#Stop being weird and shaming ppl for their choices esp bc youre not educating and expanding access to others
800-dick-pics · 2 months
seeing posts dismissing the fertility/body awareness method for not getting pregnant and its like........its actually something you need to learn and plan for not something you can just pick up. The reason birth control and condoms are so effective are bc they cut down on human mistakes/error. With FAM you need to track 2-3 different things almost daily to know when you absolutely need to use a condom to prevent conception and days where it is fine to not use a condom bc youre nowhere near ovulation.
yes use condoms and birth control if you WANT TO, but if you dont want to use condoms or birth control INVEST in to the fertility awareness method, and i really mean mentally and physically invest into the system.
Fertility/body awareness is a TOOL! for you to not get pregnant or for you to increase your chances of getting pregnant, for you to track your cycles, or pcos, or transition into menopause, or to see if youve/about to miscarry
Being in the birth work field has opened my whole brain to things most ppl dont know of, and most people dont know the hows or whys behind fertility/body awareness. Its ok if you personally dont trust something you dont understand, or feel like it wouldn't work for your health. But truly FAM is a huge topic and you should be educated on what it is before discounting the science behind a certain contraceptive method.
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