#She's got style‚ she rips it off my back and puts it on her coat hook || Aesthetic
wannabehelsing · 2 years
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(( I feel like no one except me is going to understand these tags.
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tamaharu · 4 months
wait i just remembered i DO have unposted orv stuff that i can post for kim dokjas birthday. 2k of hot supreme king x reader fic dont like dont read!!!1!! orginal characarter do not steal!!!!!
(or, Yoo Joonghyuk takes a pit-stop in one of the world-lines. An old friend offers to pay for dinner.)
[Ah, late, so late! I can't believe I missed my alarm! And on my first day of work too... I was so worried, when I got off the train, I started running the rest of the way to the company. Hopefully nobody would notice that I was late. I had to get a new job after my boyfriend dumped me, and I couldn't afford to live on my previous salary.
As I rushed to the building, I had to push past many people to get to the doors. In my haste, however, I accidentally tripped! When I fell, I landed against something hard. "Oof!"
"Hey," a menacing voice said. "Watch where you're going next time! Don't be so quick to touch me!" Eep!
I stepped back quickly, bowing as deep as I could. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean t..." When I looked up I trailed off, becoming even more panicked. Ah, I recognized that man!
He looked down at me with a handsomely striking gaze. "You. What is your name?"
"I-It's L/N Y/N. Um, again, I'm so sorry... CEO-nim!" I bowed again. A nose and a chin shaped in perfect angles; a pair of deep eyes seemingly carved out of beautiful jewels; soft hair styled fashionably to frame his face... His suit, too, looked quite beautiful. I really messed up this time. Not only was I late, but I ran into the CEO of the company, the powerful Yoo Jo--]
I stopped there. I didn't bother to learn the name of the poor idol whose name had been stolen for this. Why was I even reading this? Reader-inserts were meant for wish fulfillment, but they always did something that took you out of the story. For the first part, I'd pay much more attention to my surroundings than that.
I pocketed my phone again, sighing. Perhaps I was the cynical one here? They were probably just written by young girls, daydreaming about getting to talk to a beloved character or idol, and was that so horrible? Actually, I believed in chance meetings, but I felt like the one here was a little too contrived...
Many thoughts went through my head as I stepped through a convenience store. Buying dinner after work was the only good thing about my job, I should just quit. Perhaps that would get me closer to the path of meeting a handsome CEO? How laughable.
I was still thinking this when I moved forwards again. But this time, when I walked, I ran directly into a hard wall.
No, wait? I had been to this store many times, and there wasn't anything blocking the entryway the other times. I stepped back, confused, to find my 'wall' staring back at me. Ah... Perhaps I should've read that story until the end.
The man in front of me had a good face. He certainly looked like he could be the menacing protagonist. But, how do I put this? Everything below the neck ruined the effect. 
He was wearing an astronaut's spacesuit, even with the helmet tucked in his arms, but he wore a black trenchcoat over that, making his form extra bulky. At the same time, strange rips were visible against it. Not a romance protagonist, then. Sci-fi? But the coat screamed chuunibyou characterization...
"Ah, sorry, I wasn't watching, excuse me..."
The man was still staring at me, and if anything his expression grew more annoyed. What did he want me to say? Should I chastise him for standing in the middle of the walkway?
Before I said anything, or even managed to go around him, a young girl peeked out from behind his back. She was dressed more normally, in casual clothes with a fuzzy jacket, but still stood out just by being around him. When she saw me, her first reaction was curiosity, but after a moment, her eyes widened in surprise and an unprecedented amount of delight.
"Oh, it's okay! I promise his bark is worse than his bite. Hey, you're from around here, yes? Do you have some money we can borrow?"
The man turned to glare at the shameless girl instead. "We don't need money. Especially not from… them."
"Yes, yes. You're a big scary terrorist, you steal what you can't buy. Isn't that too much though? You're already beating poor authors senseless, how much crime do you need to commit before your dark heart is satisfied?"
I quickly turned on my heel and walked in the opposite direction.
"Hey, hey!" The girl's voice called out again, and I could hear her running to follow me. With a sigh, I paused and looked back at her. I didn't want someone like her friend chasing me, so it would be better to just hear her out.
"Ah, I'm sorry, you must think we're acting quite weird! But, really, we don't have any money. If you can, could you spare just a couple of dollars?"
"Mm, I don't know. If you're that desperate isn't it better to be more polite in asking? What happened, did you lose it all on a scam?" No, wait, what was I saying? I didn't want to deal with these guys longer than I had to. Just talking to them would make me stick out very badly.
Still, for some strange reason, I couldn't stop myself from taking on a familiar tone.
Her friend gave her a mean look, which she ignored, before glancing at me. After a second, he said, "We were mugged."
I blinked at him. "I see..." He gave a pained nod as if to really emphasize his plight, while the girl just smiled. When she noticed my gaze on her, her expression switched to that of grim sincerity.
I had to take a moment to step back and mentally collect myself. First off, how stupid did they think I was? Not only was their acting terrible, but who would honestly think a guy like this was attacked? And lost?
Still, there was a hint of realism in their performance. Definitely not mugged, but maybe they were actually broke?
I sighed to myself, folding my arms and looking up at the ceiling. Ah, what should I do? Most people would just ignore them, or perhaps the chosen few would spare them just enough won for a small meal.
I wasn't a kind person. No more than anyone else was, anyways. My philosophy was that it's best to go through life not making waves, and sometimes the politeness required to slip under the radar was misconstrued as kindness. Still, when the common consensus split so unevenly, that left one question: what would I, Y/N, do? After all, 'myself' was the only thing I could be.
I sighed again, much more exhausted this time. "Okay, let's go get dinner. Follow me."
The man's eyes shook slightly, reluctance evident in his expression. Still, when I started to walk out of the store, they followed after me. Damn, being followed by a guy in that outfit was truly humiliating...
The girl caught on much quicker, hurrying to match my pace. "Haha, isn't this sweet? Going out is much better than convenience store food. You're so nice... Mm, I don't think I caught your name?"
"Ah... Yes, my name is L/N Y/N."
"Y/N?" She echoed. My name sounded strange in her mouth for whatever reason. Maybe I just wasn't used to hearing people not from work use it. In fact, she had an odd look on her face, but it passed quickly. "I see. It's a good name!"
I smiled faintly, shrugging. "Thank you. Though, I guess you should be telling my parents that more than me."
"Aah, well, I'm Biyoo! And you can just call him the 'Supreme King.'"
I immediately shot back, "I am not calling him that," the same time our titular king went, "Do not call me that."
A moment of silence passed between us, as though he was seriously debating something. Finally, he spoke, seeming deeply annoyed. "Yoo Joonghyuk."
Was that his name, then? His manners were bad, but I let it slide for now. He would just have to thank me very sincerely for buying him food.
"Here, this place does cheap meal sets. Sorry, I know I offered, but it's nothing fancy..."
Biyoo seemingly paid this no mind, while Yoo Joonghyuk shot me an inscrutable look. Hey, at least I had some money. He was in no place to judge. Even if this would mean I'd be eating leftovers for the next couple of days.
The restaurant sat us down quickly. Biyoo and I pulled our chopsticks apart cheerfully. Yoo Joonghyuk kept his utensils untouched, however.
"What is it? I already apologized that it isn't too nice."
"I don't eat food made by others."
His voice was deadly serious. Who was this arrogant bastard? No, actually, both of them were rude. Why was I humoring them to this extent?
Finally, I shrugged. "Okay then, your choice. What's this I heard about you stealing from convenience stores? Perhaps I should go alert the workers there, I wouldn't want their jobs to be in danger just because some man decided thievery was better than perfectly good food, already paid for..."
He glared at me, but I ignored him, eating happily. Ah, the rice here was so fluffy, I never got it like this when I made it at home.
Biyoo laughed, which prompted me to look up. To my satisfaction, Yoo Joonghyuk had picked up the chopsticks and was gruffly taking his share.
"So, Y/N-ssi, tell us about yourself! I'd very much like to know about the person who's been so hospitable to us poor mugging victims."
"Well, firstly, you don't need to pretend to have been attacked to me. I already bought you food. I don't need your sob story."
"Aha, what gave it away?"
"Secondly, there's not much to say about me.. If anything, I'm more interested in your story."
"I'm sure that's not true! Let's see... What do you do for a job that lets you provide for two stragglers?"
She avoided my questioning easily. Was it okay to be giving out my information like this to two strangers? Perhaps they'd kill me after we finished eating.
"I work at an editing company. You’re just lucky I can stretch my budget these days, or we’d all be going hungry. It’s not exactly freelance? But the jobs are varied enough that it keeps me engaged."
"So, you read for a living?" Yoo Joonghyuk asked, looking unexpectedly interested.
"Er, I suppose that's one way to put it... It's a lot of typesetting and indexing meaningless writing. I do like reading fiction in my free time, though," I confirmed. "Not that I have a lot of that, of course..."
I stopped short. "What was that?"
Yoo Joonghyuk asked again, in a patient tone, "Do you read webnovels?"
It felt like being caught reading said webnovels during work, even though my phone was firmly in my pocket, and this guy had definitely seen stranger things than a reader of webnovels. After all, they had to be read to be popular.
"Yes, a little bit... But they'd almost be harder to avoid these days."
Yoo Joonghyuk and Biyoo shared a meaningful look, though it appeared less like they were making fun of me, and more like they were commiserating on some unknown truth to my words.
"What's your favorite genre?"
"I don't know, maybe reincarnation? They can include both action and romance, so it can diversify. Isn't it a nice thought that after I die, I could come into a world where I could be even happier?"
"You shouldn't think like that," Yoo Joonghyuk said, and I raised an eyebrow.
"Well, it's not as if it's ever going to come true."
He carried on like he didn't hear me. "While you shouldn't completely forsake your plan for the future, nor can you forget the past that shaped you, you have to live in the present. You must live to give yourself the best life possible now, with what you have, rather than thinking things would get better if you had the chance to repeat them."
I stared at him for a long moment, surprised, before I... I burst out laughing. His face darkened, but I couldn't control myself. Biyoo giggled a little with me, patting his shoulder.
"I'm sorry, I'm not dismissing what you're saying. You're just so serious about it. You act like you've repeated your life many times." I grinned at him, rubbing tears out of my eyes. "I have no intention of dying anytime soon. It's just daydreams, anyways."
It was so odd being with the two of them, but I didn't hate it. Feeding them, telling them about my life, and Yoo Joonghyuk's heartfelt words. It made me feel as if we had known each other for a long time, even though it had been less than an hour.
We stayed like that for a while, talking and eating in a way that felt strangely comfortable. It had been a long time since I had last eaten with other people, especially with people so strange. I’d have to tell someone about this. But… who?
As we finished up, I thought about it. Without me asking, they offered to walk me home, and just for the fun of it, I decided I’d let them.
I’d tell my roommates, I realized. They’d berate me for having strangers come to our home, but then they’d laugh, and we’d keep a baseball bat by all of our beds. I’d tell my co-workers, who would make jokes about me treating them to dinner too. I’d tell my family, my mother fussing over whether I needed money and my sister calling me a liar for claiming Yoo Joonghyuk was dressed like an astronaut. There were plenty of people to tell, who’d want to hear about something so insignificant, who would just want to hear from me. How could I have forgotten?
When we arrived at my apartment building, we all hesitated for a long moment, none willing to be the first to say goodbye. Finally, I said, “You know, I should probably ask that you pay me back at some point.”
Biyoo smiled sadly. “Well, I doubt we’ll see each other again.”
“True. But just keep it in mind, okay?”
“Stingy,” Yoo Joonghyuk tsked and I shrugged good-naturedly.
“Thanks for walking me. I could’ve handled it on my own, but it was nice.” I worked my key out of my bag as I spoke, turning to the building. “I hope you two have a good night.” However, before I could even go inside, Biyoo reached out and clutched my sleeve desperately.
“Wait!” She burst. "Before you go, we... There's a story we want you to read! A webnovel, like the kind you enjoy. You definitely have to read it! Do you promise?"
I smiled at her earnestness. Wasn't she a bit cute? She almost reminded me of a puppy. "Alright, alright, I promise. What's the name?"
"That..." Biyoo pouted. "There isn't a name yet. It isn't released yet."
"Then how am I supposed to read it? Even when it gets published, I won't be able to find it."
"No, it's okay! I'm sure you'll find it once it starts getting released, and you'll definitely come to love that story. You made a promise to read it, so don't go back on that promise."
"Ahh, you expect so much from me. What do you want me to do, read every new webnovel until I somehow find the one you're talking about?" Despite my exaggerated words, she nodded, and all I could do was laugh. "Fine, fine! Is it a sad or happy story? I like most everything, but I should prepare myself if it's anything too sad."
Instead of her answering, Yoo Joonghyuk began, "L/N Y/N..." I glanced over at him, confused. His voice was full of inexplicable longing when he asked, "Are you happy?"
"Hah? What's that supposed to mean? If I say yes, are you going to tell me to get used to never being happy because of it?" It was a joke, but his expression was deadly serious. I gave a helpless laugh, but matched his sincerity when I told him, "I... Yeah, Yoo Joonghyuk. I'm happy. I wasn't for a long time, but I'm really happy right now."
He smiled. It was a smile that was forged from years of loneliness and hardship, but finding a way to live despite it all. I recognized it, because I saw the same exact smile in my mirror every day.
"It's a happy story."
"Then I promise I'll read it."
Biyoo gave me one last hug before she left. "We'll both do our best, alright? So, stay happy, for the rest of your life."
Those two were so strange. Still, I watched from in front of the building as they walked down the empty sidewalk, towards the setting sun, until they disappeared completely from view.
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 8 months
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Jones and Leia
(Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader)
Summary: You agree to match Steve’s Indiana Jones costume, but it’s definitely not what he was expecting. WK: 2.3k
Warnings: Smut, unprotected P in V, jealous/possessive Steve, hair pulling, slight dom!Steve, I think that’s it? If I missed any lmk. 18+MINDI!!!!
A/N: This was supposed to be a blurb but it ended up being a whole ass one shot OOPS. But I dedicate this one to my darling Gia @onegirlmanytales I took her wonderful thot and ran with it.
You smirked to yourself in the mirror as you put the finishing touches on your costume. Your boyfriend had practically begged you to be the Marion Ravenwood to his Indiana Jones. You finally agreed to match with him, but you never specified exactly what that costume would be. So when you show up to this party in your perfect replica of the outfit Princess Leia wore on Tatooine in Return of the Jedi, you were hoping to blow his mind.
You gave yourself a final once over, putting on your strappy sandals and grabbing a long coat to wear until you got there. You were still definitely going to freeze your ass off but Steve’s reaction would make every shiver and goosebump worth it.
Normally Steve drives you when you go places together but tonight you told him you were going to ride with Robin who had just recently passed her drivers test. She knew all about your secret costume, she even helped you put it together and keep it a secret from Steve. Which was no easy task when the three of you lived together. You were hardly able to convince him to meet you there under the guise of ‘needing extra time to get ready’.
When you pull up the party was already in full swing, it was mostly people you went to highschool or community college with. Some guy in your math class was throwing it at his parents lake house. You and Robin made your way into the party, weaving through people all dressed in various Halloween costumes. You kept your coat on and buttoned while your eyes searched the crowd for your boyfriend.
You see him before he sees you, he’s standing in the kitchen talking to Eddie, sipping on a beer and laughing.
You have seen the pieces of his costume, but you haven’t seen it on him yet. His tan shirt has one arm ripped off, every button aside from the bottom two are pulled off, leaving his chest and most of his stomach exposed. The hair on his chest that you loved to run your fingers and tongue over was on full display, you could see half his happy trail while the other half was covered by those two buttons. The remainder of the shirt was tucked into his brown trousers that fit him perfectly. The belt and whip around his waist accentuating his already peachy ass. You wanted him to take a bite, you wanted him to use that whip on you. His usually perfectly styled hair was underneath the signature brown hat, accentuating his jaw line.
You momentarily forget your own mission so you can stand there and admire your boyfriend. When he laughs at something Eddie says his eyes light up and he throws his head back revealing that column on his throat you loved to leave little kisses all over.
He must have felt you staring because he looks your way and his lips curl into a huge smile.
“Baby! You’re here!” He holds his arms open for you, beckoning you over. You return his smile as you practically skip over to him.
“Hi Stevie.”
He wraps his arms around your shoulders and engulfs you in his embrace. Your face leans against his bare chest and the smell of everything Steve invades your senses. He smells like home.
“I missed you honey bee.” He places a kiss on the top of your head before grabbing your shoulders to hold you at an arm's length, looking at you up and down with his eyebrow raised. “Where’s your costume?”
“It’s right here.” You gesture to yourself, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“Pft. What’re you supposed to be, a flasher?” Eddie snorts and you turn to land a smack on his arm.
“Hey! Ow! That’s ABUSE!” He dramatically grabs his arm and falls back against the counter like you pushed him.
“You are so dramatic, oh my god.” You roll your eyes at him before looking back to Steve. “My costume is under the coat, silly, it’s cold outside.”
“Oh, well can I see?” He looks at you with pouty lips and big brown eyes.
“Yeah Stevie, of course.” You smirk at him as you reach for the buttons on your coat. Slowly popping each one open before finally pushing it off your shoulders.
“Wha-?” Steve actually gasps when his eyes drink you in.
“Do you like it?” You do a little twirl for him so he can get the full effect.
“Do I- of course I like it. In what universe would I not like this? Holy shit baby girl, wow.” He looks you up and down, biting his lip.
“So I was pretty much right, you’re basically dressed as a flasher.”
“EDDIE! Shut. Up. You’re ruining my reveal moment.” You glare at him but he definitely isn’t looking at your eyes. He’s drinking you in and it makes you squirm.
“Dude. Stop messing with my girl. She looks amazing.” Steve looks memorized and you can’t help but giggle, this is exactly the reaction you were hoping for.
“Never said she didn’t.” Eddie said in a sing-song voice, walking off with a wink.
“You look amazing too Steve.” You place your hands on his chest and lean in so you can whisper in his ear. “I only wish I was the one to tear this shirt off of you.”
Steve groans, it was going to be a long night. Especially if you were going to keep teasing him dressed like that.
The night has been a rollercoaster for Steve so far. His mind keeps jumping between his nearly irresistible lust for you and full blown jealousy. He wasn’t the only one that couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. Every guy here was checking you out, even the ones with dates. The worst part was that you didn’t even notice, prancing around in that little metal bikini, the only thing keeping your ass from being fully exposed was that piece of flimsy purple cloth.
