#Sims Trail
folkling · 5 months
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ACT I - Chestnut Ridge "Desert Trails" Easton is convinced that the horse ranch he’s just inherited from his now deceased grandfather would be a great business venture, once in a lifetime actually. Down on his luck (and his finances) he hoped this was the break he's been hoping for. He scraped together the last of his savings, sold his apartment in Del Sol Valley, and headed to Chestnut Ridge. However, little did he know, the ranch was left in pretty rough shape. The facilities were in desperate need of upgrading and business operations needed restructuring. Overwhelmed with the task at hand, he narrowly convinced seven of his friends that this was a once-in-a-lifetime oppertunity; and to temporarily relocate and invest in this new project with him.
These eight friends/colleagues have decided to invest a year of their lives (and their money) to this project. With few resources and little experience, who knows how this venture is going to turn out.
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mattodore · 4 months
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somehow managed to make matthias look even more bitchy
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periipheral · 4 months
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jenplayssims · 11 months
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Sims 4 “Oregon Trail” Challenge (BACC)
Inspired by playing Oregon Trail on the Switch recently with my family as well as the Homestead Challenge for Sims 2 by child_of_air, I wanted to create a historical build a community challenge (BACC) with references to the Oregon Trail game (ie, river crossings, death by illness, new pioneers arriving by wagon train, etc). The below are guidelines for play, many adapted from the Sims 2 challenge for use in Sims 4. Please consider these guidelines flexible and tweak them as you wish to fit your gameplay. This challenge was written with all packs in mind but can be played without them.
HUGE thanks to @antiquatedplumbobs for providing me valuable feedback and helping my idea really come to life! Also thanks to @cowplant-snacks​ for being a sounding board and providing feedback. This challenge wouldn’t be the same without either of their input and I am so grateful!
The Basic Rules 
1. There is no electricity, no running water, and no access to technology that wasn’t invented prior to the 1850s. You may wish to utilize the lot trait “off the grid” to aid with this, but this is not essential. As long as the home, decor, and most behaviors of the sims matches the time period, how restrictive you choose to be in your gameplay is up to you. “Close enough” is ok for this challenge.
2. Each member of your wagon party has a backstory to their lives, and many of them are trying to escape from the confines of the restrictive social order or begin a new life. However, the items they take with them will be restricted to what their social rank was when they left. Space on the wagon is limited, and only the most precious items would be taken along. (More on items below)
3. At the start you will play your aspiring pioneer household as they journey by wagon to their destination, facing obstacles along the way. Once your pioneers arrive at their destination, they will all move into a boarding house with a host sim. Only the host household (which includes your first set of pioneers) will be played at this point. Once sims move out and begin their own homesteads, the neighborhood will be played in rotation. Each house will be played for 1 week (length of rotation of your choosing. 1 week is my recommendation).
4. Only the host or hostess at your destination will be able to have a job at first, which will be in politics. Everyone else will have to focus on developing their skills, adding to their hope chests, and preparing for their own homesteads. Sims cannot marry or move out of the boarding house until they have produced enough goods to begin their own homesteads.
5. Please note that your end destination does not have to resemble Oregon. The Oregon Trail game was simply an inspiration for this challenge.
The concept of time passing is up to you. You may want to let the seasons dictate the years, or you may want to base your year around a biological marker, such as the sim age spans. Some may want to make their own metric for years (ie, 4 days = 1 year). You may choose to not bother with the passage of time at all. If you choose to advance the passage of time, you will need to keep track of advancing technology (I recommend Decades Challenge for inspiration). This challenge could be played as a prequel to the Decades Challenge.
Getting Started
1. Create your wagon train lot for your pioneers to live on as they travel to their new home. You can build this yourself or pull a lot from the gallery (my recommendation is Oregon Trail Camp by HistoricalSim). If building your own, this functional tent looks like a covered wagon - http://simfileshare.net/folder/183978/ kindly hosted by @cowplant-snacks, amazingly made functional by @superflare, original by inabadromance.
