#San Baltazar
Let's talk about San Baltasar, the Wise King, Saint of Afroargentines.
I think it's extremely interesting how one of the biggest afrodiasporic cults native to Argentina is that of El Santo Negro (the Black Saint) St. Balthazar, the Wise King. Other syncretic saint cults make mention to african deities or saints with titles such as "The Queen of Rivers" or "The Queen of the Sea", making the deities involved easily identifiable, but this cult in particular is one of the most widespread across the black population of Argentina and yet the most elusive in regards to who may be behind the mask. At least, until you pay attention to the details.
The Church first introduced the cult of Catholic Figures and Saints such as San Baltasar (King Balthazar) or San Benito de Palermo (St. Benedict of Palermo, the Moor) as a way to control the enslaved population politically and culturally. Although their goal was to dissipate african religions and install catholicism among them instead, they underestimated black argentines: after much effort, the church allowed the enslaved faithful to organize socially and politically and perform dances, drumming and singing for the saints of their formed Cofradía (similar to a congregation, but including social and political structures within it, naming a king and queen or a president and other culturally and politically significant roles). Thanks to the passing down of african culture and customs through these organized societies and the syncretism within them, we can proudly say the church failed in their attempts. The african spirits are very much still an integral part of afroargentines' lives. Today, although it has spread across the country and beyond, the center of this cult is in it's origin, the capital city of Corrientes, Argentina, in a neighborhood called Cambá Cuá.
The cult to San Baltasar is clearly african in origin, although with indigenous (guaraní) influences, such as calling the saint Santo Cambá/Kambá (Black in guaraní language), calling his statues Cambára'angá (guaraní for Black Figure), and some dancers dressing up as indigenous figures like el pombero, among other things. Thus, it is an afroindigenous cult, developing amongst mixed descendants of african enslaved peoples and guaraní natives. The cult is also a local expression of the most african of customs: ancestral veneration. The festivities honor not only the Saint himself, but all the black ancestors before us who are present in pictures at the altar, and answer to the call of the drums. The color red, that covers the saint and adorns his followers, is the color of warriors and protection in African Traditional Religions. He's offered food and drink (such as wine and traditionally made sangría), and most importantly dance and drums. He is invoked and honored, along with the ancestors, through drumming and dancing, through La llamada a San Baltasar and Saludos de Tambores a los Santos Cambá (Calling Saint Balthazar and Drum Salutations to the Black Saints).
His festivities, held in Corrientes around Epiphany, from January 1st to the 6th, include dancing afroargentinean rhythms such as diverse forms of candombe and samba. Particularly, he was traditionally honored with a dance called bambula, a form of ring dance where women move in short and slow steps, barely lifting their feet, while men jump in the air, and where one singer sings a phrase that is then repeated or answered by the others present. This kind of dance is native to Congo and Angola, and widely practiced by enslaved people and their descendants in the Southern United States, the Caribbean, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. The music used to this day to petition favors, to invoke his spirit into his image and even dispel or call thunderstorms or other natural phenomena, is called charanda and includes drums, guitars and triangles. Just like in other afrodiasporic devotional and resistance dances, these dances involve Kings and Queens of the dance, a hierarchy of drummers including those called Master drummers, and a hierarchy of the drums themselves as Chico, Repique and Piano.
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If you compare him to Xangó...
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He carries a double-headed axe. He's often depicted wearing a crown. His colors are, surprisingly, also white and red, with gold accents. Also a King and a warrior, also associated with thunderstorms and fire, drums and dance. His followers also wear white and red beaded collares. Ringing any bells...?
Now, I am not saying they are the same Spirit, but there is an undeniable resemblance. You come to your own conclusions. It's kind of obvious that this afrodiasporic cult stems from either (a) a hidden, veiled cult to the orisha(s) or (b) a syncretic cult to african deities (not only orishas but maybe other african spirits too). There is, after all, strong ties not only to Yorubaland but also to Dahomey, Kongo, etc. Just in this instance, the spirit may resemble an orisha but the rhythms and dance are from kongo, so there is much more to it than just one or the other. There is a culture of resistance born from the union of Nations through music, faith and tradition.
