billionairesitgirl · 1 year
When guys ask for my number at work should I give it to them or tell em to give me theirs instead?
This is a double edged sword... but before I answer I need context... what do you do for work? What sort of environment is it?
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sugarsilk · 5 years
Table Etiquette 101 🍷🍝
For upscale restaurants or special occasions, these tips will apply to most dining situations not only to help impress, but to be aware of proper table manners & standard etiquette.
✨Maintain your posture! No slouching. Back upright, shoulders back, and wrists or forearms at the edge of the table. No elbows on the table (only hands, wrists, forearms) unless it’s a cafe or very casual restaurant!!
✨Keep phone off the table and away. Engage your date or the people at your table. They deserve your full attention as do you with theirs.
✨Place the cloth napkin folded once on your lap. It helps with messiness and avoidance of stains. When wiping your mouth and face, try to conceal the saucy areas on the cloth from being flashed to the people around your table every time you wipe by wiping with one section.
✨Multiple forks, knives, and spoons? Work from the outside in (from farther to closest to the sides of the plate 🍽). Usually the biggest fork is for the main entree, small fork/spoon for dessert.
✨Chew with your mouth closed of course. Finish chewing before speaking. Don’t put large bite sizes of food into your mouth or even cut up all your food at once. It seems animalistic to eat hurried and rushed! During special occasions there’s no need to rush, this isn’t lunch break at work. Enjoy the experience which means take your time!
✨Don’t wipe your plate clean! Leave some bits of food and please don’t ask for a to-go box.
✨When finished with food, place utensils in the 5 o’clock position. This notifies the waiter you’re finished. If you’re just taking a break, place the utensil in their normal position besides the plate.
✨Always excuse yourself before departing the table. You can spare the details on the bathroom. Leaving abruptly is considered rude.
✨Don’t hand over your empty dishes to waiter or try to help clean off the table at fine dining or high-end restaurants.
✨Save touching up makeup for the restroom. It doesn’t matter how chapped your lips are! If this is a dining event with refined people who aren’t close to you, excuse yourself from the table!
✨Don’t eye the bill or even mention anything about it unless you’re paying! That’s not your business.
Feel free to add any tips or ask any questions!
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luxebynature · 4 years
The countdown to Valentine’s Day has begun and I have a gift for you gals 💝
Have you begun working towards your 2020 hypergamous dating and financial goals? The “Woo Him” video course will teach you how to successfully infiltrate a wealthy man’s subconscious and woo him! Use coupon code BLOOMVAL until February 1st for $28 off the course.
Also the FREE Highest Self Wardrobe is now also available on the booking site. Here’s to your Highest Self! ✨🌱
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dominadice · 5 years
SA is dead dead dead
...according to basically everyone but freestyling in a new city is a little nerve wracking so for now online is my go-to. My SA account is officially active again!
I feel like a newbie all over again 😩
Hopefully I can find an SB tribe of brilliant beautiful brown babes out here ✌🏾💋
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billionairesitgirl · 1 year
Should I go for an elite college even if it's expensive? I heard networking there can bring good opportunities
Forgive my asking... how old are you?
However for anyone of age asking...
If you have your plan right, An elite college could be one of the best head starts you have in moving around certain circles... just remember to smooze, socialize and keep your eye on the goal for social climbing... do not take your eyes off it for obvious reason.
For those who can't do elite university...
Make sure to go to college in a big city with an affluent population. (Granted you can meet wealth anywhere these days, but I like the higher probability of being located where the population is larger)
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billionairesitgirl · 1 year
Would it be so wrong to keep 3 sponsors?
Recently I have fielded an "offer you can't refuse" type of deal from 2 different centi millionaires .
And I am seriously considering adding those two...
I can't decide ...
PS: They have to be secret from my main sponsor and each other...
Should I even give this a go?
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billionairesitgirl · 1 year
If you could learn Spanish or French which would you choose?
Personally, French
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billionairesitgirl · 1 year
Girl you've been busy, how have things been going?
AWESOME... Life has been great ! Getting ready for another European summer.
How are you?
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billionairesitgirl · 1 year
Do you think 27 is old? Some people expect to be married by your late 20s
You can't be serious with this question?
You haven't even entered your prime yet ... there is a certain level of knowing you get after your early 20s that helps with the carriage that lands you a worthy guy.
GO FOR IT... just trust yourself and give yourself time (I would say this even if you were 19... because substance sometimes takes time, except if you want any run of the mill SD)
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billionairesitgirl · 1 year
thoughts on NDAs with clients or SDs?
Sign them. It protects you and them both... however make sure it's worth it for you
Secondly, vett the SD in question properly to make sure he won't do underhanded things and require you to keep sushi about it.
Generally I like NDAs
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billionairesitgirl · 1 year
I’m all for securing the bag but I think it would be so hard to keep everyone a secret from everyone with three sponsors! I was trying to see people behind my main sponsors back and he found out and got so mad and jealous
Thsnks sweetheart, thats serious Words of wisdom from you...
It's so tempting though... I am still figuring out the logistics... I will update with my decision...
But in a perfect world how would you see this working out🤣🤣🤣
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billionairesitgirl · 1 year
Omgggg. Where you been miss mamas?
Everywhere, Dubai and Europe. Have been traveling with my sponsor... but recently I insisted on more freedom for myself...
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billionairesitgirl · 3 years
Today I was really bothered about a stupid man... I called my sister and she says 
“Babe don’t be upset or bothered... Did God create any man the day he created you?”  He couldn’t have tainted such a day with a man... You are fucking SACRED”
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billionairesitgirl · 4 years
Well, I just got a 600k+ gift from sponsor ... (I expected a gift... but certainly not this...)
NO... it’s not a car...
This sure is one elegant and old way of gifting ... But Yes please... 
Only 2 days into DECEMBER  and this Already...  I am crazy excited for the rest of the Month...  December 2020 is looking amazing  
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billionairesitgirl · 4 years
Gift from The Senator
Another great gift (December 5th) this time from The Senator ... 
Is this 12 days of Christmas or something? This is like being a child all over again ... except I am an Adult and receiving gifts that make your eyes twinkle and your standards shoot through the roof 
Promise you ladies... holding out for the right sponsors is worth every impatient quantity over quality idiot that doesn’t stick around .
(Just like every human, they have their annoying quirks... don’t get me wrong... but respect, finances and Just almost everything is never in lack) ...
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billionairesitgirl · 4 years
What how does one spend a weekend in New york city in Covid time with their sponsor... I have absolutely no idea what the hell to do, where to stay 
PS: I do not want to spend it in his place... I rather another luxury place. 
So if anyone knows what the hell to do in the city for an entire weekend help a girl out... I need answers ASAP
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