#Siv: So are you the big spoon or the little spoon?
negative-speedforce · 8 months
“come on, just admit it- i’m starting to grow on you, aren’t i?”, “since when does your job extend to giving me relationship advice?” “it doesn’t, but i wouldn’t be able to live with myself if i didn’t at least try to tell you how much more you deserve than that idiot.”, “don’t worry. i’m not going to tell anyone that my big bad bodyguard like to be the little spoon.”, while the protectee is in the process of overworking themselves, the bodyguard reluctantly steps in to make them take a break, one finally building up the courage to ask the other out on a date once their professional relationship is over
“since when does your job extend to giving me relationship advice?” “it doesn’t, but i wouldn’t be able to live with myself if i didn’t at least try to tell you how much more you deserve than that idiot.”
With: My OCs Rania and Siv (who time travelled)
"Whoa." Siv froze, staring at the face that was near identical to theirs. It was a little off, of course, with brown eyes instead of her blue, and a less prominent nose, but it was her face all the same. "What the hell?"
"Oh, my god." The woman, whose badge read "Dr. Rania Al Qallaf-Martinez", covered her mouth in shock. "You're her."
"Eobard's pet project. Oh, my god. It worked." Rania was horrified. "I can't believe he did that- much less that it worked."
"Yeah, me neither, but here we are." Siv crossed their arms.
"If I had more time, I'd ask to run some tests, but I'm in the middle of something."
"Wait- you know my father?" Siv asked. "Are you working with him?"
"Unfortunately, yes." Rania said snappishly.
"You don't like him that much, do you?"
Rania froze, putting up a fake smile. "Of course I do. He's given me some excellent opportunities to further my career."
"Relax, lady." Siv rolled her eyes. "I'm not on his side. I'm here to kill him."
"Oh, thank god." Rania took a deep breath. "How can I trust you?"
"He killed my girlfriend." Siv pulled the knife from her belt. "You have the same personal AI thing that he has. Scan for Regina Rivera's DNA on this blade."
Rania paused, scanning the knife. "Gideon, identify all DNA traces on this surface."
"Of course, Dr. Al Qallaf-Martinez." A moment passed. "Identified DNA results: Eobard Thawne, born 2151, Sivonne Thawne, born 2597, and Regina Rivera, born 1996, died 2015."
"Gina was everything to me." Siv replied. "And that murderer killed her in front of me. Slaughtered her like a pig, with this very knife. Now, I'm going to kill him with it, show him how it feels."
"That was... intense." Rania blinked. "I'm going to be honest, I need all the help I can get. I need to break into his office, download all his files, and leak them on the web. I know I'm probably not going to make it, your existence is proof of that much, but I need someone to watch my back while I take the files."
"I can't let him see me. Not yet." Siv shook her head. "But I can make sure he doesn't interrupt you."
"Thank you."
"So why Eobard, anyway?" Siv whispered as they walked down the hallway. "Why not work with someone less deranged?"
"I thought he was hot, okay?" Rania rolled her eyes. "He used to be nice, too. Then he lost his mind after getting back from meeting The Flash."
"You know you can do way better than him, right?" Siv raised an eyebrow. "I mean, you're really freaking hot, there's no way there's not a million girls- I mean, guys- who are fawning over you."
"You literally have my face. You're complimenting yourself, aren't you?" Rania deadpanned.
"Maybe." Siv shrugged.
"Anyway, since when does your job extend to giving me relationship advice?"
"It doesn’t, but I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I didn’t at least try to tell you how much more you deserve than that idiot." Siv hissed.
"For being essentially my clone, you're kind of a dick." Rania grimaced. "Here we are. Stay quiet. He should be going on lunch right about..." A streak of red lightning burst out of the office. "...now."
"You're going in?" Siv asked. "Good luck."
Rania nodded. "Thanks."
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Spare Larc and Launo hcs?
Headcanons? More like canons
Launo uses Larc’s head like a chin rest. So Larc can just be sitting down trying to read, and then Launo comes from behind and plops his head “Hey whatcha doing down there”
This also plays into Larc being a touch starved fool, so any physical contact will basically send him blue screening, which is great if he’s on a worry filled ramble or something. So Larc is running himself in circles about how the kids are or something, and the *plop* “I...........Where am I again?”
