#Skz blurb
emithecharmer · 11 days
Marry Me?
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Chan didn't care about anything at the moment, except you that is. The way you fit perfectly in his arms, the mold of you curving perfectly where he held you, like you were the missing puzzle piece.
He hadn't even noticed when he had started crying, but he came to when he felt you move to cup his cheeks.
"What's wrong, baby?" You pout slightly, your brow furrowed, and God, your voice.
"Can I keep you?" He sniffs, chuckling at how pathetic he sounded.
"Hm?" You smile, running your fingers through his hair.
"Like forever, you can't leave." You exhale through your nose and shrug.
"Sounds good to me." He smiles and pulls your head back to lay on his shoulder, his arms tightening around your waist. His hands dip under your shirt, rubbing leisure circles on your hips with his thumbs.
An hour passes by before either of you talk again.
"..I'm gonna marry you." Chan says, making you hum, blissfully.
"I can't wait." He smiles, pressing a kiss to your hair. You close your eyes again, relaxing into his calming presence. You're confused when you feel his hands pushing something onto your finger, lifting your head up to see a ring on your ring finger. You blink a few times before looking at Chan.
"Marry me?"
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Honey bee (dad!hanjisung)
The whole "favourite parent" theory never really convinced you to the fullest, not with how much Daisy was obsessed with father, her very first word being "dada!", the biggest rounded eyes looking excitedly at him, her cute little mouth just a happy happy o shape as she tuned to her dad when you had first asked her to try and say the word, which nearly brought Jisung to tears right then and there.
With you being the parent that was at home the most though, you were quite used to being wrapped around her little finger, catering to her every need, helping her and caring for her through her trickiest nights and seasonal flu.
Jisung tried his very very best at being as present as possible and not miss on any important milestones such as her first word, which had happened fairly recently, or the first few little steps she walked from your seated figure to him, resting his bum on the carpet, opposite you, both of your arms outstretched for her shall she stumble on her little feet. He was there. Overjoyed.
Whenever he came home from work, be it at 2 in the morning or 4 in the afternoon, he always made sure to go and see his baby, even if it was for a little bit, like his lunch break or five minutes before going to bed, he always stuck to his habit of just taking a few minutes to just look at her, kiss her cheek, play with her or have a cuddle if she was awake.
And Daisy must have developed a sixth sense for that, even for a toddler as young as barely one year old, she just knew whenever her dad was about to come home. And she would become just a liiiiiitle restless and fussy with either excitement or desperate anticipation. Hence you secretly started to believe perhaps he was the favourite parent, probably cause she loved him so, and missed him just as much, despite his best efforts.
Tonight was just one of those nights, Jisung had literally just gotten home not even 3 hours ago, it was way past her bed time but none of you had the heart to deny either of you some bonding family time, or better yet father and daughter quality time.
He had postponed his shower and his unpacking and just picked her up from the floor where she was playing quietly with you, and smothered her little face with kisses and hugged her and hold her and played with her for as long as possible before she required a nappy change and the delayed night time routine.
Neither of you felt like you were being bad parents. Routines and regular sleeping schedules were important but so is being patient and lenient, understanding of your child needs and yours as parents too. A little indulgence and some extra cuddles never hurt anyone.
Bathed and half way through her bottle, baby Daisy was having a hard time concentrating on the soft lullaby bed time story you were reading her, she kept rubbing her small chubby knuckles into her eyes and half giggling cause she was too awake and eager, kept fidgeting and twitching in her sleeveless sleep sack she usually loved being swaddled in.
"Ah I see, you're not so sleepy tonight are you? Silly little bloom you are", you giggle at her cute happy and definitely more than alert face, gently pinching her rosy cheeks, "is someone just so excited dada's home? Shall we go see him? Shall we have dada sing you to sleep tonight?", you suggest rhetorically, knowing that even though she can't fully grasp what you're saying she definitely understands any mention of her father.
With a little huffing and puffing from the effort, you roll over onto the side and get up from her little bed wich you had squeezed yourself in, you unzip her sleeping sack and pick her up, gently brushing away her satiny soft wisps of dark brown hair, just barely curling at the tips, you balance her on your hip, careful to distribute her weight evenly so you don't strain yourself, and slowly pad into the corridor and then into your master bedroom where you find your husband folding his clothes into the closet, his suitcases now empty, discarded on the floor beside the bed.
"Knock knock? A certain daisy bloom is requesting her sweet honey bee to help her sleep tonight", you announce playfully as you cup your daughter's little hand and help her knock on the door, Jisung spins around with a start, his face immediately lighting up, "oh goodness!", he muses excitedly, dropping whatever shirt he was trying to neatly fold in his lap.
He walks over to you, grinning from ear to ear, and gently lifts Daisy from your arms and into his, holding her close to his chest so he can place a fluttery stream of kisses into her hair, "is it true Deiji girl? you want Dada?", he coos, sitting on the edge of the bed, relishing in the way his baby girl latches onto him, her little arms and hands trying to grip onto his neck as she squeaks happily, "da-dda", she blubbers, burying her face into his chest.
He shoots you the puppy eyes, his bottom lip trembling, the look on his face so devastatingly amazed and touched, which you reciprocate, clutching your own chest, watching as he cuddles her closer while he scoots on the bed so he can rest his back onto the bed frame, the baby not even shifting into his arms, her ear pressed onto his pectoral, perhaps a subconscious reminiscence of when she used to do that as a newborn.
Endless were the days when Jisung wouldn't dare breathing too loud, scared he would disturb her sleep, and would hold her like that for hours on end, the tiny shell of her ear pressed onto his hearbeat, his hands rubbing her back ever so lightly in soothing motion, his lips brushing her head every once in a while in a dream like state, or a suppressing-his- leg - cramps - and- impeding- need- to- pee- and- breathe- normally- hazy state. For there was no way in hell he was going to move and wake her up.
Fatherhood. What an immense blessing to have been bestowed upon him. Jisung was the most wonderful father despite the demands of his tight working schedules, he had been pouring himself out for your daughter from day one, and you had been witnessing him blossoming into his nurturing calling just like his first baby name's sake.
"You guys... I'm going to cry", you mumble, feeling suddenly very emotional at the scene before you, "me too... oh... how I missed her", Jisung sniffles, snuggling his baby tightly but still carefully enough so he doesn't crush her, "she's so cuddly I'm going to die", he adds then, holding her up closer to his face so he can kiss her cheeks and her forehead and the tip her nose and her cheeks again and her nose again.
"You are the best cuddler in the whole world you know that sweetheart?", he says softly, gazing into his daughter boba brown eyes, a miniature version of his own eyes, along with the squishiest cheeks and poutiest lips she inherited straight from him as well, whereas she had your nose and your chin and seemingly your hair, the perfect tiny combination of both of you guys' genes.
Daisy tilts her head to the side and slabbers a little, adorable loud giggles escaping her mouth, "dadda eeppyy", she gabbles, trying to stand on her tippy toes in Jisung's lap, whose hands hover over her small frame, catching her whenever she wobbles unsteadily, "dada's sleepy? Yeah, I am sleepy. Is Daisy sleepy too? Shall we go night night?", he says sweetly, smiling proudly, elated at just how bright and smart and cute his daughter is, "ya", she says in her tiny voice, trying to nod lightly, mimicking a small yawn after.
"Okay, night night we go then. Let's say bye bye to omma and sissy first! Say night night mommy, night night sissy!", Jisung instructs tenderly, brushing her hair with his fingers and then gently guiding her to you so she can crawl over and cup your cheeks in her little hands:" nah nah mam-mah", she babbles, her aim a little off when she tries to kiss your cheek and ends up slobbering all over your face.
Which you can't help but laugh endeared at: "good night sweetie, I love you, sissy loves you too!", you say softly, your hands cradling your round bump. A fond smile and soft gaze into his eyes, Jisung pecks your lips once, lingering there just for a second, a promise for more at a later time.
"Let's say bye bye to sissy too, where is sissy?", he adds then, gently encouraging Daisy to use her little pointer finger to poke at your chest, just slightly above your heart, "aw sissy is mommy's heart, but she's also in mommy's belly!", he prods her on gently, until she pokes your belly too, smiling excitedly, "good girl! There's sissy! say goodnight sissy, I love you! like this, here, watch dada", he explains patiently, bending down to kiss your belly once, and then twice, and then thrice.
Soon enough Daisy copies him and you find yourself overwhelmed with a flurry of slobbery kisses all over your tummy and your chest, the echo of your husband and daughter's giggling and smacking their lips on your skin making your tear up with both joy and the prickling feeling of having to go toilet with how much they're ticking you.
"Night night Nari, we love you", Jisung whispers, his lips pretty much still attached to you, an arm firmly wrapped around his toddler and the other cradling your belly, honey dripping from his words and his eyes.
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lvllylix · 4 months
Can I request Hyunjin coming home from a bad day at practice and he’s just really tense and on edge that one little minor inconvenience that reader causes like idk saying there’s too much salt in the dinner he made etc just makes me cry and she feels like she did something wrong and panics but he explains that it’s not her and she comforts him 🫶🏾
A/N: Sorry this took so long to get posted!! I'm not entirely happy with how this turned out, but I do hope you still enjoy ♡♡♡
Embrace of Solace
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Title: Embrace of Solace
Song: Lean On Me by SEVENTEEN
Pairing: Hyunjin x reader
Word count: 1,075
Warnings: None
Summary: Hyunjin turns to you for some comfort.
You heard the door creak open, signaling Hyunjin's return home. Glancing up from your book, you smiled, ready to greet him after his long day of practice. But as he entered the room, something seemed off. His usually bright eyes were clouded with tension, and his shoulders were stiff.
"Hey, you're home," you said, setting aside your book and standing up to give him a hug. But when you wrapped your arms around him, you noticed how tightly wound he was, his muscles tense beneath your touch.
"Yeah, I'm back," Hyunjin replied, his voice strained. He forced a smile, but it didn't quite reach his eyes.
"Rough day at practice?" you asked, concern tingeing your voice. You knew how seriously he took his dancing, but something felt different today.
"Just the usual," he replied with a shrug, trying to brush off your concern. "Nothing I can't handle."
You wanted to press further, to ask him what was really going on, but you knew Hyunjin well enough to know when he didn't want to talk about something. So instead, you offered him a sympathetic smile and guided him over to the couch, where he sank down heavily, exhaustion evident in every line of his body.
"Let me get you something to drink," you said, hoping to provide some small comfort. "Tea? Or maybe just water?"
"Water's fine," Hyunjin replied, his voice weary. As you disappeared into the kitchen, you couldn't shake the feeling that something was seriously wrong. But without any indication from Hyunjin himself, you were left in the dark, wondering what could have possibly happened at practice to leave him in such a state.
Returning with a glass of water, you handed it to him and sat down beside him on the couch, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. "You know you can talk to me, right?" you said softly. "Whatever it is, you don't have to deal with it alone."
Hyunjin managed a weak smile, his fingers curling around yours as he squeezed your hand back. "Thanks, Y/N," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "I appreciate it."
But even as he spoke those words, you couldn't shake the feeling that there was something he wasn't telling you. As the evening progressed, you tried your best to create a relaxing atmosphere, hoping it would help ease whatever was troubling Hyunjin. You suggested watching his favorite movie or playing some calming music, but he seemed too lost in his thoughts to fully engage.
Eventually, you decided to make dinner, hoping that a good meal might lift his spirits. You carefully prepared his favorite dish, setting the table with extra care, hoping that the effort would not go unnoticed. As you sat down to eat, you watched anxiously for any sign that Hyunjin was feeling better.
But as he took the first bite, his brow furrowed in confusion. "Is something wrong?" you asked, trying to keep your voice light.
"It's nothing," Hyunjin replied quickly, forcing a smile as he continued to eat. But you could tell something was off, his usual enthusiasm for your cooking was replaced by a sense of detachment.
Concern gnawed at you as you watched him pick at his food, unable to shake the feeling that something was seriously wrong. And then, you took your first bite, face twisting in immediate disgust.
"Sorry, t-this tastes horrible," you said, grimacing as you realized your mistake. "I must have misread how much salt I was meant to use."
The words seemed to hang in the air, and before you could react, Hyunjin's eyes welled up with tears. Shocked, you reached out to him, your heart breaking at the sight of his distress.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to upset you," you said, your voice trembling with guilt. "I'll make something else, I promise."
