kinsbin · 6 years
First Dates and Drive Ins
Title: First Dates and Drive Ins Word Count: 4722 Ship: Sharky Boshaw/Queenie [Canon/Self Insert]
Summary: Sharky likes Queenie. He likes her a lot. It’s hard to express that with words, though, even when you’re him. So instead, he decides to gather up some help to set up the perfect movie date for them both. 
Author’s Note: Writing commission for @bumblebeequeenie! Sharky and her are such an OTP and I always enjoy writing for them both! ;w;
The night had to be perfect. Though Sharky rarely worried about such things as ‘perfection’ or ‘cleanliness’, tonight was different. No one could ever truly be perfect, he knew that, but...Queenie was to him. Everything from her smile to her looks sent his heart palpitating beyond a measurable human speed. He had a soft paranoia for a while that it was just the Bliss that caused her to be around him, sending him visions of an all-too perfect woman who would stand by his side and laugh at his jokes. It was the acceptance that she was, indeed, as real as he was that sent him scrambling over to the Deputy. His palms sweaty and his face flushed, as if he had only just realized the entirety of the situation a few moments ago (which he could neither confirm nor deny) the words that fell from his mouth were only a little bit shocking.
“I need y'all's help. It’s important.”
He could see the Deputy’s shoulders rise and fall in the deepest, longest breath of their life. Sharky knew that they were in.
“A movie date?”
Xena quirked an eyebrow at Sharky as he laid out his proposal. Her feet propped up against the barstool next to hers, she had been nursing a rum and coke while cleaning a shovel off. The process left a small pile of dried blood and dirt surrounding her on the floor. A shout from Mary about how she was going to clean it up indicated that it wasn’t the most welcome activity in the bar. Sharky balanced on the balls of his feet, shifting back and forth as he anxiously awaited her final decision. Brows furrowed, Xena thought carefully about it as she always seemed to do. The girl was good at thinking things through. Sharky wasn’t sure if that’s what he was excited for in this moment.
“Yeah! You know,” He talked with his hands as he moved them in front to mime out his desires, “Set up a huge tarp! Get an ol’ projector from the dump and fix her up. Find a couple of movies and BAM! Instant drive through, a perfect date, and maybe a kiss or two….Or we’ll have sex I mean-”
“Okay, OKAY.” Xena held out her hands with wide eyes, “I don’t want to think about your dick, dude. I’ll help y'all out. I can get a tarp and some movies for you no problem. You’ll have to go and grab a projector from somewhere else, though.”
Sharky grinned at her, pulling her into an awkward side hug that sent he stumbling from her stool and spilling her drink with a shocked yelp. “You are the BEST friend a man could have, Xeen! When this date gets up and rollin’, I’ll remember to think about you for it all!”
“Yeah,” Xena wheezed while pulling a face to hide the oncoming smile of amusement that threatened to grow against her cheeks, “I’d rather you not. Now let’s go.”
Pushing the man off of her, she grabbed her shovel and approached the Deputy, Sharky in tow as she put on a grin towards the Deputy waiting at the door, “Well? What are we waiting for? Operation ‘Queenie’s Perfect Date’ is a go!”
The Deputy laughed as Sharky’s grin seemed to grow even wider than before. Excitement burned through his veins almost as hotly as his love for the girl this was all for.
Queenie sighed as she stood on the front porch of the house she had taken up residence in. Close enough to the main town to be called if she was needed for  a mission but far enough to avoid any light pollution and unwanted guests, the small cottage was an almost perfect fit for her. The sky above slowly began to change colors as the sun set, decorating the world in hues of pinks and yellows. The sheer of twilight coming from the opposite end of the west began to give way to specks of stars and even the moon, in all of her glory, glistened about the darkened line. Cold nipped at its heels, making goosebumps rise on her skin as she watched the night take over.
It was beautiful, but, did little to quell the anxiety slowly seeping into her heart. Xena and Sharky had been gone all day on a mission with the Deputy. Everyone else in town seemed to have one thing or another to do. It left her feeling lonely, missing her friends as they went out on an adventure without her. She was almost hesitant to accept Sharky’s invitation out after they had returned, Xena scurrying off with only a quick ‘hello’ and the Deputy trotting after her. The behavior was strange to say the least, but, she knew her friend was nothing if not honest. If anything was truly going on that she had to worry about, Xena would have told her out of the sheer civic duty of her personality. Sharky had blocked her anyways, babbling on about the day and quickly asking if she was free that evening.
