#So you’d think they’d have the connections to be popping off?? Idk but they deserve sm more
stuckinapril · 3 months
started listening to emotional oranges because of you & THEYRE SO GOOD?????? in love w their music fr
No they’re literally so good. Usually male-female duos don’t do it for me, bc the harmonization falls right below the mark & you just feel a certain synergy missing. That’s absolutely not the case w Azad Right and Vali Porter. Their chemistry in every song is literally insane. This is an actual case where the talent is off the charts & yet they’re criminally underrated 🥲
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hey bro, i know you’re busy so whenever you have the timeeee, the melancholy is setting in again & i was wondering if you might bless me with some valdo cheering up aev when she thinks she’s not good enough? 💛
Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Punk!Valdo x Punk!Aevryn Word Count: 1,688 Rating: G Taglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak​ @whatevermonkey​ @mycat-is-mylove @mynamesoundslikesherlock​ @kemmastan​ @magic-multicolored-miracle​ @writingstudent​ @mlleecrivaine​ @coffee-and-stories​ @amirahiddleston​ @ultracolorfulnerdcollection​ @astouract​ @your-not-invisible-to-me @daydreamer-in-training @morelikebyesexual a/n: Ah bro, I know that feel. Here is an almost 2k word hug xo
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If there was one thing that Jaskier and Valdo could put aside their differences for, it was Aevryn. They’d done it as youths when she performed and they did it now as they worked to keep her from checking the hits her newly released demo were receiving. It went well for most of the day. Valdo woke up ludicrously early just to make sure he’d be there to pounce – somewhat literally – when she woke. After that lengthy distraction he pulled her into the shower with him before she could check her phone. Right on cue as they were just toweling off, Jaskier showed up at the door. He and Aevryn had a pact that if ever one of them showed up on the other’s doorstep and invoked Friend Code, the other had to drop everything and spend the day with them. Valdo made a big show of being dramatically grumpy about Jaskier arriving, such a big show that at some point Jaskier wasn’t sure how much was for Aevryn’s benefit and how much was just amusing himself, but he managed to get her out the door. Aevryn noticed her phone wasn’t on her as soon as they got in the car and Jaskier texted Valdo quickly to let him know that their first plan hadn’t worked as she went inside to find it. Valdo quickly tucked the phone in his jacket pocket, loathe to hide her property but desperate to keep her from seeing the numbers.
“It hasn’t just disappeared, Valdo, I swear I had it on the nightstand when we fell asleep last night,” she said, grasping under the bed though she knew Valdo paid their housekeepers handsomely enough that every inch stayed dust bunny free.
“We were pretty well knackered by the end of things, love, there’s a fair chance it got left behind in a restaurant or something or other,” Valdo lied lamely, frantically texting Jaskier for ideas to stall. Aevryn’s head popped up over the side of the bed, a swath of wavy hair falling into her face. She looked like a very adorable, very grumpy groundhog popping out of its hole but Valdo was just wise enough not to make that observation at that moment.
“Valdo I’m not going without my phone. What if something happened and you needed to reach me?” she asked.
“I’d call Jaskier,” he answered quickly. She cocked an eyebrow at him suspiciously.
“You’d call Jaskier?” she replied skeptically.
“If it were a real emergency, yes. I’m talking lost limbs and extensive blood loss. But I’ll endeavor to be safe in your absence,” he crooned as he tried to pull her to the door. She was almost over the threshold, Jaskier walking towards the door to escort her the rest of the way, when her phone went off in his jacket. There was no mistaking that it was her phone because the song that rang out was a punk cover of Barbie Girl, an inside joke between her, Yennefer, Win, and Y/N developed during a girl’s night. Her sea green eyes filled with hurt and suspicion as she stared Valdo down, reaching into his pocket to pull it out and finding a missed call from Win. A voicemail was left a second later and she opened it.
“Babe don’t even sweat it,” Win’s voice, filled with disdain said, “We know that it’s a solid album and the right people will catch on soon too. I know you hate taking favors from Valdo’s people but it’s only nepotism if you’re not qualified. I say call those bitches up and say Hello, This is Aevryn Swift and I’m here to kick ass and play beautiful music and I’m all out of ass. Or something like that. Idk, we’ll work out the details, call me when you can, bye!”
Valdo exhaled heavily, making eye contact with Jaskier who still stood a few steps away, both watching as Aevryn silently went to the bandcamp page to look at the download numbers. She stared at them for a moment, unblinking, and then nodded.