But instead of accepting your apology, Hyunjin shook his head, his tears flowing freely now. "It's not about the salt," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
Confusion swirled within you as you tried to make sense of his words. "Then what is it?" you asked, your concern growing with each passing moment.
Hyunjin took a shaky breath, his fingers curling around yours as he struggled to find the right words. "It's just… everything," he admitted, his voice breaking with emotion. "I've been having a really tough time lately, and I don't know how to deal with it."
Your heart ached at his confession, realizing just how much he had been struggling in silence. Without hesitation, you pulled him into your arms, holding him close as he buried his face against your shoulder.
"You don't have to go through this alone," you whispered, your voice filled with love and reassurance. "I'm here for you, no matter what."
As you held Hyunjin close, you could feel the tension slowly melting away from his body, replaced by a sense of warmth and comfort. You ran your fingers through his hair soothingly, whispering words of reassurance and love as he clung to you, seeking solace in your embrace.
"I'm sorry for not telling you sooner," Hyunjin murmured against your shoulder, his voice raw with emotion. "I just didn't want to burden you with my problems."
"You could never burden me," you replied softly, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of his head. "We're a team, remember? We face everything together."
Hyunjin nodded, his grip on you tightening as he buried his face against your neck. You held him close, letting him take as much time as he needed to let out his emotions, offering silent support with each beat of your heart.
Eventually, the tears subsided, leaving behind a sense of calm and acceptance. Hyunjin pulled back slightly, his eyes meeting yours with a mixture of gratitude and love.
"Thank you," he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity. "I don't know what I would do without you."
"You'll never have to find out," you replied, giving him a soft smile. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what."
And with those words, you leaned in to capture his lips in a tender kiss, sealing your promise with a silent vow. In that moment, surrounded by love and understanding, you knew that together, you could overcome anything that life threw your way. And as you melted into each other's arms, the world faded away, leaving behind only the warmth of your love and the comfort of your embrace.
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oddinarylani · 4 months
10:58 pm | chan | a place to sleep, for just some time. 
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they jingled and shook together between your fingers; your keys. even just walking to your car, which was a mere few steps from your complex, left the scratched metal freezing cold and wet with condensation. the skin of your fingers was beginning to turn a rosy, pretty shade of red - kissed by the wind chill and met with the cold unceremoniously. 
huffs of hot breath leave your lips, your hand shoves your keys into your ignition - the click alerts your ears, and you turn. 
she struggles to start up, a few repeated misfires as she tries to get started up in the cold, you push your lips together, “c’mon-“ you mutter once before she starts, engine coming to life as your radio begins to sound throughout the confines of your car. you sigh in relief, sitting back to get cozy for the next 20 minutes it takes her to get even the slightest bit warm. 
as the engine warms to the first notch, some random playlist going - though your mind was rather fixated on how cold it was, not what music was playing, your phone buzzes. 
did it start up okay? 
your hands tremble, fingers numb as you type a reply. 
yeah, i’m letting it warm up before i head over 
please drive safe. the roads don’t look so good. 
i will, i promise. i’ll go slow so it’ll take me a minute. 
your phone still trembles in your fingers, a long shaky exhale leaves your lips, and chan sends a few more messages asking you to promise to be safe. forever doting on your wellbeing as he always had. it brings a smile to your shakes, and your car is a notch warmer. you change the song, hiding your fingers inside your jacket as you try to warm. 
your knuckles have almost split and cracked from the dryness - you feel the ache over the skin - red and flustered and freezing, a kind of beautiful clash against the pure white of the snow on the ground. 
it was reaching -22° now - the power had been out for 2 days, and you texted chan out of pure frozen desperation. finally caving on his request to have you stay over to keep out of the cold of your apartment. ice was beginning to form around your window pane, and now, you could periodically see your breaths in your own home. groceries were getting low and you were feeling fairly hopeless and frustrated at the predicament. 
with one more promise of your carefulness to chan, you pull out of your complex to begin you drive, changing the song once more. 
the ice and frozen pavement crunches and groans under your tires, but you have one thing on your mind keeping you going - and when you finally arrive you nearly feel like crying just at the sight. 
chan walks out the door to greet you and take your bags, burying further in his hoodie when he feels how cold it’s getting outside. you throw your bags over you shoulder, waddling up to him and leaning up to kiss him when he takes your bags. 
“hey baby,” he smiles. “let’s get you inside.” you nod, jaw chattering. 
“if you want to lay down or change i just put the heated blanket on in my bed, i’ll get you some tea.” he leans in, kissing your cheek as you nod and shuffle off to his room. 
his apartment is warm, warm and so comforting. you shes your layers, down to a long sleeve shirt and your fleece leggings and socks and slide into his bed, feeling your bones and muscles relax to the warmth and your jaw still from the chattering. 
chan comes in a moment later, smiling at your cocooned state; the blankets pulled to your mouth, eyes closed as your body tries to take in as much warmth as possible. 
“c’mere, baby.” he lifts the covers to slide in next to you, shuddering when he feels how cold you were against him. “o-ooh, you’re so cold.” he frowns softly, fully pressing his body against you, wrapping his arms around you. his hands gently scratch and soothe your skin, warming you up beneath his palms. 
you nuzzle for his warmth, face buried in his shoulder and neck, your legs searching and preening to be intertwined with his. “i-i know, sorry.” you mumble, keeping your freezin digits to yourself until they warmed up enough. 
“don’t apologize, baby. just glad you’re here, couldn’t imagine how bad it was at your place.” he cradles the back of your head, fingers scratching at your scalp and threading through your hair. 
god, it felt so good to be in his arms. he was all encompassing, sobering - like being held by him brought every thought to the forefront of your mind and it was all just him. 
he was warm, holding you in the way he knew you loved, the way he always did. it took the breath from you a bit, to be swallowed up by him. 
the water for your tea dings and he stands, softly rubbing your waist and hip as he gets up. “i’ll be right back, you want cream? sugar?” you nod and he chuckles, coming back a moment later with your tea in hand. you sit up, a bit fuzzy from the warmth and take the cup he offered, the steam wafting from the top ever inviting. 
you smile softly at him, your eyes meeting for a brief moment. “thank you, my love.” you lean in once more, your lips meting softly as a thank you. he hums, eyes a bit sparkly and mouth crinkled with a soft smile. 
his eyes filter down to your hands, brow and eyes contorting. “oh your hands,” he fetches a small bottle of lotion, popping open the cap as he puts a good amount in his own hands, taking yours. 
he brings your hands to his lips, kissing them softly with his pillowy lips before working the lotion into your skin. 
you smile at his gesture, soon the cracking of your knuckles healed over a bit with the moisture, and he takes your hands in his, squeezing softly. 
“you’re too good to me.” you chuckle, leaning further to wrap your arms around him, fully wrapped in his embrace. 
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soobnny · 5 months
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the first snowflake — hwang hyunjin. unrequited love. comfort. best friends to ? (1.0k words)
your best friend comforts you over unrequited love
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“Jinnie, what are we doing here?”
It’s a simple question for a simple person like your best friend who has taken the ground for a bed, laying among the grass and patting the space next to him—a silent invitation for you to join him. You follow quietly, allowing yourself the moment to not trip over your own feet and just exist.
There’s a gap between you both, a small buffer, but it’s not wide enough that Hyunjin can still pull you at arm’s length if anything happens.
He turns his head so he’s looking at you. There’s a small smile on his face, eyes focused on your own. “You were crying this morning. Isn’t it quiet here?”
“A little.”
When you’d knocked on his door with tears in your eyes, he let you cry. For seconds, or minutes, or hours, you don’t really remember. You can only recall the ice cream he’d bought you after and how he’d held your hand to take you where you are now.
The small gesture of kindness brings a lump to your throat. Hyunjin has always known the way you resort to isolation when you’re upset, how you prefer the silence to help you think. So, he allows you the time to think things through, but he offers his quiet presence so you don’t have to be alone.
His company makes you feel rested, far more than you have in a while. You have been too tired menaced by unrequited love and the obvious truth that Chan does not feel the same way. He’s captivated by someone else—prettier, smarter. What a long way to be in love with him for years only to arrive at loneliness. But there is nothing you can do but continue to live within the confines of a love you cannot control.
How ironic, the season of giving is taking and taking away from you.
“What if the first snowflake falls today?”
“Then I’ll lend you my coat.”
“But you’ll be cold.”
“I can handle it until we get home.”
Hyunjin always has a response for everything, and you soften from the uneasy stance you’d taken. You hate being upset in front of Hyunjin, it makes you feel pathetic. Even more so because he’s never given you a reason to feel pathetic in front of him, and it makes you guilty that you even feel this way in the first place.
You snap back to awareness when you feel his hand on yours. They’re long and slender, engulfing yours with ease. The warmth grounds you and temporarily eases the uneasy look on your face. You let your eyes flicker down to your hands before training them back on the sky.
You allow yourself to watch the sky for a long time, indifferent to everything else, until a question blocks your vision. Something you wish you could answer.
Why couldn’t Chan just have looked at you? Even just once?
You had submerged yourself too long until you’d drowned. You would look at the boy with love, but it was never reciprocated. You could’ve been a good girlfriend if you weren’t the only one falling.
When he’d introduced to you the girl he’s been taking on dates, you’d heard the first crack of your heart. Still, you’d played your part—the supportive friend, until it was an appropriate time to excuse yourself. And when you’d made the move to leave, you’d hovered for a few extra seconds, waiting. Eyes trained on the boy. Waiting.
You don’t even know why. You know he’d never look back. But you had hoped he would. You were always hoping with Chan.
You feel a gentle squeeze on your hand. It’s Hyunjin. You didn’t even tell him why you’d been crying, but you have a slight inkling that he knows. He has always been more in tune with his emotions than you. He’s smart, overwhelmingly so, so you have no doubt that he’s aware of your feelings for Chan. But even if he did know, he didn’t say anything. Not until you were ready to tell him.
You stay lying on the grass, watching as the light from the sun slowly drains from the clouds that are hiding it. There is still that pathetic feeling sitting on your chest, akin to heartbreak and embarrassment. You’re too tired to decipher which one. It’s so tiring to have too much to think about, things that have hurt you. It’s starting to get painful.
“I wish love was easier.” You whisper.
There’s a silence that follows. You can tell he’s thinking.
“If it was easy, it wouldn’t be worth it.” Hyunjin sounds utterly human, and there’s a tenderness in him—in his eyes, in the way he’s holding your hand, and in his words. There’s a certain softness to him, and it’s so endearing. You can’t look anywhere else.
“How will I know when I’ll be okay again?”
He takes your hand in his, placing it carefully on your heart. “That’s how you’ll know.”
Something sits with the embarrassment on your chest, but it feels different this time. Something’s changed and you can’t quite put your finger on it. You try not to think about it too much. But you have a feeling it’s vulnerability, something you don’t let slip very often.
You only look away when you spot something from the corner of your eye.
The first snowflake.
“Ah, the first snow of the season.” Flowers sprout from the way Hyunjin chuckles. He’s sat up now, transferring his coat on you as promised. And you feel warm, but not as warm as when he’d held your hand earlier. You resist the urge to reach for his hands, you don’t even know why you want to, but you really really don’t want to think about it.
He looks at you when you call his name, previously closing his eyes in what looks like him making a wish, but he says nothing. He only holds your gaze, and you can’t really tell if he’s thinking of a response or waiting.
“Thank you.” You finish.
He smiles at you.
When he asks if the two of you should leave, it sounds familiar. But you let him go, telling him you’ll stay just for a little while. And maybe if you hadn’t closed your eyes immediately, you would’ve noticed the way he’d stood there for a few seconds. Eyes trained on you. Waiting.
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hanjisick · 1 year
warning. mind control. yandere themes.
[brownies.] “y/n!” felix shouted out, “they’re done!”
you perked up, abandoning your phone to meet your boyfriend in the kitchen.
the sight was always an endearing one. chocolate always managed to get somewhere on his face, oven mittens were on his hands, and the apron that you got him for christmas one year cinching his waist.
you couldn’t help but let your arms find themselves around the pink apron, hugging him from behind and resting your head on his back.
“they have to cool, my love.”
“can’t we just eat them now? when they’re all gooey?”
“they’ll get all over your cheeks.”
felix turned in your grasp to face you.
