larabar · 1 year
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ok screw it. bird time. revali under the cut because i like messing with him
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dumb bird (affectionate)
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #407: Mother's Day Celebration (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
It's a Lovely Late Morning in the Smash Mansion and the ladies, the Certified Moms, are all attending the Mother's Day Celebration Party at the Conference Room, organized and hosted by their babies.
They were all laughing, socializing with one another in their reserved seats while enjoying their meals cooked and prepare by the Waddle Dees and their skills of Culinary Arts. All things considered, the party was going pretty causal and normal for the most part, when suddenly.....
*Gentle Tapping Noise of a Wine Glass*
The Audience: (Stop What They Were Doing and Paid Their Attention Towards Sonic on the Stage)
Sonic: (Standing in front of the Podium with a Microphone in his hand) Good Morning, Ladies!
The Audience: Good Morning, Sweetie/Sonic!
Sonic: I take it you guys are enjoying the party so far, Ami I right?
The Audience: (Applaud Cheerfully in Complete Agreement)
Peach: Mommy Love You So Much, Sonic Sweetie!~
Sonic: (Blushing While Chuckling Awkwardly) Love you too, Mom..... A-Anyways, I just wanna thank you all today for attending this party today. (Chuckles Lightly) Well, I mean, first off, I wanna thank The Waddle Dees for.........(Continues Speaking on the Microphone)
Meanwhile Behind the Certains of the Stage.....
Yoshi; (Gives Pit a Light Shoulder Massage to Ease his Nerves) Alright, Pit, how are you feeling now?
Pit: (Taking Deep Breaths) A Bit Confident..... Nervous..... Trying not to go on the Terrified Scale.....
Dark Pit: Relax, Pit. It's like what we told you yesterday: The Audience are our moms. Not Critics.
Pit: ('Sigh Heavily') I know......Guess I'm still too afraid to mess up....
Zelda: (Smiles Softly) It's going to be okay, Pit. (Picks Kirby up and Point Him Towards the Angel) You wanna Kirby Hug for Best of Luck?
Kirby: (Smiles Cheerfully) Poyo!
Pit: I-
Sonic: (From Outside the Stage) Now, put your hands together for the one and only......Pit-Stai- Wait. Sorry. I mean....Pit!!!
Pit: (Already Hear the Audience's Applause) Welp. (Gently Pats on Kirby's Head) I'm finally up.....(Took One Final Deep Breath Before Nervously Walking Out of the Certains) Wish me luck.....
Kirby: (Wave at Pit for Good Luck) Poyo Poyo!
Pit: (Chuckles Awkwardly as he Waves at the Cheering Crowd while Nervously Making his way towards the Podium)
Palutena: (Rapidly Claps and Cheers Happily for Pit and his Arrival) Oh my Gosh, Samus!!~ That's my baby up there. I'm so happy!!~
Samus: (Chuckles Lightly) We can see that, Goddess. Don't worry.
Sonic: (Silently Gives Pit a Thumbs Up Once He Moved away from the Podium)
Pit: (Got Behind the Podium and Speak on it's Microphone) Uhh.....Morning, you guys!
The Audience: (Most Giggles Softly) Good Morning, Pit!
Pit: ('Sighs a bit Relaxingly') Okay. Let's get started. (Put his Hands on his Pockets.........And Begins to Mentally Panic once he Realize the Notes Are Nowhere Inside Either Side) (Oh No.....)
Dark Pit: He's panicking. Why is he panicking?
Toon: (Shrugged) Maybe he forgot his notes?
Dark Pit: How can he...........Shiiiiiiiiit. I know we forgot to bring something on the way here!...
Zelda: Hey! (Covers Kirby's Ears While Glaring at Dark Pit) Language.
Sonic: (Starts Getting Worried about his Angel Friend) Pit? You okay, man?
Pit: (Already Lost in Thought) (Great....This. is just...GREAT. As if having Stage Fright wasn't bad enough....Now I left my Notes at our room, I CAN'T BELIE-)
???: Pit!
Pit: (Immediately Stops Thinking and Panicking to himself and Looks Down at Palutena)
Palutena: Calm Down. It's gonna be okay. Cause no matter what happens .....(Smiles Brightly Towards Her Pit) I'll Always Believe in you.
Pit: (Eyes and Mouth Widened For a Few Seconds Before Smiling, Nodded, and Look Back Towards The Crowd Confidently) (Took One More Deep Breath) Okay....Soooo....I was supposed to have a written speech with me, buuuuuut I left it at my room.....(Chuckles Awkwardly) Not the Brightest Angel in Shed, am I right?
Most of the Audience starts Giggling Softy to Pit's Small Joke along with everyone else backstage. (Except for Dark Pit, who is Facepalming through the whole thing.)
