#Scandinavia and the world comic
deuces-ninth-live · 1 year
The SATW nordics as different dere types
Denmark: deredere/yottadere/erodere/uzadere
Norway: deredere/jendere
Sweden: jendere
Iceland: deredere
Finland: tsundere/sadodere/gundere/yottadere
Greenland: tsundere/kuudere
Åland: jendere/kiredere
Faroe Islands: kinda a tsundere
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lilmerh · 6 months
can you tell me more about us x jp? you mentioned them on the femslash rarepair post and idk them but i’m curious now
Short for "(Sister) US x (Sister) Japan" from the webcomic Scandinavia and the World, a comic where countries have personifications in forms of two siblings (f.ex. Sweden and Sister Sweden). It's been a long time since I read through the whole thing (like two years??) but I remember liking it and I remember liking them as a pair.
They don't get a lot of screen time together, and when they do, they're depicted as friends. I thought they'd be cute together. The kind of girl-best-friend-you're-really-close-to-and-wouldn't-mind-dating kind of crush.
I think they qualify as a rarepair bc I am legtimimately the only person I know/I remember drawing them explicitly romantically. There's probably someone else out there tho lol
Here's some art I drew of them in the past.
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I guess that's everything I have available digitally :[ I have lots more drawings of them individually, but only these of them together :[ There's more (and more overtly romantic) art in my sketchbook, but that is for me only.
Sad day for the femslash enjoyers. I should draw more ship art, but I'm focused on other things at the moment, and I struggle drawing people interacting.
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grimm-the-tiger · 2 months
If you're into SatW still, what are your headcanons on any character? If at all?
I'll do you one better and give you several!
Iceland and Norway are not full brothers. Iceland's mother is Sister Ireland, who booked it as soon as her kids were born, and he was raised by Norway because their father refused to take responsibility.
Iceland is buddy-buddies with the entire bureaucracy of Hell.
The cat demons' meows sound like old laugh tracks.
Wales and New Zealand's kid can switch between human and sheep forms at will.
Sister Japan can kick ass if she really wants to.
No one knows where Sweden came from. As far as anyone's concerned, he appeared out of the blue one day. He's probably related to the other Nordics somehow, but no one knows how. He's like that cousin who pops up out of nowhere at family reunions and keeps changing his story about how he's related to you.
Sweden is absolutely terrified of Scania turning out like Denmark. It's bad enough he already has to deal with Denmark and Christiania, he doesn't need to deal with a third one who also lives in his house.
Iceland didn't kill his children. He just has a really sick sense of humor and likes using their ashes to terrorize the kids he babysits.
Norway, Sister Norway, and Svalbard are triplets. (This one might be canon, idk.) There was a fourth sibling once. No one knows what happened to her.
Christiania is Denmark's kid with Sister Netherlands.
Norway likes to sew. This one's probably also canon.
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clatterbane · 2 years
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Yes, this is a thing which is apparently popular enough that you see at least one permutation on most pizza places' menus. Though, from what I've seen, it is usually combined with pineapple too. Because why not. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And curry powder. You can't forget the curry powder! And sometimes peanuts.
My best guess is that this combo may have been inspired by the '70s-'80s classic "Flygande Jacob", which I have not quite worked up the culinary courage to try yet either. Mr. C, who isn't usually a fan if salty-sweet flavors but grew up eating a decent bit of the stuff anyway, claims that the end result isn't nearly as bizarre as you might expect. I could still see that working better with green plantains, but probably one of these days I'll venture a go anyway.
Along with an "Afrikana" from one of our favorite local pizza places. Though maybe not at the same time. 😅
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aph-dennyboy · 1 year
unpopular opinion
SATW sufin >>>>>>>> hetalia sufin
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nat-of-personifs · 7 months
A Comprehensive List of Every Personif Thing I’ve Seen, Ever
-A lot of old books, like Common Sense by Thomas Paine, refer to OTJs with she/her. I love them dearly.
-Just google national personifications.
-Welcome to the Table. US Statespirits.
-Meanwhile in Australia. Australian Statespirits.
-Scandinavia and the World.
-Paris Burning and associated universe. Cityspirits. I was majorly influenced by this.
-The Great Cities series by N.K. Jemisin, favorite books of all fucking time. The avatar terminology and style of personification fighting basically made it into my canon wholesale. Cityspirits and boroughspirits.
