#Starting From Zero 2.0 Starting From Zero 2.0 Review
On the Subject of Pat 2.0
Hello! It’s your resident 25 year old working their first job out of grad school with no family in the area and a friend group that is comprised mostly of people older than them here to talk about "Pat" Phakphum Tangwatthana another resident 25 year old working his first job out of grad school with no family in the area and a friend group that is comprised mostly of people older than him. 
I have seen some confusion or distaste around Pat and Pat’s storyline in the most recent episode, and I understand the criticism around the editing needing to be tighter, but I do just want to talk about my own perceptions of Pat and why I didn’t need any more explicit explanations for his behavior than we already got. 
It’s essay time :D
Pat and his emotions in Episode 9: 
We start the episode on Pat’s point of view, cutting back to the previous evening and establishing Pat’s level of inebriation
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Gif from @pharawee
Everything is ghosting and blurry and it is very clear that Pat was out of his head if not out of his body when he was having fun with Jeng on the dance floor. This is evidence enough as far as I am concerned that Pat had absolutely zero knowledge of Jeng’s dance floor confession. But what he does remember is learning Jeng is queer. Which as we are all aware, rocks his fucking world. 
Now, I wrote in my previous timeline that narratively, Pat has never had the time to contemplate the sexuality of his boss. At the very beginning, he spills glass jelly on Jeng’s shoe and meets a kind and very attractive man, and then he just simps over this very Lorge Man for awhile while Jeng is actively trying to manage a crush on an employee because he understands would be a huge HR Violation if he were to try to pursue that thread. But Pat has been flirting hard, in ways that are obvious if you are queer and able to identify them, but less so if you are straight and don’t automatically look at the level of familiarity as flirting. However, we have to look at when, where, and how Pat and Jeng break their professionalism and where they maintain it.
Pat only initiates the break in professionalism when he is drunk and/or out of the office. His criticisms of Jeng he gives in the review? Drunk. His commentary about how when he first met Jeng he was nice and he is having a hard time reconciling that Jeng with micromanaging boss Jeng? Drunk. Hanging all over him and tugging at his shirt? Drunk. Hanging all over him and tugging at his shirt round 2? Drunk. 
The rest Jeng initiates. He engineers the dinner in his office, he asks Pat to come over on Sunday to work, he suggests Pat get ready at his apartment, he suggests he and Pat share a hotel room, he asks Pat to accompany him to the furniture store, he calls the video of drunk!Pat cute, he asks Pat to go on the restaurant tour with him. 
So, from this we know that Pat is aware enough of the office gossip and when in control of his mental faculties, is able to temper his feelings towards Jeng while at work. And that Jeng has been simping hard from the beginning, and Pat has been reciprocating the energy whenever Jeng starts the interaction. 
But we also know that Pat has a difficult time handling his other emotions, especially while at work. Partially because he is young, partially because he is exploited, partially because he is almost certainly spending a lot of his time focusing on a) not having a meltdown and b) not hitting on his boss in front of his coworkers. 
Anyway, the timeline of Pat’s immediate emotions around Jeng’s sexuality confession I have previously outlined so just keep that in mind while I continue to ramble about Pat in this episode. 
Pat learns Jeng is gay, freaks out about it because Jeng is fully aware of everything Pat has been doing, and Pat is fully aware that Jeng has been intentionally flirting with him this whole time. Spirals about it in his dreams the whole night and wakes up hungover and having an existential crisis about what the fuck comes next for him. 
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He takes the day off, tries to give himself some space to think, process, reassess, and figure out his next steps. But instead…his Mom is in town, and in his kitchen, cooking him breakfast. 
What is she doing here? He doesn’t know, it’s a surprise, and a good surprise because we know he has a good relationship to his parents, and you can tell that from the way he interacts with his mother. But a mother is going to mother, so she’s going to comment on his eating habits, and he’s going to lie about how often he eats instant noodles, and she’s going to check in on his health, having seen him absolutely plastered the previous evening, and she is going to ask about the very kind and handsome man that helped Pat home and made sure he was safe. 
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And she’s going to say a passing comment about Pat being a burden to his friend.
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Which, looking at Pat’s face here, was not really what he wants to be hearing at this particular moment. Not when he is trying to get Jeng out of his head, not when he is trying to create space to figure out what he is feeling about that entire situation, the reality that he could have what he wants, the understanding that Jeng has been wise to Pat’s attraction to him this whole time. Not when he got in to that whole situation with Jeng last night because he was trying to distract himself from being sad about breaking up with Put. His parents live in another country, they have no idea what is going on in his life, his mother sees her son was out with a nice man and so has no reason to suspect something would have been wrong. So she stumbles right in to one of Pat’s sore spots. 
“Where did you meet him?” she asks and Pat’s goes:
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If anyone needs a live action shocked pikachu face, look no further. He knows he cannot tell her. He knows what it would sound like, what it would seem like, how inappropriate it would appear for him to say “I met him at work” and even more so if he has to say “that is my boss.” 
He’s had the realization that Jeng is gay, and therefore that a relationship between Jeng and Pat is possible, and he is now having the realization of just how bad it would appear to literally anyone on the outside. Even now, even before they are dating, when they are just coworkers and friends, his mother knowing that he was out, late at night, that drunk around his boss??? Absolutely not. Pat recognizes that and quickly shifts the focus of the conversation away from Jeng, asking his mother about a doctor’s appointment she is supposed to be getting to. 
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Another outfit, and another day has passed. Pat is staring at the stuffed tiger that he got on his furniture -date- shopping trip with Jeng. A stuffed animal that he has been using as a replacement for the shark stuffed animal that he had when he was with Put and that Put has used to manipulate Pat into talking to him and into considering re-entering into a relationship with him. This tiger here is serving as both a reminder of Put, the fact that Pat was unable to love Put because of his feelings for Jeng, and as a reminder of Jeng, whose sexuality, level of availability, and messy HR potentiality are all front and center in Pat’s mind. So he hides the tiger away in a drawer where he doesn’t have to look at it, so that he isn’t faced with a constant reminder of the personal crises in his life, because he is young, and his parents are here, and he’s never experienced this particular combination of emotions before, and to talk to his parents about his dilemma he would have to explain this situation to his parents and I don’t think Pat believes he can talk to anyone about it. Because all of his friends besides Ae are friends from work, Jaab is Jeng’s brother, Jen and Jaab are going through it and Jen is quitting, Kanon was on the production team and Kanon is married to Ae so whatever Pat says to Ae may get back to Kanon pretty quickly. Chot is fully incorporated into the office life and is fully aware of what is going on (and in fact may think Pat and Jeng are much further ahead in their relationship than they are) but Pat thinks he’s being sly about his feelings for Jeng, and Chot being directly in the office rather than on an outside production team is not going to be a draw to talking about his feelings for his boss. 
Meanwhile, Jeng is approaching the other queer in the office to ask if Chot has seen Pat cause he hasn’t been in the office in a few days and realizes that Pat is taking days off without even
notifying him. Readers, I do not need to show you Chot’s face throughout all of this. Chot is 150% convinced that Jeng and Pat are in the middle of a lover’s quarrel. I need a Chot live reaction to finding out that Pat and Jeng haven’t fucked yet, and a gravestone for Chot when he learns that Pat thought Jeng was straight. 
Alright, so, Jeng is in his sad boy hours clearly pining after Pat in the office in front of Chot, but pushes that all back down in order to perform his necessary duties as a boss. Jeng too, is trying to keep control of his emotions, but will end up losing his grip of them and having an utter break down. 
But this is not about Jeng, this is about Pat 
Pat’s Mom is here, but she’s settled in, and Pat’s off work, so maybe now he has time to try to process some of his emotions? 
Nope! Dad appears!
And what? Another surprise! Another parent coming to stay at his house without warning, and for what reason? 
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Oh shit. 
Pat has completely lost track of the passage of time. Which hey, works for Ae going from 0 to 30 weeks out of nowhere. Why does his Dad come to Thailand around this time every year? 
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It’s almost Pat’s birthday, and Pat has completely forgotten. This man has been juggling all of his work, a ton of his coworkers assignments, MLM schemes (the only mlm Pat is interested in is…nevermind), the Forge project, The Forge commercial shoot, leading the commercial shoot, his relationship with Put, his breakup with Put, navigating remaining professional in a workspace with his recent ex when emotions are still raw, and his mounting feelings for actually gay actually single hot boss man. On top of that, Pat is living alone, surviving off of ramen noodles, and (iirc) waiting to see if he makes it past the probationary period and is actually going to be allowed to stay on as an employee when that window is over. Jen is an adult, and not one Pat knows very well, Chot has his shit together and is engaged, Ae and Kanon are adults, married, and soon-to-be-parents, and Jaab is his age but is just as much if not more of a hot mess than Pat is. Pat gets convinced to go on that restaurant tour by Ae and their other friend, but those two are straight and therefore will not get what Pat is spiraling about after finding out Jeng is gay. So where can Pat go? Who can he turn to for advice? Who is going to have the time and the understanding and the patience to help him navigate all of these rising pressures? 
Well, we get a good indication, of where that is heading because Pat’s dad takes one look at Pat’s utter shock at realizing that he has forgotten his own birthday and states: 
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Life must be pretty hard lately. His father is in the know, he’s gettin’ wise, gettin’ with it. It’s a great dynamic of Pat pretending to be fine for the sake of his mother, and then having no ability to hide from his father because the initial shock of the realization meant he wasn’t able to mask his emotional state. 
He burns his ramen noodles, his father cooks for him. Gives him vegetables. Calls it like it is in Pat’s life even though he doesn’t have the full context. 
Pat returns to work, and Chot starts doing his gay fairy godmother deal, vague-posting about what he thinks Pat’s problem is through the lens of his own issues. He knows Pat is young, and Pat is coming out of a relationship, and that Pat does not have a lot of guidance on the whole Being Gay in Thailand thing, despite being pretty comfortable in his sexuality and navigating his relationship with Put pretty maturely, if we’re honest. Chot is reaching out, Chot is extending the hand, Chot is trying to turn the tide of their relationship from just work friends to friends who can rely on one another in their personal life.
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Now, Pat has been dissociating for the entire conversation thus far, because realizing he has forgotten his birthday because he’s been so caught up in everything has started his death spiral. When Jeng came out he tripped into it and was gripping at the edge of his remaining sanity by trying to give himself time and space to work through his emotions, but the arrival of his father and the understanding that he has not been thinking about himself for however long is what starts this final (and ultimately unsuccessful) attempt at managing his emotional state. 
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But Chot’s admission that being gay is hard for Krit, snaps Pat out of it a little bit, and we get Pat’s “At least he’s straightforward with showing you that he loves you” and now…Pat has not been paying a whole lot of attention to what Chot was saying, so this is either Pat being very good at processing information while dissociating, and/or Pat picking up on the part of the story that is most relevant to him and attaching his own frustrations with his current situation to it. 
“At least he is straightforward with showing you that he loves you” 
Okay, so let’s explore who this is about. That’s right. It’s about literally every possible romantic pursuit of his in the last few weeks/months. Put, MLM guy, and Jeng. 
On the Put end of things, Put left Pat two years prior, valuing his job over his relationship with Pat while simultaneously struggling with his own queerness. When Pat and Put get back together, Pat pours his whole heart and soul into trying to make the relationship work. Because he needs it to work. Because he’s in love with his boss and he can’t be in love with his boss because that way madness (and job loss) lies. We do see moments of them being lovey-dovey, we see moments of flirtation, but the show is extremely intentional about showing that Pat and Put’s relationship is not a happy one. Put ignores Pat over dinner, that dinner scene where Put is mostly focused on his cellphone is dimly and cooly lit, with the tiniest smidge of warmth behind Pat and nothing anywhere close to Put. 
They make out in a hotel and Pat asks if Put likes him, and Put does not give him an answer, he just flips the question back around on Pat. Pat doesn’t answer either, not at first, he just kisses Put, and then realizes that it doesn’t feel the way it used to, and whatever feelings he may have had for Put before are no longer there. Because he is in love with his boss. So he leaves Put and goes to the party to seek out the person he wants to be around/with. When Pat breaks up with Put he calls him out on his attempts to manipulate him. So Pat is sad about the break up, sure, and he is allowed to be. But he is also reconciling here with the fact that Put never showed interest in him, unless and until Pat was threatening to leave. 
Then we get MLM guy, who is very forward in his interest with Pat. Pat is picking up what MLM guy is putting down (he thinks), and gets all excited about the prospect of having another Hot Tall Boi to channel his energy into so that he isn’t left to think about Jeng or Put’s return to Thailand. Pat is excited for the “date” and is devastated when it turns out this man wasn’t interested in him at all, he just wants him to join a multilevel marketing scheme. After which Pat is harassed at work and hounded by this man until he is literally threatened. So now Pat has to grapple also with the knowledge that the one person who seemed to be obviously, openly interested in him, was just using those emotions to get something out of him. Yet another manipulation.  On the Jeng end of things, Jeng is forced to be subtle about his love for Pat by nature of the power imbalance inherent in a boss and employee relationship. Jeng has been intentionally engineering his romantic advances to have as much plausible deniability as possible. Which means, Pat, thinking that Jeng is straight, has not picked up on them. Or rather has convinced himself that Jeng wasn’t being intentional about making moves. If Jeng had been more obvious, had pursued him the way that Pat is used to being pursued, that is, more explicitly, if Jeng had even been more obviously queer, then Pat would have known immediately. But Pat has a luxury that Jeng and even Put do not, which is that him being clockable will not ruin his whole life the way that Put and Jeng as famous, prominent people would run the gauntlet if that information were to get out. Put says it himself in Episode 8: “A famous person like you might not be able to come out a lot, right?”
Jeng isn’t clockable as queer to the average person, and as Pat has been actively trying not to read into things, and has been trying to rein in his own horniness for Jeng, Jeng isn’t clockable to him either. SO…all of this to say that Pat feels that Put was not straightforward with their love, and that Jeng has been disguising all of his attempts at wooing Pat under a safety blanket of work. So Pat is feeling primarily hurt, lied to, and betrayed. 