“I wanna show ya something cool that I found-well-me and Rook found actually-but you can only see it at night and it’s really-really uh-Well, somethin’ else!”
Sharky, for all of his humor and pleasantries, was a terrible liar. Queenie couldn’t help but feel slight amusement at the attempt to cover whatever it was he was really up to, and could only nod to play along. Confirming with a soft ‘sure, sounds fun’ she was now waiting, a comfortable outfit of her favorite suspender-dress and shirt on, to be whisked away to what would obviously be more than ‘a really cool thing me and Rook found’.
She was pulled from her momentary reverie when the honkin of a car horn shattered the glass walls of her mind. Focusing back into reality, Queenie stared forward at the pickup truck pulled into her driveway. In the light of her porch, she could just make out Sharky’s familiar silhouette in the driver’s seat, his grin warmer than any sun that would dare continue to shine. It infected her within seconds, sending a soft smile twitching up the corners of her lips as she walked down off the porch and towards the car door.
Hopping into the passenger's seat, she tilted over to give Sharky a soft nudge with her shoulder. A friendly little gesture that placed them in contact and sent a warmth up to Sharky’s face. He hoped with all his heart that it was obscured by the dimming red sunset around them. Tilting his hat back, he gave a soft whistle as she adjusted her seatbelt, “Hot damn, don’t you look good tonight!”
The complement sent pride and flustered embarrassment up her spine. Queenie giggled as she tilted her head and bit her lip, “You think so? I’m glad. Dress to impress, I say!” Though she didn’t say that at all, it was only a half joke.
“You’re always impressive, though! I guess the outfit’s just...a bonus extra impression. Is there a word for that that ain’t negative? Pizazz or something right? Either way, you -uh- you look hot..” His honestly flowed from between his lips without thinking much about it. Like always, he seemed to simply speak how he felt. Every sentence made her smile wider, giggles raking down her shoulders as she tried to hold them back. The tension between them was a warm one, sweet and pinning as they meandered in the space between friends and lovers. Queenie felt hope, a hope for this moment, swell itself up in her chest and yet anxiety stopped her from speaking of it too loudly. There was a fear she was wrong somehow and, if she brought it up and he didn’t feel the same way, it would mean eternal embarrassment and an awkward relationship between them forever.
Still, the thread of laughs and jokes lasted through the ride as they drove off. The roads of the Montana backwoods were rocky with years of forgotten upkeep. Even in a pickup truck built for the hardened terrain, the ride was worse than usual. Queenie held onto the edges of the seat for dear life as the truck rumbled its way through the terrain, further into town. Her eyes cast themselves back and forth curiously, observing the surroundings in an effort to see just what was going on.
“So,” She spoke with a slow curiosity, “Where are we actually going?”
Sharky’s knuckles tightened on the wheel to the truck in surprise, eyes widening as he caught himself through his surprise with a loud cough into his shoulder. Facing her, he couldn’t look her in the eyes as he shrugged. “I dunno what you mean by that,” He denied vehemently, “I told you that Rook and I found something’ that you had to see right? I’m stickin to that.”
“You’re a terrible liar.”
“I am not lying! Just hiding a bit of what I mean is all.”
“That’s lying,” Queenie laughed, taking a breath as she settled back into her seat while gazing out the window thoughtfully, “Just...promise me it won’t be anything bad, right? I’m not going to have to put myself out from being set on fire or kill any Peggies?”
“First of all,” Sharky held up a single finger with a pout, “Both of those things are RADICAL. Especially when we do them both at once. You can’t convince me otherwise. Secondly-” Another finger held up, awkwardly as it was his index finger and thumb- “I concede that, may perhaps, I have not been entirely truthful with you from the very beginning of this endeavor but, I can also assure you that it ain’t for any ill intent or lying or sacrificing you to any sort of god or would-be-wanna-be gods, Seeds or otherwise. I may also concede that I am most definitely not using the biggest and most articulate sentences I can manage while also driving to distract you from asking more questions until we arrive at the aforementioned destination to which I can show you exactly what I mean-Oh! We’re here.”