2. Host Sims and House - Before the pioneers’ journey is complete, you will need to create a host house and a host/hostess sim. (Note: This step can be done right at the start or can wait till their journey is almost over.) Create a host sim of your choosing. This will be the only sim in the initial household able to hold a job, which should be in politics. The host will be the one to hand out homestead deeds (though not literally). The wagon load of pioneers will begin their new life here as they gather supplies and build up their skills to qualify for a homestead of their own. Consider it a boarding house of sorts and build accordingly. You’ll want space for many sims as well as skilling/crafting items available for use. 
3. Townies - Your game should have as few townies as possible to begin with as your first pioneers should be part of the town’s founding. You may use mods to prevent the game from spawning townies or you may create your own and use mods to make them fill the roles the game would normally spawn new sims for (mailperson, bartender, etc). You can also allow the game to spawn as it needs to and either ignore those sims or make them over to fit the historical context. (Note: The Sims 2 Homestead Challenge mentions creating Native people to serve as existing townies. This is up to the player)
4. Create your first wagon of settlers
a. Roll a dice to see how many are on the wagon (1-7, unless you use mods to increase the household sim limit). They can be teens-adults. If you want to roll for gender, age, traits, etc you may. You can start with a married couple or single sim if you wish, but keep in mind that not all sims are guaranteed to survive the journey so more sims may be better for this challenge.
b. For each sim, roll their socioeconomic background: This determines the quality and quantity of items each sim may have brought with them to begin their new life/homestead. Note: Sims 4 furniture is stored in the shared household inventory, so may want to roll and make note of this somewhere but not actually choose the items until the sim has moved to their own homestead. 
1-2: Indentured Servant or Former Slave (2 Items, poor quality) 
3-4: Lower Class (5 Items, poor quality)  
5: Lower Middle Class (6 Items of poor quality and 3 items of medium quality)  
6: Middle Class (10 items medium quality)
c. Likewise with animals - it stands to reason that some would have brought livestock or perhaps a pet with them, but as these won’t really come into play until the sim moves to their own land, you can decide what they have now and then add them later.
5. Move them into your wagon train lot and begin their journey!
Optional: You can use my save file as a starting point for this challenge. It contains a wagon camp (Oregon Trail Camp by HistoricalSim) placed in Willow Creek. It also has the calendar already set up to include events on the journey and holidays (more on the journey and calendar below). Host house and sims are not included. http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4024989/
The Journey:
Your wagon of pioneer sims will begin their journey in spring. Their goal is to reach their end destination before winter begins. The length of this stage is up to the player - you may want to drag out the survival struggle or you may want to zip through it quickly. The average time of travel was 150 days. I’ve included a sample calendar below from my save file. The Oregon Trail begins in Missouri and ends in Oregon, and typically took months to complete with many hardships along the way. Any sim who becomes sick while on the journey will need to have a dice rolled for their survival odds (even - they live, odd - they succumb to their illness and die along the trail unless they are within a day of a Fort where they can purchase medicine). Also along the way are 4 river crossings (Kansas, Big Blue, Green, Snake) as well as passage through the Blue Mountains near the end. There are also 4 random events in the spirit of the original Oregon Trail game. For each of the 5 major events (spaced however the player chooses), roll a dice for their odds of success. 
1-3 unsuccessful attempt at crossing - roll to see which sim doesn’t make it
4-6 successful crossing - continue on
For the 4 random events on the calendar, roll a dice to determine which sim will be affected by the event. Roll the dice again for survival odds - if a 3 is rolled, your sim dies. 
Once the events are completed, the wagon arrives at the boarding house and moves in temporarily until their own homestead can be secured.
The sample calendar below from my save file includes all 5 events spaced out as well as a couple of stops at Forts where supplies can be purchased (medicine, food if you’re playing using the Simple Living lot challenge). I also included 4 random events and a few holiday celebrations.
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Optional: If you’d like to further simulate pioneers journeying across the country, you can move your pioneer sim household to wagon camps in different worlds with each river/mountain crossing. If you’re using my save file, use the numbered wagon train lots as listed below.