So, what we end up getting with Jeng is…manipulation. He has manipulated every situation to get Pat and him alone together, while at the same time not clueing Pat in to the fact that is what he was doing. While additionally not clueing Pat in to the fact he is gay. While also not clueing Pat into the fact that he’s Jaab’s brother until Pat literally walks into the middle of an interaction between Jaab and Jeng. While also not initially clueing Pat in to the fact he is Pat’s boss even after Jeng realized. 
The past two people that Pat has been interested in have manipulated him over and over again. 
His coworkers have manipulated him over and over again. 
How else is Pat supposed to see Jeng not being explicit about his feelings? He’s being manipulated once again by Jeng not saying anything. 
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Chot lets Pat know that he can talk to him about anything, and Pat says “it’s ok, it’ll pass”. 
Anyway, Pat is giving an explicit invitation to talk about his feelings, and he brushes it off. Because Chot is an office friend in his office where his boss who he is having feelings about works, and Pat is very much oblivious to the fact that any gay within a 20 mile radius can see what is going on between Pat and Jeng. So he thinks he can’t be honest. Because that puts him and Jeng both in a sticky situation. 
So he puts on a brave face, because he thinks that he can, because Jeng isn’t supposed to be in the office today. Because Chot told Pat that Jeng was out and Chot was covering. (Yet another reason why Pat may not want to talk to Chot about Jeng, Chot is literally acting as his boss right now). Because the thoughts Pat is having, the feelings that he is having, they are manageable so long as Pat does not have to face Jeng…
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Except Jeng appears. On a day that he is most definitely not supposed to be here. They are at working, they are at work. Jeng does exactly what Pat has just indirectly told Chot he wishes someone would do. 
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He pulls a “boyfriend” and gives his jacket to his freezing love interest. 
Now, is this something Jeng would do in the office? I fucking hope not. But currently, Jeng and Pat are sitting in the back of a dark room, with literally all the other queer people in the office. This is a safe space, this is a shelter. It’s why and how Jeng and Pat’s closeness has progressed in the most recent episodes. Because they have been away from the physical office space, around the straight and sometimes homophobic coworkers, and instead, on set with literally every gay boy known to Man. Jeng knows Chot knows, Jeng knows Jaab knows, having realized that Pat had no idea that he was gay, Jeng has decided he has been approaching things wrong, and gets bolder. 
But, Pat has a) still not processed everything, b) is still oblivious to the fact that everyone around him knows exactly what is happening, c) is in the office, and d) is in the office with JENG who Pat was explicitly told would not be there. So you can imagine the stress he is under, and you can imagine with his track-record of manipulative men, that he is thinking very much that Jeng is playing with his emotions. 
Because Jeng is playing with his emotions. Not intentionally. But Pat himself has never experienced this particular set of challenges before and Jeng is always on the brain. Pat’s emotional state is out of whack and it is at least 50% Jeng’s fault. Pat, again very maturely, hands that token of affection off to Chot, so that it will seem like nothing. So that it will read as nothing to anyone around him. Because Pat doesn’t know that they know. 
Pat, who has still not had the opportunity to get the time and space that he needs from Jeng, because his parents are in town on an extended stay, because he had to go back to work eventually, because Jeng is now right there, once again does the mature thing, and walks away from the situation. He makes space. 
Jeng follows after him, which again, makes it extremely obvious that Jeng is acting inappropriately close to Pat. But Jeng knows everyone in the room knows, which is why he can get away with it. But Pat just wants to be alone and Jeng is not letting him. 
They retreat to an isolated corner. Where they have one of the juiciest conversations to date: 
Jeng: “Did I make you uncomfortable in any way?’
Pat: “No, I’m just tired,” 
Jeng: “Is it my fault?” 
Pat: “No,” 
Jeng: “I’m sorry” 
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Pat: “Why are you saying sorry to me, when I said it wasn’t your fault?” 
Jeng: “You didn’t answer my text, ever since that day”
Pat: “Mr. Jeng, could you stop texting me? If it’s not work related. Don’t invite me to go eat. Don’t drop me off at home.”
And Pat says all of this without making eye contact with Jeng. When he finally does look up? He can see how devastated Jeng looks.
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It confuses him in fact, to see this strong of an emotional reaction to Pat drawing these boundaries. Because, while Pat has not explicitly stated this yet, he thinks Jeng is fucking with him. This reaction is running very counter to what Pat is anticipating from this conversation. 
So he has to say something else to fill the silence, and to soften the blow: 
“Uh…I want to thank you. Thank you for everything. But please don’t do it again. Especially in front of everyone.”
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“I can’t say no.” 
And I take this two ways coming from Pat. First that Jeng being his boss puts Pat in the terrible situation of potentially not feeling comfortable saying no to Jeng. Because Jeng has power over Pat, even though we all know (or I at least hope based on this entire show so far) that Jeng is not the type of person that would take a personal vendetta out on Pat for rejecting his advances in the office” 
Which is why I want to take a secondary lens to this conversation, and read that “I can’t say no” line as a double entendre. Jeng has let Pat know he is gay, Pat has placed all of their interactions into the context of that new information, Pat has realized that Jeng has been pursuing him this whole time. Pat realizes there may be reciprocated feelings involved. Pat tells Chot indirectly that he wants someone to be straightforward in their love. Jeng gives him the jacket. Pat has now been offered a much more clear admission from Jeng about his interest. Pat has feelings for Jeng. Pat has very strong feelings for Jeng. Pat hangs off of Jeng at every given opportunity the second he is out of his head. If Jeng pursues him, if Jeng is genuinely interested in him, if these feelings he has are reciprocated, and Jeng does not give Pat space. Pat will give in to his feelings and they will start an incredibly inappropriate workplace relationship. 
Pat can’t say no because Jeng is his boss, and Pat can’t say no because he’s been DTF from the moment he laid his eyes on Jeng. 
And again, I argue that Pat has actually been navigating this entire situation incredibly maturely. He removes himself from situations where he may be seen engaging in inappropriate workplace relations, and sets firm boundaries around what type of contact he and Jeng can have. 
Pat tries to leave, Jeng pulls him back, wraps him in a hug, and does the thing Pat wishes people would do and is straightforward in his love for Pat: 
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Gif from @bellepark
Now here is where shit gets fun (read: terrible) for Pat emotionally. Because, ya know, he hasn’t already been dealing with enough shit. Pat sees Jeng: handsome, rich, successful, talented and cannot possibly fathom a reality where Jeng is actually in to him, a 25 year old in his first job, no wealth, no successful business ventures, who is feeling very much like the is untalented because of Chris’ mom on the commercial set. Jeng is everything, Jeng has everything, what could Pat possibly offer?
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Gif from @bellepark
It legitimately does not compute. It is far, far simpler for Pat to assume that Jeng is fucking with him, toying with his emotions, possibly even trying to get Pat to admit to feelings so he can turn around and have him fired. 
And If it is true that Jeng likes him, then how much has Jeng’s crush impacted his ability to accurately critique Pat? Was Pat only told that he was doing a good job by Jeng because Jeng had a crush? Was Pat given the commercial spot because Jeng had a crush? Is Pat even good at anything or does Jeng just want to fuck him and is therefore elevating his positions in order to leverage Pat’s growing importance to get Pat to do what he wants?  
Pat has spent too much time lately being manipulated and being bullied and that is where he is coming from in his interaction with Jeng here. He is young, he does not understand what Jeng could possibly, legitimately want in a relationship with him, and if he lets himself believe that it makes sense for them to be together, then he will not be able to stop himself from getting in to a very dicey HR situation.
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Jeng goes home, has a #hotgirlmeltdown and this is where I bring up the parallel that Pat told Chot “It’ll pass” and unfortunately for me Gaga has made it so that when I screenshot I get a black screen so I can’t capture the translation there. But I will just write it down: 
“I can handle it…I think I can…I’m fine,” 
It reminds me of Pat saying “it’s okay, it’ll pass” 
Both of them are lying, but Pat was detached from his feelings when he lied whereas Jeng is consumed by his. 
But this is not about Jeng, this is about Pat so we are gonna cut to Jen’s going away party. 
Pat is wearing the same outfit as when Jeng confessed and Pat rejected Jeng so we know that Pat is coming in to this party riding a massive emotional wave, and trying to temper that storm. Because he doesn’t have time to process that right now, because this is Jen’s party, and because Ae sees Jen sulking and hands Pat the responsibility of talking with him: 
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Pat is gonna have to compartmentalize whatever feelings he is having to go handle Jen’s emotional state. 
The significant beats I picked up on in this conversation with Jen are the following: 
Pat saying he wished he had a home in another province to go back to 
Jen saying it is a safe zone for him 
Pat having the reality of being able to run away from his problems immediately crushed by Jen saying that he cannot pursue his dreams back home because everything is in Bangkok 
Pat having the reality of being able to run away from his problems crushed again when Jen says “Well, everything is here and look at how bad it is” 
Jen brushes off his own feelings and asks Pat how he is doing, and here is the crucial part. Huge shout out to @lurkingshan for pointing this out in a conversation we had last night. Jen is quitting. Jen is no longer a coworker to Pat. Pat has someone who is gay, who is no longer going to be involved in company business, and who is moving home to another province and therefore Pat can feel comfortable being honest because Jen is about to become very detached from his world.
“I don’t know, I’m very confused,” Pat says. And this is the first time he has voiced an emotion since he told Jeng he was sad about his break up with Put.
“Is it Mr. Jeng?” 
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Pat has his shit rocked by Jen asking him about Jeng so casually, like it is no big deal, like he is In The Know. Pat has really been operating under the assumption that no one could tell he had a crush on Jeng. 
“These two brothers are the same” Jen gets it. Jen is telling Pat he gets it, and he’s telling Pat that neither Jeng nor Pat have been slick. 
“I don’t know, it’s like he’s playing with my feelings,” 
And I know this line may be a point of confusion for some people, because we know that Jeng is being sincere. We know, as an audience, how much of a fucking simp Jeng is for Pat. Jeng would crawl on his hands and knees for Pat. Jeng would almost certainly renounce his family and his title and his wealth for Pat. And if we didn’t get that from the last eight episodes, we are explicitly told how much Jeng likes Pat immediately before this scene. Pat consumed every waking thought in Jeng’s head. WE know this. Pat does not. 
Pat thinks Jeng is playing with his feelings because of what I outline earlier re: all the manipulation Pat has been through recently with MLM guy, with Put, and with the situations Jeng has manipulated to get them alone together. 
Pat believes Jeng is too good to be true, because he’s moved past the stage in the office job where he was so burnt out, stressed out, and exploited that every piece of constructive criticism felt like a personal attack. Pat isn’t angry at his workplace anymore, and therefore isn’t channeling his rage at Jeng anymore, and therefore isn’t focusing on Jeng’s flaws anymore, and as a result thinks Jeng reciprocating Pat’s feelings is too good to be true. Also because Pat doesn’t trust himself. Pat doesn’t see the parts of himself that Jeng sees. Pat doesn’t know why Jeng would like hin because Pat doesn’t understand the ways in which Pat brings life and joy and play in to Jeng’s otherwise extremely serious, almost entirely work-related life. 
But Jen will not let Pat have that. Jen is older, Jen is wiser, Jen is an outside, relatively neutral third party where Pat and Jeng are concerned (Jaab is a whole ‘nother story). Jen can understand where and how Jeng and Pat are good for each other, and as a result he is quick to tell Pat not to sell himself short. 
And he gives one of the most important pieces of advice that he can give to Pat is that if Jeng truly likes him, he’d find a way to tell Pat. 
This singular piece of advice is going to save their relationship I tell you. 
Whatever hope, whatever resolve that Pat has to navigate this storm. To figure out if Jeng actually likes him, if Jeng will do something that convinces Pat that he’s serious is crushed the instant Chot tells Pat that Jeng resigned. 
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Now, those of us in the workforce should be screaming “FUCK YEAH!” because Jeng is taking the responsible adult route by stepping away from his role as boss. Which, if Pat and Jeng were to get together would eliminate any conflict of interest, and if Pat and Jeng weren’t to get together would eliminate any fears Pat would have about Jeng a) harassing him b) firing him or c) retaliating for Pat’s previous rejection. 
But…to Pat?! Well, he’s just ruined Jeng’s life. Jeng quit his job, from the company that he built. Pat understands that between Jeng’s position and Pat’s position, Pat is by far the more replaceable of the two. This is Jeng’s family’s company. Pat has realized that he fucked up. Pat is realizing that Jeng is not overstepping boundaries because he is trying to harass Pat, but because he has genuine feelings because the second Pat said to keep it work-only Jeng up and fucking left so that Pat wouldn’t have to worry about seeing him around. 
Pat is thinking, Pat is contemplating, Pat is dissociating, and as he goes to wander like a zombie back to his house at the end of the day, SURPRISE Happy Birthday, Pat! Mr. Jeng baked you a cake! 
AND THIS IS A LOT TO PROCESS CONSIDERING THAT PAT FORGOT HIS OWN BIRTHDAY! But Jeng remembered, and Jeng made something for him. I would love to go on and on and on and on about the lighting in this scene, but this write up is, as usual, far far longer than I anticipated, and a lot of the lighting details were covered in this phenomenal post by @istanchan
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So we are just gonna go with the major take away from this scene. The flame is ignited between Pat and Jeng, Jeng is out of focus, and when Pat blows out the candles, extinguishing the flame, Jeng comes in to focus. Pat is now forced to face his feelings about Jeng, in a way he has been desperately trying to suppress for however long of a time frame this episode covers. 
Pat goes home, yet again dissociating because the second that he reattaches his consciousness to his body he knows its fucking over. 