Also also, Launo just really likes the sound of Larc’s voice, so he’s not very picky on conversation topics, he busts like listening to him talk about something he’s interested in. The added bonus of this is that it’s super easy to talk Launo out of anything He’s frustrated or annoyed about because Larc just has to say literally anything and Launo is like “Oh right, I still have my super hot husband, it’s fine”
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bedbellyandbeyond · 5 years
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Education Matters
Okay I’m sorry about the cash grab, here’s some actual content
(Story Post)
I'm home,” Fay sung as he walked through the door. Slipper met him at the door and started mewing for his attention. “Come out, come out.” Katia found him first, toddling down the hall dragging a couch pillow with her. “Papa!” “Kitty Kat,” Fay chirped as he scooped her up. “Now why do you have a pillow?” She shrugged and put an end in her mouth. Her father chuckled and kissed her cheek. “Where's Daddy, minou?” Fay asked.
Katia pointed towards the kitchen so Fay followed her direction and made his way through the house. In the kitchen, he found Dari with Otter and Ariane at the counter in the middle of an absolute mess. Otter was giggling and as he unwound an unnecessary mass of paper towel from the roll while Ariane tried picking up a yoghurt spill with her hands. Dari was just watching them exasperated, trying to give them directions on how to clean their mess. “What's going on here?” Fay asked smiling. “We're making yoghurt parfaits!” Otter said, placing four sheet of paper towel on one little yoghurt pile. “Trying,” Dari said, attempting to salvage some of the paper towel his son had yet to use. “We had a bit of a yoghurt situation.” “I got it,” Ariane said, trying to carry some yoghurt she got cupped in her hands and put it in one of their parfait glasses. “Ari, we're not gonna eat that now that it's been on the floor,” Dari said taking the glass. “It's dirty.” At that, she put her completely yoghurt covered hand in her mouth. “Doesn't taste dirty.” “Oh my god.” Dari put the glass down, picked her up and carried her over to the sink, sliding her step stool over so she could reach. “Wash your hands.” Fay chuckled and went over to kiss his husband. “How are you doing?” Before Dari could answer, Otter lifted a single sheet of paper towel with a big pile of yoghurt collected on it and the sheet immediately tore, splattering yoghurt all over the floor and up Dari's pants. “That's how I'm doing.” “Tap out?” Fay asked. “No… But an assist would be nice,” Dari said, pumping soap onto his daughter's hands. “Done. Where is Zoë?” “Nap time with Milo.” “Very nice.” Fay took the paper towel rolls from Otter and moved him over to the sink after Ariane. “Did Milo do his homework?” “He did.” “I can do it,” Otter said getting soap on his hands and turning on the tap with the soapy hand, getting it all sudsy. “I'll leave you to it,” Fay said patting his son's hand. He started cleaning up the yoghurt on the floor, pushing Slipper away as she tried to eat it. Dari cleaned up the counter and started prepping it again for the parfaits. Once their mess was dealt with, Fay brought the kids and their stools back over to the counter for them to help again. “I want blueberries in mine,” Ariane said, taking one of the blueberries Dari had just washed and eating it. “You won’t have any in yours if you keep eating them all,” Dari said, patting her head. Fay was washing strawberries when he paused suddenly. “Mon amour, where's Siv?” “Siv? Well, he's…” Dari stopped what he was doing and looked around. Ariane, Otter and Katia were there, Zoë and Milo were napping, but he couldn't remember where his youngest son was. Fay noticed him start freaking out inside and put the strawberries down to rub his shoulders. “Don't worry, I'll find him.” “Fay, I…I…” Dari stuttered and looked around, turning in circles. “Dari, stop.” Fay kissed his cheek and made