#Stephen Yen
graphicpolicy · 2 months
Adults' Picture Book New Edition Vol. 1 is an intriguing rom-com type story
Adults' Picture Book New Edition Vol. 1 is an intriguing rom-com type story #comics #comicbooks #manga #graphicnovel
Thought if I asked, you’d take her. And so! She’s all yours. With those words, Souichiro Kudou’s life was changed forever. Suddenly, he has a four-year-old daughter named Kiki, thanks to his late friend Haruki. And it only gets more complicated when he proposes to a total stranger… Husband, lover, father, and friend–only time will tell whether Kudou can reconcile his past with Haruki and learn to…
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reading roundup: April 2024
oh my god you guys I've read SO MUCH this month!!! I got BIG into reread N.K. Jemisin's tremendous Broken Earth trilogy and it's been jaw-dropping, and I have been reading a HEAP of comics and manga a
on the extremely off chance there's anyone following me who doesn't think comics, manga, graphic novels, etc don't count as "real reading" lmao lol get out of here??? you're on the Reading 1000s of Pages of Old Batman Comics blog. go feel the whimsy of reading a whole graphic novel in one afternoon and maybe you'll calm down.
ANYWAY!!! what have we been reading?
Earthdivers Vol. 1: Kill Columbus (Stephen Graham Jones, Davide Gianfelice, Joana Lafuente, 2023) - Stephen Graham Jones is one of my all-time favorite authors, and I was super excited to check out his first comic series. Earthdivers takes place in the wasteland of the 22nd century, where four Native survivors have hatched a plan to try to stop the disasters that are killing the world: use a time-travelling cave to send one of their number back in time to kill Columbus before he can launch the colonization of North America. it's a one-way trip, and the time traveler will have to be ruthless to achieve their goal. beyond the attention-grabbing hook of killing Columbus, this story dives (you see what I did there) deep into an exploration of what it means to sacrifice everything for a cause and find the will to be ruthless in pursuit of the greater good. I'm not 100% sure I tracked all of the twisting threads of time travel in this first volume, but the hook is compelling and Gianfelice's art is beautiful, so I'm really looking forward to seeing the series progress!
Spoiler Alert (Olivia Dade, 2020) - at this point I've written 8000+ words about this book on my patreon and it's becoming difficult to figure out what else to say or how to say it briefly. this book ties itself up in knots with its contrivances and makes both of its protagonists look dumb in the process. I don't like either of these people but - spoiler alert! - I still think April can and should do better. Olivia Dade please call me I just want to talk.
Delicious in Dungeon Vol. 1-3 (Ryoko Kui, trans. Yen Press, 2017) - I don't need to explain Dungeon Meshi. surely you've seen the gifs of Dungeon Meshi. all that matters is that I fucking love Dungeon Meshi, this shit rules and it's going to be so hard to hold off on reading Volume 4 while I try to prioritize some other books first. this world is great, the characters are a delight and a joy, and the way that Kui is so fascinated by the food and biology and exploration of adventurer fantasy tropes in her world makes my brain go wheeeeeeeeee!!! I'm having so much fun.
The Fifth Season (N.K. Jemisin, 2015) - historically I've very seldom reread books, but I'm starting to think that I need to change my stance on that. revisiting the Fifth Season years after I first read it, with the time to really enjoy it and also the maturity and perspective to actually appreciate what Jemisin is cooking, has enhanced the experience immeasurably. a thing that really struck me this time was how artfully Jemisin depicts the way orogenes are conditioned and groomed from the jump to be subservient and scared and willing to settle for life at the margins of society; it's not something that I could totally understand the nuances of when I read this book fresh out of my first year of college. this novel and its sequels are so brilliantly devastating, I cannot say enough great things about them.
My Pancreas Broke, But My Life Got Better (Nagata Kabi, trans. Jocelyne Allen 2022) - I did it, I'm officially caught up on all of Nagata's works that have been translated into English! and man, I'm still worried about her. the experience of reading My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness hasn't quite been replicated for me; I think that was a once in a lifetime event, although I've certainly found a lot that I relate to in Nagata's subsequent struggles to sort of out anxiety, independence, art, and figuring out what kind of relationships she event wants to have in her life. at this point I feel like I'm just reading the illustrated life updates from a friend I haven't seen in a long time who stresses me out because her life is a mess. which is still interesting! but god I hope something good happens to this woman soon.
The Obelisk Gate (N.K. Jemisin, 2016) - The Fifth Season is a book about the end of the world and of one woman's personal apocalypses that happened prior to that. its sequel, the Obelisk Gate, is a book that's extremely preoccupied with the tedium of figuring out how to run a halfway-functioning society in the midst of the apocalypse, which is genuinely fascinating stuff. and it's also a book about the fear and desperation and sheer levels of exhaustion that might drive someone to decide that, fuck it, maybe the world should end and we should be done with all of this, actually. it's also a book about devotion and dependence and destruction and devouring people you love in a VERY literal way, which it must be said is pretty sexy. the stuff that pops off between Essun and Hoa in this book makes me think of Octavia Butler in the best way; I think she would have adored them. I'm so excited to get to the final book and see how this all pays off, because the first time I read it I barely understood a single goddamn thing that was happening.
I Hate This Place Vol. 1-2 (Kyle Starks, Artyom Toplin, Lee Loughridge, 2022-2023) - a short and spooky comic series that wraps up in two tight little volumes. I have some gripes with the pacing, but it makes for a fun afternoon read. a mid-tier streaming service is going to adapt this into a live action series within a couple of years, mark my worms. personally I'm fancasting Mackenzie Davis as Gabby and Samira Wiley as Trudy.
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jariten · 3 months
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Manga I've read that were licensed in english in 2022-2023
Meant to do this roundup forever but I some pleasant surprises the last 2 years when I saw these titles I enjoyed in Japanese be licensed/re-released in English and wanted to do a very short roundup. I unfortunately can't attest to the quality of the print editions or the translations as I haven't been able to justify a double purchase just yet but still recommend these as fun and interesting reads. (Also using the JPN covers since the pub websites and store listings have kind of bad image quality lately....)
Ramen Wolf and Curry Tiger by Emboss [Seven Seas, trans. Nan Rymer] (Furry and human cast, gay but not because of any overt romance)
Thermae Romae: The Complete Omnibus by Mari Yamazaki [Yen Press, trans. Stephen Paul] (Time slip comedy connecting ancient roman and Japanese bath culture, semi-recent anime adaption on Netflix, sequel manga series currently on Jump+)
One More Step, Come Stand by My Side by Toryumon Takeda [Yen Press, trans. Jason Moses] (One shot collection, impressive art, wide span of themes and settings, most of the stories were originally self published)
The Secret of Friendship by Kazune Kawahara & Aiji Yamakawa [Seven Seas, trans. Hana Allen] (High School setting, exploration of friendship and romance and how it might conflict, little gay if im being honest)
Gold Kingdom and Water Kingdom by Nao Iwamoto [Seven Seas, trans. Alan Cheng & Rowena Chen] (The sweeping tale of rivaling kingdoms, adapted into an acclaimed anime movie in 2023, imo we need more Nao Iwamoto translated she's kinda brilliant)
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argumate · 4 months
you have some knowledge of classic hong kong kung fu movies, right? like bruce lee, maybe john woo and jackie chan, I'm not really sure who the big stars are. do you have any you particularly recommend? I'd like to watch a few
I'm not actually an expert on this (or anything) and my experience is somewhat scattershot, which makes me wonder what I've even watched, hmm.
Bruce Lee, I've only actually watched The Big Boss in full as a movie, but seen enough clips of the others that they feel familiar; honestly despite the way he towers over the field I think he's more valuable as a conceptual inspiration than a maker of actual movies.
Jackie Chan is obviously incredible; his early movies might be a little cheap and silly but they're far more advanced than anything Bruce Lee had the chance to do and he made so damn many of them! he's not just a kung fu guy but a master of physical comedy, a modern Buster Keaton, and yes obviously the stunts wow.