He stuck close to your side all night, never taking his hands off of you and sending every guy who walked by a death glare. But you had left to have a “girls moment” in the bathroom with Robin over ten minutes ago and he was starting to get anxious. He normally wouldn’t worry about how long you’ve been in the bathroom, sometimes you and Robin would be in there for ages even if there wasn’t a line. But he was feeling extra protective and on guard tonight so he started weaving through the crowd toward the bathroom.
He walked down the hall and his steps came to a halt when you came into view. Some dude dressed as Dracula was chatting you up while he stood way too close to you. He watches the guy reach out and put his hand on your shoulder, the way you flinch at the contact and he immediately sees red.
He storms over to you with his nostrils flared and his fists clenched, putting his arm around your shoulder and pulling you close.
“Can we help you?” Steve’s eyes bore into the other man’s, his jaw clenched and his voice almost a growl.
“Yeah man, I was just telling her I like her costume. Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wa-“
“Yeah, I’m sure that’s all you were doing.”
“Dude seriously I wasn’t-“
“Shut up dude, to me it looked like you were touching my girl and making her uncomfortable. Stay the fuck away from her.” He points a finger at the guy, jabbing it hard into his chest.
“Whatever bro, you’re trippin.” The guy scoffs before turning on his heel to walk away.
“Baby, are you okay?” Steve turns towards you with concerned eyes and takes your face in his hands.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” You give him a reassuring smile.
“Good. Now get in the fucking bathroom.”
Your eyes widened at his request, if you could even call it that, the look on his face said it was more of a command. Instead of responding you just walked into the bathroom with Steve close behind you.
As soon as he was in the door he slammed it shut, pushing you up against it with one hand on your hip and the other holding your jaw.
“Where. Is. Robin.”
“Uh - that cute girl that works at the bookstore asked her to dance so I told her to go and I was on my way to find you.” Your voice was squeaky and your legs were shaking at the way he was handling you.
“Figures. I knew I couldn’t leave you alone tonight without some asshole trying to flirt with you. I wanted to break his hand when I saw him touch you.” He pressed his body against yours, pulling you flush against him with his hand still cradling your jaw, keeping your eyes on his. You had never seen him this jealous, he definitely gets jealous sometimes but he’s usually pretty secure in your relationship. But right now? You had never seen this side of him.
“Stevie, I don’t care if that guy was flirting with me, I only want you… look at you.” You run your hands down his chest, hooking your fingers in the belt around his waist. Trying to pull him impossibly closer.
“Look at me? Look at you. You’ve been driving me insane all night. In this little tiny outfit, every guy here looking at you like they want to eat you alive. When I’m the only one who gets to do that.” He rubs his nose against yours, still cradling your jaw and his breath tickles your lips.
You lean in for a kiss but the hand holding your face snakes up into your hair and pulls your head back before you can connect your lips with his.
“Bend over the sink.” He abruptly takes his hands off of you, stepping back to allow you room to walk past him.
You bit your lip in anticipation as you walked towards the sink, bending over the counter in front of it. You see Steve come up behind you in the mirror and he looks fucking feral. He must’ve thrown the hat off after you walked by and his hair was in disarray, but in the sexiest way possible, like when you grab onto it while he fucks you into the mattress kinda sexy. The ripped shirt is fully hanging off his shoulder now and you just want to bite into his clavicle. Brown eyes flecked with green never leave yours as he pulls the belt off his waist and undoes his pants.
“If this whip wasn’t flimsy and fake I’d smack your ass with it until it was red.” He growls, gripping into your hips and pulling you backwards toward him.
You can’t see it but you can feel his hard cock rutting against your ass through the thin fabric that drapes from your bikini. Steve flips up the fabric and thanks whatever god there is that the crotch of the bottoms are cotton. He rips them to the side and shoves his cock into you in one motion.
Normally he would take his time with you, make sure you were prepped for the stretch of him. But right now he needs to be inside you. He could see how wet you were the minute the fabric was out of view so he knew you could take it.
He started rutting into you hard and fast, his hands were gripping your hips so tight you were sure there would be bruises tomorrow but you didn’t care, in fact, you hoped there would be. He grabs onto the braid that you meticulously styled earlier that night and wraps it around his fingers, pulling your head back so you were eye level with the mirror.
“Fucking look at yourself while I ruin you.” His thrusts get deeper and faster and your eyes start to roll back into your head until you feel a warning tug on your hair. “I said look at yourself. Look how sexy you look baby, whose pussy is this?”
“Yours! It’s yours Steve! Only yours!”
“Yeah it fucking is, this is my. Fucking. Pussy. You’re mine.”
“Yeah - yes - yours.”
He’s tugging your hair and fucking you so hard all you can do is hang for dear life while trying to keep your eyes on the mirror. His hand that isn’t in your hair snakes around to rub your clit and can feel yourself getting close already. You were a drooling moaning mess and Steve fucking loved it. He wasn’t rough with you often, he liked to make love to you and treat you like a princess but whenever he did get you like this it drove him crazy. He could tell he wasn’t going to last long. He’s been half hard all night looking at you like this.
His lips latch onto your throat, sucking hard, marking his territory and when you feel his teeth graze your skin that’s the final straw. Your orgasm washes over you like a tidal wave, your legs would’ve given out if Steve wasn’t holding onto you.
“OH FUCK! I’m - cumming I’m cumming! You feel so good Stevie, fill me up so good, I want your cum dripping down my legs so when we walk out of here everyone really knows who I belong to!!”
“Holy. Shit. F- UCK!!” He came hard, ropes of his cum filling your pussy so much it started to drip out around his cock. He pumped every last drop into you before pulling out of you and turning you around by your shoulders.
“Fuck honey.” He cradles your face in his hands and places a kiss on your lips that is much softer than how he was just fucking you, loving.
“Wow. I should get you jealous more often.” You giggle against his lips. “That was really hot Steve.”
“Yeah? You liked that? That’s good, because I’m not done with you. Let’s go home.”
After you found Robin and made sure she was okay if you guys left Steve took you home and made good on his promise. Leaving marks all over your body and fucking you until he physically couldn’t anymore.
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seijorhi · 2 years
an anonymous commission <;33
Haitani Ran x female reader x Haitani Rindou
wc 3.8k
tw infidelity(ish?), yandere vibes, implied violence, toxic relationships
The idea of soulmates sounds so lovely in your head. 
The name that graces the skin of your forearm is supposed to be a gift. A blessing bestowed on the few; a partner born to love them in a way nobody else could ever hope to match.
That’s certainly how it was for your grandparents, for the sweet couple who live down the hall from you. 
A shame then, that your reality is far less rose tinted.
The woman behind the counter doesn’t ask any questions when you arrive ten minutes early, cash in hand and a nervous expression on your face.
“There’s no undoing this once it’s done,” she tells you, leading you out into the dingy back parlour, complete with yellowed, flickering fluorescents overhead. “And it’s gonna hurt like a bitch.”
Undeterred, you nod. “I know.”
There’s a lone seat in the centre of the room, an old school style barber’s chair, covered in worn red leather and stretched out into a reclining position. Not for ease of access or to make you more comfortable during the procedure, but because once she injects the serum into your arm, the pain’s more than likely going to cause you to pass out.
At least, that’s what you’d read. 
No one bothered to sugar coat this. The process of removing one’s soulmate mark isn’t to be taken lightly – the few genuine articles you’d managed to scrounge up had painted a grim picture. You’re ripping away a piece of yourself, obliterating a bond you were born with, or at least any visible sign of it; of course it’s going to hurt. 
It’ll be agony. 
Jerking her chin towards the seat and watching you awkwardly clamber on up, the woman sighs, “You know, if this is all ‘cause you and the boyfriend had a big, blowout fight–”
“It’s not,” you hasten to assure her, though you doubt she genuinely cares one way or the other. More likely, she just doesn’t want you coming back and complaining if in two weeks you suddenly decide you’re blissfully in love again. 
Fat chance of that happening.
You sent him a message once. 
Late at night, at your best friend’s giggling insistence. It was only a line or two, a tentative hand reached out across the internet.
I know this is kinda out of the blue, but I think you might be my soulmate?
If he ever saw it, he didn’t bother to reply. 
“Holy fuck, you’re Rin’s girl!”
The delighted cackle doesn’t put your heart at ease, nor do the fingers tightly gripping your wrist, wrenching it back at an awkward angle to get a better look.
In your defence, nothing about this situation makes much sense. 
Your date is lying hunched over and moaning on the pavement, having made the mistake of accidentally knocking into the tattooed blond currently cutting off circulation in your arm as the two of you were exiting your train. 
And you’re sure that he’d been about to hit you too, a wild look in his eyes as he’d whirled – only to stop dead in his tracks at the sight of your forearm. Or, more specifically, the shimmering letters of the name etched into said forearm. 
Haitani Rindou.
“The fuck you doing with this asshole?” he laughs, easing his grip only when a small, discomforted noise escapes you. That amusement, however, fades when he regards your date once more, “You blind or something? Messing ‘round with a taken woman – one who’s got a damn soulmate at that? You that fuckin’ desperate to get your dick wet?”
Another vicious kick to his midsection, and your date grunts while you watch on in mute horror.
The blond spits on him for good measure, turning back to face you with a wide grin. “Ignore him. Name’s Madarame, you wanna come meet your soulmate?”
In hindsight, the massive red flags there should’ve been your first sign to run. 
You hadn’t, though. Partially because the arm Madarame slung over your shoulder gave you very little choice in the matter, but mostly because despite everything, you couldn’t deny that there was a part of you that wanted this.
How could you not? 
It occurs to you, as the blond leads you through the streets of Shinjuku, that there’s every chance he’s lying, that you’ve essentially followed a violent, quite possibly unhinged delinquent off to god knows where, and if you end up dead in an alleyway tonight you’ll only have yourself and your stupid romantic idealism to blame. 
Thankfully, though, the two of you arrive at a neon lit bar near Kabukicho. Apprehension flutters in your stomach, a potent mix of fear and excitement, and it must show on your face because Madarame winks, holding the door open for you. “Ladies first.”
You’ve dreamed of meeting your Rindou a hundred times before, thousands. Of meet cutes where you’d stumble over each other in a coffee shop, or on a night out dancing with your friends. Maybe he’d track you down somehow, and you’d find him nervously waiting for you out the front of your work one afternoon, flowers in hand. 
The specifics were always up in the air, ever changing. The one thing that remained a constant was that you’d recognize him the moment you saw him. You’d just know. 
And you do. Sitting in a booth towards the back of the bar, nursing a glass of clear amber liquid, violet eyes meet yours and you physically feel the pleasant zing of electricity that shoots through you as your heart skips a beat.
It’s as if the rest of the world falls away. You’re not sure if you’re even breathing, standing there, softly gaping at your soulmate from across the room. Doesn’t matter, you don’t need oxygen. 
You don’t need anything.
He’s… beautiful. There’s no other word for it. Hooded, violet eyes with long, fair eyelashes that sweep along his cheekbones. His jaw’s sharp, lips a soft cupid's bow. Even his hair – blond streaked with pale blue, carelessly pulled back into a bun – isn’t as jarring as it should be. It suits him. 
So swept up in the moment, you fail to notice the long legged, dark haired beauty who saunters across the floor and settles into the booth beside him. Until painted red lips press against his jaw in a sultry kiss, that is, her hand slipping beneath the table to stroke at his thigh. 
“Rin, baby, I’m bored,” she pouts.
Your stomach flips, the bright smile that’d appeared unbeknownst to you freezing upon your visage. 
“Aren’tcha gonna go say hi?” Madarame snickers, giving you a little push that has you stumbling awkwardly forward.
People are staring now. Your mouth opens, then closes, cheeks burning as you glance between the two of them.
You need to do something – move, leave, speak; anything – and yet the longer you stand there under the weight of that bored gaze, the more you flounder.
Rationally, you know you have no right to the hurt that tightens in your chest at the sight of another girl pawing at him. You don’t own him anymore than he owns you, soulmates or not you’re still strangers, and you can hardly criticise him for doing something you yourself were guilty of.
You know all that, and it doesn’t lessen the sting any.
“Shion, don’t be rude,” a new voice interrupts. Dragging your eyes from your soulmate, you notice a taller man with braids approaching, a grin tugging at familiar looking features.
Rindou’s brother, you guess, judging from those startling, violet eyes boring into you. 
“It’s not every day we get to meet Rin’s lovely little soulmate.”
You think it might have been better if someone just came up and slapped you across the face instead. 
He… knows who you are? Which would mean that–
Jerking your head back to Rindou and the woman (his girlfriend? Lover? Fling?) you don’t know what you’re expecting to see. Cold apathy, however, isn’t it.
“I–” you begin, unsure of what exactly it is that you’re trying to say. 
In the end, it makes no difference. He’s already turning his attention back to the girl to mumble something in her ear that has her giggling, brushing you off without so much as a word. 
As if you’re nothing.
Something within your heart cracks, jagged edges catching with every breath you force into your lungs. It’s not merely a dismissal, it’s an outright rejection – of you, your bond, everything. 
He doesn’t want you.
He doesn’t even know you and he doesn’t want you. 
Your whole life you’ve waited for this moment, built it up in your head, imagined it every which way. How it would feel to see him for the first time, the conversations the two of you would share, the life you’d lead together.
Dreamed of what it would be like to be loved like that, unconditionally, unwavering, with every inch of their being. 
This is more than cruel, this is the shattering of your very foundations – and it’s playing out like a tragedy for his friends at the bar to drink down and revel in. 
Hot, fat tears well up, glistening at your waterline, a thick lump of choked back emotions sitting heavy in your throat. 
Making a split second decision, you try to step back, to flee, taking your bitter, burning humiliation with you, only Madarame seems to have anticipated the move, placing himself between you and the door, blocking your exit. 
Rindou’s brother, now directly in front of you, smiles delightedly at your stricken expression. “Don’t be shy, now,” he says, extending a pale, long fingered hand. “He’s just dying to meet you.”
The universe, you decide, is a cruel, hateful thing.
You’d spent hours stuck at that bar; Rindou ignoring you in favour of the voluptuous brunette on his lap, his brother Ran pouring you drink after drink, perfectly content with carrying on a one-sided conversation with you whilst you sat hands balled into fists in your lap, willing yourself not to cry.
Without a doubt, it was the single worst night of your life, and still, upon returning back to your apartment and collapsing into a fit of heart wrenching sobs, you resolved that you’d find some way of coming to terms with it. 
Your soulmate didn’t love you, didn’t want you. That didn’t have to mean your life was over. Plenty of people found love and happiness without a soulmate, who’s to say that you couldn’t do the same after the dust and tears settle?
Perhaps the universe chose wrong and the mark on your arm was never meant to exist in the first place, like a calf born with two heads, destined to die through the night.
You weren’t going to beg for love, not from someone who so clearly wanted nothing to do with you. What else was left for you to do but pick up the broken pieces of yourself and move on as best you could?
That’s how it was supposed to have gone. One awful night you’d strive to forget, a name on your arm that didn’t truly belong to you. 
And perhaps it might have, if not for Haitani Ran.
You’re burning from the inside out, mouth locked open in a soundless shriek, violently thrashing against the chair’s restraints.
They promised you’d pass out.
Oh god, why won’t you pass out?
There’s a mark on Ran’s arm too, elegant script laying out another girl’s name. Sleeves pushed up to his elbows, his arm dangling from your shoulder, it’s hard to ignore. 
Once upon a time, either in the days following your initial message or at some point before that, Rindou had looked you up. 
(Decided you weren’t worth it.)
You wonder distantly whether Ran’s done the same for her. Whether he cares at all about the girl – woman, you suppose – bound to him, because he certainly doesn’t act like it when he’s around you.
“I lost my job today,” you murmur, staring vacantly off in the direction Rin and this week’s fling had disappeared.
This one had the nerve to throw you a smug little grin as she passed, as if it was some big victory to be fucking your soulmate. He won’t remember her name once they’re done, if he bothered to learn it in the first place.
She, like the string of others before her, will be gone before long, nothing more than a pretty set of holes for him to fuck and forget about.
Perhaps more surprising was that Rindou had also glanced your way, expression tight, the faintest hint of agitation showing in the set of his jaw. 
An agitation that remained, even as his features shifted into an arrogant smirk at having caught you looking back.
Ran, having been in the midst of scrolling through your phone, sets it down upon the table and raises an eyebrow, “Mm?”
You nod, “Yeah. One of my coworkers was jumped last night, two guys broke his leg, beat him up pretty bad. Turns out he’s my boss's son, and they seemed to think it had something to do with me.”
“Huh,” he says, making no attempt to hide the mirth that dances in his eyes. “Two birds with one stone, colour me impressed.”
You’re not seeking confirmation, you already know it was them. 
Just like when one of your best friends had been mysteriously attacked on his way home from the gym. Or your neighbour, who used to smile and strike up a conversation whenever you’d pass each other in the hallway. 
Your jaw tightens, so too does the grip you have on the drink he’d poured for you. “Why?”
“Why what?” 
And like a cord wound too tight, the pressure of the last few weeks suddenly explodes without warning, and you roughly shoulder his arm off of you. 
“Why all of it!” you cry. “Why you hurt them! Why you care who I talk to or what I do! Why you’re obsessed with hanging around like an overgrown parasite, ruining my life when Rin–” you break off with a shuddering gasp, teeth sinking into your bottom lip as you furiously blink back tears.
When Rin’s made it so abundantly clear he doesn’t want you. 
Long, lithe fingers grab at your chin, forcefully turning your head towards his. 
Nestled into his side, close enough that the warmth of his breath kisses your neck with every exhale, he nudges his nose against yours, a wry smile twitching at his lips. 
“There really isn’t a single brain cell in that pretty little head of yours, is there,” he says, flicking your forehead for good measure. “Why do you think?”
Caught between a soulmate who doesn’t want you, and the brother who keeps you leashed regardless, you learn very quickly the kind of men the Haitani brothers are.
Their sadistic, violent impulses of course come as no surprise, but you soon realise that that’s only the very tip of the iceberg. 
Extortion, assault, drugs, robberies, prostitution, senseless, rampant killing; it seems there’s no limit to the lengths they’ll go to in the name of expansion. They don’t try to hide it from you. No, you’d go so far as to say the pair get a kick out of seeing you flinch and baulk over the grisly details.
As much as hearing about it chills you to the bone, what truly scares you isn’t the crimes they’ve already committed.
It’s the knowledge that no matter how much power or territory they gain, they’ll always want more. That one day they plan on running this city, and to achieve that they’ll inevitably – gladly – do so much worse.
It’s the thought that you might end up trapped here between them, forced to bear witness as your soulmate warps and twists into something wholly unrecognisable. 
The final nail in the coffin comes the day you’re walking back to your apartment, and you realise that you’re being followed.