“but if you want to eat them now, i wouldn’t stop you,” a hand brushed the hair out of your face, “i’ll try to get you a piece, but they’re gonna be messy.”
busy staring at the love of your life, you failed to notice the secret ingredient on the counter, a bottle of liquid with no name on it, one that had been in the cabinet for years.
as always, he took a seat at the chair across from you, staring into your eyes as you took the first bite.
when you met felix’s eyes, you swore that you fell in love all over again.
and that’s because you did.
“i’m done eating,” you couldn’t tear away from the eye contact, as if you were in a trance, “all i want is to be with you. can we please cuddle?”
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kpopblurblog · 2 years
[5:53 pm] a heavy sigh slips past lee know’s lips as he borderline glares at your bedroom door. you haven’t left your bed in days despite your mutual friends’ pleas. despite his pleas. he really didn’t want to have to do this, but you were making this difficult. minho’s long legs moved towards your bedroom door. nimble fingers wrapped around the doorknob and began turning it while minho mentally prepared himself for the state you and your room would be in.
you had clothes everywhere along the floor. beside those was a graveyard of forgotten projects and hyperfixations. your desk had half eaten bowls of food from days ago that minho was certain had mold growing in them. but those were trivial compared to how you were curled up beneath the two weighted blankets you owned, back to the door in an attempt to look asleep so he wouldn’t bother you. but minho didn’t buy it. he knew you and, even with your erratic sleep schedule, he knew you were always awake around this time. with a final sigh, minho made his way across your room with careful footsteps, eyebrows knit together in determination.
once he reached your side, he called out to you in a soft voice, “c’mon, bub, lets get you something to eat.” you gave no response. the panicked thought that you had finally decided enough was enough crossed minho’s mind before he heard a heavy sigh make its way from where you lay.
“alright,” minho shook his head, “you leave me no choice then.”
you let out a gasp when cold air suddenly hit your bare skin. a yelp followed when you were suddenly being lifted in the air and thrown over your roommate’s shoudler.
“minho!” you gasped as once again traversed the graveyard of old clothes and hobbies on your floor with you still over his shoulder. despite the fact that you knew minho would never drop you, your fingers dug into his shirt on instinct and a whimper escaped your throat. once out of your room, minho quickly made his way to the couch with you. he gingerly set you in your spot on the couch, quick to cover you in one of your favorite blankets. he moved over to the cat tree in the corner and retrieved his three feline children, bringing an armful of cat floof for you to cuddle. though doongie was the only one to stay in your lap for cuddles since you were his favorite human.
“wait here,” minho told you, voice barely above a whisper. he was acting as if you were a wild animal, ready to fight or flee at too loud of a sound or too sketchy of movement. a voice at the back of your head hissed at you while minho darted off into the kitchen, whispering in your ear about how your roommate was probably sick of you already and how he probably thought you were a waste of space.
minho ploppped down a variety of various bowls on the coffee table in front of you, the smells of them making your stomach twist with hunger. “i’m-,” you began only for minho to shove a spoonful of kimchi soup into your mouth. you stared at your roommate wide eyed for a moment and he began to worry he’d crossed a line. but once he saw you chewing, tears beginning to fall from the corners of your eyes while you shakily asked for another bite of food, he knew this was a good decision.
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ujimoo · 2 years
illness and cuddles | LMH
notes: this is a short little blurb for @curlytxe, I hope you enjoy this bestie! this was written quickly, so I hope you still like it! (sorry if there are many mistakes)
another note: If you want a blurb of your own or want to see something, feel free to request!
WARNING: mentions of being ill, use of pet name 'kitten', mentions of food/not eating and eating.
permanent tag list: @plutominho @soobin-chois
skz masterlist
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it was minho shaking you that finally woke you up.
blinking slowly, a whine escapes your lips. you didn't want to be awake, you had started getting a fever whilst you were working yesterday and all it had done was get worse. one minute you were hot and your blankets felt too heavy on your body and then the next you were freezing and you just wanted to stay curled up in your bed as you waited it out.
sitting next to you, minho looks down at you.
"how you feeling kitten?" he asks, brushing your hair out of your face.
pouting, you look up at him. "not good, I want to sleep more."
"have you eaten something yet?"
you shrug, "what time is it?"
that was enough of an answer for minho causing him to tisk and shake his head. "just because you're ill, doesn't mean I won't beat your ass."
"why can't you just be all loving like a normal boyfriend?" you tried to joke, but end up coughing from talking too quickly.
"you love me this way," minho light-heartily glares at you.
you hum in agreement, leaning into his touch.
you did love him the way that he was and there was nothing you would do to change him. he was the best boyfriend you ever had and there was no one else you trusted more in your life. he was like your guiding star. everything about him made sense, felt safe and worked in a way that felt right-- even if your brain didn't always understand it.
"I'm going to make you some food," he starts.
you let out a whine when he moves away from you and stretch your arms out for him to come back to you.
rolling his eyes, he can't help but smile. "I'll be back in a minute, clingy."
"let me come with you," you try to get up, but he pushes you back down.
"no you don't." his eyes staring into yours. "you stay here, I'll come back and then you have however many hugs you want"
"okay," you continue to pout.
he gently places a kiss on your forehead and lets his lips linger there for a moment. "I love you."
"i love you too."
and you really did, so much.
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betterthanthebat · 2 years
this is kinda shitty but i liked the idea and i just needed a place to sketch it out a bit since i don't really wanna write a full thing or even a drabble on it.
after many failed attempts and signals that weren't being picked up bang chan would be the type of person that will use the excuse of being stuck in the same car ride as you to connect his spotify to the car and play his shitty edm/techno playlist as a way to confess, and it would be so fucking insufferable for everyone else to witness.
• now, don't get me wrong, minho absolutely adored you both but it's the way his love sick stare is obvious to the rest of your friend group except you, it's... frustrating.
• you were pretty dense and closed off. love wasn't at the top of your priorities (now or ever) and bang chan knew that and respected you and your decisions, but still, seeing you bop your head along the instrumental of one of his favorite remixes soothed his anxious heart, he couldn't help himself.
• was it selfish to open himself up like that and shine a light on you while everyone else in the car was so painfully aware about what was happening? maybe. or maybe not.
he wasn't demanding to have his feelings reciprocated, he didn't even want an answer.
he just needed to get it off his chest once and for all.
for himself.
to feel better (and also to be able to enjoy the time you two spent together without being painfully awkward and stiff.)
• "so... what do you think?"
"it's great, i like it! send me the link to your playlist, i need to listen to it again when i'm alone and less distracted but it's good stuff"
you liked it.
a small smile was creeping on his lips as his head still hanged low, watching over his phone screen.
i mean he kinda expected it. you both liking the same genre was the whole reason of why minho was accompanying you both to this rave but liking the same genre doesn't automatically mean that you would've liked the same songs.
• your words gave him the courage to look up but once he did, he realized that you weren't in the car anymore.
you were gone, probably ran off to keep a space for him in the ticket line for the entrance.
and he was alone, again.
"you know..."
with minho.
"you could just tell them how you feel, like a normal human being instead of using the most unlistenable songs in existence."
"and that synthesizer was shit, they probably didn't understand a single word."
"you think so?"
"i mean, i didn't either, so..."
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missskzbiased · 1 year
[20:13] Timestamp
Summary: You’ve been sucked into a game, and your only way out is to complete a quest. The only problem? You can’t go on a quest without a team, and you're lacking one member. What you didn’t know is that looking for a fifth member might have been troublesome, but finding him was even worse.
[Messed up summary cuz this is just a blurb]
WC: ~6,5 K
Genre: Isekai (Transported into a Game), Action/Adventure, Blurb
Warnings: Choking, language
Notes: I’m just playing around with this idea. I had fun writing this, and I might try to write a series out of this in the future, with these characters (Changbin, Hyunjin, Jisung, Minho), and add some romance, although I’m not sure which pairing I’d like to play with. I accept suggestions! <3
This is inspired by @the-writing-nook’s monthly prompt for January: write something set in a small town. I lost myself on the way to small town, tho UHSAHUSAUHSUHAUHASUHSA
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You don't know for how long you've been traveling.
It's not a euphemism, you really don't. Besides not having regular clocks, which oblige you to rely on the sunlight to figure out if it's past noon, there is no evidence that time runs at the same pace here and in the real world. Therefore, you gave up on counting on day three, and you cannot be sure how many more days had passed since then. The Crystal Towers sprinkled over the map supplied you with hours that meant nothing, and neither did the moon raised in the sky. Not because you missed home (although you did miss it) but because the sun could rise a thousand times and it would still be January 1st unless you figured out what was your quest.
And you didn't.
"I swear to God, if I take another step I'll die."
Jisung is as dramatic as that on a daily basis. If there was anyone more fit in this world to be a Bard, you had yet to meet them. Besides being great at playing his mandolin, Jisung had a deep-seated aversion to any sort of physical exertion, even the bare minimum necessary for you to go from one city to another. You cannot blame him, though. Not when traveling to another city meant coming across giant animals, corrupted beasts, and wicked NPCs willing to take you down.
Moreover, you cannot complain either. He is the one who gathers most of the information you need to proceed with your pre-quest. He's also responsible for guaranteeing a warm bed for you to sleep in at night. So, whenever he feels like whining about useless things that will certainly hold you up, you choose to let it be.
Ignore him and keep going, that's your current mantra.
"You'll be doing us all a favor"
Hyunjin isn't as considerate, which is fitting for his character. As a Ranger, his job is to hunt down your food when you're spending too much time in the woods, track enemies and targets whenever needed, and provide you with nature fun facts that will allow you to survive. His aversion involves connecting with other humans and exposing his vulnerabilities but he has no complaints whatsoever about the challenges in your travels. Besides being antisocial, Hyunjin was a great addition to the team, and he plays his role competently. If it wasn't for him, all of you would be dead by now. That's the main reason why you put up with him. That and the fact that he is pretty cute.
"Couldn't you be less of an ass every now and then? I'm tired! We've been traveling for days! " That's it, Jisung had it.
He storms out of the edges of the woods, where you could get the most out of the moonlight and the least of the monstrous beasts hiding in their lairs. Stepping into the plain, rocky terrain that borders the foliage, Jisung gestures to the ledge ahead of him. It's not much but it's nice, clearly a resting point with its log benches and little rocks framing a campfire. If you listened closely enough, you could hear the faint sound of a flute in the background, a setup rhythm to sign that this was a safe place in-Game. 
Paying attention to their quarreling isn't on your priority list, so you follow Jisung's path but your focus falls upon the horizon. From there, you can see the small village in the distance, and all of the way awaiting ahead of you. The perspective of walking down the valley tires you down, and resting starts to sound more like a great deal and less like a setback.
"Would it be that bad for us to sit down, light up a fire, and bond for once?!" No, it wouldn't. But his hopeful words are met with a hostile snicker.
Another remarking trait in Hynjin's personality was that he stuffed all of his feelings inside his chest, and then he would blow all of it out on you when you least expected it.
Except for this one; all of you expected that.
"It isn't one of my tasks to be nice to you. I'm not prince charming, I'm a hunter, and I'm here to keep us safe" He gushes out, snapping his head around to glare at the younger one, "You're tired? Well, guess what? So are we! Do you think it's easy to put up with your whining ass while trying to not get us killed?! Do you even care?!" Again, sociability isn't one of his most remarkable traits.
"I care more than you do!" Jisung is baffled by his outburst, and being composed was definitely one of his weakest points, "You don't even like any of us! If you didn't need us to get out of here, you'd have left us behind by now, and you wouldn't be giving a fudge if we were dead or alive!" Jisung is usually carefree, and his eyes are constantly twinkling playfully but not now. That's why Hyunjin doesn't come straight back at him, "Would you?" His tone is firm and serious, demanding even. 
"This isn't a game" Deflecting. One of Hyunjin's main abilities.
"You didn't answer my question" Stubbornness. One of Jisung's.
You exchange a worried look with Changbin. Then, his expression shifts to a reassuring one, and he closes his eyes and gestures for you to calm down and trust him.
The self-entitled leader of your team is one of the gentlest guys you have ever met but he is also assertive and more than capable of dealing with a minor incident like this. Despite being smaller than Jisung and Hyunjin, Changbin has an insurmountable frame, equipped with heavy armor and substantial muscles. He imposes respect even when silent, and that's why you don't expect things to spiral down the drain as they did when each one of his hands rests on their shoulders.
