los estudios analizados ya no se basaban en la respuesta hormonal, solo en incremento real de masa muscular evaluada con metodología fiable en estudios de suficiente duración para ello. Los resultados, como no podía ser de otra manera, demostraban que estábamos equivocados en gran parte de lo que creíamos saber sobre qué funcional realmente para ganar masa muscular.
Esto es lo que sabemos a día de hoy:
Repeticiones para ganar músculo
El número de repeticiones no es clave para ganar masa muscular. Se ha demostrado que la clave se encuentra en el carácter de esfuerzo, es decir, el margen que dejemos entre el número de repeticiones realizadas y el fallo muscular. Mientras alcancemos el fallo, los resultados son similares independientemente del número de repeticiones. Por la misma razón, no hay una intensidad óptima, habiéndose observado resultados similares con cargas que suponen un 30% de la repetición máxima, y con las que se podía hacer más de 20 repeticiones, que con una carga supuestamente óptima que permitiera hacer entre 8 y 12 repeticiones.
No obstante, es importante resaltar que el trabajo continuo al fallo afecta a la secreción natural de testosterona e IGF-1 a partir de las 16 semanas de media. También se ha relacionado con el efecto “Burn out” o desmotivación aguda. Por todo esto, resulta conveniente periodizar el entrenamiento al fallo realizando tantas semanas alejado de él como tocándolo, no superando nunca las 14-16 semanas seguidas. Teniendo en cuenta que esta cifra es muy personal, resultaría aconsejable si el objetivo es ganar masa muscular a largo plazo, realizar periodos de entre 2 y 8 semanas al fallo seguidas del mismo número de semanas manteniendo un margen de seguridad de entre 1 y 2 repeticiones en cada serie.
Series para ganar músculo
Dos series por ejercicio resulta más efectivo para ganar masa muscular que una. Los estudios cifran una mejora de alrededor del 40% en un sistema multiserie frente a sistemas de entrenamiento donde se realiza una sola serie por ejercicio. No sabemos si más de dos series obtiene mejores resultados.
Volumen semanal para ganar músculo
Se ha observado ganancia de masa muscular realizando incluso 4 series semanales por grupo muscular. No obstante, la efectividad va subiendo conforme realizamos más series semanales por grupo muscular hasta estancarse alrededor de 10 series por grupo muscular y semana. Esta cifra depende de cada individuo y su experiencia, de manera que, conforme mayor sea el potencial, experiencia y tolerancia de cada persona, mayor será esta cifra. Por la misma razón, una persona que acabe de empezar, o que no tenga una gran tolerancia, se estancará en una cifra inferior a las 10 series semanales mencionadas.
Volumen y carácter de esfuerzo parecen ser las variables más determinantes si el objetivo es ganar masa muscular.
Distribución del volumen total semanal para ganar músculo
En contra de la tradición que marca un sólo día de entrenamiento semanal por grupo muscular, donde acumular todo el volumen, resulta más efectivo dividir el volumen total por grupo muscular en dos días de entrenamiento semanal. No sabemos si tres días por grupo muscular y semana sería más efectivo.
Ritmo de ejecución de la repetición para ganar músculo
En contra de la creencia popular que marcaba un tempo ideal, no hay un ritmo de ejecución de la repetición claramente idóneo para ganar masa muscular. Por tanto, si no hay un tempo o ritmo óptimo, y tampoco un número de repeticiones adecuado, no puede haber una duración mínima de la serie. Lo único que sabemos es que la efectividad es similar cuando la repetición tiene una duración desde 0,5 a 8 segundos, diminuyendo claramente la efectividad cuando la duración de la repetición supera los 10 segundos.
Como vemos, esta nueva evidencia contradice los postulados de Arthur Jones que aconsejaban una duración de la fase concéntrica de 2 segundos y 4 para la fase excéntrica con el objetivo de eliminar el momentum o aceleración y mantener una tensión más homogénea. También contradice los sistemas que se basan en repeticiones super lentas como el superslow training o el HIST.
Descanso entre series para ganar músculo
Tradicionalmente hemos creído que se ganaba más masa muscular con tiempos de descanso cortos, inferiores a los dos minutos entre series. Esto se basaba en algunos estudios que observaban una mayor secreción de hormona del crecimiento post entrenamiento de esta manera. A día de hoy, sabemos que el tiempo de recuperación entre series es una variable que apenas tiene importancia para ganar masa muscular al haberse demostrado efectividad similar con descansos inferiores a dos minutos hasta cinco. No obstante, si disponemos de un tiempo concreto para entrenar, el descanso entre series o densidad del entrenamiento puede ganar importancia porque de ella dependerá la cantidad de entrenamiento o volumen que seremos capaces de realizar en ese tiempo siendo esta última una variable que, por el contrario, si se ha demostrado relacionada con una mayor efectividad.