A big guy in a dark hoodie, tattooed hands stuffed into the pockets, an ugly scar slashed across his cheek. 
You’ve seen him before – watching you on the platform at Shibuya station a few days back, and again yesterday as you were exiting the 7-Eleven a block down from the Haitanis’ apartment. 
And it’s enough to have your blood running cold, fear taking root deep inside of you. 
Enough that you’re frantically swiping open your phone, quickening your pace.
The phone rings once, twice–
“Ran’s busy. What?”
The voice isn’t the one you’re expecting; your heart leaps at the sound of it. “Rin, I– there’s some big, tattooed guy following me. I-I think I’ve seen him before.”
You’re not sure what it is that you’re expecting him to do. Rindou could be anywhere in the city, tied up with other, more important things. And that’s assuming he’d care enough to lift a finger in the first place. 
Ran would, you think. 
He’d almost snapped a guy’s wrist the other night for trying to cop a feel of your ass. Whatever fucked up kind of relationship he imagines he has with you, it’s certainly edged with a streak of possessiveness. 
You’re not so sure the same can be said of your soulmate. 
Images flash to mind; your body, lying bruised and battered, hooked up to beeping monitors in hospital. Worse – found in a back alley dumpster, used and discarded with yesterday’s trash.
On the other end of the line, Rindou curses softly.
“You’re a fucking idiot,” and the call goes dead.
He… hung up.
Your soulmate hung up on you. 
There’s a noose around your neck, tightening with each passing beat. Your heart hammers so violently against your rib cage that you physically feel sick.
You called him for help, terrified, and he’d hung up on you.
Spying a 24-hour FamilyMart on the other side of the street, you dart across the road as quick as your legs’ll take you – barely managing to dodge the car that slams on its breaks to avoid hitting you. 
The teenager restocking the shelves gives you an odd look as you scramble inside, shaking and nearly in tears. It shifts quickly when she follows your gaze and catches sight of your bona fide stalker, lurking on the other side of the glass, sliding doors.
Yet rather than entering the store, the man simply grins, gold teeth glinting in the low light, lifts two fingers to his temple, and salutes.
Rindou’s waiting at your apartment when you return, furiously pacing back and forth inside your living room.
Wastes no time in asking if you’re okay, or offering up comfort, merely snatches at your chin, roughly tilting your face this way and that until he’s satisfied with whatever it is he sees.
“Tell me everything,” he grits out, and once you’re finished, voice trembling and your nerves shot to pieces, he makes you tell it to him again.
He leaves, as he always does, without a goodbye, the sound of the locks on your front door clicking into place echoing in his wake.
You used to think disappearing would be enough.
Rindou wouldn’t care to stop you, and if you were meticulous in your planning, Ran wouldn’t have the chance to try.
You’d leave Tokyo, pick up a life somewhere else. If anyone asked about the name on your arm, you’d tell them your soulmate died before you met him, an accident, or a terrible childhood illness. A tragedy yes, but nothing insurmountable. 
You could find another way to be happy.
Now, you know better. As long as those letters grace your arm, you’ll never be able to escape the Haitanis influence. There’ll always be a target on your back, a chain around your ankle, trailing right back to Tokyo and the brothers you left behind.
So you found a way to erase them.
“You trust us, don’t you?”
The question’s posed to you by the elder Haitani, perched at the foot of your bed, one foot idly dangling off the side of your mattress. His brother leans casually up against the open door frame. 
Startled awake in the middle of the night, you lacked both the time and the foresight to hide your arm from their prying gaze. Your deception – your betrayal – laid bare for them to discover while you slept on, blissfully oblivious. 
Now, cradling it to your chest, your knees tucked up close, you eye the two warily. Nothing about this situation puts you at ease, least of all the conversational tone he’s adopted. 
Ran doesn’t want an answer, at least, not a genuine one. For all their faults, neither he nor Rindou are delusional to the point of believing that you in any way trust them. That you’ve gone to such lengths in the first place speaks plenty to that.
No, he wants to draw this out, a cat toying with a mouse before it strikes the killing blow. And like that mouse, caught between sharp claws and vicious grins, the only option you have left is to play dead in the hope that your predators soon lose interest.
Swallowing down the nauseating fear creeping up your throat (or is that bile?) you offer a tiny nod. Ran smiles approvingly, but it’s Rindou, pushing himself off the wall with a huff, who speaks next. 
“You know I felt it – when you went through with it,” he tells you, stalking over to your bed. His eyes are cold, hard. And it’s ice, you think, not fire that burns in those pretty, violet hues as he braces an arm on the wooden headboard and leans in, “Knocked me flat on my ass, honestly thought I was dying there for a sec.”
As if in response, the skin where his name used to lie prickles, goosebumps rising to the surface.
“I-I’m sorry.” Clumsily, the words spill from your mouth – an impulsive attempt to appease them. “I didn’t think–”
He snorts, “Yeah, that much is obvious.”
The petty insult finds its home despite your best efforts to ignore it, blood heating your cheeks.
Once again, it’s his older brother who jumps to your so-called defence; “Aw, c’mon Rindou, don’t be so mean.” Ran clicks his tongue in mock sympathy, “Poor little idiot just made a mistake, that’s all.” 
“A… mistake?” you echo.
The amusement fades from his features, the look in those dark, hooded eyes near caustic as they slide back to you, “She knows she fucked up, and she’s gonna let us fix it, aren’t you, baby?”
“Y-yeah,” you manage to utter, tongue darting out to wet your lips. 
But it’s Rindou, lips brushing along the shell of your ear, who hammers the final nail home, “You try leaving us again, and next time it won’t just be some tattoos marking up that pretty skin, understand?”
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cardierreh15 · 1 year
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The Real Thing
This is just a sequel for Wet Dreams 😈 do with that info as you see fit lol. I’m not spoiling.
I do not give anyone permission to repost or copy my work!!
Warnings 18+: Smut , Cursing , Sloppy Kissing , Oral Sex (Male Receiving) , Cheating (Affair) , CowGirl , Doggy Style , CumShot in the mouth (AND SHE SWALLOWS)
Description: What would you do if you had the opportunity to make your dreams a reality?
Pairings: Walter Marshall x Amarilla(Black!Plus Size Female)
Word Count: 4.3K
Song: Break Of Dawn by Michael Jackson
Ever since that meeting with Amarilla, Walter had been trying to keep himself busy. Whenever the time would tick on by with nothing to busy it, he found himself thinking about her.
Wondering how she was doing was one of his thoughts but it was probably the most innocent thought he had about her.
He would lay in his bed, or his couch (which ever one he had energy to make it to) and just ponder what she looked like beneath that yellow body con dress she wore. It was skin tight; complimenting her curves, dimples and dips. Not to mention, the color on her flesh caused oxytocin to cloud his brain. So he would just bite the bullet, and stroke his aching member; pretending it was her hands instead.
‘This is so bad… Matt’s gonna kill me.’ He’d say to himself but based on his career choice, it was evident that he liked to live dangerously. Just the simple thought of her being had by another man drove him nuts! But it made him want her even more. He wanted something he couldn’t have…
Or so he thought.
It was a rainy night; Walter was sitting on the couch looking at some photos that were scattered across the table top. He then heard a frantic knocking at the door.
‘Hmmm.’ He hummed as he stood up and walked towards the door. Peaking through the peep hole, the individual had their back turned and was covered and protected by a big puffy jacket. Safe from that dreadful rain. ‘Who is it?’ He called out.
The person turned around and pushed their hoodie back. It was then revealed that the individual was a distressed Amarilla. ‘Walter! It’s Amarilla,’ she sniffed and wiped her nose and eyes, ‘Can I come in please?’
Quickly unlocking the door, he pulled the door open to see her standing there with her face wet from her own tears. ‘H-hi.’ She tried her best to fake a smile, but her head just fell.
‘Amarilla, w-what’s going on? It’s—‘ he looked down at his watch, ‘11:34 at night!’
She let out a shaky sigh and looked up as she tried to gather her own thoughts, ‘Can I come in… I just— I need someone to talk to…’ she wiped her nose one more time and Walter let her in.
Unzipping and pushing her big coat off of her shoulders, she look around his apartment. It was damn near empty. Didn’t have personality. It looked like a simple hotel room. ‘Where are all the pictures?’ She asked in concern.
‘Never got the time to put them up,’ he shut the door and locked it, suddenly a sob ripped though the air. Quickly, he turned around to see Amarilla crying in her hands. His heart twisted at the terrible sight. She was way too beautiful to be crying like this.
‘Amarilla,’ he said softly as he pressed his lips together, ‘I don’t know what’s going on but look, I’ll put some tea on the stove and you can tell me all about it OK?’
She picked her head up, sniffing hard as she looked over at him, ‘that’ll—that’ll be nice, Walter. Thank you.’ She gave him a weakened smile and sighed.
Walter then walked over and picked up the gruesome photos off of the table, stacked them together neatly and placed them backside up on the dining room table. After that, he went in the kitchen and put the tea kettle on the table, and dropped two chamomile tea bags in two mugs.
Once back in the living, he’d placed her mug in her hands and sat his down on the coaster. ‘Thank you.’ She mumbled before blowing onto the hot substance.
‘Anytime,’ he said softly. His blue tired eyes watched her lips wrap around the mug, and then drifted down to the nape of her neck. Spots he wanted to kiss and lick so bad. Clearing his throat, he finally spoke up, ‘So, what happened?’ Leaning over and picked up his mug and took a sip of his tea.
Amarilla set her mug down on the coaster and let out a long deep breath, ‘I … I had to work a double tonight at the hospital and… it was so dead my supervisor sent me home so—‘ her gaze locked on her mug, before her chest grew tight and a lump grew in her throat.
Tears filled her eyes once again as she looked up at the ceiling, her voice cracking as she took a deep breath, ‘I found Matt in bed with another bitch.’ She then let out a humorless laugh.
‘What?! Jesus Christ Amarilla I’m—‘
‘It’s fine… I — I should’ve seen the signs I should’ve —‘
‘Whoa, whoa now, Amarilla. You’re not to blame for this.’ He sat up straight watching as she reached over and grabbed her tea. ‘What did he say?’
Amarilla laughed once more, ‘Oh, she’s just a friend and… that he’d been unhappy with me for a while and… he wants a divorce.’ She wiped her eyes and looked over at him, ‘Can you believe it? 15 years all for nothing just…’ she shook her head before looking down at her twiddling fingers.
‘Jesus— I’m sorry to hear that. What kind of man cheats on his wife like that? Best friend or not, he’s sick for that. Unbelievable.’ He said shaking his head.
‘Honestly, Walter… I’ve been unhappy for a bit too. Just I was hoping we could get through that rough patch y’know? Doing it for Maylin but— in the end I looked dumb.’
Walter sighed, ‘You’re not dumb. He’s just a dick and obviously not the perfect guy for you… unfortunately it took 15 years and for this to happen but..’
‘How would you know who’s the perfect guy for me?’ She said softly looking over at him.
‘Uh..’ he swallowed his spit and looked to the side. ‘I mean I — you’re gorgeous and funny and smart… easy going. To be honest, Matt and I known one another for years and never for a single second did I think he was good enough for you.’
Amarilla was a little taken back by his confession, but a hesitant smile curled on her lips, ‘re-really? You really think so?’ Her brown eyes glared over at him.
‘Of course… actually, I know so.’ He scoffed before taking a sip of his tea.
The woman sat there, staring at him — holding her warm mug tightly in her hands.
She’d be a fucking liar if she sat here and said she never thought of him that way. Hell, when he would come by the house, she would unknowingly cater to him as if he was her husband and not Matt. She didn’t know it then, but she wanted that man.
‘Well, thank you.’ She said softly before the air around grew thick with sexual tension.
This is a bad idea, Amarilla… it’s best that you just leave now. Staying any longer would make it harder to leave.
She leaned over and placed the half full mug down on the coaster. ‘Well, the Maylin is still at the house. And I’m pretty sure he hadn’t even checked on her after our argument so,’ she stood up and picked up her coat.
‘Wait, you’re leaving already?!’ Walter stood up.
‘Yeah, I— Maylin…’
‘I hope you’re not leaving because I said all of those things… look, I’m sorry. I got too comfortable and that was inappropriate— especially with what happened with Matt. But you’re in no condition to go back there right now. What if the other woman is still there?’
She looked up at him as she adjusted her coat over her shoulders, ‘No… it’s not that at all — I just…’
‘Stay… look I’ll take the day off tomorrow, you can go get Maylin and we’ll just— kick it…’
Amarilla stared up at him with slightly swollen pink eyes, ‘Word? You’d do that for real?’
‘Yeah… you need me. And I want to be here for you.’
Good lord, those words struck her in her chest. Now she felt like she was anchored to the floor.
She wiped her nose and sniffed, ‘al-alright. Cool… I’m feeling a bit tired anyway. Which room will I be in?’
Walter was shrouded with relief when she agreed to stay for the night. ‘Great!’ He paused for a second, processing her question in his brain for a moment before it clicked, ‘Well, you can sleep in my room. I take a couch? Sheets and comforter should be fine. I don’t sleep in there much. C’mon ill walk you there.’
Amarilla followed him down the hall towards the larger bedroom. It was bland. Just like all the other spaces in the house… no life. Her slightly swollen eyes studied the space for a second before they landed on the large bed.
‘You don’t have pictures or decor put up but you made sure to purchase this big ass bed.’ She snickered as she walked around it, her fingers gently grazing the comforter.
He chuckled, placing his hand on the threshold of the door, leaning slightly, ‘what can I say? I’m a big guy.’
Indeed he was.
The room grew quiet for a moment before he stood up straight, ‘well, I’m gonna give you some space. Just shout if ya need me.’ Then he turned to walk away.
He turned around, ‘yes?’
‘Thank you for this.’
He gave her a tired smile and nodded, ‘Of course.’ And he turned away once again, walking back into the living room.
Hours had passed…
It was 2:27am…
She was laying in that bed, staring up at that ceiling. She swore she was tired just a few hours ago and now — she was wide awake. She wondered if he was still awake.
Amarilla sat up, and climbed out of bed. She was dressed in a large t-shirt that she’d stolen from out of his dresser. It fit like a short dress on her, the hem stopping at her upper thigh.
She pushed her hair out of her face as she skidded across the wooden floor with her thick warm socks. Once she made it to the living room… he was sitting there on his laptop… wide awake.
‘Hey… you’re still awake.’ She said softly but it was so quiet, her voice could be heard over the storm outside.
Walter looked up from his computer, balling up his fist. Goddamn! His wandering eyes roamed her body. Her semi-hard nipples showing through the gray t-shirt, her smooth thick thighs. He wanted to bite them so bad.
‘Ye-yeah…’ he swallowed his spit, ‘I don’t sleep much!’ He felt like he was struggling to breathe just then. And as she approached him and sat very close to him.
‘You’re warm… I’m very cold. What do you keep the A/C on in here?!’ She brought her knees up to her chest.
‘It’s not on.. it’s probably just the rain and the weather…’
‘True.’ She said nodding her head before it grew quiet between them once again. Her head then fell on his shoulder and her right thigh draped over his.
‘You’re like this big ole, warm bear.’ She said goofing about.
Walter’s heart began to race in his chest as a hesitant chuckle left his lips. Swallowing his spit quietly, ‘Wouldn’t be the first time someone called me that.’
Amarilla smirked as she found herself staring at him a little bit longer than usual. Damn, he was fine. She always tried to look at him as her husband’s buddy. But he’s always been fine as hell.
Her brown eyes dropped to his lips that were thickly adorned by his facial hair.
Walter was trying his best not to look at her but he felt the way she was looking at him. With his job, it was easy for him to read people simply by checking energies. Going with his gut and soul is truly what helped him solve cases.
But this was much different from an average homicidal case.
The woman he’s be dying to fuck was sitting closely beside him, who just so happened to be his best buddy’s wife.
‘Walt,’ She said out softly before biting down into her plump lip.
It grew quiet once again. But this time it was as if she was trying to figure out what she wanted to say in this tender moment. ‘Would- would it be wrong if I said that the reason why I came by the precinct to see you the other day wasn’t because of some stupid reminder of that damn Memorial Day barbecue?’
He’d finally looked over at her with his thick eyebrows tugging into one, ‘Yeah?’
Letting out a slightly amused laugh, she looked over at him now. Her dark honey orbs glared into those of swimming pools, ‘Yeah. It was because…’ she trailed off, glancing to the side as she debated with herself; wondering if this was going to be a good idea.
Who cares, Amarilla? Matt didn’t spare your feelings. Why the fuck should you care about sleeping with his best friend?
Walter closed his laptop and placed it on the table top. He then rest one of his large palms around her ankle with the other on her knee, ‘You can tell me. What’s on your mind?’
Amarilla let out a shuddered sigh and looked back up at him, ‘I volunteered to come because I wanted to see you. I’ve just been thinking about you more than usual,’ She said with her head falling to the side.
Walter’s eyebrows rose for a moment, ‘Really?’ He could feel his heart race much faster than before. ‘Why were you thinking about me?’ He snickered as his head fell forward, trying to hide that bright pink blush on his face.
Tell him what you want him to do to you.
‘Well,’ She paused for a second before grabbing his bearded jaw to lift his gaze towards hers, ‘Could I– show you instead?’
Walter’s eyes fell to her full delicious lips. Without saying or doing, his eyes gave her full consent.
Without releasing her grip, Amarilla leaned over with her lips gaped, greeting his. Their lips met with the taste of desire, longing and need. It was gentle, as if they were both testing the waters.
He’d gently pulled away, licking his bottom lips to taste her, ‘This is what’s been on your mind?’ His large hand had traveled from her knee to her thigh.
A slow deviant smile curled on her lips, ‘Amongst other things? Yes.’ Her hand trailed down to his broad chest and then towards his middle.
‘Good, ‘cause I’ve been wanting you since I’ve met you.’
Probably was a fucked up thing to say since Matt introduced them to one another when Walter was married.
‘Then,’ her eyes fell back to his lap where her fingers began to undo his belt and zipper. ‘I only have one request.’ Then she stood up before him with his fly open.
Walter glared up at her with curious eyes; arm tucked comfortably behind the sofa. He had a pretty good idea of what she wanted.
Amarilla reached at the hem of the oversized shirt and tugged it up and over her head. She tossed it on the sofa next to him: revealing her globes for breasts, tattoos that she kept well hidden, and pretty tiger stripes for stretch marks.
He swallowed hard as his eyes wandered over her shapely body.
If he wasn’t hard before, he was sure to cut through stone now.
He clenched his jaw as he felt the familiar bliss of numbness shroud his body. Lust.