“Ok,” she said with eerie calm before turning to Jaskier, “This was just a ploy, right? You don’t actually need to invoke Friend Code?”
“Ah – well – Er… no,” Jaskier answered sheepishly. She nodded again and pushed past Valdo to walk into the house. The two men exchanged a last, regretful look and then Jaskier turned back to his car and Valdo re-entered the house, prepared for a raging fight.
Aevryn put the kettle on and picked up the little pile of mail on the kitchen island and Valdo walked in cautiously, waiting for… something. She glanced up, a cool but serene look on her face.
“Did you want some tea?” she asked.
“No thank you, dear heart, but I do want to talk about the likelihood of you trying to murder me in my sleep tonight,” he replied. She rolled her eyes, turning to pull a mug down from the cupboard. Not even one of her usual, fun mugs, just a standard green one that she teased Valdo for using because it was so “boring.” These were all very bad signs but also new ones and he wasn’t sure what they meant. After knowing Aevryn for half of his life he wasn’t used to this feeling, and he didn’t like it.
“I’m not going to kill you. You were trying to keep me from checking, right?” she asked, peering over her shoulder. He nodded, curls bouncing slightly as he did, and she nodded back.
“I get it. I mean, it wasn’t cool, but I probably would have done the same thing,” she said as she fixed her cup.
“It is bullshit, Aev. Win’s right, we have connections-”
“No, Valdo. Anyone can get an album released, hell I already did it. But money can’t make people like or care about something if they don’t. Even if I was willing to consider it – which I’m not – it wouldn’t make a difference. I wanted to give it a shot, I did, now I know,” she said, shrugging her shoulders as she poured an amount of sugar that Valdo would have been disgusted by before but barely registered at the moment.
“Aevryn if I didn’t know any better I’d say it sounded like you were planning to stop performing. But there’s no way that could be true because that would be utterly bizarre and impossible because music is a part of who you are and you have a rare talent that should be shared with the world. Right? Aev?”
Valdo moved a bit closer as he spoke, eyes softening with worry and Aevryn deftly slipped by him with her mug, unable to look him in the eyes as she replied.
“Don’t be dramatic, Valdo, you’re just biased. And it’s fine. Jaskier will be thrilled to have me work full time as social media manager again and it’s not like I still can’t play music,” she shrugged, settling into her favorite chair in the living room. Valdo propped his hands on his hips and fixed her with a stern but not unloving expression.
“Aevryn Deirdre Swift-Marx you are not going to give up playing music because some people on the internet didn’t pay attention to your music as quickly or as much as they should have. There is no shame in pushing back and doing what you love because you love it and fuck the rest,” he argued.
“There’s also no shame in deciding not to invest more time and effort in something just for it to be ignored,” she shot back, a flicker of anger in her eyes. Good, he thought, better anger than apathy.
“You did work hard. You wrote beautiful music, you practiced and performed, you edited and you put so much into this album. And it deserves to be recognized and appreciated,” he said, a vehemence in his voice that could only be described as “ferocious validation.”
“I did,” she replied, “I worked very hard and I think the music is good, why don’t they notice? Why don’t they care?”
Valdo caught the glossiness in her eyes before she could look away and nearly pitched her mug of tea over the chair onto the hardwood floors as he tried to pull her into a hug. He held her, awkwardly half-standing/half-crouching, not caring that his arm was falling asleep or anything but the fact that she held him back with her free arm, resting her head against his shoulder.
“I know it’s hard, love. But I have a proposition for you,” he said. She pulled back to look into his emerald eyes as he moved into a full crouch by her side, fixing her with an entreating look.
“What?” she asked.
“Today, be sad. Be angry. Be whatever you need to be. Take a break, perhaps. Process through it. But then forget it. Or let it fuel you. The only thing I ask is that you not let other people stop you from doing what you love. And even though it was hard work, I know you loved every part of it. And that deserves recognition and respect but most of all it deserves to exist. Because it makes you happy.”
She considered his words, pulling her hand inside the sleeve of her too-large sweater to wipe her face before tilting her head back and sighing.
“Ok,” she said, “I won’t quit the music industry forever. Not today, at least.”
“That’s all I ask,” Valdo said, rising to press a gentle kiss against her cheek, “Now how about I make you some fresh tea, because that’s gone cold, and you burrow under that blanket and pick something ridiculous for us to watch.”