None of the images here belong to me: San Baltazar and festivities [1,2,3,4-6] and Xangó [1]
Festividad de San Baltasar : performances artístico-religiosas de la cofradía de la ciudad de Corrientes, by Cavalieri, Ana Belén, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Artes, Diseño y Ciencias de la Cultura, 2018. Available for download at [Link]
San Baltazar, Historias de Corrientes at [Link]
The bamboula Lineage at [Link]
The Orishas, Indiana University at [Link]
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regionlitoral · 1 year
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Las fiestas del Santo Rey en Concepción del Yaguareté Corá, Corrientes. https://ift.tt/WuD0fv8
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noticieropoblano · 2 years
Se busca a Heidi Michel en Tecamachalco, Puebla
Se busca a Heidi Michel en Tecamachalco, Puebla
La joven salió de su domicilio en San Baltazar, perteneciente al municipio de Tacamachalco, Puebla, desde el día Lunes 22 de Agosto del 2022. Familiares de la joven Heidi Michel Ramos Beristain, solicitan apoyo para localizar a la joven de 15 años, quien salió el Lunes por la mañana de su domicilio en la localidad de San Baltazar, municipio de Tecamachalco en el estado de Puebla. La joven de 15…
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juanvaldescesar · 8 months
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Escultura La Muerte Baltazar Gavilán Siglo XVIII Sala Capitular Convento Grande Nuestra Señora de Gracia de la Orden de San Agustín Lima, Perú.
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imnotgoinganywhereok · 8 months
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I am still very mad about losing that job. Not only was I Iet go for a stupid and shady reason (hope that place actually closes down) but also I am once again faced with the follow up of being unemployed. I went to hell and back to get my MA and for what? For fucking what? Busting my ass doing lord knows what for the minimum wage or less? I could have been doing that without uni years ago. Fuck this country, so so mad!! ୧(๑•̀ᗝ•́)૭
Baltazar's new pastime is going on various dates with his new partners and getting to know them better. Katy loves hanging out in karaoke bars and practise her low singing skill with her more experienced boyfriend (thank @red-everdeen for the new karaoke bar in San Myshuno!!). Abeba was caught cheating by her wife in their own apartament. It was bound to happen, and Abeba's preference states she doesn't even like woohooing with women, but that was just a nail in the coffin for their marriage. Look at Bal's face - he KNOWS what he did and he does NOT regret it!! He's a menace.
Laki takes Bal on dates to museums, and we find it adorable. He's such a pure boy, it's such a shame he's dating a notorious evil cheater. Pearl fully embraced dating her good friend's son. Does Mantella know? Maybe. Is it important? We don't care, they're pixel aliens in a game. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And lastly, we have Ramon who showed Baltazar his artistic side. Painting murals at the arts centre makes for a cute date - Ramon sure is running for that "sweetest boyfriend" title. Another poor boy falling in love with the evil green bean. Tragic!!
Romantic endeavours pay off greatly, at least for now. I'm very curious when people start realising how awful Baltazar actually is - and if they plan to do anything about this fact. As of now, he can do whatever he wants with people he deems attractive enough. It's all about the genes, baby!!
PS. I wrote this post 10 days ago but I hosted my bestie for a week now. We visited a ZOO with @themightyaliendwarf, @red-everdeen and @organized-decay today. An absolute 180 of my mood, a 10/10 outing, perfect. Thank you so much for putting up with me!! (づ๑•ᴗ•๑)づ♡ I also had a job interview and they'll tell me about the final decision tomorrow. Pray for ya girl to finally land a normal job!!
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zerounotvadri · 1 year
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Homenaje a Octavio Paz y Lápices para David Huerta
Octavio Paz y Marie José Tramini
1er Aniversario
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El Memorial Octavio Paz y Marie José Tramini cumple un año de resguardar las cenizas del Nobel y su compañera de vida.