The truck came to an abrupt halt, sending Queenie flying forward against her seatbelt as Sharky slammed the breaks. With a huff of surprise, Queenie turned to gaze at him. He gazed back at her, blue eyes swimming with a positive pride that made her heart melt. How he always managed to stay so true to himself was something she admired, if not only in secret or to those also nursing a drink or two at the bar when they can. When they talked, he was always smiling. Always rambling. His hands motioned wildly in front of him as if he were creating a picture and whis words were so unique to each situation (stupid, others called it, but unique to her) that it made the world sparkle in a new way that she hadn’t considered before. It was his perspective, perhaps, that she loved the most about him.
Love? Perhaps it was. She wondered if he felt the same way about her.
She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn’t notice Sharky clamber out of the driver’s side of the truck, nearly tripping over his feet in excitement as he reached her side of the car door. The click of the handle coming undone followed by the sound of it opening, creaking out its defense against rusty hinges, sent her reeling from her moment of silence. Turning to undo her seatbelt, she couldn’t help but match the smile on Sharky’s face as he bowed as deep as holding a door open would allow him to and gestured outwards with a flourished motion.
“Ma Damn.” He spoke, butchering the french word with his slick accent. The mispronunciation was nothing short of endeering, however, as Queenie giggled and stepped out of the vehicle gingerly. “Ever the gentleman.” She teased with a raise of her eyebrow as he closed the door behind her and re-adjusted his hat with a laugh, “Only for you, I promise.”
“I’ll keep you to that,” She returned with a hum, “Now, show me where we’re going.”
Sharky held out his hand, for once quiet as he watched her intently. The grin was smaller on his lips as he grew nervous, palms sweating just a bit too much to be safe from and he wondered, briefly, if he should have maybe not offered his hand. Perhaps there was time to take it back. Would wiping it on his pants be too obvious? The terrors of the situation loomed overhead like a foreboding cloud before they were blown away by the breeze of shock that instigated itself within him as they approached the area to which he was bringing her.
There was a mental note to buy Xena and the Deputy some whiskeys after all of this was said and done. Next to him, Queenie sucked in a breath as she gasped in shock at the entirety of the field before her. What once was a simple parking lot, grassy as it was made of dirt, cleared out of cars from where they had once idly stood while townsfolk went about their daily business. The normally yellow grass glowed a soft blue in the light of the fairy lights that hung around nearby fence posts and street lamps. The lamps themselves, dimmed to near invisibility, did not interfered in the aesthetic. In fact they almost added to it as much as the large, draped white screen did.
Set up as if it were a drive in movie, the white canvas was tied tightly to metal shafts, the frame of the entirety of it looked as though it was meant to be there. So seamless in its placement that it was, Queenie wondered if the entire town would be up for keeping this there as a drive in theater. It wasn’t like they needed more than one or two parking lots in town nowadays anyways, with cultists and angels attempting to steal whatever they could when they could sneak into the town borders. The thought of such a thing happening, she had to admit, sent shivers down her spine.
Queenie’s eyes gazed around to take the whole thing. The projector in the distance was manned by a familiar mess of red hair, glasses glittering in the blue lighting. As if sensing the gaze, Xena shrunk back and waved idly before disappearing behind a few boxes that seemed to be stack at her side more for convenience's sake than anything else. Queenie held back a laugh as she focused back on Sharky and the area he had created.
So caught up in her wonderment of the scenery around her, Queenie almost didn’t catch the blanket placed down across the dirt. The generic checkered pattern of a picnic mat was bright against the dark earth. A wicker basket, holding a variety of snack foods, rested at a slightly askew angle. The scent of sweetened kettle corn buffeted her olfactory senses as it made itself known amongst the variety of candies that found themselves a comfortable crevice as well. Her heart warmed to see it as well as the small bouquet of flowers resting comfortably inside a clear vase, their various yellow and pink hues shone in contrast to the various blues of the glowing light. The sun had since set officially, letting a lingering overlay of aesthetic against the whole site.
“Sharky,” Queenie found herself breathing out his name in awe, “This is...so beautiful...Did you set all this up for...me?”