Damn, that’s what she’s been hiding under those scrubs. Fuck.
Amarilla then straddled his lap, pushing his thick hair out of his face, ‘I want you, Mr. Marshall.’ She whispered as she began to grind her hips.
Walter hissed at the feeling of her hips creating that sweet friction over his hardened manhood, ‘Mmm.’
She grabbed his cotton shirt and pulled it off of his head. Then, she finally rushed in with a hungry kiss.
Their tongues danced with one another in a beautiful swan dance. Just following one another’s league. Her fingers intertwined in his thick curls as Walter’s large hands began to caress down her back.
Finally, his hands met her rounded ass; squeezing to make sure he wasn’t living in another daydream again.
Fuck, you really are real.
Amarilla kept grinding her hips as she broke the kiss. She trailed kisses from his lips to his neck where she began to suck softly.
Walter let out a grunt when she licked and sucked on that sensitive spot on his neck. He couldn’t take this teasing any longer. He finally pulled her thong to the side as she managed to pull his pants and briefs down far enough.
‘Aah, I want you so bad right now.’ She moaned softly; causing a shiver to slither down his spine.
A part of him felt bad that he was about to screw his best friend’s wife. But they were getting a divorce and he was going to get what the fuck he’s been wanting all these years.
‘I want you too, baby.’ He whispered as he looked up; watching her lift her hips and grab ahold of his member.
She rubbed his tip against her clit and over her inviting slit. ‘Damn, you’re even bigger than he is!’ She giggled softly.
Walter let out a gentle chuckle as he watched her slowly lower her hips on him, bringing his colossal member in a warm and velvety hug. He let out a breath as he rested his hand on her hips.
‘Mmmm, fuck.’ She moaned out as she pushed him as far as he could go. Once he was balls deep, she looked down at him with dark hooded eyes, ‘Don’t be so gentle baby.’
Amarilla rested her hands on the sofa as she began to slowly lift and drop her hips. He was so fucking big, she had to be gentle or she was to be torn apart.
‘Ooh, shit girl. Damn.’ Walter groaned as his head fell back in sheer bliss. He was lost in a world of pure ecstasy. His palms swept across her flesh in mystery. He just wanted to learn her body so he could be the one to give her what she deserves.
After Amarilla found it easier to bounce and she was stretched out in the most delightful way, she began to pick up her pace; lifting her hips up and dropping them a bit faster than before. ‘Uh! Uh! Ooh yes! Damn, you’re so fucking huge!’ She whined out inaudibly as she looked back over her shoulder, watching her jiggly ass bounce in his grasp.
A salacious grin curled on his lips as he felt her throbbing walls began to constrict, and her moans became louder. ‘Yeah? You’re gonna cum on that dick baby?’ He asked looking up at her before bringing her hardened nipple between his teeth to bite gently, and then suck.
‘Uggggh! Fuck!’
Walter began to bounce her ass for her, and since he was slightly slouched, he was able to thrust upward as well. With the friction they were creating, she was about to blow at any moment. ‘Come on baby! Cum for me!’ He called out as he landed 3 consecutive slaps upon her ass.
‘Aaah! Fuuuuuck! Walt, uuuuughhh my fucking God! Yeeees!’
‘Uh huh! Cum on baby! I know you want to! Stop fighting that nut!’ He argued at her before slapping her ass once again and gripping her thong.
‘Yesyesyesyesyesyes!—‘ her lower tummy twisted as her womb betrayed the rest of her body. But it felt so damn good, ‘YES!’ She quickly lifted her hips up, her poor blossom too sensitive for anymore for the moment. ‘Fuuuuck.’ She moaned before she forced her tongue into his mouth.
Walter rubbed on her plump ass once more before giving her thigh a slap; breaking their kiss, ‘Get Up. I’m not through with you yet.’
‘Uh oh.’ Amarilla cooed in a teasing tone as she carefully climbed off of his lap and stood up. She pushed down her panties to her knees and shimmed them down her legs before stepping out of them.
This beast of a man stood up and his pants and boxers fell before stepping out of them as well. He then took a moment to admire her body once more, a smirk grew on his lips as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him in a hurry.
She was instantly met with his torso firmly, she giggled softly as she looked up at him.
‘You’re so fucking cute y’know?’ He teased.
‘Am I? Or are you just tryna fuck the shit out of me?’ Amarilla asked as she raised her eyebrow.
The both of them chuckled before he placed a tender kiss on her lips and landed a smack on her ass again. ‘Go head,’ he said when he broke the kiss, ‘Bend over the arm of the sofa.’
Amarilla smirked, turning slowly on her toes before looking back at him with those sultry eyes.
She bent over the arm as he made his way behind her before lifting her leg up to rest her knee on the arm as well. A hum rumbled in his throat as she looked back at him while he just admired her in this angle.
Walter stroked his dick before pressing the tip against her slit once again and shoved his hips into her.
‘UGH!’ She exclaimed, her fingertips gripping at the fabric of the sofa. ‘Fuck, I don’t think I could ever get use to that!’ She whimpered out as he grabbed her arm and held on to her hip for stability.
Walter hissed as he began to drop his hips into her, ‘Shiiiit.’ He moaned, ‘Fuck you feel so fucking good.’
Amarilla’s breathing was short but labored. She looked back at him as he began to take her from behind. He held on to her tightly; looking into her pretty brown hues as he began to ram his hips into her much harder and faster.
Her moans had become louder; harsher, ‘Oh! Oh! Ooooooh fuck meeee! Just like that! Please don’t don’t fucking stop! Aah!’ She could feel her walls tightening around his massive member again. Just claiming all the space she offered him.
Walter grunted as he dug his fingers into her a little tighter. He finally let go of her arm and landed a few hard slaps on her ass cheeks.
Amarilla squeaked at the sudden sting that just made her body all the more tingle. ‘Goddamn! This is mine. Whose is it baby? Tell me who this pretty pussy belongs to?!’
His voice was sinister, dark and lewd. But the butterfly wings that beat viciously in her lower abdomen made her cave in. ‘Ooooh, this pussy is all yours baby.’
‘Huh,’ he smacked her ass harder before plunging his hips faster, ‘I can’t hear you baby, you're gonna have to speak up!’ He taunted with a grin spread across his lips.
‘That’s my girl!’ He grunted as he brought his hips to a pause again, ‘Now fuck me back.’
Without question or hesitation, Amarilla began to bounce that pretty ass of hers back against him; twerking and shaking it in the process.
And animalistic growl rumbled in Walter’s throat as he watched her appetizing nectar coat him all the way to the hilt. ‘Damn you take me so well baby.’ He groaned.
His words enraptured her! Causing her to bounce even harder with a delighted grin on her face. But that was short lived when Walter took his control back.
Orgasms after orgasms, poor Amarilla started to lose count!
The moments spent wrapped up in Walter’s embrace felt like a blissful eternity. He took her places that she hadn’t been in years or… ever really. Hitting all the right spots and praising her all the same; she felt like she could truly conquer the world.
But that time wasn’t on their side because now Walter was edging closer to his release. ‘Uhhhhhh fuck,’ he had her wrapped up his arms at this point. One arm around her waist and the other around her chest as his hand squeezed her breast. He was spiraling. And she could feel it too.
‘Come on, baby! You’re almost there!’ Amarilla said wickedly; feeling this thickness stretch her walls with each delicious throb.
Walter’s face was buried in her neck, eyebrows tugged into one and his teeth gritted together. Him inhaling her scent just confirmed that all of this was truly real. His thrusts became short and his breathing became shallow. ‘Ahhh! Fuck, baby I’m about to cum!’
‘You’re gonna cum baby?!’
‘I’m gonna cum!’
Amarilla quickly pulled her body away, got on her knees before him; opening that pretty mouth of hers and sticking her tongue out.
Walter held himself before stroking his cock and squirting his load over the bed of her tongue. ‘Grrrrrrrraahhh— fuuuuck!’ His knees buckled and twitched as she swallowed all of his milky goodness, wrapping her full lips around his tip and sucking the rest of his cum out of him. ‘Ooooh— shiiiit.’ He grunted, pushing her hair out of her pretty face.
She was smiling like a kid in a candy store.
‘Do you feel better now, princess?’ He asked before wiping a drop of cum off of her lips with his thumb, and placing it on her tongue. Then he held his large hand out to her.
Carefully placing her hand in his, she stood up and sighed, ‘So much better.’ She giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck and placing a litter of kisses on his lips.
Then, he looked down at her with a smirk before scooping her up into his arms. She giggled, wrapping her legs around his waist. ‘Where are we going now?’
‘The bedroom. There’s still a lot to be done before we go get Maylin tomorrow. And you are the only thing on the to-do list.’
Amarilla laughed out, her head falling back, ‘Boy, you’re so stupid!’
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I have ended my long break and have found an idea I’ve never done a yandere Headcannon before but yolo
Yandere V x GN WD reader
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You were walking to classes when you got grabbed by the collar of your (insert clothing item here) and got pulled back it was your bully Joshua (sorry for the Joshua’s out there). “where do you think your going (name)” Joshua said with a smirk on his face he was one of the popular kids if you pissed him off he’d make sure his dad made your life a living hell “to class I knew they should have put you in the special ed class” you said laughing a bit that’s when Joshua hit you then next thing you knew you saw RED and everything after that was a blur. You were in the nurses office getting patched up you had a plaster on the side of your face where you got hit you then got up and we’re leaving when Joshua walked in face covered in bruises and gashes the nurse was horrified by “honestly I hope you die in a fire” you mumbled under your breath as you walked past Joshua you went back home and sat on the couch for a while before realising you had to go see your psychotic murder drone GF or else she’d break into the colony and kill everyone then find you so you got up grabbed a key card from your dads coat as he worked for the WDF you were able to get outside. You swiped the card and out into the cold you went little did you know you had someone following you it was Joshua he wanted to get you back and his peanut of a brain decided to take a knife and shank you then go home as you were walking you thought you could hear footsteps behind you when you looked back nothing was there. You thought nothing of it and continued on you then started yelling out V’s name that’s when you heard screaming you ran to the source which was a run down destroyed house you walked in and saw Joshua being ripped apart by V “don’t touch my (name)” she mumbled under her breath. “H-hey V” you said scared and nervously. She turned around and tackled you into a hug and began kissing you all over your face while playing with your hair “I missed you so much” she said with her head buried in your neck She then picked you up bridal style then flew up into the sky and back to the drop ship where she then took you inside flew up to the ceiling and started giving you cuddles and kisses
Headcannon time??
•V goes with you every where and when you ask her to not go with you she’ll secretly watch you to make sure your safe I mean you are her partner after all
•loves giving you cuddles and kisses and I mean LOVES
•for Valentine’s Day she would definitely give you the head of your enemy or least favourite person as a gift or a actual heart.
•if someone were to kidnap you let’s just say they’re gonna regret it.
V loves you and don’t break her heart or cheat on her or let’s just say you ded
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meili-sheep · 1 year
diluc ships reactions to him stealing/wearing their clothing?
So let me repeat my Diluc body type headcanons.
He's about 5'10 with a very Dorito shape, so broad shoulders, and a tiny waist. So he honestly does need some tailoring as a lot of general-sized clothing is pretty ill-fitting on him.
I think he's also pretty sensitive to clothing. And he has one of those closets that's 90 thousand of the same 3 items. The only way he gets variation is Adelinde. So borrowing isn't really something he does on purpose. But the kicker is. Diluc in the morning is bearly functioning so you know things happen.
I might also include the headcanon of other's body types here too
So Albedo is a lot smaller and thinner than Diluc. Much more rectangle-shaped. So Diluc can't wear t a lot of Albedo's things. That doesn't mean Albedo doesn't often put his jacket around Diluc. Or that he even got into sewing to make Diluc things. Like, I swear, this guy sewed just to make Diluc his safety gear.
Albedo does have a habit of drawing Diluc. Especially when Diluc is not paying attention. So what ends up happening. is Albedo will lay his coat on Diluc while he naps. Then ends up drawing it.
He has a whole notebook of sleeping Diluc.
Al Haitham
So this is one of the few who is similarly built to Diluc and is either just as broad or broader than Diluc. So Diluc can actually wear Al Haitham's clothes.
And let's be honest, these are two autistic people. And I bet they have similar issues with clothing. So there is probably quite a bit of mutual clothing stealing because they both just don't care and just wear what's comfortable. Al Haitham has also made Diluc a music player and headphones.
Though I do think Al Haitham has a bit of a moment when he sees Diluc in his very, very form-fitting shirt for the first time. He um might buy a few more that are a bit looser just for Diluc to borrow. He doesn't want anyone to get the wrong idea.
So as a guy who is very proud of his culture and traditions. Seeing Diluc in anything remotely Inazuma fashion. It's a pretty critical hit. And like traditional Inazuma wear is like a major hit on his heart. So sort of by extension of the Diluc in his clothing would be great for him
Ayato is a lot slimmer than Diluc.
So nothing is close to fitting. And I think Ayato realized that after one morning when Diluc tried to accidentally put on his shirt and realized his mistake when he couldn't button it. Ayato nearly pulled Diluc back into bed but didn't because of how sleepy Diluc was. He did end up buying a set of clothing similar to his style that fit Diluc just to see it.
So Childe's still not as broad as Diluc but not as slime as Ayato is. So Diluc actually can nearly get to the top. And Childe loves watching Diluc fumble sleepily around trying to get his shirt to fit. And he really likes how tight it is. And you know, with the strap on Childe's shirt. Certain parts of Diluc get a little accentuated. And Childe would let him walk around like that if he wasn't a pretty jealous person.
But outside of that he pretty frequently puts his jacket over Diluc's shoulder. Mostly when he sees Diluc napping or when he looks cold. He might be jealous but he's also very caring and honestly would give Diluc the shirt off his back.
So there is a decent size difference between the pair. Though I do think Eula is rather ripped. But something that Diluc noticed a while ago was how they have a similar style of gloves. So while this isn't really cloth stealing, he totally had a pair of gloves made that used Eula's color.
When Eula finally noticed it, he got really remembrance and just muttered something about wanting to match and tried to run away. But she totally wouldn't let him. And as his punishment, he hands to hold her hand.
Ok, so where this is another situation where Diluc and easily fits, and honestly, it's actually baggy on him. Itto doesn't, um, really where a lot.
He has definitely given Diluc his coat in the rain, not realizing Diluc normally carries an umbrella with him.
Though I think Kuki has tried to get, Itto to wear something more, probably for a trial or something, and Diluc's worn that. And Itto nearly lost it with how cute Diluc looked. He probably got more shirts and things so Diluc could wear them.
So I feel Kaveh is actually the closest to Diluc. Probably a little thinner, but yea. Diluc probably alls perfectly between Kaveh and Diluc. But Kaveh defiantly buys clothing for Diluc... All the time. And he probably steals Diluc's clothing all the time. Diluc has totally lost a jacket or two to Kaveh.
Now we are back to sleep Diluc and image sleep Diluc with Kaveh's very, very open shirt.
Kaveh definitely enjoy it for like .2 seconds until he noticed Diluc starting to leave because NOPE. NOPE. NOPE.
Ah, so you know what. Thoma probably smells really nice, and Diluc has absolutely stolen Thoma's little jacket. Because it's just comforting. And when Thoma was looking for his jacket, he found Diluc cuddled up with it. He probably just gave up on the jacket and got a new one.
He probably does make Diluc a lot of hats and scarves too. All of which Diluc loves and wears all the time.
So again there is a big size difference between Xiao and diluc. I imagine Xiao has a runner or sprinter's body so thin looking but absolutely ripped. And he doesn't really wear extra layers because I don't imagine he really every gets cool and stuff.
Diluc has given him his jacket before.
And Xiao had to ask around about what he should do with the jacket. He probably still has it not that Diluc minds. And he ended up giving Diluc a nice coat that General Kapisas made that he'd been holding on too.
So Diluc can definitely fit into Zhongli's clothing. But I feel Zhongli wears a particular type of fabric the Diluc hates. It's too smooth and silk, and he feels it catches on his skin. So he hates it. He can barely handle touching Zhongli's clothing sometimes.
But Zhongli being the money spender he is defiant and buys sent of clothing that is comfortable for him and in a style he likes but also Is something Diluc likes. It is his special cuddle outfit. (That Childe paid for)
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moxpunk · 3 months
So, I mentioned I'd write up a trip-report/retrospective of my experience of getting absolutely buried under pies on Saturday, so here it is! Be warned, it's fucking long.
To start off, my friend Dee was very professional about the whole matter: reassured me that I'd be taken care of, helped lighten the mood a bit, and didn't have any massive expectations for someone they just met for the first time in-person who's never done something like this at such a scale. Our styles and how we carried ourselves couldn't be different though, which was extremely funny to me. Them in this very stylish coat and scarf number, while I'm bumming around in my ripped-up Fender shirt and fishnet-tights - extremely visual-metaphor, I know.
Snagging the supplies was a wild experience. I'm just sorta following along while Dee had a total game-plan in their head, bee-lining it towards the baking section and immediately shoving about 12 boxes of cake batter into the cart. I was surprised to see how little frosting they snagged, but that'll be something for next time. The other supply that dominated our cart was store-brand whipped topping for the pies. I figure we had like about a dozen tubs of that as well by the end. During the grocery-run, I told Dee that whenever someone would make a comment when I'd buy stuff for solo-experiences, I just tell them that I'm running a bake-sale or something. People will take it at face-value, and I don't have to explain that "Yes, I'm buying so much dessert-product because it's a kink of mine". But Dee, this asshole (affectionate), gets asked the question while we're checking out and puts on this bright face saying they're "Moxie's happy helper, she's got so much work to be done on her head" and I'm trying not to corpse right then and there while I'm bagging our supplies. I think my face was crimson when we bounced back to my place.
Speaking of my place, I do not live in a large apartment and my bathroom is even smaller with my shower being a one-person standing-job. Thankfully, this also means that laying down tarp to catch the massive amount of spillage was super easy, and Dee had tons of tarp and tape ready to go. Looked like that one scene in American Psycho with a singular chair in the middle surrounded by clear tarp to catch the mess. Absolutely unhinged shit if you saw it out of context.
Then came making everything! Dee had brought a bunch of pudding-cups as filling for the pies as well as some xanthan gum to thicken things. That xanthan gum stuff is wild, they mixed it with water at first, and it had the texture of drool. Great if you're into that stuff and want a body-safe way to get drenched in it! I had baked half of the crusts earlier when we got back, but I totally spaced on poking holes in the crusts so they ended up kinda jank. Thankfully, the pies were just going to be thrown at me instead of eaten. Ha! This is when my back started getting angry at me, standing a whole bunch and moving around the kitchen. Had to take a number of breaks during this, but Dee told me they have infinite energy for this sort of thing and was fine that the fat girl needed a few breaks. Took maybe an hour in total to go from nothing to a dozen pies and three 3-gallon buckets of cake batter, which was wild. I put some makeup on, Dee got the camera and tripod set up, and it was time for us to start!