Conclusiones y aplicación práctica
Si tenemos en cuenta el punto que hace referencia a series y volumen, observamos como, según parece, la mayor efectividad se conseguiría realizando entre 4 y 6 ejercicios, no más de 2 series con el carácter de esfuerzo adecuado. De esta manera haríamos un total de entre 8 y 12 series por grupo muscular que deberemos dividir en dos días. Si lo analizamos, todo parece recomendar entrenamientos donde se trabaje cada día más partes del cuerpo en lugar de centrarse en una o dos como recomienda la tradición culturista.
Puedes olvidarte de realizar un número concreto de repeticiones, a un ritmo concreto o descansar un tiempo concreto entre series. Da igual que yo mismo haya dicho lo contrario en el pasado. La ciencia avanza y debemos tener la humildad de adaptarnos aún cuando implique admitir que estábamos equivocados. Es nuestra responsabilidad.
Krieger, J. Single vs. multiple sets of resistance exercise for muscle hypertrophy: A meta-analysis. The Journal of strength and conditioning research, 2010
Henselmans. The Effect of Inter-Set Rest Intervals on Resistance Exercise-Induced Muscle Hypertrophy, Sports Medicine, 2014
Schoenfeld, BJ. Effect of repetition duration during resistance training on muscle hypertrophy: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine, 2015
Schoenfeld BJ. Dose response relationship between weekly resistance training volume and increpases in muscle mass: A systematic review and meta-analysis, 2016
Schoenfeld, BJ. Effects of resistance training frequency on measures of muscle hypertrophy: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Med, 2016
Schoenfeld, BJ. Muscular adaptations in low- versus high-load resistance training: A meta-analysis. Eur J Sport Sci, 2016.
Davies, TB. Effect of movement velocity during resistance training on dynamic muscular strength: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Med, 2017
La entrada Qué funciona realmente para ganar músculo aparece primero en El blog de fitness.
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superslowlatraining · 2 years
Can you reverse Osteoporosis * SUPERSLOW LA Call (310) 471-1300
SUPERSLOW LA 11604 Chayote Street Los Angeles, CA 90049 (310) 471-1300 [email protected]
Whoever you are or whatever your level of fitness, SuperSlowLA customizes strength building workouts that work on your own terms. I always feel if you can walk thru the front door you can do this exercise program.
Strength Training is important component in anyone’s wellness regime, with notable benefits to your physical health, mental effectiveness and ability to enjoy your life.
Everyone has 30 minutes once a week to literally transform the complete physical and mental well being.
After the age of 30 we lose between 3-5 % of our muscle mass per decade. SuperSlowLA training can help reverse this aging related process.
Our certified trainers push you every week to do the best you can be. We know the benefits and we remind each of our clients that they need to try a little harder until they can push the weights out anymore.
Benefits to doing slow motion strength training every week is our clients feel a noticeable change in their everyday lives. Every week the weights are going up in weight because you are becoming stronger every week.
Most of our clients come in with either a bone density issue which causes both osteoporosis or osteopenia. Also most adults find the core to be weaker each and every day of their lives.
Ours is truly the perfect workout!
We have much better equipment as well as certified instructors.
In the 21 years we have been in business not a client has got injured in our facility.
Our staff is trained to be observant of any changes to our clients and then we communicate with them.
Our facility is exceptionally clean and we also use abide by CDC regulation’s as we are an essential business.
Come for a free trial session today!
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superslowlatraining · 2 years
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Can you reverse Osteoporosis * SUPERSLOW LA Call (310) 471-1300
SUPERSLOW LA 11604 Chayote Street Los Angeles, CA 90049 (310) 471-1300 [email protected]
Whoever you are or whatever your level of fitness, SuperSlowLA customizes strength building workouts that work on your own terms. I always feel if you can walk thru the front door you can do this exercise program.
Strength Training is important component in anyone’s wellness regime, with notable benefits to your physical health, mental effectiveness and ability to enjoy your life.
Everyone has 30 minutes once a week to literally transform the complete physical and mental well being.
After the age of 30 we lose between 3-5 % of our muscle mass per decade. SuperSlowLA training can help reverse this aging related process.
Our certified trainers push you every week to do the best you can be. We know the benefits and we remind each of our clients that they need to try a little harder until they can push the weights out anymore.
Benefits to doing slow motion strength training every week is our clients feel a noticeable change in their everyday lives. Every week the weights are going up in weight because you are becoming stronger every week.
Most of our clients come in with either a bone density issue which causes both osteoporosis or osteopenia. Also most adults find the core to be weaker each and every day of their lives.