him sit down on Otter's stool. “Kids, have you seen your little brother?” Otter shrugged and Ariane shook her head. “Alright, thank you for your help,” Fay said. He patted Dari's hand. “I'm going to go look around. He's here somewhere.” Dari pouted. “I should've been watching… I should've thought about him…” “Love, it's alright,” Fay said. “Is it possible he went down with Milo and Zoë?” “No, he was with me… I carried him downstairs…” Dari said. “Alright, calm down.” Fay smiled and left the kitchen. He began calling out Siv's name as he went. He looked around the living room, then the hall, and the bathroom. When he figured he'd cleared the first floor, he started to go up the stairs. The house was very old and when he took the first step, it let out a creak. With that creak came giggling. Fay paused but then went up a couple more steps. The giggling persisted. He smirked and came back down and checked the powder room under the stairs and found his son curled up inside the cabinet under the sink. “Shh,” Siv said putting a finger to his mouth. “Are you playing Hide ‘n Seek?” Fay asked. Siv nodded smiling. “Did you tell your Daddy you would be playing Hide ‘n Seek?” Siv shook his head. “Come on out,” Fay said. “If you don’t tell anyone you're playing Hide ‘n Seek, they aren't playing with you.” “But I was hiding so good,” Siv said crawling out. “You were,” Fay said, picking him up. “I won’t tell Daddy your hiding spot if you promise to tell him when you're going to be playing. Promise?” “Okay,” Siv said. Fay carried him back to the kitchen and Dari shot up to his feet to take him. “Oh my god, where were you?” Dari asked, hugging his son. “Hiding,” Siv said. “He was playing Hide ‘n Seek,” Fay said. “I told him he has to tell you if he's going to play next time.” “Yes, you can't play without one of us knowing,” Dari said. Siv pouted. “Okay.” Dari kissed his cheek. “I love you so much. If I don’t know where you are, I get scared.” “I'm sorry,” Siv apologised. Fay rubbed Dari's back. “Mon beau, how about you go play with Siv for a bit and I'll finish up the parfaits with Otter and Ariane?” Dari nodded and carried his son over to the living room. Fay got a new container of yoghurt for them as the other one was practically empty after the spill. It helped that Dari had been having a yoghurt craving during this pregnancy so they were always well stocked. He helped the children make their parfaits while he prepared one for Dari. Ariane ended up with a parfait that was 90% blueberries and Otter's was half eaten by the time he was done making it. Fay brought his reasonably more balanced parfait to Dari in the living room where he was putting a puzzle together with Siv. Siv didn’t seem to yet grasp the concept that flat edges meant the pieces go on the outside even if it was just a 16 piece puzzle. “Looking good,” Fay said sitting down beside his husband. “Do we know what we're making?” “Bert and Ernie,” Siv said holding up a piece with one of their noses on it. Ariane and Otter came over and started helping their little brother with the puzzle so Dari had a moment to stop and snack on his parfait. “This is so good, Fay,” Dari said after a few spoonfuls. “Thank you.” “Never a problem, mon amour.” “Are you going to have one?” “No, yoghurt doesn't always agree with me.” Dari nodded and finished half the parfait before speaking again. “How was work?” “Oh, it was good,” Fay said. “I got a tour of the new school. I have quite a few of my client's kids are going there now. Kidd was there for example.” “Lino must be proud,” Dari said. “It must be nice to have a place where Kidd's not going to look out of place.” “Right? Now I can't wait for next year when Ariane starts school,” Fay said. “What?” Dari frowned. “We're not putting her in school.” Fay frowned. “Of course we are. What did you expect would happen?” “They'd be home-schooled,” Dari said. “You're kidding. We don’t have the resources to home-school six children.” “Why not? Marcita comes over to mentor