-Living Maps: An Atlas of Cities Personified. Haven’t got it yet but I really want it.
-The Bible, apparently. Cityspirits.
-@mur-art’s addition: Big Wayward Girl. Statespirits. California.
-This old-ass poem has Paris talking. There were a bunch like it, but I couldn’t find translations. I owe my life to JSTOR, and my fountain pens.
-Centricide. Political personifs.
-Socialstuck, Fandomstuck, and Socialstuck Cloutchase.
-Purge the Poison by MARINA. Mother Nature dissing humanity for climate change in two minutes.
-I Am California by John Craigie.
-@mur-art’s addition: some Statehumans comics.
-@mur-art’s personif playlist
-@mur-art’s addition: Florida’s state song (I AM OBSESSED WITH THIS THING ALREADY OMG)
-@bread--quest’s addition: Sedona by Houndsmouth
-@milokissa707’s addition: Canadian provinces as roommates
-There are a bunch of things on quora; just search something related.
-Nico’s Proposal describes the Administrator like the personif of the Foundation.
-Fall Witness, Part 2. Autumn Court Fae create an artificial personif of the O4 Council. Vanguard tale <3
-SCP-1761. This thing got me into the SCP Wiki in the first place.
-SCP-5513. I do not have words.
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who-do-i-know-this-man · 11 months
pre-post-mortem propaganda for Lalli Hotakainen since he's losing bad! (good!!!) Lalli is from Stand Still Stay SIlent, a webcomic that takes place in a "zombie" post-apocalypse story. he's part of a party that goes into The Silent World to find lost books! there are several awesome things that set SSSS apart:
society still exists in a very optimistic way, this is not your everyone-backstabbing-everyone competing-for-safe-spaces type of zombie horror. there are new cultural norms and technology that allow people to live comfortably. it's implied that there may be other outcroppings of civilization outside where the story takes place (Scandinavia).
magic! specifically magic based on Finnish, Icelandic, and Norwegian folklore (although there's probably some Danish stuff that I missed?), and we get to see characters from different countries rely upon their own respective magic (and weird out people from other cultures lol). Lalli himself is a Finnish mage and man is it fun to watch him do his thing :D
characters who are good people with believable flaws and great chemistry. the cast of this comic is so sweet and funny, it really makes you feel for them when the world itself is Terrifying.
ridiculously cool monster designs! big on body horror and just... Good. SSSS has some of the best zombie-monster designs I've ever seen and executes them with incredible artistic skill.
in general this comic absolutely nails tonal shifts from silly character banter and deadpan humor to genuinely disturbing visuals and implications and frankly I think horror as a genre needs to take some notes on how to balance lighthearted moments with awful shit because it really makes the bad stuff hit harder.
Finally, SSSS is finished, with two adventures spanning about 1500 pages altogether! the longer and more serious first adventure is about 2/3 of that, and you can absolutely just read that one. content warnings for death (animal and human), trauma, gore, body horror, and suicide, among some others. the author also ended the comic because she converted to Christianity and she becomes very vocal about it toward the end. nonetheless I think SSSS is amazing and can still be enjoyed, but exercise caution checking out her later work if you have trauma associated with organized religion.
god i tried not to make this long because I can only bear to skim most anti-propaganda myself but tl;dr if you like post-apocalypse/dystopian future stories, SSSS is one you shouldn't miss!
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66sharkteeth · 7 months
So I read a translated webtoon today and it appears to be 13+, and in the newest episode there was swearing. I don't mind swearing mind you, but with what you had to do and the translators can do it without a single care in the world feels unfair.
What's with Google's "Swearing bad" once a year anyway? They act like children take damage from it or something. There was a lot of swearing around me as a kid. It never traumatized me, and as my mother was honest about what the words meant I never swear much but do not mind it either (once on a train, some teens younger than me put swear words in every other sentence, but they used them grammatically wrong, that annoyed me more 🤣). Something that did traumatize me was the fetish fuel in Totally Spies honestly..! And huge age gaps, like romance books in the 90s where a girl was 10-16 and dating a guy 20-30 like it was the most natural thing in the world, wtf.
So yeah... Keep the swearing panels around so you can swap back if they change their minds again..! But I've noticed that the translations are slightly different based on where I am. So in Scandinavia the first racism arc in Lookism is gone and Vasco's mental health issues isn't gone into in much detail, but when on vacation in Spain, both are there..! 😕
So to be clear, I'm allowed to swear lol. CoB is now currently fully censored and approved for the young adult rating. There's still plenty of swearing in the comic. I can say pretty much everything but fuck. Bitch, ass, shit, damn, etc are all allowed, just not in excess.
