sacredvox-blog · 9 years
Fellow Geeky Catholic  Bloggers You Should Check Out!
Hey there, here are some Catholic geeky bloggers you should check out!
Below are links to bloggers that I want to recommend to people that enjoy my blog, podcast and twitter feed. :) All of the people mentioned below write fascinating and thoughtful posts  from a faithful Catholic perspective, enjoy:
Catholic anime bloggers: > https://contemplansprofunde.wordpress.com/ > http://medievalotaku.wordpress.com/
Catholic gaming bloggers: > http://catholicvideogamers.blogspot.com/
This list is an ever evolving one, so if you want to recommend a blog to me send me an ask on tumblr or tweet to me @SacredVox and I’ll determine if I’d like to add it to the list.
Now hurry run to the ask box or twitter and give me your blog recs!
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sacredvox-blog · 10 years
You're right, I am Anti-choice
Whenever I hear people complain about the term "Pro-Life", and their preference to call me people like me "Anti-choice" I can't help but internally agree with them. Yes, I am against the idea that any person has the right to kill their own child! I have held this position since before I converted to the Catholic faith (I was much less vocal about it.) I've never seen being against the killing of human life in all forms as a radical position. It was just obvious to me. It's startling to me how many people talk about children like their not human beings. It's very short sighted of them to not realize that these children will one day be their age and that we were all once fetuses in our Mother's womb. Good thing your Mother didn't make the choice to kill you right "pro-choice advocates"? I'm glad you're Mothers didn't make that choice because then you would have been denied the experience of love, friendship, and family, among other amazing things that we homo sapiens get to experience in life. Being Pro-Life is believing that NO ONE has the right to deny another person to experience life. Those that hold the Pro-Life position often get accused of only focusing on making abortion illegal. Obviously I can't speak for others that call themselves pro-life but I stand up and speak against all sort of other atrocities if they come up in conversation in real life or online. It's true that I am strongly against abortion but I am also adamant about the evils of pornography (that's a blog post for another day), slavery, physical abuse, verbal abuse, animal abuse and much more. On social media sites when I post things against animal abuse the post gets so many likes, shares and comments of support (and often how people that abuse animals should be killed in some terrible way.) But when I post against abortion I rarely get a response and when I do it's always annoyed/angry comments accusing me of hating women. What this all comes back to is human rights. Abortion is a complete violation of the human rights of the child, and often also the Mother. Unfortunately there are many Women that feel alone and isolated because the Father of their child leaves them both. What makes me even more upset is when the Father of the child forces the Mother to have an abortion by threatening to leave her, or abuse her. Sadly, Feminists completely ignore this common reason why Women have abortions. For some reason the idea that a Women can choose to kill her own child is empowering to Feminists. Another thing that's short sighted about the idea that children's value only comes from their parents is the fact that we live in a fallen world where some people make the choice (see what I did there?) to abandon their children in favor of their own selfish interests and thus their children grow up as orphans. I want to be clear here that I'm not talking about parents that give their children up for adoption or leave them with relatives. Like I said before our world is fallen, and as such difficult circumstances can arise in which the parent(s) truly cannot take care of their own children. Giving a child up for adoption, and even abandoning a child is better than deliberately killing a child. At least if you abandon a child he/she has a chance of being found by someone that can take care of them. Choosing to the abort a child doesn't give them that chance. The whole point of an abortion is to kill the child. (although there are some people that have survived abortions. Click here for a video from one such Woman!) Anyway, getting back to the point I made above, by the logic of the "pro-choice" argument orphans have no value. That's pretty messed up, isn't it? I'm pretty sure most people would agree that that's not morally sound logic. Like I've said several times before a human beings value does not come from the approval of their parents. It comes from the fact that all human beings are made in the image and likeness of God. That being said I'd also like to point out that I really appreciate that there are groups such as "Secular pro-life" that realize that abortion is always objectively wrong. However, I think that when it comes down to the question of why human life is valuable at all Pro-Life Atheists or Agnostics won't be able to give a good answer. If they see us simply as animals then how can they say anything is objectively wrong with killing our own children? Male lions kill their own cubs and the cubs of other lions if they see them as some sort of threat. So yeah… I don't know how Pro-Life Atheists or Agnostics could explain why abortion is wrong if we're the just "fancy animals"… Anyway, I think I'll elaborate more on this subject in a future blog/ podcast/ live stream post. Speaking of my podcast & live streams, I'm planning to start doing them again after Lent. I hope everyone is having a blessed Lent. Lastly, I just want to point out that like most people I've struggled with the longing to make other people, especially friends, happy. While this is not necessarily a bad aspiration it's important to remember that making other people happy is not the most important thing in life! I know shocking right?! It's more important to stand for God's truth than anything else. Friends may forsake you, gossip about you and perhaps even decide to be your enemies. But, God will never forsake you. He hasn't forsaken you from the moment that he created you and knew you in your Mother's womb and he won't start now! So in short…. You should pray for even for those that hate you and not hold hatred for them in your heart. :) Thanks for reading! Please pray for me Brothers & Sisters. +JMJ+ Comments, questions, concerns? Tweet to me on Twitter: sacredvox​ | https://twitter.com/SacredVox Or send me a Tumblr Ask Message | http://sacredvox.tumblr.com/ask -Sacred † Vox
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sacredvox-blog · 10 years
Thanks to anyone that listened to my 1st audio only podcast episode!
Here's a link to the episode: http://sacredvox.tumblr.com/post/73451415391/sacred-vox-podcast-episode-7-faith-fandom …
I'd love to hear ur feedback/questions/concerns.
Also, the next SacredVox podcast episode will be titled: "Progessing toward what?" I'll try to get it out as soon as I can.
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sacredvox-blog · 11 years
Though I may be reviled by others, I will keep following You my King.
And oh, what a grace it is to be reviled for You.
To feel just a bit of what You suffered at the of hand humanity for humanity.
You were hated.
You were reviled.
Even though You spoke words of truth, healed the sick, fed the hungry and loved even those who hated You.
So the disdain that they feel for me will not faze me.
Your love will always be stronger than their hate will ever be.
Please grant them peace.
Grant them the grace to see the truth of Your Divine love.
-Sacred † Vox
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