La nueva pieza museográfica que se exhibe actualmente es Discos visuales (ERA, 1968), colaboración editorial y artística entre Vicente Rojo y el poeta. También admira la fuente escultórica Piedra de Sol, creada por Rojo, en diálogo conceptual con la urna del Memorial.
Visita el espacio Memorial, biblioteca y centro de información de martes a domingo de 11:00 a 17:30 horas
°°El espíritu del 22
Un siglo de muralismo en San Ildefonso
Recorre la exposición El espíritu del 22: Un siglo de muralismo en San Ildefonso y admira los murales en la sala 21 de Fusca y Paola Delfín, así como el proceso creativo de Baltazar Castellano, Olga Manzano y José Luis Hernández Guzmán, miembros del Colectivo Raíz de la Ceiba, que participan en el mural La muerte de las culturas, el México negro.  
Visitas guiadas a la exposición de martes a domingo 12:30 y 14:00 horas.
Revolución y disidencia
El artista ruso mexicano vivió personalmente el totalitarismo soviético. El terror, el Gulag, los asesinatos masivos y las deportaciones de poblaciones enteras forman parte de su experiencia más íntima y están presentes de manera casi obsesiva en gran parte de su obra.
Recorre la exposición Vlady. Revolución y disidencia de martes a domingo de 11:00 a 17:30 horas. Visitas guiadas de martes a domingo a las 12:00 y 14:30 horas.
Curso virtual
Cuentos fantásticos rusos
Lectura guiada y comentada de un conjunto de cuentos rusos en los que se puede rastrear el surgimiento y evolución del género fantástico en Rusia, reconociendo sus rasgos característicos.
Imparte: Alejandro Ariel González
Viernes, 2023 | 16:30 a 18:30 h (hora CDMX)
14, 21 y 28 de abril
12, 19 y 26 de mayo 
2 y 9 de junio
Cuota de recuperación: 
General $3,500.00 MXN
Estudiantes y profesores $ 2,500.00 MXN 
Inscripción en [email protected] o al 55 3602 0028
Ciclo de charlas
Muralismo y resistencia
Como parte del programa de actividades de la exposición El espíritu del 22: Un siglo de muralismo en San Ildefonso que se presenta actualmente en el recinto, te invitamos al Ciclo de charlasMuralismo y resistencia, que tendrá su primera sesión con el Colectivo Raíz de la Ceiba, que participan en el mural La muerte de las culturas, el México negro.
Sábado 15 de abril de 2023 a las 13:00 horas
Sala José Clemente Orozco
Recorridos con
perspectiva feminista
En el marco del Día Internacional de la Mujer 8M el Colegio de San Ildefonso te invita a los recorridos con perspectiva feminista por la exposición El Espíritu del 22. 
Jueves 13 de abril, 16:00 horas
Yunuén Sariego, gestora curatorial
Actividad con boleto de acceso al recinto
Registro previo [email protected] 
Piensa tu muro
Representa, en un boceto a escala, aquello que te rodea y deseas expresar.
En este taller los participantes reflexionarán acerca de sí mismos y de su entorno en el contexto del muralismo, para llegar a una propuesta de expresión creativa, ya sea en equipo o de manera individual.
Imparte: Mónica Ortega G.
Domingos | 12:00 a 14:00 horas
16 y 30 de abril
14 y 28 de mayo
Patio principal
Entrada libre | Cupo limitado
Registro previo en: [email protected] o al 55 3602 0029
Ver más aquíTaller
Dibujar en San Ildefonso
Ven a dibujar, reproducir, bocetar o reinterpretar los murales de San Ildefonso.
Martes a viernes 11:00 a 17:00 horas
Sábados y domingos 11:00 a 15:00 horas.
¡Trae tus materiales y nosotros te asesoramos!