People seem to be under the impression that CoB is gonna be a Weenie Hut Jr version of the comic now and I assure you, it's vastly the same minus a couple of panels that I think were way more impactful w/ the inclusion of "fuck" and a couple of panels where it just looks like I forgot to draw blood (+2 very blatantly censored panels. Can you find them?)
I'm chewing my arm off a little here trying to get it across to everyone that CoB is still gonna have blood and swearing in it. It's not going to be a 4Kids version of the comic. The edits to the violence were also very minor and only like 5 panels out of 150 episodes, none of which were actually impactful moments like Rex losing his arm or Stella being skewered. I just can't say fuck or have bitch and shit 50 times in one episode anymore, that's pretty much it.
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swearyshera · 2 years
I learned "perkele" from the Finland character in the highly amusing Scandinavia and the World web comic.
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I remember that one! I'd heard it around, but it was really My Summer Car that cemented it in my mind
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undead-potatoes · 5 months
OH WAIT for that "have you met a celebrity" poll I completely forgot I met the artist Humon (who did the Scandinavia and the World comics among others) at a con once, and they complimented me on my troll costume and even took a picture of me
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audiofictionuk · 6 months
New Fiction Podcasts - 10th December
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Gimble & Ghoul Audio Drama Beatrice Ghoul is a ghost hunting private detective, taking on the paranormal world and it’s many mysteries with the help of her partner in business and fiancé, Ted Gimble. Or at least she was until a recent tragedy struck and in a single night her career, relationship and life crumbled. However with the arrival of an intriguing new case, things may be beginning to awaken in the Gimble & Ghoul offices. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231201-05 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/gimbleandghoulpodcast/feed.xml
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Skandinavien Audio Drama Conrad lives a solitary existence in an ancient windmill in a remote part of Scandinavia. He has no memory of being a functional part of society. All he has is his work; the bodies he disposes of. When prominent politician Albert Finzt ends up on Conrad's autopsy slab, he begins to unravel the horrific circumstances behind his forced labour. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231129-03 RSS: https://www.albionbyrd.com/skandinavien?format=rss
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Doctor Who Audio Adventures (Fanmade Audio Drama Series) Audio Drama This is a series of audio dramas based on the BBC's hit sci-fi show, Doctor Who. It has a full voice cast, original stories, original sounds, and music all unique to this fanmade adaptation of one of the pillars of sci-fi in media. I hope you will enjoy it. This series is in no way affiliated with the BBC or any other copyright holder. No copyright infringement intended. This production is completely non-profit. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231130-02 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/ee480d48/podcast/rss
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The Avengers: Audio Drama Audio Drama Spun off from Scyther Audio's "X-Men: The Audio Drama" series, comes The Avengers! Operating under the same premise of using the comic book history and stories as a template while modernizing the tales, listen as Earth's Mightiest Heroes come together and save the world! https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231201-07 RSS: https://avengeraudiodramapodcast.podomatic.com/rss2.xml
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Creation Audio Book Creation is a collection of Stories about the Universe. a whole new reality created in an instant. an astronaut lost in space and portals. a sphere encompassing all meaning of time. a feverish travel through the astral planes. a visit to the realms of the angels and of the devils. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231202-01 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/ee54d460/podcast/rss
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Infrangible [WebSerieAudio] Audio Book Infrangible,Il s'agit d'une histoire de science-fiction, d'anticipation : "Des personnes donnent tout pour s'en aller sur Mars, pour échapper au changement climatique."L'histoire se concentre sur un personnage qui se nomme : "Amr_01".Je n'en dirai pas plus, mais j'espère que ça vous plaira. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231126-03 RSS: https://audioblog.arteradio.com/blog/216077/rss
My Weird Ass Neighbor Audio Drama This Podcast Is about the mystery of My Weird Ass Neighbor. I plan to keep each episode about 5 mins long with weekly updates. If there's any questions or any information that I've left out, please go to the My Weird Ass Neighbor sub Reddit. So I can answer any and all questions. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231128-04 RSS: https://media.rss.com/my-weird-ass-neighbor/feed.xml
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Adair’s Christmas Gift Audio Drama A boy’s heart is hardening toward his oppressive father when, on Christmas Eve, a forest enchantment lulls him to sleep and shows him a vision that changes everything. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231201-08 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/adairschristmasgift/feed.xml
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White Winter: A Christmas Ghost Trilogy Audio Book Five friends meet every year on the eve of Christmas Eve. This year, they bring with them a secret, and three ghost stories they've experienced around the holiday season. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231111-07 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/white-winter-a-christmas-ghost-trilogy
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(I don't think this is AI written or voiced, so it gets included, but the art on this is just hilarious.)