John Woo fills in the "charismatic gun-fu" and "fluttering doves" side of Hong Kong movies and those are surely worth dipping into at least a little, especially if you appreciate Chow Yun-fat.
Stephen Chow is a personal favourite; a very funny comedian but his comedies include Shaolin Soccer and Kung Fu, as well as the two part Journey to the West parody (Chinese Odyssey) which is fantastic.
Leslie Cheung wasn't a kung fu star but A Chinese Ghost Story by Tsui Hark is still the best version of that movie ever made.
oh and while we're on kung fu comedy, Eagle Shooting Heroes from 1993 is the funniest damn thing and has the best scene of toad-style kung fu put to film; allegedly made in a rush while Ashes of Time ran over budget, it borrows most of the cast and has both Tony's Leung and Jackie Cheung as well Brigitte Lin and Joey Wong and Maggie Cheung.
hmm actually these are all kung fu comedy recs but kung fu lends itself naturally to comedy (and the best comedies have a solid emotional core); Tin Ha Mou Seung (Chinese Odyssey 2002, no relation to the other film with a similar name) is a hilarious spoof of Wong Kar-wai films and classic Shaw Brothers movies like The Kingdom and the Beauty and The Butterfly Lovers, it's great!
oh turns out there is another film titled Chinese Odyssey from 2022, which was Ng Man-tat's last movie before he died of liver cancer; what a pity, that guy was great with Stephen Chow and made more than fifty movies in his career.
okay I'm rambling here and there's tons of other kung fu movie possibilities I haven't covered, like 36th Chamber of Shaolin or the first Ip Man movie, Donnie Yen movies in general, oh and anything with Sammo Hung in it, just go watch some movies already!
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Yen (Slipknot)
You're the sin that I've been waiting for/The hands around my throat It's all I can think about/The smell of sweat and blood I would feed you all my pleasures/Just to drown in all of yours/Have you heard of me?/Are you hurting me?
"It's such a heavy song with heavy lyrics. It's intense. But it's about love and yearning. It's about yearning for someone you are already with, loving them so much that it's tearing you apart. The intensity of the song and the loaded words used in the lyrics that sound almost prayer-like add to the theme of that agonizing yearning. It's so. Gah."
Until I Found You (Stephen Sancez)
I would never fall in love again until i found her/I said, "i would never fall unless it's you i fall into"/I was lost within the darkness, but then i found her/I found you
"My boyfriend made an animated gift with this song for me and whenever i hear it i nearly cry lol <3 its more sentimental fuck-uppery than angst fuck-uppery but it still counts to me"
Yen submitted by @viscerism
Until I Found You submitted by @moonbeam-mountain
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Why I'm excited and not worried about the Witcher season 3
season 3 will be awesome and much closer to the books than season 2, don't believe me? I have proof  
We are now about 3 weeks out from the season 3 premier, comparatively 3 weeks out from season 2 there where already reports about a lot of the stuff that  wasn't in the books.
 -Eskel`s death,
 -2 big fight scenes at  Kaer Morhen, 
 -Voleth Meir,an all powerful evil magical being that tricks those who want their deepest desires,
  -the scenes together with Yen and Fringilla 
  -and expanded roles for  Istredd and Fringilla( I actually liked these editions finding them much more interesting than in the books where they are just involved in love triangle stuff with Geralt and Yen)  
but we know that many beloved scenes from Time of Contempt are making it in as well as a few crucial skipped moments from blood of elves  
based on the trailer we are  getting alot more family bonding, fluff, laughter Yen teaching Ciri magic, Geralt and Yen rekindling there relationship ,  Geralt and Jaskier actually being friends now ( apparently the writers have learned that you can have slow moments of  characters just talking, laughing and getting along, they don't have to just bicker, fight monsters , and encounter evil all the time )     (( that's the last of the salt in this post I promise)) 
 first of all, Stephen Surjik director of the  A Grain of Truth episode is returning 
based on the trailer/stills, casting reports, as well as set scouting pictures from  Redanian Intelligence, we have these scenes confirmed : 
- Jaskier singing to the dryads in Brokilon
- the scenes in  Shaerrawedd 
-Geralt visiting  Codringher and Fenn 
 -Ciri and Fabio Sachs, the circus and the Wyvern
- The Thanedd Ball 
-  Ciri in the  Korath Desert, with  Ihuarraquax
-  Geralt fight with  Vilgefortz
comparatively I don't think we had any confirmed in the book scenes in the speculation before season 2  
the only changes I that I have found are:
Jaskiers bisexuality and romance with  Radovid and Vespula 
Id like to clear up some rumors here, they are not “ aging up a character who is later a tyrant” this  Radovid is King  Vizimir`s Brother, not his son, a completely different character, and there are multiple characters named  Radovid in the  Redanian royal line in the books so its not impossible for the two characters to happen to have the same name in this instance 
for the people who are upset about this change, they already changed Jaskier from the books, there he’s the archetypical pervy, womanizer bard archetype, in the show he still sleeps around with wives alot but he`s more of a golden  Retriever “ falls in love with everyone” type than a skirt chasing pervert.  So if most people were positive about this change, why should what gender his lovers are matter     homophobia that's why
Frankly im just glad we are getting a bisexual male character that will be  involved romantically with a man a and a woman on screen as two different relationships I cant even think of any examples on tv of that 
 the possible premature fate of Rience
honestly this one is just set scouting speculation that he dies here, but I really don't think people are going to be as upset at a chaotic evil character dying as they were Eskel, 
The original character of Gallatin 
he seems to be somewhat inspired by Isengrim and  Iorweth, a scarred elf that is the leader of the  Scoia’tael  guerrillas, based on the fact that they felt they had to make an original character rather than use one of those two,( they likely wont be killing any book characters off prematurely who are not a villains after whole Eskel debacle) as well as reports the actor wrapped filming quickly, seem to indicate he wont survive the season ( could this be part of what leads Cahir into joining the hanza next season) 
to conclude im super excited, this season is packed with scenes I ( and alot of others) have been really wanting to see I cant wait 
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ultraericthered · 5 months
Rating KH Character Vocal Performances (English Dub)
(This list only uses KH original characters, Final Fantasy guest stars, and the Disney characters who are main characters involved in the KH original storyline)