Recommended worlds to use:
Kansas/Big Blue River Crossings - #1 stay on original lot in Willow Creek
Green River Crossing - #2 Henford
Snake River Crossing - #3 Oasis Springs
Blue Mountains Crossing - #4 Copperdale
In order to qualify for a homestead, sims must gain 4 skill points in 3 different skills (Baking, Cooking, Cross Stitch, Fishing, Fitness, Flower Arranging, Gardening, Gourmet Cooking, Guitar, Handiness, Herbalism, Horse Riding, Juice Fizzing, Knitting, Nectar Making, Painting, Piano, Pipe Organ, Violin, Writing) as well as meet the qualifications for homesteads below:
Basic Homestead: all skills obtained, $100 starting fund, 10 household wares
2 Bedroom Homestead: all skills obtained, $200 starting fund, 12 household wares
3 Bedroom Homestead: all skills obtained, $300 starting fund, 20 household wares
Middle Class Homestead: all skills obtained, $400 starting fund, 30 household wares
If sims decide to marry, they must each obtain the skills individually but can pool household wares and money to qualify for a homestead. 
Since work is not allowed for the pioneers until they move out, they will need to grow and sell produce or create and sell crafted items to earn money. Items can be sold through their inventory for ease if desired. If using Chestnut Ridge as their town, items can also be sold at the General Store.
Household wares include what they rolled from earlier based on their socioeconomic backgrounds as well as anything they create while in the host house.
Note: if you choose to play with the Simple Living lot challenge turned on, you will also want your sims to bring some produce, canned goods, and possibly seeds with them to their homestead.
Once in their own homesteads, they can expand as they have funds and need or can move to a new lot.
Optional: When two homesteads have been established, you can build a Trading Post. This is where your sims can sell their wares through the sales tables available in Sims 4. A grocery stall from Cottage Living may also be placed. They can also sell items at the General Store in Chestnut Ridge.
If you prefer a lot from the Gallery, I highly recommend Old Western Township built by antiqueplumbobs (antiquated plumbobs : Western Township - Simblreen Gift #1 A CC-Free... (tumblr.com) It is perfect as a community lot for this challenge.
When all pioneer sims from the initial wagon have moved into their own homesteads, a second wagon of pioneers can be created and start their journey. As your initial sims have families of their own, you may choose to create families to journey to your town rather than individual sims. The second (and any future) wagon train households created will be played in rotation with the homestead households established by your original pioneers.
Once on their own established homesteads, your sims can begin careers. 
At home careers: farmer, orchard owner, florist, woodworker, dairy farm, llama farm, chicken farm, horse breeder, goat herder, sheep farmer, nectar maker, juice fizzer, herbalist
Careers in game: fisherman, manual laborer, gardener, painter, politician, writer, lawyer, doctor, teacher, criminal, entertainer (Note: I would suggest creating a specific sim to be the doctor to unlock medicine, creating a teacher to be part of a wagon train once your town begins to have infants/toddlers, etc - add the careers as it makes sense for your town, as most making this journey initially would have been farmers).
Optional careers:
Create a clergyman to perform marriage ceremonies among the settlers. Can add a fee to their household funds for each marriage performed, etc.
Add in custom careers, such as Fur Trader ( Peebs : Fur Trade Career | Original Career This career... (tumblr.com) )
That’s it! See how far your town can grow and advance as new settlers arrive but most importantly, have fun!
PDF link to rules
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theallegedbird · 11 months
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they ate cement when they were 5
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sherlocks-freebitch · 2 years
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In the middle of a re-listen and absolutely howling at this.
Jon, my love, you are the personification of drama, personal or otherwise.