Asesorías de dibujo
Jueves: 11:30 a 17:00 horas
Sábado: 11:30 a 14:30 horas
Entrada libre
Registro previo para participar en [email protected] 
Tel. 55 36020000 exts. 1044, 1047 o 1071
Ver más aquíDibujar en San Ildefonso
Vlady y sus mitos
Como parte del programa de actividades de la exposición Vlady. Revolución y disidencia te invitamos al ciclo de conversatorios con el tema Vlady y sus mitos, el jueves 27 de abril de 2023 a las 18:00 horas, con la presencia de Avelina Lésper, crítica de arte, columnista y directora de la Colección Milenio Arte y Ernesto Bejarano, Coordinador de Museografía del Colegio de San Ildefonso.
Sala José Clemente Orozco
Entrada libre | Cupo limitado
Informes [email protected] Tel. 55 3602 0028
al temple
Como parte de la experiencia de visitar la exposición Vlady. Revolución y disidencia, los asistentes a este taller tendrán la oportunidad de conocer y trabajar la técnica del temple de huevo como la utilizaba Vlady.
Sábados 8 y 22 de abril de 11:00 a 14:00 horas
Salón de talleres
Costo de recuperación:$ 40.00
Proyección de estreno en México
El Colegio de San Ildefonso te invita a la proyección de estreno en México de la cinta Vlady, bajo la dirección de Sarah Maldoror.
Dirección: Sarah Maldoror | Francia, México | 1989
Francés | subtitulado Español | Duración: 24 minutos 
Clasificación: A - Apta para todo público
Domingo 23 de abril, 2023 a las 12:00 horas
Sala de cine de San Ildefonso
Entrada libre | cupo limitado
Informes en [email protected] o al Tel. 55 3602 0028
Academia de Música Antigua de la UNAM
La Academia de Música Antigua de la UNAM (AMA) fue fundada en 2017 con el objetivo de impulsar la formación académica y artística a nivel profesional de jóvenes especialistas en música de los siglos XVII y XVIII.. En este programa la Academia de Música Antigua presenta un mínimo panorama de música hispanoamericana en el que se visibiliza esta colisión de identidades, aunque se enfoca principalmente en dos ejes: el Virreinato del Perú y la música española. Sábado 1 de abril de 2023 a las 12:00 del mediodía.
Anfiteatro Simón Bolívar
Ven este fin de semana a la tienda – librería de San Ildefonso y adquiere los diversos títulos que tenemos de los poetas Octavio Paz y David Huerta.
Horario de martes a domingo de 11:00 a 17:30 horas
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thesims4-adventure · 2 years
Not So Berry Legacy Challenge Generation One: Mint
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Finalmente era sábado e eu podia me divertir um pouco.
**Finally it was Saturday and I could have some fun.**
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Charlotte andava preferindo livros, o que há de errado com essa adolescente? Ela não devia preferir escutar música alta e gritar com todos na casa?
**Charlotte has been preferring books, what's wrong with this teenager? Shouldn't she rather listen to loud music and yell at everyone in the house?**
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Reclama de qualquer barulho, parecia uma velha com insônia na hora da novela.
**She complains about any noise, looks like an old woman with insomnia.**
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Eu não gosto muito quando ela manda as irmãs se calarem, será que eu era assim?
**I don't really like it when she tells her sisters to shut up, was I like that?**
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Não quis a comida que eu fiz, foi lá fora assar linguiças.
**Didn't want the food I made, went outside to roast sausages.**
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Problema dela até Crystal gostou do meu macarrão com queijo.
**Her problem, even Crystal liked my macaroni and cheese.**
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A noite fomos para San Myshuno no "Festival de Romance".
**In the evening we went to San Myshuno for the "Romance Festival".**
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Era bom sair um pouco. Mas não, não deixei as gêmeas com Charlote, me lembrei como eu odiava ser obrigada a cuidar dos meus irmãos, chamamos uma babá novamente.
**It was nice to get out for a bit. But no, I didn't leave the twins with Charlotte, I remembered how I hated being forced to take care of my brothers, we called a nanny again.**
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Tomamos o tradicional chá de Sakura.