The anticipation I felt when I was sitting in that chair was wild. Like, I've absolutely pied myself before and even last year I got pied by another person for the first time from my ex. So, I sorta knew what to expect. But, these pies had that gum mixed in to hold their shape better, so I wasn't entirely certain how it was going to go. Dee told me to get ready and…
SPLAT! The first pie nearly knocked the fucking air out of my lungs. It was fucking cold thanks to the topping been in the fridge-section of the grocery store about only an hour ago! It covered my whole face and stuck to my hair that I had pushed to run down the side of my head, and I nearly called for a yellow light to slow down. For a little there, I felt like I couldn't catch my breath properly before two more pies got sandwiched over my head. Dee, for their part, did the expert thing of smearing and twisting the desserts over my head to just turn it into a mask of goop. This is absolutely the point where I could feel all the weight concentrate in my hair and start to weight my whole damn head down. Looking back at the video for reference, my hair is just this curtain of white goop and pie crust.
A few pies in for good measure, and Dee finally grabbed one of the buckets of batter. The dye we snagged wasn't all that potent, sadly. We wanted a bright pink sludge that mimicked the ancient-ass game-show What Would You Do's "Crowning Glory", but we know next time not to get the gel-dye (and also to buy a hand-mixer!). Because it's part of The Kink, of course I looked directly up into the bucket above just before it cascaded over me. In stark contrast to the other pies being cold as hell, Dee used warm water to mix with the batter, so it was heavenly to have that thick warmth poured over my body. It made all the future pies a lot easier to handle, honestly, by having that mucky barrier of off-pink coating me.
Around this time is when I realized "Oh, right, I have a bunch of hair soaking in all this stuff, might as well work it in!" because I'm a dork for my hair getting the slop-salon treatment. Another few pies splatted over my face while I worked my hair like I was in a shampoo commercial, Dee grabs my arm and smears a big blob of marshmallow fluff up my armpit because the bastard knows I'm a pit-fiend. So, you folks out there that enjoy the idea of lapping dessert out of my pit, please hold onto that mental image nice and tight. The banter between me and Dee started flowing at about this point. They were asking me questions while smearing the batter over my body, and ended up zeroing in on my nipple. I'm a sensitive lady, so when I'm trying to give an answer, it came out as "Oh yeah~!" like I'm some actress in a shitty porn because I was goddamn moaning through it. They didn't let me forget that, repeating it back to me whenever I would say "Yeah" to anything. Asshole (affectionate).
Syrup came next, just some cheap-ass brand and not actual maple syrup, and I smelled like breakfast. I smelled like breakfast for like two days afterwards, even through a thorough shower. I am not complaining at all, this is a benefit to this fetish. Honestly, the syrup was the one thing that I was not expecting to enjoy as much as I did. In my head, it's watery and just kinda boring? But, it being emptied out over mess-coated me and a pie that was stuffed into my face, I'm absolutely adding it to the roster of Quick and Easy Shit to Buy When I'm Horny.
Then came The Barrage. So, in this little obsession Dee and I share, the pie-barrage is usually seen as one of the climaxes of a scene. It's taking what, up to this point, is usually singular pies being added to someone in a sensual way that builds up the mess slowly piece-by-piece. A barrage of pies is the person throwing them going absolutely feral and just wanting to see the target inundated with layer upon layer of pie. That's exactly what happened to me! The first pie hit, totally blinding me, and before I had time to react properly, a second and then a third pie was added to the vaguely human-shaped blob of pie and moaning trans woman. Even managed to muffle anything I was trying to say, which was incredible to someone like me that types out muffled syllables in text roleplay. Honestly, Dee got the best photos of me immediately after the barrage, you… can hardly see who I am, let alone what I am. Absolute peak!
When your head is absolutely coated in thick pie-slop, the world fades away in a real way. You can't see past the layers of dessert, it settles over your head so you can't hear anything but your own breathing, and taste and smell have been absolutely tossed out the window to be replaced by sugarsmell. It's like sensory deprivation, because even your sense of touch fades out since you're rocking at least a layer or two of full-body coverage. It's an incredible experience! It's also only halfway through my session!
To speed things up a bit, more pies and more batter-slime was added to the mess. Since this kink began with Nickelodeon shows for the vast majority of the Millennials that have it, it's a bit of a "tradition" when green slime is involved (in our case, green batter because I'm a Dessert Bitch) to say "I don't know" like in You Can't Do That On Television. Say the trigger-phrase, get a bucket of green dumped over you. Dee even tried to put the bucket over my head, but the three-gallon ones are just a bit too small for that. It's a shame, because if we had the five-gallon buckets, I would have absolutely done a bit of head-dunking where I get on my hands and knees before plunging my whole head into that warm goop. Dee even had some chocolate cake batter as well, which reminded me that Valentine's was only a few days previous. Chocolate-covered goblin, anyone? The irony of my most-recent art piece mirroring what was going to happen to me is absolutely not lost on me.
Eventually, we had run out of supplies, and I got to sit there in the chair just enjoying the mess I was in. My hair was so heavy at that point, and the slop had just sorta congealed into a single texture. It made it incredibly easy to just work and play with, with Dee finally realizing that the reason I keep my hair so goddamn long is for moments like this where I get to wear what felt like ten pounds of sludge from the neck up. As is tradition in these shoots, just because we ran out of supplies doesn't mean the Moxie Messing was over, because Dee had put a bucket between my legs to catch as much excess slop as possible before dumping it all over my head in this thick mashed-up mixed-up wave.
After I had run out of steam having fun with myself, it was time to wrap and get me cleaned off. Wringing out my hair was an experience for the both of us. Neither of us had really realized just how much mass my hair could hold. When I went to pull the mess from my hair, it… just kept going. I filled a damned three-gallon bucket with just the stuff in my hair alone, and even then there was more. I soaked myself in the shower for the better part of a half-hour afterwards, to which my back got very upset at me for standing so long on a slippery surface. When I came out of the shower, Dee had completely cleaned the place. Wrapped up the pool of slop in the tarps and slammed it into a contractor bag for dumping. In my past experiences of being really bad at planning, it was never that easy, so I was thoroughly impressed at the foresight. I helped Dee toss it all into the dumpster near my place, and they bounced on off home in their car soon after!
So, to summarize… Holy shit, I wrote a lot, didn't I? Ha! But, yeah, this was an incredible experience and hands-down the best and most-encompassing slop-session I've ever had to this point. Dee said they absolutely want to do another session before they move again, so I'm excited to have more experiences like this! Hopefully this whole thing helps show people that have no idea why the hell I'm so obsessed with being hit by pies why I enjoy it, and shows people that do understand how incredible it was for me to have this. 2023 was a rough year for me, so kicking off 2024 with a session like this is hopefully the start to a far better year. With that, let's call it a wrap!
Love you all, stay messy. 💖
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frostcorpsclub · 29 days
I’ve been thinking on Suzy and Virginia’s “call me maybe”-esque makeover scenes and songs! Inspired by @cornerofhell
This would be the day of her and Santa’s wedding. Nothing was as set in stone as it would be in this moment and Virginia didn’t really have a choice of what she would wear, she got some input but the E.S.O took care of most of it. The song of choice is-
Song 2 by Blur-
you all may know it as the “WOO HOO!” song, lmao. It was written as satire on pop music of the day and many of the lyrics, I feel, relate to the feeling of drugs and addiction that comes with fame. For Virginia, the grandiosity of it is also a symbol of the new power she’s coming in to despite the lack of control.
She stands in front of the mirror in her own clothes for the last time that day and takes a bump off of her coke nail, the first few strums of the guitar play and has the powder goes up her nose we break out in to-
“I got my head checked
By a jumbo jet
It wasn't easy
But nothing is
The rock guitar and drums kick back in, the elven satanic order enter the room and begin to dress her in her norse costume. The camera is cut quickly and everything happens at double speed. Only through it all, her face is still and facing forward, unchanging through it all.
“When I feel heavy metal
(Woo-hoo) And I'm pins and I'm needles
(Woo-hoo) Well, I lie and I'm easy
All of the time but I'm never sure why I need you
Pleased to meet you.”
As things come to a close and she’s finally all cleaned up and new they leave her alone once more, the-
“Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah”
-of the ending hyping her up to go out there and bind her body, soul, and being to a man she loves but is certain she’s scared of in front of a million demons.
The song is Suzy Snowflake by Rosemary Clooney, was there ever any doubt???
Now, this is after the kidnapping, transformation, her first human meal, all of it. Jack has gotten her all of her old clothes from her room, her makeup and jewelry too. She just got done putting on a fashion show for him which the audience would only see the beginning of as it very quickly descends in to…the opposite of a fashion show if you get what I mean. It’s the least she can do to thank him for making sure she can have a little bit more of her familiar life style.
The scene takes place a little later once they’ve finished and Suzy is about to sit down in front of the mirror when Jack stops her, telling her he has another special gift for her.
“I want to see you in it when I’m back doll, since your little show got cut short.”
He says he has to run so he leaves her with this big white box. She gets down on her knees and slowly begins to open it, cue music.
“Here comes Suzy Snowflake
Dressed in a snow-white gown
Tap, tap, tappin' at your windowpane
To tell you she's in town”
She opens the box and inside is a long white sweater dress, white furry heeled boots, and an expensive fur coat.
“Here comes Suzy Snowflake
Soon you will hear her say
Come out ev'ryone and play with me
I haven't long to stay”
With an almost uncharacteristic jubilation she gets up and begins to put it all on until for the first time she’s in the full “Suzy Snowflake” get up. She loves the way the fur feels on her skin, she’s missed the feeling of high heels, the coat flows out like an extravagant cape as she spins around in it.
“If you want to make a snowman
I'll help you make one, one, two, three
If you want to take a sleigh ride-“
Suzy looks at herself in the mirror, for the first time since she was turned she really takes a look at her new face. Everything feels…right. Suzy studies her hands, clawed and covered in thick frostbite. She smiles wide, her jaw unhinging and ripping her cheeks, but she does not feel pain. It’s like her body was always meant to do it. She feels more beautiful than ever.
“-Whee! The rides on me!”
She closes her eyes and begins to imagine what she can do now that she’s truly free. We flash between images of her being splashed with blood, in an almost cinematic sense like it’s being thrown on her with a bucket, images of her cutting away at something small and beneath her, images of her beginning to pull up viscera and stuffing her face with it. The song starts to repeat its I guess chorus?
“Here comes Suzy Snowflake
Look at her tumblin' down
Bringing joy to ev'ry girl and boy
Suzy's come to town.
Here comes Suzy Snowflake
Dressed in a snow-white gown
Tap, tap, tappin' at your windowpane
To tell you she's in town.”
It’s clear that some time has passed in her state of euphoria and as the song begins to fade out Jack returns. She can sense that he’s returned with her budding cryoscience and runs out to greet him. As the song slowly fades out with an instrumental peak she grabs his hand and says something to him the music drowns out, leading him out of the door.
It’s safe to assume she likes his gift and wants to take it for a spin.
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hauntedjpegcollection · 6 months
bloody nose
wc: 2877 au: camp counselor ch: benny, benji, xavier
The crying continues, even after the miraculous healing nature of the band aid. Benny smoothes it over and around the girls reddened ankle, watching big tears drip off her chin and onto her CAMP COLD HOLLOW shirt. Little droplets turn the baby blue a dark navy here and there. She sniffs bravely as Benny leans back and assesses her. More tears swell as she hooks the end of her (now properly messy) shirt up and rubs it against her face. He sighs and snaps off his gloves.
“Okay,” Benny says, tapping under Lorie’s elbow to get her attention. She sniffs even harder. She coughs on the wad of mucus that’s probably hit her straight in the back of throat. She sputters pathetically and then finally blinks wet eyes open to stare at his tattooed hand. Her eyes are shiny with the humiliated pain only a ten year old can feel. Her lip quivers, threatens even more tears.
“Tada!” Benny pops the word with enthusiasm as his other hand does a twirl next to her ear. Lorie jumps back at the sudden movement. Then her round, cherubic face lights up at the sudden reveal of a chocolate bar in his hand. Full sized, name brand, not even melted.
“For being so brave,” Benny says as he lets her shyly take it from him. There’s a moment where he feels a little squeeze around his heart as she softly tucks it to her chest, like hugging the little treat. “T-Tell your parents to s-send you in proper hiking boots.”
“Are there nuts in this?” She asks, plucking at the foil edged wrapping.
“I have every s-single one of you brats memorized,” Benny replies, tapping his temple as he shoves his chair away from the table she’d hopped up onto. He passes her back the loafer her parents stupidly thought would work for a summer camp. “I would never give y-you peanuts.” Her bashful smile continues as she slides off the table and wiggles her shoe back on. She makes for the door, but skids herself to a stop, like the rubbed raw ankle doesn’t even bother her anymore.
“Bye, Counselor Benji!” She nearly yells it, with a big, excited wave to the other man in the cabin. Benji, sitting on the medical desk across the room, lifts a hand in a friendly, lazy wave. He twirls a drum stick in his other hand idly, without much thought, a cassette player peeking out the back pocket of his jeans.
Once the kid is gone, Benny kicks the door shut.
“You’ve gotta st-stop hanging out in here.
“Didn’t realize you owned the cabin, mate.”
“S-suck my dick, Benji.”
“Got a magnifying glass ‘round?”
Benny makes a furious fisted gesture at his hip with a curling sneer of his lip while Benji rolls big, pretty brown eyes. Then Ben is pulling his pack of cigarettes from his back pocket and putting two between his teeth. As he does, he wanders closer, fishing out his zippo from the silly little lab coat he gets to wear. Pretend doctor shit, Medic Cabin privilege. A breeze rolls in from the cracked window that Benji sits near, well welcomed because of how hot and stuffy it’s becoming as summer continues on. His booted foot sits on a rolling chair, steel toe bobbing out some rhythm that only lives inside his head. Benny slaps the zippo across his thigh and lights either cigarette.
Without a word, Benji extends a hand. A cigarette gets tucked between his fingers as Benny pockets the lighter and then leans against the wall opposite his friend. They both take drags at the same time, smoke suddenly filling the little space.
“We still got seven weeks of this shit,” Benny says, picking tobacco from his tongue. He flicks it away and then stares at Benji. He’s awful about the counselor uniform; had ripped the sleeves off his the second he was given a shirt. And they’d got him a size up because—well, Benji’s not small. But that only made it fit fine around his shoulders, but short at the waist. That was the style these days, though, apparently. Benny noticed plenty of bare stomachs.
“Crazy th-that they actually added another two weeks,” Ben lies.
“And they poisoned th-the lake recently. With radioactive crocod-di-diles. Wild shit, Benji.”
“Heard that,” Benji replies in a sleepy voice, fist tucked under his chin as he stares out the window. Every once in a while, the drum stick twirls again. Benny stomps forward and shoves himself into Benji’s space—which has the reaction he’s expecting. Two firms hands at his shoulders, shoving him back. Benny puts his weight forward, turns his head so he can look out the window and see exactly what distracts Benji.
“Volleyball your thing?”
“Fuck off,” Benji snaps against, shoving harder. He’s much stronger than Benny, who tumbles back onto the rolling chair and slides all the way to the other wall again. Only, he’s grinning ear to ear in that sneaky, somewhat nasty way he smiles. Benny slumps in the chair, throwing an ankle over his thigh and tilting his head. Benji’s cheeks go ruddy, but he shamelessly turns his face to the side—peripheral to the counselors setting up the volleyball net outside.
“You have bad taste,” Benny comments after a moment of silence between the two of them. Benji takes another short pull on his cigarette. Benny starts inching his way closer on the rolling chair. He knows better than to really work himself into Benji’s space—and he doesn’t really want to. He’d only popped that personal bubble to get Benji out his own fucking head. Moody, dramatic loser. Benny feels an overwhelming affection for him.
“Xavier’s so st-straight, you could use him like a ruler.”
“That’s a big assumption, yeah?”
“That Xavier’s straight or th-that you’re absolutely staring at him right now?”
Benji’s spine curves more as he finishes the cigarette and pops the butt into a soda can that Benny has been using all week for just that. He twirls the drum stick again, taps it a few times against his thigh. His silence only slightly unnerves Ben, because usually Benji’s hard to shut up. They have that sort of back and forth, this comfortable, if not snide banter. But then again, what queer hasn’t had the disgusting and horrific guilty sensation of looking at someone they shouldn’t look at (just looking, sometimes, that’s enough, that’s more than enough, that’s the sin all along)?
Guilt prompts Benny to continue.
“I’m f-fucking with you, Benji,” he says in an exasperated tone, throwing hands into the air. “Stare at the guy all you want—he’s hot, but he’s also sort of stupid—”
“No he’s not,” Benji immediately defends, sliding off the table. His boots are heavy and loud on the wooden floor. Ben starts to raise his hands in bored defense—but then his friend’s shoulders jump. His eyes pop wider, hands curling around the windowsill as he pushes himself close to the glass. “Fuckin’ hell, that—that look like it hurt.”
“Oh great,” Ben moans, scrubbing a hand down his face. He slowly pulls himself from the chair. The leather creaks as he does. “What kid t-took a ball to the face?” He pauses briefly to make a disgusted, snickering sound. But Benji doesn’t look amused—instead he flits to an immediate panicked expression. He swivels, hands awkwardly dropped by his thighs. Benji is shorter than Benny, but he’s never felt smaller. He’s thickly defined and loud in his fashion. In that moment, he looks incredibly fucking freaked.
“He’s coming to the cabin,” Benji says.
“Xavier is—do these windows open all the way?”
“What?” Benny watches Benji start to yank at the window, to try and crack it further open. It barely budges. Benji tries again, a vein popping in his bicep as he pulls harder. His boots scrabble across the flooring somewhat.
“Man, you wouldn’t fit even if it f-fucking did?” Benny laughs hysterically.
“This isn’t funny, dickhead,” Benji seethes between clenched together teeth.
“No, this is hilarious,” Benny replies. Instead of helping, he crosses the meager medical cabin. He goes straight for the little supply closet and opens it. It’s stocked mostly full because summer only just began—stocked with both supplies and also the hidden cache of alcohol he’d gotten just for the counselors. Benji might need it sooner than later, now that Benny thinks on it.
“Have fun with that,” he says with and closes the door.