Storytime with the Springs Audio Book I've been writing stories for my children for years and now I want to share them with you. Each episode tells a part of a much larger story that all together makes up the epic tale called The Iris Chronicles. It's where a young girl from a remote fishing town discovers her magical heritage and her destiny to save the world. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231117-06 RSS: https://feeds.captivate.fm/storytime-with-the-springs/
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The Grotto Audio Book Struck by a recent loss, Matt turns to spelunking for solace. As Matt battles grief, he questions if the caves are playing tricks or if something else lurks within. The Grotto is a liminal horror podcast that explores the thin line between grief, pain, mourning, and loss. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231201-09 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/656324aea21bff0011ecae4f
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The Cara Files Audio Book Cara's discovery of a set of broken rings leads to an unexpected and romantic attachment with Mei Xing. However, their love is complicated by the fact that they live in different worlds, with countless universes between them. Despite this, Cara is determined to be with Mei Xing and embarks on a journey to find her. But she is not prepared for what she is about to encounter. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231016-10 RSS: https://feeds.captivate.fm/file1/
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Superstellar (A Sci-Fi Radio Show Storytelling Experience) Audio Drama Superstellar is a radio show and series of novels written by H.W. Phillips, which centers about an expansive, fantasy-like world set in the far future. This is more than an audio book. This is a full blown audio experience. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231203-01 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/e9cb6ff8/podcast/rss
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Where It All Started Novel Audio Book "A good old fashioned love story between a workaholic submissive, who has her whole life planned ahead of her, and a Dominant who would take every day as it comes, if she weren't so terrified that everyone will one day leave her." This is the audio version of Where It All Started, a novel written by J. Allison Baird and illustrated by S. M. Shifflett which is being released online for free, one chapter a week in both text and audio format. At the end of which a limited physical print run is planned for those who enjoyed the novel and wish to support it. Or just want it as a very pretty book they can hold in their hands. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231203-02 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/where-it-all-started
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Read, Play, Game Audio RPG A podcast where friends READ a new ttrpg, PLAY through the system, and then talk about the GAME. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231128-05 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/read-play-game
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comicsart3 · 8 months
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Moonbeam has appeared frequently in another of my blogs, Women In Charge, in fm bondage interpretations of covers to the Swedish language comic Solvpilen, or Silver Arrow. The character is a somewhat stereotypical female Native American who is sister and sidekick to the Silver Arrow of the title, wise and brave chief of the Kiowa. Although very sexualised, and frequently illustrated in damsel in distress scenarios, Moonbeam is nonetheless skilled in unarmed combat and not infrequently comes to Silver Arrow’s rescue also. Dressed in a tight, flowing, slit buckskin dress, Moonbeam often graced the cover of Solvpilen, frequently depicted throwing sundry outlaws, Indians and renegade cavalry troopers over her shoulder. She is therefore very much of her late 1970s/1980s time - a strong but not too strong female character, feisty and able to look after herself, but fundamentally subservient to the main man. Moonbeam is therefore not the best example of a strong female comic book character, but her kick-ass abilities do earn her a place in this blog.
The above cover is somewhat atypical in that Moonbeam is shown in customary jiu-jitsu mode, but her garb is less sexy and more realistic. There is also the slightly surreal addition of the warrior maiden’s pet mountain lion cub, Tinka, who accompanies Moonbeam everywhere and never seems to grow up.
The title began as Zilverpijl, a Flemish language creation of the Belgian artist Frank Sels in 1970, which rapidly gained popularity in the whole Scandinavia (including Finland), and was also translated into German. The series ran until 1986 but never broke into the English language comic book world which is a shame, as its stories were well plotted, contained much factual information about Native American life, and the cover art in particular, was very dynamic.