Milo,” Dari said. “That's different. Milo isn't prepared for the education system. And Marcita can't teach all our children,” Fay said. “It wouldn't just be Marcita,” Dari said. “We could hire tutors.” “Tutors? Dari, I'm not made of money,” Fay said. “School is an integral part of development for both humans and merfolk. We're fish. We school. If it were completely up to me, they go to a proper mer-school.” “Mer-school? What's that?” Dari asked. “They're boarding schools on the coasts that teach merchildren everything they need to know about human knowledge,” Fay said. “The finest education institutions there are.” “There's no way my children are going to boarding school,” Dari said appalled. “I understand that. That's why APID E is the next best thing for them,” Fay said. Dari huffed. “They probably don't even want to go to school.” Fay placed a hand on Ariane's head. “Petit poisson, do you want to go to school?” “Yeah!” Ariane exclaimed. “What do you even know about school?” Dari asked. “We haven't even talked about it yet.” “I saw it on TV,” Ariane said. “You do letters and stuff and make friends!” “That’s right. And Kidd's ahead a year which means they'll be in your class,” Fay said. “Really?” Ariane asked excited. “Yep. You'd be headed into 1st grade.” “Can I go now?” Ariane asked. “Not quite yet,” Fay said. “It'll be next year.” “Aw… Why not now?” Ariane asked. “Technically it could’ve been this year, but next year it’s required,” Fay said eyeing Dari. “By law.” Dari crossed his arms, and looked away. “We’ll talk about this later.” “I wanna go to school,” Siv said. “And why's that, mon poussin?” Fay asked. “ ‘Cause... I wanna backpack for my crayons,” Siv explained. “You don't have to go to school to have a backpack, duck,” Dari said. “Can I have a backpack?” Otter asked. “Is that what you want for Christmas?” Fay asked. “No, I wanna kitty!” Otter said. “You have a kitty,” Fay said. “You have Slipper.” “No, another kitty.” “You'll have to write to Santa then,” Dari said. “Aw...” Fay frowned and looked to Dari. “We're already adding another life to this family...” Dari shrugged. “Don't look at. Santa will decide if we should have another cat.” Fay rubbed his forehead and got up. “I'm gonna go make dinner...” “The kids want spaghetti,” Dari said. “We'll see. Santa will decide if we should have spaghetti.”
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sivariel-sunwing · 7 years
Ship meme: Siv and Solaris!
notp / not really / meh / I could / sometimes / maker, yes / my otp babbies
Who is the most affectionate?
Neither of them? Siv’s kinda hardened herself and I don’t see Solaris being much of a romantic.
Big spoon/Little spoon?
Siv doesn’t like having someone behind her or feeling “trapped,” so no spoon.
Most common argument?
Philosophical debates.
Favorite non-sexual activity?
Relaxing and reading a book.
Who is most likely to carry the other?
Oddly... Siv would most likely try and carry Solaris.
Sivariel: Siv, Falcon
Solaris: Sol, ‘Ris, Brain Boy
Who worries the most?
Who tops?
Solaris might top... sometimes. If Siv let him.
Who initiates kisses?
Who wakes up first?
Solaris. Siv sleeps a lot during the day when she’s doing her night job.
Who says I love you first?
Tough one... probably Solaris.
tagging @solarisbloodfall for mention!
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bedbellyandbeyond · 6 years
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The Herd, a.k.a. Dari’s Happy Day
(Story Post; No Art At End)
“I can’t come in. No it's not debatable. I'm not coming in today. I don’t have anyone to watch the kids. No, don’t send someone… I'm watching my kids today. You can find a replacement. Thank you. Good bye.” Fay hung up the phone and sighed, dropping it into it's cradle so he could use two hands to mix his bowl of pancake batter. It was going to be a long day and he knew it. The whole idea of taking care of the kids on his own was overwhelming but he knew he could do it. There was no reason why he couldn’t manage it.