Xavier cups a hand underneath his chin as he walks. The blood from his nose is thick and syrupy, metallic on the back of his tongue. Tacky all across his skin, miserable in combination with his sweat. The middle of his face throbs, a mean hot pulse that almost stops hurting altogether. He has to blink away tears as he steps through the door to the medical cabin. Xavier’s other hand awkwardly fumbles for the knob and yanks it close.
“Ben—I took a fucking volleyball to the face. Mouse—that bitch—I know she was aiming for me—”
It’s stuffy inside the cabin. Hotter, too; the sweat in his hair is itchy and the drying blood across his face and hand makes his skin crawl. Xavier stands there, staring at Benji, who stands there as well, staring back at him. For a long moment, nothing at all seems to happen. He’s sure—well, something happens somewhere in the world. Car accidents and babies born and all that other shit, but between them there is simply Benji staring at him, covered in blood and Xavier staring at Benji—in a ridiculously fucking short version of the camp counselors shirt.
His dizzy, addled brain takes a very long time to catch up.
“Uh,” he says, intelligently.
“Looks like it hurt,” Benji replies, gesturing a hand up. His other twirls a drum stick effortlessly. He has very nice hands.
It makes Benji grin. He has a menacing sort of smile. A bit of a smirk that is a little too knowing. Xavier never seems to say the right thing in front of Benji, always finds himself losing all his sure fire confidence. Xavier is good at talking—or at least, he never seems to run out of the ability. He makes people laugh, he makes the girls around him flustered. Xavier swallows the blood in his mouth and tries smiling. It stretches the skin and makes the pain worse, but he doesn’t stop smiling.
“It’s not so bad.”
“Ben’s, uh. Think he went t’get somethin’.” Benji starts toward the desk. “Or he’s wankin’ off to car magazines. The car’s, by the way, mate, not the people in it. Real weird guy that one—I’ll get you patched alright.”
Xavier swears he hears something for a moment (a thump, maybe, or a something heavy thudding), so he looks around the cabin—but Benji is sort of magnetic. His eyes keep straying. They wander right back to him. Benji bends over to continue rifling through things. His shirt falls forward a little. The dark brown expanse of his back is briefly revealed, so Xavier immediately looks somewhere else.
“Ha,” Xavier laughs, slowly taking a seat on an old rolling chair. “Bark.”
“Wassit?” Benji asks, his own laugh soft. A bit of the meanness to his smile has faded. The sarcastic curl of his sneer has dulled. His brows are tucked in together as he holds a little red first aid kit, confused but amused at the same time.
“You said sit,” Xavier jokes. He uses the leverage of his long legs to slowly pull himself closer to where Benji stands. The astronomical height difference between them suddenly feels oddly palpable. Benji is not much taller than Xavier even when he’s sitting as he is. “I’m like a good dog, is all. Woof.”
“Real good boy,” Benji replies smoothly and it makes every cell inside Xavier’s body feel briefly alive and on fire. He doesn’t understand where that comes from, why that pulls such a reaction from him, straight from his chest. How that feels better than anything anyone else at the camp has said to him. No amount of girls toying with his hair or playing with his hands, or staring at him from under their eyelashes has made his body have that reaction.
“Tilt your head forward, though, yeah? Backward’s just gettin’ it all down your throat. I’ll clean your hand, first—s’alright if you bleed on the floor. S’what you’re supposed to do when you’re hurt.”
Xavier goes quiet then. He holds out his hand. He does as he’s told, leaning himself forward, chin tilted toward the ground. Fat drops of blood hit the wooden floor and make audible little plunking sounds. He tries to focus on that, but when he glances up, instead he gets to watch Benji use alcohol wipes to clean up his palm. The nose is always dramatic. Xavier knows that because he plays just about every sport he can get himself into—and he’s broken his nose more than once.
The blood thins out to a cherry color. Benji bites his tongue in concentration. He hums a bit. Xavier tries so hard not to comment what he’d usually do in this situation; look at how big my hand is, haha, look at yours? Jeez, that’s crazy. Wow. You should hold my hand, just to see. Xavier has that one practically fucking locked and loaded—but it’s for the girls that take his big palms and ask about his star signs and offer to tell his fortune. His mouth goes dry without the blood wetting it.
“Think it’s broken?”
“No,” Xavier replies quickly. He tilts his head back. The bloods stopped, dried mostly on his lips. He resists the urge to rub at it—secretly hopes maybe Benji will start cleaning that next. He looks ready too, but instead simply puts a finger under Xavier’s chin and leans in closer. He smells like hair product of some sort, a nice soft but masculine scent. All those insane black curls are barely held back by a claw clip, something he’s seen his sisters using before. Xavier blinks rapidly.
“I’ve broken my nose twice, so I’m, like, totally good at telling. When it’s broken, I mean. Which it isn’t—I’d know.”
“Looks like y’didn’t need Ben after all, yeah? Need me t’get—it’s in your teeth a bit, actually.”
“How would you get it out of my teeth?” Xavier asked, brows pulled in confusion. Benji stares at him. There is a pretty dark red color to his cheeks that disappears beneath his facial hair. “Oh, you didn’t mean—uh. I can—I’ll wash up. Actually—”
Xavier stands suddenly. Their too close all at once because Benji had gotten so close to help him. He stumbles around the rolling chair. Xavier hooks a thumb over his shoulder, walking backward.
“I probably could just go shower. I should—I’ll do that. The steam—helps. It’ll—help swelling? Probably reduce it.” His now clean hand finds the door knob again and he jerks at it. “Thank you! By the way. Benji.”
“All good, Xavier,” he replies.
“Would you wanna hang out, by the way?” Xavier pauses, the door to the cabin pushed open. The outside air feels just as warm, but somehow soothing against his even hotter skin. His face burns still. Bloody flakes peel off and he can only imagine how fucking insane he looks, how deeply weird he’s being. Very uncool.
“Yeah,” Benji says quickly.
“Cause I got a canoe actually—oh, nice.” Xavier laughs, taking one step down the wooden porch of the cabin. “Right. The lake’s really pretty at night. You’ll like it. You haven’t been out on it yet, have you?”
“Not yet.”
“Oh sweet, I’m your first.” He presses his hand to his forehead, eyes squeezing shut. The pain has dulled to a sweet, bothersome throb. “Your first canoe buddy, is what we tell the kids—I’ll see you, Benji. I’ll swing by the second counselor cabin later.” Then Xavier finishes his awkward exit, stumbling down from the steps and out onto the dirt path that’ll lead back up to the full campsite area.
“I’d kill myself if I were you,” Lark comments, making Xavier scream and jump. His slender, form materializes from around the cabin, bloody volleyball in his hand. “Want to send this home as a souvenir first?”
“Shut up,” Xavier snarls, snatching it from him. “I’ll tell my mom not to send us any more care packages if you say one more fucking word.” Lark doesn’t, to his credit, say anything. But he does laugh the whole way back.
Benny slowly opens the door to the supply closet. He steps out and stares at the slightly ajar door that Xavier had left. The noise of the campsite is muffled, a low rumble of kids screaming and laughing, and counselors. A little dotted trail of blood shows his exact path from inside to Benji, and then back out again.
“Don’t,” his friend says, in a low threatening tone. Benny begins fumbling for his cigarettes once more.
“I take it back.”
“Th-that guy is not straight.”
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g0ttal0ve101 · 5 months
Christmas Special
Note: GRAH ATTACK 💥 (3/4) TW: none…?
Thomas felt indifferent about Christmas. Hearing the music, seeing the decorations, receiving presents, everything just seemed dull to him. On Christmas Day, he found himself doing business as he always does, sometimes incorporating a little Christmas spirit within the missions he set people out on. For this holiday season, however, he found himself completely burnt out of ideas. All his underlings had families to attend to and he was left all alone to think about the next big project he should commit to. Killing the mayor didn’t seem too bad. Maybe eliminating a few drug dealers here and there too.
“Boss!” Max bubbled, bursting inside his office with a bright smile on his face. It appeared he was wearing a brand new coat with nicely tailored clothes and styled hair, unlike his usual donation store outfits Thomas dragged on. “I wanted to drop off your present before I go get my Christmas photos done with my brother!”
Tripping on his untied laces and collapsing onto the floor face-first, Max found himself in the same predicament he’s always in. Blood leaked from his nose as he struggled to get back up and hand him the now ripped-up box.
Thomas chuckled. “Are you saying you came to give me a present on Christmas Eve? What, are you stupid?”
“Haha, maybe! Heyyy, where’s Freddy, Charlie, and David? They’re usually in here too!”
“They’re with their families, Max.”
“Then why aren’t you with yours?”
The innocent question left a bad taste in Thomas’s mouth. With a sigh, he helped the boy off the ground and tied his shoes for him. He noticed that they were still the same old dirty ones he always wore, clashing with the rest of his nice clothes. It was almost funny to look at before he realized that Max truly thought he looked his best. That, again, left a bad taste lingering.
Max giggled and spun around. “Do you like my new coat? My big brother got it for me!”
“…Yeah, it’s nice.” Thomas mustered out the compliment, despite wanting to punch him in the stupid face more than anything right now. He couldn’t believe how naïve and innocent he really was. In a way, it almost frightened him to see. A man like that is no man at all. Max wasn’t a man.
And yet, Max was a greater person than Thomas could ever hope to be. With no power, no wealth, and no strength, he still outlived Thomas without lifting a pinkie. It made him sick to his stomach to think about.
“Thanks! C’mon, open your present now!”
“Go home, Max.”
“Huh? But you—!”
“I said go home. You’re on break, go home and hang out with your older brother. When you get back, I’ll put you on a mission that’ll make you regret bothering me.”
Max smiled with gaping teeth prominently displayed for him. “Merry Christmas, Thomas! Make sure you go home and have some fun with your family too!”
And with that, he marched out of the building and back into the arms of his older brother.
Thomas stood in silence for a while. Not because he wished the interaction would have played out differently, but because he couldn’t do anything else. If he went home, he’d have to face his father who wanted him to go visit his biological mother at the mental asylum. If he didn’t, he’d end up having to spend the night here and hope that he had enough wood to keep the furnace going. Neither of the options was adequate. So he had to think of a new option. A new place he could stay.
That’s when his grand idea struck him.
“My m-mom said I have to be home by midnight, so I have to go,” Sam explained, adding another kiss upon his girlfriend’s head on the front porch. Although she wanted him to stay overnight, he knew better than to keep his mother worrying. “I love you, Riley. I’ll see yuh…yuh…you in a few days, okay?”
With a disappointed sigh, Riley forced a smile and gave him one final hug for the night. “Okay. Goodnight, Sam. Merry Christmas…”
Riley watched as he got into his car and drove off into the snowy night, her smile completely dropping now that he was gone. She wished he could’ve stayed just a little bit longer so that she wouldn’t have to feel so lonely. Then again, she knew better than to be so selfish. Sam was finally going to visit his father after months of not seeing him, of course he wanted to get home earlier to catch his flight in the morning.
But even then…
Entering the house, she came face to face with her sister’s drunk boyfriend holding a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. Apparently he was taking a smoke break from the endless amount of sex they’ve been having nonstop since he’s arrived. She glared at him as he trudged by with his head hanging.
“Fucking creep,” Riley thought to herself with gritting teeth. “He gotta be at least ten years older than her.”
Before she reached the staircase that led up to her room, she crossed her mother’s pass. She was watching TV on the couch with curlers in her hair and an opened bottle of alcohol gripped in her hand. Riley knew better than to lock eye contact with her. Whenever she was drunk like that, it was practically a death sentence. Behind the sofa, however, sat Jack and their father hanging up a few more ornaments on the tree. From the looks of it, Riley could tell her father was at least tipsy. He tended to be happier that way.
“Rileyyy, did Sam already leave?” He hummed, holding Jack up so he could place a shiny ornament on one of the highest boughs. She nodded in response. “Awh, that’s a bummer. I was hoping he’d stay a little longer.”
“He couldn’t leave his mom alone for that long,” Riley explained briefly, “her nurse is on vacation right now and they have a flight to catch in the morning.”
“You wanna help decorate the tree?”
“Maybe after I put my pajamas on.”
Riley chuckled to herself a little. He had definitely drunk too much. Jack didn’t seem to notice, still jumping in his lap and messing with him despite his obvious intoxication. Their father didn’t seem to mind though. He simply tickled the little boy and laughed, rocking him back and forth in his arms.
It wasn’t until her mother stood from the couch that the happiness Riley once inhabited drained from her body. She kept her head down and rushed up the steps, hoping that she wouldn’t be a victim to her mother’s drunk wrath. It appeared she was too tired to go after her anyways.
Upon arrival in her bedroom, she let out a deep sigh. It just wasn’t the same without Sam being there to entertain her. At this time of night, he’d usually be hiding in the closet and watching her get ready for bed. It was cute whenever she felt his eyes on her. Even cuter when he thought she didn’t know he was there. Nevertheless, the closet was completely empty and no sign of a pretty boy wanting to keep her company.
Pulling out her favorite pair of pajamas and laying them across the bed, she prepared herself to get changed and go back downstairs to help her father out. It wasn’t until she buttoned up her fleece pajama shirt that she heard an unfamiliar sound of tapping at her window. There was absolutely no way Sam was back already to visit, right? A helpless sense of hope began building inside her as she approached the window, praying that he had changed his mind and wanted to stay even longer.
She was a little more than shocked to see Thomas instead.
“What the hell are you doing here?!” Riley snapped, opening her window so that he could hear her better.
“I’m taking a job for Santa, duh.”
Before she managed to slam the window shut on his face, he grabbed the latch and ensured it was impossible to do so. Riley took a few steps backward and pulled out her knife, aiming it toward his face. He was totally unphased by the empty threat as he crawled into her bedroom.
“I’m gonna call Sam and he’s gonna beat your ass!” Riley fumed, backing away from his limp body that laid on the floor motionless. He let out what sounded like an annoyed groan before falling back into silence. “What, you gonna kidnap me again or something?”
“I never kidnapped you, don’t remember that, you’re lying. Just as all girls do…” He huffed, standing up and dusting himself off.
“Whenever you were taking that job for Sam, yes you fucking did!”
“Ohhh! You’re talking about whenever I got you two together! Aren’t I just the best Cupid?” Thomas swooned with a ring of mischievous laughter. “Awh, are you still mad at me about thaaat? Cheer up, buttercup. I’ll give you a prize just to say sorry.”
Riley scoffed and lowered the blade, knowing that he meant no harm. “Are you high or something? You still didn’t answer why the fuck you’re here.”
Without another word, he tossed over a little box with a red bow on it. She caught it with one hand and examined it for a moment, raising her eyebrows in surprise. In her mind, she was going through every possible object that could be inside telling by the weight. Her heart raced whenever pondering the idea that he could have laced it with poison or that it could be a miniature bomb. Either way, her stomach twisted into tight knots.
“C’mon. Open it,” he coaxed her with a sly grin, plopping down on her bed as if he owned the place.
To test her theory, she approached him until she was in arm’s reach and ripped off the bow. He didn’t seem frightened that a bomb would go off, so that knocked that idea off the table. Next, she thought about the poison option before remembering that Thomas touched it with his bare hands. That was knocked off next.
Popping the lid off the box with a little to no effort, they locked eyes. For some reason, Riley noticed that his blue irises were holding just an ounce of life inside.
“…A remote?” Riley questioned, grabbing the tiny device with one hand and examining the buttons. Each and every one had a different color to display what they did.
“Yep!” He hopped off the mattress, grabbing her hands into his own. Her eyes widened. For some reason, she felt a slight tinge of heat rise to her face. “It’s a remote that controls all the explosives I have around Woodlyn! Wanna press one?”
Her heart nearly stopped. Realizing how deadly this small device truly was, she wanted him to move far from it. However, if she were to make a wrong move there, who knows what he’d be capable of doing. There was no telling what buildings or locations were wired or not. For all she knew, Sam’s apartment could possibly be blown away just from a single tap of one of these buttons.
“Thomas…” Her voice wavered a little to her dismay. She knew just how much he enjoyed hearing her upset. “Can you tell me what ignites what? Who knows. Maybe one of these buttons is for my own damn house.”
“I wouldn’t do that.”
“How would I know?”
He paused for a long while, his icy eyes drifting away from hers. Then, a sudden smile appeared on his face. “Isn’t it obvious?”
Snatching the remote from her and pressing a random button with his thumb, Thomas held it high above his head so she wouldn’t be able to stop him. Her eyes widened with fear as she realized that he could’ve easily killed someone she cared about, reaching for the remote in a pathetic attempt to seize the fire. That’s when she heard it.
Although it sounded like a gunshot from far away, she knew damn well that whatever button he just pressed blew a building up across town. That was the North side of Woodlyn — In other worlds, where all the bitchy rich bastards lived. Sam didn’t live anywhere near there. Therefore, she didn’t care who it was he just killed.
“Quit it! I’m not fucking around!”
“What? You didn’t like that bitch anyway!”
“I know how shit like this ends with you! Now stop it or I’ll fucking kill—!”
Reeling back from him silently, she released his arm and gave up on trying to grab it for a moment or two. She wasn’t sure what it was but hearing that tone in his voice made her feel little again. It was almost like a hypnotic dream.
His expression had shifted from playful into serious in a few seconds flat. Either way, it was hard to deny that he wasn’t attractive. The way he looked at her sent chills through her body.
“You’re okay. None of these buttons will hurt someone you love.” His voice sounded surreal. Riley furrowed her eyebrows and simply glared at him. He continued. “Not a single person knows of it. Not even David, Charlie, or Freddy. I made it just for you. So…keep it a secret, okay?”
She wasn’t sure what to make of his statement or why he’d trust her more than any of those who worked for him. Either way, whenever he handed her the remote back, a sense of duty was placed on her. She understood that this must be actually serious. Although, she didn’t like the idea of being involved with Thomas’s organization.
“…Alright. Whatever.”
Thomas’s smile made a reappearance as he embraced her tightly. “Awh, you’d really do that for me? You’re the best, Riley!”
All of the emotion she felt before dissolved back into a ball of irritation. “Get the fuck off me, manwhore! I don’t know where you’ve been! Seriously, get off! I don’t want diseases!”
He backed away from her with a proud grin and placed his hands on his waist. “My second present for you is…my dick! Wanna suc—?”
“If you whip that shit out, I will end your fucking life.”
“Hahahah! I’m kidding, I’m kidding! Can I stay over though?”
“Riley, have some Christmas spirit!”
“You’re right. You can sleep in Harley’s dog house. Merry Christmas!”
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teamluxx · 1 year
i was never cut out for prom queen.
a luxxcia fic
A/N; for all the queers that have been loving luxxcia recently, this ones dedicated to u
C/W; there is a short scene where someone is grabbed without consent ! just wanted to put that just in case
Balloons, a huge teddy bear, a massive sign, the whole nine yards. Written in horrible calligraphy on a dollar tree posterboard: “PROM?”