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And at this point, Pat has exhausted all avenues. He tried to get over his initial crush on Jeng by dating Put, and realized that he was not actually interested in that relationship. He tried to give himself distance and time to process his emotions immediately following the coming out incident, and was interrupted by his mother, he tried to brush off his feelings in the hope that they would pass, he returned to work and tried to get back into the groove of things under the safe assumption that Jeng would not be there, only to have Jeng show up. He asked Jeng to keep their interactions work related only to have Jeng hug him and tell him he really likes him, he started to have a conversation about his feelings with the only person who would understand, who is about to leave the province, and he maybe is feeling a bit better, and certainly more resolved. We can tell that also in the way that Pat approaches Jeng’s office after his talk with Jen, only to have the rug pulled out from under him with the update that Jeng has resigned. 
He has tried and tried and tried to get over Jeng. He has tried and tried and tried to convince himself that Jeng can’t actually possibly like him back. This man has tried. And he can’t take it anymore. He sits down, his parents sing him happy birthday, they immediately pick up on the fact that Pat isn’t doing well, and they ask the fateful question: 
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And this is the first time Pat has really had to sit and process everything. This is the point where he settles down, both exhausted and having exhausted all other options…and everything hits at once. 
“This is the year I forgot my own birthday” my life has been so busy and chaotic I have fully lost track of time (starting a new job, being exploited at new job, getting new boss, getting micromanaged by new boss, being hate crimed at work by my coworkers, best friend gets pregnant, working to get Forge client secured, trying to do 90% of the labor in a one sided relationship with Put, filming Forge commercial and trying to convince the Forge people that he is competent)
“I even forgot that you’d come back to see me every year,” I am a bad child for forgetting my parents would come to visit. 
“It’s like I focused on everything except myself,” I have been avoiding my own feelings and focusing on others (i have been suppressing my feelings for Jeng, I have been trying to put those feelings elsewhere, I poured all my energy in to work and in to the MLM guy and in to Put)
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“But I don’t know how to deal with this feeling,” I have tried fucking everything I know to manage my emotional state, which I know is already a weak spot of mine and something I am actively working on and nothing I have tried has brought me even remotely close to working through these emotions. 
His parents immediately jump in to help, but the problem is Pat without context is not making a ton of sense, and the only thing they really have to latch on to is “I don’t know how to deal with this feeling” and his parents give him a hard truth. 
“You can’t escape anywhere.” 
It was something that Pat started to realize in his conversation with Jen, when he told Jen he wished he had a house to escape to, and Jen reminded him that he could have no dreams there. But Jen is heartbroken and fleeing from the bad things in his life, so it hits a little different when Pat’s parents, who he loves, who seem to generally have their lives together, who are divorced but still clearly get along, who love and care for one another despite no longer being married, and who are emotionally very mature, and shining examples to Pat of how to navigate emotional turmoil look right at him and say “you can’t escape this feeling,” 
And Pat has a breakdown. 
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Which, in my opinion, makes complete and total sense and is incredibly justified considering everything that he has been through in recent months. Everything that he has been trying to navigate and manage while he is alone in another country, away from his family, with no friends to talk to because of the ways they are connected to him. 
And doesn’t it just suck that you finally have the people who have supported you all your life look right at you and be unable to do anything but hold you through your tears. Physically he has support, but there is no way out of these emotions but through them. 
This is the release, and he still has a lot of shit to sort out, but he’s had a good cry and he’s ready to press on. He goes shopping with Ae, and while he does still seem distracted, he is doing better, he is participating in conversation rather than fully dissociating, he is teasing her (“can i have that cake?”) so he is moving more towards a point of equilibrium. Ae has her baby, makes him an uncle, and that is enough to shake Pat out of the depression spiral he has been in because look at the amazing miracle of life he has just witnessed. 
He returns home from another chaotic and exhausting evening (helping his bestie deliver her baby on the back of a bus #casual) and finds a package waiting for him. 
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An incredibly well utilized in-universe ad, of a snack Pat mentioned he liked once, in passing, months ago to Jeng. Jeng has always paid attention to Pat, and I don’t know how much attention Pat has allowed himself to pay to Jeng that would get him to realize that. It’s the aspect of this whole thing that Pat has not been ready or willing to acknowledge. Because the second he realizes that Jeng is gay, the depth of Jeng’s engagement and focus on Pat becomes a lot more clear.
Pat find the happy birthday note from Jeng and collapses on to the bed surrounded by the snacks to think about things. 
To think, in particular, about what Jen said about Jeng finding ways to show he cares if he is serious. 
It cuts to Jeng, who is being driven to the brink of madness, who has been trying to maintain distance, but needs more than life itself to let Pat know that he is serious. It has been days, days at least since he has last spoken to Pat, and he cannot stop thinking about the final thing Pat said to him “Why do you like me, it doesn’t make sense,” 
Jeng sends this message
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And the episode ends before we see Pat get that text. I am very excited to see his reaction when he reads that, surrounded by wasabi peas. 
Now, maybe I am way way overanalyzing all of this because I will always come to Pat’s defense, maybe I am trying to convince people that if you just follow the lines and the lights and the body language everything you need to understand Pat is right there because there are so many parts of Pat that live in me, (though many that don’t), maybe I am blind to where the gaps in this episode rest when it comes to how they wrote Pat’s story, but I didn’t need more explicitly stated moments for Pat leading up to this breakdown because, well…
It makes sense to me. 
(thank you to anyone who made it to the end, I recognize this is a long post even for me, haha oopsie. I would be unsurprised if I hit 10 hours total of work on this post between screen-shotting, double checking scenes, and writing it)
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hodgesvilladsen45 · 1 year
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timeless-tactics · 16 days
Unveiling Hosts Master Review 2024: The Game-Changing Web Hosting Platform You’ve Been Waiting For
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Hosts Master Review — Host Unlimited Domains & Websites
Welcome to my Honest Hosts Master Review. This is it! Host Unlimited Domains & Websites On Ultra-Lightening Fast Servers At One-Time Low Price!
Introducing the groundbreaking NVMe 2.0 technology-powered platform, revolutionizing web hosting as we know it. Our innovative platform offers unlimited website and domain hosting on state-of-the-art LightSpeed SSD WebServers.
Experience unlimited bandwidth, seamless cPanel hosting, SSL certificates, email accounts, daily backups, free migrations, WordPress installation, and an array of additional features — all at your fingertips.
Rest easy knowing your hosted websites and domains are automatically safeguarded against hackers, malware, and viruses with our advanced built-in anti-threat cybersecurity protection technology. Experience the future of web hosting with unparalleled security and performance.
HostsMaster Review: What Is It?
HostsMaster Is The First-To-Market NVme 2.0 Tech Based Platform Hosts Unlimited Websites And Domains On LightSpeed SSD WebServers With Unlimited Bandwidth, Cpanel Hosting, SSL Certificates, Email Accounts, Daily Backups, Free Migrations & So Much More.
This revolutionary solution breaks free from the constraints typically found in traditional web hosting services, enabling users to seize control of their online presence as never before.
A standout feature of Hosts Master is its integrated cPanel hosting, offering a centralized and user-friendly dashboard for seamlessly managing all facets of web hosting.
>> Get Hosts Master To Boost Up Your Earnings MORE and you won’t find these anywhere >>
HostsMaster Review: Overview
Creator: Yogesh Kashyap
Product: HostsMaster
Date Of Launch: 2024-Apr-05
Time Of Launch: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
Product Type: Software (online)
Support: Effective Response
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Skill Level Needed: All Levels
HostsMaster Review: Key Features
Host Unlimited Websites & Domains On LightSpeed Web Servers With ZERO Restrictions.
Built-in CPanel Hosting For You To Control The Entire Web-Hosting Platform From A Central & User-Friendly Dashboard.
Get Unlimited Bandwidth And Skyrocket Your Website’s Traffic & Online Presence In No Time.
Install Unlimited SSL Certificates & Instantly Secure Your Site With 1-Click.
Unlimited Domain Emails: Create as Many Domain Emails as You Want, Without Any Restrictions.
Create Automated Backups & Secure Your Site’s Data On a Daily, Weekly Or Monthly Basis.
Built-In Anti-Threat Protection Technology To Prevent, Block & Remove Harmful Malware & Viruses From Websites.
1-Click Easy Migration Lets You Migrate Domains From Different Hosting Platforms.
Start Your Very Own Hosting Agency & Charge Clients Anything You Like.
Access Our 20+ Done-For-You, 1-Click Easy To Install Software.
Install Your Website/Domain On WordPress With 1-Click & Unlimited Storage.
STOP Paying Your Hard-Earned Money to third-party expensive Hosting Companies like HostGator, Bluehost, Godaddy, etc.
Exclusive 24*7 LIVE Tech Support With Guaranteed 99.9% Support Case Resolution.
LightSpeed Web-Servers With SSD Storage & 100% Uptime Guaranteed.
Built-In Hosting Client Finder Tech Lets You Find Potential Clients who Need Website Hosting & Threat Protection Services, Fill Your Pockets!
>> Get HostsMaster To Boost Up Your Earnings MORE and you won’t find these anywhere >>
HostsMaster Review: How Does It Work?
Host Your DREAM Websites & Domains On Our SSD LightSpeed Servers. In Less Than 2 Minutes!
STEP 1: Enter Your Domain Details
Just Enter your domain details like domain name & press enter.
STEP 2: Host Domains
This step takes just a few minutes and makes your domain or website LIVE in a few minutes.
STEP 3: Publish & Profit
Start Profiting By publishing your traffic-sucking speedy website or start your hosting agency & charge people any amount you wish.
HostsMaster Review: Can Do For You
First-To-Market Unlimited Website Hosting Platform
Host Unlimited Websites & Domains On Ultra-Lightening Fast Servers
Get Unlimited Bandwidth & SSL certificates For Your Domains & Sites
Start Your Very Own Hosting Platform & Charge People For Using It
First Ever Cpanel Hosting With Unlimited Storage.
Migrate Domains From Different Platforms In one 1-Click
Create Daily Backup For Your Domains & Websites
27*4 VIP Support Available For Our Esteemed Customers
Create Unlimited Domain Emails
30 Days Iron-Clad Money Back Guarantee
Say NO To Expensive Content Creators, Graphics Designers, And Others.
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HostsMaster Review: Who Should Use It?
Artists/Content Creators
Affiliate Marketers
eCom Store Owners
Blog Owners
CPA Marketers
Video Marketers
Product Creators
Personal Brands
>> Get HostsMaster To Boost Up Your Earnings MORE and you won’t find these anywhere >>
HostsMaster Review: OTO And Pricing
FRONT END: HostsMaster ($17)
OTO1: PRO ($67)
OTO2: Unlimited ($67)
OTO3: DFY ($97)
OTO4: InfinityCloud ($37)
OTO5: AI SiteBuilder ($37)
OTO6: Traffic Booster ($27)
OTO7: Agency ($97)
OTO8: Reseller ($97)
HostsMaster Review: Money Back Guarantee
Rest assured, you’re in trusted hands with our 100% risk-free, iron-clad 30-day money-back guarantee.
Here’s the deal: if you invest in HostsMaster and find it doesn’t meet your expectations, we don’t want to keep your money. Our mission is to ensure every customer is delighted, and if we fall short in any aspect, we believe we don’t deserve your payment.
If HostsMaster doesn’t meet your expectations, simply let us know within 30 days, and we’ll refund your investment in full. As a gesture of goodwill, we’ll even provide you with additional software to supercharge your business and boost sales like never before.
In either scenario, you come out on top.
>> Get HostsMaster + My $17,000 Bonus To Boost Up Your Earnings MORE and you won’t find these bonuses anywhere >>
HostsMaster Review: Conclusion
HostsMaster presents an intriguing proposition: unlimited website hosting for a one-time fee. However, after a thorough analysis, it’s clear there are significant factors to consider before jumping in.
The lack of transparency surrounding pricing, potential upsells, and the sustainability of unlimited resources raises red flags. Furthermore, the unknown brand reputation and unverified performance claims make it difficult to trust HostsMaster for critical business websites.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What exactly is HostsMaster AI?
First-To-Market NVme 2.0 Tech Based PlatformHosts Unlimited Websites And Domains On LightSpeed SSD WebServers.
Do I need some prior skills or experience to get started?
HostsMaster is 100% newbie-friendly with an easy-to-use dashboard.
What happens if I don’t see results?
We’ve got you covered. If you don’t see your desired results with HostsMaster just let us know within the next 30 days and we’ll refund you every penny.
What if I get confused along the way?
Don’t worry we have exclusive detailed video training for you that shows all the required steps.
What if I get confused along the way?
Don’t worry we have exclusive detailed video training for you that shows all the required steps.
Is This Compatible On Both PC, Mac, Android And iOS?
It works on any device.
How Do I Lock-In My Discount?
Click the button below to get the HostsMaster AI at the lowest price.
>> Get HostsMaster To Boost Up Your Earnings MORE and you won’t find these anywhere >>
Thanks for reading my HostsMaster Review till the end and I hope it will help you to make your purchase decision.
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mahmudulhasan46 · 2 months
HostsMaster Review - Host Unlimited Domains & Websites (Yogesh Kashyap)
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HostsMaster Review – Host Unlimited Domains & Websites
Welcome to my Honest HostsMaster Review. This is it! Host Unlimited Domains & Websites On Ultra-Lightening Fast Servers At One-Time Low Price!
Introducing the groundbreaking NVMe 2.0 technology-powered platform, revolutionizing web hosting as we know it. Our innovative platform offers unlimited website and domain hosting on state-of-the-art LightSpeed SSD WebServers.
Experience unlimited bandwidth, seamless cPanel hosting, SSL certificates, email accounts, daily backups, free migrations, WordPress installation, and an array of additional features—all at your fingertips.
Rest easy knowing your hosted websites and domains are automatically safeguarded against hackers, malware, and viruses with our advanced built-in anti-threat cybersecurity protection technology. Experience the future of web hosting with unparalleled security and performance.
HostsMaster Review: What Is It?
HostsMaster Is The First-To-Market NVme 2.0 Tech Based Platform Hosts Unlimited Websites And Domains On LightSpeed SSD WebServers With Unlimited Bandwidth, Cpanel Hosting, SSL Certificates, Email Accounts,  Daily Backups, Free Migrations & So Much More.