The cover featured is to Solvpilen #1 (January 1972)
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koolkat9 · 1 year
What are your thoughts on SATW (Scandinavia and the world)?
I haven't seen a lot of it, only comics that came across my Pinterest dash back in my early days of the fandom. But it looked cute.
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ksenijaastra · 2 years
Hello new and old friends!
Hi hello and good afternoon! I'm so happy to see everyone here so I thought I'd introduce myself once again and share something about my work!
My name is ksenija (se-nee-ah) and I am 24! I am a professional illustrator and a graphic designer, but my biggest passion has always been and always will be comics!
I live and breathe languages (especially old and forgotten ones), philosophy, and history of Medieval Europe and Scandinavia! I also can never get enough of reading myths and tales from all over the world. here's a fun fact! before I decided to pursue art I actually was aiming to become a historian, but my passion for art has always been so much stronger. All of those things that I have listed inspire me and my art!
There is nothing I love more than the world outside, so everything I create is a little ode to the world, I'm just trying to tell it how much I love it.
I love hiding little symbols in my art and capturing peaceful, tranquil moments that we all need sometimes.
I can't help but love some angst too.
I do quite a bit of Zelda fanart, occasional fanart of various anime series I like and some other stuff here and there, like LoTR, the Hobbit and so so so much more!
I am currently working on an original story, which is a graphic novel called "Wildflower". It is my third large scale work (I've written a book and another graphic novel!) and even though the first graphic novel did not see the world because my values and views have changed in the middle of working on it , I am hoping that this one will someday be printed and published, so I take it very seriously and it is something I put all of my time in when I'm not working. If you ask me what is it about, I'm simply going to say that it is about love. I do a lot of research and reading while working on it, which is in itself the biggest pleasure for me, but seeing it all come to life at some point would be the biggest reward. I love my characters so much I don't even start talking about them because I will never stop, so I'm just trying to contain myself.
I am so sorry for writing so much, but I've warned you! I have an easier time with myself when I can express my thoughts like this. I have countless notebooks of me just rambling about different things because writing down my thoughts has always helped me to put my mind at ease. But now I can type them up! But at the same time I'm a little scared to share things like that but hey, it would be nice to look back at some point and see how things have changed.
Anyways, it is very nice to see you all here. I am so grateful to know such amazing and wonderful people. I hope you have a good day today<3
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askfanden · 2 years
About this blog - info :>
◻️ Welcome to my little ask blog where I draw a large portion of my inspirations from Scandinavian (though admittedly from a mostly Norwegian centered view) folklore, folk beliefs, and history through the perspective of, and how the Scandinavian devil, Fanden\Fan\Faen, as they are called was perceived.
Here you will also meet a few other characters who are both friendly and unfriendly. Human and not. Feel free to ask them questions as well if you’re interested in them, though it’d be nice if you clarified who you’re asking about. 
◻️ The blog’s host is called Termite, and I go by They\Them pronouns. :>
That’s about all you need to know about me, hahaw. I just have a special interest and find the whole process of the Viking age, Christianization, witch persecutions, folklore and folk tales wholly FASCINATING. Concepts doesn’t stem from nothing and knowing even just a few parts of it slots things into interesting places.
I’m just here to bring SOME of my ideas to life, hahaw.
◻️ Here you can expect the occasional comic about either a personal story of my making, a visualization of a folkloric concept, or a retelling of folk tales, Fun facts, and all that fun stuff. And of course questions I answer whenever I am lucky enough to get them, hahaw! 
◻️  The way I answer questions is that I go through a 4 answer options (though deviations might happen):
1: If the question doesn’t spark much VISUAL inspiration, I’ll answer through text. Maybe I will at a later time retroactively draw something when the inspiration strikes.  2: A visualized, but straight forward answer that acknowledges the questioner.  3: A comic written to be ca about the question that will answer it, even if the answer itself won’t acknowledge the question and might be left a bit open ended. Think of it as a snippet of a story.  4: OOC \ Blog related requests are fun too.
If you want to ask the person behind the blog, please phrase your question as ‘’OOC: [insert thing you want to say here]’’ or ‘’To the Mun\Termite’’, I’ll more than happily ramble about whatever.
◻️ Small rules to follow, I’ll be brief:
-Don’t spam. If you’re afraid Tumblr ate your ask, I’d be happy if you’d say so in the follow up ask. ^^
-Be respectful and don’t send in explicit NSFW questions. I am ok with NSFW themes (on my own terms) but keep it reasonable.