"You're right. I'd leave you to rot here at any given opportunity" Hyunjin buries his finger into Jisung's chest and leans forward to meet his eyes, clenching his jaw, "Don't act like you wouldn't do the same. You hate me" Changbin squeezes both of their shoulders, trying to signal to them that it was getting out of hand.
"Now, that's not true, and I think we should all take a deep breath and --" But they weren't interested in what Changbin had to say.
Jisung jumps at Hyunjin like a wild animal. It's so unexpected and it happens so fast that neither Changbin nor Hyunjin have time to react. The impact jerks both of them away from Changbin's grip, who winces in surprise. Before he can do anything else, Hyunjin is knocked to the ground, and there is a sharp snap that cracks the momentary silence before Hyunjin screams in pain and agony. You freeze, and so does Jisung. His hands stay still, buried into Hyunjin's hair, and his eyes run down his opponent shakingly, looking for an exposed bone. He doesn't find any, but he finds a broken bow, and furious, murderous eyes.
When Hyunjin grabs Jisung's hair, engaging in the scuffle, the younger one is already trashing around and pushing his hand against his chin. Kicks and punches are blown left and right, with no precision whatsoever. For a second, Jisung manages to kick Hyunjin off him, nevertheless, they go back to grunting and growling while shifting their positions. Hyunjin buries his elbow in Jisung's cheek in his attempt to roll over. Jisung hits his nose in retaliation. Hyunjin screeches like a pig. Then, Jisung is not on top anymore.
Hyunjin grabs a handful of the pile of ashes in the campfire, and aims for the eyes but ends up hitting his mouth. Jisung coughs and retches, struggling to wipe his tongue while Hyunjin rubs dirt all over his face.
It's getting more ridiculous than worrisome, and you're not sure how to proceed. Was that their idea of bonding time? You lift your gaze to Changbin, who seems to be as clueless as you.
"Get off of me!" Jisung screams, throwing an awkward right hook at Hyunjin's face. It works. Disoriented, Hyunjin rolls to his side, giving Jisung enough time to crawl further away from him.
"You piece of shit!" Hyunjin spits, massaging his jaw before pouncing Jisung again, "You broke my bow!"
As a Bard, Jisung catches onto being sly rather easily. Somewhat prepared this time, he quickly digs for some dirt and throws it into Hyunjin's eyes. He winces but still proceeds to land on top of Jisung, wrestling him. Eyes shut close, Hyunjin doesn't know what he is doing but he does what he can. They roll over and over, until Jisung goes back to being on top of him, triumphantly. Hyunjin groans, trying to wipe his eyes while bending his knees. Then, he grabs Jisung by his arms and launches him, moved by his anger.
Turns out his feelings are stronger than he expected.
Hyunjin hurls Jisung to the edge of the ledge.
"Hey!" Jisung screeches, startled at the perspective of sudden, imminent death, "Be careful!" It's an odd thing to say in a fight, but Jisung doesn't usually play it by the book and he doesn't plan on starting now.
Hyunjin doesn't answer. He takes the moment to rub the rest of the dirt off his eyes, making a point to roll them as Jisung struggles to get up, afraid of falling. Hyunjin opens his mouth to say something, but his words never come, interrupted by a sudden rumble. Jisung's eyes widen in fear, and he tries to push himself out of the edge, failing when the ground below his feet gives in and slides down.
"Jisung!" You and Changbin gasp in unison, petrified by the scene.
"Shit!" Hyunjin screams instead, throwing himself at the edge just in time to catch Jisung's hand.
Jisung raises his eyes to stare directly into Hyunjin's. He grips his hand for dear life while struggling to find a place to plant his foot, but the happiness mixed with his despair is audible.
"You do care!"
"Shut up!" Hyunjin groans hoarsely, struggling to help him up.
You race to the edge, Changbin on your tail. Jisung flashes a reassuring smile at the three of you as soon as he finds a firm spot on the fragile soil. You sigh in relief, grabbing his wrist to help Hyunjin out. Changbin extends his hand for him to take with his free one. Suddenly, everything is fine. Jisung swings his arm to reach for Changbin's hand, alive as ever. Hyunjin uses both hands to secure him, acting as more of a teammate than he has ever been before. You feel like things are finally about to work out for the four of you.
And then, it all goes down.
Including you.
It happens too fast. First, the rock under Jisung's foot clicks out of the ledge, and in fright, his body jerks down. His hand slightly slips from your grip, and both you and Hyunjin are eager to crouch over the edge to try and reach for his forearm. Startled, Jisung immediately shoots his free hand to the soil before him, missing Changbin's by a lot. Without your leader's help, it becomes harder for you and Hyunjin to pull him up, especially with his waggling. But Changbin wouldn't be your leader if he wasn't eager to help. Recklessly, he projects himself over the edge, crashing not only his hand over yours but his body onto Hyunjin. And there you go.
It's impossible to distinguish each one of your voices. Screaming becomes a collective activity; grunting and hissing are the only thing you can do on your way down. Part of the fall is soft; the dense foliage, mosses, and bushes act as a handcrafted carpet from nature. Most of it is harsh; the twigs hooking on your hair and cutting your skin, logs hitting your ribcage in the most uncomfortable angles, and vertigo crashing your senses from rolling nonstop. You feel like throwing up but you're afraid to be showered with your vomit at some point, so you hold it in and pray.
"Fuck!" That's definitely Hyunjin.
"Sorry!" Jisung doesn't sound like he means it.
"Shit!" Changbin rolls away from his shield, crushing your body against the ground.
"Ouch!" You cry when his leg unwillingly entangles around yours, and you pivot around him before landing roughly on a rock, "Ugh!" Gravity keeps working on you regardless of your pain.
The fall gets faster and faster as you keep rolling down. Everything is just a blur in front of your eyes, and there is a constant rustle around your head. Your body bounces from moss to moss, log to log, and rock to rock, but you can't tell each one apart. The textures mix together, and every impact feels rock solid and bone-crushing. You wonder if this ride will ever going to end, and then it does. Gradually, it becomes slower and slower, until you're rolling over something soft enough for you to sigh in relief. 
You're alive.
You keep your eyes closed until you're certain your head isn't spinning anymore, then you open them carefully, staring at the starry night falling upon you. It was beautiful. But most importantly, it was your first picture after your near death. By your side, Changbin seems to have the same realization. He slowly turns his head to check on you. When you nod, signaling you're as okay as you could be after that fall, he turns his head to the other side, looking for Hyunjin and Jisung. And there they are, entangled.
"Get off" Hyunjin grunts, rubbing his face in defeat.
"You tried to save me" Jisung states matter-of-factly, with no signs of being moved or whatsoever.
"Shut up" Hyunjin's tone is sharp, but he can't deny the truth.
Jisung doesn't point it out, but you're sure the three of you notice that he doesn't try to justify his actions by saying that he needs all of you to get out of here, even the Bard.
"Watch out!"
Despite your surroundings being pitch black, Hyunjin catches something moving from the corner of his eyes. He involves Jisung in a half-hug, rolling just enough to have his leg ready to kick away whatever threatened to attack them. Being the one with the best reflexes, he also manages to unsheathe his knife, which he holds in position to stab said threat if necessary.
He doesn't need to. Now alert, you catch the shift in the shadows, its quick pace, and the path it intends to trace. You don't let it reach its goal, your body slamming the creature out of its way. 
"You had a knife on you?!" Jisung's voice waves up and down; the realization of how their fight could have turned out hits him, "Oh my God!" He gasps, taking a brief pause, "You so do care about me!" He chirps. Not the time to be excited by that.
"Shut up!" Hyunjin can't waste his time hitting Jisung, so he gets rid of him and stands up as quickly as he can, racing to you, "Fuck!" He groans, reaching out for his missing bow and arrows. He slows down, unsure of how to help you now.
He isn't the best in close combat, you are.
"Out of my way!" Changbin roars.
"I got it"
Changbin's pace slows down until it dies.
Your grip is firm around the creature's throat, and you straddle it, pinning it down to the ground without much effort despite its size. Your eyes roam the figure below you, and it doesn't take you long to conclude: It's a feline but it's nothing like anything you have ever seen. Maybe, you could say it resembled a lynx, not fully grown yet, but still huge. It was definitely something built for the game and the game alone. It was beautiful but deadly. You couldn't stop staring at it.
The eyes were crystal clear, with a faint glow to them; luminescent. It sucked you in and spilled you out, getting you dizzy. Maybe it was from the fall. The ears were pointy and erect, directed straight at you, and white fur came out of them, dissipating the feeling of vigilance that you needed to have. It looked fluffy, and you wanted to pet it. The fur was mostly nightshade blue, sprinkled with a thousand stars, and some sort of dandelions sprouting out of it. You sneeze. Despite your allergies, the fur looks soft and cozy, inviting; practically irrejectable. Laying down and sleeping sounds perfect, but you can't do it just yet.
You had to kill it first.
As if the creature hears your thoughts, its ears flicker. It's just for a second. You're not even sure how you catch it in the dark, but you do. It was a little twitch, a small rotation to the side, and they were back to normal. Almost imperceptible, almost innocent.
"Hyunjin, what is this?" He hears the urgency in your tone.
"I'm not sure" He confesses; his eyes studying its frame again.
That's all you need to know.
"RUN!" You command, glaring at Hyunjin and Jisung as you point in the opposite direction you sprint. They're confused and hesitate for a second before following your order. The giant cat follows their lead, "Changbin, cover me!" You don't need to say it twice, the leader is already in your tail.
"Nice catch," Says a voice that belongs to none of them, "A bit too late, though" You snap your eyes up, at where his voice comes from. You find nothing but rustling leaves, "Too slow..." He adds; his voice echoing in the back of your head, "And fairly easy" An obnoxious chuckle to mock you.
"What is it?" Changbin's voice is distant but his arm hooked around your waist is vivid.
You melt under his touch. Not romantically, drugged. Your legs wobble their way down, and your limbs go limp as you feel your body sinking into his arms. His grip tightens, but his arm is no longer around your waist but your armpits. Your knees hover over the floor, and he struggles to support you in this position but doesn't let you go, securing you in one of his arms and occupying his other hand with a gigantic shield. You always thought it was a little too much, and you were right. Now, it was a little too late to comment on it, though.
"Y/N, stay with me" Changbin's voice rumbles inside your head.
You try to answer him, say that everything is fine, that you're just drowsy, but whatever comes out of your mouth doesn't sound too reassuring to him.
"Come on, you're stronger than that"
"She's not. And neither are you" The second voice belongs to the mysterious guy. You raise your eyes, trying to identify your attacker, but your vision is too blurry, "All of you... You're just a joke" Behind him, the distorted shape of midnight blue drags a figure to the ground.
Someone else comes along with it willingly, by foot.
"What the fuck?!" Changbin spits his words with a mix of disbelief and outrage.
"Don't kill them. It's an order" The voice sounds familiar.
Your knees hit the soft grass below them, and your torso falls like a sack of potatoes; your cheek smashing onto the ground. Changbin roars, his rage loud enough for you to hear him clearly. He rushes forward, and his shield falls with a dull sound by your side. Not long after that, falls his body.  
"I don't have to follow your rules here" Pause. The silent challenge goes on for what seems to be an eternity, "Hyunjin" Your mind expands and shrinks, and the newfound information makes you dizzy. Maybe, it was the venom.
"Show some respect" His tone is royal; conceited and superior. He doesn't need to raise his voice to be heard.
Hyunjin throws something at the enemy's feet.
"I figured you were hiding your identity" He doesn't bother to crouch and take the object from the ground. The mysterious figure kicks it away mindlessly, prompting it to roll in your direction. In front of your eyes, it's just a gold blur with spiked edges, "Your highness" He bows.
A crown.
It was a crown.
You wake up the next morning knowing something you shouldn't.
And tied, of course
Tightly tied to your teammates.
"An early bird" The mysterious guy smiles at you, petting his cat idly. His smile isn't friendly but cocky, and he arches his left eyebrow to challenge you to say something.
You take a minute to study his figure. Dark hair, dark eyes, sharp features. He is beautiful and deadly, much like his pet.
"A bloody bastard" You smile back at him. A soft chuckle echoes from behind.
"Did you sleep well?" Obnoxious and unnecessary, much like Hyunjin's remarks. They must have been raised together.
"Like an angel"
"Stop bothering her" Hyunjin's voice echoes from behind.
  An early bird. It echoes inside your head. You're the first one to wake up. Yet, Hyunjin's voice comes from behind, fully awake.