This revolutionary solution breaks free from the constraints typically found in traditional web hosting services, enabling users to seize control of their online presence as never before.
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A standout feature of HostsMaster is its integrated cPanel hosting, offering a centralized and user-friendly dashboard for seamlessly managing all facets of web hosting.
>> Get HostsMaster + My $17,000 Bonus To Boost Up Your Earnings MORE and you won’t find these bonuses anywhere >>
HostsMaster Review: Overview
Creator: Yogesh Kashyap
Product: HostsMaster
Date Of Launch: 2024-Apr-05
Time Of Launch: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
Product Type: Software (online)
Support: Effective Response
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Skill Level Needed: All Levels
HostsMaster Review: Key Features
Host Unlimited Websites & Domains On LightSpeed Web Servers With ZERO Restrictions.
Built-in CPanel Hosting For You To Control The Entire Web-Hosting Platform From A Central & User-Friendly Dashboard.
Get Unlimited Bandwidth And Skyrocket Your Website’s Traffic & Online Presence In No Time.
Install Unlimited SSL Certificates & Instantly Secure Your Site With 1-Click.
Unlimited Domain Emails: Create as Many Domain Emails as You Want, Without Any Restrictions.
Create Automated Backups & Secure Your Site’s Data On a Daily, Weekly Or Monthly Basis.
Built-In Anti-Threat Protection Technology To Prevent, Block & Remove Harmful Malware & Viruses From Websites.
1-Click Easy Migration Lets You Migrate Domains From Different Hosting Platforms.
Start Your Very Own Hosting Agency & Charge Clients Anything You Like.
Access Our 20+ Done-For-You, 1-Click Easy To Install Software.
Install Your Website/Domain On WordPress With 1-Click & Unlimited Storage.
STOP Paying Your Hard-Earned Money to third-party expensive Hosting Companies like HostGator, Bluehost, Godaddy, etc.
Exclusive 24*7 LIVE Tech Support With Guaranteed 99.9% Support Case Resolution.
LightSpeed Web-Servers With SSD Storage & 100% Uptime Guaranteed.
Built-In Hosting Client Finder Tech Lets You Find Potential Clients who Need Website Hosting & Threat Protection Services, Fill Your Pockets!
>> Get HostsMaster + My $17,000 Bonus To Boost Up Your Earnings MORE and you won’t find these bonuses anywhere >>
HostsMaster Review: How Does It Work?
Host Your DREAM Websites & Domains On Our SSD LightSpeed Servers. In Less Than 2 Minutes!
STEP 1: Enter Your Domain Details
Just Enter your domain details like domain name & press enter.
STEP 2: Host Domains
This step takes just a few minutes and makes your domain or website LIVE in a few minutes.
STEP 3: Publish & Profit
Start Profiting By publishing your traffic-sucking speedy website or start your hosting agency & charge people any amount you wish.
HostsMaster Review: Can Do For You
First-To-Market Unlimited Website Hosting Platform
Host Unlimited Websites & Domains On Ultra-Lightening Fast Servers
Get Unlimited Bandwidth & SSL certificates For Your Domains & Sites
Start Your Very Own Hosting Platform & Charge People For Using It
First Ever Cpanel Hosting With Unlimited Storage.
Migrate Domains From Different Platforms In one 1-Click
Create Daily Backup For Your Domains & Websites
27*4 VIP Support Available For Our Esteemed Customers
Create Unlimited Domain Emails
30 Days Iron-Clad Money Back Guarantee
Say NO To Expensive Content Creators, Graphics Designers, And Others.
>> Get HostsMaster + My $17,000 Bonus To Boost Up Your Earnings MORE and you won’t find these bonuses anywhere >>
HostsMaster Review: Verify User Opinion
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HostsMaster Review: Who Should Use It?
Artists/Content Creators
Affiliate Marketers
eCom Store Owners
Blog Owners
CPA Marketers
Video Marketers
Product Creators
Personal Brands
>> Get HostsMaster + My $17,000 Bonus To Boost Up Your Earnings MORE and you won’t find these bonuses anywhere >>
HostsMaster Review: OTO And Pricing
FRONT END: HostsMaster ($17)
OTO1: PRO ($67)
OTO2: Unlimited ($67)
OTO3: DFY ($97)
OTO4: InfinityCloud ($37)
OTO5: AI SiteBuilder ($37)
OTO6: Traffic Booster ($27)
OTO7: Agency ($97)
OTO8: Reseller ($97)
After purchasing, you’ll get my Special Bonus Instantly on your access page as an Affiliate Bonus button on WarriorPlus.
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And before ending my legit HostsMaster Review, I promised to give you my very Special Unique Own Developed PFTSES Formula for FREE.
HostsMaster Review: Money Back Guarantee
Rest assured, you’re in trusted hands with our 100% risk-free, iron-clad 30-day money-back guarantee.
Here’s the deal: if you invest in HostsMaster and find it doesn’t meet your expectations, we don’t want to keep your money. Our mission is to ensure every customer is delighted, and if we fall short in any aspect, we believe we don’t deserve your payment.
If HostsMaster doesn’t meet your expectations, simply let us know within 30 days, and we’ll refund your investment in full. As a gesture of goodwill, we’ll even provide you with additional software to supercharge your business and boost sales like never before.
In either scenario, you come out on top.
>> Get HostsMaster + My $17,000 Bonus To Boost Up Your Earnings MORE and you won’t find these bonuses anywhere >>
HostsMaster Review: Conclusion
HostsMaster presents an intriguing proposition: unlimited website hosting for a one-time fee. However, after a thorough analysis, it’s clear there are significant factors to consider before jumping in.
The lack of transparency surrounding pricing, potential upsells, and the sustainability of unlimited resources raises red flags.  Furthermore, the unknown brand reputation and unverified performance claims make it difficult to trust HostsMaster for critical business websites.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What exactly is HostsMaster AI?
First-To-Market NVme 2.0 Tech Based PlatformHosts Unlimited Websites And Domains On LightSpeed SSD WebServers.
Do I need some prior skills or experience to get started?
HostsMaster is 100% newbie-friendly with an easy-to-use dashboard.
What happens if I don’t see results?
We’ve got you covered. If you don’t see your desired results with HostsMaster just let us know within the next 30 days and we’ll refund you every penny.
What if I get confused along the way?
Don’t worry we have exclusive detailed video training for you that shows all the required steps.
What if I get confused along the way?
Don’t worry we have exclusive detailed video training for you that shows all the required steps.
Is This Compatible On Both PC, Mac, Android And iOS?
It works on any device.
How Do I Lock-In My Discount?
Click the button below to get the HostsMaster AI at the lowest price.
>> Get HostsMaster + My $17,000 Bonus To Boost Up Your Earnings MORE and you won’t find these bonuses anywhere >>
See my other reviews: Mind Reader AI Review, AI WebProfit Review, And Six Figure Side Hustle Review.
Thanks for reading my HostsMaster Review till the end and I hope it will help you to make your purchase decision.
Source: HostsMaster Review - Host Unlimited Domains & Websites (Yogesh Kashyap)
Affiliate Disclaimer :
Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews/promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, user experiences, and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results, and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
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marketingprofitmedia · 2 months
HostsMaster Review – Get Unlimited Domains Hosting & Emails!
Welcome to my HostsMaster Review Post, This is a genuine user-based HostsMaster review where I will discuss the features, upgrades, demo, price, and bonuses, how HostsMaster can benefit you, and my own personal opinion. The World’s First NVme 2.0 Tech-Based Platform That Hosts Unlimited Websites and Domains On LightSpeed SSD WebServers Along With Unlimited Bandwidth, Cpanel Hosting, SSL Certificates, Email Accounts, Daily Backups, Free Migrations, WordPress Installation & So Much More.
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HostsMaster Review: What Is HostsMaster?
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However, it’s important to approach such claims with a critical eye. Before diving in, investigate potential limitations on “unlimited” resources and seek out independent reviews to get a clearer picture of HostsMaster’s performance and reliability.
HostsMaster Review: Overview
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Creator: Yogesh kashyap
Product: HostsMaster
Date Of Launch: 2024-Apr-05
Time Of Launch: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17 (One-time payment)
Official Website: Click Here To Access
Product Type: Software (Online)
Support: Effective Response
Discount: Get The Best Discount Right Now!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Bonuses: Huge Bonuses
Required Skill: All Levels
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now HostsMaster Discount Price Here <<>>
HostsMaster Review: About Authors
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Yogesh Kashyap created this magnificent HostsMaster. Yogesh Kashyap is the first-to-market cloud-based AI hosting affiliate site builder, allowing customers to easily develop DFY hosting affiliate websites with thousands of hosting reviews across many categories. It contains hundreds of finest hosting reviews that are automatically posted to your DFY hosting sites, resulting in massive daily commissions for you.
HostsMaster Review: Features
World’s First, Brand New NVme 2.0 Tech Based Domain Hosting Platform
Host Unlimited Websites & Domains On LightSpeed Web Servers With ZERO Restrictions
Built-in CPanel Hosting: Control Entire Web-Hosting From A Central And User-Friendly Dashboard
Unlimited Bandwidth: Go Limitless & Skyrocket Your Online Presence
Unlimited Free SSL Certificates: Instantly Secure Your Site with Our Free, Easy-to-Install SSL Certificates!
Automated Daily Backups: Secure Your Site’s Data On Daily, Weekly Or Monthly Basis
Anti-Threat Protection: Prevents, Blocks & Removes Harmful Malwares & Viruses From Your Websites
1-Click Easy Migration: Move Domains From Different Hosting Platforms In Just 1-Click
Unlimited Domain Emails: Create as Many Domain Emails as You Desire, Without Restrictions, and Achieve Your Marketing Goals!
Start Your Own Hosting Agency & Charge Clients Anything You Like
Start Saving & Stop Paying Your Hard-Earned Money To Expensive Hosting Companies like Hostgator, Bluehost, Godaddy etc
Get 24*7 VIP Tech Support With Guaranteed 99.9% Support Case Resolution
30 Days Iron-Clad Money Back Guarantee
24*7 Chat Support In Real-Time
Fire All Your Expensive Tools & Services
Say Goodbye To Monthly Fees
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89% Early bird discount available
Iron-clad 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee
World-class support
HostsMaster Review: How Does It Work?
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<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now HostsMaster Discount Price Here <<>>
HostsMaster Review: Can Do for You
Host Unlimited Websites & Domains On LightSpeed Web Servers With ZERO Restrictions
Built-in CPanel Hosting For You To Control The Entire Web-Hosting Platform From A Central & User-Friendly Dashboard…
Built-In Anti-Threat Protection Technology To Prevent, Block & Remove Harmful Malware & Viruses From Websites…
1-Click Easy Migration Lets You Migrate Domains From Different Hosting Platforms
Start Your Very Own Hosting Agency & Charge Clients Anything You Like
Access Our 20+ Done-For-You, 1-Click Easy To Install Softwares
1-Click WordPress Installation:
Install Your Website/Domain On WordPress With 1-Click & Unlimited Storage
STOP Paying Your Hard-Earned Money To Third Party Expensive Hosting Companies like Hostgator, Bluehost, Godaddy etc
Exclusive 24*7 LIVE Tech Support With Guaranteed 99.9% Support Case Resolution
LightSpeed Web-Servers With SSD Storage & 100% Uptime Guaranteed
Built-In Hosting Client Finder Tech Lets You Find Potential Clients That Need Website Hosting & Threat Protection Service, Fill Your Pockets!
HostsMaster Review: Verify User Feedback
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HostsMaster Review: Who Should Use It?
Affiliate Marketers
Website Owners
CPA Marketers
Small Business Owners
eCommerce Store Owners
Product Creators
Video Marketers
Content Creators
Voiceover Artists
And Many Others
HostsMaster Review: OTO’s And Pricing
Front End Price: HostsMaster ($17)
OTO 1: HostsMaster Pro Edition ($67)
OTO 2: HostsMaster Unlimited Edition ($67)
OTO 3: HostsMaster DFY Edition $97
OTO 4: HostsMaster Cloud Edition ($37)
OTO 5: HostsMaster AI Site Builder ($37)
OTO 6: HostsMaster Traffic Booster ($27)
OTO 7: HostsMaster Agency Edition ($97)
OTO 8: HostsMaster Reseller Edition ($97)
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now HostsMaster Discount Price Here <<>>
HostsMaster Review: Special Bonus Bundle
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And before ending my honest HostsMaster Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.
HostsMaster Review: Demo Video
Just Watch The HostsMaster Demo Video Down Below To Get All The Details:
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now HostsMaster Discount Price Here <<>>
HostsMaster Review: Money Back Guarantee
Our 100% Risk-FREE, Iron-Clad 30 Days Money Back Guarantee.
The deal is, if you purchase HostsMaster and don’t feel you are getting what you paid for it, then we don’t want your money. We’re on the mission to deliver a quality product with zero unhappy customers. And if we fall short in any way, then we don’t deserve your money. Well, if we don’t meet your expectations, then just let us know within 30 days for a full refund. Heck, as a kind gesture, we’ll even send you some extra software to skyrocket your business and sales like never before. So either way, you only win.
HostsMaster Review: Pros and Cons
Pros of HostsMaster:
Unlimited Resources: Ideal for users who plan to host multiple websites or anticipate significant traffic growth.
Cost-Effective: The one-time fee eliminates recurring monthly hosting costs, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious users.
Ease of Use: cPanel simplifies website management for users of all technical backgrounds.
Free SSL Certificates: Enhances website security and visitor trust at no additional cost.
Cons of HostsMaster:
You cannot use this product without an active internet connection.
In fact, I haven’t yet discovered any other problems with HostsMaster.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. What exactly is HostsMaster AI?
First-To-Market NVme 2.0 Tech Based PlatformHosts Unlimited Websites And Domains On LightSpeed SSD WebServers.