GOD TIER: Billy Zane as Ansem/Terra-Xehanort (KH1)
Derek Stephen Prince as Vexen/Even (All Appearances)
Christopher Lee as DiZ/Ansem the Wise (KH2 and Days)
Paul St. Peter as Xemnas (All Appearances)
Mark Hamill as Master Eraqus (BBS and KH3)
Leonard Nimoy as Master Xehanort (BBS and 3D)
Christopher Lloyd as Master Xehanort (KH3 DLC & MoM)
Kathryn Beaumont as Kairi’s Grandmother (BBS)
Susanne Blakeslee as Maleficent (All Appearances)
Jim Cummings as Pete (All Appearances)
Wayne Alwine as King Mickey (KH1 and KH2)
TOP TIER: Hayley Joel Osment as Sora (KH1, Re:CoM, KH2 and KH3)
Hayden Panettiere as Kairi (KH1, KH2, and BBS)
David Gallaghar as Riku (KH1, Re:CoM, KH2, BBS, 3D, and MoM)
Richard Epcar as Ansem/Terra-Xehanort (3D, 0.2 BBS, and KH3)
Tony Anselmo as Donald Duck (All Appearances)
Bill Farmer as Goofy (All Appearances)
Bret Iwan as King Mickey (BBS)
Eddie Caroll as Jiminy Cricket (KH1, Re:CoM, and KH2)
Joe Ochman as Jiminy Cricket (Re:Coded and KH3)
Jesse McCartney as Roxas (All Appearances)
Meaghan Martin as Namine (Re:CoM and Days)
Brittany Snow as Namine (KH2)
David Boreanaz as Leon (KH1)
Doug Erholtz as Leon (KH3 DLC)
Christy Carlson Romano as Yuffie (KH1)
Mae Whitman as Yuffie (KH2)
Chris Edgerly as Cid (KH3 DLC)
Steve Burton as Cloud (KH1 and Re:Coded)
Quinton Flynn as Axel (Re:CoM, KH2, and Days)
Shanelle Grey as Larxene (Re:CoM and KH3)
Dave Boat as Lexaeus/Aeleus (Re:CoM and BBS)
Corey Burton as DiZ/Ansem the Wise (Re:CoM)
Alyson Stoner as Xion (Days and KH3)
Kirk Thornton as Saix (All Appearances)
James Patrick Stuart as Braig/Xigbar/Luxu (All Appearances)
Ryan O’Donohue as Demyx (All Appearances)
Robin Atkin-Downes as Luxord (All Appearances)
Will Friedle as Seifer (KH2)
Justin Crowden as Hayner (KH2)
Sean Marquette as Pence (KH2)
Jessica DiCicco as Olette (KH2)
Corey Burton as Yen Sid (KH2, BBS, and KH3)
Jeff Bennett as Merlin (All Appearances)
Rachel Leigh Cook as Tifa (KH2)
Matt McKenzie as Auron (KH2)
Hedy Burress as Yuna (KH2)
Tara Strong as Rikku (KH2)
Gwendoline Yeo as Paine (KH2)
Luke Marinquez as Little Sora (BBS)
Ariel Winter as Little Kairi (BBS)
Kirk Thornton as Isa (BBS)
Quinton Flynn as Lea (BBS)
Jason Dohring as Terra (0.2 BBS and KH3)
Jesse McCartney as Ventus (BBS and KH3)
Hayley Joel Osment as Vanitas (BBS and KH3)
Ben Diskin as Young Xehanort (Re:Coded, 3D, and KH3)
Lara Jill Miller as Chirithy (X Backcover, KH3, and MoM)
Ray Chase as the Master of Masters (X Backcover)
Alyson Stoner as Kairi (Re:CoM)
Richard Epcar as Ansem/Terra-Xehanort (Re:CoM and BBS)
Shaun Flemming as Tidus (KH1)
Molly Keck as Selphie (KH1 and KH2)
Doug Erholtz as Leon (KH2)
Mae Whitman as Yuffie (KH3 DLC)
Andrea Bowen as Aerith (KH3 DLC)
Keith Ferguson as Marluxia (Re:CoM and KH3)
David Dayan Fisher as Xaldin/Dilan (KH2/FM and BBS)
Meaghan Martin as Namine (BBS, Re:Coded, KH2 FM, and KH3)
Hayden Panettiere as Xion (3D)
Brandon Adams as Rai (KH2)
Jillian Bowen as Fuu (KH2)
Melissa Disney as Vivi (KH2)
Crispin Freeman as Setzer (KH2)
Corey Burton as Yen Sid (Re:Coded, 3D, 0.2 BBS, and MoM)
Willa Holland as Aqua (BBS, 3D, and 0.2 BBS)
Rick Gomez as Zack (BBS)
Ty Panitz as Little Riku (BBS)
David Gallaghar as Young Xehanort (BBS)
Matthew Mercer as Ira (X Backcover and KH3)
Travis Willingham as Aced (X Backcover and KH3)
Kevin Quinn as Gula (X Backcover and KH3)
Karissa Lee Staples as Invi (X Backcover and KH3)
Isabela Moner as Ava (X Backcover)
Matthew Mittleman as Luxu (X Backcover)
Michael Johnson as Ephemer (X Backcover and KH3)
Madison Davenport as Nameless Star (KH3 and MoM)
Vince Corazza as Ienzo (3D, KH3, and MoM)
Zachary Gordon as Hayner (KH3)
Tristan Chase as Pence (KH3)
Ashley Boettcher as Olette (KH3)
Drake Bell as Young Eraqus (KH3)
Dylan Sprouse as Yozora (KH3 DLC)
LOW TIER: Hayley Joel Osment as Sora (Re:Coded, 3D, and 0.2 BBS)
Alyson Stoner as Kairi (Days, 0.2 BBS, KH3, and MoM)
David Gallaghar as Riku (Days, Re:Coded, and KH3)
Richard Epcar as Ansem/Terra-Xehanort (KH2)
Wayne Alwine as King Mickey (Re:CoM)
Phil Snyder as Jiminy Cricket (Re:Coded and 3D)
Dee Bradley Baker as Wakka (KH1)
Mandy Moore as Aerith (KH1)
Steve Burton as Cloud (KH2)
George Newbern as Sephiroth (KH2)
Chris Edgerly as Cid (KH2)
Vince Corrazza as Zexion (Re:CoM, KH2 FM, and Days)
Corey Burton as Ansem the Wise (3D and KH3)
Quinton Flynn as Axel/Lea (Days Movie, 3D, and KH3)
Jason Dohring as Terra (BBS)
Willa Holland as Anti-Aqua (KH3)
Rutger Hauer as Master Xehanort (KH3)
Bret Iwan as King Mickey (all post-BBS appearances)
SHIT TIER: Lance Bass as Sephiroth (KH1)
Mena Suvari as Aerith (KH2)
Willa Holland as Aqua (KH3)
Corey Burton as DiZ/Ansem the Wise (BBS, Days Movie, and MoM)
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marcmarcmomarc · 4 months
Kingdom Hearts IV predictions:
Kairi is the leader of a team consisting of Riku, Terra, Aqua, Ventus, Roxas, Xion, Lea, Naminé, Hayner, Pence, Olette, and Chirithy.
Sora’s mother returns.
While Donald and Goofy revisit the old worlds, Sora visits all of the new ones.
The inhabitants of each world returning from the previous games are, of course, thrilled to see Donald and Goofy again, but are sad to hear about Sora’s sacrifice.
Haley Joel Osment as Sora
Lindsay Jones as Strelitzia
James Patrick Stuart as Luxu
Ray Chase as Master of Masters
Tony Anselmo as Donald Duck
Bill Farmer as Goofy Goof
Bret Iwan as King Mickey Mouse
Alyson Stoner as Kairi
David Gallagher as Riku
Jason Dohring as Terra
Willa Holland as Aqua
Jesse McCartney as Ventus
Jesse McCartney as Roxas
Alyson Stoner as Xion
Quinton Flynn as Lea
Meaghan J. Martin as Naminé
Zachary Gordon as Hayner
Tristian Chase as Pence
Ashley Boettcher as Olette
Lara Jill Miller as Chirithy
Susanne Blakeslee as Maleficent
Jim Cummings as Pete
Joe Ochman as Jiminy Cricket
Kaitlyn Robrock as Queen Minnie Mouse
Tress MacNeille as Daisy Duck
Corey Burton as Chip
Tress MacNeille as Dale
Enn Reitel as Scrooge McDuck
Danny Pudi as Huey
Ben Schwartz as Dewey
Bobby Moynihan as Louis
Jeff Bennett as Merlin
Corey Burton as Yen Sid
Bill Farmer as Pluto
Kathryn Beaumont as Kairi’s Grandma
David Dayan Fisher as Dilan
Dave Boat as Aeleus
Robin Atkin Downes as Luxord
Kirk Thornton as Isa
Derek Stephen Prince as Even
Vincent Corazza as Ienzo
Ryan O’Donohue as Demyx
Michael Johnston as Ephemer
Madison Davenport as Nameless Star
Kath Soucie as Sora’s Mother
Isabela Merced as Foreteller Ava
Kevin Quinn as Foreteller Gula
Travis Willingham as Foreteller Aced
Matt Mercer as Foreteller Ira
Karissa Lee Staples as Foreteller Invi
Corey Burton as Ansem the Wise
Dylan Sprouse as Yozora
Square Enix Cast:
Doug Erholtz as Leon
Cody Christian as Cloud Strife
Andrea Bowen as Aerith Gainsborough
Britt Baron as Tifa Lockhart
Mae Whitman as Yuffie Kisaragi
Tyler Hoechlin as Sephiroth
Chris Edgerly as Cid Highwind
Hedy Burress as Yuna
Tara Strong as Rikku
Gwendoline Yeo as Paine
Will Friedle as Seifer Almasy
Brandon Adams as Rai
Jillian Bowen as Fuu
Crispin Freeman as Setzer Gabbiani
Melissa Disney as Vivi Ornitier
Shaun Fleming as Tidus
Molly Keck as Selphie Tilmitt
Dee Bradley Baker as Wakka
Matt McKenzie as Auron
Atlantica (The Little Mermaid)
Takes place after The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea.