It sends a shiver down your spine, and you slightly turn your head to confirm your suspicions. Silky hair falls to your eyes and soft hands struggle to hold yours reassuringly. His back is pressed against you and his wrists are tied, just like yours, Changbin's, and Jisung's. A rope bonds the four of you, a symbol of him being as much a prisoner as the rest of you. Except he is not. He is just playing his plebeian part. Hyunjin leans his head on top of yours, a second attempt to reassure you, to say that you were safe with him. But you don't feel safe, you feel betrayed.
Your stomach crumples and bobs up and down.
"For how long have we been off?" You ask to change your train of thought, to distract yourself.
"Usually, they start by asking my name. Then, I get pleading eyes, sad stories, and begging. They beg for everything. For my pity, a chance to prove their value, and for me to spare their lives" He narrows his eyes at you, freezing your insides. He's catching on, "Sometimes, they ask me what I want. They promise me the world, their loyalty, and vow to serve me" He walks toward you slowly, like a predator, "A few of them are too fond of their pride, and either refuse to speak to me or threaten me to death"
"Would it stop you?" He ignores your interruption. His dagger meets your jaw; the blade skims down the tender skin, "If I did any of these, would you spare me?" You insist, but he just tilts his head, analyzing you.
"Never have I ever been asked about the time" He concludes, pressing the knife further, "So tell me, what makes you so sure I won't kill you?"
"I'm alive" You reply flatly.
"What makes you so sure I won't change that?" His hot breath swipes a few strands out of your face.
"He's alive"
Hyunjin's neck stiffens up, and his head is no longer on top of yours, his fingers don't try to caress the back of your hand anymore.
"For how long have you known?" He straightens his back, sheathing his dagger back into his waist. He doesn't sound mad or surprised, he sounds resigned.
"Usually, they start by asking my name. Then, I get pleading eyes, begging me not to say a word. Sometimes, they ask me how much I want to keep my mouth shut" Your grin is obnoxious and nerve-wracking. You know it because he unsheathes his dagger again, "Never have I ever been asked about the time"
"Ha-Ha, so funny" He spits, wrapping his hand around your throat, "It's a shame I don't need a Jester"
"And it's an even greater shame you need me" You sound hoarse, so you stretch your neck, trying to create a gap that would allow you to breathe before clarifying, "To rescue your precious prince" By his looks, you guess Hyunjin is too young to be a king.
The servant clenches his jaw and grinds his teeth; piercing eyes shooting bullets into your head. Then, his gaze shifts to Hyunjin, and his grip tightens around your throat. By the pressure he inflicts, you can't tell if he's trying to give you a scare or kill you. Perhaps, if your airways weren't blocked and some oxygen could reach for your brain, you could figure it out more easily, but he doesn't give you that taste. When the pressure keeps increasing by the second, and you try to take a breath to no avail, the haziness in your mind makes everything clearer.
He's strangling you.
You wriggle your shoulders, moving your arms up and down to loosen the ties around your wrists, to release your hands so you can fight him, so you can fight for your life. It does nothing but worsen your condition. Your throat constricts as you try to pull some air, your vocal cords strain, and a crackling sound leaves your progressively purple lips. Your head feels heavy, your face bloated, and you swear your eyeballs will pop from your skull in no time. When your raspy breaths become more sporadic, Hyunjin realizes that this isn't a simple threat anymore.
"What are you doing, Minho? You're killing her!"
Hyunjin had many reasons to freak out about your imminent death. Not only he would be stuck in this game forever, but he would also witness the murder of someone he more or less knew, maybe was even fond of. With one member missing, there would be no quests to complete,  no time to run, and no place to go back apart from himself. A grave would take place in his soul, where he could grieve not only the life he would never live but also bury his guilt for the life that was taken away from you. In his memories, it would forever be engraved the fact that he chose to have his hands tied, to be incapable of saving you. He would play his decision on repeat. That is, if he wasn't the next victim.
When Hyunjin starts to trash around, your conscience is fluttering away, and you don't have the energy to ponder if he does it to save your life or his.
"Stop it, this is an order!" He utters, his voice breaking in the process.
Minho doesn't stop.
His eyes snap at the prince, and they practically speak for themselves: I don't give a fuck about your orders. He doesn't say it, though. He keeps staring at Hyunjin until he sobs, and then he returns his gaze to you.
"Stop it!" Hyunjin screeches, jerking his body as much as he can so he could release himself, so he could release you.
But Minho doesn't stop.
You take a last glance at your teammates.
Changbin sleeps peacefully, his head pending from his shoulders, swinging back and forth as Hyunjin wriggles. Despite being a Bulwark, Changbin is a heavy sleeper, and you made a note to yourself to never call for him when standing guard. You don't have the means to laugh at the irony that it is now. And it's likely you won't be able to laugh at it later either. When he wakes up, Changbin will blame himself for not being there to protect you.
Jisung is pending to the side, ejected from Hyunjin's shoulder as he tried to wiggle his way out of his ties. Unlike Changbin, he usually wakes up at any cracking wig or suspicious thud, being the scared cat that he is. Perhaps, it was the effect of whatever was in his circulation, but the only signs of alertness coming from him was half-asleep mumbles he let out now and then. He might have been able to tire out Minho with his nagging, maybe, he would divide his attention and buy you some time. When he wakes up, Jisung will blame himself for not being a distraction, and for not playing his part properly. Such an artist.
Then, there is Hyunjin.
"Please" He cries. He actually cries. It's the first time you see him in that state. He's vulnerable, honest, and ugly. His face is twisted in a frown, his nose is running, his face is wet and red, and a string of saliva connects his upper and lower lip. Disgusting, but touching, "Please, don't kill her"
And he doesn't.
Something clicks inside Minho's brain. You can practically see the gears turning, lighting up his dreadful eyes. He looks at you. Really looks at you, and he sees something. Whatever he sees, makes him stop.
You don't feel sincerity in his voice.
There is a reason why you're sleeping with the enemy.
Today was January 2nd.
"And now what?" Jisung throws himself on the bed.
Despite being dusty and smelling like the room hadn't gotten enough sun for the last fifty years, it was a good room. It had too many beds (eight, to be exact) and was a little expensive, but the other option was to split your team into duos, and you didn't trust Minho enough to let him alone with anyone. Also, you couldn't let Changbin and Jisung catch on to what you're calling "The Incident" or else they'd put everything to waste. You needed them to trust Minho even though he wasn't worthy of it. You needed them to work as a team so you could get out of here. And Minho was part of the crew now, whether you liked it or not.
And you didn't.
"Now we find a way out of here. Alive. All together" Hyunjin makes a point to look at Minho when he says it.
"To free ourselves" Minho adds enigmatically.
"To our families" Changbin sighs dreamily, letting his body plop to the mattress.
"To our families" Minho joins in, sitting on his bed.
"But how?" 
Jisung always asks the right questions.
"We complete our quest" They look at you. Hesitating, you clear your throat before continuing. The pain stings and burns, spreading from your fauces to the base of your esophagus but your only reaction is to calmly place your hand over the area, "Which we don't know what it is" You conclude, earning disappointed sighs.
Everyone drifts their gaze, except for Jisung.
"It looks nasty" He comments, grimacing at the rash that covers from the base of your neck to your chest.
"Thanks" You hope the irony will discourage any further questions.
"You're very lucky Minho had an antidote"
His tone does not show the emotions he should be expressing with this sentence. His delivery is flat, unbothered, and unimpressed; qualities that aren't recurrent for Jisung. His gaze shifts to Minho, who doesn't pay attention to him. The assassin lies down on his bed, playing catch by himself, tossing a lime-green crystal in the air, the same color as the forest you had encountered him in. Despite his disinterest in what Jisung has to say and his focused eyes on his extended hand, you're sure Minho catches on to the nuances of his words. What he doesn't notice is the way Jisung stares attentively at his own wrists before laying his eyes on Hyunjin's, and then yours.
"Yeah" Your tone is quiet.
Each fiber of your muscles tenses up as you glance at the prince, who seems as worried as you. When he meets your gaze, his eyes express the truth you don't want to consider: He knows. And as unpredictable as Jisung is, there's no way to know what he's going to do with that information.
"Such a coincidence we ran into him" Electrifying tension, "Who would believe Hyunjin had friends in real life?" Despite being sarcastic, Jisung didn't make any mention to laugh at his own joke, "I wouldn't"  
"Me neither" Minho's comment draws a huff out of Jisung, who stares at him fascinated.
"We're missing the point here"
Thank God Changbin is so goal-directed.  
"I agree" You're quick to join in, searching for more support in Hyunjin, who mumbles his approval immediately in what you call the most failed attempt to sound natural that you have ever seen, "I know it's ugly, thank you very much for pointing that out Jisung, but we should really focus on finding a way out of here"
"Well," Jisung is kind enough to play along, detaching his eyes from Minho to divide his attention between the three of you, "We're in a game" 
"No shit, Sherlock" Hyunjin rolls his eyes, missing the performative wisdom in Jisung's tone.
"Therefore," He stresses out while staring at the prince, "This is all programming, right? There's only one way for them to communicate with us: NPCs. We just have to find someone who'll give us a quest. So let's get up, go out, and ask a few things here and there, as usual"
"It's not that simple" Changbin disagrees, crossing his arms over his chest as he stares at the pale brass-yellow crystal laying on the bed between his legs, "We don't know the background of this game, we don't have any ideas of what we're fighting against, and we don't know our main goal, which means we could end up wasting our time with a side quest" His crystal tarnishes dark when he sighs and his shoulders drop but also iridesce with hope when he looks at each one of you, "We have to find out a bit more about this place" 
"Well, we know that something is happening in these lands, something weird" Hyunjin joins in, playing with the crimson crystal pendant in his necklace, "When I spawned in Ruby Oasis, I had to save an old man. It was just a tutorial to teach me how to use my weapons, you know?" He brings the crystal to his lips, "But when I killed the beasts, instead of thanking me, the man said: Obsidian souls falling upon us like shadows. Bla, Bla Bla, destruction and darkness. You have to bring our light back or something" Hyunjin grimaces, regretting his life decisions.
Mental note: Pay attention to what a tutorial has to say.
"Enlightening" Minho doesn't even spare him a look.
"It really is" Changbin either doesn't get sarcasm or is really good at ignoring it, "At Pyrite Valley, I had to save a miner in my tutorial from a rockslide caused by a mole-like creature that went... Mad. I don't know, it was weird. Anyway, the man mentioned a place called Fallen Skies. He heard rumors about Amethyst being corrupted into Obsidian, but he had never seen it with his own eyes" Changbin gazes at Hyunjin, lost in his thoughts, "He said darker days were waiting upon us, that the counselor had already succumbed, and so would the mines"
"It's funny that you say that" Suddenly, Jisung is on his feet, walking towards his bag at the corner of the room, "There was a commotion at Citrine Mead... A crowd standing in front of the Power Crystal in some sort of collective grieving. I had to play a melancholic song, and a lady approached me, praised my skills, and said I had a pure heart, and that I shouldn't let it succumb to the shadows" He takes a golden, yellow-ish crystal from his bag, showing it to each one of you from afar, "This was glowing" His eyes twinkle with understanding, "But the Power Crystal wasn't. She said it hasn't since the counselor went missing"
"Guys, I think I got it figured" Four pairs of eyes land on you.
"Crystal Skies is still glowing" Jisung takes the words out of your mouth.
"But we've been there and we've talked to pretty much everyone. We know they don't have any quests for us" Hyunjin frowns in confusion.
"They didn't have one" You look into his eyes, but Hyunjin doesn't follow your train of thought, "Do you remember that nurse who took care of your leg?" His eyes light up with understanding.
"Weird things were happening around Crystal Skies but we shouldn't be bothered by it... There are challenges one shouldn't take by themself..."
The four of you look at Minho.
"We didn't have a team back then," You mutter along with Hyunjin.
"So I'm the missing key to your quest" His smile is obnoxious, despite needing you as much as you needed him.
"Don't flatter yourself" Jisung rolls his eyes, going back to his bed, "Without us, you'd be stuck in here as well"
"Yeah, but without me, you wouldn't know we needed to do this" Minho points at your gauntlet on your bedside table, nodding his head, "Pick up yours," He says, spinning his crystal between his fingers, flashing you with its emerald-ish hue.