Milo came into the kitchen yawning and carrying Ariane and Otter giggling under his arms. At nearly four and five years old, their co-operation in all this was detrimental to the execution of this day so Fay hoped they were going to be in the right mood. He didn’t think he had to worry about Milo too much, he was always happy to help. “Kids, today is going to be a Happy Day,” Fay said. Immediately whining filled the room and he tapped the bowl with the edge of his spoon. “Today we're going to be so good and helpful like I know you can be and if you're super good, there might be treats.” “Might be?” Ari pouted. “There will be, but I don’t know what yet or when,” Fay said. “But I'll really need your help so please be good and help Papa today.” “Okay!” Ari nodded, and her little brother nodded quickly. Milo set them down and signed, What do you need us to do? “Milo, like last time, I need you to look after the little ones. I'll keep Zoë with me, but you can start by cleaning and dressing Siv and Katia,” Fay said. “Bring them down with you when you're done.” “Can I help dress?” Ariane asked bouncing up and down. “Um… No, I'm going to have you and Otter help me with breakfast, okay?” Fay said. Ariane and Otter both nodded. Otter raised a hand. “Yes, Otter?” “Can I do toast?” “Uh…” Fay glanced at the toaster then back at his almost four year old. “No.” “Can I?” Ariane asked. “Uh… Yes but only with supervision.” “No fair!” Otter said. “I'm older!” Ariane said. “What's super…super…” “Supervision means I'm watching you do it so you don’t hurt yourself,” Fay said. “But toast is at the end. Right now, Otter, you’re going to mix this for me and Ari, you can get me the eggs from the fridge. Okay?” “Okay.” “Grab a stool, please, and Milo you can go get started with the little ones now, thank you. Bring Zoë down to me first please then wash up and dress the others.” Milo raised a hand. “Yes?” Am I still being tutored today? he signed, I’d rather help if it’s going to be hard for you. “Uh we’ll see… Marcita’s still coming so we’ll go over that bridge when we get there, alright buddy?” Milo nodded and headed upstairs to get started. Fay helped Otter and Ariane get set up with their tasks while he got the stove and oven on to start making pancakes, eggs and bacon. For the last Happy Day he relied on cereal and toaster waffles which passed but he was hoping fresh good food might help lift Dari’s mood. He wasn’t betting on it but he did know that a soggy bowl of cereal last time did not help at all. He had anticipated this Happy Day coming on though, Dari hadn’t been himself for the last couple days, so Fay tried preparing for it by stocking up on good food and wholesome movie lists and a Happy Day schedule to try and follow with multiple plan Bs, and Cs, and Ds... Happy Days weren’t as frequent as they used to be when Dari first came home (back then they were pretty much just called Depression Weeks before the kids came along) but with another little one on the way, it was becoming harder for Fay to manage the Happy Days when they came up and give his one on one care to Dari when there were so many other little lives to manage and keep happy. Milo was a big help because he loved playing with and occupying his siblings but even he needed some supervision sometimes, especially with how big he was. Fortunately, over the last couple years he hadn’t grown much more than an inch and Fay thanked Dari's genes for that. When Milo brought Zoë down, Fay strapped her into a carrier and draped her over his back. At six months old, he knew she'd want to grab at everything and anything he'd pick up and he wasn’t having that right now. She was a handful, no more than the others had been, but this time Fay couldn’t believe Dari was already pregnant again, just three months after she was born. It was like the distance between each of Dari's pregnancies only got shorter and shorter, with him getting pregnant with Siv eleven months after having Ari, then Katia eight months after Siv, and Zoë five months after Katia. Now six months after Zoë's birth, Dari was three months pregnant. Breakfast was an unqualified success. Milo had done his part, cleaning up Siv and Katia and setting them up in their high chairs. At three, Siv didn’t need a high chair anymore but was still comfortable in one so Fay had him use it so he’d sit still during the meal. Every child was fed so it was the adults turn. Fay set up a tray for Ariane to take to their bedroom for Dari but he wanted to test the water with him first. If Dari was going to lash out at all, Fay didn’t want any child caught in the crossfire. Dari was still in bed when Fay crept in. He could tell he was awake just from the fact that he was facing away from the door. He had a tendency to stare at the wall when he was down and just lying in bed so Fay