Ours is truly the perfect workout!
We have much better equipment as well as certified instructors.
In the 21 years we have been in business not a client has got injured in our facility.
Our staff is trained to be observant of any changes to our clients and then we communicate with them.
Our facility is exceptionally clean and we also use abide by CDC regulation’s as we are an essential business.
Come for a free trial session today!
0 notes
superslowlatraining · 2 years
Personal Trainer for Seniors * SUPERSLOW LA Call (310) 471-1300
SUPERSLOW LA 11604 Chayote Street Los Angeles, CA 90049 (310) 471-1300 [email protected]
Whoever you are or whatever your level of fitness, SuperSlowLA customizes strength building workouts that work on your own terms. I always feel if you can walk thru the front door you can do this exercise program.
Strength Training is important component in anyone’s wellness regime, with notable benefits to your physical health, mental effectiveness and ability to enjoy your life.
Everyone has 30 minutes once a week to literally transform the complete physical and mental well being.
After the age of 30 we lose between 3-5 % of our muscle mass per decade. SuperSlowLA training can help reverse this aging related process.
Our certified trainers push you every week to do the best you can be. We know the benefits and we remind each of our clients that they need to try a little harder until they can push the weights out anymore.
Benefits to doing slow motion strength training every week is our clients feel a noticeable change in their everyday lives. Every week the weights are going up in weight because you are becoming stronger every week.
Most of our clients come in with either a bone density issue which causes both osteoporosis or osteopenia. Also most adults find the core to be weaker each and every day of their lives.
Ours is truly the perfect workout!
We have much better equipment as well as certified instructors.
In the 21 years we have been in business not a client has got injured in our facility.
Our staff is trained to be observant of any changes to our clients and then we communicate with them.
Our facility is exceptionally clean and we also use abide by CDC regulation’s as we are an essential business.
Come for a free trial session today!
0 notes
superslowlatraining · 2 years
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Personal Trainer for Seniors * SUPERSLOW LA Call (310) 471-1300
SUPERSLOW LA 11604 Chayote Street Los Angeles, CA 90049 (310) 471-1300 [email protected]
Whoever you are or whatever your level of fitness, SuperSlowLA customizes strength building workouts that work on your own terms. I always feel if you can walk thru the front door you can do this exercise program.
Strength Training is important component in anyone’s wellness regime, with notable benefits to your physical health, mental effectiveness and ability to enjoy your life.
Everyone has 30 minutes once a week to literally transform the complete physical and mental well being.
After the age of 30 we lose between 3-5 % of our muscle mass per decade. SuperSlowLA training can help reverse this aging related process.
Our certified trainers push you every week to do the best you can be. We know the benefits and we remind each of our clients that they need to try a little harder until they can push the weights out anymore.
Benefits to doing slow motion strength training every week is our clients feel a noticeable change in their everyday lives. Every week the weights are going up in weight because you are becoming stronger every week.
Most of our clients come in with either a bone density issue which causes both osteoporosis or osteopenia. Also most adults find the core to be weaker each and every day of their lives.
Ours is truly the perfect workout!
We have much better equipment as well as certified instructors.
In the 21 years we have been in business not a client has got injured in our facility.
Our staff is trained to be observant of any changes to our clients and then we communicate with them.
Our facility is exceptionally clean and we also use abide by CDC regulation’s as we are an essential business.
Come for a free trial session today!
0 notes
superslowlatraining · 2 years
Benefits to Strength Training * SUPERSLOW LA Call (310) 471-1300
SUPERSLOW LA 11604 Chayote Street Los Angeles, CA 90049 (310) 471-1300 [email protected]
Whoever you are or whatever your level of fitness, SuperSlowLA customizes strength building workouts that work on your own terms. I always feel if you can walk thru the front door you can do this exercise program.
Strength Training is important component in anyone’s wellness regime, with notable benefits to your physical health, mental effectiveness and ability to enjoy your life.
Everyone has 30 minutes once a week to literally transform the complete physical and mental well being.
After the age of 30 we lose between 3-5 % of our muscle mass per decade. SuperSlowLA training can help reverse this aging related process.
Our certified trainers push you every week to do the best you can be. We know the benefits and we remind each of our clients that they need to try a little harder until they can push the weights out anymore.
Benefits to doing slow motion strength training every week is our clients feel a noticeable change in their everyday lives. Every week the weights are going up in weight because you are becoming stronger every week.
Most of our clients come in with either a bone density issue which causes both osteoporosis or osteopenia. Also most adults find the core to be weaker each and every day of their lives.
Ours is truly the perfect workout!
We have much better equipment as well as certified instructors.
In the 21 years we have been in business not a client has got injured in our facility.
