#She hates Spamton for being an open bastard and heavily dislikes Jevil for his disruptive chaos (selfishness)
ariadnesweb · 11 months
Secret Boss Idea: 'Rose'
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-Invisible Sound designer of Mike Rook Tower, worshipper of the 'Light'.
-Not to be seen or understood: Lacks even a corporeal form to interact with Darkners.
-Can be heard; but cannot speak - makes harmonies, not words.
-A hypnotizing idol - despite the lack of body, or 'self', it is impossible for most darkners to listen to her sound without falling to her will; if she wants you to dance, you'll dance; if she wants you to fight, you'll fight; if she wants you to freeze, you'll freeze.
-Takes pity upon the old flowers gifted by Asgore to Toriel - much like her, these too can no longer meet their purpose to maintain the sanctity of the Dreemurr family. Instead, they've been doomed to rot away and disappear, piled like trash in the gutter.
-But she can save them, you see - she can use the power of her will to turn the spotlight on them, give them a taste of the pure joy that is purpose and success: they are the star of the show now, growing beautiful, fruitful, and aromatic for the young Dreemurr kid and their friends.
-(She functionally traps Kris & co. in a room until they play her garden simulator, and finish preparing the garden. The plants in the garden are just plants - they are alive (like plants), but lack sapience the way Mike, Tenna, Lancer, or even Rudinn & Werewires have.)
-(Once you leave the room, you can continue straight ahead and finish your adventure - or....)
-(You can return towards the end of chapter 3 - if you wanted to see your gardening handiwork one last time, you can return to do so, but the garden is...)
-Overgrown. Rose's music has the power to maintain and keep flower's growing - but dedicated as she is to her single task, she has no ability to judge when she (and the plants) should rest. The plot of land that gated in various bushes and vines, had now been engulfed by a jungle of fruits, pencils, and miscellaneous weapons for the Squad.
-(Not that any of them are useful... They actually kind of suck.)
-The original plants Rose set to save have now fused into a 'core' tree; A colorful intertwined trunk from flowers, holding up a circular mirror decorated to imitate a rose. The mirror works like a screen, telegraphing the next note to play, sometimes mixing and matching to express Rose's emotions. Two sets of paper have been drawn as leaf imitations, moving every which way to better clarify Rose's movements - she is the flower orchestra's conductor after all.
-All the better to bring these poor little dark things to light, after all - She, who is Holy; She, who is Free; She, who was never given the Darkner form of her fellows and transcends space and time to align them correctly and give them purpose in service of Kris - Rose will lead these useless plants to their end, in choir worship.
-(Alone? Maybe not... It was thanks to HIM that she now knows how to use her voice for good.)
-Is this not what the Dreemurr Kid wants, after all? Rose exists to serve the Dremurr Family - and no one else. She does not give a care if anything happens to Susie or Ralsei - but then, of course, Kris wouldn't want them to get hurt after all, since they ARE Kris's friends. Hmm...
-(Rose basically kidnaps Kris in order to 'protect them', isolating them up in a flower bud, while Susie & Ralsei try their best to free them. Mostly Susie - Ralsei is split in helping Susie free Kris, helping Rose hypnotize Kris with comfort, and having a mini identity crisis over the existence of Rose, a weird Dark Being so consumed by her worship.)
-(Susie herself is trying to keep determined in her goal to protect Kris, versus getting distracted in her own beatdown of Rose's hypocrisy; what a stupid flower being, after all, that wants to beat down and swallow Susie's own identity, contaminate her and corrupt her away from herself, make her an accessory to Kris when she is her own person - But Susie can't win this battle without saving Kris, first, she can't let her impulses get the best of her.)
-If you can free Kris, if you can get them to stand their own - Kris will immediately tell Rose to stand down and breathe, that they don't need her to make herself their savior.
-And Rose will immediately do so, freeing up and letting the flowers in her grasp rest - she wants to make things better for Kris in the end. If resting will do that then... she'll rest.
-She will contemplate on her next step for a moment then - she might need to rest her chaotic orchestra, but staying still... it doesn't suit her.
-The flowers that Rose originally tried to save are dead now - the jungle falls apart without her will. Was it already dead? Was the only thing keeping it together Her? They cannot be flowers, anymore. Perhaps the petals can be repurposed for a new project, maybe the items can be shared away to different Lightners/Darkners, maybe the seeds can be kept and resown - but the original bouquet of reconciliated marriage is gone now.
-Much like the other secret bosses, Rose settles on becoming an item - this way, she can ensure Kris and their friends have power on their side, the power to make their own choices and free their own will. Is this not what Toriel would have wanted, in the end? To watch them grow up?
-The mirror that expressed Rose's will is blank now - she is no longer using it. It might find its way back to Castle Town, repurposed for the community by Seam for something.
-('Rose', the sound designer, used to be a melody before the flowers - she was written in the book of Hymms, what used to be Toriel's favorite book, from which she would sing to the family for rest and prayer. Then the divorce happened - words were had, decisions were made - and Toriel could no longer stand the song of her old evangelical religiousness. She threw the page describing Rose out, hid the book in a corner to gain dust, and never looked back. But the memory of the old hymm still remains in the house, with her, with her kids - the sound designer of the Dreemurr family still exists, repurposed to serve Mike & Tenna instead.)
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