came up and sat down on the edge. “Dari, sweet thing…” Fay cooed, rubbing his husband's arm. “How are you feeling now?” Dari groaned. “Shit.” “Well, breakfast's here for you,” Fay said. “And I'm here for you.” “I'm not hungry…” “…Do you feel sick or just not up for it?” “Not up for it…” “Well, I'd like it if you ingested something. Ariane brought you bacon and pancakes.” Dari turned over and frowned at Fay. “Food? In bed?” “Yes, just for you. The kids have been so good. They want you to feel better.” “You don’t let me eat in bed.” “Today's an exception.” “Why?” “Because we love you.” Dari pursed his lips. “…Okay…” “Can you sit up please?” Fay asked. “I'll send Ari in.” Dari sighed and pulled himself up into a sitting position. Fay adjusted a couple pillows behind him and patted his cheek before going to open the door. He was a bit surprised when all the children (that could walk) came flooding in, with Milo desperately failing to keep them with him as he carried Zoë. He apologised to Fay who just rubbed his arm sympathetically before helping Katia and Siv onto the bed. “Kids…” Dari said pulling Siv and Otter up beside him and letting Katia sit in his lap. Ari stood beside the bed and placed the tray of food on the night stand, knocking over the alarm clock and Fay's reading glasses in the process. “You made this food for me?” “I made the toast and eggs with Papa,” Ari said. “I made pancakes!” Otter said proudly. “They helped a lot,” Fay said. “Milo took care of the little ones for me which was so helpful.” “Thank you,” Dari said taking a piece of pancake and eating it. “I see someone cut my pancakes bite sized…” “I did!” Otter said. “And Siv insisted on pouring your orange juice,” Fay said placing Dari's medication beside it. Dari kissed all his kids’ foreheads. “Thank you, kids… I'm sorry I'm not up with you today. I'm just not feeling well.” “Is it because of the baby?” Ariane asked. “No, it's not the baby,” Dari said. “Then what is it?” Otter asked. “Well, uh…” Dari frowned. “I have an illness… Sometimes I just don’t feel well and it makes it hard to do things, even if I usually really want to do it.” “Are you sick?” Otter asked. “In a way, yes.” “Are you gonna die?” Siv asked, making the other kids gasp. “No, duck, I'm not gonna die,” Dari said petting his head. “I'm getting better. It's just sometimes, days like this will happen.” “Does it hurt?” Otter asked. “Um… Not exactly,” Dari said. “It just makes me sad sometimes.” “I don’t want Daddy to be sad,” Siv said pouting. “Aw, I don’t want to be sad either,” Dari said. “But it happens.” “But that's why we do Happy Days,” Fay said. “To help your Dad feel better.” “And you're doing such a good job,” Dari said. “We can play games,” Otter said. “Games make me happy.” “Oh, sweetheart, I'm really tired…” Dari said. “But Papa'll play with you. I'm sure we can play games tomorrow…” “Okay,” Otter said. “If you're tired, you should sleep…” “Daddy,” Katia said, patting his thigh. “Yeah, kitten?” “Daddy gonna be happy tomorrow?” Dari paused then rubbed her head. “I want to be.” “Tomorrow, maybe we'll all go to the park,” Fay said. “How's that sound?” “Good,” Siv said. “Ducks!” Katia said. “Good. Now, we should head back downstairs and let your Dad eat his breakfast in peace,” Fay said getting up. “Dari, take your meds.” Dari nodded and helped Katia off the bed as the others whined and slithered their way off. Ari gave him a hug and a kiss before going with her siblings out the door. Fay walked out with them and started to close the door when he heard the faintest sound of weeping. He looked at Milo who looked back, clearing having heard it too. Fay signed for him to take the kids downstairs and play a game. Milo gave him a thumbs up before herding them downstairs. Fay straightened his clothes and fixed his hair, taking a breather before going. As he suspected, Dari was curled up and crying, the blankets pulled up over his head. Fay walked back over to the bed and sat down beside him. “Mon amour, I am here for you,” Fay said rubbing Dari's back. “Please talk to me.” Dari sniffled and started to talk, but nothing but muffled gibberish could be heard through the blankets. “Unfortunately, I can’t hear you. You’ll have to come out.” Dari wriggled out from under and revealed his red face and tear stained cheeks. “…Fay!” “Yes!” “I'm a terrible Dad!” “Wrong!” Dari sniffled and wiped his nose on his forearm. “I am! I thought I knew what I was doing, but I'm so lost… I couldn’t even get up for breakfast with them, and they want to play with me and they want me to feel happy, and they usually are what makes me happy, but I can’t even feel happy about my kids making breakfast in bed for me…” This wasn’t the first time they'd had this conversation but Fay felt no need to remind him. It would only make him feel worse. “Sweet