Our staff is trained to be observant of any changes to our clients and then we communicate with them.
Our facility is exceptionally clean and we also use abide by CDC regulation’s as we are an essential business.
Come for a free trial session today!
0 notes
superslowlatraining · 2 years
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Benefits to Strength Training * SUPERSLOW LA Call (310) 471-1300
SUPERSLOW LA 11604 Chayote Street Los Angeles, CA 90049 (310) 471-1300 [email protected]
Whoever you are or whatever your level of fitness, SuperSlowLA customizes strength building workouts that work on your own terms. I always feel if you can walk thru the front door you can do this exercise program.
Strength Training is important component in anyone’s wellness regime, with notable benefits to your physical health, mental effectiveness and ability to enjoy your life.
Everyone has 30 minutes once a week to literally transform the complete physical and mental well being.
After the age of 30 we lose between 3-5 % of our muscle mass per decade. SuperSlowLA training can help reverse this aging related process.
Our certified trainers push you every week to do the best you can be. We know the benefits and we remind each of our clients that they need to try a little harder until they can push the weights out anymore.
Benefits to doing slow motion strength training every week is our clients feel a noticeable change in their everyday lives. Every week the weights are going up in weight because you are becoming stronger every week.
Most of our clients come in with either a bone density issue which causes both osteoporosis or osteopenia. Also most adults find the core to be weaker each and every day of their lives.
Ours is truly the perfect workout!
We have much better equipment as well as certified instructors.
In the 21 years we have been in business not a client has got injured in our facility.
Our staff is trained to be observant of any changes to our clients and then we communicate with them.
Our facility is exceptionally clean and we also use abide by CDC regulation’s as we are an essential business.
Come for a free trial session today!
0 notes
superslowlatraining · 3 years
One on One Personal Training Los Angeles * SUPERSLOW LA Call (310) 471-1300
SUPERSLOW LA 11604 Chayote Street Los Angeles, CA 90049 (310) 471-1300 [email protected]
Whoever you are or whatever your level of fitness, SuperSlowLA customizes strength building workouts that work on your own terms. I always feel if you can walk thru the front door you can do this exercise program.
Strength Training is important component in anyone’s wellness regime, with notable benefits to your physical health, mental effectiveness and ability to enjoy your life.
Everyone has 30 minutes once a week to literally transform the complete physical and mental well being.
After the age of 30 we lose between 3-5 % of our muscle mass per decade. SuperSlowLA training can help reverse this aging related process.
Our certified trainers push you every week to do the best you can be. We know the benefits and we remind each of our clients that they need to try a little harder until they can push the weights out anymore.
Benefits to doing slow motion strength training every week is our clients feel a noticeable change in their everyday lives. Every week the weights are going up in weight because you are becoming stronger every week.
Most of our clients come in with either a bone density issue which causes both osteoporosis or osteopenia. Also most adults find the core to be weaker each and every day of their lives.
Ours is truly the perfect workout!
We have much better equipment as well as certified instructors.
In the 21 years we have been in business not a client has got injured in our facility.
Our staff is trained to be observant of any changes to our clients and then we communicate with them.
Our facility is exceptionally clean and we also use abide by CDC regulation’s as we are an essential business.
Come for a free trial session today!
0 notes
superslowlatraining · 3 years
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One on One Personal Training Los Angeles * SUPERSLOW LA Call (310) 471-1300
SUPERSLOW LA 11604 Chayote Street Los Angeles, CA 90049 (310) 471-1300 [email protected]
Whoever you are or whatever your level of fitness, SuperSlowLA customizes strength building workouts that work on your own terms. I always feel if you can walk thru the front door you can do this exercise program.
Strength Training is important component in anyone’s wellness regime, with notable benefits to your physical health, mental effectiveness and ability to enjoy your life.
Everyone has 30 minutes once a week to literally transform the complete physical and mental well being.
After the age of 30 we lose between 3-5 % of our muscle mass per decade. SuperSlowLA training can help reverse this aging related process.
Our certified trainers push you every week to do the best you can be. We know the benefits and we remind each of our clients that they need to try a little harder until they can push the weights out anymore.
Benefits to doing slow motion strength training every week is our clients feel a noticeable change in their everyday lives. Every week the weights are going up in weight because you are becoming stronger every week.
Most of our clients come in with either a bone density issue which causes both osteoporosis or osteopenia. Also most adults find the core to be weaker each and every day of their lives.
Ours is truly the perfect workout!
We have much better equipment as well as certified instructors.
In the 21 years we have been in business not a client has got injured in our facility.
Our staff is trained to be observant of any changes to our clients and then we communicate with them.
Our facility is exceptionally clean and we also use abide by CDC regulation’s as we are an essential business.
Come for a free trial session today!
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