maipareshaan 1 year
The entire Sam and Cas dynamic of s6 with respect to Cas trying to help Sam and losing his soul and then ghosting him and then evading it is genuinely batshit and hilarious, i love it.
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sammerific 11 months
do you have any fic recs馃ズ
I'm assuming this is about my southern comfort post loll I was going through it, anyway here was my favorite one:
The Worst Kind of Freedom
Sam is suicidal post-episode Southern Comfort.
(rated T, 7.6k)
It might be triggering so make sure to read the tags! I don't have that many other sam fic recs sorry for being destielpilled haha but here are some other ones:
just a trim
Chuck hits Sam right where it hurts: in his luscious locks of flowing brown hair.
(rated G, 484)
esoteric dances
Angsty sastiel friends with benefits.
(rated E, 3.7k)
The Mind-Body Problem
Soullesstiel :)) I just love season 6-7
(rated E, 5.7k)
Razor Edge of Terror
Sastiel fic after Cas takes on Sam's hell trauma. Great cas characterization so the casgirl in me was satisfied.
(rated M, 2.7k)
Two-Legged Mussel Picker
Funky Sastiel true form sex where Cas is a shifting landscape.
(rated E, 4k)
This is pretty much a gen team free will fic but oml this author is so good, like you could insert any of their fics into the show and it would be an absolutely amazing season of spn. They really focus on magical worldbuilding and themes of family and love, basically if spn had good execution. Sorry I really love this author so I always have to recommend them. You probably have to care about Cas to read a lot of their fics though.
(rated G, 161k)
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maipareshaan 3 months
Its about the power dynamics okay its about soulless seducing Cas cuz he needs to survive, its really hot.
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maipareshaan 1 year
Cas possessing soulless Sam, there is so much space there and Cas likes to fill it up
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maipareshaan 1 year
Wait i completely forgot about his cage memories, and like that would actually make what happened between Soulless and Cas so much more complicated to Sam, omg the memories, his body would bring him memories of him and Cas and his soul would bring him memories of him and Lucifer.
Flashbacks of being tortured by Lucifer and being told he wants it to then his body wanting Castiel but only physically, loveless and complicated and driven by its preservation but still him wanting it.
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maipareshaan 1 year
Would Sam be turned on by this though hmm, and by this i mean being left behind while his body is lied to and not helped and ignored and then forced to work with Cas where he strikes up a relationship hmmm. But he's also grateful, he also feels Soulless aka him deserved to be put in that position hmm. And he also is into dangerous people. And he would have all the hot sex memories. Wait would Sam hatefuck Cas after Soullesstiel...
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maipareshaan 9 months
Do you ever fall in love with the monster you accidentally created, does it seem like he was created in your image.
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maipareshaan 1 year
Castiel feeling like Soulless understands him because he too does not have a soul, Castiel getting assurance and validation from Soulless about Castiel having to kill his brothers and sisters in the war, and it comforts him for a moment till he looks at Sam's cold eyes and remembers how Sam killed his brother, maybe Soulless does understand him and his predicament and maybe he does understand Soulless's and its not reassuring at all again.
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maipareshaan 1 year
Scream Soulless "i think...i need help" x Castiel "You need help Sam" "Ofcourse your problems (Sam being Soulless) come first"
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maipareshaan 1 year
I don't find sastiel hot which is why i'm not that into soullesstiel sastiel endgame but also i think Cas has issues and he wouldn't wanna fuck Sam like he does with Soulless though Sam who also has issues getting resouled then falling for Cas is kinda fucked up of him so hmm okay its kinda sexy now...
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maipareshaan 2 years
You know Soulless Sam is like lets spice things up and he's drinking angel blood and getting soulfisted. You know.
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maipareshaan 2 years
No but Soullesstiel is literally so godddamn fucked up, like 'you need help', and Cas lied and evaded Sam and was okay with him working for his plan unknowingly.
And when Soulless kills Bobby and Dean, Castiel comes to kill Soulless, hand on his head, his face burning, him screaming, and Cas stops and goes this is the monster i created, its my fault. And soulless lies there in agony, face half burnt off, eyes hollow, and Cas says 'i am sorry Sam, and now you will help me fix things, help get Dean's soul back from Raphael, or i will destroy you.' And soulless nods yes. And somewhere down the line, Cas starts feeling like he has noone but Sam, feels like he is the only one he can talk frankly to, and Soulless sees the way Cas starts looking at him different and he doesn't mind making it physical. And now Cas is in love with the monster he created and it can never love him back.
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maipareshaan 11 months
What if Dean walked in on Soulless having stabbed Bobby to death.
That little space of Soulless banking on Dean's love for Sam when he finds Bobby dead in a ritualistic manner, because at this point Sam and Soulless are completely separated, Soulless will never be him and Dean has no reason to not kill him.
Its like with Veritas where he thought truth and vulnerability will save him but truth is the problem at that momemt, its admitting he won't be Sam, that its why Bobby has been killed this way, there is no way to explain it, there is nothing to say.
So he reaches for his gun to shoot Dean and so does Dean, its not about who is the faster draw, because Sam shoots him in the heart and as he calculated Dean shoots him in the shoulder.
And when Cas immediately shows up, sees what Sam has done, starts smiting him but then stops, feels responsible, feels like things are just as above as they are below, his family in shambles, laying dead and broken, heals Sam.
Sam thinks well atleast i don't have to worry about my shoulder.
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maipareshaan 1 year
Hmm ya i don't think i want sastiel endgame for soullessnatural, one Cas is quite rough in s6, and being with Soulless would make him softer yes but its still soulless, he would have some sort of relationship and feel love and comfort but that is based on having someone he can talk to who he can relate to but he knows does not love him back and ofcourse it wouldn't be sweet and caring, he's even aware of the power he holds over Soulless and that Soulless is trying to be on his good side, its fake but its still something, anyways ya he's too big a Dean simp and that's not Sam hmm.
See it also depends if i make Dean bi, which will make things more fun, but then Sastiel endgame feels less likely atleast without having somthing happen with Dean and Cas. I mean he can be jealous and hurt and dramatic without that too. Hmm. I just hate D/sticule too much its clounding my feelings.
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maipareshaan 1 year
Eeeeee Dean called Cas a soulless son of a bitch in s4 just you know Soullesstiel
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maipareshaan 1 year
Soulless is cas coded and that is why Soullesstiel is so good
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