You hesitate a little, aware that detaching the crystal meant not being able to use your weapon for a while. It meant being defenseless in the same room as Minho. He looks straight into your eyes, seemingly reading your thoughts, and then scoffs at the absurdity in them. He didn't have the upper hand now, he was surrounded by four people who didn't trust him enough to let their guard down. Or at least three. And, of course, he was part of the team now. He wouldn't get anything out of tricking you.
"Here," You say; the aquamarine in your hand.
"You guys too," He says while extending his hand, holding his crystal like a wand.
The four of you mimic him.
One by one, the crystals start to glow.
An emerald-ish hue is cast over the ceiling gleaming like rustling leaves in a dense forest. Your eyes go wide, and your mouth falls agape. It's beautiful. But not as beautiful as the golden light mixing with it, like the sun casting its light on a glade. The lights dance together, competing for space, but never fighting each other. They welcome the sparkling light from your crystal, resembling the blueish hue of paradisiac waters. Like a fireball, dominant and majestic, red to purple-ish lights spread over the others, only to give way to the last one. The metallic sheen that comes out from Changbin's crystal brings all of the others together, and the five colors sparkle in their own spot, harmonically.
The light show is spoiled by Jisung, who drops his crystal to the ground, dimming the lights until they vanished.
Like they never existed.
"What the fuck?" Jisung frowns, bending forward to pick it up from the floor, clearly startled by what he had witnessed "How did you know they did that?"
"This means we can finally have a map and access to things we don't have right now. This means we'll have a chance to get somewhere when we finally start this... Quest"
He definitely spent a lot of time with Hyunjin.
"How did he know?" Jisung mutters to himself,  looking into your eyes, searching for answers that you don't have.
"There's a lady at Peridot Valley, downtown, who'll help us with it. We need a tutorial to do this. Then, we can head to Crystal Skies" 
Jisung has a point.
How does he know that?
"Sounds like a plan" Changbin doesn't care.
"So we're off first thing in the morning" You join in.
And neither do you if it means going back home.
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13 (hanjisung)
One foot in front of the other, shouldn't be too bad. One and two and three and for. And five. And six. You somehow manage to climb up the stairs, the steaming hot bowl of kimchi jjigae still perfectly intact in your hands, you almost want to pat yourself on the back for succeeding in not spilling a single drop.
You tap the base of the door with your foot, carefully balancing your weight on your knees so that you don't tumble to the ground, and luckily enough Han opens the door for you, a tired but still bright smile on his face: "baby", he sighs softly, letting you in so you can quickly place the bowl down on the table, away from the scattered, crumpled paper sheets and portable keyboard.
Han had recently turned the spare room upstairs into his little at home studio. It reflected his personality so well, his sunset to sunrise lamp glowing in the corner, a few guitars hanging on the wall, a small, black leathery couch at the back, conveniently displaying an arrangement of fuzzy blankets. Cozy vibes and the persistent smell of his cologne and half empty coffee cups.
It was his refuge, his sanctuary. You barely stepped foot in it, only occasionally gathering up the discarded take out containers and forgotten plaid flannels and hoodies left amassed on the spinning chair, you were so careful even while vacuuming the place, for you didn't want to taint his favourite room in the house, didn't want to disturb the place where magic was created on the daily.
"I know you said you weren't too hungry but you've been holed up in here the whole night, please have at least a few spoonfuls", you encourage meekly, pointing at the soup you had just placed on the desk, Han nods and and sniffs the fragrant, hearty smell of his dinner, scooting his chair closer to the edge of the seat so he can reach the bowl more comfortably,"I will, thank you for taking care of me when i forget to", he jokes. Kind of.
He only ever half joked when it came down to his mental health. The smile on his lips not quite reaching his dark circled eyes, a pencil still in his hand, the suffused pale blue light of his computer screen casting its glow on the wall: you had interrupted him while he was clearly writing a new song, and you felt bad. For writing and composing music was the one thing that kept him sane, helped him process his emotions and turmoil.
He was insanely talented and imaginative as is but whenever he went through a rougher patch, his songwriting skills just went up several different notches. The pain in his heart and the fuzziness in his head tragically pulled out the best musical talent in him. Sometimes he'd let himself be consumed by sleepless nights spent with his headphones on and endless cups of coffee and more half finished lyrics than he could count.
Nodding sympathetically, you place a small kiss on top of his head and hug his frame briefly, your hands slipping beneath the collar of his white and blue checkered shirt than swallowed him whole, then down onto his front, briefly circling his torso, his small waist that drove you insane.
You gently pat his tummy and his stomach, chambers of his silent distress, the anxiety you knew was slowly but surely eating him up from the inside. "I love you, I'll leave you to your masterpiece", you whisper, reluctantly letting go of him.
The house falls quiet if not for the faintest strumming of a guitar, a few chords being played on the recorder, a gentle lullaby floating in the air as you go about the rest of your late evening meal prepping for the next few days and then cleaning up.
When the clock strikes just 10 minutes past eleven you plop two herbal tea bags into their designated ceramic cups and lean on the counter, propping yourself up on your elbow while you wait for the tea to brew. A yawn escaping your lips as late night approaches.
You quietly head upstairs, both cups in your hands while you mentally curse yourself for the handles are not scalding against your palms but still hot enough to feel the slight burn on your skin. This time the door to Han's studio is ajar, so it's a little easier to slip through: curled up on his chair, eyes closed and a serene smile on his relaxed lips, big headphones snug on his ears, he looks divine. Effortlessly beautiful.
It's heartwarming, really, to see him so fully immersed into his own music, the love of his life. It must be so cathartic for him, you think to yourself, deeply grateful for you get to witness just how art and artist save each other day by day. An impelling urge to kiss his face and his beautiful mind begins to prickle your skin and you're just one breath away from him when the song in his headphones stops and Han blinks his eyes open, looking a little startled as he finds you right there,peering into his face, likely with the most mad heart eyes ever.
"SORRY! didn't mean to scare you! You just looked so ...at peace", you mumble, setting down the mugs as he removes his headphones and chuckles, "that's okay, thank you for the tea", he replies quietly, smiling at you and then puckering up his rose coloured lips, requesting a kiss with no use of his words. And you comply eagerly.
"Is the next skz album coming along well?", you inquire, mollified the second your boyfriend's attention is fully diverted from his computer screen to your body, hands resting on your waist, the soft, warm pressure so comforting one second and then so delightfully flustering the next, especially when they briefly climb up your back, a single finger running down your spine, guiding you onto his lap, "mmh I think these songs are for me only, wanna have a listen?", he offers, holding out his headphones for you.
With your back resting against his chest and his arms securely wrapped around your waist, you close your eyes and let the notes fill you your ears, his melodic voice travelling up your eardrums, your brain, your heart. His tone emotional, deep, intense, sometimes desperate, shaking you from the inside out. Not that you didn't expect that, you knew very well just how much of a musical genius he was, but each and everytime his solo songs just hit you, they hit differently, for he really poured his heart and soul into them, tugged at all the right heart strings.
Transported into this other world, where the sound of his voice and the guitars and drums are the only things in existence inside your head, you barely notice Han peering closely at you, a grin on his face, one of his hands tantalizing on the hem of your shirt.
You only physically shake yourself awake when you feel his lips on your neck, soft but lingering kisses down the side, his hand now well beneath your shirt, gripping one cup of your bra confidently yet not aggressively, just enough to elicit the final electrifying tremor that has you removing his headphones in a haste and land back on earth, eyes wide, a stupid grin on your own face: "oh you've come back to me, finally. I thought my songs made you fall asleep", he teases, and you're so glad, so glad to see his playful side again, the snakes of anxiety clearly having relented their choking grip on him.
"I was just thoroughly enjoying the experience, listening to your music first is always such a blessing, I'm honored. With every new masterpiece your make I'm just... in awe. You truly have a gift, Hannie", you confess earnestly, loving the way he still blushes lightly and looks down, too shy to accept the compliments.
Han sighs contently and presses his lips to your cheek, "you're spoiling me, today and always", he mumbles, squeezing your sides briefly, "you're going to have my brain go rotten, I love it. I love you", he adds, smiling that heart shaped smile of his, "finish up your tea, I'll be done here in hopefully just half an hour and then we can go to bed okay?", he suggests, clearly noticing the veil of sleepiness behind your eyes.
He knew he was a night owl and you were not, noticed all the details, all the little tell signs you were getting tired after a long day, he always read you like a book, which was both endearing and fascinating, flattering, even, for how much interest he took in you, knew exactly what he needed to know about you like a manual.
"Is it okay if I stay here and wait for you? I'd like to listen to those two songs some more", you ask tentatively, gesturing for the headphones, "but like... It's okay if not. I can definitely just wait in our bedroom, I don't want to impose", you add in a fret, the last thing you want is to intrude in his space even more today. Though you really want to listen to his music more. Like really, really.
Han personally takes the headphones and clicks on the little loop icon on his phone screen before handing them both to you, the white, blank cover art for the mp3 track he had downloaded glowing in between you two, "impose? This home is mine just how much as it is yours, you can absolutely stay here, have a little nap too if you'd like, though I'll try to be quick and wrap up here", he reassures, "I appreciate that but... but this is your safe space, your sacred room", you reply, stroking his cheek, "yeah well I want you here, so go lay down and enjoy your private music session", he asserts playfully, a gentle resolve to his voice as he pouts.
During days when we were young and naïve, what we loved Were your pure, clear eyes that gazed into you and me, Ah-ah-ah Ah-ah-ah Ah-ah-ah Ah-ah-ah The night I walked you home, my warm spring days The day when thick mist filled the air
The high falsetto, the heart wrenching intensity of his vocals, the guitars reverberating in the background, you're floating. Head above water, just filled with the honey of his voice as your body glides on the surface of the water. Arms and legs straight, stretched out. You're so light and weightless you could forever roam the waters, motionless.
At least until something hefty and warm falls delicately on top of you, depositing on your chest and your torso and your legs like a light knitted blanket. Balmy leaves, a hint of mint, perhaps some musk, something stronger and amber like, leathery almost, wafting through your nostrils. Something soft tickles your jawline and your chin, your neck. One of your ears unclogs and something falls down your shoulder: "my sweet, perfect peach, hello, welcome back from the land of dreams".
Han chuckles from above you, a smrik on his face as watches you blink confusedly, the remnants of the same melody you had probably overplayed still playing distantly in the background. So maybe you weren't just floating on water but actually just laying down on the couch in your boyfriend's studio, the very same boyfriend currently settled right on top of you, curious brown eyes looking intently at you.
You giggle, embarrassed, and try to hide your face behind your hands as you cover your eyes and cheeks, "gosh... how long was I asleep for?", Han giggles himself and moves your hands away from your face, he leans down to kiss your lips, sweetly but with a subtle fever to it.
"A while... looks like my songs are soporific after all", he jokes, though it's short lived, the cheerfulness in his voice, he seems rather rapt right now, he keeps looking down at your lips over and over, "not at all. I'm just a teensy bit tired and the atmosphere here is really cozy and relaxed", you object gently, "that's understandable, you were up on your feet all day, making me dinner, checking in on me...",he trails off, his thumb brushing the blush on your cheek, "I didn't even make you dessert! Crap! Do you want anything right now? I can wip up some pancakes real quick!".
Strong whiplash hits the back of your neck as you try to sit up straight and get Han to move off of you in just one motion and, predictably so, you whimper in pain. Much to your boyfriend amusement who helps you sit up but also laughs his ass off at your impulsiveness. Hearing him laugh like that though, so gleefully so freely, that's just worth the pins and needles in your muscles.
"You don't need to make me anything", he says in a low voice, much somber now as he crawls over and kisses you once again, his soft lips crashing so perfectly against yours, "I've got dessert right here", he whispers, his hands now resting on top of your thighs as he slowly crouches down, balancing on the heels of his feet.
A little tumble. That was your heart.
Han squints a little, big expressive eyes turning into two slits, that sort of lazy, alluring look to them as he spreads your legs apart, enough for his head to fit right in between. The crackling of fire igniting in your belly, you watch as his fingers inch closer and closer to the waistband of your pants, pointer fingers hooking around the fabric, giving it a gentle tug, "may I?".
All you can do is nod, melting little by little as he locks eyes with you and removes your pants, the sight before him enough to make his Adam's apple bob up and down. He stars slowly, lazily even, only placing the softest kisses to the inner side of your thighs, making his way up to the seams of your underwear, leaving behind a trace of goosebumps on your skin.