Jodi Benson as Ariel
Christopher Daniel Barnes as Eric
Cam Clarke as Flounder
Philip Lawrence as Horatio Felonious Ignacious Crustaceous Sebastian
Chris Edgerly as Scuttle
Jim Cummings as King Triton
Tara Strong as Melody
Kari Wahlgren as Attina
Jennifer Hale as Alana
Tara Strong as Adella
Grey DeLisle as Aquata
Grey DeLisle as Arista
Tara Strong as Andrina
Michael J. Gough as Grimsby
Grey DeLisle as Carlotta
Ben Diskin as Chef Louis
Max Casella as Tip
Corey Burton as Dash
Jeff Bennett as Benjamin
Kevin Michael Richardson as Ray-Ray
Kevin Michael Richardson as Cheeks
Rob Paulsen as Ink Spot
Jim Cummings as Shelbow
Charlie Adler as Seahorse
Kari Wahlgren, Jennifer Hale, Tara Strong, & Grey DeLisle as Flounder’s Guppies
Frank Welker as Max
Village (Beauty and the Beast)
Takes place after the movie.
Julie Nathanson as Belle
Robby Benson as Adam
Corey Burton as Maurice
Jeff Bennett as Lumière
Jane Krakowski as Mrs. Potts
Bob Joles as Henry Cogsworth
Jessica DiCicco as Chip Potts
Jo Anne Worley as Madame de la Grande Bouche
Kimmy Robertson as Fifi
Frank Welker as Philippe
Frank Welker as Sultan
Agrabah (Aladdin)
Takes place after Aladdin and the King of Thieves.
Scott Weinger & Brad Kane (singing) as Aladdin
Jim Meskimen as the Genie
Linda Larkin & Liz Callaway (singing) as Jasmine
Jeff Bennett as Sultan Hamed Bobolonius II
Brian Hull as Iago
John Rhys-Davies as Cassim
Jim Cummings as Razoul
Frank Welker as Abu
Frank Welker as Cave of Wonders
Frank Welker as Rajah
Pride Lands (The Lion King)
Takes place between The Lion King and The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride.
Cam Clarke as Simba
Vanessa Marshall as Nala
Kevin Schon as Timon
Ernie Sabella as Pumbaa
Khary Payton as Rafiki
Jeff Bennett as Zazu
Gary Anthony Williams as Mufasa
James Horan as Scar
Andy’s Room (Toy Story)
Takes place between Toy Story 2 and Toy Story 3.
Jim Hanks as Woody
Mike MacRae as Buzz Lightyear
Kathryn Cressida as Jessie
Wallace Shawn as Rex
John Ratzenberger as Hamm
Blake Clark as Slinky Dog
Patrick Fraley as Mr. Potato Head
Melissa Sternenberg as Mrs. Potato Head
Sawyer Cole as Andy Davis
Laurie Metcalf as Andy’s Mom
Hannah Unkrich as Molly Davis
Jeff Pidgeon as Aliens
Frank Welker as Bullseye
La Cité des Cloches (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Takes place after the movie.
Ari Rubin as Quasimodo
Renee Faia & Heidi Mollenhauer (singing) as Esmeralda
Phil LaMarr as Captain Phoebus
Jim Cummings as Victor
Jason Alexander as Hugo
Pat Lentz as Laverne
Paul Kandel as Clopin
Corey Burton as Brutish Guard
Bill Fagerbakke as Oafish Guard
Frank Welker as Djali
Thebes/Olympus/Underworld (Hercules)
Takes place after the movie.
Tate Donovan as Hercules
Robert Costanzo as Philoctetes
James Woods as Hades
Susan Egan as Megara
Corey Burton as Zeus
Bobcat Goldthwait as Pain
Matt Frewer as Panic
Jim Cummings as Amphitryon
Barbara Barrie as Alcmene
Samantha Eggar as Hera
Wayne Knight as Demetrius
Lillias White as Calliope, Muse of Epics
Cheryl Freeman as Melpomene, Muse of Tragedy
LaChanze as Terpsichore, Muse of Dance
Roz Ryan as Thalia, Muse of Comedy
Vaneese Y. Thomas as Clio, Muse of History
Paul Shaffer as Hermes
Keith David as Apollo
Lisa Kudrow as Aphrodite
Frank Welker as Pegasus
The Land of Dragons (Mulan)
Takes place after the movie.
Ming-Na Wen & Lea Salonga (singing) as Fa Mulan
B.D. Wong & Donny Osmond (singing) as Li Shang
Mark Moseley as Mushu
Harvey Fierstein as Yao
Gedde Watanabe & Matthew Wilder (singing) as Ling
Jerry Tondo as Chien-Po
James Hong as Chi-Fu
Jet Li as Fa Zhou
George Takei as First Ancestor
Sandra Oh as Fa Li
Benedict Wong as General Li
Wang Deshun as Emperor of China
Lisa Lu as Grandmother Fa
Frank Welker as Cri-Kee
Frank Welker as Kahn
Ant Island/Bug City (A Bug’s Life)
Takes place during the movie.
Dave Foley as Flik
Andrew Stanton as Hopper
Jodi Benson as Princess Atta
Alma Versano as Princess Dot
June Squibb as the Queen
Richard Kind as Molt
David Hyde Pierce as Slim
Flula Borg as Heimlich
Nick Jameson as Francis
Jim Cummings as Manny
Jennifer Hale as Gypsy
Bonnie Hunt as Rosie
Michael McShane as Tuck
Michael McShane as Roll
John Ratzenberger as P.T. Flea
Brad Garrett as Dim
Corey Burton as Mr. Soil
Grey DeLisle as Dr. Flora
Marc Maron as Thorny
David Ossman as Cornelius
Frank Welker as Thumper
Jacob Tremblay as Ant Boy 1
Jessica DiCicco as Ant Boy 2
Andrew Stanton as Fly Brother 1
Jess Harnell as Fly Brother 2
Carlos Alazraqui as Loco
John DiMaggio as Axel
Kevin Schon as Slick
Miles Luna as Bug Zapper Fly
Andrew Stanton as Harry
Sabrina Fest as Daisy
Mariel Sheets as Grub
Ashley Tisdale as Lead Blueberry Scout
Melissa Sternenberg as Bar Waitress
Rodger Bumpass as Mosquito
Jess Harnell as Bus Beetle
Brad Hall as Grasshopper 1
Jeff Pidgeon as Grasshopper 2
Lee Unkrich as Ant 1
Bill Farmer as Ant 2
Dave Fennoy as Thud
J. Michael Tatum as Bouncer Wasp
Debi Derryberry as Baby Maggots
Bob Bergen as Aphie
Deep Jungle (Tarzan)
Takes place after the movie.
Tony Goldwyn as Tarzan
Olivia d’Abo as Jane Porter
Susanne Blakeslee as Kala
April Winchell as Terk
Jim Cummings as Tantor
Jeff Bennett as Archimedes Q. Porter
Monstropolis (Monsters, Inc.)
Takes place after the movie.