“French Kiss is not ridiculous, it is classic and underappreciated,” you argued hotly. He smiled, pleased to see his spitfire back as he pulled the mug from your hands and thrust the quilted blanket into your lap.
“Whatever you say, sweetling,” he replied, and then set off to make her more tea, carefully selecting a mug shaped like an otter and searching for some biscuits before she could think to ask.
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thecorteztwins · 5 years
what are some under used marvel female characters youd love to see in the rpc?
HMMMOkay, so I’m trying to think OBJECTIVELY here and not just rattle off the female characters that I personally like, and more “I’m surprised that there’s not more blogs for this character, whether or not I personally am a fan” ....because I missed the “you’d love to see in the RPC” bit because I’m dumb, and then I wrote this whole list without regards for that part. So this came out as less “female characters I personally want” (who would all be stupidly obscure and irrelevant anyway) and more “female characters I think the RPC should give some more love to, whether I personally am into them or not”:Definitely ALL the girls in the New Mutants and Generation X! I see a fair few blogs for Magik and Jubilee, but I really don’t see any for the others. I get why Magik is going to be more popular---she’s in more stuff, she’s currently much more relevant in the comics, and her backstory is so goddamn compelling---but that doesn’t mean the others shouldn’t have ANY blogs out there. Wolfsbane, Magma, Karma, and Moonstar are all extremely complex and compelling characters with their own struggles and triumphs too, and I think they deserve just as much love. Likewise, I get why Jubilee will naturally get more blogs than Husk, Monet, and Penance (depending if you count Penny as a separate character or not...) due to her being in more stuff, having bigger arcs, etc. But it still surprises there’s NO blogs around for those ladies! I know there was that Monet blog awhile ago, and @badmusesdoitwell had an Amara that’s now part of their multimuse, as well as a Rahne, but that’s still nowhere near enough love in the RPC for these Junior X-Ladies, in my opinion. Speaking of Generation X, I’m also a bit surprised no one has picked Cordelia Frost up, given that we’ve got plenty of background canon for her via Emma’s history yet Cordelia herself has LOTS of room to go nuts with headcanons, like it’s just the perfect opportunity! And I’m sure lots of Emma blogs, of which there are MANY, would love their little sister around for some family threads. Fuck, I would pick her up myself if I were more into Emma and the Frost family as a whole. She’s hardly the most relevant, recent, or even interesting character around, she’s done very little and shown up very briefly, but the fact she’s related to Emma Frost makes me think SOMEONE would have an interest in her.Madelyne Pryor, for sure. Like, I love Maddy, but it’s not just my favoritism talking here. I think she’s pretty decently well-known in the comics fandom, and she’s a tragic villain, which usually pulls people in big-time. She’s got a grudge against the good guys, and it’s actually more legitimate than most, which I’d think would also attract people, since a lot of villains fans like to blame the good guys no matter what and THEY’D ACTUALLY HAVE A GOOD ARGUMENT HERE? Plus she has very strong connections to other, more popular canons, with a ton of fodder for angst and drama threads, which people just LOVE. I have seen a few Maddy blogs pop up in the past, and I always get so excited, but they never seem to last very long :CDr. Moira MacTaggert deserves ALL the love and respect in the world/fandom! She’s been a staunch supporter of mutants since day one, she’s a total badass, she’s super smart, she calls Xavier out on his shit ALL THE TIME, she’s the survivor of an abusive husband, she had to make terrible choices about her son that no mother should ever have to and then live with the consequences of those choices, and SHE GOES AFTER A KELPIE WITH A GODDAMN MACHINE GUN! She’s been a part of the X-Men comics for such a long time, and is very significant in them, it really surprises me that I’ve never seen a blog for her besides just ONE and it was for the XMCU sexy American CIA agent Moira, who is NOT Moira in my book and NEVER WILL BE. Speaking of, Moira will ALWAYS be human to me, I think making her a mutant all along REALLY undermines a big part of her character as just an unyielding mutant ally. Though I think her being human, combined with being an older female who isn’t anyone’s love interest (unless she’s, gasp, getting in the way of CHERIK aka the ultimate fandom sin how dare she the harlot -.-), is probably WHY she’s so damn ignored -.