**We had the traditional Sakura tea.**
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E apesar de Baltazar achar idiota eu fui conversar com o guru do amor.
**And although Baltazar thought it was stupid, I went to talk to the love guru.**
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"Uma jogada feita para durar eras"
Acho que o que ele falou era bom...sei lá, homem esquisito.
**I think what he said was good... I don't know, weird man.**
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Fomos comer algo.
**We went to eat something.**
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E em um impulso decidimos renovar nossos votos. Eu estava feliz! Acho que essa é a vida normal que eu sempre quis, um marido razoavelmente bonito que sabe cozinhar, filhos que apesar de tudo não me davam problemas (apesar de algumas ligações do diretor dizendo que Charlotte estava faltando a algumas aulas), um trabalho que arrancava minhas escamas mas pagava bem e me fazia ter orgulho de mim mesma e uma boa casa com tudo que eu tenho direito.
**And on impulse we decided to renew our vows. I was happy! I think this is the normal life I always wanted, a reasonably handsome husband who knows how to cook, children who despite everything didn't give me any problems (despite a few calls from the principal saying that Charlotte was missing some classes), a job that took my scales but it paid well and made me proud of myself and a good home with everything I'm entitled to.**
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upismediacenter · 2 years
UPIS Math Department holds first virtual Math Week
Mathematics Unites, the theme of the first virtual Math Week celebration, was hosted by the UPIS Math Department from March 14 to 18, 2022.
The celebration promoted appreciation for Mathematics as a unifying language and as a tool in understanding the world and fighting global challenges. In line with this, four programs were announced on the UPIS Math Week Facebook page. 
For Pi Day, more than a hundred participants joined the Pi Day Quizziz, a competition held via Zoom at exactly 3:14 PM on March 14. From K-2, they awarded Luccio Pang of K-Sampaguita, Altair Santiago of K-Kamia, and Amelia Obias of 2-Atis. For grades 3-6, Precious dela Paz of 3-Sapa, Zeke Sagayaga of 5-Banahaw, and Reen Lopez of 5-Sierra Madre won the competition. Lastly, the winners from grades 7-12 were Timothy Capulong of 11-Campos, Kirstin Mejia of 7-Jupiter, and Renz Dolorias of 8-Firefly.
Another activity is the Math Scavenger Hunt, a team activity that required students to search for eight items from the list posted on the event's Facebook page. According to Mr. Harold Badilla, Grade 11 Math teacher who facilitated the event, 32 groups of three members joined the game. The members of the K-2 team winner in this activity were Ilenea Amihan Baltazar, Freedom Dioquino, and Chloe Bianca Usi of 2-Mangga while Joaquin Bayuga, Allyssa Sarenas, and James Deximo of 4-Patani won the 3-6 contest. Last but not least, the members of the winning team from 7-12 were Erielle Arceo and Bianca Baguio of 11-Lopez, along with Gabe Matias from 11-Marasigan.
Guess the Number was a challenge for students to count all the candies inside a jar. “This activity warmly received 244 guesses from students,” Mr. Badilla said. Altair Santiago from K-Kamia, Paulo Dulfo from 4-Singkamas, and Justine Catiis from 11-Campos were the winners of this activity. 
Finally, Math Museum featured interesting facts about math posted on the UPIS Math Week page every day for four days. The topics included historical mathematicians, math articles, and throwbacks of older UPIS students sharing their math hugot lines. 
On March 18, Prof. Angel Rocena, Mathematics department head, hosted the closing ceremony with Mr. Badilla. The latter expressed his appreciation for the UPIS community’s engagement during the festivities. “We are extremely grateful for the active participation of students as evidenced by the high turnout of entries, for the class advisers and subject teachers for promoting the Math Week events, for the UPIS administration for the leadership and guidance, and for the PTA for sponsoring the prizes shared to the winners,” he shared. 