Christopher Swindle as James P. Sullivan
Carlos Alazraqui as Mike Wazowski
Mary Gibbs as Boo
Jennifer Tilly as Celia Mae
John Ratzenberger as Yeti
Bob Peterson as Roz
Christopher Swindle as Jeff Fungus
Stephen Stanton as Needleman
Stephen Stanton as Smitty
Bonnie Hunt as Ms. Flint
Regan Burns as Jerry Slugsworth
Stephen Stanton as George Sanderson
Christopher Swindle as Thaddeus “Phlegm” Bile
Phil Proctor as Charlie Proctor
Gregg Berger as Peter “Claws” Ward
Roger Craig Smith, Pete Docter, & Teddy Newton as Child Detection Agents
Great Barrier Reef/Deep Ocean/Marine Life Institute (Finding Nemo)
Takes place after Finding Dory.
Jess Harnell as Marlin
Jennifer Hale as Dory
Tara Strong as Nemo
Ed O’Neill as Hank
Kaitlin Olson as Destiny
J.P. Karliak as Bailey
Eugene Levy as Charlie
Jen Brown as Jenny
Willem Dafoe as Gill
Brad Garrett as Bloat
Allison Janney as Peach
Austin Pendleton as Gurgle
Stephen Root as Bubbles
Vicki Lewis as Deb (& Flo)
Jerome Ranft as Jacques
Andrew Stanton as Crush
Grey DeLisle as Squirt
Idris Elba as Fluke
Dominic West as Rudder
Geoffrey Rush as Nigel
Bob Peterson as Mr. Ray
Jess Harnell as Bruce
Eric Bana as Anchor
Bruce Spence as Chum
Torbin Xan Bullock as Gerald
Katherine Ringgold as Chickenfish
Torbin Xan Bullock as Becky
Andrew Stanton as Seagulls
Metroville/Nomansian Island (The Incredibles)
Takes place during the movie.
Craig T. Nelson as Bob Parr/Mr. Incredible
Holly Hunter as Helen Parr/Elastigirl
Jason Lee as Buddy Pine/Syndrome
Norma Maldonado as Mirage
Sarah Vowell as Violet Parr
Gillian Jacobs as Dash Parr
Brad Bird as Edna Mode (E)
Philip Lawrence as Lucius Best/Frozone
Jonathan Banks as Rick Dicker
Mark Andrews, Brad Lewis, Pete Docter, Peter Sohn, Andrew Stanton, & Jeff Pidgeon as Syndrome’s Guards
Eli Fucile, Maeve Andrews, & Nicolas Bird as Jack-Jack Parr
Bret Parker as Kari McKeen
Michael Bird as Tony Rydinger
Kimberly Adair Clark as Honey Best
Teddy Newton as Manta Jet Computer
Frank Thomas as Frank
Ollie Johnston as Ollie
Teddy Newton as Robot Bird
Nicolas Bird as Rusty McCallister
Radiator Springs/Rusteze-Dinoco Racing Center/Fireball Beach/Thunder Hollow/Thomasville/Florida International Speedway (Cars)
Takes place after Cars 3.
It isn’t combat based. Missions include keeping up with McQueen’s top speed by racing down Radiator Springs’ main street, learning how to turn right to go left at Willy’s Butte, keeping up with Cruz’s top speed on Fireball Beach, avoiding pushy competitors with the Thunder Hollow challengers, and practicing with Cruz at Thomasville, culminating in the Piston Cup race at Florida International Speedway, where the objective is to win against Jackson Storm.
Sora enters the world as a custom-made sports coupe mixing a few real-life sports car models before visits to Luigi’s Casa Della Tires and Ramone’s House of Body Art end with him modified into a next-gen race car sponsored by Dinoco (with Tex’s blessing) and with Cruz’s number.
It’s set during Cruz’s first Piston Cup racing season, so McQueen still has Doc’s colors and spends the Florida race as Sora’s crew chief.
As Sora finishes his story, Mater is certainly unhappy with Xehanort’s actions forcing Sora’s hand. “That dad-gum Xehanort”, he says angrily. Extra points if Sora doesn’t get to the part where Xehanort is dead, then Sarge gets in his face and demands him to teach Xehanort a lesson when he gets back in a militaristic manner. “Is that understood,” Sarge yells. Then Sora tries to correct him, but gets cut off and asked again, “Is that understood,” and has to respond, “Sir, yes, sir!”
Of course, during the top speed races, Luigi is the one to signal the race to begin.
In the Radiator Springs race, Sora’s top speed is tracked by Sheriff’s speed radar, and on Fireball Beach, it’s via Cruz’s personal assistant, Hamilton.
If you fail the “Turn Right to go Left” mission, Sora goes flying into the bed of cacti, and Mater fishes him out.
I know I’ll get hate for this, but Cars 2 elements are here. Heck, maybe Mater can’t be present most for the training because he’s busy with Finn and Holley. After all, does he still owe Holley a first date?
I wanted the player character in this world to be Kairi just so Storm can feel the embarrassment of losing to not one, but two “costume girls”.
The Piston Cup race is announced as a 500-lap race, but no game developer is that malicious to force the player to race 500 laps around an oval, so they’d take after the first Cars game and make it twelve laps with the sun slowly lowering throughout the race.
Keith Ferguson as Lightning McQueen
Cristela Alonzo as Cruz Ramirez
Larry the Cable Guy as Sir Tow Mater
Chris Cooper as Smokey
Bonnie Hunt as Sally Carrera
Tony Shalhoub as Luigi
Guido Quaroni as Guido
John Ratzenberger as Mack
Lloyd Sherr as Fillmore
Paul Dooley as Sarge
Cheech Marin as Ramone
Jenifer Lewis as Flo
Michael Wallis as Sheriff
Laraine Newman as Lizzie
Jerome Ranft as Red
A.J. Hamilton as Jackson Storm
Kerry Washington as Natalie Certain
Martin Jarvis as Finn McMissile
Emily Mortimer as Holley Shiftwell
Nathan Fillion as Sterling
Wendie Malick as Louise “Barnstormer” Nash
Kevin Michael Richardson as River Scott
Jason Douglas as Junior “Midnight” Moon
Teresa Gallagher as Mater’s Computer
Bob Peterson as Chick Hicks
Lea DeLaria as Miss Fritter
Humpy Wheeler as Tex Dinoco
Lewis Hamilton as Hamilton
Bob Costas as Bob Cutlass
Darrell Waltrip as Darrell Cartrip
Richard Petty as Strip “The King” Weathers
Ray Evernham as Ray Reverham
Madeleine McGraw as Maddy McGear
Shannon Spake as Shannon Spokes
Kyle Petty as Cal Weathers
Corey Burton & Paul Newman (archived recordings) as Doc Hudson
A.J. Riebli III as McQueen’s Biggest Fan
Steve Purcell as Tractors
Lori Alan as Millie
Michel Michelis as Tomber
Jason Isaacs as Siddeley
Vanessa Redgrave as the Queen
Joe MacDonald as Stephenson
Christopher Sabat as Prince Wheeliam
Andra Day as Sweet Tea
Angel Oquendo as Bobby Swift
Will Collyer as Brick Yardley
Jeremy Maxwell as Arvy Motorhome
Bob Peterson as Dr. Damage
Will Collyer as Roscoe
Peter Sohn as Mr. Drippy
Patrick Rodriguez as Taco
Anthony Sardinha as Jimbo
Andrew Stanton as T-Bone
Jessie James Grelle as APB
Jessica Nigri as Blind Spot
Kaiji Tang as Pushover
Jen Taylor as Tailgate
Barbara Dunkelman as Cigalert
Dustin Matthews as Fishtail
Kyle Phillips as Broadside
Maggie Tominey as Patty
Tyler Coe as Bill
Brendan Blaber as Pileup
Lindsay Jones as High Impact
Jason Pace as Faregame
Tiana Camacho as Airborne
Django Craig as Superfly
Jen Brown as Jambalaya Chimichanga
Samantha Ireland as Liability
Gus Sorola as Hit
Christopher Guerrero as Run
Alex Mai as Todd
Daniel Suárez as Danny Swervez
Ryan Blaney as Ryan “Inside” Laney
Bubba Wallace as Bubba Wheelhouse
Chase Elliott as Chase Racelott
Kerry Shawcross as Tim Treadless
Corey Krueger as Rich Mixon
Zeno Robinson as Cam Spinner
Alejandro Saab as H.J. Hollis
Adam Ellis as Ed Truncan
Burnie Burns as Herb Curbler
Miles Luna as Aaron Clocker
Garrett Hunter as Harvey Rodcap
Michael Jones as J.D. McPillar
Yuri Lowenthal as Flip Dover
Kyle Taylor as Barry DePedal
Blaine Gibson as Steve LaPage
Aaron Marquis as Conrad Camber
Gavin Free as Sheldon Shifter
Flynt Flossy as Paul Conrev
Travis Willingham as Michael Rotor
Ben Schwartz as Ritchie Gunzit
Nick Landis as Eric Braker
Neath Oum as Spikey Fillups
Connor Pickens as Chris Roamin’
Clifford Chapin as Dan Carcia
Scott Frerichs as Jonas Carvers
Howard Wang as Jim Reverick
Dustin Matthews as George New-Win
Eric Baudour as Noah Gocek
Aaron Dismuke as Will Rusch
Todd Womack as M. Fast Fong
Mick Lauer as Nick Shift
Richard Norman as J.P. Drive
Christopher Wehkamp as Tom W.
