#S9 - did sam wind up with gadreels torture memories too?
sounknownvoid · 5 months
did sam have GADREEL'S memories from 1000s of years in heaven-prison too?
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Hey I just thought of something on rewatch - when they find out that the psycho-angel in sam is gadreel Cas says he hasn't seen him before because he's been in "heaven's prison" & we know gadreel was also tortured in heaven...
So...does that mean that in addition to having his OWN MEMORIES from his time in Hell/Cage (potentially 1000s of years, if we take that math based on sam feeling its been a week when he went down for 5xmins in s6 n so thoughtlessly restored after cas broke his wall) ... after the possession by gadreel, does he then also have to deal with gadreels memories of being held captive and tortured in heaven too???.... after all, when crowleys in his head urging him to remember he remembered the stuff that happened while he was "submerged" - but does that mean that sam would be left with gadreels memories - along with his grace after he's kicked out? .... what if?... oh man... is there nowhere sam DOESNT get tortured/have terrible memories? - heaven , hell or earth?
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(n ofc sam doesn't get any support or help because dean conveniently fucks off straight after doing that to sam - and gets himself a mark of Cain - 1xmore thing for sam to deal with.....fk u dean...but I digress)
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