Q. Do I need some prior skills or experience to get started?
HostsMaster is 100% newbie friendly with easy-to-use dashboard.
Q. What happens if I don’t see results?
We’ve got you covered… If you don’t see your desired results with HostsMaster just let us know within the next 30 days and we’ll refund you every penny.
Q. What if I get confused along the way?
Don’t worry we have exclusive detailed video training for you that shows all the required steps.
Q. What if I get confused along the way?
Don’t worry we have exclusive detailed video training for you that shows all the required steps.
Q. Is This Compatible On Both PC, Mac, Android And iOS?
It works on any device.
Q. How Do I Lock-In My Discount?
Click the button below to get the HostsMaster AI at the lowest price.
HostsMaster Review: My Recommendation
HostsMaster presents an intriguing offer, but proceed with caution. While the allure of unlimited hosting for a one-time fee is undeniable, consider the potential drawbacks like limited transparency, unproven scalability, and a lack of established reputation. If you’re a complete beginner or have a low-traffic website, HostsMaster might be worth a try. However, for established businesses with high-traffic websites or those prioritizing reliability and transparency, established web hosting providers with proven track records might be a safer bet. Carefully evaluate your needs and research alternative options before making a decision.
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now HostsMaster Discount Price Here <<>>
Check Out My Previous Reviews: AI WebProfit Review, Ai Money Sites Review, Coinz App Review, AcquireWeb AI Review, EcoverPalAi Review, Comet App Review, WebWise Review, ProfitCell Review, Gen AI Review.
Thank for reading my HostsMaster Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
This review is based on publicly available information and is not intended as an endorsement or promotion of HostsMaster. Users should conduct their own research and due diligence before making any purchasing decisions.
Note: Yes, this is a paid software, however the one-time fee is $17 for lifetime
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review-with-metul · 4 months
Learn Pro Pack Review | What’s Included in this video courses:
Course 1: Jim McKelvey: How to build unbeatable Business Course 2: Dan Henry: 30 Day agency Course 3: Jordan Belfort: Straight line persuasion & sales psychology Course 4: Sam Ovens: Consulting Accelerator Course 5: Dan dasilva: Influencer Marketing Academy 2.0 Course 6: Dan Dasilva: Social Marketing Mastery Course 7: Iman Gadzhi : Influencer ignited Course 8: Iman Gadzhi: kaizen Cure Course 9: Andrew Kroeze & Quentin: stupid simple client Course 10: Ben Adkins: Advertorial master class Course 11: Ben Adkins: Closer cafe Course 12: Christian Martin: Funnel Cloning Course 13: Dino Gomez: Funnel consultant society Course 14: Duston Mcgroarty: Native Ads Academy Course 15: Frank Kern: Advanced consulting class Course 16: Jason Horning: 7- Figure Agency Blueprint Course 17: Joe Soto: Marketing agency Academy Course 18: Mitch Miller: Lazy Consultant System Course 19: Neil Patel: Advanced Consulting & Marketing Program Course 20: Nick Kenens: Cold Emails’ for SMMA Course 21: Sabri Suby: Consulting Empire Course 22: Imam Gadzhi :6 Figure formula SMMA Course 23: Affiliate marketing Courses Course 24: Facebook marketing Courses Course 25: YouTube marketing Courses Course 26: Tiktok marketing Courses Course 27: Quora marketing Courses Course 28: Instagram marketing Courses Course 29: Power of social media marketing Course 30: Google Ads Course Course 31: Facebook Ads Course Course 32: Instagram Ads Course Course 33: YouTube Ads Course Course 34: Product Launch mastery Course … And many more!
Instant Software Brander Bundle Review – Unlimited License: Your Own Software Why Choose Our Premium Package? Learn Pro Pack ReviewUnlock Unlimited Potential: Access all premium courses for a holistic learning experience. Time-Tested Expertise: Learn from top-tier professionals in their respective industries. Certification of Excellence: Boost your credentials with certificates showcasing your mastery. Exclusive Resources: Dive deep into cutting-edge content and stay ahead of the curve. Transform your career, enhance your skills, and become a true expert in your field! Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in yourself.
Seize the opportunity to become a master in all niches. Your journey to excellence starts here!
Learn Pro Pack Review | This is The Perfect Choice For:Content Creators Business Owners Social Media Marketers Ecom Store Owners Video Marketers Digital Product Sellers Local Business Owners Affiliate Marketers
0 notes
mahamid110 · 5 months
👉 PassionFuze Vol 2.0 Review ✅ Get PassionFuze Now & Save 52% 🔥
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I've Got An Easy To Follow Template Which Made Me
$145,738 in just 6 days on Warrior Plus...
By Creating Digital Assets Online From Scratch
Beginner Friendly | Battle-Tested Strategy | Real Passive Income
👉 Build An EverGreen 7 Figure Business Online Easily Online
👉 Zero Experience Needed - Anyone can get started, any age group, female or male.
👉 100% beginner/ budget friendly - it was created for the newbie in mind, with zero costs to put down.
👉 Step By Step Blueprint - Premium over the shoulder Video training, Easy To Follow, Easy To implement.
👉 DFY Funnel + DFY Templates + DFY Scripts Included - Free tools used, Nothing to pay to generate results.
👉 Free Membership Creator - Free Members Area To Host Your Products you will be creating.
👉 750k Case Study - Revealing my exact strategy to generating over 750k from Warrior + Alone.
👉 Works in All Niches - You can build anything you can dream of. I show you the shortcut and easiest way.
Since I Started Building My Online Marketing Business in 2017, I've been Able to Generate Over $755,589.11 from Just 1 Marketplace as a Vendor and It's All Automated...
Inside PassionFuze 2.0 , I REVEAL The easiest Method To Build your own 7 Figure Empire using Just 1 Marketplace, and Free Tools to do so...
By Building These Passive Income Machines, I've Also Been Able To Generate $156,225.80 + as a Super Affiliate...
PassionFuze will Teach You
3 things...
This unique 3 step strategy does what nothing else on the market can:
Automates PROVEN-TO-CONVERT steps to create your own Online Digital Product from Scratch...
There’s no guesswork because my strategy will help you do this for yourself following the 3 simple steps taught inside :
How To get started today , even if you don't have a product of your own or a foundation set in place.
How to Discover Your Own Passion Niche and Learn how you can profit from it using my own proven template and formula inside.
How you will be getting sales on complete autopilot once you set it up once, and generate buyers leads on a daily basis.
This works great for anyone wanting to become a product creator online, a vendor as we call them.
It's the ultimate proven step by step guide and coaching to help you achieve results at last in the online marketing space.
It’s generating me a passive income with a simple step by step strategy anyone can do.…
It’s doing the same for beta testers & early customers and my wife Katerina who's completely new in this industry of product creation …
Now it’s your turn.
Hey! It's Demetris...
Founder and Creator of PassionFuze Vol 2.0
I've helped Hundreds of studends achieve 6 figures in the last few years from my products and software solutions.
And I’m here to share with you my exact blueprint to my own Passive Income Machines, and how you can create your own too.
I've developed a proven template that has been working for me, and I've created this course to show you how you can actually get yourself started online doing what we do either by creating your own Passion digital product, or promoting for others. I got you covered on both.
PassionFuze Reveals The Exact Steps To Earning Life Changing Incomes
in as little as 6 days...
Now anyone can start generating these results within hours of logging in ...
❌ Without wasting a second on boring niche or campaign research
❌ Without Having to worry about coding or building softwares (even though they will be more profitable for you in the long run) you can still do without.
❌ Without BS or unproven theories
❌ Without having to pay for any traffic, or recruit users
Because this battle tested and proven strategy to evergreen profits by creating your own assets online is based on my personal results and methods I've been using since I started creating products and selling them back in 2014.
Use My Exact Blueprint I'm teaching you Inside and Build your Own Passive Income on Warrior +
PassionFuze Vol 2.0
This 3 step strategy, allows anyone to find profitable niches, create products that sell, and launch your products on Warrior+ with confidence. You'll also learn how to scale your business by driving traffic and generating buyer leads using our proven methods.
Create | Sell  | Profit
✅ 100% beginner friendly
✅ Quickly Uncover Your Passion Niche
✅ Copy My “Secret 3 Step System” to Launching for Profit.
✅ Discover How To Become a Super Affiliate
✅ Free Tools to Use Zero Investment Needed
✅ Works for All Niches
✅ Get Affiliates on board to promote your products
✅ How to start building without any experience
✅ Real Case Studies How I Generated Over 920k launching products online
All The Right Steps You Need To Get Started
launching your own digital products online...
✅ Discover Your Passion And Build A Product Around it
✅ Attract Affiliates To Help You Sell Your Products
✅ Rinse and Repeat with the Exact Blueprint laid Out inside PassionFuze Vol. 2.0
For turning a product from scratch into $100,000+ in just 6 days …This is the BEST money making income source I have ever experienced online since I lost my 9-5 job in 2012.
Do I mention you don't need to have any type of knowledge inside the Internet Marketing Space?
I cover everything inside!
So Simple. 100% Beginner Friendly
Just Copy What I Show You & Replicate The Rest
Discover, Create, Sell
Discover What To Create
Within minutes of following my over the shoulder's training, and setup, I will guide you and show you exactly how I come up with a product idea and how you can do the same with tools you already have at hand.  This will be the easiest method to decide what you can create from scratch to earn a passive income from.
Create Your Own Passion Into A Business
Learn how to create your own product or service, from scratch, and also use your free membership builder inside to build your first product online.
How to make others sell for you
Learn how you will be setting up an attractive offer for other affiliates to help you sell your product online.  Even if you've never sold before and even if no one knows who you are.
Real Case Studies Inside + DFY Templates
Copy my exact methods to how I was able to generate over 930k by creating products online from scratch.
I reveal all the steps you need to know. This is your fast start into launching products that you create online.
4 More Reasons Why PassionFuze Is Light Years Ahead Of The Competition
Beginner And Wallet Friendly
PassionFuze is built for any level of experience and budget.
Get started with your own profitable online business, from a free marketplace you can use, and generate a passive income, on complete autopilot frmo the free tools already provided inside PassionFuze.
Epic Support & Training
I've used this method myself, and I know everything You need answers for just incase. Because your success is our success, you get the absolute best support in the industry with multiple ways to contact us.
And of course you get over-the-shoulder training to set you up for success right out of the gate and make money with my system.
Battle-Tested & Results Going Back Since 2014
The method taught inside, is battle tested, even with other marketplaces.  The marketplace I'm teaching you to make noney with , has been used by myself, consistently since 2017.
After multiple updates & revisions, this completely updated version is a performance & profit machine.
Get Paid From Multiple Platforms
The method taught inside PassionFuze can be used for other major marketplaces if you wish.
Grab PassionFuze 2.0 Now & Get These Profit-Boosting Bonuses
Bonuses Are Only Available During This Exclusive Launch and Only
Get Access to PassionFuze 1.0!
Get access to my First release of Passionfuze, where You learn how to earn and set up cash machines with Jvzoo! and more!
Profitable Product Creation Ideas
Discover how to create and sell a product quickly online for big profits!
The Sales Page Intensifier!
Boost your Sales With These Intense Online Sales Page Special Tactics!
The Small Business Start Up Checklist!
Understand What You Need To Know To Go Into Business With Your Eyes Wide Open!
"Liking" Faceboo Ads Again!
Discover why smart marketers are starting to "like" Facebook ads again.
Faster Growth with FB Retargeting
Discover a smarter plan using your ad dollars to strength your brand quickly.
Adding The Affiliate Equation
How to "Add" More Sales with the Help Of Your Own Affiliate Army!
Landing Pages 101
How to create the most effective landing pages for web and mobile devices!
Super Affiliate Shortcuts!
Discover The Secrets That Super Affiliates Use to Generate Massive Commission Sales!
30 Day Unconditional 100% Money Back Guarantee
Pick up PasionFuze today completely risk-free.
We’re so confident you’ll love this that your investment is completely covered.
Leverage the Real Case study inside and my step-by-step training and scaling tools to set up your first product online and start earning an income from it.
If you have questions or need support at any time, we’ll do whatever it takes to help you as soon as humanly possible.
But if for any reason you decide this isn’t for you …
Just let us know anytime over the next 30 days …
And you’ll get a prompt, hassle-free refund. With this guarantee, the only way to lose is if you miss out now, and have to pay more later.
What if I don’t have a product of my own?
No problem. Inside the course, you’ll learn how to create your very own and you'll learn how to earn from other people's products.
What if I don’t have an idea for my passion product?
Inside the course, I start from complete scratch, and you’ll learn exactly how to come up with more product ideas than you could ever pursue. This part is easy, and I’ll show you exactly how to do it alone..
How long will it take to generate any money?
You can begin seeing money in your pocket in as little as a few days. No waiting for commissions or affiliate networks to payout… This is INSTANT money in your PayPal account that you can spend right away. However, if you don't put the work , you won't see the results..
What type of investment is needed to get started?
Just the normal stuff. Beyond the investment in the course, you’ll need to have hosting, a domain, and preferably an autoresponder of some sort. I give you access to resources that will allow you to get all of these setup with an affordable budget. Under $50 you'll be able to begin.
Do I need to buy traffic?
You don't need to. But you can. I do provide you with FREE traffic methods that can be more effective than paid traffic in many cases.
If you don’t have a budget for traffic, you’re fine. If you have a budget for traffic, then I do cover some paid traffic methods too. Everything traffic is covered inside… no stones are left unturned and I explain the pros and cons of all traffic methods covered.
What type of technical skills do I need to have?
If you can check your email and click a mouse, you’re good to go. Everything inside is covered in a very step-by-step, copy over my shoulder's format.
How much for the course? Is there a monthly fee?
When you take action today, you’ll get everything for just $47 . There are upsells, but none are essential to your success.
Are the results proven?
Yes. What you’ll learn has thousands of dollars in my pocket . There is no theory. Everything you’ll learn in the course is tested, proven, and works day in and day out.