Aaron Dismuke as Sudeep
Grant George as Krzysztof
Bryce Papenbrook as Shiriam
Django Craig as Kurt
Carlos Alazraqui as Ronald
Todd Haberkorn as Junyi
Harvey Guillén as Gabriel
Angel Oquendo as Aiden
Michael Malconian as Jae
Robbie Daymond as Ernesto
Anna Hullum as Melissa Bernabrake
Jason Rose as Pat Traxson
Kara Eberle as Laura Spinwell
Anairis Quiñones as Gale Beaufort
Paris/Gusteau’s Restaurant (Ratatoullie)
Takes place during the movie.
Patton Oswalt as Remy
Brian George as Chef Skinner
Lou Romano as Alfredo Linguini
Travis Willingham as Django
Peter Sohn as Emile
Corey Burton as Anton Ego
Brad Garrett as Auguste Gusteau
Janeane Garofalo as Colette Tatou
Will Arnett as Horst
Julius Callahan as Lalo
James Remar as Larousse
John Ratzenberger as Mustafa
Teddy Newton as Talon Labarthe
Tony Fucile as Health Inspector
Julius Callahan as Francois
Tony Fucile as Pompidou
Jake Steinfield as Git
Brad Bird as Ambrister Minion
Brad Lewis, Lindsay Collins, & Lori Richardson as Rats
New Orleans (The Princess and the Frog)
Takes place during the movie.
Anika Noni Rose as Tiana
Bruno Campos as Prince Naveen
Keith David as Dr. Facilier
Michael-Leon Wooley as Louis
Jennifer Cody as Charlotte La Bouff
Jim Cummings as Raymond
Peter Bartlett as Lawrence
Jenifer Lewis as Mama Odie
Debra Wilson as Eudora
Brian Cummings as Eli “Big Daddy” La Bouff
Ritchie Montgomery as Reggie
Dave Fouquette as Darnell
Paul Briggs as Two Fingers
Jerry Kernion as Mr. Henry Fenner
Corey Burton as Mr. Harvey Fenner
Michael Colyar as Buford
Emeril Lagasse as Marlon the Gator
Kevin Michael Richardson as Ian the Gator
Randy Newman as Cousin Randy
Danielle Moné Truitt as Georgia
Kelly Hoover as Stella
Kwesi Boakye as Newspaper Boy
Mick Wingert as Travis
Jennifer Kilger as Swooning Girl
Phil Proctor as Cajun Firefly
Seth R. Williamson as Prince Ralphie
Kingdom of Corona (Tangled)
Takes place after the movie.
Can we have a reprise of I’ve Got a Dream, and now Sora gets a chance to share his dream, to return to his friends?
Kelsey Lansdowne as Rapunzel Fitzherbert
Zachary Levi as Eugene Fitzherbert
Kari Wahlgren as Queen Ariana
Clancy Brown as King Frederic
M.C. Gainey as Captain of the Guard
Brad Garrett as Hook Hand
Chris Marlow as Big Nose
Paul F. Tompkins as Shorty
Charles Halford as Vladimir
Stephen Stanton as Attila Buckethead
Ron Perlman as Sideburns Stabbington
Brian Hull as Patchy Stabbington
Bob Bergen as Pascal
Nathan Greno as Maximus
DunBroch (Brave)
Takes place during the movie.
Kelly Macdonald as Merida
Billy Connolly as Fergus
Emma Thompson as Elinor
Susanne Blakeslee as the Witch
David Tennant as Lord Dingwall
Kevin McKidd as Lord MacGuffin
Craig Ferguson as Lord Macintosh
Michelle Gomez as Maudie
Peigi Barker as Young Merida
Kevin McKidd as Young MacGuffin
Steven Cree as Young Macintosh
Steve Purcell as the Crow
Callum O’Neill as Wee Dingwall
Patrick Doyle as Martin
John Ratzenberger as Gordon
Game Central Station (Wreck-it Ralph)
Takes place after the movie.
Brian T. Delaney as Wreck-it Ralph
Sarah Silverman as Vanellope Von Schweetz
Jack McBrayer as Fix-it Felix Jr.
Jane Lynch as Sergeant Tamora Calhoun
Ed O’Neill as Mr. Stan Litwak
Rich Moore as Sour Bill
Maurice LaMarche as Tapper
Dennis Haysbert as General Hologram
Raymond S. Persi as Mayor Gene
Melissa Villaseñor as Taffyta Muttonfudge
Brandon Scott as Kohut
Grey DeLisle as Mary
Skylar Astin as Roy
Don Fullilove as Nolan
Rachael Harris as Deanna
Jess Harnell as Don
Jen Brown as Nell
Jason Douglas as J. Norwood
Pamela Adlon as Lucy
Grey DeLisle as Meg
Katie Lowes as Candlehead
Jamie Elman as Rancis Fluggerbutter
Adam Carolla as Wynnchel
Chris Pratt as Duncan
Josie Trinidad as Jubileena Bing-Bing
Cymbre Walk as Crumbelina Di Caramello
Bella Blanding as Snowanna Rainbeau
Jaeden White as Swizzle “The Swizz” Malarkey
Sawyer Cole as Gloyd Orangeboar
Suzie Yeung as Minty Zaki
Romi Dames as Adorabeezle Winterpop
Josie Trinidad as Citrusella Flugpucker
Suzie Yeung as Torvald Batterbutter
Suzie Yeung as Sticky Whipplesnit
Romi Dames as Nougetsia Brumblestain
Tucker Gilmore as Sugar Rush Announcer
Phil Johnston as Surge Protector
Arendelle (Frozen)
Takes place after the movie.
Kristen Bell as Anna
Idina Menzel as Elsa
Jonathan Groff as Kristoff
Josh Gad as Olaf
Frank Welker as Sven
Ciarán Hinds as Grandpabbie
Chris Williams as Oaken
Stephen J. Anderson as Kai
Maia Wilson as Bulda
Rebecca Mader as Gurda
Robert Pine as Bishop
Paul Briggs as Marshmallow
Lewis Cleale as Cliff
Jack Whitehall as Gothi
Annie Lopez as Baby Troll
San Fransokyo (Big Hero 6)
Takes place after the movie.