thing, today you're not feeling well. That's okay. It's okay not to feel well. You don’t always need to be happy around the kids or make them feel happy. There's two of us. Today, that's my job. And I've got this.” Dari pursed his lips. “I'm failing them. I should be out there raising them but I'm just so tired and there's just…so many of them and so much to do and I just… I just can’t…” “Oh, oh, oh, Dari…” Fay leaned over and wrapped his arms around his husband, pulling his head into his shoulder and rocking him from side to side. “That doesn’t even sound like depression… Well it does still but that sounds more like parenting. That's so okay. It's so okay to feel like that. I've felt the same, like this whole time. But it's okay. It really is.” Dari clutched Fay and turned his head to him. “…You feel the same?” “I do…” Fay smiled tearing up a little. “I really do… Parenting is so hard and…I actually was scared because you seemed to do it so well and you know what to do all the time and I felt like I was falling behind as a parent…” “You think I know what I'm doing?” Dari shook his head. “I have no idea what I'm doing… I'm just like ‘oh that worked let's just do that’ and like I don't know… They're so unpredictable…” “Ugh, don’t take this the wrong way but I'm so happy to know I'm not alone in this,” Fay said. “So we both don’t know what we're doing?” Dari shook his head into Fay's shoulder. “Oh thank god...” Dari chuckled a little. “What do we do?” “Our best, mon amour!” Fay said. “We have such good kids, we have to be doing something right.” “…It's my genes.” “Oh sure. Sure. Not the peaceful mermaid genes.” “Oh we're going to ignore the siren ancestry of luring sailors to their death? Yeah, okay.” Fay pulled away to look Dari in the eyes. He smiled softly, a tender gaze, brushing his hand on his cheek. “Dari, we can do this. I promise you that.” Dari smiled, leaning into his husband's hand. “You're sure?” “I was sure when I married you, sweet thing.” Dari tilted his head up. “Can I get a kiss?” “Oh no. You have snot all over your face.” “Oh…” “I'm just kidding, you don’t have to ask for my kiss.” Fay chuckled before kissing his husband in a close embrace. Dari's clutch relaxed and his slipped his hands up the back of Fay's shirt, taking in his warmth. When they came apart, Dari smiled and blushed wiping his eyes. “We're a mess…” “Yes, we are.” Fay kissed his cheek. “I should probably come out and help…” Dari said. “No, you should still rest. You've been working so hard. You need a day off,” Fay said. “I've got this. What's one day?” “Are you sure?” “I'm sure. Have your breakfast, take your meds, and rest.” Fay got up to go. “We can't let the stress get to the little one.” Dari rubbed his stomach. “…Right. Pregnant so often I nearly forgot…” Fay lifted Dari's shirt to give his little belly a kiss. “If you really want to come down later, no one's stopping you.” Dari nodded. He picked up his toast and took another bite. “Fay…” “Yes?” “No nevermind, it’s okay.” “The food's cold.” “Yeah.” “I'll warm it up for you.” “Thank you.” Fay took the tray and left the orange juice and drugs. “Take your meds in the mean time.” “You don’t have to remind me 10’000 times.” “Don't I?” Fay smiled and went to the door. “I'll send Milo up with your breakfast when it's done.” “Okay, thank you.”
The rest of the day wasn't too tough. Fay just watched and played games with the kids until naptime, when the real challenge was. They all wanted to sleep in their parent's room with Dari but they didn’t really all fit in the bed anymore so Fay had to bring up pillows and blankets for the elder kids to set up on the floor. During that time, Marcita came over to tutor Milo. She and Camilo had learned sign with their grandmother so Fay could confidently leave her alone with Milo while he tidied up the house and took a break. She mainly taught Milo math and science, things Fay and Dari weren’t intellectually inclined towards. They paid her but she also just really liked hanging out with Milo. As an astrophysics student, hearing about his journey home from space was fascinating to her and she could geek out a bit discussing the mechanism probably built into the escape vessel Milo took to Earth based on how he described it. When it was time to go, she told Fay that Milo was doing really well with science, more so than his math but he clearly had a big interest in biology and evolution. Fay was proud and figured it was Milo's love for animals that did it. He imagined Milo would want to learn to be a zookeeper or a veterinarian or even a livestock farmer. He thanked Marcita and paid her for her time before sharing an afternoon snack with Milo. After naptime, Fay did sign language practice with the little ones. The hardest part was tracking their progress individually but Dari kept a list of words