- Don’t send me fetish related questions or requests. Even non-sexual ones as I don’t consent to it.
- Please understand that IC =/= OOC.
- I I do not consent to anyone reposting, using the art I create, or turn my art into NFT’s. Unless I draw explicitly FOR YOU, my art is all mine.
- I can do mistakes, and while they’re never intentional, may happen. I might misinterpret a source, translate something wrong (gods I hate old danish-Norwegian and dialect texts... Norwegian might be my first language BUT WHY DO THEY SPELL IT ALL LIKE THAT), and accidentally not see through historical bias. I am just mentioning that, so that if you notice something like it, that you’ll hopefully understand it’s not from a place of malice.
- If you have any neat book recommendations on Scandinavian history and folklore, GIMME.
◻️ Most of, but unfortunately not all, of my sources I’ll likely draw from:
-Prose Edda -Poetic Edda -The history of the Danes - Saxo Grammaticus
- The Unmanly Man: Concepts of Sexual Defamation in Early Northern Society (The Viking Collection, Studies in Northern Civilization , Vol 1) - Preben Meulengracht Sorensen - Valkyrie: The Women of the Viking World - Jóhanna Katrín Friðriksdóttir - Women in Old Norse Society: A Portrait - Jenny Jochens - Old Norse Masculinities - Gareth Lloyd Evans, Jessica Clare Hancock - Men and Masculinities in the Sagas of Icelanders -  Gareth Lloyd Evans -Women and weapons in the viking world - Leszek Gardeła - The viking way: Magic and mind in late iron age Scandinavia - Neil Price - Viking Friendship: The Social Bond in Iceland and Norway, C. 900-1300 - Sigurðsson, Jón Viðar - Viking Law and Order: Places and Rituals of Assembly in the Medieval North - Sanmark, Alexandra - Thraldom A History of Slavery in the Viking Age - Stefan Brink - https://www.academia.edu/7617134/Magic_beyond_the_binary_magic_and_gender_in_the_Poetic_Edda - https://www.academia.edu/30273992/Eddic_Poetry_A_Gateway_to_Late_Iron_Age_Ladies_of_Law - https://www.academia.edu/38896844/Children_of_a_One_Eyed_God_Impairment_in_the_Myth_and_Memory_of_Medieval_Scandinavia - https://www.academia.edu/2896380/Ability_and_Disability_On_Bodily_Variations_and_Bodily_Possibilities_in_Viking_Age_Myth_and_Image
- Tree of Salvation: Yggdrasil and the Cross in the North - Murphy, G. Ronald -Power and Conversion: A Comparative Study of Christianization in Scandinavia - Sanmark, Alexandra -Medieval Christianity in the North: New Studies - Jorgensen, Torstein -The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity: A Sociohistorical Approach to Religious Transformation - Russell, James C.
-''Remedies and Rituals: Folk medicine in Norway and the new land'' - Kathleen Stokker ''Witchcraft and Magic in the Nordic Middle Ages'' - Stephen A. Mitchell ''Trolldom: Spells and Methods of the Norse folk magic tradition'' - Johannes Björn Gårdbäck ''Medicine, Magic, and art in Early modern Norway'' by Ane Ohrvik
-’'Å leve med døden : folkelige forestillinger om døden og de døde'' by Bjarne Hodne  (Death, funeral rituals, beliefs, and magic connected to death) -''Merkedager og gamle skikker'' by Per Holc (holidays) -Gamle folkelige værvarsler : 1700 værmerker fra hele landet (Weather signs\folk magic) -Kjærlighetsmagi : folketro om forelskelse, erotikk og ekteskap (love magic) -''Djevelens livshistorie : scener fra en travel tilværelse'' (Stuff about the devil) -Slik levde de da -  Hanne Marie Johansen -Skeive linjer i norsk historie fra norrøn tid til i dag -  Hanne Marie Johansen - Livets høytider : skikker og overtro fra vugge til grav
List will probably be updated as I read more or remember what else I’ve read.
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origami10 · 2 years
Just got back from visiting Iceland for the first time, and not only were Into Oblivion by Arnaldur Indriðason and 北北西に雲と往け (Hokuhokusei ni Kumo to Ike) by Irie Aki weirdly good preparation for learning more about Iceland, it also really made me want to reread the Scandinavia and the World comics by Humon~
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