Ryan Potter as Hiro Hamada
Scott Adsit as Baymax
Brooks Wheelan as Fred Fredrickson
Damon Wayans Jr. as Wasabi No Ginger
Jamie Chung as Ethel “Go Go Tomago”
Génesis Rodríguez as Honey Lemon
Maya Rudolph as Cass Hamada
James Cromwell as Robert Callaghan
Alan Tudyk as Allistair Krei
Katie Lowes as Abigail Callaghan
David Shaughnessy as Heathcliff
Daniel Henney as Tadashi Hamada
Riley’s Mind/Mindscape (Inside Out)
Takes place after the movie.
Kate Higgins as Joy
Phyllis Smith as Sadness
Lewis Black as Anger
Jason J. Lewis as Fear
Ashley Adler as Disgust
Kaitlyn Dias as Riley Andersen
Diane Lane as Jill Andersen (Mom)
Kyle MacLachlan as Bill Andersen (Dad)
Pete Docter as Dad’s Anger
Carlos Alazraqui as Dad’s Fear
Josh Cooley as Dad’s Fear
Patrick Seitz as Dad’s Joy
J.P. Karliak as Dad’s Disgust
Lori Alan as Mom’s Sadness
Paula Pell as Mom’s Anger
Laraine Newman as Mom’s Fear
Sherry Lynn as Mom’s Joy
Mona Marshall as Mom’s Disgust
Zootopia (Zootopia)
Takes place during the movie.
Ginnifer Goodwin as Judy Hopps
Jason Bateman as Nick Wilde
Idris Elba as Chief Bogo
Jenny Slate as Dawn Bellwether
Nate Torrence as Benjamin Clawhauser
Bonnie Hunt as Bonnie Hopps
Don Lake as Stu Hopps
Tommy Chong as Yax
J.K. Simmons as Theodore Lionheart
Octavia Spencer as Mrs. Otterton
Alan Tudyk as Duke Weaselton
Allison Trujillo Strong & Shakira (singing) as Gazelle
Raymond S. Persi as Flash
Maurice LaMarche as Mr. Big
Phil Johnston as Gideon Gray
John DiMaggio as Jerry Jumbeaux Jr.
Katie Lowes as Dr. Madge Honey Badger
Gita Reddy as Nangi
Jesse Corti as Mr. Manchas
Kevin Michael Richardson as Finnick
Josh Dallas as Frantic Pig
Leah Latham as Fru Fru
Rich Moore as Doug
Kath Soucie as Young Nick
Peter Mansbridge as Peter Moosebridge
Byron Howard as Bucky Oryx-Antlerson
Jared Bush as Pronk Oryx-Antlerson
Mark “Rhino” Smith as Officer McHorn
John Lavelle as Mouse Foreman
Kristen Bell as Priscilla
Jackson Stein as Junior Ranger Scout Bully
Rich Moore as Larry
David Thibodeau as Gary
Fabienne Rawley as Fabienne Growley
John DiMaggio as Jesse
John DiMaggio as Woolter
Zach King as Muzzled Wolf
Cissy Jones as Officer Francine
Raymond S. Persi as Officer Higgins
Fabinne Rawley as Jumbeaux Café Customer
John DiMaggio as Parking Ticket Moose
Melissa Goodwin Shepard as Parking Ticket Mouse
Madeleine Curry as Parking Ticket Hippo Daughter
Brendan Blaber as Beaver Reporter
Kaiji Tang as Sheep Reporter
John DiMaggio as Pig Reporter
Bonnie Hunt as Oryx Reporter
Selah Victor as Rabbit Reporter
J. Michael Tatum as Pig Peace Rally Protester
Jen Taylor as Leopard Peach Rally Protester
Tiana Camacho as Carrot Customer
John DiMaggio as Sheep Officer
Motunui/The Great Oceans (Moana)
Takes place during the movie.
Auli’i Cravalho as Moana
Dwayne Johnson as Maui
Rachel House as Gramma Tala
Temuera Morrison & Christopher Jackson (singing) as Chief Tui
Jemaine Clement as Tamatoa
Nicole Scherzinger as Sina
Alan Tudyk as Heihei
Oscar Kightley as Fisherman
Troy Polamalu as Villager 1
Puanani Cravalho as Villager 2
Alan Tudyk as Villager 3
Land of the Dead/Santa Cécilia (Coco)
Takes place during the movie.
Anthony Gonzalez as Miguel Rivera
Gael García Bernal as Papá Héctor Rivera
Benjamin Bratt & Antonio Sol (singing) as Ernesto de la Cruz
Alanna Ubach as Mamá Imelda Rivera
Renée Victor as Abuelita Elena Rivera
Jaime Camil as Enrique Rivera (Papá)
Alfonso Arau as Papá Julio Rivera
Herbert Sigüenza as Tío Óscar Rivera
Herbert Sigüenza as Tío Felipe Rivera
Gabriel Iglesias as Clerk
Lombardo Boyar as Plaza Mariachi
Lombardo Boyar as Gustavo
Ana Ofelia Murguía as Mamá Coco Rivera
Natalia Cordova-Buckley as Frida Kahlo
Selene Luna as Tía Rosita Rivera
Edward James Olmos as Chicharrón
Sofía Espinosa as Luisa Rivera (Mamá)
Carla Medina as Departures Agent
Dyana Ortelli as Tía Victoria Rivera
Luis Valdez as Tío Berto Rivera
Luis Valdez as Don Hidalgo
Blanca Araceli as Emcee
Salvador Reyes as Security Guard
Cheech Marin as Corrections Officer
Octavio Solís as Arrivals Agent
John Ratzenberger as Juan Ortodoncia
Denise Blasor as Ceci
Libertad García Fonzi as Young Coco
Juan Carlos Tinoco as de la Cruz’s Security Guards
Carla Medina as Tía Gloria Rivera
Montse Hernandez as Rosa Rivera
Polo Rojas as Abel Rivera
Maite Perroni as Arrivals and Departures P.A.
Ricardo Bautista as Battle of the Bands Stagehand
Emilio Fuentes as Sunrise Spectacular Stagehand
Carlos Becerril as Sunrise Spectacular Emcee
Trujo as Policeman
Rosalba Sotelo as Dead Mother
Erica Edwards as Tía Chelo
Miguel Ángel Ruiz as T-Shirt Seller
Emmanuel Bernal as Gustavo’s Band Trumpeter
Lee Unkrich as Skeleton with Corn
Emmanuel Bernal as Héctor’s Cousin
Kumandra (Raya and the Last Dragon)
Takes place after the movie.
Kelly Marie Tran as Raya
Awkwafina as Sisu
Gemma Chan as Namaari
Izaac Wang as Boun
Benedict Wong as Tong
Thalia Tran as Noi
Daniel Dae Kim as Chief Benja
Sandra Oh as Chieftess Virana
Alan Tudyk as Tuk Tuk
Lucille Soong as Dang Hu
Dichen Lachman as General Atitãya
Sung Kang as Dang Hai
Ross Butler as Spine Chief
Dumbfoundead as Chai
Dichen Lachman as Spine Warrior
François Chau as Kahn
Sierra Katow as Fang Officer
The Encanto (Encanto)
Takes place after the movie.
Stephanie Beatriz as Mirabel Madrigal
María Cecilia Botero & Olga Merediz (singing) as Abuela Alma Madrigal
John Leguizamo as Bruno Madrigal
Jessica Darrow as Luisa Madrigal
Diane Guerrero as Isabela Madrigal
Angie Cepeda as Julieta Madrigal
Demián Bichir as Agustín Madrigal
Carolina Gaitán as Pepa Madrigal
Mauro Castillo as Félix Madrigal
Rhenzy Feliz as Camilo Madrigal
Adassa as Dolores Madrigal
Ravi Cabot-Conyers as Antonio Madrigal
Maluma as Mariano Guzmán
Rose Portillo as Sra. Guzmán
Alyssa Bella Candiani, Noemi Josefina Flores, Paisley Day Herrera, Brooklyn Skylar Rodriguez, & Ezra Rudolph as Town Kids
Alan Tudyk as Pico
Toronto, Canada (Turning Red)
Takes place after the movie.
