jaxonham · 3 years
As the villain pulled you from the rubble you glared at him as he removed your mask. His smirk dropped when he saw your face as he said: “Wait, Dan from Pizza Hut? YOU are the one who I’ve been trying to kill for all these years!?”
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jaxonham · 3 years
You have just been abducted by an alien race, only to discover that they only kidnapped you because they needed someone outside of their hive mind to be the dungeon master for their game of D&D.
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jaxonham · 3 years
Adrenaline is an evolutionary trait specific to Earth. When alien species are tired they sleep and not even a threat to their life will wake them. Which is why the pirates that boarded your spaceship are shocked to find you’ve not only jumped out of bed fully alert but are fighting back!
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jaxonham · 3 years
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Jimmy Woo, FBI agent and certified magician.
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jaxonham · 3 years
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Atlantis: The Lost Empire 2001, dir. Gary Trousdale, Kirk Wise
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jaxonham · 4 years
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im here just dreaming about todoroki flying like superman with his fire
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jaxonham · 4 years
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jaxonham · 4 years
Matthew Mercer on  Worldbuilding Cities
“If you’re just building in a void, if you’re just like, I’m going to build a world,I don’t have a story attached to it, I don’t have players (characters) attached to it,I’m just building a world, then it can be very overwhelming to think of the large scale of things.Some people do better creating the cosmic end of it first: let me create the pantheon and the gods and the creation myth, and then from there I can work down. To me that’s very overwhelming for a lot of people. 
“It’s much better to start small, like I want to make a mining town. And say, this town makes a lot of money off its mining apparently, so there’s mines, a lot of mines nearby. A lot of people here probably work in s ome form of mining or are selling supplies and tools. So I’ll make some supply and general stores that work in that avenue. People live here, so they have to have a means of eating, so there’ll be some farms. So you start building out the very, very gentle kind of ecology of how that city will work. 
“And then you start seeing what different factions in there might work. If there’s miners, they have probably some sort of union or a guild that runs them. And they probably have competitive elements inside there. And if there is commerce, of course, there are probably going to be some people that work to feed from that commerce, to try and make a living without putting in the effort, or they couldn’t get a job, so they’re trying to do what they can to survive. Maybe they’re organised as well.
“And when you have that structure, you can start working on personalities. And so you work on, who are the heads of these guilds? Who are the major players in the politics of this city? Who are the people that would be the most likely for  the players (characters) to encounter to be positive quest givers, or to draw them into the narrative of what kind of conflicts you’ve created in this town, and what individuals might be the antagonists? What powers outside of the people and the political structure are threats to the lives of those that live there? And how does that tie into the mines? 
“And so it’s starting with the small structure and then just start rationalising how it would work together, filling in the gaps of what’s missing to make it feel like it’s living and breathing. And from there, decide where the conflict would arise. And then you have a town!
“And once you have that town done, you make another. And what’s in between that journey from town to town? You have a trip there. Are there hills where bandits live? Is there an area where  a bunch of owlbears have been roosting and the last season they had a lot of kids or whatever, and now there’s an owlbear overgrowth where they’re attacking people left and right. And then you just expand and expand. 
“That’s all I think about these days, guys. It’s a problem.” 
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jaxonham · 4 years
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500 hands in 5 days 💀 ! feel free to use them for reference ❤️
> 500hands challenge  
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jaxonham · 4 years
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Some expression notes ! 💖 | Instagram
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jaxonham · 4 years
i 👏 cannot 👏 stress 👏 this 👏 enough: momo has so much potential and can be one of the strongest heroes. her battles could end so much sooner if she whips out a sword, nun chucks, or a friggin’ gun. she’s made cannons before so it’s possible.
enemy: isn’t it embarrassing that i managed to capture one of the most profound heroes?? look at you, all helpless and you can’t do anything about it! are you ready to feel my wrath? i’ve been waiting for this moment forever, and i will enjoy every bit! i will slowly torture you, you pathetic hero! and no one here can stop me! muahahaha! >:)
momo: whips out a glock 17* teehee, that’s cute :)
edit: momo from BNHA/MHA btw. sorry for the confusion lol 😅
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jaxonham · 4 years
victor frankenstein, sweaty and sickly: please fuck off. please fuck off. please fuck off.
his reanimated corpse son:
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jaxonham · 4 years
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Fire Spell Assets
My latest asset pack is a collection of (fire) spell templates for 5e sized for Roll20. If you have fireball or a breath weapon, this one’s for you!
Downloads here: https://2minutetabletop.com/fire-5e-spell-templates/
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jaxonham · 4 years
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This is Woods. He’s here to help with the dishes. Specifically the pre-rinse, where he licks every item he can. 12/10
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jaxonham · 4 years
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#IsBruceWayneBatman: a social media au | Part I
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jaxonham · 4 years
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Redesign of Hawks hero outfit based on the Black-and-White Eagle-Hawk 🦅
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jaxonham · 4 years
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