#Saguru is more second kira material though despite sharing a voice actor with Light
kaitoukye · 28 days
Kaito finds a Death Note.
Its dropped outside his school as if its waiting for him, and he picks it up thinking its a silly joke. Maybe he can use it as a prank later? He doesn't use it, doesn't even test it. Its a joke so why should he? He has a KID heist to attend. When he faces off Snake that night his mind briefly flashes to the notebook in his desk. He brushes it off but the thought lingers. If anyone deserves to die its the man who killed his father. (His father is alive but he doesn't know that) That night, tired and exhausted from the heist, he pulls out the notebook and studies the rules more. It still seems ridiculous. With just someone's name and face he could kill them? Was he even that sort of guy? Very elaborate for a prank. He puts it away for the night, but the rules trace the edges of his dreams.
The very next day there's a hostage situation at a daycare, and the notebook is in Kaito's hands even on just a small hope he can do more then gape at the television.
It will just be the one time, he swears. (Later on he'll think Hakuba has caught on that he's killing more and more people, cornering him after school. He expects the bastard to try to arrest him. Instead Saguru shoves a second notebook into his hands with an awkward smile) (Even later, Shinichi will think that the death rate in the area is just a bit too high even for the exaggerated world they live in, and begin an investigation)
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