Prof. Rocena disclosed that organizing the event was challenging because teachers had to do all the planning, preparing, and executing of the programs alongside their teaching responsibilities. Despite the problems they faced, she added, “Challenging, yes, but we were joyful as we did all those because we know that it would be a fun learning experience for the students, something outside the usual Zoom discussions.”
When asked about next year’s Math Week, Prof. Rocena answered,  “Whatever mode of instruction we'd have next year, expect a Math Week around 3/14/23 with new activities that will make you appreciate and love Math more.” //by Ricci Dantes, Andre Panopio, and Jemuell San Jose
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oaresearchpaper · 11 days
Butterfly Diversity in Cadaclan, San Fernando La Union, Philippines
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Butterflies were sampled in Cadaclan, San Fernando La Union Botanical Garden (LUBG) of North Luzon to provide information on species-level diversity trend and distribution of butterflies on the open and close canopy portion of the dipterocarp forest from 2012-2014 using field transect method Species accumulation curve shows that additional sampling is needed for the possible turnover of species. Butterfly abundance was higher in open canopy forest with a mean individual of 8.14 per 10 meters out of the 814 total individuals. The close canopy forest had only 4.57 mean individuals for the total of 457. Species level diversity was higher in open canopy forest (H’ = 1.957) compared with the closed canopy forest (H’ = 1.933). These results suggest that butterflies prefer open canopy forest or clearing for their plights. Butterfly spatial distribution was uneven in the dipterocarp forest of LUBG with only 6 species of aggregate assemblages and 98 species with random distribution.
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Butterflies are very interesting subject of insects for study. Approximately 90% of butterfly species inhabit the tropics (Munyuli, 2010). Butterflies are taxonomically and ecologically well known (Mihoci et al., 2011) and are regarded as good ecological indicators for other invertebrates. They also represent environmental quality changes and ecologically play important roles in agricultural landscapes (Munyuli, 2012). They are pollinators which ensure reproduction and survival of plants that are used by other organisms as source of food, reproductive areas and medicine; their presence reflects the absence of other organisms and changes in physico-chemical environment (Mohagan and Treadaway, 2010). Butterflies are also sociologically significant as they are morphologically and colorfully meaningful which has various effects to the culture to some groups of people. Economically, their pupae are sold to zoological gardens for hatching, their morphos are used for jewelry making and the adults are used for wedding release instead of dove to symbolize the socioeconomic metamorphosis of the newlyweds (Mohagan and Treadaway, 2010).
Despite butterfly diversity, ecological, behavioural or sociological and functional roles (e.g., pollination), they remain poorly studied in the tropics specifically in farmlands (Marchiori & Romanowski, 2006). Since butterflies provide significant ecological interactions with crops and native wild plant species in many ecosystems around the globe (Davis et al., 2008), studies leading to their conservation is crucial in sustaining the productivity of agricultural and natural landscapes. Some of the key factors that influence diversity and distribution of species are geographic isolation, landscape features, altitude, and climate (Mihoci et al., 2011). In mountain ecosystems, species distribution is determined by habitat and climate stability (Storch et al., 2003). In the Philippines diversity been done by Baltazar (1991) to inventory the Philippine butterflies but not covering all areas in the country including North Luzon. In South Luzon, a survey of butterflies has been done in Mt. Makiling (Cayabyab, 1992) and Mt. Banahao (Lit, 2001). In Mindanao, several butterfly diversity studies were originated (Mohagan et al., 2011; Mohagan and Treadaway, 2010). In North Luzon, La Union Botanical Garden (LUBG) is a montane garden park that once was a dense forest and now plants are domesticated for ecotourism use. It also features an agro-ecosystem on its vicinity. None of the studies mentioned above show the effects of microclimate in terms of canopy cover on butterfly diversity and abundance.
Hence, the influences of open and close canopy forests to butterfly existence are documented for the first time in La Union Botanical Garden (LUBG), San Fernando, and La Union, Philippines. Thus, this paper aimed to provide information on diversity and species abundance of butterflies in open and close canopy forests in LUBG.