-Frenzy hasn’t been in THE most recent stuff, but she’s still been relevant recent enough that I think one or two blogs around would have happened if she weren’t black. Yeah, I hate to be THIS person, but any black character who isn’t Storm doesn’t get love, for all that the RPC likes to yell about being diverse and progressive. Remember all the Captain America and Iron Man and Hulk and Quicksilver blogs that popped up after their movies? Yeah I saw like ONE T’challa blog after Black Panther came out. Then again, I’ve yet to see blogs for Pixie or Firestar either, who are white, and I feel like they both were fairly interesting and well-known in fandom? Same for the Academy X girls like Sofia Mantega, Mercury, and Wallflower. Luna Maximoff FOR SURE. It SHOCKS me I haven’t see more than a couple short-lived blogs around for her, just given her family connections. Now, I don’t think a character deserves love just because of who they’re related to---in fact it annoys me when a characters gets a ton of attention and it’s very obviously just for that---but Luna has SO MUCH going on? The problems between her parents, her mother being absent so much, her father exposing her to the Mists, dealing with her powers, being a child of two very different worlds and cultures, it just goes on and on. Luna has had to grow up so fast, she’s such a strange and stoic child as a result, and though her situation is very fantastical, having to be the mature one at an early age because all the adults in your life won’t be is something a lot of people have to cope with and I think would find relatable; I especially love how she lives in this world where there’s no bad guys, like neither Crystal nor Pietro were the villains in her situation, just hurting messed up people, which she also recognized in Magneto and maybe also even Maximus . And there’s so much that could be explored with her too that hasn’t been in canon yet---for instance, her choice to identify with her Inhuman heritage and why that is, and the journey of identifying with your heritage but also looking at the horrible things in their history, I think that’s a story that a LOT of people from MANY backgrounds can relate to. It surprises and frustrates me that both writers and fandom don’t really seem to care about her or remember she exists; one the only two blogs I ever saw for her seriously got someone asking them “why would you make such a weird OC” like SERIOUSLY! Luna needs more love, big time. Any female Avenger that’s not Wanda or Natasha. I don’t read Avengers, I’m just an X-Men fan, but I know they exist and they shouldn’t have to be in a movie to get love. Ditto for She-Hulk, I’m not a Hulk reader but I know she’s a prominent character who has been around a long time and has a very developed personality and stories of her own, yet I’ve only ever seen her on @getreadytosmash‘s multi. I’ve also never really read Alpha Flight, but its main ladies ---Snowbird, Aurora, Vindicator---all seem awesome in their own different ways. Alpha Flight isn’t very popular to begin with, of course, so I don’t expect them to have as many blogs as, say, major X-ladies, but I think one apiece or so would be very justified.KWANNON!! I actually get why we didn’t have any blogs for her BEFORE now, because we knew NOTHING about her, she was just a very tragic prop for Betsty’s body-swap plot and a way to give her insta-ninja-skills, but now she’s come back and has HER OWN NEW SERIES in which we’re finally learning who she is and her background, I hope to see a blog or two around for her eventually!Destiny aka Irene Adler. Like. Do I even need to explain WHY? I think people just don’t want to play an OLD woman, especially one whose primary/only ship is going to be with another woman.Maaaaybe Clea Strange? I don’t know shit about her, never read Dr. Strange, but like, people make blogs for Sigyn literally just because she’s Loki’s wife, and Clea at least seems to like...DO stuff? IDK, not sure on this on, but figured I’d make an honorable mention.Siryn, Boom Boom, and Dr. Cecilia Reyes are all X-Ladies that I really don’t know much about. Like I know basic things like their powers but I don’t know their story arcs and such. But as with Clea and the Avengers ladies and She-Hulk, I just have a HUNCH there’s a lot there getting ignored by fans.Silhouette Chord is a longtime member of The New Warriors, and, like Alpha Flight, New Warriors doesn’t really have a fanbase on Tumblr to speak of, so it’s not surprising to me she’s not got any love here. And even within the pages of her own comics, she’s generally pushed aside, underused, and underdeveloped compared to the other characters, generally more a prop for her boyfriend’s stories than anything else. But she DOES have a personality, a REALLY cool backstory, and she’s like...look, the RPC claims to love diversity and representation and all that, right? Silhouette is a mixed-race WOC (half Black, half Cambodian, and I have NEVER seen another Marvel character of Cambodian heritage who wasn’t connected to her) who is also very visibly physically disabled, her legs are completely paralyzed and she is never without her braces/crutches, yet she still fights PHYSICALLY (something very rare for physically disabled characters, they usually are more like Oracle or Prof X) and is depicted in a sexual