#Seriously Batgirl/Oracle gave me more trouble than Nightwing
sunmaylight · 4 years
Batfamily x Fate Grand Order pt. III
Batman     Nightwing     Oracle     Red Hood
Yes, Oracle is a part of the Batfamily. I think of her as the sibling like cousin or partner to Nightwing.
Class: Caster
Summon: Batgirl costume, the purple one, and she appears to be in her teen years. 
She introduces herself as Oracle, then corrects herself as Batgirl. She panics and goes between the two for a while then calms herself and sets on Batgirl. Batgirl sticks her hand out with a bright smile on her face. When Guda takes the hand to shake, Batgirl subconsciously grips harder than normal and apologizes when she notices.
When Batgirl is hanging around the halls of Chaldea with other Servants of a similar age, one of the Robins is seen following her at times. When she looks back and sees Robin, Robin blushes and runs away.
As she interacts with other Servants, she is seen to be an intelligent woman fit for her summoned Class with skills in battle that makes her a match against Xuanzang Sanzang. When she is seen around Batman and his partners, Guda notices that even though they don’t show it, they are waiting for something.
First Ascension: Batgirl is older and calls herself Oracle. She is in a wheelchair with monitors on the sides and a movable keyboard above her lap and there is a pair of sticks holstered next to her thighs. She is wearing a purple jumper zippered down over a t-shirt containing her logo and a pair of sweatpants. Over her face is a green holographic face mask that is cut off below the nose and her hair is in a ponytail.
Guda now understands what Batman and his partners were waiting for. Oracle reassures Guda that she has already accepted this and there is no need to worry. Though Guda worries about something else bothering Oracle.
Dr. Romani (or another medical expert at Chaldea) is seen with Oracle asking many things about her physique and capabilities on and off battle for reference and to help with some of the Chaldea staff that gained similar disabilities from the explosion. She happily gives away information if it would help the staff. 
She keeps the information about her wheelchair a secret and instead gives a design to upgrade the wheelchairs at Chaldea.
Oracle is seen in the training rooms with Chiron. When asked, she says that Chiron is reminded of someone when looking at her and decided to help. She thinks he might have been mistaken for himself instead.
An interlude is unlocked after Oracle has been around for a while. It is a two-part interlude and after the first part is complete, Oracle is seen training her skills with Hans Christian Andersen and BB.
Second Ascension: Outfit is the same, yet she appears to be more mature and confident in her own abilities. There is also a mischievous gleam in her eyes.
The second part of her interlude is unlocked. After completing it, Oracle tells Guda that she feels lighter and more confident about her new position. She thanks Guda and hopes to train the other Batgirls so that they can help Chaldea like she did when she was Batgirl.
One time one of the newly summoned Servants mocked Oracle, saying that she would be useless on the battlefield. She then challenges the Servant and defeats them, but her wheelchair takes some damage and is fixed quickly with the help of Babbage and Da Vinci.
Third Ascension: Oracle’s outfit changes to a green tank top with the Bat symbol on it and a pair of blue pants. The green mask is still on, but her hair is down and there are markings on her that look similar to Magic Circuits. The monitors and keyboard on her wheelchair are gone and replaced with holographic screens and a touchscreen tablet above her lap.
She is pounced on by a mixture of people asking her if the circuits hurt. Oracle reassures everyone that the circuits don't hurt and that they are a remnant of something that happened to her.
In the simulation room, Oracle hacked into the system to show a modern-day city covered in heavy smog that blocks most of the night except for the full moon. Servants marvel at the sights this city has to offer. If one were to look above, they would see a group of people moving around the rooftops as beings of the sky instead of land.
Fourth Ascension: Oracle working with multiple monitors around her that shows the activity of the Batfam and one man in his late fifties working. Her holographic mask is gone, replaced by the Batgirl mask. As if in a nostalgic mood, Oracle is wearing a new Batgirl suit, though only the top half is seen. She is sitting in a swivel chair instead of a wheelchair.
In her free time, Oracle is seen in the library helping the librarian (If Chaldea has a library that is). She mentions that working here is nostalgic, then the subject changes when Nightwing barges into the library, and a young man in a leather jacket is seen vanishing into spirit form as Nightwing runs to his table. A few patrons demand Nightwing to leave and the young man rematerialized after he leaves.
Oracle upgraded Chaldea’s system with Babbage and one of Batman’s partners in red. Though the more delicate instruments were left alone as what the three did is more of a system update to assist Guda in the Singularities. 
During Singularities, Oracle creates a smooth pathway for her wheelchair to move around on outside of battle. In battle, she fires a laser from the back of her monitors or rushes at her opponent and hits them with her batons. In her later ascensions, she fights by shooting magically compressed data or her wheelchair reassembles into a mechanical exoskeleton on the lower half of her body which she uses to charge at the opponent with her batons and some pellets that are used in her Batgirl days.
Noble Phantasm:
As Batgirl, a clocktower materializes and she is seen near the top looking at her enemies with binoculars. She messages someone through her communicator and nods a few times. The binoculars are put away as she pulls out a grappling hook and swings towards the enemies. A smoke bomb is released and in the smoke, there is the sound of fighting and yelling. Batgirl flies away as the smoke clears and relays information to her allies.
As Oracle, a clocktower materializes with her seen through the clockface window. She is typing on her computer with the opponents and allies on the monitors. Data is gathered and sends two drones, one that drops down towards the enemies in a smokescreen and one towards the allies. In the smoke, there is yelling and an explosion, once the smoke is cleared the enemies are flustered. The other drone sends a message that gives vital information to her allies.
Presence Concealment: B+
Territory Creation: C
Natural Insight: B+
Human Observation: B-
Librarian of Knowledge: A
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