#Splinter also tries. He blursts into tears after thinking about how happy he is for his son
Leosagi dating across dimensions except Raph, Mikey, and Donnie don’t believe he exists would be so funny because Leo tries to explain like “Yeah he’s a cute rabbit samurai from another universe! Well no, you can’t meet him yet, he’s currently in his own universe taking care of some stuff but— he’s gonna visit soon!” And they’re all like, “sure… your ‘boyfriend from another universe’… uh huh.”
Bonus points if Usagi DOES keep visiting regularly but due to a comedy of errors, Leo’s entire family keeps missing him and never actually meeting him and Leo screams his frustrations into the void because Donnie keeps making “Does he go to another school too?” Jokes and it drives him up the wall.
When they finally do meet him it’s while Leo is making a big speech to his family about how Usagi IS real and how great he is and that he’ll prove it one day because he’s important to Leo and he loves him. And once Leo has finished talking he notices his entire family is looking at something behind him and suddenly he hears, “Awe, you love me?” And Leo whips around and Usagi is standing in the entrance to the lair with a big goofy grin on his face like, “Hi. I’m Usagi, Leo’s Definitely Real Boyfriend.”
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