Oh it's so hot. Suddenly you feel so hot. Shivering but hot. Slender fingers trace patterns over the cotton in between your thighs, circle motions, light tapping, you flutter your eyes shut as soon as Han kisses the very same spot his fingers just padded over. And then warmth, a wet warmth right over you in a stripe.
Nimble fingertips just brushing your navel, your hip bones, your thighs again, until your underwear are just a roll of fabric discarded on the floor. You have barely anytime to feel the air hitting your exposed flesh for Han just dips his mouth on you. A throaty sound rumbling from his lips, he buries his face in between your legs.
And he's good, like REALLY good. He knows he is. The man just knows how to use his mouth and his tongue,no matter where he's using them. You hiss underneath your breath, your hands instinctively running through his hair, how much you love how longer and curlier it is, tickling your bare skin, giving you the perfect excuse to tug at it.
A kiss, his cheeks hollowing out as he sucks and sucks, and your legs shake so much already he has to hold your thighs down, "oh baby, my soft baby, so shaky for me already?", he teases, a gentle but firm grip on your body as he tries to keep you still. His eyes fixate on your face, observing intently for any reaction depicted on your expression, his gaze so intense you feel it even with your eyes closed.
His tongue swivels around your most inner part, sloppily but with some heft to it, small licks as he taps on your mound, only increasing the blood flow there, you can almost feel yourself pulsating, even more so when you open your eyes, squinting a little, and meet his dark orbs still fixated on you, you can only see his eyes and the bridge of his nose, for the lower half of his face is just buried in you and god, it's so hot, just the sight of him like hat while he works on you, it's so hot.
Seconds turn into minutes and before you know it, in your heightened state of bliss, you feel your blood rushing faster down to your lower belly and your legs, your face contorting, sweating, as you feel progressively more hot and bothered and on the verge of imploding. Hands clamping down his hair, your start to breathe erratically, the pressure on your chest sinking down and down until your heart feels like it's going to collapse.
It's the tense, pre climax silence and the slight spams in your legs that do it for him, that and knowing you like the back of his hand, that and his welcomed obsession with staring at you, studying every single little detail that gives you away. Han keeps his pace, knowing that you're just seconds away from coming,he notices your abdomen contracting and relaxing alternatively, feels your ragged breath coming out in puffs in his hair.
One look. One last lingering look to see you biting down your bottom lip,hard, you exhale loudly and start to shake, rocking your hips until you're all up in his face. A fraction of a second later and he has you come all undone in his mouth. The shiver the tremble the wave of warmth and tingles from your belly to your core.
He wastes no chance, continuing to roll his tongue on your clit, kissing and slurping everything he can, helping you ride your high until you can't no more. Arousal glistening on his lips and his cheeks and his chin, he finally detaches his mouth from you, the little silver of his tongue on the corner of his lips as he laps up any residue before wiping his face with the back of his forearm.
Drunk-dazed, you look up at him from beneath your lashes, a small smile on your reddened lips, from how much you've been biting down on them, it just perfectly matches the blush on your cheeks, the splotches of heat on your chest and your tummy, like roses blooms all over.
"Oh, you're blushing, how cute", Han chuckles, cupping your cheek tenderly, gesture which you can only smile abashedly more at, "have i rendered you completely speechless? talk to me, say anything", he teases playfully, for he knows it always takes you a little while to compose yourself when he eats you out like that, even if he acts as if it's nothing.
"You're good, Jisung. You're good at anything and everything you do, an ace, a true ace", you mumble, avoiding his gaze, and he giggles adorably, leaning in to kiss your tummy, "am I a better lover or a better songwriter?", "OH THAT'S SO UNFAIR YOU KNOW I CAN'T POSSIBLY PICK", you exclaim, suddenly much more spirited and alert.
Han bursts into deep throaty laughs and doubles down on you, his forehead resting on your abdomen, his arms cradling your lower body, "alright alright, let's go to bed", he suggests, helping you put your underwear back on, "or I could go for seconds, while you listen to my songs again and decide which one you like better", he adds as if in an afterthought, smirking a little.
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lvllylix · 1 year
I have request! You love horror movies. Felix not so much. You picked a horror movie and he tried to suck it up but at the end he was a shivering mess. So scared to sleep at night all he wants to do is cling to you and snuggle like no tomorrow. And you hush him to sleep telling him affirmations. :) 😫😫😫🥺🥺
A/N: Thank you so much for the first request!! I really hope you like this ♡♡♡
Cuddled in Courage
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Title: Cuddled in Courage
Song: Warm on a Cold Night by HONNE
Pairing: Felix x reader
Word count: 669
Warnings: none
Summary: You and Felix have a movie night, watching a horror film that you love but he finds terrifying.
The dimly lit living room was filled with anticipation as you and Felix settled down for a cozy movie night. You had an affinity for horror films, the thrill, and adrenaline rush being something you enjoyed. Felix, on the other hand, was not as fond of the genre, but he was willing to give it a try for your sake.
You had carefully chosen a movie that promised to deliver spine-chilling scares. As the movie began, you couldn't help but get engrossed in the suspense, while Felix shifted uneasily beside you, his grip on the blanket tightening.
With every jump scare, Felix would flinch and bury his face into your shoulder, seeking solace in your presence. You couldn't help but smile, finding his reactions adorable, despite his obvious fear. You wrapped your arm around him, holding him closer, hoping to offer some comfort.
As the movie progressed, Felix's unease escalated, and he clung to you even tighter, his fingers digging into your arm. You could feel the tension radiating from him, his body trembling with every twist and turn on the screen. Concern washed over you, and you decided it was time to alleviate his anxiety.
Leaning close to Felix's ear, you whispered soothingly, "Hey, Felix, it's just a movie. None of it is real. I'm right here with you, and I won't let anything happen to you. You're safe."
Felix turned his head to look at you, his eyes wide with fear. His voice trembled as he spoke, "I know, but it's still so scary. Can we turn it off? Please?"
You nodded understandingly, reaching for the remote to pause the movie. You turned your full attention to Felix, your voice gentle and reassuring. "Of course, Felix. We can turn it off. Let's put on something light-hearted instead, something that will make you smile."
Felix let out a sigh of relief as the screen went dark, the terrifying imagery no longer haunting his thoughts. You scrolled through the movie options, searching for a comedy that would help lift his spirits. Eventually, you settled on a romantic comedy, a genre that never failed to bring a smile to both of your faces.
As the lighthearted film played, Felix slowly began to relax, his grip on you loosening. However, the fear lingered in his eyes, and you knew he would need more than just a movie to put his mind at ease.
Gently guiding Felix to lie down, you nestled beside him, pulling the covers snugly over both of you. You wrapped your arms around him, providing a warm and secure embrace. You peppered light kisses on his forehead, temple, and cheeks, each one meant to convey your love and reassurance.
"Listen, Felix," you whispered softly, your voice soothing as you stroked his hair. "You're incredibly brave, and I'm so proud of you for trying to watch the movie with me. But I want you to know that it's okay to be scared. Everyone has their fears, and it doesn't make you any less amazing. I'm here for you, and I won't let anything harm you. You're safe with me, always."
Felix's shivering gradually subsided, replaced by a sense of tranquility as your words sank in. His breathing
evened out, his body relaxing against yours. You continued to hold him close, providing the comfort he needed, your voice a gentle lullaby.
"You're strong, Felix. You're loved, and you have nothing to fear. With me by your side, every night will be peaceful and filled with warmth. Let go of the scares, my love, and drift off to sleep. I'll be here, watching over you."
As the weight of his fear lifted, Felix's eyes fluttered shut, a small smile gracing his lips. With your comforting words echoing in his mind, he surrendered to sleep, feeling safe and cherished in your arms.
And there, in the quiet embrace of the night, you held Felix close, knowing that love, reassurance, and the power of snuggles were all he needed to conquer his fears.
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oddinarylani · 8 months
thoughts/blurb requests open
just thought i'd make an official post to say thoughts and blurb requests are open, so feel free to get as creative as you'd like in my ask box as i bounce between working on different pieces rn :3 <3
this includes content of all kinds, just ask if you feel like your request might be risque - remember this is a safe space.
this also means minors do not interact with me, i've been blocking ageless accounts.
sound off in the ask box if you'd like <333
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planet-dusk · 2 months
tw//cnc, coercion
jisungie and coercion in a cnc roleplay scenario has been plaguing my mind for a while... he's all "please, baby? it hurts... i know you want it, too, right? i'll be quick.. promise"
"just the tip, please, baby. i promise. i love you. need you so much. you love me, too, right?"
which he immediately disobeys and slides right in, "why're you so wet, baby? you really wanted this, didn't you?"
"let me cum inside, babe. it belongs in this pussy, doesn't it? you know that."
if u have anything to add i might pass away but no pressure. ily ! i'm glad you're back:)
maesie it's so good to see you,, i hope you're doing well! and leaving such a treat in my inbox? yum <33
🏷️ han jisung x fem!reader. cw ; cnc, free use, breeding, pet names: baby, babe, doll ( 692 w. )
minors dni. for mature audiences only !
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jisung gets so desperate when he's needy, and he's just a tad too big for you to not feel the sting without any prep of his fingers; the thought alone makes you wet at the most inconvenient times. so you and jisung came to an agreement: you get to use each other, wherever, whenever. but that doesn't mean it isn't fun to push back a little. feed into his recklessness.
"not now, babe," you manoeuvrer between the spice rack and the stove with jisung clinging to your back. "i'm trying to make dinner here."
"but i need you, baby. i love you. you love me too, right? i need you so bad. please, it hurts," he pleads, bulge pressing thick and heavy against your ass. "just lemme grind against you for a second then, yeah? i'll be quick."
he lifts your skirt and grabs your hips, hungry, fingers making indents in the flesh. his leaking cock slides between your thighs, rubbing against your clothed clit with every rock of his hips.
"that's my girl, so good for me, fuck— i can feel you throbbing trough your panties, baby." he kisses your shoulder, his grip on your hips becoming more insistent. "let me put it in, please? i need to feel your pretty cunt around me. just the tip, okay?"
"sung, the food —"
"dinner can wait," he slides your panties down to your knees and you instinctively push your hips back. the gentle but demanding press of his hand between your shoulder blades lowers you over the kitchen counter. his cock prods at your hole, clumsily in his need, catching on the rim a few times.
the knot in your stomach tightens at the prospect of him entering you raw. it isn't the first time but you know how much the pretense of it riles him up.
"n-no sungie, wait, not without a condom..."
"it's just the tip, baby. i'll pull out, i promise. god, this tiny pussy," jisung groans when your walls give way slowly for the thick head of his cock. you whimper at the burn, caught between the counter and his hips with nowhere to go but take it.
"i know, doll, i know." he soothes you with a kiss to your nape. you gasp when he sinks in deeper, the sting bleeding into a dull throb when he hits that sweet spot nestled between your walls. "'m sorry, shit — this pussy's sucking me right in, baby, i can't help it. want me that bad, huh? you're such a liar."
"'m not," you shake your head, cunt clenching around him at the same time.
"i can feel how wet you are, baby, i know you need this too." his hips slam into yours and he wraps an arm around your chest to lift you up, his long curls tickling your ear. "let me cum inside, babe, it belongs in this pussy, doesn't it? you know that."
his other hand's on your clit now, and you won't last long this way. you're too far gone to give him a proper answer so you shake your head again, stammering a chorus of pleas and moans as your orgasm quickly approaches.
"then why're you creaming on my cock, baby? this tight fucking pussy's begging to be bred," jisung groans, "knows who she belongs to. do you, baby? c'mon, tell me."
he forces his cock as deep as he can and you shudder, holding onto the counter top for dear life as he fucks you towards the peak of oversensitivity.
"y-you," you start to ramble, "it's all yours, sungie-ah, please..."
jisung leaves sloppy kisses all over your neck and shoulder, mumbling filthy words of praise into your skin. "best pussy in the whole freakin' world, gonna fill you up so good, baby, until it's dripping down your legs..."
he cums with a final gasp of your name, then holds you close for a moment. "thank you. i love you," he whispers into your hair, and you squeal in surprise when he spins you around and drops to his knees in front of you.
jisung laughs and presses a kiss to your mound. "dessert first."
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© planet-dusk do not copy, translate or repost my works.