Pit: But seriously though....You all are just....so amazing, you know? I mean....You take care and look after us the best way you know how, you accept us for who we are, teach us life lessons....You guys basically did everything any Mom would do for their kids, you know? And......I mean, sure, at first we thought it was strange, but now, as time goes on....(Starts Smiling Sincerely) We all started to appreciate everything you do us ever since we moved in here one by one. So just know that no what happens.... We will ALWAYS Love each and everyone of You in and out of this mansion because we're family. And Families stick together like Glue and sometimes Tree Sap... B-But definitely more like Glue! So we here on stage wanna wish you moms a Happy Mother's Day and that We LOVE YOU ALL TO PIECES!!..........Thank you.
*Completely and Utter Silence*
Pit: (Eyes Widened in Fear) Oh God...I think they hate it-
Pit: Huh? (Looks Down at Palutena once more, Who Looks Like She's About to Cry in a Matter of Seconds)
Palutena: P-P-Pit....I....I...('Sniff') I..........(Finally Bursts Out Crying, Got Up From her Seat, and Starts Clapping Rapidly along with Everyone Else Following Suit)
*Applauses and Cheers Around the Conference Room*
Pit: I-I did it....I did it....(Slowly Starts to Smile Brightly in Joy) I actually didn't mess up! The crowd loves me!!!
Sonic: (Grins at Pit While Patting Pit on the Back) Good on ya, my man. I knew you can do it.
Yoshi: We all did! (Sprint Towards Pit with a Smile While Everyone Else Follows Along)
Zelda: (Smiles Brightly) You were so amazing out there!
Toon Link: (Chuckles Lightly While Giving Pit a Playful Smirk) And you said "You Didn't Have What it Takes"
Kirby: (Happily Cheers For Pit) Poyo! Poyo!~
Pikachu: (Cheers for Pit as well) Pika Pik!
Dark Pit: Not gonna lie, I honestly thought you would were about to mess up....(Starts Smiling A Little Towards his Original/Brother) But you actually pulled through to the end. You did good, Pit. You made me proud.
Pit: (Smiles While Tears Coming Up on his Eyes) Thanks, Bro! (Pulls Dark Pit into a Big Hug) You're the Best!
Dark Pit: (Starts Blushing While being Embarrassed) Yeah.....(Lightly Pats on Pit's Back) No problem....
Pit: That goes for each and everyone of you guys too. Bring it in!
Dark Pit: W-W-Wait! NO-
Almost Everyone on Stage joins the Angel Brothers' Brotherly Hug.
Dark Pit: (Groans A bit Loudly) God I hate you people....
Toon: Love ya too, man.
Sonic: Hey, Hey! You guys! Look!
The kids finally pulls away from their Group Hug and look down at their audience.....most if not all of which....are crying a lot more than they were applauding.
Yoshi: Wow.....(Turns to Pit) You were not kidding when you said you were going to make them cry today....
Pit: I was just saying all of this for Confidence Boost.....I don't even know if I should be happy or worried right now....
Peach: (Crying Her Eyes out that her Mascara is Starting Fall Down her Cheeks) Myyyyyyyy BABIEEEEES!!!!
Daisy: Hey.... C'mon, cuz... Don't cry...('Sniff') We have to.....('Sniff') Pull thr- AH SCREW IT! (Hugs Peach and Joining Her on a Cry Fest)
Rosalina: (Softly Cries) T-That was the most beautiful speech I have ever heard.....
Samus: That speech was something else alright.......(Tears Finally Starts Swelling Up in her Eyes) I can't believe it actually making me cry right now.....(Begins to Cover her Eyes and Starts Cry Softly)
Sonic: (Eyes Widened in Surprised) Sheesh....You even got Samus crying now.....
Pit: Guys, I'm starting to think my speech is a blessing and a curse right now....
Kirby: (Whispers Something into Pikachu's Ears Before Convinced to Follow Along With Him Out of the Stage)
Sonic: (Begins to Smile Softly once he sees Kirby and Pikachu comes to Samus' Table to Calm her Down with Hugs) Guys, I think it's time we help our moms out for once. (Jump Down from the Stage)
Yoshi: (Raised an Eyebrow) By calming them down?
Sonic: Yep. I mean, they were always there for us even now, so we might as well do the same, am I right?
Everyone starts to agree wholeheartedly as they got down off the stage themselves and follow suit....All except for Dark Pit who is still standing on stage.
Dark Pit: You guys go on ahead. (Pulls out his Phone) I'm gonna stay here and (Starts Texting)....watch the stage for a little-
Palutena: (In Tears) Pittooooo!....
Dark Pit: ('Sighs in Defeat') I'm coming! I swear....(Put his Phone Back into his Pocket and got off of the Stage) This party is already starting to turn into an emotional rollercoaster in here.....
And with that, The kids and teens went down and give each one of their mother figures the love and comfort they need right now from emotional speech.
It wasn't a easy task, but because of Pit, today happens to be the best Mother's Day this Smash Family has ever had in a long time.
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