Luxx fakely smiled at the sign, mastering the art of it for years now. She was asked by a guy she didn’t even know the name of, and didn’t really care to know. He was attractive, well, not to her, but probably to everyone else. A jock type, obsessed with his looks, but not in a charming way.
She only accepted his proposal for popularity reasons, not knowing him but not caring. As long as her status was elevated.
It was only 3 days before prom, and she was worried she would have to go alone, but she was glad someone finally pulled through and asked her, even if it wasn’t someone she wanted.
“I got a prom date,” Luxx said plainly as she sat down at her usual seat in the back of the class.
“Really? Oh my gosh, Luxxie! That’s so exciting!” Marcia beamed, her head leaning on her hand as she turned to face Luxx.
Marcia was Luxx’s best friend. They’d been friends since middle school after Luxx moved to New York from New Jersey. Luxx had loved how bright and bubbly Marcia was, and she perfectly complimented her over-the-top personality. So they instantly clicked.
“It’s whatever,” Luxx responded, setting down the huge bear she had been gifted behind her seat. “Do you want this? It’s not really me,” she asked, pointing to the candies, pink flowers and the aforementioned stuffed bear.
Marcia smiled, nodding quickly. “I’d love them,” she responded, reaching out to take the chocolates off her hands. Marcia had a sweet tooth, always saying that the sugar “helped her keep her sweet personality.”
Luxx, for the 2 days left before prom, spent all her time practicing her makeup and her hair so she would look perfect when the day came. Her best friend would be going as well, so they would both get ready at her house. Luxx always spent a lot of time at Marcia’s, thinking of that more as her home than where she actually lived.
The day of, Luxx had finally picked what she was going to wear. A long, dark blue, crushed velvet dress that had a slit down her right leg and a cut out on her sides. Of course, being as smart as she was, though, she wore a large white coat to cover all the holes that the school definitely wouldn’t allow.
Marcia’s pink babydoll dress was exactly her style, a huge 60s style hair bump adorning her head with white vinyl gogo boots on her feet. She looked like she was ripped straight out of Hairspray.
Marcia was the designated driver of their friendship. Luxx gets far too angry on the road, and it was always hilarious to see Marcia have road rage.
When the girls had arrived, they were about 20 minutes late, because Luxx always had to be “fashionably late,” which actually meant she had horrible time management and was never ready when she was supposed to be.
The first hour was boring, and Luxx’s date was nowhere in sight. She had searched every inch of the gymnasium, but all hope was inevitably lost. Luxx didn’t want to spend any time with him, anyways, so it wasn’t really a fuss.
“This sucks,” Luxx yelled to Marcia over the music. “I wish I would’ve smoked a blunt before this.”
“Yeah… But hey, at least we’re here together, right…?” Marcia replied, smiling weakly.
“You’re right. We haven’t been to a dance together since middle school.”
When Luxx had finished her sentence, she felt a hand wrap around her waist as she was pulled towards someone. She instantly turned around, smacking the arm of whoever it was that had touched her and pushing them away. She looked at them, pissed expression plastered onto her face. It was her date that just decided to show up.
“What is your problem?” He asked, clearly upset by her actions. “You’re my date.”
“I might be your date, but that does not give you the right to touch me,” she retorted, pushing him back once more
Before she knew it, a cold, bright red liquid was spilt onto her front and all over her coat. She gasped, loudly screaming as she looked to see the boy smiling at her. “What is wrong with you?!” She yelled, staring up at him, enraged.
She looked at him once more, scoffing as she walked away, deciding not to fight with him. Marcia looked at him, shocked, quickly following behind Luxx, assuming they were probably heading to her car.
“This is fucking ridiculous,” Luxx huffed, taking the coat off and flipping it inside out. “The one fucking time I go somewhere where my reputation is important and someone ruins it for me. I can never have anything.” Marcia doesn’t respond, assuming Luxx just needed a moment to let her emotions out.
“And to think that I thought he wasn’t going to come. To think that I was going to be safe from shitty boys for one fucking night.”
Marcia had already unlocked the car door before Luxx made it there, practically throwing herself inside. Marcia made her way quickly towards the drivers seat. “Do you want to go back to mine…?” Marcia carefully asks, followed by a nod from Luxx, who had thrown her coat into Marcia’s backseat.
The drive to Marcia’s house is silent, only about 10 minutes away from their school. When they arrived, Luxx sifted through her purse, having a key to Marcia’s, unlocking the door without thinking as she made her way up the stairs.
Following closely behind, Marcia triple checked that her car and the front door were locked before making her way up to her room. Luxx was sat in front of Marcia’s vanity, staring at herself. Marcia tentatively sat on the edge of her bed, brows furrowed as she looked at Luxx.
“Is there just something wrong with me?” Luxx asked, breaking the silence. “Do people want to make a joke out of me? To use me because I would do anything to just fit in somewhere?”
“Luxxie…” Marcia started, getting up from her spot on the bed, standing behind her and wrapping her arms carefully around her neck. “That’s not true. You’re beautiful. And you do fit in somewhere,” she quietly assured.
Luxx looked up at Marcia in their reflection, offering her a weak and small smile, appreciating her words. “Thanks, Marsh. I just… hate that this always happens to me. I can never have anything. Something always goes wrong and people do something to me just for the fun of it. I don’t have anyone.”
“You have me,” Marcia says weakly, smiling at her in the mirror. “And you’ll always have me. Because I love and care about you and I never want anything bad to happen to you. You’re important to me. And you deserve everything good in this world.”
It takes Luxx a moment to realize that Marcia was right. She did have her. Through everything that had ever happened. Through shitty boyfriends, bad haircuts, panic attacks. And the more she thought about it, Marcia was the only person she needed. Marcia was the only person that Luxx wanted.
Luxx lets out a breath, turning her body on the chair. “Can I kiss you?” Luxx asks, seemingly out of the blue in a hurried tone. Her eyes look at Marcia’s, face plastered with worry.
Marcia’s lips curl into a small smile, nodding. “I’ve been wanting you to ask me that for years.”
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enby-ralsei · 1 year
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I posted 8,354 times in 2022
That's 1,784 more posts than 2021!
872 posts created (10%)
7,482 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,068 of my posts in 2022
#no id - 656 posts
#jrwilb - 149 posts
#jrwi spoilers - 82 posts
#lotplb - 44 posts
#real - 37 posts
#yeah - 29 posts
#jrwi - 25 posts
#bitb spoilers - 22 posts
#lmao - 19 posts
#sobs - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#called me out with the parent friend thing cuz literally yesterday after a formal i made sure my friends all had their coats with them lmao
My Top Posts in 2022:
apotheosis is really just *sex joke* *sex joke* *trauma* *sex joke* *changing fate* *sex joke* *sex joke*
200 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
Kian's style is so outrageous because he doesn't want to be recognized outside of work. He wears a suit to work, a clean low ponytail, making exchanges and dealing with finances. He wears jackets with vibrant prints, and no shirt, and tight pants, and high heeled boots outside of work, going to bars, picking up gigs.
If someone recognized him at a gay bar, his career would be over. He would have to go back to being a starving artist, and creativity can't thrive if you can't eat. So he lets his hair down, teases his bangs, puts on makeup, turns himself into the man he wants to be. And at the end of the night he washes it off, combs his hair smooth, and makes sure that the evidence can't be seen the next day in the office.
In Galloway, they can't ruin his career. They can hurt him in other ways, but he still has his living. He still has money to live off of and can still pursue his dreams. And Rand and Rolan would never care about how he looks, not in any way that matters. He's a rockstar, of course he has that same ostentatious look to him that he had in high school.
248 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
can someone please edit live slug reaction over bizly while rumi and peter were talking. cuz thats what he looked like the entire time
you asked the right person because I love making edits.
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[ID: Grizzly and Charlie deep in conversation. The bottom right hand corner has a "live bizly reaction". Bizly is smiling and seems to be in disbelief. /End ID.]
312 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
when in distress, jay tries to seek comfort. she asked chip if gillion would be alright, hoping for a yes to help her stop panicking. she lays her trust in her crew. if they let her stay after telling them she used to be a spy, then she is willing to place her trust in them.
gillion is ambivalent. he will take comfort when given, but wont search for it. he cries to the pixie and to himself. he is the hero and a hero doesnt need help, but will accept it.
chip avoids comfort. he said it himself that its all his fault. and the one at fault doesnt deserve comfort, do they. he has seen everything and did it by himself, he doesnt have a need for others (and the part of him that wants it makes him feel all the more guilty)
315 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
we should make our own stuff more. rips got commercialized. patches got commercialized. raw seams got commercialized. bleached garments got commercialized. those are OURS. we make them ourself!
cut up your old jeans, make patches for your comfort hoodie, make an old nightshirt with stains on it into a croptop, take that shirt thats too small but meaningful and make it into a tote bag.
take this post as a call to action if you've wanted to customize your clothes but didnt have the motivation. theres a lot of pride that resides in clothes that you've tailored to what you want them to look like.
337 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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jayne-hecate-writer · 2 years
Motorcycles and Lego... again
Today I took my motorbike out of the garage and washed the dust and cobwebs from the machine for the first time this year.
Once she was clean, I applied a coat of wax and waited for it to dry before I buffed the paintwork until it gleamed in the sun to a level that was frankly disgusting. I used colour restorer on the fairing inner to give it back a nice deep gloss black and even cleaned the foot pegs. When I was finished, she barely looked like a nineteen year old, soon to be classic motorcycle. I don't know what has happened to the time, but it hardly feels like any time has passed since I bought my bike and started modifying her to fit my damaged frame. Now she is a nineteen year old relic of the petrol age, an age that is all too easily coming to an end for people in my financial bracket. The chances of my affording a new electric motorcycle are on the never happening side of slim and to be honest, despite my knowing that internal combustion engines are filthy, smelly things, I am rather fond of this one in particular. As I type this, petrol is rapidly rising in price, to almost two pounds per litre and I am conflicted. I want to ride my bike, but fuel is expensive. Yet, environmentally, can I justify using petrol as a resource to burn just for fun? The human addiction to hydrocarbons has created a cruel and unfair world, with the disparity in wealth and the political power of some, far outstripping the majority of every one else. So alas, I put my motorcycle away and retired to my office and my Lego...
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Lego Technic motorcycles had developed over the last few years from basic motocrossers with odd engine choices, to sports bike that are carefully designed rip offs of real world machines. I started with Lego again following an accident at work that left me a damaged shoulder and back. To make up for not being able to ride my bike, my wonderful wife purchased the Lego set 42007 for me to build. This was a strange motocrosser style with a transverse v-Twin engine, in a similar vein to the old Honda CX500. The exhaust and the drive chain were on the same side and the tyres were a pair of cute knobbly things that were the same size, front and rear. I built this model up and was entertained for a couple of hours, until I took it all apart again and built the B-model variant, a strange moto-speedway bike that did have the right sort of engine.
The Lego bug bit hard and I quickly found myself on line, buying up sets 8291 – the green motocrosser and 9392 – the quad bike. All of these machines were roughly the same scale and came with the usual Lego strangeness, such as odd engine choices or funny axles. The green motocrosser came with a flat twin engine, reminiscent of the BMW boxer twin (or Dnepr or Ural engines from the former Soviet Union for you motorcycle nerds), which seemed somewhat out of place on a what was supposed to be a small lightweight crosser. As you can imagine, my being a motorcycle nerd had no impact on my Lego whatsoever and I quickly set about building the bikes with single or parallel twin engines to make them look more authentic, somewhat like the KTM that I imagine the new of those sets was meant to look like.
The more I delved in to the world of Lego motorcycles, the more intrigued I became, right up until I found set number 8051 (of which I have currently found an unopened box set on Amazon, for £405! Fuck me...), entitled simply 'motorcycle'. Now I can well imagine that the designer of this set might have got themselves into a little bit of trouble because if you look closely at this machine, you can see that it is pretty much a modern Triumph Street triple. Maybe Lego and Triumph worked together to produce the set, but if that was the case, the box would be branded with the Triumph mark and as far as I can tell, this is not the case.
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The bike is very pretty and probably one of, if not the best looking motorcycle that Lego has ever released, including the Creator Harley set that was just a Lego model of the usual Harley Pig Iron clunker from a hundred years ago! (Yes, that was a mean dig at Harley, one of the most well known brands of motorcycle in the world.) Mind you, the 8051 B-model is a clone of a Harley and it actually looks quite good, if you ignore the double crank shaft needed to make the 70 degree v-twin engine work right. Once built up, the Street triple A-model looks mean, with the bug eye lights poking out from under the front fairing. The clever use of angled lift arms gives the engine to look of the original and by using long con-rods, the engine is suitably tall and works very well. There is no gear box, but the drive chain does run inside the swingarm and the suspension works very well. In all, this is one hell of a display piece and with the casual changes of a couple of bits, you have the factory Streetfighter look of the original bike.
There were a couple of other Lego motorcycles that came after all of these and they were pretty ordinary. A blue coloured one had an engine layout that was remarkably similar in design to the fabled Honda VFR and the fairing that Lego built around it looked like it had come from a track bike, it did look cool, but there was something not quite right. It was easy to build and it looked OK when done, but it did not come close to the Street triple in terms of realism or design. Things got strange when Lego released a special 40th anniversary of Technic, BMW R 1200 GS Adventure model.
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This model came in black and blue and generally had the shapes and designs that called back to the original bike and the front suspension was absolute genius, utilising a pair of headstock mounted swing arms to make the front end look like the telelever of the BMW bike. The engine however looked pants, with the narrow Lego flat twin made to look like the colossal BMW unit by building it outwards with a couple of special pieces. The singled sided gear driven swingarm was remarkably rigid and transferred motive power to the little piston engine beautifully, but suspension had to be limited, maybe to stop the universal joint used on the swing arm pivot from bending beyond a usable angle. The pannier boxes looked great and the asymmetrical light clusters was fairly authentic. The big knobbly tyres from the 42007 motocrosser fitted perfectly into this model and the whole bike was only a little larger than the Street Triple, well within the scale of the bikes themselves. Parked together, these bikes looked amazing, but the original 8051 was still the prettier bike.
The quad bike has been a staple of Lego Technic for several years now and it too has had various iterations over the years. I purchased the 2013version, but the previous model had a couple of specialist pieces that would have made the model less versatile. My 9392 version came with independent front suspension and a chain driven, solid rear axle mounted on a swinging arm. It was a lovely little model, but it just looked incomplete, having no rear lights or exhaust for the little single thumper. The obvious solution is as always to take these base models and just improve them, but after a while it starts to become a case of asking the question of how much value does the set have? Given the price of the set at the time, it was a great little kit and it looked great on my display shelf... Until the bug bit hard and I dismantled ever set I had and turned them into the many and various MOCs that I still play with to this day as a nearly fifty year old woman with creaky joints and fading eyesight!
Recently Lego released a new Quad-a-like set, 42139 All-Terrain Vehicle. This is a six wheeled forestry vehicle and proves yet again that Lego hate trees when the cargo deck comes complete with a chainsaw and some chopped up logs.
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They are not being subtle about these things. Over the years, Technic sets have included multi-wheeled logging machines, log loaders, log haulers and now now this little horror of tree murdering splendour. The colours chosen for this model are a rather bland orange, white and black, but again with a little fiddling around in the parts box, you can bash together the kit with far prettier parts. For my version I used lime green, dark green, red and black, just try and make the thing look more fun. The suspension on the bike is fairly ordinary, being a rocking beam that allows the wheels to move up and down, but does not actually provide any shock absorption. The cargo bed is hand activated and the little front winch has a clever ratchet mechanism on it to make it unwind easily, but strong enough to pull a heavy load. The model is very dense in structure and even comes complete with a beautiful and clever little gear box, changing the speed of the flat twin piston engine as it moves along the carpet. There is not a lot to dislike with this model, but at the end of the build phase, I was still left with the slightly unfinished looking parts that was only remedied by dipping into my parts bin. Also, the wheels that this set came with a lovely, but to my mind they just do not work on this model. It needed big balloon tyres and I had just the set in mind, those from set number 8446 – Crane Truck. This was a strange Sci-fi looking six wheeled truck that had a crane on the back and four steering front wheels. The wheels from this model looked perfect on the All-Terrain Vehicle from the tree murdering division of Lego.
So why am I talking about all of this nonsense? Recently Lego unveiled a Technic motorcycle set that is by all reports astounding, the price alone is enough to put off all but the most ardent of Lego fans. The new Lego set is a model of the beautiful looking BMW M1000RR, itself an incredible bike, being a one litre sports bike of immense lineage. The power and speed figures are frightening to the average road rider, but a track speed of around two hundred miles per hour is promised, while producing one hundred and fifty six KW of power (212BHP for us old farts). I can well imagine that with my sort of bumbling throttle hand, this bike would snap my head off of my neck. But I am not talking about the real thing, I am talking about the Lego version and to be fair it is a pretty model, but for me, it is going to stay just that. I think the chances of me splashing out nearly £200 for a Lego motorbike (when I have a real motorbike in the garage that could easily drink £200 worth of fuel in a day with current prices!), are pretty slim. I am sure that the engine and gear box it comes with are excellent. I am sure that the specialist wheels it comes with and the cool looking tyres are very good. But they are bigger than the ones I have on my Lego models and frankly, after the disappointment of the Lego version of the beautiful Ducati Panigale V4R, I am not sure that I want to be burned like that again.
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The Ducati was a lovely bike to dream of in my early biking life. The 916 was a vision of Italian beauty in two wheeled form, especially in the deep red that Ducati are famous for. Films like the Matrix which also happened to use these bikes no doubt helped the bike achieve this legendary status and loads of Streetfighter builders in the late 90s early 00s would source copies of the 916 tail piece for their own creations because it was so glorious. So when Lego announced that they were going to release a branded Ducati set, I was very excited. When the set came out, it was just over fifty pounds and I spent the money, knowing that this was an awful lot for a Lego motorcycle. When the set came, the box was very pretty, the photos of the real motorcycle on the back of the box were beautiful and despite jokes about Italian engineering that seem prevalent in the motoring world, Ducati really do know how to bolt a bike together in a way that just exudes a feral beauty. The Lego set came with a two speed gear box, working from a gear lever in the correct place. The engine was a small V4, located beneath the hump that should be a fuel tank and the wheels came with a wide rear tyre and disk rotors. However the screen on the front was abysmal and supplied paddock stand was so badly designed that the rear wheel does not fit into it. Once the wheel has been squeezed in, the bike promptly falls over. The front forks are an inverted design with gold uppers and grey lowers. There are no external springs visible and they feel firm enough to make the bike a bit more fun. But, as you can no doubt feel, there is a big but coming here. The whole front end of the bike looks unfinished and awful. There are no brake callipers, no front guard, no hand controls and the bar ends look uglier than a hill-billy cross-bred goat! The disappointment I felt as time went on resulted in the bike being stripped down and the parts being put into my general Lego sets. Fifty quid poorer and a little disappointed, I went back to building trucks.