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emithecharmer · 4 months
He is in Love
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Hyunjin's eyes never strayed from your sleeping form, snuggled in his arms, head tucked away into his chest. He didn't look up while his members talked about the new song, or even when the food got there, no. You'd crawled into his arms when you first arrived and he would stay there as your bed until you woke up. He didn't complain when the others made fun and cooed, even taking a picture or two. All he did was smile fondly, leaning back into the couch, softly taking you down with him and pulling you closer by your thighs. He looked up and met his leader's eyes, smiling with a lovesick expression.
"I'm going to marry her." Hyunjin said simply, freezing when he felt you move in your sleep. The guys all laughed at his expression, but Chan felt his heart swell at the thought of Hyunjin having someone.
They all loved you, you were kind- and just as sassy and dramatic as Hyunjin. You were there when they had bad days, and you'd learned recipes from home and would cook when you had the chance, leaving them with a week's worth of homemade food.
Hyunjin had picked out the ring two months after he'd asked you out. His mom had told him when he was little, that he'd know when he found his person. And he did, he knew from the second he'd kissed you for the first time. He knew that he'd see your same, beautiful smile, walking down the isle one day. He knew that your pure heart would provide kind children and that you'd be a wonderful mother. He knew that your hands would be even more precious with a ring adorning them. He knew that your hair would shine in the sun as you two watched the sunset together.
And more than anything, he couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with you, his person. His you.
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hanjisick · 2 years
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order #1 of the coffee shop series: a caramel macchiato
ingredients y/n x coffee shop owner!bang chan. best friends to lovers. mostly fluff but angsty confession. terrible wingmen!skz.
allergies. contains: makeouts. brief alcohol mention.
size. 2.3k
special add ons. no matter how charming the owner of yellow wood café may be, chan only has eyes for his best friend.
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“your hair, channie,” you reached over the wooden counter to fix the curly mess.
“sorry, didn’t have time to do it this morning.”
“you never have time to do anything but work,” your hands dropped down to adjust his collar with a huff.
“thank god that i have you then, huh?”
“you’d be dead if you didn’t. you can repay me by making me my caramel macchiato.”
“just because you are some weird coffee shop owner who doesn’t like coffee doesn’t mean i should deprive myself of what keeps me going every day,” you leaned over, watching him work.
chan had a strict policy over giving people free coffee, but he was always willing to break any of his rules for you.
he handed you the sweet drink, just the way you liked it.
“i swear none of them make my coffee the way you do.”
“well if you moved in with me already, i’d be able to make it for you every morning,” chan winked.
“give it a break with the flirting already,” seungmin groaned, trying to ignore you two until now, “it’s driving me nuts.”
“we aren’t flirting, you little gremlin! he’s my best friend!”
every time that chan heard those words fall from your mouth, another piece of his heart shattered.
smile faltering, he looked down at the cup with a carefully drizzled caramel heart on top.
seungmin’s eyes must’ve rolled into the back of his head, “whatever you say, but you two might as well date at this point.”
there wasn’t a single person who didn’t know chan’s feelings towards you except for yourself. it was hard to miss the way his gaze lingered on you, how hard he tried to impress you with his coffee every morning, and how no matter who gave him their number, he always declined.
each barista figured it out at their own time, all in a silent agreement that— yea, chan was head over heels for his childhood friend.
but nobody told you any of it. worker or not, everyone seemed to fold for chan’s orders, perhaps it’s what made him such a good boss.
one of his unspoken orders was that no matter what, don’t tell y/n, let him do it when the time is right. so everyone seemed to turn their head when he spoke to you, but sometimes seungmin liked to push the limits.
clearing his throat, chan faced you once again, “there’s gonna be another card night this saturday. you in?”
“am i in? of course i am. when have i ever missed one of your tacky card nights?”
right after your reply, the door swung open, the bell chiming as you all whipped around to see the first customer of the day.
it was no surprise who it was. an elder in her mid 70’s, as most very early morning customers was.
“good morning!” seungmin sang out, running to the counter, “your coffee with two scoops of sugar?”
“yes, thank you,” she smiled, “your shirt is too long dear, you need to tuck it in like chan.”
seungmin simply smiled at the stinging bluntness, quite used to it, ringing her up.
“your shirt looks lovely, chan, i’m sure my granddaughter would love it as well.”
you and him both cringed at the comment, prepared for her upcoming rant.
“you are such a handsome young man in your twenties, and you need to settle down and find yourself a nice young lady soon. my granddaughter is a very beautiful woman and i would love for her to marry a man like yourself.”
seungmin waited for her to finish before interjecting, “ma’am, your coffee is ready.”
it was only once she was out the door that you all erupted in a fit of giggles, losing your composure immediately
“you need to settle down, chan! you’re practically an old man!”
“shut your mouth, seungmin! she was just trying to be nice!”
you turned to chan to join in, mocking the lady, “you are such a handsome young man in your twenties!”
though it was a joke, you were impersonating a grandma for god’s sake, chan’s heart couldn’t help but skip a beat. he hesitated before letting out another laugh.
“tuck in your shirt, seungmin!” you broke eye contact before he could even process it.
“my bad!” he struggled to shove his shirt into his pants, making it look as hilariously bad as possible.
chan giggled along, trying to calm his heartbeat down from its insane rhythm. but the laughter soon died as they began to prepare for the busiest part of the day, turning on machines and refilling jars of sugar and other toppings.
“i need to head out now,” you began to gather your stuff, placing your empty cup into the dishwasher.
“hugs?” chan wrapped his arms around you as you breathed in his vanilla cologne. his huge was always comforting, letting you fall into his arms and forget about the world for a brief moment.
“love you,” you sighed and pulled away, missing chan’s nervous fidgeting as you turned to seungmin.
“make sure he doesn’t overwork himself. have him stop and eat at noon.”
after he nodded, you head out the door in satisfaction, waving goodbye through the glass window.
“so when are you going to make a move?”
chan’s lips pressed together, ignoring seungmin’s words. instead, he chose to grab a rag and clean off the area you sat at, a hole in his heart now that you were gone.
“maybe if we get enough tequila in you on saturday then you’ll confess.”
“at a card game night in jisung’s apartment with all of you? no thanks.”
“you’re not gonna have a fairytale confession, chan. you need to do it before you get your heart broken when she goes for another guy.”
his words were harsh but true. he didn’t want to imagine your hand intertwined with anyone other than his own. but he would never tell seungmin any of that.
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you had arrived at card night halfway through uno, so you decided to sit out of the round and help your best friend win against the other baristas.
“it’s not fair!” jisung whined, “chan has y/n to help him and none of us have help! of course he won!”
“i never told chan to do anything, it’s a luck game!” you pointed out, trying to defend chan’s win.
“i agree with jisung! that was just a practice round!” hyunjin crossed his arms, the two boys annoyingly resembling toddlers.
“foods ready!” minho called out as everybody forgot about the game, scrambling up to the kitchen.
there was never a plan of how the nights would go, everyone just sort of ended up doing what they felt like at the moment.
after everybody had their plates and a few cookies, they scrambled across the living room for more games.
as always, you sat right at chan’s side munching on the delicious chocolate chip cookies.
“you guys wanna play spin the bottle?” hyunjin stared right into chan’s eyes with a smirk.
“no.” everyone replied in unison, a few giggles erupting around the living room.
“why not?”
“all of you are ugly and unkissable,” jeongin gagged dramatically.
“oh please, i’d be the best kiss of your life!” hyunjin pounced on top of the boy who began to thrash around, begging for help.
“get off of him!” minho tried to pry hyunjin away, but only succeeded once changbin began to help as well.
chan let out a sigh, resting his head on your shoulder. they kept it from you, sure, but none of them were good wingmen. at all.
your hand reflexively went into his hair, “i don’t understand how all of your dumb friends manage to not burn down that strip mall.”
“i don’t know either, love.” his breath hitched as the nickname slipped out, and he didn’t fail to notice the way your hand paused for a moment as well.
he could tell that you were smiling, “i can smell your shampoo.”
“really? is it bad?”
“you know what is bad?” jisung interjects, “the fact that we aren’t playing a game of truth or dare.”
“this is supposed to be a card night, hanji,” chan points out, turning his head towards the group.
it was so painfully obvious that they were trying to help him make a move, but he wasn’t going to budge.
“just one round, please!”
“loosen up chan, it can be fun. i’m sure we all have some interesting secrets.” he glanced up at you, shoulders drooping in defeat. he couldn’t say no to you.
“chan! truth or dare!” jeongin immediately called out first, the others eagerly waiting for the exasperated man to decide— as if their plan wasn’t the most predictable thing in the world.
“why me?” he yelled out, throwing his head back against the couch.
if he picked truth, they’d ask who is crush was. if he picked dare, they’d make him kiss you.
“you gotta pick chan, it’s the game!” you shook him slightly.
“dare.” it was the easier option. he would blame the kiss on the dare, he wouldn’t have to confess just yet.
“i dare you to kiss y/n!”
chan rolled his eyes and looked towards you, who stared at the floor in embarrassment.
“both of you are so red,” seungmin commented with a large grin, “just do it already.”
his heart was going a thousand miles per hour as you brought your head up, squeezing your eyes shut. chan stared at your lips, and he was sure that he would pass out. the baristas eager stares didn’t help one bit as he leaned in closer. he felt like he was going to faint.
“i can’t,” he pulled away quickly, suddenly quite interested in his socks. chan didn’t bother to face everyone’s disappointed faces and groans, getting up to bring his dirty plate into the kitchen.
the room fell silent as he walked out, only able to breathe once again now that he was alone. he stood there for a second, replaying the memory in his head.
you must’ve been so nervous and scared. there was no way you wanted him to kiss you. it was just a dare that you were waiting to be over.
he was pulled out of his thoughts by quiet sniffling, the room now filled with hushed whispers that he couldn’t ignore.
the front door of the apartment opened and chan ran back into the living room to find the solemn faces of his friends, “where is y/n? where did she go?”
“she left,” felix answered immediately.
“why? why’d she leave? is she okay?”
“go out and get her. you need to talk to her. alone.”
chan didn’t have to be told twice, running right after you.
“y/n?” he whipped his head around before running down the steps, “y/n!”
“why are you crying?” he grabbed your shoulder, turning you around to face him, “did they say something to you?”
“don’t worry about it, just go back inside.”
he pulled you into his black hoodie, the one that you gifted him years ago, “please tell me what happened.”
as always, you slumped into his hug, wrapping your arms loosely around his waist. “did you not want to kiss me that bad?”
chan’s breathing stopped as he tried to think of an answer.
but you continued after a moment. “i guess i let my ego go. i know i’m not as pretty as the girls who always look at you at the shop and i always tease you, but your friends kept encouraging me and that’s why we played truth or dare in the first place.”
you pulled away to look at his shocked face, “i’m sorry if i made you uncomfortable.”
it took chan a moment to process everything you had confessed as he stared into your teary eyes.
“i think i’m in love with you, bang chan.”
his silence made the tears begin to well up again in your eyes, snapping him out of his thoughts.
“please say something.”
his eyes dragged down to your lips once again tonight. he wanted to say something. anything. but he couldn’t.
so instead, he leaned into you, wiping away your tears with his thumb. he couldn’t resist planting a light kiss on your lips, and his anxieties washed away at your smile.
“i’m so in love with you, y/n, you have no idea.” he brought you in for another kiss, smiling against your lips. you kissed him back, letting go of all the worries from tonight. your hands tangled in his hair to bring him closer in, a soft groan falling from his lips.
chan’s eyebrows furrowed in concentration, he wanted to be the best kiss of your life, and there was no doubt in your mind that he was.
there was no doubt that chan would keep going. he could stand at the end of the stairs and kiss you forever, completely lost in the feeling of finally confessing to his dream girl.
but suddenly you pulled away, breath heavy against him, staring up to the top of the stairs in embarrassment.
chan whipped his head around to follow your gaze, mind still hazy from the intense kiss.
“don’t mind me!” jisung called out, changbin immediately throwing a hand over his mouth.
“how many of you are there?” his hoarse voice called out in annoyance.
“just us!”
“you have until three! one-“ all the members scrambled to their feet to run back into the house as chan huffed, ready to run up the stairs and scold them to no end.
“just leave them,” you laughed as the loud lock clicked, “they won’t let you in anyways.”
“they’re lucky they aren’t all fired,” his hands flew to cover his red face.
“we both know you wouldn’t dream of doing that.”
“you know me too well, y/n.”
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