1 note · View note
sportsboos · 7 months
AI Disrupter Review – A Business You Can SELL For MILLIONS
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Computer based intelligence's impact has extended emphatically and achieved significant changes. These days, a large number of items can be easily produced and sold for huge benefits. The critical benefit here is that you don't have to make these items yourself. Simulated intelligence deals with basically everything in no time flat.
This implies there are incalculable chances to benefit from this clear man-made intelligence process. In the current day, computer based intelligence has reformed business, making it more rewarding and open than any other time. Consider how people are right now succeeding by taking advantage of a huge pool of more than 400 million purchasers, and the best part is, they're getting these clients without spending a dime.
This moment, certain individuals are making unimaginably enormous earnings in the six and seven-figure range. The astonishing part is that there's enough of a chance for us all to procure significant benefits since we're bridling the force of computer based intelligence.
Really astonishing that this pay is truly inactive. It continues to stream in whether you decide to chip away at a specific day, week, or month, or not in any way shape or form!
Moreover, it is only the starting to hit six figures. A significant number of these cutting edge organizations are accomplishing yearly wages in the seven-figure range. Isn't that what we as a whole try to accomplish?
To Get More Access CLICK HEERE>>>
What is AI Disrupter 2.0 ?
This unbelievable plan of action permits you to lay out a profoundly productive endeavor without the typical requesting prerequisites that accompany building a business. With computer based intelligence Disruptor 2.0, you won't require any of the accompanying: cash forthright, related knowledge, showing up on camera, or re-thinking your capacity to bring in cash.
Here is the main thing you do require: Simply follow our direct cycle and model it as trained. We give clear direction on the most proficient method to do this, and it's really the easiest piece of this business! The best part is, you will not need to stress over traffic costs, as it's completely free. You will not need channels, paid traffic, solo promotions, Website design enhancement, list building, recordings (counting TikTok), or in any event, showing your face on camera. This implies you can keep up with complete namelessness and stay away from the difficult work ordinarily connected with business building.
Furthermore, On the grounds that It's Totally Done Carefully Utilizing computer based intelligence...
This Implies That At this point
You Can Zero in On Only A certain something...
Getting More Cash!
You're going to get a slip look into a fantastic world with such countless ways of bringing in cash that your head will turn.
Never in history has there been a particularly Monster Commercial center contribution FREE TRAFFIC for items like this…
What's more - MOST IMPORANTLY!
These are items you can Undoubtedly make involving computer based intelligence Right away...
In any case, the items endlessly sell, making you a Continuous, Automated revenue starting there on!
THIS commercial center gets in excess of 5 BILLION guests every year (FREE TRAFFIC FOR YOU) and they LOVE advanced items!
Furthermore, presently, utilizing A.I., you can without much of a stretch tap into this monstrous traffic tsunami to rapidly and effectively make all the pay you need to make.
What's more, the truly cool part?
We're looking at Continuous/Aloof/Repeating Pay, here!
What we love about this is that THIS business continues to pay you, again and again, a large number of months after month!
This strategy is pure genius
This technique is unquestionably direct. We guide you through the method involved with distinguishing top-selling items and afterward show the way that computer based intelligence can make your own top of the line items. Starting there on, you receive the rewards with persistent, sans hands pay. It's strikingly simple, and we give clear guidelines on the best way to really tackle artificial intelligence for this reason.
As a matter of fact, you really might designate this errand to a secondary school or understudy, repaying them with a couple of bucks while you appreciate continuous recurring, automated revenue!
Envision this situation: You follow our simple framework, utilizing simulated intelligence to create items sought after quickly. These items begin selling with practically no extra exertion from you - no requirement for pressing, delivering, and such. Subsequently, you begin getting heaps of dollars every month, and it's all automated revenue!
The Best Kind Of Business? A Business You Can SELL For MILLIONS
The best organizations are the ones that create consistent, progressing pay. These are the sorts of organizations that reliably get cash and are consistently popular.
Presently, we will tell you the best way to make your own business with repeating pay. You needn't bother with to be a virtuoso to do this - you can essentially unwind at home, crunching on potato chips while the money continues to come in!
Suppose you could contact north of 400 million individuals consistently, and the best part is, they're not simply normal guests - they are excited purchasers who need to buy from you at the present time! Also, the most outstanding aspect? You can accomplish this without:
- Burning through cash on promotions
- Building an email list
- Making eccentric TikTok recordings
- Utilizing natural traffic methods
- Turning into a web sensation on YouTube
- Investing a lot of energy by any stretch of the imagination!
You should simply put your advanced items on this immense commercial center, and your items will be presented to 400 million dynamic purchasers. That is the very thing that fruitful people have done, and presently they partake in a significant, easy pay!
To Get More Access CLICK HEERE>>>
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azmalhossen · 8 months
Swirl 2.0 Review—Create Profitable Micro Sites!
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Welcome to my comprehensive Swirl Review. I’m here to provide you with an honest evaluation of this product. I will help you to make an informed decision about its potential to transform your online business efforts.
Swirl stands out as the pioneering application. It allows users to effortlessly craft engaging “Scratch & Win” websites. Featuring a vast library of over 3 million preloaded YouTube Shorts videos spanning 15 to 60 seconds in duration, it caters to 180+ sizzling niches, such as Make Money, eCommerce, Travel, Affiliate, Fashion, Food, Finance, and Tech. This innovative Scratch off Website consistently garners hundreds of thousands of monthly clicks, generating automatic daily profits. Swirl offers everyone the opportunity to replicate this success effortlessly.
In this review, we’ll explore the features, advantages, drawbacks, usage guidelines, FAQs, pricing, bonuses, and more of Swirl. Let’s get started!
Swirl 2.0 Review— Overview
Creator: Seyi Adeleke
Product: SWIRL 2.0
Front-End Price $17
Official Website: Click Here
Refund: 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
Bonuses: Yes, Huge Bonuses
Skill: All Levels
Niche: Software
Support: Еffесtіvе Rеѕроnѕе
Verdict: Highly Recommended!
<< << << GET IT HERE >> >> >>
Swirl 2.0 Review— What is it?
Seyi Adeleke’s groundbreaking creation, Swirl, introduces the world’s first “Scratch & Win” website app. Loaded with over 3 million trending 15 to 60-second YouTube shorts videos across 180+ popular niches, including Make Money, eCommerce, Travel, and more, this unique platform ensures consistent monthly clicks, driving daily profits on autopilot.
With a single click, Swirl effortlessly generates “Scratch” websites enriched with a vast collection of highly profitable short videos. This innovative tool automatically populates your Scratch off Website with videos, eliminating the need for hosting or a domain. It empowers users to tap into new, lucrative niches that yield a daily income of $495.12, as evidenced by the success of its 42 beta testers within the first week.
Swirl is incredibly user-friendly, making it accessible to newcomers and offering a multitude of additional features for enhanced convenience.
Swirl 2.0 Review— How it Works?
It Works In 3 Simple Steps to Make $461.97 a Day on Autopilot.
Step 1: Login to Swirl
Login to Our Easy To Use Swirl Dashboard.
Step 2: Setup Your “Scratch” Website
With Hundreds of High Converting Templates, It Only Takes 60 Seconds to Setup Your Website.
Step 3: Deploy & Profit
Turn On the A.I. Crawler and Watch Traffic Roll In
Swirl 2.0 Review— Features & Benefits
Launch Your Own Profitable “Scratch Off” Websites
Create Profit-Pulling Viral Campaigns In 180+ Categories
1-Click, Auto-Import Millions Of Viral Youtube Short Videos In Any HOT Niches
Create Interactive Scratch Off Banners & Embed On Any Videos
Turn “Tiny Little” 10 Secs Viral Videos To Profit
Search ANY Hot Trending 5 – 60 Seconds Videos Using Just A KEYWORD 
Add Different Interactive Elements To Videos (Scratch Off Card, CTA Buttons, Text, Banners etc) & Get Unlimited Traffic & Leads
Get Quality Traffic & Leads From Youtube
In Built Video Management Studio
Add Your Own Custom Logo, Domains & Branding To Your Scratch Off Site
Drive Hyper-Targeted Traffic To Any Websites, Affiliate Offers, Ecom Store or Link Without Spending A Dime On Ads
Build Unlimited Emails List & Send Unlimited Emails To Your Audience
Advanced Sorting – Auto-Fetch Trending Short Videos Based On The Highest Comments, Likes, & Share
1-Click, Auto Blast Your Scratch Off Sites On Social Media & Go Viral
100% Fully Optimized For Better SEO Rankings
Mobile Responsive
ZERO in monthly fees
<< << << GET IT HERE >> >> >>
Swirl 2.0 Review— Pricing & OTOs
Swirl front-end price is $17. With this price you are having all these:
Swirl App 
​The Same App We Use To Create Micro Scratch Website in Less Than 60 Seconds (Worth $997/mo)
Swirl A.I. Crawler 
​The Bots Will Scour the Internet and Hijack Only the Profitable Videos for You ​(Worth $997)
Swirl Scratch-Off Monetization    
​A New Way to Monetizing Your Website That Makes Us $461.97 A Day (Worth $997)
Swirl Traffic-On-Demand 
​Instantly Flood Your Websites with Thousands of Targeted Traffic with This Feature ​(Worth $1997)
Swirl Mobile EDITION
​This will allow you to also operate Swirl, even from your mobile phone whether it’s an Android, iPhone, or tablet, it will work…​(Worth $497)
Training videos  
​There is NOTHING missing in this training… Everything you need to know is explained in IMMENSE details (Worth $997)
World-class support 
​Just reach out to them and their team will do their best to fix your problem in no time.
Bonus #1 – 6-Figure in 60 Days LIVE Ecommerce Event (Value $1,997)
Bonus #2 – Swirl Tube Live Cash (worth $497)
Bonus #3 – Swirl YouTube Shorts Excellence (worth $997)
Bonus #4 – Swirl 10k Weekly Views & Subscribers on YouTube (worth $997)
Bonus #5 – Swirl Traffic Booster Secrets (worth $997)
OTO 1 : Unlimited ($67)
OTO2: Done For You ($297)
OTO3: Automation ($47)
 OTO4: Swift Profits ($67) 
OTO 5: Limitless Traffic ($127)
OTO6: Franchise Edition ($197)
OTO7: Multi-Income Edition ($47)
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Swirl 2.0 Review— Bonuses
Bonus #1 6-Figure In 60 Days LIVE Ecommerce Event
​Gain exclusive VIP access to their live mastermind event and access the Swirl Super Funnel underground system, which has been instrumental in generating 6-figure earnings within just 60 days. This bonus alone holds a value that far exceeds the current price and is complimentary.
Bonus #2 Swirl Tube Live Cash
​It reveals secret techniques to maximize profits from YouTube Live Videos and attain rapid video ranking, all while operating on complete autopilot.
Bonus #3 Swirl YouTube Shorts Excellence
​It provides insights into creating, uploading, analyzing, and elevating your online business through YouTube shorts. It’s suitable for various niches, including eCommerce, affiliate marketing, CPA, software, and blogging.
Bonus #4 Swirl 10k Weekly Views & Subscribers on YouTube
​Learn the Swirl + Shorts Videos strategy to amass an additional 10,000 genuine YouTube views each week, along with adding thousands of new subscribers. This system encompasses 14 proven methods to rapidly boost your views and subscriber count.
Bonus #5 Swirl Traffic Booster Secrets
​Unearth the top-secret techniques in Swirl Traffic Booster Secrets. This bonus equips you with invaluable tips and strategies to flood your funnels, products, and offers with targeted traffic, effectively resolving all your traffic-related challenges and ensuring a consistent influx of visitors.
Swirl 2.0 Review— Who Should Buy It?
Swirl is designed to cater to a wide range of users looking to elevate their social media marketing game, including:
Affiliate Marketers
CPA Marketers
Product Creators
eCommerce Store Owners
Local Business Owners
Artists/Content Creators
Social Media Managers
Event organizers
Content marketing agencies.
In fact, anyone aiming to park high-ticket clients and enhance the growth strategies can get significant benefit from Swirl.
Swirl 2.0 Review— My Opinion
Let me be upfront; most traditional online money-making methods no longer cut it. You need a fresh approach that yields results like what I’m about to share with you.
Swirl’s power lies in its ability to scour the entire internet, pinpointing the trendiest and most viral videos. With our cutting-edge AI crawler, we legally hijack them to populate our micro websites. Combine this with our “scratch-off” technology, and voilà – Swirl delivers ready-to-go, profitable micro websites in any niche, raking in hundreds of dollars daily.
Let me tell you why Swirl is unlike anything you’ve ever encountered. There are countless video marketing apps out there, but I challenge you to find one that matches Swirl’s capabilities. In fact, all those other software tools combined can’t even scratch the surface of what Swirl can achieve. With Swirl, you can harness the power of AI crawlers to ride the wave of trends and viral videos, monetizing them with groundbreaking technology – all seamlessly happening in the background. Setup? It’s as simple as a few clicks, and you’re good to go.
If you’ve ever dreamed of financial freedom and a life without monetary constraints, Swirl is your ticket to that reality. It’s time to break free from the limitations of traditional online income methods. Swirl offers a revolutionary approach that harnesses the power of trending videos and AI technology to generate passive income on autopilot.
Imagine a life where you can travel, indulge in your desires, and live without financial stress. Swirl is not just a tool; it’s a life-changing opportunity. Don’t hesitate; take action now and embark on a journey towards financial abundance and the lifestyle you’ve always aspired to achieve. Your future self will thank you for making this decision today.
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Swirl 2.0 Review— Last Words!
In conclusion, I’ve covered all aspects of Swirl to equip you with the necessary information needed to make an informed decision. Don’t miss the opportunity to leverage this super Short video Creator Software revolutionized by Swirl.
It’s time to make Swirl your creative partner in creating high quality short videos and reel for Youtube, Tiktok & Instagram  and take your online business success to a new heights. I appreciate your valuable time, and I wish you the best of luck!
Swirl 2.0 Review— FAQs
Q. Do I need any experience to get started? 
None, all you need is just internet connection. And you’re good to go
​Q. Is there any monthly cost?