relationship, and there’s never any kind of fuss or angst about it or anything treating her as delicate or less than or anything like that. She’s just completely adjusted to it in a way that’s very rare in media. And like I said, she’s not a flat character, I’m not saying she should be more popular just for ticking off the diversity boxes, she manages to be really intriguing to me despite how little focus the writers give her, and I think that she and the other New Warrior girls (Firestar and Namorita) have a lot to offer the RPC. But I have to give a special shoutout to Sil since she’s my fave, as the neglected ones alway are.Meggan Puceanu is probably most familiar to folks here as Kurt’s love interest in Age of X, but she’s been around since the 80s. She’s a longtime member of Excalibur, and she’s just...fascinating. She’s a Romanichal mutant (though often hinted to have magical/mystical heritage too, perhaps fairy like Pixie) who has empathic, elemental, and shapeshifting capabilities. However, her empathic and shapeshifting tend to overlap, so she changes her form (and her mind) according to the feelings, fears, and desires of others. So for instance, there’s this one time where a group of men are checking her out, and she feels that “They love me...I want...to love them in return!” and she morphs into this sexxed-up version of hersef on the spot. This isn’t played for kinkiness or laughs either; Meggan’s identity struggles are a HUGE part of her character. She has no idea who she is because her powers make her reflect and respond to the feelings of others around her, internally and externally. She doesn’t even know what she actually really LOOKS like because of this; her powers were present since birth, causing her to grow fur instantly as an infant due to it being winter. This caused her parents to keep her locked up in the camper trailer, where she was raised alone with the TV (she’s also illiterate, which causes her to feel dumb a lot) and as more and more people around her spread rumors about the monstrous child inside, she psychically absorbed those beliefs and her physical form changed to reflect them, making her more and more monstrous as she got older. She didn’t know she was a shapeshifter, she just really thought she was a hideous monster. And even when she found out the truth, she STILL didn’t know what she really looked like, as the beautiful form she took on (basically Pamela Anderson with elf ears) was to please her boyfriend Captain Britain (whom she is really unhealthily dependent on starting out because of her situation)Meggan is insecure, she doesn’t know who she is, she has to cling to a man in order to have anything because no one else has ever loved her, she easily becomes jealous of other women near him, she gets made fun of for being a bimbo and she often feels she is because she can’t read or understand “clever words” due to her isolated upbringing...and she gets through this! She develops! She becomes STRONGER and she becomes SECURE and she gains CONTROL of her powers and SHE KICKS ASS and she FORMS AN IDENTITY!  And then Meggan SACRIFICED HER LIFE to buy time for Captain Britain, Psylocke, and Rachel Summers to repair the tear in reality caused by House of M. She ends up lost between dimensions and TRAPPED IN HELL, where she uses her empathy to rally the lesser demons against THE LORDS OF HELL ITSELF and wages a war IN HELL for which her demon followers dub her “Gloriana” and she forms a sanctuary there called “Elysium” where souls can escape torment!  AND THEN SHE FINDS HER WAY HOME!THIS WOMAN KICKED ASS IN HELL AND WON!! Like she just goes through SUCH an arc, and I admit I have not read it myself yet, she’s on my list of characters to read EVERYTHING on and I’m still only familiar with her very insecure Excalibur days (which I love a lot, I just feel so much for Meggan and her struggles, I think she’s very much a reflection of a LOT of real-world issues, ranging from mental illnesses to just EXISTING as a woman) but I already have a ton of feelings about her and I think she’s more than prominent and accomplished enough to merit more attention in the RPC. And this is less of an “actually has reasons the RPC should love her” character, because really there’s no reason they should, she’s not prominent or relevant or or anything, but more an interesting “did you know”---did you know there was a “young female Wolverine clone” in the comics BEFORE Laura Kinney? Avery Connor! She pre-dates Laura by a year and has a VERY similar story, yet she never took off in popularity and very few people know her. You can read about her HERE on my Marvel blog. Again, would not say there’s actually any reason she’s earned love from the RPC like, say, Meggan or Luna, but I just thought I’d toss that in as a tidbit for the Logan family fans, as I know there are many.(Also, cheating because these are dudes, but: I’m not a Banshee fan but I am surprised I’ve never seen a blog for him, nor for Sunfire. Or for 616 Pyro. Or...)
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