Source :  Butterfly Diversity in Cadaclan, San Fernando La Union, Philippines | InformativeBD
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diarioelpepazo · 5 months
Alcaldía de San Francisco recibe la visita del Príncipe de la Iglesia [caption id="attachment_94504" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Foto Prensa Alcaldía de San Francisco[/caption] (SAN FRANCISCO) Un momento de gran trascendencia se vivió en el municipio San Francisco, el sábado 18 de Noviembre Día de La Chinita, tras la visita de Su Eminencia Cardenal Baltazar Enrique Porras Cardozo, quien sostuvo un grato encuentro con el alcalde Gustavo Fernández. El también arzobispo metropolitano de la Arquidiócesis de Caracas trajo consigo bendiciones al ayuntamiento sureño donde fue recibido con mucha alegría por Fernández Méndez, primera autoridad municipal y el director de despacho, Villapol Morales, plasmando así, para la historia, un momento único en el municipio al recibir un rosario consagrado por el papa Francisco y una reliquia de José Gregorio Hernández. El Príncipe de la iglesia católica venezolana recibió por parte de la primera autoridad el libro Crónicas de San Francisco y el botón orgullo de San Francisco. Al respecto, Fernández Méndez, expresó sentirse honrado de tener la visita de uno de los líderes de la iglesia católica. Pesebre de San Francisco sigue recibiendo bendiciones Su eminencia Cardenal Baltazar Porras Cardozo, durante su visita pastoral al Zulia, recorrió el pesebre ubicado en el patio del ayuntamiento sureño junto al alcalde Fernández Méndez. Este espacio que deslumbra a propios y extraños, desde el pasado martes, tuvo una conmemorativa visita de su eminencia Cardenal Baltazar Porras Cardozo que demuestra que en San Francisco reinan las bendiciones. El arzobispo Metropolitano de Caracas dió su bendición a estos espacios dignos de amor, paz y unión familiar, destacó. Cardenal Baltazar Porras, quien presidió en honor a los 314 años de renovación milagrosa de la virgen María en su advocación de Chiquinquirá, la solemne Eucaristía efectuada en la Basílica, también expresó su gratitud por la fe de los zulianos y felicitó al titular municipal y a todo su equipo por revivir este nacimiento que convoca a la unión familiar y que aviva la navidad a locales y visitantes. [caption id="attachment_94505" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Foto Prensa Alcaldía de San Francisco[/caption] Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Prensa Alcaldía de San Francisco
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acapulcopress · 8 months
Congreso entregará presea 'Sentimientos de la Nación' en grado postmorten a Benita Galeana
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CHILPANCINGO * Septiembre 7, 2023. ) Congreso de Guerrero Diputados de la LXIII Legislatura aprobaron entregar la Presea “Sentimientos de la Nación”, en grado postmortem, a Benita Galeana Lacunza, reconocida activista por los derechos de las mujeres y los trabajadores, En el dictamen suscrito por la Junta de Coordinación Política (Jucopo) se menciona que dicho reconocimiento, como cada año, se entregará en la sesión solemne del próximo 13 de septiembre en la Catedral de La Asunción de María de Chilpancingo, en el marco del 210 Aniversario de la Instalación del Primer Congreso de Anáhuac. Precisa que para designar al recipiendario se nombró a las diputadas y diputados integrantes de la Jucopo como Comisión Especial, mismos que, tras la emisión de la convocatoria, hicieron el registro de los candidatos Carlos Marx Barbosa Guzmán, Familia Villanueva Castro, Baltazar Brito Guadarrama, Luis Rodolfo Nájera Ramírez, Félix Bautista Matías y Benita Galeana Lacunza. De estas propuestas, abunda el documento, se consideró procedente otorgar el reconocimiento postmorten a Benita Galeana Lacunza, por su trayectoria de vida, trabajo, promoción y aportación o los derechos de las mujeres, de los trabajadores, la cultura, la libertad, la paz y la democracia, méritos suficientes para considerarla una digna merecedora de lo Presea "Sentimientos