If you act now, NONE. But if you wait, you might end up paying $997/mo. It’s up to you. 
​Q. How long does it take to make money?
Our average member made their first sale the same day they got access to Swirl.
​Q. Do I need to purchase anything else for it to work?
No, Swirl is the complete thing. You get everything you need to make it work. Nothing is left behind. 
​Q. What if I failed?
While that is unlikely, we removed all the risk for you. If you tried Swirl and failed, we will refund you every cent you paid and send you $300 on top of that just to apologize for wasting your time. 
0 notes
mereviews44 · 11 months
Resurgence 2.0 Review: The Secret to Generating Daily Passive Income
Are you tired of seeing zero results despite your hard work and investments in online ventures? Do you dream of waking up to your affiliate account filled with commissions? If so, then you’ve come to the right place. In this Resurgence 2.0 review, we’ll uncover a revolutionary method that has been generating consistent income for over a decade. With Resurgence 2.0, you can replicate the success of internet marketers Mark and James and start earning $1,000 daily passively. Read on to discover how this automated system can transform your online income in just 30 minutes, regardless of your technical skills or experience level.
Get Resurgence 2.0 Review
Resurgence 2.0 Overview
Vendor: James Fawcett
Product: Resurgence 2.0
Launch Date: 2023-Jul-02
Launch Time: 09:00 EST
Front-End Price: $13
Niche : software
Support: Effective support
Refund: 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Recommendation: Highly Recommended!
Official Website: Click here
Bonuses: Me Reviews Exclusive Bonuses (view only)
Resurgence 2.0: The Easiest Way to Make Your First Dollar Online
Resurgence 2.0, developed by Mark Barrett and James, is a game-changing method that simplifies the process of making money online, especially for newbies. Gone are the days of struggling to understand complex strategies or investing heavily in advertisements. With Resurgence 2.0, they have created a simple step-by-step process that guarantees success. Even if you’ve never made money online before, this method will guide you to achieve life-changing online income.
The Story Behind Resurgence 2.0: From Desperation to Success
Mark Barrett, just like many others, was desperate to find a way to support his family. He had tried numerous methods, but the results were disappointing, with large ad expenses outweighing his commissions. However, his determination paid off when he stumbled upon something radical — a method so simple that even a 10-year-old could do it. He cracked the code for making money online and saw astounding results. To ensure it wasn’t a fluke, he shared the method with his friend James, a complete newbie. James implemented the method, and within 24 hours, he made $408.09 in commissions. This success confirmed that they had their hands on something powerful.
Get Resurgence 2.0 Review
The Resurgence 2.0 Method: Anyone Can Do It
If you’re wondering if you can replicate their success, the answer is a resounding yes. Resurgence 2.0 provides you with the same simple method that Mark and James have been using to generate daily income. It’s a virtually unknown method that requires minimal technical skills. By following the easy step-by-step process outlined in the training, anyone can make Resurgence 2.0 work. It only takes 30 minutes to set up, and the results are guaranteed.
How Resurgence 2.0 Works: The 3 Simple Steps
Resurgence 2.0 revolves around three simple steps that lead to consistent income:Pick a Proven Offer: Discover their proven method for finding winning affiliate offers and getting approved, even if you’re a newbie.
Blast it with Traffic: Learn their little-known method for getting targeted traffic flowing to your links within minutes, without spending a fortune.
Relax & Enjoy: Sit back and enjoy the profits as people start seeing your offers. Once set up, there’s nothing else for you to do.
What You Get with Resurgence 2.0
When you join Resurgence 2.0, you gain access to a comprehensive set of tools and resources to ensure your success:Resurgence 2.0 Case Study: Dive into a proven case study where Mark demonstrates how to generate consistent cash using the Resurgence 2.0 method.
Resurgence 2.0 Training: Get detailed step-by-step instructions on implementing the method and start seeing results quickly.
Resurgence 2.0 Traffic Training: Learn their little-known method for driving targeted traffic to your links without breaking the bank.
World Class Support Team: If you have any questions or issues, their support team is ready to assist you.
Fast Action Bonuses: Gain additional value with the Resurgence 2.0 Funnel, Little Black Book 2.0, and 3-day Follow-up Swipes.
Get Resurgence 2.0 Review
Why Resurgence 2.0 Is a Steal
Usually priced at $997, Resurgence 2.0 is an investment that pays for itself in no time. However, to make it accessible to everyone, they are offering it at a steep discount. This opportunity is too good to pass up, considering the potential to earn $500-$1,000 daily with minimal effort. Don’t miss out on this chance to change your financial future.
Time Is of the Essence: Take Action Now
Resurgence 2.0 won’t be available forever. To avoid potential saturation and maintain the effectiveness of the method, they will be closing the doors soon. Every day you wait is a missed opportunity to start earning money. The price also rises with each sale, so take advantage of the current offer and secure your spot.
Conclusion: Your Path to Real Online Success
Stop wasting time and money on useless shiny objects that promise the world but deliver nothing. Resurgence 2.0 is the real deal. It’s a proven method that works for both newbies and experienced marketers. With its simple, automated plug-in process, you can achieve life-changing income without any technical skills. Join the ranks of successful internet marketers who are banking daily with Resurgence 2.0. Take that leap of faith and start your journey to financial freedom today.
Get Resurgence 2.0 Review
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tomreview · 1 year
ProfitLens 2.0 at lower prices vs competition
There is no need for prior technical expertise or skills.
Use real artificial intelligence to transform text into images and graphics—without the need for templates!
the same technology as LensaAI, DALL-E, ChatGPT3, OpenAi, and others.
Once-low price: The first-ever REAL AI text-to-image software on WarriorPlus Each image and graphic is 100% unique every time No need to pay and wait for designers Our REAL AI turns YOUR imagination and words into actual images in 10 seconds or less Unlimited traffic built-in, no need to get any traffic yourself Blazing fast hosting included: Your graphics shop guarantees uptime of 99.9%. Free SSL encryption and a commercial license are also included. Fight inflation by canceling your expensive AI subscriptions, paying for designers or graphics, and paying for stock images or cartoon characters. sell them illustrations and stock pictures at lower costs versus rivalry
100 percent novice amicable
No specialized abilities or experience required
Zero month to month charges
Your Own Actual A.I. Designs Creation and Selling Administration For Yourself and Your Clients In Only 3 Straightforward Advances!
Step 1: Access ProfitLens Cloud Platform by logging in!
Step 2: Simply Convert Your Words Into Graphics! (There is NOTHING for you to set up, configure, or host. Our REAL AI robot is already waiting for you inside).
(All you have to do is tell our AI via any text prompt what you want. It could be a brief description from a client or just a random thought.) Step 3: Watch ProfitLens transform your concepts into images, graphics, and digital avatars that can be sold!
ProfitLens Is So Revolutionary... Just Take a Look at Some of the AI-Graphics It Generates... AND Let's Not Forget The Most Important Part: You Can Choose from Multiple Unique Variations to Get the Perfect Picture Every Time. It Only Takes Seconds. Every graphic comes with a commercial license and is royalty-free, so you can sell them to other people!
And the best part? It's working for other people as well!
Wayne Watts
ProfitLens Client and Amateur Advertiser
I was adequately lucky to get an early duplicate of PROFITLENS and allowed me to let you know I've been floored by how simple it was for me to begin accepting my most memorable picture deals. Everything is explained step-by-step, is 100% user-friendly, and the guys provide unparalleled support. It is not like other software, where you have to figure out everything on your own! Also, it really WORKS! It absolutely works! I'm betting on sales of $500 and $1,000 constantly! I would strongly suggest this to anyone!
Nigel Willis, a newbie marketer who uses ProfitLens, is a ProfitLens user. When I first logged into ProfitLens, I was amazed at how well the entire system works. After just two weeks of setting it up, I am already receiving commissions from my images totaling more than $1280. Even a novice like myself could complete it with just a few clicks because it is so simple. It's a magical piece of software that lets you type words and watch them transform into fresh graphics in just 60 seconds to start your own money-making machine! PROFITLENS is one of my favorite brands!
I was able to quit my job and become a full-time online entrepreneur thanks to ProfitLens, which is used by Robin Richardson, a novice marketer and user of the product. It's a blessing from heaven for me as I'm ready to be paid for making computerized mockups for organizations on my old PC. They tell me what they want, I put their instructions into ProfitLens, and presto, I get paid for a flawless mockup. ProfitLens's current price is absolutely ridiculous! Within the first hour of using it, I've recovered! Buy it before they realize and raise the price, my advice!
Jeannie Koh Newbie Marketer and ProfitLens User I highly recommend ProfitLens! Even for a novice like me, using the step-by-step wizard they provide is incredibly straightforward, and the training they provide is very user-friendly! Simply type in the words and watch your text be transformed into genuine illustrations, or genuine world mockups and pictures! I've proactively made $1650.39 in commissions with PROFITLENS! From me, a ten!
Utilize This Revolutionary New Software Right Away!
PRIVATE PERIOD: – ProfitLens comes with a free commercial license, so you can use it for more than just yourself: use it to make mockups for real estate, marketing, industry, and even t-shirt sales businesses; use it to make royalty-free stock images in any niche and sell them; use it for yourself and your own social media accounts: Use it to turn any idea from words to REALITY in less than 45 seconds. Go crazy with as many text prompts as you want—there are no restrictions with ProfitLens! Turn your pictures into digital avatars like LensaAI. Use it for graphics in your business or sell graphics on sites like Flippa.
PRIVATE PERIOD: – Only our early adopters will receive a free commercial license!
The $75 Billion Opportunity... Graphics have always been used, right?
You know what I mean when I say that you can use some of the online apps right now to edit or generate some banners, box covers, etc., as well as pay someone on Fiverr for a quick design.
That is the "Old" method, and it is extremely inefficient:
[X] Extensive waiting periods for the "perfect design" [X] Expensive software or outsourcing [X] Designers and software never "get it right" It is anticipated that the global design market will only reach $124 million in 2023...!
What a difficult problem to solve, right?!
You won't make much money in graphics and image editing because there is so much competition and such a small market.
You are fortunate because there is a huge trend that is ready to end the dying graphics industry once and for all. This is huge. Imagine being able to generate thousands of images, graphics, digital avatars, and mock-ups in a matter of minutes—with no editing or graphics experience required!
without the need for any software!
without the need for any designers or outsourcers!
And all you had to do was type in Words?
I'm talking about real AI, which is the same technology that powers some of the most exciting apps on the market right now, like ChatGPT3, DALL-E, LensaAI, and others. It allows you to create custom graphics, images, and digital avatars by inserting text prompts into the software!
This is working real AI, and there are no templates involved!
And now you know: In comparison to the "Old" way of doing things, the market for artificial intelligence is expected to grow to $75.54 billion in 2023!
You can clearly see the hype surrounding AI-art, images, and graphics, which has captivated the "mainstream" market more than "graphics editing on Fiverr" ever could! And you just know these numbers are correct!
I mean, we've all seen the recent craze for posting images of digital avatars and conversing with AI chatbots—it's everywhere!
It is the most recent strategy for attracting attention on social media, and it has been used by LensaAI, ChatGPT3, DALL-E, and others.
I mean, people have been quitting their jobs to become influencers on Facebook and Instagram, and the people who follow them are willing to pay a lot of money to get access to the same level of graphics, digital avatars, and images that have been manipulated by AI.
What if you could profit completely risk-free from the images' market frenzy and buzz?
This is a revolution unlike any other in image creation and marketing. It's time to take the shortcut for quick results and finally make money like the "Big Guys!"
All 100% automated with a single click inside ProfitLens. Create unlimited graphics and images with REAL AI. Turn any text prompt into a 100% unique image or graphic. Use your images to make cartoon avatars for social media. Use your images to make stock image packs. Perfect for making graphics packs. Perfect for making mockups for real estate, hotels, and restaurants. Offline hosting included. Step-by-Step Training with a 99.9% Uptime Guarantee for Your Graphics Business Free SSL Encryption Included Fight Inflation by Lowering Yours and Your Customers' Monthly and Annual Costs!
100% Newbie-Friendly, Round-The-Clock White Glove Support Covers All of Your Needs, Done For You, Without Installation: ProfitLens is software that works in the cloud and is compatible with all devices: Mac, PC, mobile devices, and tablets—yes, we even have a mobile-friendly platform!
Gain Access to ProfitLens Right Away!
Your Own 100% Automated, Hands-Off Business!
Everything works in three easy steps:
Step 1: Join the software that runs in the cloud!
Step 2: Feed the written text prompt to our artificial intelligence generator!
Step 3: Watch as it transforms your prompt into a digital avatar, graphic, or image!
Additionally, a commercial license is included, allowing you to market your creations!
That's so cool and simple!
You'll be able to literally make images from "thin air"—or, more accurately, from a brief text prompt!
It's so good that thousands of newbies like you have already received their first commission.
Best part? Now you can...
0 notes
jennysev · 1 year
Clickfunnels Review: Is it Worth the Hype?