and phrases each had learned to date. Milo helped of course, with five years of signing under his belt. He mainly helped the smallest, Siv and Katia to do their letters and basic every day terms while Fay worked with Otter and Ari on more complicated signs. At six months old, Zoë wasn’t really old enough to follow but she did like to watch and grab at people's hands when they got close to her. The other kids typically started learning and really started signing back at eight months but it was still beneficial to her to see them communicating together in that way. Dari liked the idea that through signs his kids could have their first words long before they were even able to talk so he kept track of their first sign and their first verbal word in an album with their baby pictures. Dari thought they'd learn ‘Dad’ first but only Otter did while others figured out other signs first, ‘bath’ for Ari and ‘water’ for Siv, and ‘done’ for Katia. When dinner came around, Fay got Otter and Ari to help again, but Siv wanted a job as well so he got him to set out the napkins and get some easy to reach food from the fridge. Milo kept Katia occupied with drawing while they waited and he also watched Zoë who was taking an extra nap. That night Dari came down for dinner which was salmon and broccoli, the latter to which most of the children turned up their nose. Otter argued that he shouldn't have to eat broccoli if Milo doesn’t but Fay re-explained that Milo's body doesn't process vegetables like them and they needed greens to survive. When the Otter wouldn't let it go, Fay let him know that the alternative was seaweed and then everyone was asking for it instead. Fay too preferred the seaweed but now that everyone was having it, someone had to eat their broccoli and he wasn't just going to throw it away. Dari too didn’t like broccoli much but he preferred it over seaweed so he helped shoulder the burden of eating the kid's broccoli. Since it was supposed to be a Happy Day, they let it slide this time. The night ended with a movie. For being helpful and good (until dinner), Ari and Otter got to pick the movie and what snacks they'd have with it. Skittles and one run of Finding Nemo later, everyone was either asleep or halfway there. Fay and Milo carried the kids off to bed and Dari went straight to bed himself. They'd skip bath time for now since everyone was already so tuckered out. Milo wanted to stay up with a book so Fay let him so long as light's were off by eleven. Once everyone was in bed and all the doors were shut, Fay heaved a pleasant sigh of relief and headed upstairs himself. He found Dari still up and on his phone. Fay changed into his pyjama bottoms and walked over to the bathroom to brush his teeth. When he was done, he slid in beside Dari. “Fay.” “Yes.” “I think we should take a vacation.” “…A vacation?” “Yeah, and go somewhere.” “Oh? With the kids?” Dari paused then looked to Fay directly. “…Without the kids.” Fay's eyes widened. “Really?” “Not right now, but… Maybe once this one's out… Maybe once they can talk. I don’t know…” “…Who would watch the kids?” “That's the part I don’t know yet…” Dari looked back to his phone. Fay leaned back and put his hand up the back of Dari's night shirt, rubbing his back gently. “Where do you want to go?” “East coast.” “Ooh. Good choice.” “Have you been?” “Yes, a little. Before I met you, I'd go out to Halifax every once in a while. Dip in the ocean. Like breathing fresh air for the first time.” “Do they have, like, boat houses for rent?” “Sure do.” “I'd like to go out there. Just the two of us. Alone.” “Sounds like a dream.” Dari nodded. “Eventually. And…if we really like it, then maybe we'll being the kids out another time. But I think we need alone time.” Fay nodded quickly. “Yes. Yes we do.” He sat up again and put a hand on Dari's stomach. “Well, if we can get a good sitter, we could start with some alone time here. A little sooner. Maybe before this one is out.” Dari nodded. “Who do you think would do be able to do it?” “Um, well…” Fay licked his lips in thought. “Maybe…Lino and Vi would?” “Maybe…” Dari sighed and set his phone down on the night stand. He laid down and turned towards Fay. “…Thank you.” “For what?” “Today. I needed it. I didn’t think I would but I did.” “Don’t mention it. Why would I mind taking care of my own kids?” “You were overwhelmed.” “I was. So many questions.” “You have to act like you know everything.” “You really do.” “I love Google.” “I feel like we're in a poly relationship with a search engine.” “We probably are.” Fay smiled and kissed Dari before getting comfortable and wrapping his arms around him. “Je t’aime trop.” “I love you too much too.”
I was gonna draw all the kids for the end but ran out of energy... I’ll draw them all later.
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