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applesauce322 · 3 days
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i had a vision
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electrosquash · 8 months
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theosconfessions · 7 months
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if youd like to read the stephens from the beginning you can over here :)
if youd like to read the stephens continued you can over here:)
dustin- okay just the minute you think its too much for you..
theo- dude please im good.
dustin- you say that even when youre not good
theo- i have to. we got two toddlers, a teen that just lose his virginity to his best friend
dustin- wait what?
theo- and two huge ass cunts for daughters so yeah im pretty sure despite how my mind may want to fall apart ..i have to keep my shit about me.
dustin- wait.
theo- oh yeah riv and blake fucked
dustin- what. how did my son not talk to me about this?
theo- um because youre not promiscuous. with how you look you could be but youre not. i was. blake is.
dustin- oh wait. did you call me hot?
theo- always baby.
dustin- [smirks] i cant believe river wouldnt tal to me about this.
theo- probably because youd tell him to steer the fuck clear.
dustin- and you didnt ?
theo- he wants to give him a shot. worked for us, d.
dustin- immm going to have to to river later
theo- no need. took care of it
dustin-id feel better talking to him myself.
theo- no need babe damn and DAMN there a reason youre trying to distract me from work or
dustin- just figured youd have something better to do tonight than show up there?
theo- there a reason for..damn...you got my attention then
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wakingstarstuff · 3 months
meet me in the woods is still undefeated imo
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hdmiports · 7 months
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penny pizzazz 💿
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sdmsims · 4 months
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peace and love and dressup on planet eart
in order ;
rosetta || suika chantal || bogey || dina wasundari || deni
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rainymoodlet · 11 months
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[Ep. Eight] Date at the Museum!
Congratulations to our first surprise winner, Josiah Bolton! Based on my own visit to a natural history museum in Japan, Daniel took Josiah out for a day at the Rekishi no Kioku Museum of Komorebi History!
They spent the first half of the day exploring the small museum’s many offerings, enjoying healthy debates about the use of ancient tools, judgement of the décor, and held so many deep conversations that they tarried on for hours!
[ Part 1/2 ] 🌹
#ts4#ts4 gameplay#ts4 screenshots#ts4 challenge#ts4 bachelor challenge#;kmik#sim: daniel#josiah bolton by retro plasma#||#ahhhhHHHH FIRST SOLO DATE OF EIGHT BABY!! 😩#i got four queued up i am literally buzzing with life rn#i am so in love with how these two act on their own - it was so interesting finally giving the guys space to socialize by themselves#in the house everyone is constantly vying for each other’s attention (not even just dan’s)#and so it was nice to give everyone a chance to be alone with our guy 😌#josiah and daniel enjoy eachother’s company so much omg they never run out of things to talk about#josiah kept splitting out of conversations to go and judge the décor or admire art which i thought was adorable#and then dan would literally trail after him like a lil puppy and start talking#i think daniel definitely felt more flirty than josiah through this date: he was Inspired and while daniel enjoyed the date#i think he did regret bringing a professor to a history museum fhdhdh#but ultimately they snuggled and looked into one another’s eyes and honestly??#with how josiah is (very restrained and dignified in the house tbh he speaks very little and is often the sim#smiling and looking between everyone) that being flirty this soon isn’t really his jive#and it just fits so well and i just loved being david attenborough and watching my dan#trail after this guy 🥹 he really is fascinated by josiah and his inteligence and mind#and i just UGH i love this lil life sim GAME#more at 6:30!! i’m at work rn but i hope you all enjoy!#these upcoming dates have some of the best shots of the series and i am SO excited for you to see them 🥹#also river mattodore; kisses u for givin me leave not to do dialogue bc i was feelin hella guilty but omg does this feel so nice and clean#dhhshdhs#have a cookie 🍪
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dandylion240 · 6 months
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Devan stepped through the portal into a humid jungle. If he’d been human he would have found it sweltering and difficult to breathe in the humidity. As it was he barely noticed the change from the cool, dry environs of the library to the jungle. “This way,” he said when Chris joined him. 
As they walked through the jungle to the home of one of the most powerful sages in ROM Devan almost hoped he was wrong. He was positive he wasn’t wrong. The spells used were the father’s specialty and it would be like the arrogant son to think he could duplicate the spells as well as his father. It wouldn’t be the first time that someone mistook genetics for ability. 
Devan came to a stop in front of a house. 
“Is this the place?” Chris asked.
“It is,” he led the way to the door “let’s get this over with.” 
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citrlet · 1 year
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saturngalore · 10 months
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