de la Nación". Benita Galeana Lacunza nació en San Jerónimo, y a la muerte de sus padres emigró al puerto de Acapulco, para posteriormente residir en la Ciudad de México, siempre en un entorno complicado, dada su condición de pobreza y analfabetismo, ya que aprendió a leer a los 29 años, situación a la que se sobrepuso para convertirse en una activista de izquierda y precursora en la lucha de los derechos de las trabajadoras. “Fue una mujer de su tiempo que desafió las costumbres patriarcales y defendió en todo momento su derecho a elegir, un gran mérito para que nuestra paisana saliera adelante sola, desafiando y venciendo a la sociedad machista de principios de siglo, saturado de prejuicios que negaban espacios de crecimientos a las mujeres”, apunta el dictamen. Iniciativas El diputado Marco Tulio Sánchez Alarcón presentó una iniciativa de Ley que Regula el Uso de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación para la Seguridad Pública del Estado de Guerrero, estableciendo las bases de coordinación en la materia entre las instituciones de seguridad pública de la entidad, los municipios y prestadores de servicios de seguridad privada. La propuesta se turnó a la Comisión de Seguridad Pública para su análisis y emisión de dictamen. El diputado Carlos Cruz López propuso reformar la Ley Orgánica del Municipio Libre del Estado para que en caso de ausencia del secretario del Ayuntamiento, se nombre a un secretario interino por un periodo máximo de 30 días, tiempo durante el cual el cabildo deberá ratificar o designar a otro servidor público. Esta iniciativa fue turnada a la Comisión de Asuntos Políticos y Gobernación. Informe La diputada Yannely Hernández Martínez rindió el informe de los trabajos legislativos del segundo periodo de receso correspondiente al segundo año de ejercicio constitucional de la LXIII Legislatura. ] Síguenos en Facebook.com/acapulcopress ] Síguenos en Facebook.com/angelblanco.press Read the full article
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regionlitoral · 1 year
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Fiesta de San Baltazar, Saladas, Corrientes. https://ift.tt/B4eTYup
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noticieropoblano · 2 years
Incendio en fábrica de velas en Texmelucan despierta a vecinos
Incendio en fábrica de velas en Texmelucan despierta a vecinos
Al menos 100 personas fueron evacuadas como una acción preventiva tras el incendio de una fábrica de veladoras ubicada en la junta auxiliar de San Baltazar Temaxcalac, en San Martín Texmelucan, esta madrugada. El hecho causó la movilización de diversos cuerpos de emergencia a la zona, los cuales hasta la mañana de este viernes seguían laborando para evitar que el fuego pueda reavivarse. Cerca…
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juarezesdeporte · 11 months
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Hermosillo, Sonora, sábado 3 de junio, 2023.-El ajedrecista de la UACJ, Joshua Adrián Ávila Rodríguez , obtiene medalla de plata en la modalidad relámpago con 15 puntos*****Esta es la segunda presea que obtiene ya que anteriromente se colgó el metal dorado en la modalidad clásica 
En el cierre de las jornadas de ajedrez, en la Universiada Nacional Sonora 2023, la delegación de la Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (UACJ) cosechó la medalla de plata durante la tarde del viernes 2 de junio.
El alumno de la licenciatura en ingeniería Física, Joshua Adrián Ávila Rodríguez, subió de nueva cuenta al podio para colgarse la presea de plata al posicionarse en segundo lugar, en la modalidad relámpago con 15 puntos.
Diego Baltazar Ibáñez, de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), culminó en primer lugar con 17 puntos, y Diego Adolfo Esquivel San Agustín, de la Universidad de Guadalajara (U de G), fue tercer lugar con 14 puntos.
Tomando en cuenta los cinco de días de actividad de esta disciplina, la UACJ sumó dos medallas; una de oro y una de plata.
(Roberto González Talamantes-Comunicación Social UACJ)
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