#Shahra the Ring Genie
crusherthedoctor · 5 months
what if idw sonic was in secret rings?
He would try to redeem Qui-Gon Djinn, who would in turn laugh in his face.
He would also disrespect Shahra and make her feel like shit for her history with Erazor.
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shannonallaround · 2 months
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can I interest anybody in a Sonic and the Secret Rings comic I made 4 years ago
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halloweencatsart · 2 months
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Sketch dump part 4: Sonic Time
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bumblekastclips · 9 months
KYLE CROUSE: Alright, here's one from Lord Van Oskuro! "Cream gets a hold of Shahra’s ring. What are her wishes, taking the limitations of the genie of the ring into account?"
IAN FLYNN: Oh, goodness. What were Shahra's limitations? No phenomenal cosmic power, but she did summon up a whole bunch of tissues that one time. Um... KYLE: [laughs] IAN: I imagine Cream would keep it fairly innocuous and low-key. She would like an ice cream, please. One for her, one for Cheese, and one for Shahra. You know, she's going to share everything, of course. Oops, she forgot to clean her room! "I wish for my room to be clean now, please!" Everything ends with a 'please,' and a 'thank you,' mind you. KYLE: Mhm, mhm. IAN: Well, she wanted a special treat after dinner, but mother said 'no.' She wishes she had that treat, please! Well, now that she has it... that's naughty, she wishes it would go away, please. She knows better, she should do better than that. KYLE: She's too nice! IAN: Maybe she-- Maybe she gets a moment, this epiphany, this broader worldview, and goes, "Wait... I can help everyone! I wish Dr. Eggman was not so mean anymore!" and Shahra's like, [inhales sharply] "Kinda outside of my power level..." and Cream's like, "Well, that's okay. You tried. Thank you anyway!" And Shahra's like "I must protect this child with everything I have." KYLE: [laughing] I mean, except she didn't even try at all. She didn't try anything. But, y'know... Cream- Cream will forgive. Cream forgives, but she never forgets. IAN: [as Shahra] "I'm sorry, Master Cream, but we're on your last wish." [as Cream] "Oh, that's too bad. Well, I wish we can be friends forever!" and Shahra's just sobbing, "Oh, God, she's such a precious source of light in the world!" KYLE: [chuckling] Oh no! Oh no... precious baby.
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shootyrefutey · 2 years
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Shahra :)
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sakuraswordly · 1 year
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In Japanese, Shahra sounds so done with Sonic every time when she said “もう”. She was like "Are you sure this will be alright? He didn't listen to me at all. He's going to hurt himself again *Sigh*"
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choccymilk589 · 2 years
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if truly free be stopped never through all that’s happening 🔥
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homophobic-sonic · 1 year
May I request Trans / Biromantic / Asexual Shahra icons, please?
i didn’t know if you wanted these together or separate, but i wanted to test multiple flags in an icon so i hope you like these!
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free to use, credit appreciated
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gadeer0 · 1 year
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Here's another quick sketch of Shahra from 2021 ! 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。
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rinkunokoisuru · 2 years
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31 Days of Sonic Day 14: Wish "I wish for a mountain of handkerchiefs. Now just let yourself cry. As much as you need to."
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crusherthedoctor · 11 months
top 5 favorite female sonic characters?
5. Marine - In this house, we don't put up with Marine slander. >:[ I've always liked her and found her legitimately funny, and I never understood why people give her flack for her accent and lingo, since you never see them do the same with Bunnie. Because rules for thee, but not for a Freedom Fighter.
4. Cream - Not just because she's always OP in gameplay... but it helps. She's a sweetheart, what else is there to say? Shame it took a while for her to gain a good voice... which we proceeded to rarely hear because she barely appears in games nowadays. ;_;
3. Blaze - The Silver thing aside (yes, I'm always going to be a grumpy bear about that), I still think she's great, and I really like her interactions with Sonic in the Rush games. Plus, she's a cat, and I like cats. ;P As someone who likes Blaze for her actual character, it pains me that SOME writers like her just because she can fight, implying Amy, Rouge, Cream, etc can't. This simplification is as much of a disservice to her as it is to them.
2. Tikal - She may not have had much screentime compared to others, but as evidenced with Cream, I always like a sweet character, and her design is better than every single Penders echidna. Also, she's cute. :>
1. Rouge - She's fun, she's intelligent, and her depth and overall good heart is frequently underestimated. You can tell this because fans who claim they know the franchise by the back of their hand like to portray her as an actual villain, which never fails to kill me inside. :D
Honorable mention to Helen, because of course. I've also gained more appreciation for Elise and Shahra recently; the former because of how mentally strong she is despite not being used all that well in the game proper, the latter because of her relationship to Qui-Gon Djinn, and because her relationship with Sonic is kinda sweet. I want to like Tangle and Whisper, cause I'm fine with the basic concepts for them, but the execution left them as a flanderized idiot and a nightmare face dispenser respectively. RIP to their potential.
Amy... you guys know where I've been standing regarding her as of late. The combo kill of IDW, Frontiers and Prime has really made it hard to remain enthusiastic about her for the time being, which in turn made me look back at her portrayals in the past, which I realised I would only consider a small handful of them truly A-tier compared to the selection for certain other characters (read: Eggman). Maybe in time, assuming she gets better portrayals, her spark can light up again, but currently... I can't muster it unfortunately.
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halloweencatsart · 3 months
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Happy belated anniversary to Secret Rings!
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mortar-canyon · 2 years
... so we're all aware that Merlina is actually Morgaine and Shahra is actually Scheherazade, right? i'm not the only one??? please
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moomingitz · 2 years
my mind is absolutely unhinged and just imagined a crossover ship (kinda) with shahra and elise
your thoughts? 👀
Honestly it sounds more fitting the more I think about it.
Shahra and Elise can both share that mountain of handkerchiefs Sonic wished for.(God knows Elise especially needs them after being unable to shed a single tear of sadness or something all her life.)
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sakuraswordly · 3 months
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