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Hey there, fellow entrepreneurs! As someone who's tried out countless marketing and sales tools, I was intrigued when I first heard about Clickfunnels. The platform promises to help you create high-converting sales funnels without needing any coding or design skills. But with all the Clickfunnels reviews out there, I wasn't quite sure if it was worth the hype. So, I decided to test it out for myself and share my findings in this comprehensive Clickfunnels review. Name: ClickFunnels 2.0 Website: https://www.clickfunnels.com/ Price: $147-$297/month CEO: Russell Brunson Training Quality: 9/10 Tools: 9/10 Mentorship/Support: 8/10 Websites Included: No Hosting Included: Yes Free Trial: 14-day free trial Overall Rank: 9/10 First things first, let's talk about the Clickfunnels free trial. I love a good freebie, and I'm sure you do too. Clickfunnels offers a 14-day free trial, which is more than enough time to get a feel for the platform and see if it's right for you. Plus, you don't need to input your credit card information to start the trial, which is a refreshing change from other software providers that require that information upfront. Now, let's dive into the pros and cons of Clickfunnels, shall we? Click, Drag, and Drop Your Way to High-Converting Funnels One of the things I loved about Clickfunnels is its user-friendly interface. Even if you have zero design or coding experience, you'll be able to create beautiful and effective sales funnels using the platform. The drag-and-drop editor is intuitive and straightforward, and you can customize everything from your funnel's background to the order form. However, I did find that some of the more advanced features of Clickfunnels, like the Actionetics email marketing automation and the Backpack affiliate program management, can be a bit confusing at first. But with a little bit of patience and some YouTube tutorials, I was able to get the hang of them. Stand Out from the Crowd with Unique, On-Brand Funnels Another significant advantage of Clickfunnels is its extensive library of high-converting sales funnel templates. You can choose from dozens of pre-designed funnel templates for different industries and purposes, including product launch funnels, webinar funnels, and membership funnels. However, while the templates are a great starting point, I found that some of them were a bit outdated and could benefit from a facelift. Additionally, if you want to customize the templates extensively, you'll need to have some design skills or hire a designer to help you out. Connect Your Favorite Tools to Streamline Your Business Clickfunnels integrates with over 50 popular third-party services, including email marketing providers like Mailchimp and ActiveCampaign, payment gateways like Stripe and PayPal, and webinar platforms like Zoom and GoToWebinar. This means that you can seamlessly connect Clickfunnels to the other tools you're already using in your business. However, one thing to keep in mind is that some of these integrations require you to upgrade to a higher Clickfunnels pricing plan. For example, if you want to use the Actionetics email marketing automation, you'll need to be on the Clickfunnels Platinum plan, which is more expensive than the Standard plan. Is It Worth the Investment for Your Business? Speaking of Clickfunnels pricing, let's talk about it. Clickfunnels has three pricing plans: Standard, Platinum, and Two Comma Club X. The Standard plan starts at $147 per month and includes 20 funnels, 100 pages, and 20,000 visitors per month. The Platinum plan, which starts at $297 per month, includes unlimited funnels, pages, and visitors, as well as access to the Actionetics email marketing automation and Backpack affiliate program management. The Two Comma Club X plan is an invite-only plan for users who have generated over $10 million in revenue using Clickfunnels. While Clickfunnels pricing can seem steep, especially if you're just starting out, the platform's ability to help you create high-converting sales funnels can more than justify the cost. Additionally, if you're on a budget, you can take advantage of Clickfunnels' annual pricing option, which can save you up to 45% on your subscription. However, if you're still not convinced that Clickfunnels is worth the investment, there are some alternative programs to consider. For example, Systeme.io is a similar sales funnel builder that offers more affordable pricing plans, starting at just $27 per month. While Systeme.io may not have as many features and integrations as Clickfunnels, it can be a good option for those who are just starting out or on a tight budget. A Responsive and Helpful Support Team...Sometimes Another important factor to consider when choosing a sales funnel builder is customer support. Clickfunnels offers various ways to get in touch with their support team, including email, live chat, and phone support. Plus, they have an extensive knowledge base with helpful articles and tutorials. However, some users have reported that Clickfunnels' customer support can be slow and unresponsive at times. Additionally, if you're on the Standard plan, you may not have access to priority support, which can be frustrating if you run into a technical issue that needs to be resolved quickly. A Comparison of Two Popular Sales Funnel Builders To give you a better idea of how Clickfunnels stacks up against its competitors, let's do a quick comparison with Systeme.io. As we mentioned earlier, Systeme.io is a more affordable alternative to Clickfunnels. However, it has fewer features and integrations than Clickfunnels. For example, Systeme.io does  have its own email marketing automation or affiliate program management tools, so you wont need to use third-party services for those functions. On the other hand, Systeme.io has a more user-friendly interface than Clickfunnels and offers more customization options for its templates. Additionally, Systeme.io's customer support has a reputation for being responsive and helpful. Ultimately, the choice between Clickfunnels and Systeme.io will depend on your specific business needs and budget. If you need a comprehensive sales funnel builder with robust features and integrations, Clickfunnels may be the better option. However, if you're just starting out or have a tight budget, Systeme.io can be a great choice. A Game-Changer for Your Business? After spending some time with Clickfunnels, I can confidently say that it's a powerful sales funnel builder that can help you increase your conversions and grow your business. While it may not be the cheapest option on the market, the platform's ease of use, high-converting templates, and extensive integrations make it a valuable investment. Of course, as with any software, there are some downsides to consider, such as the cost and the learning curve for some of the more advanced features. But if you're willing to put in the time and effort to learn the platform, Clickfunnels can be a game-changer for your business. So, is Clickfunnels worth the hype? In my opinion, it definitely lives up to its reputation as a top sales funnel builder. But don't just take my word for it - take advantage of the Clickfunnels free trial and see for yourself if it's the right tool for you. Happy funnel building! Read the full article
0 notes
familydentalcare · 2 years
Information: Get Registered: What You Need To Know Earlier Than Opening Your New Practice
At first, I was nervous for my very first dental visit. I became brave and assured after assembly such a bubbly, skilled and nice doctor. I was extraordinarily happy with the dentist and he was extraordinarily amazing. The results dentist sandton were great and I would select one amazing dentist I would have to choose Dr. Riaz Wadvalla. I even have already started recommending him to my family and I will definitely be recommending him to lots of people.
Some of one of the best professional and medical care and experience skilled. With these patients in thoughts, we're proud to offer sedation dentistry as an choice to make any process more comfy and freed from ache. Dr. Bidra is a Board Certified Prosthodontist and a sub-specialist in Maxillofacial Prosthodontics. He has extensive expertise with dental implants and has pioneered many novel strategies dentist sandton and treatment protocols. Dr. Bidra trains other dentists ondental implantsand is the Director of the Prosthodontics Residency Program at the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine. He can also be a Clinical Professor who teaches superior prosthodontics,implant surgery, and maxillofacial prosthodontics to postgraduate dental residents.
After your session with me, I will refer you to a staff member to do your therapy, I will oversee and ensure that your treatment will progress as it ought to. If it is your want that I help you energetically throughout your remedy will probably be my privilege to do so. This website is utilizing a security service to guard itself from on-line assaults. The motion you simply carried out triggered the security solution.
My dental check-up was good value they usually charged me the worth listed on-line. I still need to make an appointment for my follow-up. Shop 33, kyalami on primary buying centre, forssman cl, midrand, johannesburg, 1684, south africa 1684 Kyalami Park ,City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality ,Gauteng ,South Africa. As Boca Raton dentists, we're committed to providing quality dentist sandton care you'll find a way to belief. Our ergonomic work chairs chairs make it simple for you to transfer round your patient. The small, 50-cm diameter foot base permits loads of house in your legs and feet, so you probably can move round simply and effortlessly.
Thanks Dr Peer for the whitening and my tooth trying beautiful. Can't cease smiling, pity should keep this mask on. Sheil is very well informed and clearly knows lots about her occupation - I undoubtedly trust her to proceed with my periods.
Booksy values genuine reviews and solely verifies them if we know the reviewer has visited this enterprise. Dr. John Monacell’s devotion to compassionate care goes beyond the workplace. Since 1978, Monacell Orthodontics has been creating good smiles in Richmond, VA and the encompassing communities. Monacell Orthodontics is committed to facilitating the accessibility and usefulness of its website, monacellorthodontics.com, for everyone. Monacell Orthodontics goals to comply with all applicable requirements, together with the World Wide Web Consortium's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 up to Level AA (WCAG 2.zero AA).
On arrival, please inform floor floor safety that you are going to both 3rdfloor (Doctors & girls's clinic) or 4thfloor (Dentist & x-rays/radiology). Our dentists and x-ray/radiology occupy the whole 4th floor. We are open 7am – 7pm every single day including weekends and public holidays. A main public sale house is looking for a skilled business real-estate broker to join their staff. Merchandiser required to affix leading fashion supplier based in sandton, jhb. South Africa Dentist, Dr. Orlando Rojas is devoted to excellence normally dentistry, implant dentistry, metallic elimination and detoxification.
There are 9 major registration classes from students to a sub-specialised follow. On the HPCSA’s website, you can see detailed reference guides for the registration requirements of each of the 12 Professional Boards. If so, do not lose the chance to replace your company's profile, add products, offers and better place in search engines like google. Apart from dentistry, his primary ardour is golf and you may well meet him on the native golf course.
This is quicker than different in-office whitening methods and allows sufferers to get again to day by day life as soon as attainable. The laser vitality activates the LaserWhite20 Whitening Gel containing photograph initiators to speed up the whitening process. This helps ensure that whitening is as fast as attainable, with out pain or injury to the encircling gums. Child-friendly and a more gentle dental expertise for all by way of Modern Technology, BIOLASE Dental Lasers. Dr Wynand and his apex team of dental specialists is exceedingly committed and devoted.
Dr Wynand has an attractive follow and the service is exceptional. However, the practice charges method above medical assist rates (in my case - three occasions higher) so please ensure that you have funds obtainable to pay when the invoice comes alongside. A consummate professional and absolute perfectionist, supported by a great team of oral hygienists. Dr Wynand van der Merwe is a minimize above the remainder in each way. Thanks to Wynand's meticulous care and talent, and state-of-the-art technology, having six new crowns put in was a breeze. The result's that my ache is gone, and I can now eat and drink whatever I need without any discomfort.
0 notes
officenahas · 2 years
Best audio interface for macbook
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#Best audio interface for macbook upgrade#
#Best audio interface for macbook pro#
#Best audio interface for macbook software#
#Best audio interface for macbook professional#
#Best audio interface for macbook free#
#Best audio interface for macbook upgrade#
This next-gen Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 audio interface is an upgrade that offers a better preamp design. READ MORE: A Complete Review of the Focusrite Scarlett 2i2
#Best audio interface for macbook software#
Console 2.0 software is easy to learn and allows drag and drop functions, easy to resize windows, and channel strip presets.
#Best audio interface for macbook free#
LUNA recording system comes free with the audio interface and includes LUNA Application, LUNA Instruments, and LUNA extension, which will turn your audio interface into a full-fledged music production device.
Features two premium mic and line preamps, two-line outputs, and front panel instrument and headphone output, 2 digital-analog monitor outputs.
Plus has a good analog design and excellent build quality
2×6 Thunderbolt audio interface works on Mac and Windows.
If you can spare the coin, this is the tool to achieve professional-quality sound you’ve been looking for. On the back and front, you will see two combi Mic/Line ins, a ¼ in hi-Z guitar input, and four ¼ inch output jacks.Īdd eight analog inputs can via ADAT thanks to the TOSLINK port. You can power it from the wall or hook it in using Thunderbolt connectivity only.
#Best audio interface for macbook professional#
The Apollo Twin MKII Duo gives everyday beatmakers and producers access to the professional quality i/o, UAD plug-ins, and Unison preamps. This is a scaled-down, but still top-quality performance audio interface. There are three choices for mic presets: you may choose between 1, 2i2, or 4i4.
#Best audio interface for macbook pro#
Pro Tools beginners will enjoy learning are also included software included is Focusrite Creative Pack, Ableton Live Lite, Softube Time and Tone, Focusrite Red Plug-In Suite, and the choice of an XLN Addictive Keys Virtual Instrument.
The quick start tool will help beginners in their musical journey with little fuss.
The converters allow you to mix and record up to 24 bits or 192 kHz.
There are two balanced outputs that offer clean playback. These inputs are optimal for bass and guitar sound.
It features Air Mode, which allows you to record a bright sound and high headroom instruments.
In summary, the Solo is a perfect fit for the producers on the move and home studios on a budget. Near-zero latency levels and sample rates get up to 24 bits or 192 kHz easily. It’s a matter of finding the right gain using the gain knob. The built-in preamp is clean for those of you that are recording and mixing vocals in your music. The mic preamp is of high quality, and the instrument line pickup generates an amazing sound quality. This plug-and-play audio interface is compatible with all the big DAWs on the market. With sleek designs and aluminum chassis, this device is heavy-duty and easy on the eye. The appearance and build of the Solo are both durable and sexy. For such a compact device you still get all the necessary audio I/O on the front and rear panels The Focusrite Solo is one of the best audio interfaces on this list for portability. Buyers can also pick from one of the free XLN Addictive Keys Virtual Instruments.
Software included is Softube Time and Tone Bundle, Ableton Live Lite, Focusrite’s Red Plug-In Suite, and 2 GB worth of Loopmasters samples.
It also offers high headroom instrument input.
It offers 24-bit A/D and D/A Conversion.
You can also choose a model with up to 8 extra line inputs.
Features four total balanced outputs dedicated stereo pair, MIDI input and output, ADAT input, headphone output.
You can look forward to high speeds and low latency with the Thunderbolt interface. The gain knob will light up in green when it detects an input signal and flashes red if it’s going to start clipping. The plugins included from Focusrite are all you need to get started making to add to Logic Pro X, but not break the bank.įront panel outputs are combi XLR/Jack sockets, and each has a switch for gain and phantom power. This audio interface offers 8 Channel ADAT optical in, four lines out on the back, and 5-pin MIDI input and output ports. The Focusrite Clarett 2Pre is the clear winner in this buying guide of the best audio interface for logic pro x.
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mahamid110 · 6 months
👉 Zzero Budget Commissions 2.0 Review ✅ This Weird New Method Makes Me Daily Commissions With ZERO Budget
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I've Seen This a Million times
Promises of Instant Riches and Free Traffic... but
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Hello to All you newbie marketers
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You can now get sales
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But first, why do most newbies fail?
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Frequently Asked Questions
How much money can I make with Zzero Budget Commissions?
A lot. Inside, we’ll show you how to scale to 1000 plus per week and then scale it up as big as you want.
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YES. We are CONFIDENT you have NEVER seen anything like this… EVER!
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Step #1 - Access the control panel, and turn it on
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Just click one of the yellow buttons and it will take you to an order form, after this access will be givien driectly inside Warrior Plus.
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