thatseventiesbitch ยท 4 months
Welcome back to another installment of That '70s Show original scripts - this time we're looking at S2xE23 "Holy Crap!"
Special shoutout to my hubby, who put this in my stocking for Christmas ๐Ÿ˜˜ (The cast signatures are a reprint, but still very cool!!) There were not a ton of changes to this episode, but as always, read on for my summary.
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The first change is this cut line from Eric after Red's story about his destroyer going down during the war. Eric (feebly) starts a comeback, but decides against it. ๐Ÿคฃ
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The next cut moment is Eric talking to God on the driveway when he and Laurie decide to ditch church. Also: ๐Ÿ˜‚
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The dialogue between the guys in the next scene at The Hub is slightly different, though the scene ends up in the same place:
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The ending of this scene is different. After Kitty tells them "if you want to spend eternity doing laps in a lake of fire, that's your choice!", Red tells the kids their mother is right. And that they should sit down and watch the Brewers game and think about it. ๐Ÿ˜‚
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There are two small changes in this scene: Eric's cut line - "Hey, you're both right" - and Donna calling Kelso 'Michael' ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ
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This cut line was funny - after Hyde's eloquent rant about his views on organized religion and why he doesn't participate/attend church, Eric says, "Yeah, that's what I meant. That and the tie thing."
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There is this cut (mini) Eric/Donna moment: Bob thinks Eric should be at church, confessing to his dirty, dirty sins. ๐Ÿ˜‚ His comment annoys Donna.
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And this one, too! Donna says 'hi' to Eric when they get to heaven ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿฅฐ
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Red and Kitty's conversation here is a little different. Kitty says Eric is 'living like a rock star' because he's sleeping with the next door neighbor and not going to church *lmao*. Red seems to disagree - he has a cut line about Eric being seventeen, and starting to make his own decisions.
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In the Circle, Eric continues to freak out/disassociate. ๐Ÿคฃ
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Then there's this cut moment between Donna and Jackie ๐Ÿ‘€
Jackie makes it clear she's not taking/hearing Donna's well-intentioned advice to avoid Kelso after he's cheated on her, and claims "now she has to go sleep with him". Donna calls her "dumb - and not regular dumb, like cheerleader dumb".
(I'm personally glad this exchange was cut. Both the Jackie sleeping with Kelso line, and Donna's comment - although I can understand her frustration!)
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Finally, there are two short cut scenes at the end.
In the episode, the last scene is in the Forman living room. Kitty excitedly yells, "Ha! C'mon everybody, the Formans are going to church!"
In the script, the next scene cuts to the Formans and Pinciottis in church, presumably right after that.
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Then there's this cut Leo/Pastor Dave duet, which was supposed to be the credits scene.
I feel robbed!!! I want to see these two characters singing Godspell, damnit! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚
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That's all she wrote, folks! Thanks for reading along for another one with me, your host, @thatseventiesbitch ๐Ÿ˜Š
Other Scripts I've Posted:
S2xE20 "Kiss of Death" S2xE22 "Jackie Moves On" S2xE26 "Moon Over Point Place" S5xE21 "Trampled Under Foot" S7xE8 "Angie"
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