Rosalie Chiang as Meilin Lee
Ava Morse as Miriam Mendelsohn
Hyein Park as Abby Park
Maitreyi Ramakrishnan as Priya Mangal
Tristan Allerick Chen as Tyler Nguyen-Baker
Sandra Oh as Ming Lee
Orion Lee as Jin Lee
Wai Ching Ho as Grandma Wu Lee
Lori Tan Chinn as Auntie Chen
Mia Tagano as Lily
Sherry Cola as Helen
Lillian Lim as Auntie Ping
James Hong as Mr. Gao
Lily Sanfelippo as Stacy Frick
Addie Chandler as Devon
Lauren Tom as Sammy (Goth Girl)
Anna Brisbin as Lauren
Madison Brunoehler as Kat (Stacy’s Second Friend)
Jackson Parfitt as Carter Murphy-Mayhew
Patricia Summersett as Jaiden (Goth Girl with Green Dye)
Jordan Fisher as Robaire
Finneas O’Connell as Jesse
Topher Ngo as Aaron T.
Grayson Villanueva as Tae Young
Josh Levi as Aaron Z.
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dailywilliams · 9 months
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HAYLEY WILLIAMS and Stephen Curry on stage tonight at the Chase Center, CA photographed by Andy Yen.
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graphicpolicy · 6 months
Yokohama Station SF Vol. 3 is a nice ending to the series
Yokohama Station SF Vol. 3 is a nice ending to the series #comics #comicbooks #manga #graphicnovel
YOKOHAMA STATION HAS SWALLOWED 99% OF MAINLAND JAPAN With help from Keiha Nijo of the Dodger Alliance, Hiroto has followed the Professor’s whispered int imat ions to Exit 42 in the mountainous interior of Yokohama Stat ion. There, in the heart of the beast, an ancient monitor flickers to life, and an image of the Professor in his youth, a haunting digital simulacrum, awakens from its slumber. And…
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didanawisgi · 4 days
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“The Net of Indra is a profound and subtle metaphor for the structure of reality. Imagine a vast net; at each crossing point there is a jewel; each jewel is perfectly clear and reflects all the other jewels in the net, the way two mirrors placed opposite each other will reflect an image ad infinitum. The jewel in this metaphor stands for an individual being, or an individual consciousness, or a cell or an atom. Every jewel is intimately connected with all other jewels in the universe, and a change in one jewel means a change, however slight, in every other jewel.”
From The Enlightened Mind by Stephen Mitchell.
“Far away in the heavenly abode of the great god Indra, there is a wonderful net which has been hung by some cunning artificer in such a manner that it stretches out indefinitely in all directions. In accordance with the extravagant tastes of deities, the artificer has hung a single glittering jewel at the net’s every node, and since the net itself is infinite in dimension, the jewels are infinite in number. There hang the jewels, glittering like stars of the first magnitude, a wonderful sight to behold. If we now arbitrarily select one of these jewels for inspection and look closely at it, we will discover that in its polished surface there are reflected all the other jewels in the net, infinite in number. Not only that, but each of the jewels reflected in this one jewel is also reflecting all the other jewels, so that the process of reflection is infinite. The Hua’yen school [of Buddhism] has been fond of this image, mentioned many times in its literature, because it symbolizes a cosmos in which there is an infinitely repeated interrelationship among all the members of the cosmos. This relationship is said to be one of simultaneous mutual identity and mututal intercausality.”
~ Francis H. Cook, Hua-yen Buddhism: The Jewel Net of Indra
Photo: Indra’s Net by Doug Benner 
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romanceyourdemons · 1 year
i fully respect stephen chow’s right to retire from acting (and honestly i respect him for it, especially seeing the way other golden age hong kong actors like donnie yen, jet li, jackie chan etc have been increasingly shoehorned into the post-2008 film world) but still. it’s a sad thought that movies used to have stephen chow in them
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Title: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Rating: PG-13
Director: Gareth Edwards
Cast: Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Alan Tudyk, Donnie Yen, Jiang Wen, Ben Mendelsohn, Guy Henry, Forest Whitaker, Riz Ahmed, Mads Mikkelsen, Jimmy Smits, Alistair Petrie, Genevieve O’Reilly, Ben Daniels, Paul Kasey, Stephen Stanton, Ian McElhinney, James Earl Jones
Release year: 2016
Genres: action, adventure, science fiction
Blurb: A rogue band of resistance fighters unite for a mission to steal the Death Star plans and bring a new hope to the galaxy.
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librarycomic · 2 years
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Never Open It: The Taboo Trilogy by Ken Niimura. Translation: Stephen Blanford. Rewrite: Josh Tierney and Antonio Núñez Sánchez. Yen Press, 2021. 9781975325831. Publisher's Rating: OT Older Teen. http://www.powells.com/book/-9781975325831?partnerid=34778&p_bt
Ken Niimura's art always has a lot of energy. It's somewhere between mainstream manga and cartoony, super polished and extremely sketchy. Here he combines his quick, well-placed lines with just the right amount of red to tell three stories inspired by Japanese mythology. Teens and adults will love this book.
In "Never Open It" a young fisherman, Taro, rescues a sea turtle and is rewarded by Princess Otohime with a trip to her undersea Dragon Palace. He doesn't pass up the offer, which is a mistake, though life in the palace is awesome. When he wants to return home he's given a red box that will allow him to go back there whenever he wants, though he can never open it. (He meets an old man who once went to the Dragon Palace, too, and who opened the box he was given.) In "Empty" two young monks are warned by their master that to stay away from a pot that contains deadly poison. They do not listen. In "The Promise" a young man helps a wounded bird and then meets a beautiful woman who becomes his wife. She earns money by weaving cloth on his mother's old loom, but makes him promise never to open the door to the room while she's weaving. (Of course the young wife is the bird. It did not end as I thought it would, and the red color really played a part.)
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pierreism · 1 year
‘Love, I Hear’ performed by Awa Sal Secka
To commemorate the 1st anniversary of the passing of Stephen Sondheim, Awa Sal Secka performs this swoonsome ballad from the composer’s first Broadway score, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum.
The show premiered in 1962, when Sondheim was 32, and its satiric blend of vaudevillian vamping and historical farce proved a hit with audiences, later scooping up 5 Tony awards including Best Musical. His contribution to its success wasn’t as appreciated back then as it is now; the slapstick star power of Zero Mostel on Broadway, Frankie Howard in London (and even Mickey Rooney in the 80s) took up much of the spotlight. Yet Sondheim’s smart aleck wordplay and push-pull contradictions arrive here in delirious form. This line, for instance, typifies his yen for treating musical metricality like an endlessly re-configurable puzzle box: "I pine, I blush, I squeak, I squawk / Today I woke too weak to walk / What's love I hear, I feel. I fear, I'm in.” In creating such alliterative bombast with such simple forms, Sondheim’s trajectory was set. First stop, the Forum. Next, the stars.
via THE SIGNATURE SHOW – Celebrating Stephen Sondheim
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dispatchdcu · 4 hours
Aliens: What If...? #3 Review
Aliens: What If?... #3 Review #alienwhatif #whatif #alien #bishop #Cruz #xenomorph #MARVEL #marvelcomics #comics #comicbooks #news #mcu #art #info #NCBD #comicbooknews #previews #reviews #Amazon #Aliens #Ripley
Concept: Paul & Leon Reiser; Adam F. Goldberg; Hans Rodionoff; Brian Volk-Weiss Writer: Hans Rodionoff Artist: Guiu Vilanova Colorist: Yen Nitro Letterer: Clayton Cowles Cover Artists: Phil Noto; Mahmud Asrar & Matthew Wilson; Stephen Mooney & Frank Martin Publisher: Marvel Price: $3.99 Release Date: May 15, 2024 Hiro Yu, the Senior Director of Human Capital for Weyland-Yutani, traveled to…
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