Sharky grinned, lips curled upwards as his chest puffed out with pride at her gaze. A hand reached up to rub the back of his neck, averting his eyes towards the massive screen with a sheepish laugh. There was no unsureness in his tone, for Sharky was a very sure man, but there was nervousness. A hint of awe seemed to settle within his own voice as he gestured with his free hand over to the setup before speaking:
“Of course I did! Well, I mean, I got some help and initiated the assistance of some of our other compadres. But it...it was all for us. I mean for you-mostly for you-but I uh. Look-” there was a pause as he took a deep breath, putting his hands together before gesturing to her with a soft blush threatening to coat his cheeks, “I’m not a man of few words. In fact, I am a man of a lotta words, so, I’m gonna use that talent to get this out in the air to ya, Queenie. I-well-I like you. A lot. Like, a fuck ton lot more than I think I’ve ever really like any other friend or girl I’ve been with. More than I like blastin peggies and angels and-well, yeah, you get my point there. I like you. That was the point. And if this wants to make you walk away or kick me in the balls, I get that too! I mean it’ll hurt like a bitch but I’ll get it more or less I just-wanted to make somethin’ nice for ya to surprise you and maybe...have it be our first...sorta official date if you’ll have it.”
He sounded like a high schooler confessing to his crush for the first time. His arms were shaky with the effort of keeping his train of thought going in the correct direction. Sharky’s attempt at not rambling showed Queenie just how much he truly meant this. How much he truly loved her. The confession along with the setup sent the final sparks flying through her mind and a smile spreading across her lips. Reaching out, she touched his hand with her own. Startling, Sharky looked up at her with wide eyes. She felt her heart melt at his gaze as she reached out to peck his lips. It was a soft, timid half-kiss that left him speechless for once in his life. Her touch lingered on him as she pulled him forward. As they made it closer to the blanket, she sat down on it and brought him down with her, smile shy but approving as she did so.
“...I like you too, you know,” She spoke at last, “And there isn’t anyone I’d rather enjoy something like this with...so...I guess my answer is yes.”
Yes...Sharky felt as though he should be waking up from a dream. Pulling himself out of his mind so that he could go about his daily routine as if he hadn't ever had the courage to pull something like this off though. He did have the courage though and, with help, he managed to pull it off. Everything was perfect and, what was more, Queenie had said yes. His heart fluttered before the beat turned into a rhythm, sending shockwaves of awe that showed themselves off in the form of a grin across his lips.
“R-really?” He didn’t believe it even as he sat down next to her. Through the ground underneath was still rough and unpleasant, the blanket provided maximum coverage against the element. The honest question made Queenie laugh, her gaze appreciative over his form as she reached out and took his hand in hers with a nod of affirmation, “Really.”
Just as she had spoke, the soft ‘click’ of a recorder seemed to echo from behind them. A whirr of machinery filled the empty lot and, soon, the screen before them was flooded with light. The start of a horror movie, its interlude crescendo loud but distinctly 80s, flooded their eardrums and made them startle. Looking up, Queenie’s gaze lit with excitement as she reached around for the popcorn between them, throwing a few kernels into her mouth and scooting the basket over in favor of sitting up close and next to Sharky. For a moment he only froze, unsure of exactly how to hold her in the situation they were in. Then he remembered her words and reassurance. Slowly, ever so slowly, his arm found it around her shoulders and he was tugging her close to him with a grin across his face.
The movie was as funny as it was gory. The protagonist shot off witty one-liners as if they were a fine wine. Sharky couldn’t stop his rough and loud laughters from echoing as he pointed at the screen and made comments. Queenie, likewise, laughed through popcorn as she joined in, the banter between them filling up the noiseless forest just as much as the video was. Their conversation eased away the gory horror of the flim and amplified the comedy. Jumpscares were resulted in Queenie flying into Sharky’s arms, where he held her with a hearty laugh and joke to ease away whatever fears occured.
Her breath on his collar bone warmed his body in more ways the one, his heart thumping harsh in his chest as she saddled up to him stubbornly. Her sighs of relief once the gore was over flitted on his face and, for a moment, Sharky could not help but bury his nose in her hair and inhale the scent of her warm shampoo and perfume. There was a scent so unique to her that it could not be mistaken for anything or anyone else. Sharky was sure that, in a crowd of peggies and townsfolk alike, he would be able to find her in the darkest of nights. In the murkiest of depths or twisted backwoods, he would find her.
“You’re thinking about something?” Queenie’s question was gentle.
“Huh? What? No-yeah-” Sharky laughed, “What gave me away?”
“You stopped talking midway through your sentence,” She laughed and snuggled up closer, “Are you alright?”
“I,” He swallowed, “I was just thinking about what I’d do for you, is all. Because, I dunno if you know this but...I think I’d end up doing a lot of things for you.”