However, as is always the way with these things, a little thought and reflection leads to minor modifications and improvements. There is little if anything I can do about the lack of front guard on the Panigale V4R and I have no idea how I can attach front brake callipers. The front screen is beyond ugly and I have tried several different ways of trying to improve it, but nothing comes close to my mind. So that leaves me with the handle bar and here I was able to add tiny switch gear, grips and even tiny silver bar weights. The result is that the bike still looks unfinished, but at least the handlebar is prettier. The addition of six tiny pieces was all it took to make the improvements to the bar. Sadly, I don't think that we will see another Ducati in the Technic range again and this is probably for the best. Some things are just too beautiful to build in Lego and that includes the Ducati and before you even think of suggesting it, my precious Suzuki.
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gaypirate420 · 2 years
Shining armor// Harry hook
Harry hook x male!knight!reader
This doesn't follow canon.
The first draft for this got erased and I cried hard so I'm sorry if it feels weak this time.
Tw: death, PTSD, depression, nightmares, Harry having very bad anger issues, blood.
This is like enemies to lovers kinda shit.
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So, Mal got back into the isle.
Ben, you and the other VK's got also into the isle to get her back, you and the king hot kidnapped by pirates.
"How does it feel to be king now huh?" Harry, son of Captain Hook was teasing the now king Ben, you were sure that the pirate was insane, completely out of his mind, he got bored of the royal and quickly and got to you.
"Ye are a pretty boy" he said getting closer to you, you ignored him.
"Now who will save the knight in shining armor? Owww" he mocked, you weren't wearing an armor really, he grabbed your chin with his hand, the feeling of his leather glove making your face itch.
"Look at him, Gilly, isn't he pretty?" He moved your head to face his friend.
"Y-yes" the blonde pirate didn't seem so confident.
"(y/n)?" Ben called you, Harry rolled his eyes.
"Are you hurt?" Ben asks with worry.
"No, Are you?" Your tone was calm, you got experience in this, you didn't wanted Ben more nervous then he already was.
"Oh, he talks!" says Harry with excitement.
"Yes, and I'm talking to Ben so shut up" you said, Harry groaned and passed his hook through your neck, Uma called him out and the pirate inmediatly stopped.
Harry keep messing with you for a while and you keep making your commentaries about him and his style.
"I could hurt ye" he said finally done with your humor.
"Yeah, but you wouldn't do it" you looked at him, his blue eyes filled with anger, he once again put his hook on your neck.
"Why I wouldn't, luv?" He asked with a laugh that sent shivers down the king's spine, Ben was nervous for your answer, he swore you were suicidal because you have purposely insult your enemies and get badly injured by that in passes ocations.
You could tell Harry the truth, that if he hurts you, Uma would call him out, but you decided to have some fun.
"Because you are in love with me" you said confident, Harry laughed, Uma looked at the scene and seriously thought, Harry was indeed very interested in you, you weren't really needed on the ship but he insisted in having you when he captured Ben.
"You are so in love with me, that you have been here for like half an hour, just whispering things, and calling me pet names and telling me how much of a pretty boy I am, just and inch or two away from my lips, I think you are smitten" you said, Harry groaned and lifted his hook.
"HARRY!" Uma shouted, Harry took a step back and breathe heavy, he pointed his hook at you.
"It feels pretty kinky too" you smirked, Harry growled and with all his anger buried his hook on the mast behind you, just and inch away from your shoulder, your shirt was a little loose so he saw the deep scar in said shoulder.
"Uh, better practice mate, you missed" you mocked and he got his hook out, he passes the hook through your scar and you suddenly felt an actual shiver.
"I'm going to fucking rip off your arm" he said with a laugh, Uma slammed the wood with her food and grabbed Harry by his coat, she dragged him away from you.
"Can you please not do that again?" Ben asked nervous, your eyes were looking at nothing, completely disoriented.
Hours passed by and the night finally came, Ben fell sleep and you stayed awake, you were going to be alert, the VK's came until the next day at noon, Harry was still on the ship, he inspected his sides and got closer to you.
"What do you want now?" You asked annoyed, he gaves you a devilish smirk and once again pressed his hook against your neck.
"Don't you have another thing to threaten people with, like a pocket knive?" You asked annoyed from his repetitive threat.
"Ye really don't have fear of dying, have ye?" Harry asked with a lower voice.
"I'm a knight, the fear of dying gets taken away with the time" you answered with honesty.
"Ye better pray that yer friends get back for ye, cuz I have plenty ideas on what to do with ye when Uma gets tired of waiting" he said.
"Do it now if you want" Harry got taken back by your tone, you were like a completely different person.
"Malsie and her gang aren't my friends Ben as a king grabbed his knight, if you kill me or not, they won't care, I'm a knight besides the king, who is more worthy of being rescue? The crown or the ones who's job is to take the bullet for the crown?" You said bitter, Harry stayed silent.
"Not even my family would care, if I die here or on China, nobody would, the kingdom would fake mourn and then forget my name like they have forgotten many others" Harry looked at you with worry but left you without a word.
He came back with a plate of food.
"Uma told me to feed ya, too bad King Benny can't stay awake past ten" says Harry with a laugh at the end he passed you the plate.
"Boy, I'm tied up how am I supposed to eat?" You said looking at him, Harry giggled and with a swim on his sword the ropes were cut, you immediately fell into the ground, you were so tired, Harry sat down and passed you the food.
"Now, if ye do something, ye shark food" the pirate said, he didn't sound threatening at all, he just sounded like he didn't want to lower his pirate persona, the two stayed in silent for a while, he didn't look angry anymore, what ever Uma told him after she dragged him definitely work.
"You know" you broke the silence.
"Oddly enough this isn't the first time I get kidnapped by pirates" you said, Harry looked at you with curiosity, Ben woke up.
"I was on a ship with a queen, we were making sure it didn't get attacked, it did, I kick their asses and got back to the queen's ship" you said proudly andHarry giggle.
"And what did I got? Not even a thanks from the queen" you said angry.
"they don't care about anyone who isn't their precious royalty" Harry said, you hummed in agreement, he grabbed your empty plate and left, you could scape, but for what? The king was waiting for you to grab your sword, but you were spacing out in your own thoughts, Harry took his time to get back.
"Why are ye crying, luv?" Harry's voice was heard it was soft, he got down and looked at you, you didn't know why you were crying, you just shake your head and got back into reality.
"Now be grateful that the captain thinks ye are trust worthy, ye will sleep on a bed tonight" He offered you his hand, you took it and he helped you to get up, he guided you to one of the quarters, it was his room, you were going to sleep on the room of the dude that said he was going to rip off your arm!.
"Ye will sleep on the bed, and I will on the hammock, unless ye want some company" he said with a smirk, the angry pirate of hours ago was gone, he was more kind and playful, you rolled your eyes but a smile and took off your coat and harnesses, you got into the bed, Harry was making some noise because he still had work to do, but you quickly feel asleep.
"rookie! On the front now, grab your sword fast" a man shouted at you, the enemy was getting closer to the entrance of the castle.
"they are a little rough, huh?" Your mentor and friend, Mary, says, she is a strong woman, she is always confident.
"Not as rough as us" you said making up some confidence, she nods at you and grabbed her bow, she started to shot arrows, she was protecting you and the other new knights.
You were watching her when an enemy get to close and hits you, you quickly stab him but you fell, she helps you to stand when suddenly an arrow hits her leg, then another on the chest, she falls, and you inmediatly get closer to her.
"No, Mary, please don't leave me" you cried.
"Put me over there, kiddo, I want to see you win for me" she says, you obey and you drag her to the side.
"See ya on the other side" she says with a smile, you left her and grabbed her bow.
The enemy passed the entrance, you and your sword were one, when you felt a pain on your shoulder and everything went black.
You woke up with a gasp, you forehead sweaty and your chest hurting.
"MaryMaryMary" you whispered, Harry woke up inmediatly and grabbed his hook out of instinct, he realized it was you and he carefully got closer to you.
"I'msorrysorrysorry" your hands hit your head repeatly, Harry saw that and quickly grabbed them.
"(y/n)" he called for you softly
"It was my fault" you whispered with your eyes wide and your sight on nothing, he sigh and keep holding your hands, you calmed down a bit and separate your hands from his.
"Are you ok?" He asks softly, you got weird out, he sounds actually worried, you didn't answer, you put your hands on your face.
"A nightmare huh?, It's okay, I won't judge ye" he said with a warm smile, you looked at him .
"Y-yes, It was about a friend I-I-I" you sobbed, Harry grabs your hand.
"Shhhh it's okay, ye don't have to talk about it" he said.
He help you to get through it, he explained how he also has nightmares all the time, the conversation quickly change to a more chill one, he was actually pretty nice and had his charm, you suddenly yawned and he giggled.
"If ye want, I can sleep with ye, it's what helps me" Harry offered, you accepted and he got into the bed with you.
"I'm sorry" he said.
"About what?"
"I almost bury me hook on yet neck, I- don't know why but I explode like tha' sometimes, me da' is the same way and Idunno how to stop it" The sincerely on his voice convinced you.
"You need therapy for that, but I'm guessing this place doesn't have that" you looked at him.
"But the change is also on you, Harry" you said and closed your eyes, Harry sighed.
Harry woke up and looked at his clock.
He realized that you were hugging him with an iron grip, he didn't wanted to wake you so he did his best to get out of bed.
He got on deck and Uma was with the King.
"where is your boy, Harry?" She asked him, Ben looked at him with a angry expression, Harry smirked.
"Sleep on me bed" he said, Uma smirked, she knew you weren't going to be a problem, probably even an ally, Uma looked at Ben.
"Got something to say?" She asked him.
"I don't know what you told to (y/n), but he will came to his senses" the king spoke, Uma rolled her eyes and left him, she got into Harry's quarter.
"Wake up, pretty face" she said, you groaned and opened your eyes.
"tell me" she got closer to you.
"Who are you going to choose?"
"Don't play dumb, you are clearly confused about with side you should play for" She was very intelligent, you looked at her, she was right, Ben would get rescue and the isle will be forgotten again and you will be send to another mission just like that.
"Now, if you choose me, you will have a different life a way better one, everyone will know us, and we can make justice" her words were tentative.
"If you choose them..."
"I will be left a side and be a pig send to the slaughter" you said low.
"You got until noon to decide, boy" she said and left, Harry enter with your breakfast.
Noon finally came and you didn't know what to do.
You saw Mal and her group came, you sighed, what if Uma plans fail? You will stuck in here.
When Uma takes the wand and it's face a battle was unleashed, you grabbed your sword and looked at Harry, he was very busy with Jay.
"(y/n)? We have to go!" Ben shouts for you, you decided to go when you heard a splash, Harry jumped into the water, you attacked Ben and run to the corner to try and spot Harry, you couldn't so you stand up, this was the time to choose, you decided to follow Mal, but when Uma got distracted Mal looked at you and pushed the bridge, they left you, only Ben was the one who was worried, they left you.
Uma groaned and she go away, Harry was all wet and he looks at you.
"Are you alright, Harry?" You asked him, he nods.
"Wha' about ye, luv? Yer friends left ye" He said.
"They've never been my friends, I was right, they only came for Ben" you said angry, you grabbed Harry and got him inside to help him dry himself.
The night came and you were in the chip shop with the crew watching the cotillion.
"I had an amazing outfit for that shit" you said grabbing some chips for Gil's plate.
Harry was very anxious and you could see it.
"What is it, Harry?" You asked him.
"I just don't want Uma to get hurt" he said with honesty.
"She's pretty strong, she will be ok" you said with a smile, he smirked and grabs you by your waist.
The crew was waiting patiently, they celebrate, it all looked to be in their favor, but something happens and Uma runs away after fighting with Mal, Harry groaned.
"EVERYONE GET OUT OR ILL KILL YA" Harry shouted, Gil and you didn't obey.
"Harry calm down" Gil said getting closer to his friend.
"No! Uma is out there, what if- what if she's hurt!"
"And you being angry won't help her" you said, Harry looks at you.
"So chill out, and we'll try to do our best to know where is she ok?" You said, Gil and Harry nod, you got closer to Harry, his eyes with tears.
"Now let's go to the ship" you said.
You and Harry are going to have a time, is it going to be good or bad?.
A/N: heeeeey, this part 1!!!! Please reblog so i know you like it and want the next part.
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rere-the-writer · 3 years
idk if you accept requests but I would love some poly!mikaelson with a banshee!reader pretty please 🥺✋
Yes. Let's do this boys
Warning: Fluff, death, protective Mikaelsons
You shivered walking though the bayou letting out small puffs of warm air which bothered you because you were sure it was the middle of August. It was unnaturally cold as you walked noticing you were bare footed Elijah wouldn't like that your feet were bleeding as you walked around in a short nightgown that stopped mid thigh.
You shivered again feeling a cold breeze blow over you making you wish you were curled up again Klaus. Whispers reached your ears as it felt like hands were guided you though the bayou.
You stopped seeing a body mangled to a mess as blood was everywhere when suddenly you saw your lovers laying around you each dead bleeding from their throats. You looked seeing Esther standing there looking at you with hybrids behind her.
"My children need to be cleansed. But you are in the way." The witch said as you noticed you couldn't move seeing a blood sigil of the siblings blood was keeping you there. Esther pulled out a gold coated iron knife stabbing you with it.
You woke with a gasp seeing that you were in the bayou and there was a mangled bloody body in front of you. The urge to let out a scream raised in you as you looked up at the night sky letting out a loud scream that surely woke every supernatural creature in New Orleans.
"The bloody hell is that!?" Rebekah shouted waking up looking at her clock seeing it was 3 am in the morning and got up. Elijah woke up from the scream also and noticed you weren't by his side and put two and two together.
"Y/N is gone. That must be her." Elijah said stepping out of his bedroom as Rebekah nodded getting dress. Both Originals went out to find you since Kol and Klaus was out of town off in Mystic Falls.
Another scream ripped though the air as Elijah and Rebekah followed it out into the bayou. You fell to your knees tired as tears rolled down your face and you would have fell back if Rebekah hadn't caught you.
"Beka?" You rasped out voice raw from screaming as Elijah walked over to the body frowning at the bloody mess. Both were worried as you had brought an ominous omen in awhile.
"Sweetheart are you okay? Oh Elijah she is freezing." Rebekah said looking up at Elijah who frowned pulling off his suit jacket placing it on you. A twig snapped alerting both Elijah and Rebekah both ready to attack but saw it was Hayley and Jackson.
"Elijah.....Rebekah." Hayley said looking at the Originals and you then to the body. It had been a long while since Hayley saw them as things had ended roughly for Hayley and Elijah.
"Care to tell me why there is a hybrid, Hayley?" Elijah asked knowing it wasn't Klaus's so that left Hayley who had Hope. Jackson stood protectively in front of Hayley glaring at Elijah not liking how the vampire was accusing his wife of something.
"Why do you have a banshee? They bring nothing but trouble." Jackson said making Elijah growled deeply as Rebekah held you protectively growling also.
"E...E...Esther......hybrid.....death." You rasped out getting their attention before passing out in Rebekah's arms feeling so tired.
"Esther is back?" Hayley asked looking at Elijah watching him pick you up bridal style as Rebekah brushed your hair from your face frowning.
"Not that we were aware of. Elijah, she has a fever."
"This is a first....even for her." Elijah muttered worried as your breathing was shallow. Hayley stepped out from behind Jackson arms crossed looking at the vampires.
"Answers Elijah."
"Come to the Abattoir and we'll answer whatever questions."
Klaus and Kol jumped up hearing Elijah and Rebekah walking in worry flood them seeing you in Elijah's arms.
"What happened?"
"She had a vision. Found her in the bayou with a dead hybrid." Elijah said placing you on the couch as Rebekah gotten you a blanket and putting a cool clothe on your forehead.
"A hybrid?"
"Yes also it appears our mother is back." Elijah says as Hayley made her way in with Jackson seeing the Mikaelsons fuss over you.
"You promised answers." Hayley said staring as Rebekah rolled her eyes before focusing back on you. Elijah reached down gently rubbing your cheek smiling softly when you leaned into his hand.
"Y/N is our lover....Rebekah had saved her from a group of vampires and it just happened naturally." Elijah says looking at Hayley.
"So the dead hybrid and her screaming?"
"She is a banshee, they are harbors of death. She saw our mother which has something to do with the hybrid."
"Someone is going to die?" Hayley said uncrossing her arms worried for Elijah as you woke.
"Eli.....it was you and...others I saw." You panted out getting your lovers attention. Klaus helped you sit up as Kol went to get you water.
"Can you tell us what happen love?" Klaus asked as Rebekah sat next to you wrapping you up in the blanket.
"I was walking in bayou...." You said as Elijah knelt in front of you checking your feet before getting a medkit and Kol gave you the glass of water as you drank it.
"I saw the hybrid then your bodies and I was trapped like I couldn't move....I saw Esther with hybrids, she said something of cleansing you then she stabbed me."
"So what does that mean?" Hayley asked with a raised an eyebrow as Elijah was wrapping your feet in bandages while Klaus stood smirking.
"We find Esther and kill her once again. If the hybrids get in the way we kill them too."
"Mother would likely come for our little rabbit." Kol says watching Klaus while you leaning into Rebekah as she held you.
"We can have Davina and Freya put protection spells on the Abattoir."
For the next month you were worrying over your lovers as they were hunting down Esther. It was a cold night as you slept and Rebekah had slipped into your bed.
"You're home." You muttered sleepy nuzzling closer to her as Rebekah smiled kissing you gently.
"We all are home. Have you been well?"
"Yes....no more visions for now." You say fighting to stay awake but Rebekah cooed softly having you fall asleep again. You woke three hours later feeling Elijah pressed up against your back and Kol nuzzling your abdomen.
"You alright love?" Klaus asked softly making you look up seeing Klaus sitting on the bed behind Rebekah reading.
"Yes. Is she...."
"Dead? Yes, no need to worry about Esther any more love." Klaus says reaching over rubbing your cheek when you felt Elijah move.
"Sleep baby." Elijah said his voice husky in your ear kissing your shoulder. You all settled falling asleep enjoying the quiet peaceful night finally.
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