It was Queenie’s turn to blush this time, her face heated red even in the light of the movie playing on. As the ending approached, the mood seemed to turn away from lightheartedness and into something more serious...but not unwelcome. It was a moment of vulnerability he offered and she accepted in return. She adjusted herself so that she was sitting on his lap. Sharky kept his arms around her hips so that she wouldn’t fall or lose her balance, his eyes wide with the closeness. Only in his fantasies had she ever been this close. The feeling gave him hope and her body warmth. When she spoke, he listened intently. Hung up on her every word as if it were a prayer, his gaze never left her lips.
“Sharky,” She spoke his name as if it were a relief to say it outloud, “Tonight has been...amazing. It’s the most any guy has ever done for me and...I think it’s more than enough. I’m not looking for a knight in shining armor or anything like that...I just...want someone who will do this with me. Watch movies, laugh a lot...Kiss me like they mean it…”
Sharky picked up on the flirtatiousness of her tone. The way her arms wrapped around his neck  to pull him closer. He swallowed, in awe of the woman before him, but recovered quickly. It was now or never and he knew it. Wasting no more time, he reached out with one hand to cup her face. Her cheek was soft and warm with her blush as he brought her forward to place a fierce, passionate kiss against her lips.
He kissed her with his body. He poured his heart into the movements of his mouth against hers, biting her lip and shivering as she gasped into his mouth. Arms tightened around his neck, bringing him closer and his free hand held onto her hip while they tasted one another with their tongues. She tasted like kettle korn with mint and he tasted like tobacco and skittles. Neither minded nor cared just what flavor they held, only that it was each other’s. Somewhere in the background the film ended and the shutter of the last frame of old tape clattered to the end of the recorder, its stray piece of film fluttering as the machine whirred somewhere in the distance. Cicadas echoed from the forest but not even their serenade was enough to pull them from one another.
His stubble was rough on her chin but in the best way possible. Queenie felt the high of lightheaded makeout sessions hit her like a bullet train several moments into the act. When the pulled away, she felt her face warm up with the effort of keeping herself still. Sharky’s hands were on her hips and ass, holding tightly as if she were a lifeline to reality. When she looked in his eyes, they bore deep into hers. Normally lighthearted blue eyes were darkened now with lust and seriousness. His lips were as swollen as hers were and, she thought, it was a nice look on him. One of almost keening desperation to be seen as serious. To see him like this and taking the situation the way he was told her everything to know about his love for her and, she thought, she may just cry over it.
“I love you,” His voice was shaky but meaningful, “And if it takes somethin’ greater than a theater and a kiss to prove it, I’d lasso the whole moon down for ya. Set a pile of peggies burning in a field to spell your name. I, of course, will take a kiss or two like that again if that’s what it’ll take too but-” He managed to grin, “-I think most guys would.”
Queenie rolled her eyes, reaching out to push the brim of his hat over his eyes. When he chortled out with shock, she removed herself from him to stand up. Dusting her jumper off, Queenie watched Sharky readjust his hat and stand at her side with a huff. Her arms were around him again, hugging him to drink his warmth from his body as she sighed.
“I love you too...Thank-you. For what you said and for what you’ve done...I...can only hope I can do that much for you too.”
He hugged her back, arms large and trapping her but she felt safe between them, “You do that much just by existing how you do, sweetheart...Now! How’s about another movie? I got us, like, three of them so-”
She reached up to kiss him again, just hitting his lips on the tips of her toes and giving him a wry smile, “Or,” Her words were soft as she spoke up, “We could go back to my place and finish it off there? My bed’s more comfortable than the ground…”
There was a pause as he processed her words. A tick and then two...And then he grinned after understanding her meaning. Sharky practically vibrated with delight as he nodded, coughing behind his hand, “Uh-Yeah yeah. I think that is an insanely better plan and, from now on, I vote that you come up with all the plans for us ever in the history of us being together forever. Because that? Great plan.”
As he talked, she listened. She laughed. Queenie took his hand and pulled him forward towards the truck they had arrived in and hopped in her passenger's seat. Sharky all but tripped to the driver’s seat and, once in, he leaned over to kiss her again. Despite his eagerness, the kiss was slow and warm. A sweet moment to savor their official first night together as a couple that would be ingrained in his memory for the rest of his years. Kissing her sent electricity down his spine and a smile up his lips.
As he pulled away and started the truck, Sharky felt something he hadn’t felt in a long time. A hope, of sorts, that things would be okay. That life, despite the hell of Hope County they lived in, would get better than what it was.
And it would because, well, she was the girl he loved, after all.
There was nothing wrong with that.
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